Neighbors doing repairs on weekends is a law. How long until you can renovate an apartment?

A considerable part of construction and repair work falls into the category of “Noise work” and creates serious problems both for those who carry out them and for those who involuntarily become witnesses to them. Breaking and dismantling of walls, partitions, screeds and other structural elements, laying in grooves in the walls for electrical and low-current cables, other communications, installation of suspended ceilings, installation of some floor coverings and coverings and many other types of repair and finishing work create conditions for an uncomfortable noise barrier, which causes trouble and inconvenience to neighbors.

But carrying out noise work is also an inevitable event for organizing a comfortable residential or commercial premises, which must be measured at least on the basis of established regulatory legislation.

So, let’s try to figure out what the rules are for carrying out this type of work.

At what time is it permissible to carry out noise works in a residential building?

Firstly, it should be noted that each region has individual amendments to the basic federal law on maintaining silence and, accordingly, on the time of noise work.

Secondly, liability for non-compliance with established standards varies for individuals (loud music or performing repair work independently) and organizations. For the latter, noise work in a residential building carried out at the wrong time can result in serious punishment and fines, the amount of which ranges from 20 to 40 thousand rubles, as well as the possible suspension of any specialized activities for up to 3 months.

So, there is a law on noise work, which regulates the time of its implementation, as well as sanitary and epidemiological standards that control the noise threshold of construction and repair work.

Noise work in Moscow can only be carried out on weekdays and subject to the following regulations:

  • Law No. 42 “On maintaining due peace of citizens and silence at night in the city of Moscow,” which was adopted on July 12, 2002, and defines the night time as the period from 23:00 to 07:00. It categorically prohibits noise work and any construction, repair, unloading and loading activities that disturb the peace of citizens;
  • Article 3.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the City of Moscow, in turn, determines the penalty for violating the legislative act described above.

Thus, noise work in the apartment at night is strictly prohibited and punishable by law. It is also prohibited to carry out construction and repair work that disturbs the peace of citizens on holidays and Sundays. The established time for noise work in residential buildings in the capital is from 9:00 am to 19:00 pm on weekdays and Saturdays.

In some households there is a practice of “sleepy hour” during the daytime. As a rule, from 13:00 to 15:00, according to a mutual agreement between the building management and the organization carrying out noise work in the apartment, a “quiet hour” is established, during which any loud work stops.

New capital law “on silence”

Noise work in Moscow in 2014 is carried out on the basis of a new law, which came into force on March 22, 2014 and regulates the rest time of citizens. It prohibits any noise-making work on public holidays. The time for their implementation is strictly defined - from 9 am to 7 pm, subject to the preservation of “quiet hour” in apartment buildings, residential buildings and common areas, including dormitories, from 1 pm to 3 pm.

Law No. 16/2014-OZ also states that noise work on weekends is strictly prohibited and is punishable by penalties. It is noted that during the specified periods of restriction, construction and repair work is prohibited:

  • use equipment, equipment and tools that significantly exceed the permissible level of not only noise, but also vibration;
  • carry out work without specialized measures aimed at preventing damage to adjacent premises or objects;
  • clutter and fill up escape routes and other common areas with construction debris or materials.

By the way, sanitary standards also provide for noise limits in residential premises - the maximum sound level in residential apartments should not exceed 55 dBA.

Noise work in the Moscow region

For the Moscow region, there is an individual law “On ensuring proper peace and quiet of citizens in the Moscow region,” adopted by the Moscow Regional Duma on February 20 of this year. Thus, noise work in the Moscow region is strictly prohibited not only at night, but also during the day from 13:00 to 15:00. In addition to the ban, the new law increased the period of silence throughout the Moscow region. If previously it was fixed within the framework from 22:00 to 6:00 on weekdays and from 23:00 to 9:00 on weekends, then since February 2011 it is forbidden to make noise in the region from 21:00 to 8:00 on weekdays and from 22:00 to 10:00 on non-working days.

With the entry into force of a new law, which is designed to regulate the time of noise works, the fines for its violation have also increased. Individuals who do not comply with established standards must now pay compensation in the amount of 1 thousand - 3 thousand rubles, officials and responsible persons - 5 thousand - 10 thousand rubles, and legal entities - 20 thousand - 50 thousand rubles.

Repeated violation of legislative acts controlling noise work in the Moscow region increases penalties for citizens to 3 thousand - 5 thousand rubles, for officials - up to 5 thousand - 15 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - up to 50 thousand. – 80 thousand rubles.

Carrying out repair work on weekends has always caused inconvenience to those living nearby. The sounds of neighborhood renewal spread especially well among residents of high-rise buildings. And not only those who live on the same landing, but also practically along the entire entrance.

Violation of the rules for repair work on weekends and holidays

Every person knows that one cannot break the rules set by the government. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to proper rest. The basis is the law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, or in simple terms “On silence”. Therefore, when planning to do repairs, you need to think about responsibility.

You cannot avoid punishment if, during the required “lull”, residents of apartment buildings:

  • carry out repair work;
  • they speak in a raised voice, quarrel;
  • listen to music loudly;
  • use noisy household appliances such as a blender, vacuum cleaner, etc.;
  • “indulging” in pyrotechnics;
  • deliberately provoke animals to make noise;
  • move/unload furniture;
  • do nothing when a child cries.

The listed rules apply not only to high-rise buildings; legal entities are also responsible. For example, whether loud music is heard from an entertainment establishment or the sound of repairs is heard at the wrong time, the restaurant owner will be liable to the fullest extent of the law.

The Law “On Silence” should be taken very seriously, as there is a fine for violating it:

  • for ordinary citizens - up to 5,000 rubles;
  • private entrepreneurs and legal entities - up to 1,000,000 rubles.

Naturally, those legal entities or entrepreneurs who make repairs in their own apartment belong to the category of ordinary citizens.

Local regulations for repair times on weekends

The time allotted for rest differs in each region. The period of silence is established by local authorities.

Note! Both day and night, the maximum permissible noise level should not exceed 55 decibels.

But the sound produced, for example, by a hammer drill, almost doubles this figure. What to do in such a situation?

Currently, few people are the happy owner of a device that can measure noise levels. Therefore, there is a list of repair work:

  • which are unacceptable on Saturday, Sunday and holidays;
  • prohibited for holding at any time of the day.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule:

  1. If the age of a newly built house does not exceed 18 months, then its residents have the right to make noise constantly. Since everyone understands that the new needs to be equipped.
  2. The night from December 31st to January 1st is the only one of the year when you can make as much noise as you like.

So, the law prohibits repair work:

  • living or working premises on days off and on holidays established by the state;
  • and remove construction waste before 8:00 and after 19:00;
  • more than six hours in a row;
  • longer than three months.

Important! If a person is on friendly terms with neighbors or there is an agreement that they will “endure” the repair time, then it is allowed to carry out any work (even with a noise level above the required 40 decibels). In this case, consent must be written.

Organizations and residents of apartment buildings in Moscow and the Moscow region are strictly prohibited from:

Repair real estate

on a weekday

21:00 - 8:00

on Sundays and holidays

22:00 - 10:00

Making noise during the daytime rest

every day

13:00 – 15:00

Carry out repair work if you are not the owner of the premises

on weekdays and Saturday

19:00 - 8:00



Produce longer than four months. But if it is not possible to repair the apartment within the specified period, you can submit an application to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

Let's celebrate! It is also prohibited to make noise in areas adjacent to high-rise buildings.

The rules may differ in individual regions, for example:

  • The work hours of builders are increasing - from 7:00 to 23:00;
  • Saturday is considered a weekday or a day off;
  • Special noise requirements have been established.

Interesting! During quiet hours it is prohibited:

  • residents of Samara should talk loudly and dogs should bark;
  • drivers of Buryatia - emit car horns;
  • Arkhangelsk's pets are to make noise.

How to protect your rights and where to complain

Negotiate on good terms with neighbors who like to carry out renovation work frequently

No one is immune from repairs, since every family strives to equip their home. Therefore, before filing a complaint, you should think about the future: perhaps in a few years you will need to make some noise.

It is extremely rare for ordinary citizens to bring a case to court. But in case your neighbors “cross all boundaries,” you need to know where to turn.

There are several ways to solve the issue of carrying out repairs on a weekend:

  • peacefully - to come to an agreement in an amicable way;
  • contact law enforcement agencies;
  • file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • through .

Let's come to an agreement

As a rule, families with small children, teenagers, elderly and young people live in apartment buildings. It goes without saying that each age category has its own daily routine:

  • young people prefer to lie in bed longer;
  • the elderly are accustomed to getting up “at first light” and going to bed earlier;
  • kids live according to their own schedule.

To make repairs without complaints from neighbors, you need to try to please them at the same time. It is best to ask people living nearby in advance when the “sounds of repairs” will not cause them inconvenience. Then choose a time that suits everyone.

In turn, residents of neighboring apartments should remember that repairs are a matter of time. And most likely, three or four years will pass, the situation will change, and they will ask to make a little noise.

Under what conditions should you call the police?

When you can’t come to an amicable agreement with your neighbors

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to come to an “amicable” agreement. For example:

  1. a neighbor is renovating his home on his own, the allowable time for the work coincides with his work schedule, and those living nearby refuse to make concessions;
  2. a man confused day with night and began moving furniture during prohibited hours;
  3. The apartment needs to be repaired urgently for some event (the birth of a child, the arrival of long-awaited guests), and some neighbors have been waiting for a long time for the right moment to complain.

The police have the right to prosecute a noise violator. Moreover, even if it is quiet when the peace officers arrive, the situation in the apartment and the defendant’s appearance confirm the fact that repairs have been carried out.

In what case do you contact Rospotrebnadzor?

It is appropriate to file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor when established standards are regularly not met. This fact (the strength and frequency of the sound) must be checked and recorded by the responsible employee.

The application should describe the situation in detail: at what time and on what days noise pollution is present.

Example. One of the neighbors' hobby is making furniture. The sounds cause inconvenience to residents of neighboring apartments. If a person does not cease his activities after the fine, he will face legal proceedings.

When to go to court

It also happens: persuasion with the police does not bring the desired effect, but violations continue. In this case, you cannot do without a statement of claim.

Note! The applicant collects evidence of the neighbor’s guilt independently.

The court has the right:

  • question other neighbors to confirm violations;
  • request from the applicant applications submitted to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • medical certificates indicating a deterioration in health due to noise;
  • audio recordings, video materials proving that the neighbor is really “noisy”.

What can be achieved through legal proceedings:

  1. It is likely that the plaintiff will receive compensation for moral damages.
  2. The defendant will be prohibited from making repairs.
  3. A fine will be imposed.

Important! The maximum penalty for a violator is eviction.

For example, the court may order only the payment of a fine or offer compensation for moral damages, and in addition stop the repair work.

If the listed requirements do not apply to a noisy neighbor, then he cannot escape criminal liability.

As the people say: “Repairs do not end, but are only temporarily suspended.” Therefore, summing up, I would like to note that in any situation you need to remain human and make concessions to each other. The fine for carrying out repair work on the weekend is not that great, and the energy and time spent on sorting things out and collecting evidence is better spent on more pleasant things.


I also didn’t know that for the first year and a half of a house’s existence, you can make noise without restrictions. And it’s good that many people don’t seem to know this either)) So at least you can sleep at night, but during the day everyone is already busy with repairs, and they don’t care about possible restrictions, if any existed.


Federal Law No. 52 “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” allows construction and repair work to be carried out with a time limit. Construction work, which is accompanied by a high level of noise, is carried out from 7 am to 11 am. Other rules for carrying out repairs on weekends and holidays are discussed below.

In accordance with federal legislation, repair work on weekends and holidays can be carried out from 10 am to 10 pm. If work is carried out continuously, then after 6 hours there should be an hour break. In other words, continuous repair or construction work cannot last more than 6 hours.

The total duration of repair/construction of an apartment or house should not exceed more than 90 days (including weekends). If this deadline is violated, neighbors can send a complaint to the local police officer, who will hold you administratively liable.

Equipment and tools that are used during construction and repair work of an apartment building on weekends must meet the following conditions:

  • Saving labor costs;
  • Light weight;
  • Efficiency;
  • Portability;
  • Safety.

The noise level generated by tools should not exceed 40 dBA (both weekdays and weekends).

Federal Law No. 52 “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population,” which prohibits making noise on weekends, was adopted by the State Duma on March 12, 1999, and approved by the Federation Council 5 days later of the same year. The last changes were made on July 1, 2017. Legislative provisions address aspects of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. With their help, some constitutional rights of citizens to a favorable environment and the protection of their health are realized.

Repair times are Saturday and Sunday

Each specific region of the Russian Federation has its own law. There are no uniform legal provisions that would regulate the level of permissible noise and the time frame for construction and repair work on weekends. In some cases, legal provisions conflict with each other. The rules for using drilling with a hammer drill on weekends and holidays are no exception.

In the regions, noise work on weekends is required by law:

  • Cannot be carried out on holidays and weekends;
  • On weekdays, repairs can be done from 9 am to 7 pm. Acceptable time in some regions is up to 22 hours;
  • Should last no more than 6 hours. Continuous repairs on weekends are followed by an hour break;
  • The noise level from electric or conventional construction tools should not exceed 40 dBA;
  • Transporting construction waste in public elevators is prohibited. To use a regular elevator and not break the law, use special packaging for construction waste.

Punishment and fines

If you decide to start repairs on the weekend after 11 o'clock at night, your neighbors may file a complaint against you with the relevant government authorities. Penalties for individuals apply to a graduated system.

In other words, for each subsequent violation detected, the fine will increase:

  • The first warning is a fine of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles;
  • Second warning - 4,000 rubles;
  • Third warning - 5,000 rubles.

Penalties are provided not only for individuals, but also for officials. But the size of the fine differs significantly. Amount of punishment for non-compliance with the law “On Silence”:

  • First warning - 5,000 rubles;
  • For the third and subsequent violations - up to 50 thousand rubles.

Legal entities will also receive fines if the law “On Silence” is not observed:

  • First warning - 20,000 rubles;
  • Third and subsequent violation - 150,000 rubles.

The fines described above do not apply in a number of cases provided for by law:

  • During religious events;
  • During emergencies or other urgent measures to eliminate consequences.

On January 1, 2016, the law on silence came into force in Moscow, or rather amendments to the official law, which has been in force in the capital and the Moscow region since 2002.

Let us remind you that according to it, the noise level on weekdays should not exceed 40 dB between 7.00 am and 11.00 pm. The norms from 23.00 to 7.00 are not higher than 30 dB. Violation of these rules entails administrative liability and payment of a fine.

Amendments to the law on silence in Moscow and the Moscow region mainly concern repair work. After all, according to an online questionnaire in which more than 276 thousand Muscovites took part, the majority of respondents are dissatisfied with the noise from all kinds of construction tools that neighbors and residents of their houses are constantly using. Let's consider the main provisions and changes that came into force on January 1, 2016 and can now result in a fine for those who violate the silence or exceed the permissible noise level in the room.

In an apartment building, what are the rules regarding silence?

In residential buildings, according to the silence act, it is prohibited to make noise above 30 dB after 23.00 pm This is the time when instruments should be left alone and no longer producing loud sounds.

Objects that make loud sounds include:

  • any types of musical instruments,
  • radio,
  • TVs,
  • construction devices.

The territory adjacent to a residential building is the responsibility of the residents; pyrotechnic devices cannot be used there at night. It is also important to pay attention to such a moment as the alarm system of your own car. It shouldn't be too loud or very long.

How much noise can you make in new buildings?

On the issue of repairs and the permissible noise level in new buildings, the State Duma made concessions for the owners (they are mentioned in the new edition) and did not introduce changes. Thus, within a year and a half, it will be possible to carry out repair work in new apartments without the newly introduced restrictions on repairs during daylight hours. You can make noise here on weekends, which is prohibited in old houses, since Saturday and Sunday are the periods when many are at home and need peace and rest.

The allowed time should be used as productively as possible, since the latest version of the law has reduced the repair work schedule in order to protect residents of the capital from noise and provide time for peace and recreation. Violation of the rules will be punished by an administrative fine.

The law on silence during repair work, how does it work?

The main part of the amendments affects renovations in apartments, or rather the noise from them. A restriction has been introduced on the use of rotary hammers, hammers, drills and other construction items. Now your neighbors will have to reckon with the regime and norms of recreation established by the rules developed by the Moscow City Duma. Otherwise, you have the right to file a complaint against them and bring them to administrative responsibility and pay a fine provided for by the law on silence as amended on the rules for carrying out repair work in apartment buildings.

Daytime Quiet Law - Permissible Hours

Repairs should now be carried out on weekdays from 9 to 19.00 in multi-apartment residential buildings. In addition, a break is necessary, i.e. work should not last more than 6 hours continuously. The Moscow City Duma also decreed something like a Spanish siesta. Quiet hours are set during the day from 13.00 to 15.00. Residents can rest peacefully during this time. If the rules are not followed, you have the right to write a complaint to the police and after an inspection, if violations of the rules are detected, the neighbor will suffer administrative punishment.

At night time

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