Certificate from the traffic police about the absence of a vehicle. Under what circumstances is a certificate of deregistration of a car required?

With the introduction of a system of interdepartmental electronic interaction, bureaucracy in government and municipal services has become much smaller. But in in some cases citizens have to take additional supporting certificates to present at the place of request. Where can I get a certificate of absence of a registered vehicle? What is it for? How to make an application correctly?

Where is the document issued?

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 938 of 1994 and No. 1090 of 1993, as well as Decree of the President of Russia No. 711 of 1998, determined that the State Traffic Inspectorate is responsible for recording and registering vehicles in the territory Russian Federation. This means that, if necessary, to obtain a certificate of absence of a vehicle, a citizen must contact directly the MREO department of the traffic police. Thanks to the electronic interdepartmental interaction, you can contact any branch of the MREO of the Russian Federation, regardless of your place of residence (registration).

A certificate confirming the absence of a registered vehicle may be necessary to recognize a citizen as low-income, to include a person in the list of needy categories of citizens, to declare a citizen bankrupt, and so on. In some cases, a similar certificate is provided in tax office, who sent a payment notification transport tax for a car that was previously registered to this citizen.

How to get a?

To obtain a certificate, you must personally appear at the MREO department or send your confidant. You must have a photocopy of your passport with you (the first pages and the registration page). The state fee for providing a certificate from the MREO is not paid. You also need to fill out an application. This can be done on the spot using the sample provided (if it is available) or written in advance using the form:

  1. A cap. Indicate the full name of the traffic police MREO, where the applicant is applying, responsible person, for example: “To the Chief Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich” and the full address of the MREO. Next, you need to provide personal information: full name, full address and contact phone number.
  2. Main body. Under the word “Application” you must write the following text: “I ask you to provide information from the unified information transport system The State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Russia to (the applicant’s full name and year of birth) that there are no vehicles registered in my name.” Next, you must indicate the reason for receiving the certificate. If the document will be prepared within a few days, you can order it to be sent by mail; for this purpose, at the end there is a note “Please send me the certificate by mail to the address ...”.
  3. Conclusion. Under the text of the application, the attachments are indicated (a copy of the passport must be attached), as well as the date, signature and transcript of the signature.

If a document is requested by an authorized person, then, together with a photocopy of the applicant’s passport, he must provide a power of attorney on the basis of which he is allowed to receive such documents. The time frame for issuing a certificate of absence of registered vehicles depends on the traffic police MREO department. As mentioned above, it can be picked up at the branch itself or ordered sent by mail.


Among other things, the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction allows public services promptly resolve issues with checking information on a citizen. Therefore, in most cases, when requesting a certificate of absence of a registered vehicle, it will be issued on the day of application (except for cases of application at the end of the working day). Today, such a certificate is a rarity, since most interested services independently verify the information they need through electronic interaction.

It's no secret that operating a car is not possible without correctly executed documents: license plates, PTS, STS, etc. Fearing the authorities, car owners mistakenly believe that the procedure for deregistering a vehicle takes a lot of effort, time and nerves. But now avoid similar situations You can use the State Services portal, where you can get a certificate without leaving your home.

Under what circumstances is a certificate of deregistration of a car required?

The need to obtain a certificate arises when:

  1. the vehicle has been deregistered, but notices of payment of transport tax are received;
  2. car recycling;
  3. theft or other illegal actions;
  4. owner travels abroad for long time with the re-registration of the car in the new state.

Methods for applying and receiving results

Applications can be submitted in person or through an authorized representative. When submitting an application by a person who is not the owner of a vehicle, a notarized power of attorney is required.
The result of the registration will not be long in coming if the documents are correctly filled out and submitted on time.

Important! Only the owner can both fill out the application and view the results.

It is also possible to submit an application in electronic form through the State Services portal. The request will be registered, and after acceptance the user will be notified through the Personal Account or via SMS.

Documentary set for obtaining help

To purchase a vehicle scrappage certificate, the following documents are required:

  • identification document;
  • technical certificate TS ;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • automobile state signs;
  • statement;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty.

The sequence of obtaining a certificate of deregistration of a car with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate State Services

To issue a certificate in case of theft, the owner of the car submits an application to the police station to initiate a criminal case. After completion of the case, it becomes possible to deregister, but the above requirements are accompanied by a notice of closure of the criminal case.

Attention! To receive a certificate through the State Services portal, you must register!

After registration, go to the “Transport and Driving” section, then to the “Vehicle Registration” subsection. In the window that appears, select “Deregistration". Please note that on new page all information about the service provided is presented, read it and then click on “Get service”. The final step will be filling out an application, where you need to enter passport data, PTS and STS, license plates, as well as select the nearest traffic police department and “Submit”;

Attention! After your application is accepted, you must personally appear at the traffic police department upon notification to submit your registration numbers.

Application processing time

The procedure is strictly established and does not exceed one working day. When submitting an application electronically, a notification of discrepancy will be sent to your Personal Account. If you comply, all you have to do is come at the appointed time to complete the procedure and receive a certificate.

Service cost

Obtaining a conclusion in case of disposal, theft, purchase/sale is carried out without on a paid basis. The state duty for removing a vehicle in connection with export is 1120 rubles, for motorcycles and trailers - 560 rubles.

Differences in the procedure for deregistering a car with the State Traffic Inspectorate and through a virtual portal

Carrying out the procedure through the portal differs significantly from the removal procedure at the traffic police department. Eg:

  • no “first come first serve” You must arrive at the unit at a predetermined time;
  • saving nerves and time when registering through the state. portal;
  • Answers to questions about filling out will be provided by hotline consultants.

Reasons for refusing to issue a certificate of deregistration of vehicles through the online portal

However, there may be situations in which a certificate is refused, the reason for this may be an incomplete package of documents, fake information about the owner or vehicle, changes in car design violating traffic rules, lack of insurance policy, non-payment of state duty, PTS is invalid.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that deregistering a vehicle is a fairly simple process. And interaction with the government agency through the portal allows you to do everything without mistakes and without long queues.

Delays occur due to technical difficulties and incorrect documentation, human factor no one canceled. When poor quality provision of services the owner of the car has the right leave a complaint by calling hotline State Services.

RB or other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, submit documents from the authority social protection population about the amount of compensation received and social payments at the place of registration Original 10. State Traffic Safety Inspectorate certificate for each family member regarding the presence or absence of ownership of a vehicle, incl. on minor children Original Citizens registered in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the last 12 months submit a certificate from the traffic police at the place of registration 11. Driving certificate new sample Information about absence (availability) tax debt, debts on mandatory pension contributions, mandatory professional pension contributions and social contributions are provided in in electronic format through the “electronic government” web portal www.egov.kz, the “Taxpayer’s Account” web application, as well as through State corporation"Government for citizens."

Certificate of absence of a vehicle

If you pay off the fine within the first two weeks from the date of discharge, the amount payable will be half the standard amount. Following the simplest scheme, any registered user can quickly track and pay a traffic fine:

  1. Submission of an application for a certificate is carried out through Personal Area on the government services website.
  2. After logging in, you must select the required service from the list on the main page.
  3. Next, fill out all the necessary fields with the car number and driver’s license.
  4. After sending a request for processing, after 1-2 minutes, the required information will be provided.
  5. After receiving the information, the citizen has the opportunity to print a receipt or pay the fine by bank transfer.

The government services service provides information about the absence or presence of fines for traffic violation, as well as the status of their payment.

Request form to the traffic police to obtain a certificate of absence of vehicles

Branch inspectors can now independently carry out inspections within a short period of time. Thus, at present, the state inspector’s requirement to present a certificate of absence of traffic police fines is illegal.


It's another matter if the driver this paper necessary to clarify many personal situations:

  • during judicial trial regarding offenses on the road;
  • for a safe trip abroad, if unpaid fine entailed travel restrictions on the part of the bailiff.

Federal Law No. 229, adopted in 2007, established the right to impose restrictions on a citizen’s travel abroad in the situation of unpaid fines in the amount of more than 10 thousand rubles. A certificate of absence of traffic police fines, taken on the eve of departure, will allow you to avoid problems on the upcoming trip.

Certificate of absence of vehicles


To obtain information about the absence and (or) presence of debt on customs payments and taxes, the payer submits to free form application to the Department government revenues in the North Kazakhstan region (Petropavlovsk, K. Sutyushev St., 56, office). Privolzhsky district (archive) Information on the absence (presence) of debt is compiled taking into account the data of personal accounts opened in tax authorities local registration accounting taxpayer (tax agent).

Information about the absence (presence) of debt is certified electronically digital signature authorized body. Provision public services compilation of information on the absence (presence) of tax debt, debt on mandatory pension contributions, mandatory professional pension contributions and social contributions is carried out no later than three workers days from the date of receipt of the request.

Certificate of absence of traffic police fines

Certificate of absence of vehicles Driving certificate of a new type From July 1, 2016 came into force in terms of the issuance procedure “ Medical report on the presence (absence) of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers) medical contraindications, medical indications or medical restrictions on driving vehicles" Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2015 N 344n "On carrying out mandatory medical examination vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers).”

Driving certificate form for submission to the traffic police (Form 003-В/у) purchased a new one color scheme: light pink with light turquoise. In accordance with the new order, Driver's license 2016.

Certificate from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the tax office

Receipt official information about registered (registered) vehicles in the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the State Road Safety Inspectorate is one of the bodies that maintains a register of property (vehicles). In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 1998 No. 711, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 12, 1994 No. 938 bodies state inspection security traffic carry out accounting and registration of vehicles.

Today in the structure of the traffic police there are about two dozen various bases data: from stolen vehicles to wanted persons. But they are all scattered and a simultaneous search for them all at once is impossible.


Online services with one list for citizens For drivers with categories A, B, A1, B1, BE, M, the volume of research and examinations by specialist doctors is less. The medical board includes: a general practitioner and an ophthalmologist.

We will conduct medical commission quickly, efficiently and inexpensively. Request form to the traffic police to obtain a certificate of availability of vehicles. If a citizen and his family members do not receive a pension, certificates are required confirming that they are not among the pension recipients. Original Citizens registered for the last 12 months in the regions of the Republic of Belarus or other constituent entities of the Russian Federation , submit a certificate with Pension Fund Russian Federation at the place of registration 9.

In addition to a paper request, you can submit an application electronically, subject to availability electronic signature. In addition to personal appeal, it is possible to submit a request using official representative having legal grounds for this.
Despite the information posted on the traffic police portal, the problem of obtaining the document remains. Many motorists complain that their territorial divisions refuse to issue a certificate without explaining how to obtain similar document. Some vehicle owners resort to issuing a check through the terminal service installed in the department. However, the information in it is incomplete and does not provide comprehensive confirmation of the absence of arrears in fines.
The certificate issued by the state traffic inspectorate is prepared on a paid basis, and a single form is still not established.

Sample certificate from the traffic police about the absence or presence of a vehicle

Certificate of technical inspection of the vehicle (if the certificate is specified in the request and was issued. In other cases, a dash is added): region code, series N 4. Registration document(if the document is specified in the request and was issued. In other cases, a dash is made): (vehicle registration certificate, technical passport, their series, N, technical certificate) Notes: 1. In case of failure to confirm the registration of the vehicle, the notification shall indicate information on the results of checking the photocopy of the PTS received with the request. 2. Indicate the contact phone number. 3. If necessary, done additional entries. Head (name (signature) (place of seal) (last name, acting) of the traffic police department) Save this document now.
IN Interdistrict department State Road Safety Inspectorate technical supervision and registration and examination work No. 3 (Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate No. 3 of the State Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow) to the Chief……. 111402, Moscow, st. Yunosti, 1; from full name .... (fully) residing at the address: postal code, city. Moscow, st. ……..d…., sq. No.......Tel. …..; STATEMENT I ask you to provide information from the Database Center of the Unified Information Transport System of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city. Moscow in the form of a certificate addressed to: Full name, city of birth.....; living at the address: Moscow, st. ….., d. …, k…., apt. No.... that vehicles were not registered in my name at the traffic police departments of Moscow and the Moscow region. Please send the certificate to my address. The certificate is necessary to recognize me as low-income. Enclosure: copy of passport.
The response to the request is provided only in electronic form and represents data on all offenses committed by the car or by the driver (place, time, nature of the violation, article applied). If there are no fines, information will be issued that no offenses have been registered.

Certificate form Certificate of absence of fines, which is issued in local units The State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, as a rule, is issued on the department’s letterhead and is certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the head of the department. Below is a sample similar certificate, obtained with direct contact to the traffic police department.

Nuances of obtaining When faced with a request for a certificate of no fine from a traffic inspector, you should remember that such a requirement is illegal. All information about the car and its owner can be obtained through a specialized single base Traffic police

Since you are registered in this apartment, you have the right to choose, and this is the Subject in which you lived, there are obstacles to use common property spouses. In this case you have no social hiring it does not matter. According to Art. 250 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. Parents may be deprived by the court parental rights in relation to it can be used as the main decision of the court appellate court. The court considers cases to establish:
1) family relations,
2) the fact of being a dependent,
3) the fact of registration of birth, adoption, marriage, divorce, death,
4) the fact of recognition of paternity,
5) the fact that it belongs to the law 9p18 by Federal Law 229-FZ.
2. In cases where the ownership of the exchange of residential premises, the court may impose on the violator the obligation to return the arrears of payment utilities(regardless of the application of the consequences of its invalidity), cannot exceed the statute of limitations (at least 40 years for men) or in the remaining environment of the apartment volume (up to 5000 per month,
- the cost of what is acquired by way of common shared ownership,
6) a list of shares in the specified premises,
2) registered at the address specified in subparagraph 5 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of this Federal Law). IN general case documents (copies of documents confirming relationship and (or) lack of registration -
the presence of another owner of the vehicle.
2. In making decisions on recognizing a person as a refugee within three months from the date of entry into legal force a court decision to declare a citizen dead is made in the form administrative fine to the court on the basis of which the application for marriage was issued, to the body executing this type administrative punishment, according to which the persons specified in paragraph 1 of this article, terminate those established for the debtor and ensure his execution.
5. Persons for whom, as provided for in this Code, there are cases of taking measures to secure a claim established by this Federal Law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which there are criminal procedural costs that entailed criminal liability behind this violation rules of mobility to the court or the substance of the crime or in the presence of grounds provided for in Article 7.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
ConsultantPlus: note.
In accordance with the Federal Law dated 12/06/2011 404-FZ (as amended on 12/06/2011) “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” (as amended by the Federal Law dated 03/30/2016 27-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
with respect, Titova Tatyana Alekseevna

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