Draw up an act for the transfer of documents to the archive. Documentation of records of receipt and transfer of cases for archival storage

In the course of business activities, an organization generates a large number of documents.

Each official uses a certain package in his work, which he keeps and for which he is responsible.

In other cases, the act is drawn up at the request of the parties in order to give the procedure legal status.

When is it applied?

it is advisable to compile in the following cases:

  • moving documents from one structural unit to another;
  • transfer of documents from one official to another;
  • transfer of inventory items;
  • transfer of documents when changing the legal status of the company.

This list is not exhaustive.

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Features of the process in various situations

Archival storage

In this situation, the execution of documents depends on where they are deposited. Most organizations have their own archive and a person responsible for it.

Cases with a long shelf life must be numbered. Documents with a shelf life of less than 10 years may be stored in binders.

The person depositing documents hands them over according to an act to the person responsible for the archive.

Liquidation, reorganization, sale of an enterprise

When an organization is liquidated, a commission is created, which is also responsible for transferring cases for storage to the state archive. This is quite labor-intensive work, since the state office management system has its own standards that must be met in order to accept cases for storage.

When selling and reorganizing, commissions are formed on both sides. This may be one commission, but it must include representatives of both parties.

Change of director, founder

When there is a change in the head and founder of the organization, a commission is created to accept and transfer all documentation belonging to him.

All other documents must be formed into folders and files, distributed in chronological order and have all the necessary details, such as date and number if necessary.

Nuances of drafting for various types of papers

In order to correctly carry out the process of receiving and transmitting documents, you first need to know what documents should be available in a given case.

As a rule, they should be specified in the list of cases or in the organization.

For accounting work

When transferring accounting documents from one person to another, you need to consider whether there are strict reporting forms among them.

If they are available and transferred, it is better to draw up a separate act, since they are a material value; it is also desirable that their transfer be carried out by a commission, and not just by the receiving and transferring parties.

For personnel documents

When transferring personnel documents, it is better to arrange them by name and storage period, that is, those documents that are subject to storage for 75 years or more are stored separately, all others separately.

During the acceptance and transfer process, you can also select documents that are subject to destruction; these include, for example, orders for personnel work, which are stored for 3 to 5 years. These documents can be included in a separate act.

It is better to transfer blank forms in a separate act, as material assets.

Constituent and legal

The main documents of any organization are the constituent documents, so their transfer must be carried out with special care.

When transferring such documents, special attention should be paid to the official seal.

The procedure for transferring papers to the state archive during the liquidation of an enterprise is discussed in the following video:

Changing responsible persons is always accompanied by tedious procedures and paperwork. Alas, but this is a fact. In order not to delay the matter, you need to study the rules for drawing up and executing the necessary acts once. If you do everything strictly according to the instructions, you won’t have to redo it and waste time.

Preliminary steps

The acceptance certificate when changing the person responsible for the archive is an important document, and it cannot be drawn up “on the knee”. A mandatory stage before cases are transferred from the previous manager to the new one is the creation of a special inspection commission. This commission must comprehensively verify all the facts that will be indicated in the act itself. A commission is created on the basis of a special order from the head. This same order, in turn, serves as the basis for drawing up an acceptance certificate. Here's the diagram.

In his order, the head himself determines the composition of the commission. It is necessary to appoint at least three people who can give an objective assessment of the facts being verified (in other words, they understand something about office work and archival documents). At least one of the commission members must be a representative of the documentation support service - for example, a secretary. The person responsible for the archive cannot be a member of the commission, since this is an interested person.

The verification is carried out once and takes a maximum of one business day. What exactly is being checked?

  • the presence in the archive of all documents that should be there (both originals and copies);
  • their condition, degree of preservation;
  • compliance of the actual number of documents with the specified one;
  • the presence of seals and stamps of the archive (if they were originally provided);
  • serviceability of security and fire safety systems of the archive premises.

Only after this can the act itself be written.


The company name should be indicated in the upper left part of the sheet. Below on the same side is written the name of the act, its number and the date of preparation. A specific detail of the act of acceptance and transfer of cases is the approval stamp. It is placed in the upper right corner. The approval stamp must indicate the position of the approver (that is, the head of the organization). The position is indicated briefly: “general director of the association”, “head of the workshop”, etc.

These are all the necessary details.

What to write?

  1. First, the text indicates that the act is drawn up on the basis of an order to create a commission (“based on order No. dated such and such a date”).
  2. Then you need to state the very fact of the transfer of cases. It must be clearly and unambiguously indicated that in the presence of all members of the commission, the previous person in charge handed over the cases, and the new one accepted them.
  3. Then it is briefly mentioned what exactly was transferred (for example, “archival documents for 2010-2015 and reference materials for them”).

It all looks something like this: “In accordance with the order of Artemis LLC dated June 15, 2015 No. 176, Ivanova I.I. handed over, and Petrova A.A. accepted in the presence of a commission formed on the basis of this order (composed of chairman Sidorov V. . V. and members Skvortsova S.S. and Plotnikova E.E.) archive documents for 2010-2015. and reference materials for them."

After this, you need to create and fill out a table. The table consists of six columns:

  • line sequence number;
  • name and number of the inventory;
  • number of copies of the inventory;
  • number of units accepted;
  • number of insurance fund storage units;
  • notes.

Below the table it is written what else was transferred additionally (usually this is the fund’s file, a book and journal, and a seal). Then an inventory of the archive premises is attached. Here you need to indicate the area of ​​the room and a list of everything that is in it (racks, shelves, repair tools, etc.). At the very end of the text, a note should be made that the archive room and all internal systems (alarms, fire safety) are in satisfactory condition and are working properly.

Finally, signatures are added. First, the acceptance certificate is signed by the person handing over and receiving the archive documents (that is, by the former and new managers), and then by all members of the commission. In this case, the signature of the chairman is placed first, and the members of the commission sign below (in alphabetical order by last name, but without indicating positions).

Design nuances

  1. Sometimes the act of acceptance and transfer of cases contains information about the number of copies of this document and their location. This is an additional element and is not required to be included in the act.
  2. Documents confirming, explaining or supplementing the facts stated in it can be attached to the act. If there are applications, a link to them should be given after the text. This link is formatted as the “Note on the presence of an application” attribute and is located immediately after the item indicating data on the number of completed copies of the act.
  3. If the text contains the name of the application, then the number of its sheets and copies is indicated in the mark. If the text does not contain the name of the application, then this name is indicated in the mark (as well as the number of sheets and copies).
  4. If there are several applications, then they need to be numbered.
  5. It happens that during the reception and transfer of cases, the fact of their shortage is revealed. How to draw up a transfer and acceptance certificate when changing the person responsible for the archive in this case? No, this cannot be done. Any shortage should be reported immediately to the head of the company. If the documents are found, the act can be drawn up according to the standard procedure. If not, the perpetrators will have to be brought to justice and punished.

By the way, the acceptance certificate is drawn up not only when there is a change in the “archive manager”, but also when the head of the organization changes. The algorithm of actions remains the same.

Divisions transfer documents to the organization's archive using a special inventory. In fact, it represents an act of acceptance and transmission, but has a special form. In the article we will find out where to find it, how to adapt and approve it.


The rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in government bodies, local governments and organizations (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents) speak about the transfer of documents for storage to the archive organization as follows:

From the above fragment we can draw the following conclusions:

1. There is a delivery inventory form approved by the Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, recording and use of documents - Appendix No. 23 (for paper documents) and Appendix No. 24 (for electronic files).

2. Separate inventories are drawn up for permanent and temporary (over 10 years) storage periods. Personnel files are included in the inventory of temporary (over 10 years) storage cases. The third inventory is compiled for cases with shorter storage periods, but also transferred to the archive. The same applies to electronic documents: separate inventories are compiled for cases with different storage periods.

Inventory form

Let's consider an example of a completed inventory form for the transfer of documents (on paper) (Example 1).

Archival storage-- storage of documents in the archive, ensuring their rational placement, safety and use.

Acceptance of documents is formalized by an act of acceptance and transfer of documents for storage, drawn up in two copies. One copy remains in the archive, the other - in the organization - the source of acquisition. Three copies of the inventory are transferred to the archive with documents. Receive-transmit(Appendix 2) files are archived by employees of the records management service.

To ensure the completion of the archive in the organization, for all completed records of permanent, temporary (over 10 years) storage and personnel records that have passed the examination, values ​​are compiled archival inventory(hereinafter referred to as the inventory). At the same time, on all copies of the inventory, a mark indicating its availability is placed against each case. At the end of each copy the quantity is indicated: in numbers and in words actually cases accepted into the archive, numbers of missing cases, date of acceptance and transfer, as well as signatures of participants in the acceptance and transfer of cases.

Archival inventory(Appendix 3) is an archival directory containing a systematic list of storage units of the archival fund, collection and intended for their recording and disclosure of content.

Inventories are compiled separately: for permanent storage files; files of temporary (over 10 years) storage; personnel matters; cases consisting of documents specific only to a given organization (judicial, investigative cases, scientific reports on topics, etc.). The inventory is a list of cases with independent gross (ordinal) numbering.

In each structural unit of the organization, inventories must be compiled annually under the methodological guidance of archive workers. Based on these inventories, documents are transferred to the archive.

Inventories prepared by structural divisions serve as the basis for the preparation of a consolidated inventory of the organization’s affairs, which is prepared by the archive and according to which the files are subsequently handed over for permanent storage.

Inventories of the affairs of structural divisions are compiled according to a unified form in triplicate and submitted to the organization’s archive one year after the completion of the affairs in office work.

A descriptive article in the inventory of cases of a structural unit includes the following elements: serial number of the case (volume, part) according to the inventory; case index (volume, part); title of the case (volume, part), which fully corresponds to its title on the cover of the case; dates of the case (volume, part); number of sheets in the file (volume, part); case retention period.

When compiling an inventory of the affairs of a structural unit, the following requirements must be taken into account:

  • - case titles are entered into the inventory in accordance with the accepted systematization scheme based on the nomenclature of cases;
  • - each case is entered into the inventory under an independent serial number (if the case consists of several volumes or parts, then each volume or part is entered into the inventory under an independent number);
  • - the numbering order of cases in the inventory is gross for several years; the procedure for assigning numbers to inventories of structural units is established in agreement with the archive;
  • - the inventory columns are filled out in strict accordance with the information that is included on the cover of the case;
  • - when entering consecutive cases with the same headings into the inventory, the title of the first case is written in full, and all other similar cases are designated with the words “The same”, while other information about the cases is entered into the inventory in full (on each new sheet of the inventory the title is reproduced in full);
  • - the inventory column “Notes” is used to make notes about the receipt of cases, the characteristics of their physical condition, the transfer of cases to other structural units with reference to the required act, the availability of copies, etc.

At the end of the inventory, following the last descriptive article, a final record is filled out, which indicates (in numbers and in words) the number of cases, the first and last numbers of cases in the inventory of cases, and also specifies the specifics of the numbering of cases in the inventory (presence of lettered and missing numbers). The list of affairs of a structural unit is signed by the compiler indicating his position and approved by the head of the structural unit. At the request of the organization’s archive, a table of contents, a list of abbreviations, and indexes can be compiled for the inventory.

After approval of the inventories of permanent and long-term (over 10 years) cases, the destruction of documents with temporary storage periods for the period of time corresponding to the approved inventories is permitted.

Act on the allocation of files for destruction(Appendix 4), not subject to storage, is drawn up based on the results of an examination of the value of the organization’s documents.

Examination of the value of documents is the study of documents based on criteria of their value in order to determine the storage period of documents and select them for permanent storage.

For documents allocated to destruction, is compiled Act. An act on the allocation for destruction of files that are not subject to storage is drawn up for the affairs of the entire organization. If the act indicates the affairs of several divisions, then the name of each division is indicated before the group of headings of the cases of this division. The headings of similar cases selected for destruction are included in the act under a common heading indicating the number of cases assigned to this group.

The procedure for approving inventories depends on whether the organization is the source of acquisition of the state or municipal archive.

In the event that the organization’s documents are classified as part of Archive Fund of the Russian Federation, inventories are approved by the manager after approval and approval in the prescribed manner by the expert verification commission of the relevant archival body (institution).

If the organization is not a source for compiling state or municipal archives, then the approval of the inventories and the act on the allocation of documents with expired storage periods for destruction is carried out by the head of the organization without coordination with the archival authority (institution). In this case, the inventory and the act are agreed upon by the organization’s expert commission.

An act on the allocation for destruction of files that are not subject to storage is drawn up only if the annual sections of the case inventories for the corresponding period are completed and approved.

Cases are included in the act if the storage period provided for them has expired by January 1 of the year in which the act is drawn up. For example, files completed in 2005 with a three-year storage period can be included in an act that will be drawn up no earlier than January 1, 2009 (it turns out that after 2005 we must store them in 2006, 2007 and 2008 and only in 2009 can we destroy ).

Documents selected according to the List for Destruction are included in the act, which is drawn up in the prescribed form.

The use of documents subject to destruction for business needs is prohibited. Documents selected for destruction and included in the act are sent for destruction to enterprises involved in the recycling of raw materials, after which a corresponding entry is made in the act. A receipt for submitting documents for processing is attached to the act.

If necessary, documents can be destroyed in the presence of a representative of the organization with the drawing up of an act of physical destruction of documents in the presence of a representative of the organization.

4. Situation: in order to staff the staff of JSC Planeta specialists, a resume competition was held. You took part in the competition and received an offer to enter into an employment contract with JSC Planet. Assignment: As a specialist applying for a position, fill out a job application. In the role of the head of JSC "Planet", draw up a resolution on an application for hiring a specialist

OK Hire V.G. Petrov with a salary according to the staffing table from November 19, 2009; agreement-unlimited signature S.V.Ivanov 11/18/2009

Director of OJSC "Raduga" Ivanov S.V. from Petrov Vasily Grigorievich living at the address: Zelenogorsk st. Mira, 28, apt. 5

tel.: 3 89 89


Please hire me to the position of senior engineer from November 19, 2009.

I attach the documents according to the list:

  • 1. 2 photographs size 3*4;
  • 2. Photocopy of passport;
  • 3. Work book (original);
  • 4. Insurance certificate (copy);
  • 5. Military registration documents;
  • 6. Copy of education diploma;
  • 7. Copy of the certificate (TIN);
  • 8. Certificate from previous place of work (form 2-NDFL);
  • 9. Certificate from the main place of work (for part-time workers);
  • 10. Certificates (a) of the birth of the child;
  • 11. Questionnaire.

11/18/2009 Personal signature


I don’t mind With a probationary period of 3 months

Head of VET

Personal signature P.A. Fomin


Art. engineer - 12th category according to ETC

Chief OK

Personal signature M.A. Muravyov


Order No. 23-k dated November 18, 2009 was issued

Inspector OK signature L.A. Bukashkin


Salary 15,000 rubles,

in accordance with the staffing schedule

Ch. accountant I.I. Sokova


5. Situation: JSC Planeta received a letter of offer with a proposal to conclude an agreement for the supply of sports equipment. The author of the letter, Start JSC, is the manufacturer of this product. Assignment: in the role of a specialist in the commercial department of JSC Planet, prepare a draft supply agreement. Register it on the control and registration card

Accounting is directly related to. Any business transaction is documented. Accordingly, the pile of papers grows endlessly and fills the free space of the office. How to properly prepare documentation for submission to the archive, what data should the act of acceptance and transfer of documents to the archive contain, and why is this necessary? This article will help you sort everything out and streamline the actions of the surrendering party.

Over the course of a working year, enterprises accumulate a huge number of different documents, according to which they have completed their work. Each primary document has its own shelf life, for example, documents for company employees are stored for 75 years, some primary accounting documentation is stored for 5 or more years, and project documentation is stored for 20 years.

  • In case of relocation within the organization
  • If there is no space to store them
  • When creating an electronic archive at an enterprise
  • When the legal status of an organization changes (reorganization, liquidation, sale)

One of the functions of the enterprise is the preservation of documents for a specified period. Accounting for the storage period begins from the beginning of the next year, i.e. The start of storage of an invoice dated August 5, 2017 will be calculated from January 1, 2018.

Cases are grouped by time frame as follows:

  • permanent storage
  • temporary storage
  • destined for destruction

Preparing documents for storage

In order for archivists to accept your documents, they must be correctly prepared. Below are several rules that will help prepare files in accordance with the requirements.

Can be grouped according to the following criteria:

  • nomenclature
  • chronology
  • geographical feature
  • alphabet

List of actions that must be completed before archiving:

  1. Grouped documents.
  2. The case sheets are stitched and numbered. The number of sheets in the case contains up to 250 sheets and does not exceed the volume thickness of 4 cm.
  3. On the last sheet of the volume, a certification inscription is indicated, which includes the number of bound sheets.
  4. If filing of papers can harm the copy (for example, an old manuscript), such documents are not bound, but are sent in boxes or folders.
  5. If the title of the case does not reflect the content, then use the internal inventory.
  6. When submitting accounting documentation, you need to separate primary documentation and strict reporting forms. If such forms are available in the presence of members of the commission. These documents are material assets.
  7. Case covers are formed taking into account GOST.
  8. An inventory is being compiled. Each case is numbered and entered into the inventory. Separate inventories are created for documentation related to employees of the enterprise.

Documents are grouped into files with one topic and one retention period. Folders are formed within one calendar year and are compiled taking into account the chronology of events. Attachments to documents are attached regardless of the approval period and date. In case of incorrect execution or non-compliance with standards, the documents are returned for revision.

What to do after filing?

If you deposited documents in the archive, you can forget about them, but there are times when important papers may leave the walls of the archive. If such a situation occurs, then the issuance is made on the basis of. When the requested document is issued, a substitute sheet is filed in its place, which contains all the information on the document. If a case is requested, a substitute card is placed in its place.

If documents are confiscated by a court decision, the procedure takes place in the presence of representatives of the organization. In this case, it is possible to make copies of the seized documentation indicating the date of seizure. A protocol is drawn up for the entire process and submitted to the manager against signature.

In case of theft or damage to documents, an investigation commission is created, which is appointed by the head. If necessary, investigative and other supervisory authorities take part. The results of the investigation are recorded in an act, which is certified by management, and a copy is transferred to the concerned authorities.

Formation of the acceptance certificate

The format of the act is not unified, but contains a number of details that must be filled out, these are:

  1. The act is numbered and the date and place of execution are indicated.
  2. All documents ready for transfer to the archive are listed. In addition to the name, the list contains the number of sheets, the date and type of documents (original or copy).
  3. The act indicates the current parties to the act: name of the legal entity, full name of representatives.
  4. The document is certified by the seal and signatures of the transmitting/receiving parties.

The acts are drawn up in two copies if the documents are stored at the enterprise, and in four if the documents are submitted to the state. archive.

The law regulates the drawing up of an act in the case where strict reporting forms/material assets are transferred. In other cases, for consideration by managers and stakeholders.

There are two options for storing documents:

  • Option #1. Storage on site. In this case, simplified registration of cases is allowed, which are stored for up to ten years. It is not necessary to staple such bundles; storing them in binders is acceptable.
  • Option #2. Storage in the state archive. Documents are grouped in a certain order, stapled, numbered and transferred to the state. archive. Storage of documents in the state. archive is paid, although documents relating to employees are state. the archive must accept it free of charge.
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