Creating documents in text editors. Creating documents in text editors - Knowledge Hypermarket Presentation of creating documents in text editors

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Creating documents in text editors

Text editors To process text information on a computer, general-purpose applications are used - text editors. Text editors allow you to create, edit, format, save and print documents. Simple text editors allow you to edit text, as well as perform simple font formatting. More advanced text editors, which are sometimes called word processors, have a wide range of capabilities for creating documents (inserting lists and tables, spell checking tools, saving corrections, etc.). To prepare for the publication of books, magazines and newspapers, powerful text processing programs - desktop publishing systems - are used in the process of publishing publication layout. Web editors are used to prepare Web pages and Web sites for publication on the Internet.

Methods for creating documents. Word processors use wizards to create many types of documents with complex structures (letters, resumes, faxes, etc.). Developing a document using the wizard is done by entering the necessary data into the sequentially appearing dialog panels. For example, you can use the calendar creation wizard, which must place a required set of inscriptions (year, month, date, etc.) on the page in a certain order. Documents can be created using templates, i.e. blank document templates for a specific purpose. Templates define the structure of documents that the user fills in with specific content. Word processors have extensive libraries of templates for creating documents for various purposes (business card, abstract, etc.). However, in most cases, documents are created using a blank New Document template, which the user fills in with content as they see fit.

Selecting page parameters Any document consists of pages, so at the beginning of working on the document you need to set the page parameters: format, orientation and dimensions of the page. The format of a document's pages determines their dimensions. When creating an abstract or statement, it is advisable to choose an A4 page format (21 x 29.7 cm), which corresponds to the size of a standard sheet of printer paper. The A3 format is suitable for announcements and posters, which is twice the size of a standard sheet. For letters, you can choose A5 format, which is half the size of a standard sheet. Orientation specifies the position of the page on the monitor screen. There are two possible page orientations - portrait and landscape. For regular texts, portrait orientation is most often used, and for tables with a large number of columns, landscape orientation is most often used. On the page, you can set the required margin sizes (top and bottom, right and left), which determine the distance from the edges of the page to the borders of the text.

Headers and page numbers To display the same text on each page of a document (for example, the author's name, document title, etc.), it is convenient to use headers and footers. The distances from the edges of the page to the headers and footers can be changed. It is recommended that document pages be numbered, and numbers can be placed at the top or bottom of the page, centered, on the right or left.

Entering text The basis of most documents is text, i.e. a sequence of various symbols: upper and lowercase letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, numbers, punctuation marks, mathematical symbols, etc. To quickly enter text, it is advisable to learn (for example, using a keyboard simulator) ten-finger "blind" character input method. 256 or 65,536 characters can be used to represent texts, but not all of these characters can be entered from a computer keyboard. Symbol tables are used to enter some mathematical symbols, Greek letters, currency symbols, and many other symbols. To enter a symbol, you must find it in the tables and press the (Enter) key.

Microsoft Word text editor character table

Inserting images, formulas, and other objects into a document Most modern documents contain not only text, but also other objects (images, formulas, tables, charts, etc.). Text editors allow you to insert into a document images created in graphics editors, tables and charts created in spreadsheets, and even audio and video files created in corresponding applications. When solving problems in physics or mathematics, it is often necessary to insert formulas that require two-line representation and the use of special mathematical symbols. To enter formulas into text editors, special formula editors are built in.

Formulas for Ohm's law and roots of a quadratic equation entered using the formula editor

Inserting a picture

Copying, moving and deleting document fragments Editing a document is done by copying, moving or deleting selected characters or document fragments. Selection is made using the mouse or the cursor keys on the keyboard while holding down the Shift key. Copying allows you to reproduce a selected fragment of a document, i.e., paste copies of it into specified places in the document: - after selecting a fragment of a document and entering the Copy command, the selected part of the document is placed on the clipboard (a special memory area); - using the mouse or the cursor keys on the keyboard, the cursor is placed at a specific place in the document and the Insert command is entered. The copied document fragment stored on the clipboard is placed in the specified location; - to copy a fragment multiple times, just repeat the Paste command several times. Move allows you to paste copies of the selection at specified locations in the document, but deletes the selection itself. Delete allows you to delete the selected fragment.

For example, if the source document contains the word “computer science”, then after the operations of copying, moving and deleting the text fragment “form” the document will look like

Search and Replace While working on a document, sometimes it is necessary to replace one word that appears many times with another. If you do this manually, the replacement process will take a lot of time and effort. Fortunately, most text editors have a Find and Replace operation that automatically searches and replaces words throughout the document (for example, replacing the word "computer" with the word "computer")

Spell checking During the process of creating a document, spelling errors in the writing of words and grammatical errors in the construction of sentences may be made. Errors can be corrected by running the spell checker built into many word processors, which contains spelling dictionaries and grammar rules for several languages ​​(this allows you to correct errors in multilingual documents). The spell checker not only highlights spelling errors (with a red wavy line) and syntax errors (with a green wavy line), but also offers options for correcting them

Auto-correction of common typos When entering text, typos are sometimes made (for example, TWO capital letters are accidentally entered at the beginning of a word). In this case, the AutoCorrect function works, which automatically corrects such typos. In addition, each user can add to the autocorrect dictionary those words in which he often makes mistakes (for example, the incorrect “program” should be replaced with the correct “program”)

Saving corrections Several users can participate in the process of working on a document. Corrections made by each are remembered and can be viewed and printed (inserted fragments are usually shown in blue underlined font, and deleted fragments are shown in red strikethrough font)

In the process of saving a document, you must first of all select the drive and folder in the hierarchical file system of your computer in which the document file needs to be saved. Additionally, you must select a file format, which determines how the text is stored in the file. There are universal text file formats that can be read by most text editors, and native formats that are used only by certain text editors.

Formats: TXT format (text only, file name extension txt) is the most universal text format. Files saved in this format can be read by applications running on various operating systems. The advantage of this format is the small information volume of the files, but the disadvantage is that the results of text formatting are not saved. The RTF format (Rich Text Format, file name extension rtf) is also a universal text file format in which formatting results are saved. The disadvantage of this format is the large information volume of the files. The POS format (Word document, extension in the file name doc) is the original format of the Microsoft Word text editor. The formatting results are completely saved in this format. This format is actually universal, as it is understood by almost all text editors. The Web page format (extension in the file name htm or html) is used to store Web pages on computer networks, since files in this format have a small information volume, and at the same time the formatting results are saved. Documents in this format are created in Web editors and can also be saved using many text editors. The advantage of this format is its versatility, since Web pages can be viewed using specialized programs (browsers) in any operating system.

Printing documents Before printing a document, it is useful to preview the document; this allows you to see how the document will look when printed on paper using a printer connected to your computer. The appearance of the printed document (for example, the distribution of text across pages) may depend on the printer used, as the fonts used may vary slightly between printers. When printing a document, you need to set the printing parameters: set the numbers of pages to be printed, the number of copies of the document, etc. In addition, it is advisable to check the settings of the printer itself: paper orientation, paper quality, print quality, etc.

Creating and editing documents in a text editor. Saving and Printing


Lesson objectives:

Introduce students to ways of creating and editing text documents, saving

documents in various text formats;

Consider the principles of optical recognition of a scanned document;

Promote the development of students' cognitive interests;

Cultivate endurance and patience in work, feelings of camaraderie and mutual understanding.

During the classes.

1. Organizing time.

2. Working on the topic of the lesson.

1.Testing students' knowledge (updating knowledge).

Test: presentation

3. Learning new material

What ways are there to create new documents?

General purpose applications are used to process text information on a computer -

text editors. Text editors allow you to create save and print documents

(slide 3).

Simple text editors allow you to edit text, as well as carry out simple

font formatting.

More advanced text editors, sometimes called word processors, have

a wide range of possibilities for creating documents (inserting lists and tables, checking tools

spelling, saving corrections, etc.).

To prepare for the publication of books, magazines and newspapers in the process of publication layout, powerful

word processing programs - desktop publishing systems.

To prepare for publication on the Internet Web -pages and Web - websites use Web editors.

In word processors for creating documents of many types with a complex structure (letters,

resumes, faxes, etc.) are used by wizards. Document development using the wizard is done by

entering the necessary data into the sequentially appearing dialog panels. For example, you can

use the calendar creation wizard, which must be placed on the page in a specific order

a mandatory set of inscriptions (year, month, date, etc.).

Documents can be created using templates, i.e. blank document templates

specific purpose. Templates define the structure of documents that the user fills out

certain content. Word processors have extensive libraries of templates for creating

documents for various purposes (business card, abstract, etc.).

However, in most cases, a blank template is used to create documents New document,

which the user fills with content at his own discretion.

Where does the creation of any document based on an empty template begin?

What page settings do I need to set before creating a document? (slide 4)

Any document consists of pages, so at the beginning of working on the document you need to set

page settings: format, orientation and margin sizes.

The format of a document's pages determines their dimensions. When creating an abstract or statement, it is advisable

select A4 page format (21 x 29.7 cm), which corresponds to the size of a standard sheet of paper for

printer. A3 size is suitable for announcements and posters, which is twice the standard size

leaf. For letters, you can choose A5 format, which is half the size of a standard sheet.

Orientation specifies the position of the page on the monitor screen. There are two possible orientations

pages - portrait and landscape. For regular texts, portrait orientation is most often used, and for

tables with a large number of columns - landscape.

On the page you can set the required margin sizes (top and bottom, right and left),

which determine the distance from the edges of the page to the boundaries of the text.

To display the same text on each page of a document (for example, the author's name, title

document, etc.) is convenient to use header and footer. Distances from the edges of the page to

headers and footers can be changed (slide 5).

pages centered, right or left.

How can I set page numbering?

Insert - Page number – At the bottom of the page (for example).

In the process of saving a document, it is necessary, first of all, in the hierarchical file system of the computer

select the drive and folder in which the document file needs to be saved.

Additionally, you must select a file format, which determines how the text is stored in the file.

There are universal text file formats that can be read by most

text editors, and original formats that are used only by certain text editors

editors (slide 7).

TXT format (text only , extension in the file name txt) is the most universal text

format. Files saved in this format can be read by applications running in

the size of the files, but the disadvantage is that the results of text formatting are not saved.

RTF format (rich text format , the extension in the file name rtf) is also

a universal text file format in which formatting results are saved.

The disadvantage of this format is the large information volume of the files.

Format D OS (Word document , extension in the file name doc) is the original text format

in fact, it is universal, as it is understood by almost all text editors.

Format Web page (extension in the file name htm or html) is used to store Web-pages in

versatility, since Web pages can be viewed using specialized

programs ( browsers ) in any operating systems.

Modern text editors provide automatic conversion of a text file from one

format to another when opening and saving it.

see what a document will look like printed on paper using a connected

printer computer.

The appearance of the printed document (for example, the distribution of text across pages) may depend on

Lesson summary from the textbook “Informatics and ICT”, grade 10 N.D. Ugrinovich

Prepared by: computer science teacher Rybalkina I.G.

Lesson topic: Creating documents in text editors.

Lesson objectives:

    Systematize knowledge about a text editor.

    Learn how to create documents; selecting page options, headers and footers, and page numbers in a text editor.

    Develop practical skills in working with a text editor, logical thinking, and memory.

    Foster an information culture

Equipment: board, presentation

During the classes

    Organizational moment (checking students’ readiness for the lesson, communicating the topic of the lesson)

    Updating and systematization of knowledge.

    What is encoded information? (information that is transmitted by special icons (codes));

    In what ways can the same information be conveyed? (using the alphabet, using numbers, using notes, using Morse code, on a computer);

    What is decoding? (Decoding is the transformation of information encoded in the form of symbols into a form of information representation that is familiar to us);

    What is text information? (text information – everything that is printed or written in any of the existing languages);

    What text editors do you know? (Microsoft Word, Notepad);

    What formula can be used to calculate the amount of information? (N=2 I , N – quantity possible information messages, I – amount of information).

    Learning new material.

To process text information on a computer, text editors are used, which allow you to create, edit, format, save and print documents.

Text editor - this term is firmly attached to Word, but it is already hopelessly outdated, since Word is not just a text editor, but something more, which is why in the literature it is increasingly called a word processor, since it allows you not just to type text, but also design it to your liking - insert pictures and graphs, tables, sounds and even videos. Word will help you compose a regular letter, a complex document, or a bright greeting card. In Word, you can completely prepare a magazine, newspaper, book for printing, or create an Internet web page.

All text documents created in Word are stored on disk as files with the extension “.doc” and are represented in the Explorer window by an icon in the form of a sheet of paper with a blue letter W.
You can start the program either using the shortcut with the blue letter W, or through the main menu: Start → All Programs → Microsoft Office → Microsoft Office Word

There is a title bar at the top of the window. Below the title bar is the menu bar by default. Below the menu bar are toolbars. The work area occupies most of the application window. In Word, this area is intended for entering and formatting texts and inserting illustrations. At the bottom of the application window is the status bar.

In most cases, a blank template is used to create a document new document, which the user fills in the content in his own way. All people work, in text documents, create tables, write poems or stories.

Any document consists of pages, so at the beginning of working on the document you need to set the page parameters.

Page parameters: format, orientation, margin sizes.

Any document consists of pages, so at the beginning of working on a document you need to set page parameters: format, orientation, margin size, headers and footers and page number.

Can anyone tell me what the page format is? A4, A5, A3.

What page orientations are there? book, landscape.

In addition to the page format and orientation, you can set the required margin sizes. Margins determine the distance from the edges of the page to the boundaries of the text. Now open the textbooks and look, the page is indicated at the top, and the name is called headers and footers. To display the same text on each page of a document, it is convenient to use headers and footers; the distance from the edges of the page to the footers can be changed. It is recommended that document pages be numbered, and numbers can be placed at the top and bottom center, right or left.

While working on a document, sometimes it becomes necessary to replace one repeatedly used word with another; for this purpose, there is the Find and Replace operation.

There are universal text file formats - txt, rtf, doc

4. Consolidation of the learned material Working on the computer. (Annex 1)

5. Lesson summary. Grading.

1) What are the ways to create new documents?

2) What page settings must be set before creating a document?

Homework. Abstract + page 17 of the textbook

6. Reflection

Students are given an individual card in which they need to highlight phrases that characterize the student’s work in the lesson in three areas.


I'm in class

Bottom line

1. interesting

1. worked

1. understood the material

2. boring

2. rested

2. learned more than I knew

3.don't care

3.helped others

3. didn’t understand

Topic: "Text editors".
Lesson objectives:

- help students gain an understanding of text editors, the basic concepts used in editing and formatting text documents, give the basic concepts necessary for working on a computer, and teach how to perform simple document formatting.
- nurturing students’ information culture, attentiveness, accuracy, discipline, perseverance.
- development of cognitive interests, skills in working with a mouse and keyboard, self-control, and note-taking skills.

board, computer, computer presentation.

Lesson plan:
I. Org. moment. (1 min)
II. Testing and updating knowledge. (2 minutes)
III. Theoretical part. (13 min)
IV. Practical part. (15 minutes)
V. D/z (2 min)
VI. Questions from students. (5 minutes)
VII. Lesson summary. (2 minutes)

During the classes:
I. Org. moment.

Greeting, checking those present. Explanation of the lesson.

II. Updating knowledge.
In this lesson we will continue to learn about types of software.
Text editors are used to process text information on a computer. Text editors allow you to create, edit, format, save and print documents.

Simple text editors (for example, the standard Windows Notepad application) allow you to edit text, as well as perform simple font formatting.

More advanced text editors (for example, Microsoft Word and StarOffice Writer), which are sometimes called word processors, have a wide range of capabilities for creating documents (inserting lists and tables, spell checking tools, saving corrections, etc.).

To prepare for the publication of books, magazines and newspapers in the process of publication layout, powerful text processing programs are used - desktop publishing systems (for example, Adobe PageMaker, Microsoft Office Publisher).

To prepare Web pages and Web sites for publication on the Internet, specialized applications (for example, Microsoft FrontPage) are used.

III. Theoretical part.
Text editors- These are programs for creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing documents. A modern document may contain, in addition to text, other objects (tables, diagrams, pictures, etc.).

Editing- transformation that adds, deletes, moves or corrects the content of a document. Editing a document is usually done by adding, deleting, or moving characters or pieces of text.

Formatting- This is the design of the text. In addition to text characters, formatted text contains special invisible codes that tell the program how it should be displayed on the screen and printed on a printer: what font to use, what the style and size of the characters should be, how paragraphs and headings should be formatted. Formatted and unformatted texts are somewhat different in nature. This difference must be understood.

In formatted text, everything is important: the size of the letters, their image, and where one line ends and another begins. That is, formatted text is inextricably linked to the parameters of the sheet of paper on which it is printed.

Paper and electronic documents. Documents can be paper or electronic. Paper documents are created and formatted to provide the best possible presentation when printed on a printer. Electronic documents are created and formatted for best presentation on a computer screen. The gradual replacement of paper document flow with electronic one is one of the trends in the development of information technology. Reducing paper consumption has a beneficial effect on conserving natural resources and reducing environmental pollution.

The formatting of paper and electronic documents can differ significantly. For paper documents, the so-called absolute formatting is accepted. A printed document is always formatted to fit a printed sheet of known size (format). For example, the width of a document line depends on the width of the sheet of paper. If a document was designed for printing on large format sheets, then it cannot be printed on small sheets of paper - part of the document will not fit on them. In a word, formatting a printed document always requires first selecting a sheet of paper and then linking it to this sheet. For a printed document, you can always accurately indicate (in any units of measurement) the sizes of fonts, margins, distances between lines or paragraphs, etc.

For electronic documents, so-called relative formatting is common. The author of the document cannot predict in advance on what computer or screen size the document will be viewed. Moreover, even if the screen sizes were known in advance, it would still be impossible to predict what the size of the window in which the reader will see the document will be. Therefore, electronic documents are made to adapt to the current window size and format on the fly.

The author of an electronic document also does not know what fonts are available on the computer of the future reader, and therefore cannot strictly indicate in what font the text and headings should be displayed. But it can set formatting that will make headings appear larger than text on any computer.

Relative formatting is used to create electronic Internet documents (so-called Web pages), and absolute formatting is used to create printed documents in word processors.

Formatting paragraphs.

From a literary point of view, a paragraph is a part of the text that is a fragment of a work complete in meaning, the end of which serves as a natural pause for the transition to a new thought.

In computer documents, a paragraph is any text that ends with an end-of-paragraph control character. Entering the end of a paragraph is achieved by pressing the [ENTER] () key.

Formatting paragraphs allows you to prepare a correctly and beautifully formatted document.
In the process of formatting a paragraph, parameters are set for its alignment (alignment reflects the position of the text relative to the boundaries of the page margins), indents (the entire paragraph can have indents on the left and right) and spacing (the distance between the lines of the paragraph), indentation of the red line, etc.

Font (character) formatting.

Symbols are letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, and special characters. Symbols can be formatted (change their appearance). Among the main properties of symbols are the following: font, size, style and color.

Font– this is a complete set of characters of a certain style. Each font has its own name, for example Times New Roman, Arial, Comic Sans MS. The font unit is the point (1 pt = 0.367 mm). Font sizes can be changed within wide limits. In addition to the normal (regular) style of characters, bold, italic, and bold italic are usually used.

Depending on the way they are presented on a computer, there are differences between raster and vector fonts. Raster graphics methods are used to represent raster fonts; font characters are groups of pixels. Bitmap fonts can only be scaled by certain factors.

In vector fonts, characters are described by mathematical formulas and can be scaled arbitrarily. Among vector fonts, TrueType fonts are the most widely used.

You can also set additional character formatting options: underlining characters with different line types, changing the appearance of characters (superscript, subscript, strikethrough), changing the spacing between characters.

If you plan to print a document in color, you can specify different colors for different groups of characters.

The file format determines how text is stored in the file. The simplest text file format (TXT) contains only characters (numeric character codes), while other formats (DOC, RTF) contain additional control numeric codes that provide text formatting.

Let's look at some of the most common text file formats.

Text Only (TXT). The most universal format. Saves text without formatting; only end-of-paragraph control characters are inserted into the text. This format is used to store documents that must be read in applications running on different operating systems.

Text in Rich Text Format (RTF). A universal format that preserves all formatting. Converts control codes into commands that can be read and interpreted by many applications, as a result, the information volume of the file increases significantly.

Word document (DOC). The original format of the version of Word currently in use. Fully preserves formatting. Uses 16-bit character encoding, which requires the use of Unicode fonts.

Document Word 2.0, Word 6.0/95 (DOC). Original formats of previous versions of the Word editor. When converting from Word 97/2000 format, formatting is not completely preserved.

Works 4.0 for Windows (WPS). The original format of the integrated Works 4.0 system. When converting from Word format, formatting is not completely preserved.

HTML document (HTM, HTML). Web page storage format. Contains control codes (tags) of the hypertext markup language.
Lexicon (LX) format. The original format of the domestic text editor Lexicon.
The choice of the required text document format or its conversion is made during the process of saving the file.

1. What is a text editor?
2. What are the main functions of a text editor?
3. What is text editing?
4. What is text formatting?
5. What is the difference between TXT, RTF, DOC text file formats?

III. Practical part.
WordPad is a standard word processor included with the Windows operating system. Along with the Notepad text editor, it allows you to type simple texts, but in addition allows you to perform simple formatting techniques. Due to the particular simplicity of the program, it is difficult to create a document of representative quality in it, but if a formatted document made in another, more powerful word processor is received on the computer, then the WordPad program allows you to view and print it. It is in this capacity that it is most often used.

Launch the WordPad program – Start→All Programs→Accessories→WordPad.

The program has a standard Windows application interface. The title bar shows the name of the program and the name of the document file opened in it. The WordPad menu bar is similar to the Notepad menu bar, but contains an additional Format item. It contains commands related to text formatting.

The WordPad program window has two toolbars: Standard (contains controls for working with files and selected text fragments) and Formatting (contains controls for document design).
The work area of ​​the window displays the document opened in the program. WordPad is a single-window word processor - you can open no more than one document in it. However, nothing prevents you from running the program two or more times - then you can work with several documents at the same time and move text fragments between them.

File menu. As usual, the File menu tools are for loading, saving, and printing document files. But since in this case we are talking about formatted documents, for which the connection with the dimensions of the printed sheet of paper is very important, the Page Layout command has additionally been introduced into the File menu, which opens a dialog box for selecting and adjusting the parameters of the printed sheet.
Edit menu. As in most Windows applications, the Edit menu tools are for copying, moving, and pasting objects from one document to another. But in this case, the Edit menu provides an additional means of searching and automatically replacing text fragments. It is used when editing finished documents. The search tool is launched with the Edit→Find command, and the automatic replacement tool is launched with the Edit→Replace command.

View menu. Using the commands of this menu you can disable or, conversely, enable the display of individual panels. In addition, using the View→Options command you can control how documents of different formats are displayed in the processor window.

Insert menu. Many word processors allow you to insert non-text objects into documents, such as pictures, audio and video clips. Of course, only text and pictures can be reproduced in a printed document, and audio or video recordings can only be reproduced in electronic documents. In WordPad, objects of a different nature are inserted into a document using the Insert→Object command. In the dialog box that opens, you must enable the Insert from file switch and use the Browse button to find in the file system the file in which the prepared pre-inserted object is stored.

Menu Format. The tools in this menu are designed to format the document. The Format→Font command opens the Font Selection dialog box, through which you can select the font to use and its style. If there is currently selected text in the document, the setting used affects it. If no text is currently selected, the setting will apply to the text that is entered.

The Format→Marker command is designed to automatically create so-called bulleted lists. Each line of a bulleted list is preceded by a design element - a marker. To disable marker placement, you need to give this command again. More powerful word processors, such as Microsoft Word, allow you to choose the shape of the bullet, create multi-level bulleted lists in which different bullets correspond to different levels of the list, and also create numbered lists in addition to bulleted ones - starting with a number. WordPad does not have these capabilities and provides only the simplest single-level bulleted lists.

The Format→Paragraph command is used to configure the design of paragraphs, and the Format→Tabulation command is used to set tab stops. Tabulation is used when creating tables to make the columns appear even. Tab stops are invisible marks in a line of text that the cursor jumps to when you press the TAB key. By setting tab stops at equal intervals (for example: 3,6,9,12 cm), you can create a table of several columns of the same width (3 cm each).

Help menu. The Help menu bar item is a standard element of most Windows applications. It serves to access the program's help system. Beginners can use the help system as a teaching aid.

Elements of formatting printed documents

Paper size. The formatting of a printed document is inextricably linked to the size of the sheet of paper on which it is intended to be printed. Preparing a formatted document always begins with choosing the paper size. For example, in the WordPad word processor, use the File→Page Layout command for this.

In Russia, the standard sheet for most printed documents is A4 (210x297 mm).
If a ready-made file with a formatted Document arrives on your computer, then information about what paper format it is configured for is stored in the document itself. You can find them out using the same command File→Page Layout.

Sheet orientation. Depending on which side of the sheet the lines are located along (short or long), there are two types of orientation: portrait or landscape. Some programs call them portrait and landscape orientation, which is the same thing. The selected document orientation is also saved in the document file.

In the WordPad word processor, the choice of sheet orientation is made in the Page Layout dialog box (File→Page Layout).

Field sizes. The size of the printed area of ​​a document is affected not only by the paper size and type of orientation, but also by the size of the margins. Margins are necessary to make the document look neat. In addition, the enlarged left margin is used for binding documents. Typically, the left margin is set to 25...30 mm, and the remaining margins are 10...15 mm.

In the WordPad word processor, margin sizes are set in the Page Layout dialog box (File→Page Layout).

Font typeface. Font design plays a very important role. For example, headings and notes are designed in a font that is different from the main font. Decorative fonts are used in fiction.

There are thousands of font families. Fonts are supplied in the form of files, after which they are installed in the Windows operating system so that they become available for use in any program. Fonts, like software, are subject to copyright laws. Designing fonts is the same creativity as creating works of painting, music, and literature. Therefore, font files are distributed as commercial products.

At the same time, each user receives a small basic set of fonts along with the Windows operating system. In this set, you should distinguish between fonts that have serifs at the ends of letters and those that do not. The main system serif font is Times New Roman, it is mainly used for body text. The main system sans serif font is Arial. It can be recommended for the design of headings, notes, and tables.

To enter special characters, such as the Greek alphabet, the operating system includes the Symbol character set. It can be recommended for entering mathematical and physical formulas.

When starting to type formatted text, the document author can select the desired font typeface in advance. But he can type text in any font, and then select fragments of text and assign them the desired font using formatting commands.
In the WordPad word processor, you select a font from a drop-down list in the format bar, but you can also select it in the Select Font dialog box (Format→Font).

Font collisions. Information about which fonts were used to create the formatted document is included in the document file. If you transfer this document to another computer, the information about the fonts used is transferred, but the fonts themselves are not (their distribution is limited by copyright laws). Your ability to open and view a document depends on whether you have the fonts used in the document on your computer. If there are no such fonts, then you either need to purchase and install them, or replace them with other fonts from those available. In the latter case, while viewing the document, it will be reformatted and the reader of the document will see a design that is not the one intended by the author.

To avoid font collisions, it is recommended that you do not use any fonts in the documents you transfer that are different from those that came with the Windows operating system. If the document is being prepared for printing on your own printer (without transferring it to another computer), you can use any available fonts.

Font style. For local emphasis in the text, changing the font style is often used. All word processors have style control commands. Italics (italics) are used to gently, unobtrusively draw the reader’s attention to a term or concept. Bold is a strong emphasis that is often used in headings and rarely in body text. Bold italic is a particularly strong emphasis that concentrates the reader's attention. You cannot abuse this kind of emphasis, because attention will not be concentrated, but will be scattered.

A special font style also includes underlining. In the past, it was widely used in preparing documents on typewriters. Today, computers provide plenty of font design tools, so using underlining in documents is not recommended.

In the WordPad word processor, the formatting bar has three buttons to control the style of selected text: Bold, Italic, Underlined. The style can also be set in the Font Selection dialog box (Format→Font).

Font size. In the past, when books, newspapers and magazines were set in printing houses, the typesetter had pre-prepared castings of letters (types) of standard sizes. The size of the letters of one font set is called the point size, and it is measured in points. A typographical point is approximately a third of a millimeter. Standard hand set pins were 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18...

Today, the fonts we work with on the computer are scalable. This means that we can set the font size to any desired size, for example 13.275 points. The computer itself will recalculate how letters typed in such a non-standard size should look on the screen, and how the printer should print them.

When typing a document, the font size is coordinated with the vertical size of the sheet of paper. The greater the height of the sheet, the larger the size. For standard A4 sheets, a font size of 12...14 pt is usually recommended. For book size pages - 10...11 pt. If the document contains tables, the size in them is noticeably reduced (to 8...9 pt) to reduce the width of the table.

In the WordPad word processor, the font size for selected text is set in the drop-down list on the formatting panel, and for typed text - in the Font Selection dialog box (Format→Font).

Leading. Leading is the distance between lines. It is measured in multiples of the font size. For example, if the distance between lines is equal to the height of the font, such leading is called single, and if it is twice the height of the font, then double.
Double leading is used when a document is sent for reading and editing, for example to a manager or teacher. Increased spacing between lines allows for handwritten notes.

For finished documents that no longer need to be edited, one-and-a-half (150%) leading is used. In books, leading is done even less - usually 120% of the font height.

The WordPad word processor does not have any means for controlling leading - it is always single. This means that this program is not suitable for developing and printing full-fledged documents. However, it can be used for at least three tasks:
as a teaching tool for mastering formatting techniques;
as a means of viewing formatted documents made in other word processors (when viewed, WordPad “understands” what leading is and displays it correctly on the screen);
as a means for printing formatted documents.

Alignment. There are four types of text alignment: left, right, center, and format. Left alignment produces a straight left edge of the document but a jagged right edge, while right alignment produces the opposite. Left alignment is used when text is placed in a narrow column, such as in tables. If the text is aligned to the left margin, it is not hyphenated.

Center alignment centers text relative to the printed page—this type of alignment is used for headings.
Format alignment is both left and right alignment. This is achieved by the word processor stretching the spaces between words so that the right edge of the text is even. In this case, the text must necessarily have hyphens, otherwise the stretches between words may become excessive.

The WordPad word processor does not provide format alignment - for this you need to use a more powerful word processor, for example Microsoft Word.

Paragraph indentation. Paragraph indentation is the distance from the edge of the text to the nearest margin. Left padding is the distance from the left edge of the text to the left margin, and right padding is the distance from the right edge of the text to the right margin. Paragraph indentation is used to neatly place headings, notes, and sidebars. In WordPad, the paragraph indentation value is set in the Paragraph dialog box (Format Paragraph).

First line indent. In literary texts, it is customary to begin each paragraph with a “red line”. For this purpose, word processors have a special setting - it allows you to set the indentation of the first line, which is different from the indentation of the entire paragraph. In WordPad, the amount of first line indentation is set in the Paragraph dialog box (Format→Paragraph).

Printing documents on a printer

Preparing for printing. If the open document is intended for printing, then you must first find out what size sheet of paper it is designed for. The printer, not the screen, is the primary means for viewing formatted documents. Each formatted document is already configured for a specific paper size and margin size. This data is called document parameters. You can view them in the Page Layout dialog box (File→Page Layout).

Setting up printing consists of three steps:
document settings settings;
print mode settings;
printer settings.

All these settings must be performed carefully and consistently. This procedure for printing is the same when working with almost any Windows application, so the techniques that we will learn using the WordPad word processor as an example will come in handy many more times.
Now open the document C:\Our Lesson\Lesson 15 Practice.rtf and complete the tasks specified in it.

Students complete the task independently.

IV. D/z
Know what text editors and processors are, the basic concepts used in editing and formatting text documents. Students who have computers at home should continue to master the “ten-finger touch typing method.”
Additional task: find out what text editors you have at home.

V. Questions from students.
Answers to student questions.

VI. Lesson summary.
Summing up the lesson. Grading.
During the lesson, we got acquainted with text editors and learned how to perform basic operations for formatting text documents.

>>Informatics: Creating documents in text editors

Creating documents in text editors

Text editors.

To process text information on a computer, they are used text editors, which allow you to create, edit, format, save and print documents. Simple text editors (for example, the standard Windows Notepad application) allow you to edit text, as well as carry out simple formatting font. More advanced text editors (for example, Microsoft Word and OpenOffice Writer) have a wide range of capabilities for creating documents (inserting lists and tables, spell checking tools, saving corrections, etc.). To prepare for the publication of books, magazines and newspapers and the process of layout of the publication, powerful text processing programs are used - desktop publishing systems (for example, Corel Venture). Web editors (for example, the Composer included in the integrated SeaMonkey Internet application) are used to prepare Web pages and Web sites for publication on the Internet.

Methods for creating documents.

In text, wizards are used to create many types of documents with complex structures (letters, resumes, faxes, etc.). Developing a document using a wizard is done by entering the necessary data into sequentially appearing dialog boxes. Documents can be created using templates, i.e. blank document templates for a specific purpose. A template defines the structure of a document, which the user fills in with specific content. Word processors have extensive libraries of templates for creating documents for various purposes (business card, abstract, etc.). However, in most cases, documents are created using a blank New Document template, which the user fills in with content as they see fit.

Selecting page options. Any document consists of pages, so at the beginning of working on the document you need to set the page parameters: format, orientation and margin sizes. The format of a document's pages determines their size. Orientation allows you to select the position of the page on the monitor screen. There are two possible page orientations - portrait and landscape. On the page, you can set the required margin sizes (top and bottom, right and left), which determine the distance from the edges of the page to the text border. It is recommended that document pages be numbered, and numbers can be placed at the top or bottom of the page, centered, on the right or left.

Entering text.

256 or 65,536 characters can be used to represent texts, but some characters cannot be entered from the keyboard computer. Character tables are used to enter some mathematical symbols, Greek letters, currency symbols, and many other symbols.

Insert images, formulas, and other objects into a document.

Most modern documents contain not only text, but also other objects (images, formulas, tables, charts, etc.). Text editors allow you to insert into a document images created in graphics editors, tables and charts created in spreadsheets, and even audio and video files created in corresponding applications. Headers and footers and page numbers. To display the same text on each page of a document (for example, the author's name, document title, etc.), it is convenient to use a header or footer. The distance from the edge of the page to the footer can be changed.

Copying, moving and deleting document fragments.

Editing document is done by copying, moving or deleting selected characters or fragments of the document. Copying allows you to reproduce a selected fragment of a document, i.e., insert copies of it into specified places in the document. Move allows you to paste copies of the selection in the document at specified locations in the document, but deletes the selection itself. Delete allows you to delete the selected fragment.

Search and replace.

While working on a document, sometimes it is necessary to replace one repeatedly used word with another. If you do this manually, the replacement process will take a lot of time and effort. Most word processors have a Find and Replace operation that automatically searches and replaces words throughout the document.

Spell check.

During the process of creating a document, errors may be made in the spelling of words and in the construction of sentences. Errors can be corrected by running the built-in spell checker in many word processors, which contains spelling dictionaries and grammar rules for several languages ​​(this allows you to correct errors in multilingual documents).

Auto-correct common typos.

When entering text, typos are sometimes made (for example, TWO capital letters are accidentally entered at the beginning of a word). In this case, the AutoCorrect function works, which automatically corrects such typos.

Saving corrections.

Several users can participate in the process of working on a document. Corrections made by each are remembered and can be viewed and printed (inserted text is usually shown in blue underlined font, and deleted text is shown in red strikethrough font).

Saving documents.

When saving a document, you must select the drive and folder in the hierarchical file system of your computer in which the document file needs to be saved. Additionally, you must select a file format, which determines how the text is stored in the file. There are universal text file formats (such as TXT, RTF, DOC and HTML) that can be read by most text editors, and native formats (such as ORT) that are used only by a specific text editor, OpenOffice Writer.

Printing documents.

Before printing a document, it is useful to preview the document; this allows you to see how the document will look when printed on paper using a printer connected to your computer. When printing a document, you need to set the printing parameters: set the numbers of pages to be printed, the number of copies of the document, etc. In addition, it is advisable to check the settings of the printer itself: paper orientation, paper quality, print quality, etc.

Computer science and ICT: Textbook for 10th grade. N.D. Ugrinovich

Lesson content lesson notes supporting frame lesson presentation acceleration methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-test workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures, graphics, tables, diagrams, humor, anecdotes, jokes, comics, parables, sayings, crosswords, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles tricks for the curious cribs textbooks basic and additional dictionary of terms other Improving textbooks and lessonscorrecting errors in the textbook updating a fragment in a textbook, elements of innovation in the lesson, replacing outdated knowledge with new ones Only for teachers perfect lessons calendar plan for the year; methodological recommendations; discussion programs Integrated Lessons
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