Draw up a sample order for granting labor leave. What does a vacation order (form) look like? Differences in orders for different types of vacation days

Russian legislation not only establishes the obligation for the employer to provide paid leave to the employee every year, but also to properly arrange it.

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The same rules apply to other types. In this case, the head of the organization must issue an order granting leave.

Must be observed certain standards design and requirements for the content of this document.

Important points

Every employee has the right to annual leave, regardless of whether he works in large organization or from an individual entrepreneur.

In some situations, he has the opportunity to take advantage of other types of official rest (additional, student, etc.).

In this case, the employer must not only accept the application for its provision, but also draw up necessary papers. One of them is an organization order.

In fact, an order to grant leave is a local regulatory act by which the manager gives orders to the organization to provide a specific employee with legal rest. certain type and for a certain time.

Order in mandatory signed by the manager legal department. After this, the employee must be familiarized with this document against signature.

If the vacation is paid, then, on the basis of the order, the accounting department must accrue vacation pay, withhold personal income tax from it in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, transfer tax to the budget and make contributions to social insurance funds.

Some types are special and are provided under special conditions. For example, when providing maternity benefits, the amount of personal income tax is not withheld from the benefit.

But this does not relieve the employer from the obligation properly draw up documents and, in particular, orders.

Compilation correct order is important point, both for the organization and for the employee.

If the manager does not prepare the document properly, then he may have problems during various inspections by the relevant government agencies.

It will also be very difficult for the accounting department to correctly calculate and pay vacation pay if it is due.

It is also important for an employee of an organization to monitor the correctness of the order.

The amount of vacation pay they receive (if any) depends on this, as well as this document may be useful in case of various disputes with the employer.

For example, in the absence of an order, it will be difficult to prove that missing work was not unauthorized absence.

On what basis is it prepared?

The main document serving as the basis for granting rest and issuing a corresponding order by the head of the organization is the employee’s application.

It may be prepared using a computer or written by hand, but must contain personal signature person.

An employee must apply for leave in advance. For annual leave, it is usually submitted to the HR department 15 or more days before the start date of the holiday.

In other cases, you also need to warn the manager in advance about its need. He will need to make certain adjustments to the work of the entire organization.

Important! It would be a serious mistake for the employer to draw it up simply on the basis of the schedule.

After all, the employee actually did not express his desire in any way. Such violations are especially common personnel records found in small firms.

But the presence of an application and a timely executed order is in the interests of the employee and his employer.

IN certain situations The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the existence of reasons for its provision.

It can be completed on the computer or in legible handwriting using a ballpoint pen.

Let's look at the procedure for filling out this form:

Usually for registration of this order are used specialized programs, in which personnel records are carried out. But in small firms they may well conduct similar documents and in manual mode.

The order must be registered and the employee himself becomes familiar with it against signature.

Sample filling in form T-6

It is often most convenient to fill out an order based on what has already been finished sample(you can download it).

This allows you to avoid many questions that arise when filling out the form.

Useful to study ready-made example and an employee of the organization to have an idea of ​​how the order should be drawn up correctly.

Important! After the employee familiarizes himself with the order and receives its signature, the document is placed in his personal file along with the application and other attachments.

Nuances of blocks “A” and “B”

The T-6 form contains 2 parts for filling out information. They are designated by the letters "A" and "B".

They are often also called blocks. Section “A” is used to indicate information about the basic paid leave provided, and block “B” is used to enter data about all other types. The form must include dates and durations. calendar days X.

Important! If an employee only goes on basic annual leave, then it is enough to fill out only section “A”.

But in some situations, both blocks may be filled out at once, for example, if after the main leave the employee is immediately provided with a student’s allowance.

In what cases is T-6a published?

Sometimes several employees of an organization may go on vacation at once. In this case, you can fill out for each of them separate order according to the T-6 form or use the tabular unified form T-6a ().

The main difference between the latter is the ability to specify information for several employees at once.

To use the T-6a form in an organization, the corresponding local regulatory act must be adopted by its head. In its absence, you will still have to use the T-6 form.

When using form T-6a, each employee must sign the leave order independently. The information in this document is completely similar to that indicated in the T-6 form.

Features for the director

A large number of questions arise when arranging vacations for the heads of an organization.

If the director is the owner of the company or has the authority to sign documents on behalf of its owners, then he signs the order for himself. None additional solutions he doesn't need it.

The situation will look different if the director is only one of the owners of the organization or is even a hired employee.

In this case, the issue is resolved by bringing it to the general meeting founders (shareholders) of the company.

Based on the relevant protocol, the person authorized by it from among the owners of the organization signs an order granting leave to the director.

Very often, due to inattention, they forget to appoint an acting director during the vacation.

This could lead to additional problems for the firm. This issue usually also needs to be resolved by the company's owners.

What other documents need to be completed?

An order for granting leave issued on the basis of an employee is not the only document, which must be issued before the person begins his vacation.

If paid leave is provided, then the employer’s responsibilities also include drawing up a calculation note in the unified form T-60 ().

In this document employees personnel service must enter the employee’s personal data, accounting information about the calculation and the amount of vacation pay that the organization must pay no later than 3 days before the start of the official holiday.

If unpaid leave is provided, then the need for a calculation note automatically disappears.

-Order for leave (form T6 and T6a) - an administrative document on the provision of leave to employees or management of the organization. In this article we will figure out how to issue a vacation order, what forms need to be used and how to fill them out correctly. At the end of the article you can download a completed sample order form T-6 and forms T-6 and T-6a.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows employees to go on vacation, this can be annual paid leave, as well as leave related to pregnancy, childbirth and raising a child, and leave can also be additional paid and without pay. Whatever the vacation, it must be documented.

First of all, it is compiled annually, guided by which, and we send employees on vacation.

The first step in applying for leave will be for the employee to write a leave application; read how to do this correctly.

The second step is to create a leave order based on the employee’s application.

The third step is the calculation of vacation pay, benefits (for example), and other payments related to vacation.

Let's take a closer look at the second step.

A vacation order is issued using standard form T-6 (when taking leave for one employee) and T-6a (when taking leave for a group of employees). You can also develop an order form yourself, but it is much easier to use one already ready-made form. How to correctly fill out a vacation order on form T-6?

To organize personnel records in a company, beginner HR officers and accountants are perfectly suited to the author’s course by Olga Likina (accountant M.Video management) ⇓

Sample of filling out a vacation order (form T-6 and T6a)

The order has a standard form, which includes the name of the organization, number and date of the order. IN in this case date is the day the employee goes on vacation.

  • We indicate to whom we grant leave: full name, Personnel Number, department, position.
  • We also enter the period of work for which vacation is granted.
  • Next, you need to decide what kind of vacation the employee is going on. If the employee goes on another paid vacation, then fill out section A, indicate the duration of the vacation and its start and end dates.
  • Other types of leave are issued in section B - the name of the leave and its duration are indicated.
  • The manager signs and approves the order and the document is given to the employee for review.

Employees of an economic entity are guaranteed by law their right to rest. At the enterprise annually next period the schedule according to which employees go on vacation is approved. The provision of this rest period is carried out on the basis of a written order from the head of the company, issued on the basis of an application from the employee.

Leaves are divided into basic annual and additional, without pay, for child care, educational and others. The main document documenting this period at the enterprise is the vacation order. The law provides for it standard form T-6, which a company can use or develop its own form based on it.

The order form T-6 is drawn up by the personnel department and endorsed by the director of the organization. Paid vacation is equal to 28 calendar days. Moreover, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee is entitled to 2.33 days of rest for each month of work. If more than half of a month is worked, it is taken as one, in otherwise it should be discarded.

For the first time, an employee has the right to leave after 6 months from the date of his employment in accordance with that established in the organization. In this case, the employee also needs to write 2 weeks in advance. All this information The personnel officer must collect and process, and after that only draw up the vacation order form T 6.

Before the start of an employee’s rest period, the company administration must notify him of the exact vacation dates and duration. If a vacation order is issued at least 2 weeks before its start, then instead of drawing up a notice, you can use the order itself, which contains all this information.

Additional holidays are due for special conditions work. They are also included in the schedule and formalized written order director.

Also paid leave is time for caring for children, which begins after maternity leave and can follow each other for up to 1.5 and up to 3 years, respectively.

Upon application, the employee is granted a period of leave without pay, but with preservation of his job.

Together with the order, the HR department for accounting can write out to determine the payment amounts.

Order on granting leave to an employee sample filling

Filling out the document begins from the top of the form. There you need to write the full name of the company and enter the code according to the OKPO classifier.

Then the serial number and creation date are entered. Under this number, the order is registered in special order books for the enterprise.

After this, personal information about the employee is entered. In the appropriate columns you need to write down his full name, personnel number assigned at the enterprise, job title and designation structural unit(if used).

The next step is to indicate the amount of time for which the employee’s rest period is issued. If all available time is used, then the working year is usually indicated here (it is important not to confuse it with the calendar year). This parameter personnel officer can find out from the personal T-2 card of this employee, or calculate by looking at previous vacation orders.

Then information about the types of leave provided is filled in. Section “A” is always allocated to annual paid vacation. In this column you need to indicate the duration of the rest period, as well as the dates from which and to which day it is provided.

Section “B” includes other types of vacations. First, the name is indicated - it can be additional, educational, without retaining payment, and others. After this, the duration and start and end days are also recorded.

Section “B” summarizes the total for all vacations. Those. need to be entered here total rest time, as well as the start and end dates of the entire period.

The order must be endorsed by the director of the company, with a transcript of the job title and signature.

Finally, the employee needs to be familiarized with the created order. The latter puts his signature on it, as well as the current date.


If several employees go on vacation at the same time, then it is more rational to use form T-6a instead of order T-6. It is a table in which all the necessary information is entered.

Some employees, according to the measures taken to assess working conditions, are entitled additional leave. These, for example, include a PC operator who needs to add 6 days to his main rest period. When creating a vacation order, all this time is divided between sections of the document “A” and “B”. Information about the main vacation (lasting 28 days) is entered into the first, and 6 days of an additional period are recorded in section “B”. Thus, in the final line “B” you need to enter the sum of both vacations - 34 days.

Let's start with the main thing, that is, with money. Pay vacation pay at least three calendar days before the start of your vacation. But if there is a desire, then you can issue money earlier - there are no prohibitions on this labor legislation no (Part 9 of Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, letter of Rostrud dated July 30, 2014 No. 1693-6-1).

The situation with documents is as follows. When applying for a vacation, three documents are required. Firstly, the vacation schedule. Secondly, an order to grant leave. Thirdly, a note indicating payment for vacation pay. Of course, other documents may be needed. We will also pay attention to them.

You have the right, at your own choice, to use standardized forms of documents or independently developed ones. In the second case, it is important that such documents provide for all required details, essential for primary documents according to accounting legislation. Whatever form you use - standard or independently developed - the manager must approve it in the order accounting policy(Part 4 of Article 9 of Law dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, paragraph 4 PBU 1/2008, letter of Rostrud dated February 14, 2013 No. PG/1487-6-1).

We will not talk about the vacation schedule for the simple reason that it is approved by calendar year at least two weeks before the start of the year. That is, in the summer the schedule is not drawn up. But other documents require a more detailed description.

Leave Notice

Two weeks before the start of the vacation, notify the employee of this under signature. These are the requirements of Part 3 of Article 123 Labor Code RF.

How to notify an employee? Can be issued individual documents- notifications, notifications, introductory sheets and statements with which employees are familiarized, draft orders (instructions), etc. No one forbids supplementing the vacation schedule in standard form No. T-7 with columns 11 and 12. In one, the employee will sign that , that the start date of the vacation is known to him, and in the other he will put the date when he was notified of this (letter of Rostrud dated July 30, 2014 No. 1693-6-1). In the same letter, by the way, officials remind about the possibility of paying vacation pay ahead of schedule.

You can issue a notification (see sample 1) in any form or in advance (two weeks before the start of the vacation) draw up a vacation order and familiarize the employee with it. The legal requirements for prior notification of the employee about the start date of the vacation will be complied with in both cases.

Application for leave

It all depends on whether the employee goes on vacation as scheduled or not.

If a person rests according to a schedule and it indicates exact date start of vacation, it is not necessary to write a vacation application.

But when an employee wants to go on vacation outside of the schedule or the exact start date of the vacation is not indicated, he writes an application to free form(see sample 2). Also, you cannot do without an application if an employee who was hired after the schedule was approved goes on vacation.

It is better to ask all employees to write leave requests. The fact is that changes are often made to the schedule. And when there are statements from employees, it will be easier for the HR and accounting departments to control vacations, calculate and pay vacation pay in a timely manner.

Leave order

The employee’s right to leave is confirmed by the order granting it. The vacation order is drawn up in the form approved by the manager by order to the accounting policy. This can be a standard form No. T-6 or a self-developed form. An example of filling out a standard order form is given below.

If you do not provide separate notifications about the start of vacation, then issue the order no later than two weeks before its start and familiarize the employee with it against signature (Part 3 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


The calculation note is drawn up on the basis of the order granting leave. The document is signed by the HR specialist and the accountant who did the calculation.

A calculation note for the provision of leave can be drawn up using the unified form No. T-60 or you can use a self-developed form. Filling example front side Form No. T-60 is given below.

The HR employee also enters information about leave into the employee’s personal card and personal account.

Documents for transferring and extending vacation

When rescheduling a vacation on the initiative of an employee, he writes a statement to free form(see sample 5).

As for the transfer of vacation at the initiative of the employer, this is only possible in connection with production necessity. In this case, the basis for postponing the vacation will be the order of the manager (see sample 6). In this case, the employee must not only be familiarized with such a decision, but also obtain his consent to the transfer.

The employee must immediately notify the employer that there are grounds for extending the vacation in any way available to him (for example, by telephone). If there is such notice, the vacation period is automatically extended by the appropriate number of days (for example, sick days). In this case, the employer does not need to issue a special order to extend the vacation.

This follows from paragraph 18 of the Rules approved by the resolution of the People's Commissariat of the USSR dated April 30, 1930 No. 169. This regulatory act is valid to the extent that does not contradict the current edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (in the Code of Instructions for this issue No).

Extension of leave must be recorded in the time sheet. For example, in the case of extended leave due to illness, the days when the employee was actually sick are marked as “B” or “19”, and the days of extended leave are marked as “FROM” or “9”.

In addition, reflect the corresponding changes in the actual vacation time in the employee’s personal card.

What if a person went to work immediately after the end of the vacation date in the order and wants to transfer the days not taken off to another time? For example, he was sick for a week during his vacation and returned to work as scheduled. Then the employee writes a transfer application (already mentioned sample No. 5), but do not note the extension of the vacation on the report card or personal card.

Vacation before maternity leave

Well, a few words about the situation when an employee wants to take annual paid leave before going on maternity leave.

In this case, the employee writes a free-form application (see sample 7), to which she attaches a doctor’s certificate or other document confirming the pregnancy. This is stated in the letter of Rostrud dated March 18, 2008 No. 659-6-0.

The employer is obliged to provide annual paid leave to a pregnant woman at her request. In this case, work experience does not matter (Articles 122, 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). That is, it is quite possible that the employee will go on vacation in advance. You cannot refuse her - this will be considered a violation of the employee’s rights and is fraught with a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles in accordance with Part 1 of Article 5.27 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

Tax consultantTamara Petrukhina

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