Special road markings for the intersection area. What you need to know about the new rules for crossing intersections

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed two government resolutions that change the order of travel at roundabouts and prohibit entering the intersection if there is a traffic jam ahead.

How should you drive through the intersection now?

Intersections are one of the most problematic areas on Russian roads. Often this is where traffic is difficult because drivers violate clause 13.2 of the traffic rules. This rule prohibits entering an intersection or crossing roadways if a traffic jam has formed and the driver sees that by continuing to move, he will create an obstacle to the movement of traffic in the transverse direction.

One of the possible ways to solve this issue is to use special road markings.

The government decree amends the traffic rules. Now, at intersections, special road markings “Intersection Zone” should appear in the form of yellow diagonal lines in a square, indicating the boundaries of the intersection. It is also called a “waffle iron”. It can be used either independently or together with a road sign installed at the border of the intersection, the text of the resolution says.

The practice of applying diagonal markings at intersections is widely used all over the world, said First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. The driver, seeing such markings, must understand that traffic jams often occur on this section of the road, and must complete the maneuver without creating obstacles for other road users.

What punishment does the violator face?

The fine for such a violation is 1 thousand rubles, which is prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses (COAP). But violators were practically not punished due to the complexity of administration.

But, apparently, they will now be fined for this violation. Igor Shuvalov said that video recording will be provided at such intersections to identify violators.

Who goes around the circle first?

Another government decree signed by the Prime Minister changes the priority of travel at roundabouts.

Now, as Dmitry Medvedev noted, the rules for driving such sections in different regions of Russia differ. In some areas, drivers entering a roundabout must give way to vehicles on it, while in others they can go first. This practice led to confusion and increased the number of accidents.

“Now, priority for passage is given to those who move around the circle itself, and those entering will have to give way. This practice exists in almost all European countries and has proven its effectiveness,” Medvedev explained.

What to expect in the future?

In the near future, a number of amendments will be made to the traffic rules, said Igor Shuvalov. Now they are being considered by State Duma deputies.

Thus, it is planned to toughen penalties for drivers for dangerous driving and introduce the concept of bail for a vehicle if the driver was detained while intoxicated.

Two government regulations that change the order of travel at roundabouts and prohibit entering the intersection if there is a traffic jam ahead.

How should you drive through the intersection now?

Intersections are one of the most problematic areas on Russian roads. Often this is where traffic is difficult because drivers violate clause 13.2 of the traffic rules. This rule prohibits entering an intersection or crossing roadways if a traffic jam has formed and the driver sees that by continuing to move, he will create an obstacle to the movement of traffic in the transverse direction.

One of the possible ways to solve this issue is to use special road markings.

The government decree amends the traffic rules. Now, at intersections, special road markings “Intersection Zone” should appear in the form of yellow diagonal lines in a square, indicating the boundaries of the intersection. It is also called a "waffle iron". It can be used either independently or together with a road sign installed at the border of the intersection, the text of the resolution says.

The practice of applying diagonal markings at intersections is widely used all over the world, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. The driver, seeing such markings, must understand that traffic jams often occur on this section of the road, and must complete the maneuver without creating obstacles for other road users.

What punishment does the violator face?

The fine for such a violation is 1 thousand rubles, which is prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses (COAP). But violators were practically not punished due to the complexity of administration.

But, apparently, they will now be fined for this violation. Igor Shuvalov said that video recording will be provided at such intersections to identify violators.

Who goes around the circle first?

Another government decree signed by the Prime Minister changes the priority of travel at roundabouts.

Now, as Dmitry Medvedev noted, the rules for driving such sections in different regions of Russia differ. In some areas, drivers entering a roundabout must give way to vehicles on it, while in others they can go first. This practice led to confusion and increased the number of accidents.

“Now priority for passage is given to those who move in the circle itself, and those entering will have to give way. This practice exists in almost all European countries and has proven its effectiveness,” Medvedev explained.

What to expect in the future?

In the near future, a number of amendments will be made to the traffic rules, said Igor Shuvalov. Now they are being considered by State Duma deputies.

Thus, it is planned to toughen penalties for drivers for dangerous driving and introduce the concept of bail for a vehicle if the driver was detained while intoxicated.

Maria Selivanova

Cars already moving in a circle have the right of way at roundabouts.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed two resolutions amending the Traffic Rules. “It is designed to bring order to the most problematic areas - at intersections with intersecting traffic flows, where congestion often occurs, and not always because of complex traffic, but simply because of problems associated with insufficient driving culture,” he emphasized. Now regions will have the right to apply special markings at intersections so that, as the head of government said, it will be easier for drivers to navigate.

Traffic regulations prohibit entering an intersection or crossing roadways if a traffic jam has formed, which will force the driver to stop and become an obstacle for cars moving across. A fine of 1 thousand rubles is provided for this, but its application was hampered by the problem of administration. Special road markings “Intersection Zone” - a crosshair of yellow diagonal lines in a square indicating the boundaries of the intersection - will help monitor violations using video recording, as is done in the rest of the world.

By his second decree, the Prime Minister established uniform rules for driving through roundabouts. Again, world experience is taken. “Now priority for passage is given to those who move in the circle itself, and those entering will have to give way,” said Dmitry Medvedev. “This practice exists in almost all European countries and has proven its effectiveness.”

First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, who is in charge of this area, made it clear that traffic rules will still change. Thus, the State Duma has not yet adopted the innovations proposed by the government: liability of drivers for dangerous driving, granting powers to administer traffic violations and the introduction of a deposit for a vehicle if the driver was detained while intoxicated. “We are working with deputies of the State Duma and expect that such laws will be adopted as quickly as possible. They are extremely necessary to ensure safe behavior on the roads,” Shuvalov believes.

Dmitry Medvedev also approved a list of instructions before the last meeting of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council, at which, together with the heads of large global companies, further steps were discussed to develop the investment attractiveness of Russia.
To stimulate exports, the government intends to introduce a simplified procedure for identifying foreign goods in processed products, which was requested by all foreign partners. “Many countries require so-called health certificates for exported products. This will also need to be done,” the head of the Cabinet of Ministers noted. “In the near future, it will be necessary to decide which government agency will be responsible for issuing such certificates.”

In pharmaceuticals, the issue of transition from electronic auctions to the conclusion of direct long-term contracts for innovative medicines under patent protection needs to be worked out. “Because we really need these medicines and, indeed, these are still scientific developments, in fact, and the general procedure for them is not very suitable,” agrees the Prime Minister. “We need to study the possibility of introducing an accelerated state registration procedure. This will allow us to bring them to the market faster new effective medications, pharmaceuticals."

Cooperation in the energy sector has also not been spared, which is especially important in connection with the new package of sanctions from the United States, which may affect foreign partners of Russian energy companies. “We will calculate how we can reduce the tax burden for joint projects of our energy companies and foreign investors. As a rule, these are large projects that require huge investments. But for the development of the economy and the country as a whole, it is important to develop new deposits and create new jobs, therefore here we need to look for a balance,” said Dmitry Medvedev. In particular, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Economic Development have been instructed to study the possibility of reducing the tax burden by reducing the mineral extraction tax for joint Gazprom projects with the participation of foreign investors.

The Russian Ministry of Transport has posted for public discussion a draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, which proposes to establish the specifics of identifying zones inside intersections. Firstly, it is planned to highlight such zones within populated areas with yellow markings in the form of intersecting oblique lines. They will be able to be applied to the roadway, including over permanent marking lines (except for cases where they mark pedestrian crossings). One of the goals of introducing a new type of marking is to improve visual orientation.

Secondly, it is proposed to add a new sign to the number of special requirements signs - “Intersection Zone”. It will designate a zone inside the intersection into which it is prohibited to enter when it is occupied in front by a car moving in the same direction in this lane. It will be installed either on the border of the markings indicating the intersection area, or on its border. It is clarified that at a complex intersection, if it is impossible to install a road sign at its border, the sign will be placed at a distance of no more than 30 meters from such a border.

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In an explanatory note, the Russian Ministry of Transport indicated that currently one of the most problematic areas associated with road accidents and traffic difficulties are intersections. According to him, this is largely due to a violation of the ban on entering an intersection or intersection of roadways if a traffic jam has formed that will force the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction. Let us remind you that today administrative liability is provided for such an act - the fine is 1 thousand rubles. ().

But at the same time, according to the department, the actual application of this measure is hampered by the difficulties of identifying violations by State Traffic Inspectorate employees. It is expected that the use of special road markings will resolve this issue.

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