Help form 14001. Filling out form P14001 when changing director

An application in form P14001 is an official form approved by the Federal Tax Service. After the initial registration, information about the organization is entered into the state register of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. If this information changes during the activities of the LLC, then this must be reported to the registering tax office by submitting an application (form P14001 new free download 2019 in excel).

What changes are made according to application P14001

Form P14001 is intended for reporting information that does not change the text, but is included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. If, as a result of entering new information, the constituent document changes, then the application in form P14001 is not suitable. In this case, you must submit a registration form.

So, form P14001 is filled out in the following situations:

  • when appointing a new manager;
  • when changing the legal address, if the location of the LLC, specified in the charter, does not change (only the locality is indicated, and the new address is within its boundaries);
  • when adding and/or deleting OKVED codes, unless the charter is changed;
  • when conducting transactions with shares in the authorized capital (sale, inheritance, donation);
  • in case of withdrawal of a participant from the LLC;
  • to correct erroneous information specified in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Several different changes can be made simultaneously to one application on form P14001, for example, a change of address and the appointment of a new director. There is no fee for reporting new information.

Please note: you must submit an application to the registering Federal Tax Service within three working days after changing the information. Together with it, a decision or minutes of the general meeting on making changes is submitted. For violating the three-day deadline, the organization may be fined in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

Form form P14001

The application in form P14001 was approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/25@. After the new OKVED-2 classifier came into force, changes were made to the form (Order of the Federal Tax Service MMV-7-14/333@ dated May 25, 2016). In 2019, this form continues to remain relevant, although the tax service has been planning to significantly change it for several years.

The full application form includes 51 pages, but only some of them are filled out - separately for different information. Blank pages are not printed and not submitted to the Federal Tax Service.

How to fill out an application

Like all registration forms, the application for amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is filled out according to standard rules:

  • Only capital letters and black ink are used;
  • When filling out on a computer, only Courier New font with a height of 18 is allowed;
  • double-sided printing of pages is not allowed;
  • corrections to an already completed document are prohibited;
  • When specifying address objects, the abbreviations allowed are used.

In all cases of filing form P14001, the title page and sheet “P” for the applicant are filled out. Moreover, the title page contains different meanings for point 2. If you are reporting a change in information about the LLC, then indicate “1”, and if you are correcting errors in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, then the number “2”. The applicant can be not only the head of the company, but also the founder, notary and other persons. You must select the desired item on page 1 of sheet “P”.

The remaining pages are selected based on the specific situation. We will look at filling out the three most common cases in LLC activities. The applicant is the current director of the company.

1.Change of legal address. In addition to the title page and sheet “P”, fill out sheet “B”, where they indicate the new address.

2. Change of director. We fill out the title page, sheets “K” and sheets “P”. On page 1 of sheet “K” the data of the former director is indicated, and in the section “Reason for entering information” the number “2” is entered, i.e. termination of powers. For the new manager, in the same section you must indicate the number “1”, which corresponds to the assignment of powers.

Please note: the applicant’s signature must be notarized. Without this, the IFTS will not accept the form, even if the applicant personally appears at the tax office. There is no need to sign form P14001 in advance; this must be done in the presence of a notary.

Project of a new form P14001

For several years now, the Federal Tax Service has been developing new registration application forms. Judging by the draft Order, the new form P14001 will be one and a half times larger - 74 pages instead of the current 51. The application, which includes requirements for filling out registration forms, is also impressive in its volume - 72 pages.

Discussions on new application forms have been ongoing for three years. Perhaps the Federal Tax Service will nevertheless reduce the number of pages in the forms and simplify the requirements for filling them out. In the meantime, you can get acquainted with what the new form P14001 will look like by downloading it from the link below.

While carrying out their business activities, business entities sometimes have to change some of their data. It is legally established that information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities must correspond to reality, so if any changes occur, adjustments must be made to them. This obligation of the entity requires submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service in the prescribed form.

Changes in the data of a business entity may or may not affect the content of the constituent documents. When a company changes data that is not reflected in the company's charter, it must notify the Federal Tax Service about their change by filling out form p14001.

Examples of such events may include the following:

  • Election of another person to the position of head of the company.
  • Changing the ID data of company owners.
  • Changes to the company's OKVED code.
  • (when its change does not need to be carried out in the company’s charter).
  • Change of information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities upon the exit of the founder.
  • Making adjustments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities when the share of a company participant is sold.
  • When the information reflected in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains errors.
  • When registration data changes when inheriting a share.

What application form is used in 2018

The new application form P14001 was approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service MMV-7-14/333@ dated 05.25.2016, which amended the previously adopted Order of the Federal Tax Service MMV-7-6/25@ dated 25.01.2012.

Currently, this version of the application for amendments, form p14001, is in effect. It cannot be filled out online on the tax website, but you can download a computer program for this purpose.

The main difference between the new form and the current previous form is the use of the OKVED 2 classifier when filling it out. From June 2016, in an application to amend information on a legal entity, new codes from OKVED 2 must be used.

Procedure for making changes

Current regulations establish the obligation of a business entity to notify the tax authority of changes in information about a legal entity within three days from the moment when this data was changed.

The owners of the company, its director or a notary can submit form p14001. The basis for filling out the application is the minutes of the meeting of the company’s founders, the purchase and sale agreement, etc.

When submitting an application using this form, you do not need to pay a state fee. It is paid only when the content of the charter is adjusted.

Attention! The completed application must be notarized before submitting it to the Federal Tax Service. The notary must make the appropriate marks on sheet P.

Form p14001 new free download 2018 in excel

Sample of filling out an application form P14001

Let's take a closer look at how to fill out an application on form P14001.

The application form contains a title page, as well as sheets from A to P. In this case, each of the letter sheets can consist of several pages. However, you don’t need to fill out everything completely - they contain fields for all cases, and only those sheets that are necessary in a particular situation are drawn up.

Front page

A number is placed at the top - it will always be “001”.

Below you need to write down the TIN and OGRN codes of the company, as well as its full name.

The field in section “2” indicates the reason for this application:

  • “1” if there is a change in the available information;
  • “2” if errors contained in a previously sent application are corrected.

Sheet A

This sheet must be completed if the company name changes. In special fields you need to enter new full and abbreviated names in Russian.

Sheet B

This sheet must be filled out if the legal address of the company is changed. In the fields located at no, the components of the address are entered, starting from the postal code and ending with the office number.

Sheet B

This sheet is issued when information about a participant in a company or another company changes. If there are several such changes, then a separate sheet B is filled out for each case. It consists of several pages.

On page 1, it is first indicated why the data is being entered:

  • “1” if a new participant enters;
  • “2” if an existing participant leaves;
  • “3” if there is a change in information.

Sections 2 and 3 contain columns indicating the data located in the Register and entered there. You also need to enter the share size below.

Pages 2-4 are filled out if the share is pledged - information about this event is entered there: the size of the share, information about the recipient of the pledge, etc.

Sheet G

This sheet is issued when information about a company participant who is a foreign company changes. If there are several such changes, then a separate sheet D is filled out for each case. It consists of several pages.

When changing the passport details of company members

When the passport data of the founder-individual has changed, then to change them, in addition to sheets 001 and P, you need to fill out sheet D.

In practice, there is no need to do this, since the FMS informs the tax office about all changes.

When correcting errors in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

First, fill out the title page, where you need to enter the code “2” and the OGRN number assigned on the basis of an application with errors.

  • If the name is incorrect - sheet “A”;
  • If the address is incorrect - sheet “B”;
  • In case of errors in the data about the founders - Sheets “B-E”;
  • In case of errors in information about the director - sheet “K”;
  • If there is an error in the data on the authorized capital - sheet “P”.

(address correction).

To change OKVED

In addition to sheets 001 and P, sheet “N” is filled out, and:

  • If the code needs to be added, page “1” is filled in;
  • If the code needs to be removed - page “2”,
  • If you need to change the main type of activity, the new type is registered on page “1”, and the old one on page “2”.

Sample: , .

To change your legal address

The application is filled out if this data does not change in the company’s charter.

In this case, the application should fill out sheet 001, B and R.

Sheet B must contain information about the new location of the company's management body. The address must be filled out using the KLADR directory, in which generally accepted abbreviations are used.

To buy and sell shares in a company

In this case, you need to enter data in sheet 001 and sheet P, as well as in one of sheets B, D, D, E

Depending on the situation, sheet B (D, D, E) reflects data on the retiring founder. In section 1, code 2 is entered, and information is recorded in the second section.

For the new founder, fill out section 1, code 1, in sheet B (D, D, E), and also enter information in sections 3 and 4.

Important! It is legally stipulated that the sale of a participation interest in an enterprise must currently be registered with a notary. Therefore, in addition to certifying the contract, the notary is required to submit an application to the Federal Tax Service in Form 14001.

For the exit of society participants

Withdrawal from the membership can be formalized in two ways, depending on whether its share is distributed or not:

  • When the share of the retired founder is distributed among other owners within 1 month, sheet 001 is filled out, depending on the circumstances, one of sheets B, D, E, as well as sheets Z, R. For the retired owner, data is entered only in sheet 001, for all others current information is updated. Sheet 3 reflects information about the transfer of a share to the enterprise and its distribution among other participants.
  • If the distribution of the share has not been carried out, the application must be submitted twice. For the first time, sheets 001 are also filled out, depending on the circumstances, one of sheets B, D, D, E, and sheet Z, in which the fact of transfer of the share to the organization is noted. After this, another application for distribution is prepared.

When inheriting a share

If a share in a company is inherited, then sheet 001, D and R should be filled out in the application.

In this case, submit an application to the heir. In Sheet D you need to reflect information about the testator and heir, so there should be 2 of them.

When filling out the sheet for the testator, select code 2 in section 1, after which you need to enter the relevant information in section 2.

When reflecting data on the heir, code 1 is selected in section 1. Next, you should write down the information in sections 3 and 4.

Attention! The basis for making changes in inheritance is a certificate of the right of inheritance, which is drawn up in a notary's office. The rules of law establish that you can enter into an inheritance within 6 months from the date of its opening.

Responsibility if changes are not made

The legislation establishes the liability of a business entity for violating the deadlines for informing the registration authority about changes that have occurred in information about a legal entity.

Company officials may be held accountable in the form of a warning or a fine of 5,000 rubles.

There is also a penalty for failure to provide or submission of inaccurate data to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In this case, the fine may be set at 5,000-10,000 rubles.

The new form p14001 is used to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in 2017. In the article you can download a free form in Excel and fill out the form according to the instructions. Look at the sample filling in 2017 when changing the director, legal address and OKVED codes to quickly understand.

New application form p14001 in 2017: download the form

In 2017, to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you need to submit an application in form P14001, approved. by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/25@ as amended. Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 25, 2016 No. ММВ-7-14/333@. The new form has not been approved specifically for 2017.

The changes are purely editorial in nature and are associated with the entry into force of the new directory of OKVED codes OK 029-2014 (NACE rev. 2). The legislator simply corrected the information about the old directory to the new one on the application sheets, where it was indicated in the footnotes. Therefore, its content has not changed. Download for free the new form P14001, valid in 2017? in Excel format using the link below.

When to submit an application on form P14001

An application in form P14001 is submitted to the tax office in the following cases:

  1. When there is a change of general director;
  2. When a participant leaves the company;
  3. When changing the legal address of the company;
  4. When changing (adding, deleting, changing) OKVED codes;
  5. When buying and selling a share in a management company;
  6. When inheriting a share in a management company;
  7. To correct errors in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities made both through the fault of the company and the tax office;
  8. When changing the passport details of participants.

Look at the convenient table below, which shows which application sheets need to be filled out in different cases. And then we provided examples of filling out the new form P14001 in 2017.

An application under R14001 is submitted only if, simultaneously with changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the company does not make changes to the charter. This is most relevant in situations with a change in OKVED and a change of legal address. If changes to the charter are required, then an application is submitted in form P13001. Those. When amending the charter, the company does not fill out form p14001.

Example. When exactly is a new form p14001 required?

The company decided to engage in a new type of activity. The OKVED code is not declared in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for this type of activity. At the same time, the company’s charter contains a phrase stating that the company has the right to engage in any other type of activity not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If you have such a phrase, you should submit an application P14001 to add the OKVED code.

If such a phrase did not exist, then the company would have to submit an application on form P13001.

The company is changing its location. The old address is Moscow, Bolshaya Dmitrovka st., 32, the new address is Moscow, Pyatnitskaya st. D. 4. At the same time, the company’s charter states that the location of the company is Moscow

In this case, you need to submit a P14001 tax application. If the charter provided an address with a street name, then an application on form P13001 would be required.

Important! It is necessary to submit a package of documents not to the tax office at the place of registration of the company, but to the one that deals with the registration of companies. For example, in Moscow this is the 46th tax inspectorate. In addition, you can submit documents through the MFC, which will independently forward them to the tax office

Which sheets of form P14001 should be filled out in 2017

Statement P14001 contains many different sheets used for different situations. But you only need to fill out and submit to the tax office those sheets that contain information to change your data.

Which sheets must always be submitted?

Each case has its own sheet, but the Title Page of the application and Sheet P with data about the applicant are always required to be filled out.

How to know which sheets to submit

We have compiled a detailed, convenient table in which you can see which sheets need to be filled out in a given situation.

Table. What sheets to fill out in application P14001.


What sheets to fill out in P14001

Change of CEO

Title, R, K (for old and new general director)

Change of legal address

Title, R, B

Change of OKVED

Title, R, N

Selling a share in an LLC and entering information about a new participant

Title, P, one of Sheets B, D, D, E - for the seller and one of Sheets B, D, D, E for the buyer

Inheritance of a share

Title, R, D (for the testator and heir)

Correcting Unified State Register of Legal Entities errors

The title page, P, another sheet is filled out depending on what needs to be corrected. For example, Sheet A - to correct an error in the name, etc.

Withdrawal of a participant from the company (share distributed within a month)

Title, R, one of Sheets B, D, D, E - depending on who leaves the society, Sheet Z

Withdrawal of a participant from the company (share not distributed during the month)

P14001 is supplied twice.

1. Title, R, one of Sheets B, D, D, E - depending on who leaves the society, Sheet Z

2. After distribution. Title, R, Sheet B, D, D, E - depending on who are the participants of the company, Sheet Z

Changing the participant's passport details

Title, R, D

General Rules for Completing Form 14001 in 2017

The procedure for filling out the form is given in the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/25@. Here are the general rules:

  1. You can fill it out manually (in capital letters, black ink) or on a computer (Courier New font, size 18);
  2. Only sheets with information are served, blank sheets are not served;
  3. Double-sided printing of the application is prohibited;
  4. You can submit one application for several changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. But to correct the error and make a change, you need to submit 2 applications.
  5. The Title Page and Sheet R must be submitted.

Below we looked at samples of filling P14001 in the most popular cases.

New form 14001: sample filling 2017 when changing director

Now here is a sample filling How to fill out form p14001 when changing the director. When changing the manager, in application 14001 it is necessary to fill out the Title Page, Sheet K - in two copies for the old and new general directors and Sheet R. In this case, the applicant in Sheet P indicate the new general director. We showed this with an example.

When filling out an application to the Federal Tax Service to change the manager in Sheet K to the old general director, in section 1, indicate the value “2” and then fill out only section 2 of Sheet K. Look below for an example of filling out Sheet K for the old general director of form P14001.

When filling out Sheet K for the new general director, in section 1, indicate the value “1” and then fill out section 3 of Sheet K. Look below for an example of filling out Sheet K for the new general director.

Download a complete sample of filling out the new form P14001 when changing the director from the link below. There, see detailed comments on filling out individual lines of the form.

Sample of filling out P14001 when changing or adding OKVED in 2017

Form p14001 when adding or changing OKVED in 2017 is used the same as for other changes in the register. When changing OKVED in application R14001, you must fill out the following sheets - title page, Sheet N, Sheet R.

We figured out which sheets to fill out. Now please note that there are 3 possible options for your actions and 3 options for filling out Sheet N. We have provided a sample of filling out for each situation.

Option #1. Adding additional OKVED

To add OKVED (additional type of activity), you must fill out section 1.2 of page 1 of Sheet N, indicating the new code there. Do not fill out the remaining sections of this Sheet.

Look below for a sample of filling out Sheet N when adding the OKVED code.

Option #2. Change of the main OKVED

When changing the main OKVED code, you must fill out section 1.1 of page 1 of Sheet N, indicating the old code, and section 1.1 of page 2 of Sheet N, indicating the new code. The remaining sections of Sheet N in the application to change the OKVED codes of the LLC are not filled out.

Look at a sample of filling out form p14001 Sheet N when changing the main OKVED code in 2017.

Option #3. Elimination of additional OKVED

To exclude the additional OKVED code from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, fill out section 1.2 of page 2 of Sheet N. The remaining sections of Sheet N are not filled out.

See an example of filling out Sheet N with the additional exception of the OKVED code in 2017.

Important! Since January 1 of this year, all OKVED codes are contained in one document OKVED OK 029-2014 (NACE rev. 2).

When filling out an application to add OKVED for an LLC in 2017, you must use the codes provided for in this document.

If you need to change the main type of activity and at the same time add/exclude additional ones, then submit 1 application for all activities, filling out sections 1.1, 1.2 of pages 1 and 2 of Sheet H, depending on your goals.

Download below samples of filling out the new form P14001 in 2017 when changing OKVED in all the cases we have considered.

Sample of filling out form 14001: change of legal address

Now let’s figure out how to fill out form p14001 when changing the legal address and provide a visual example. When changing the legal address without making changes to the company's charter, you must submit an application to the tax office in the following composition - Title page, Sheet B and R.

Information about the new legal address is indicated in Sheet B. Remember that to indicate streets, avenues, boulevards, etc. it is necessary to use abbreviations in accordance with Appendix No. 20 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/25@. You can download this application on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

See below for a sample of filling out Sheet B of application P14001.

Download a sample form for changing the legal address of an LLC in 2017 in Excel from the link below.

When a businessman becomes a legal entity, tax officials send information to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

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During the operation of the organization, data may change, which should be reported to the executive authorities. If the changes concern the address and charter, the businessman fills out form P14001.


Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-6/25@ of 2012 established form P14001, rules for filling out and time of submission to the tax office. In 2019, minor changes were made related to the new OKVED-2 activity codes, which legal entities enter during registration.

The standard form consists of 51 pages: a title page and appendices, but only those relevant for a particular situation are filled out.

There are 16 categories of applicants who have the right to fill out an application and leave signatures on it, including a manager, notary, executor, etc. There is no need to pay a state fee when filling out this form.

Who should apply

In 2016, Federal Law No. 129 came into force, which changed the process of registering companies. Within 3 days after changes are made, organizations are required to submit completed documents.

If the decision is made not only by the manager, it is necessary to convene a commission and attach a protocol to the documents.

What sheets to fill out?

The following pages are required by law:

  • 1 sheet indicates why the organization fills out the document;
  • page A is required to make corrections in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in case of an erroneous name;
  • Page B changes when the company changes its name, but the Articles of Association remain the same;
  • on page B information about Russian legal entities is compiled;
  • on page D the data of foreign persons is entered;
  • sheet D contains information about individuals;
  • On page G you enter information about the mutual investment fund.

General rules

The Tax Service has issued instructions for filling out the form, but it is not possible to complete it online on the website, so you need to download the form and enter the information on your computer, then print it.

The law establishes several registration forms, so after filling out one, the registration procedure will be clear.

The main requirements are:

  • You are allowed to fill out the form with a pen or on a computer using Courier New 18 pt font. The main thing is that all letters are capitalized and written in black;
  • the page is printed on one side;
  • it is required to number the sheets on which the manager entered information, the rest are not required by the tax authorities;
  • In one form it is allowed to indicate several different changes, for example, a change in name, address and general director. However, it is impossible to combine the correction of previous errors and the entry of new data, since the title page is filled out differently;
  • On some, abbreviations are allowed, for example, addresses, if it was entered earlier.

Filling procedure and sample

Most often it is required to fill out changes in participants in the Charter of a legal entity, as well as purchase and sale of shares of a legal entity:

  1. When a participant sells his part, pages from B to F are drawn up; in section one, code 2 is placed, which indicates the termination of participation. The second section contains information about the participant.
  2. There is no need to fill out and submit sections 3 and 4. If the participant bought a share, code 3 is entered in the first section, which means a change in the data, section 2 is entered according to the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. If a new person bought the share, then code 1 (new participant) is entered in the first section. Then in section 3 information about the newcomer is filled in, and in section 4 – the share of the new participant.
  3. Sheet 3 determines the size of the share that was transferred to the organization if it was sold.
  4. In section 2 it is indicated that the share was sold without a balance; in clause 2.1 a zero is entered.

Sample of filling out form 14001 change of legal address in 2019:

Submitting an application

If a legal entity moves within one region, changing the address with the Tax Service takes place in one step. Despite amendments to the Federal Law in 2019, this stage remained unchanged.

The main thing that a businessman should pay attention to is whether the municipal entity (Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.) where the company is registered is listed in the Charter, or whether the address is completely filled out, that is, with the house number, street name and office.

In the first case, there is no need to change the Charter, so entering data will not be difficult and will take no more than 5 days.

In the second case, the manager is obliged to update the constituent documentation, even if only the house number has changed in the address:

  1. In the first case, the Charter indicates not only the location, but the legal address without abbreviations. Registration takes 1 stage. The registry changes occur within 5 days. The notification is sent to the tax office at the old place of registration, employees will forward the document to the new address. The TIN does not change, the checkpoint will be different. When submitting the form, you must attach supporting documents:
    • charter of the organization and 2 copies;
    • decision or protocol on making changes;
    • documents about the new address, a certificate of civil registration, a letter of guarantee, an agreement with the owner, the consent of the lessor will do;
    • payment document confirming payment of the duty, which is 800 rubles.
  2. If the manager indicated only the location of the organization, it is allowed to submit an application at a new address. Registration time is also 5 days. The following papers will be required:
    • completed form P14001;
    • decision of the commission to change the address of the organization;
    • any documents about moving to a new place.

If the organization moves outside the region, changing the address will occur in several stages and will require more time:

  1. First, the manager or authorized representative sends a notification to the registration authority at the place of disposal. This stage takes 5 working days, during which time the tax office will notify employees in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about the changes. Employees will need the following documents to complete the move:
  2. When the organization moves to a new location, the following must be submitted to the registration authority at this address:
    • application and copy of P14001;
    • updated charter and copy;
    • protocol of the commission on changing the address, moving to another region and updating the Charter;
    • any documents allowing a legal entity to use a new address;
    • payment document confirming payment of state duty.

After this, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities will be finally changed; the entire process will take up to 10 working days.

Filling out the unified form P14001 is not a complicated procedure, but you need to be careful, since if errors are found, the tax office will return the papers.

If a legal entity does not notify the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about the change in the Charter within 3 days, an administrative fine will be applied to it. This can be easily avoided if you prepare the necessary documents on time.

The company is obliged to notify the Federal Tax Service of Russia about the fact of a change of general director within 3 working days from the date of the decision to terminate the powers of the previous director and appoint a new director (clause 5 of article 5 of Law dated 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ). For state registration of changes in information about the general director of an organization, an application in form N P14001 is used. How to fill out form P14001 when changing a director, as well as an example of filling out form P14001 when changing a director, will be given in our consultation.

Filling out form p14001 when changing the director

The application form for amendments to the unified state register of legal entities in the form P14001 is approved by Appendix No. 6 to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/25@.

The rules for filling out form P14001 when changing the director are contained in Section VII of Appendix No. 20 to Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/25@. It is necessary to fill out only those sheets of the P14001 application that contain new information. Blank sheets are not attached to the application (clause 1.11 of Appendix No. 20

Change of director - form 14001: which sheets to fill out

For state registration of data on the new director of the company in form P14001, fill out the title page, sheets K (separately for the former and new director) and sheet P (clause 1.11 of Appendix No. 20 to Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/ 25@).

Application sheet P13001 Intelligence
Front page The full name of the organization in Russian, OGRN and TIN of the company, as well as the reason for filing the application (“1” - due to a change in information about the legal entity) must be indicated.
List K (for the former director) The last name, first name and patronymic of the former director are indicated, as well as the reason for entering the data (“2” - termination of authority)
Sheet K (for the new director) The details of the new director are indicated (full name, date and place of birth, identification document details, residence address, telephone number, job title), as well as the reason for entering the data (“1” - assignment of powers)
Sheet P Information about the company (name, INN, OGRN), information about the applicant (status, full name, date and place of birth, identification document details, residence address, contact information), as well as the method of obtaining documents are indicated

Who signs Form 14001 when there is a change of director?

The applicant when making changes to the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in connection with a change of director of the company is the new general director (clause 1.3 of article 9 of the Law of 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ).

The applicant’s signature is subject to mandatory certification by a notary (clause 1.18 of Appendix No. 20 to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 N ММВ-7-6/25@, clause 1.2 of Article 9 of the Law of August 8, 2001 N 129-FZ).

Form P14001: sample filling when changing director

A sample of filling out P14001 when changing the director can be seen below:

Change of passport data of the general director - form 14001

When a manager’s passport data is changed, new information about the identity document is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by employees of the Federal Tax Service within 5 working days after receiving new data from the Federal Migration Service of Russia. Therefore, it is not necessary to submit form P14001 to the registration authority in case of replacing the director’s passport (

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