Certificates for TTN form 2. Shipping documents for alcohol

Filling out a certificate for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol (except for the pharmaceutical substance of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), alcohol and alcohol-containing products (except for alcohol-containing products) medicines and alcohol-containing medical products).





D) certificates for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, the form of which is approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated December 31, 2005 N 864 “On a certificate for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 3, Art. 299; N 25, Art. 2737; 2010, N 25, Art. 3195) or a certificate attached to customs declaration(for imported ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products, with the exception of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, which are goods Customs Union), the form of which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 N 872 “On the certificate attached to the cargo customs declaration” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 4, Art. 381; N 30, Art. 3409; 2007 , N 42, art. 5054) (hereinafter referred to as the certificate);

Batch printing of all necessary shipping documents for alcoholic products from one window:
  • An invoice for payment Sales Invoice TORG-12 UPD invoice
  • Waybill Attachment to the waybill Consignment note
  • Sections A and B on one sheet Sections B - several positions on one sheet
  • Scanned copies of certificates and accompanying documents from the supplier
    for UT10.3 and UT11
  • Register of scanned copies of certificates and accompanying documents from the supplier
    for UT10.3 and UT11
Filling in the details of TN and TTN from additional information document

To store details, use the “Values” directory additional details", or standard reference books. For example, for drivers, the directory “Individuals” is used, and for vehicles, the directory “Values ​​of additional details” is used.

Using directories will allow you to enter data once, for example about a car, and then use this data in several implementation documents, simply selecting the required vehicle from the list. Completed details are saved between document openings (for BP3.0 and UT10.3; UT11 contains separate document“Conveyance note”, which already provides for the storage of all details).

Complete filling of printed forms TN and TTN as completely as possible

Fill in details such as “Carrier”, “ Vehicle", "Driver", "Loading and unloading points", etc. For versions on UT10.3 and UT11, unit accounting is also supported measurements of places, number of seats and cargo weight, by using standard functions application solutions, such as storing the unit of measurement of places and the number of places in the tabular part of implementation documents.

Save to PDF format and sending documents to e-mail

Available for BP3.0 and UT11. All documents are stored in separate files . When sent by email, each document is a separate email attachment.

Setting the number of copies, duplex printing

For each type of document it is possible setting the number of copies, as well as an indication of double-sided printing (for BP3.0 and UT11). Settings are saved between openings of the Print Wizard.

Creation of printed forms based on several implementation documents

For UT11 and BP3.0 there is ability to select multiple documents in list form. In this case, it is possible to form printed forms according to several documents. In this case, the table of selected documents is used as a basis, and printing occurs without sorting copies, i.e. A separate package of documents is generated for each implementation document.

Supported Configurations

Functional option name Enterprise accounting 3.0 Trade Management 10.3 Trade Management 11.1
Printing scanned copies and a register of certificates and accompanying documents from the supplier
Filling in the details of the TN and TTN from the additional information of the document
Save in PDF format and send saved documents by email
Setting up duplex printing for each type of document

Documentation and instructions

  • User guide:
    Shipping documents for alcohol
Version for configuration Enterprise Accounting 8, rev 3.0
  • Alcohol documents for BP 3.0

    An example of the program interface.

  • Documents for alcohol for BP 3.0, TTN details

    An example of the program interface.

Configuration version Trade management ed. 11.1
  • Documents for alcohol for UT 11.1. Main. Sales.

    An example of the program interface.

Configuration version Trade Management, ed. 10.3
  • Documents for alcohol for UT 10.3. Main.

    An example of the program interface.

Technical support and updates

  • The cost of purchasing processing includes preferential technical support for a period of 3 months from the moment of purchase. Further support is provided at a price 5990 rubles for 1 year.
  • Free and paid technical support included: receiving updates, consulting via email, Skype and other means of communication using only text messages, or voice communication without connecting using remote support tools for the entire period of provision of technical support services. Analysis is also included in preferential and paid technical support. up to 5 (Five) incidents
  • with connection using remote support tools. Incident . An incident is understood as any event that negatively affects or may further affect the operation of the product according to the declared functionality (an incident may include several connections related to common problem
  • ). Incidents related to errors in the program processing code do not reduce the limit of technical support incidents. IN in some cases
  • It is possible to connect using remote support tools without reducing the incident limit, at the discretion of the technical support department employee, for example, in cases of simple questions. Incidents over 5 paid according to cost 1200 rubles
  • for the incident If modifications are necessary individual characteristics client 1C configurations, cost of work - 1400 rubles per hour
  • . At the discretion of the developer, some part of the cost of improvements may be included in the purchase price through preferential technical support.
  • Program updates are carried out automatically. After the purchase, you will receive an email with information for registering on the update server. The cost of updates is included in the cost of technical support.
  • Technical support is provided for all purchased licenses. Technical support does not include setup and installation

Transport module

EGAIS. Including in cases of remote work on terminal servers, etc. You must configure the UTM yourself. Licensing The program is licensed for a separate unit (at the checkpoint). For each additional separate division, a purchase is required separate license. For

individual entrepreneurs There is no need to purchase additional licenses.. Changes in the program code are allowed, but in this case, at the discretion of the developer, the conditions for providing both preferential and paid technical support may be revised.

Money back guarantee

We grant 100% refund, if the program does not correspond to the declared functionality. Money can be returned to in full , if you report this within 14 days from the date the money is received in our account. The program has been so proven to work that we can give such a guarantee with complete confidence. We want all our customers to be satisfied with their purchase. For a refund Just

When shipping alcoholic products, the supplier presents to the buyer a package of primary documents for the shipment of goods, namely: tn, sch-f, torg-12, certificates for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products (A and B). Question: name of goods in the technical specifications (account and trade-12) with certificates A and B must coincide completely, or abbreviation and rephrasing of the name of the goods is allowed. Can the buyer refuse to accept the goods to the supplier based on incorrectly displayed, executed documents? How many characters should contain the GDT in the date block (invoice, certificate A and B), 6 characters or 8 characters, can it be reduced to 6 characters or is it gross violation, according to which the supplier can refuse to accept the goods on the basis of incorrectly displayed, executed documents? Example 1 (abbreviated name of the goods). geographical name“Kadarka” 0.75 l), and in certificate B the name of the product (also the position itself is indicated as “Red semi-sweet wine geographical name “Kadarka” 0.75 l). Example 2 (paraphrasing the name of the product). In the technical document product name "Sly Cat" white semi-sweet table wine, "Binderer St. Ursula Weinkellerei GmbH". Germany, 0.75 l.a in certificate B the name of the product “Table wine “Schlauer Kater”/Sly Cat” white sweet, soda. et.sp.9.5% vol.,s. 18-45 g/dmz, 0.75 l. That is, for TTN, Torg-12, sch-f, the product manufacturer and country are additionally indicated. Thank you.

There are no official explanations arbitration practice didn't work out. But the goods invoice and the goods registration form must indicate the names of the goods (Article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ). Using these names, the supplier, buyer and inspectors must be able to identify the goods. If this condition is observed, then corrections may not be made to the documents. In the invoice, when specifying the customs declaration, 6 characters are entered in the date column.

In what order should goods be received?


Order documentation goods received depends on where they are received:

  • at the warehouse of the purchasing organization (if delivery is organized by the seller);
  • in the other place, stipulated by the contract(if delivery is organized, including partially, by the buyer), for example, at the supplier’s warehouse, at a port or at a railway station.

If an organization receives goods at the supplier’s warehouse and independently organizes their delivery, then the authorized person of the organization must be issued a power of attorney (clause 2.1.4).

A power of attorney to receive goods can be drawn up using form No. M-2 or No. M-2a. Form No. M-2 is used by organizations that issue relatively few powers of attorney. Upon receipt, the employee must sign the detachable part of the document, which remains with the organization. If obtaining powers of attorney is widespread, then it is more convenient to use form No. M-2a. In this case, a book is opened to record issued powers of attorney, in which the employee signs for receipt of the power of attorney.

Simultaneously with the goods, the supplier must transfer shipping documents to the recipient. Such documents may be invoices, waybills, and other documents confirming the quantity and quality of goods received.

If acceptance is not carried out at the warehouse of the recipient organization, but at the supplier or in another place (for example, at a railway station), then the goods can be accepted by the number of pieces, weight or by the number of units indicated on the packaging (container). You can accept goods in this way if they are in intact packaging (container). Such rules are established in clause 2.1.2 Methodological recommendations, approved by letter of the RF Committee on Trade dated July 10, 1996 No. 1-794/32-5.

If acceptance is carried out without inspection of each unit of goods, this must be noted on the shipping document (invoice). Such rules are established by paragraph 2.1.5 of the Methodological Recommendations, approved by letter of the RF Committee on Trade dated July 10, 1996 No. 1-794/32-5.

Typically, the transfer of goods from the supplier to the buyer is formalized with a consignment note in form No. TORG-12. Depending on the method of transportation, along with the consignment note, the following may be issued for the cargo:

  • consignment note (TTN) in form No. 1-T or waybill in form approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2011 No. 272 ​​(if the goods are delivered by car);
  • railway waybill in form No. GU-29-O (if the goods are delivered by rail);
  • bill of lading;
  • freight bill by air(air waybill).

Situation: Is it possible to capitalize goods without a consignment note using form No. TORG-12. A consignment note was issued for the cargo in Form No. 1-T. The supplier delivers the goods to the buyer by road

No you can not.

To reflect the receipt of goods in accounting, the organization is obliged to use primary documents containing required details(clause 2 of article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ).

If the cargo is delivered transport company(by road), a consignment note is issued in Form No. 1-T (Section 2 of the instructions approved by Clause 2 of Article 785 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). When transporting using its own vehicles, the seller also issues a consignment note. This document can serve as the basis for reflecting received goods in the buyer’s accounting (clause 2.1.3 of the Methodological Recommendations approved by the letter of the RF Committee on Trade dated July 10, 1996 No. 1-794/32-5, instructions approved by the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 28 November 1997 No. 78, p. Guidelines, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n).

In addition, the consignment note (Form No. 1-T) is a document intended to account for the movement of inventory items and payments for their transportation by road (section 2 of the instructions approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 28, 1997 No. 78) . Therefore, if the buyer simultaneously acts as a customer for the transportation of goods, he must have a consignment note (form No. 1-T) (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated August 18, 2009 No. ShS-20-3/1195).

The standard declaration number for goods consists of 21 digits, divided by a slash into three elements (clause 27 of the Instructions, approved by decision of the Customs Union Commission of May 20, 2010 No. 257):

  • the eight digits of the first element indicate the code customs authority(unit) that accepted the customs declaration;
  • six digits of the second element indicate the date of acceptance of the customs declaration (day, month, two last digits of the year);
  • the seven digits of the third element are serial number customs declaration.

When filling out an invoice, the counterparty may not provide all the information about the customs declaration number. However, if the mistake made makes it possible to unambiguously determine the seller, the buyer, the name of the goods, their cost, tax rate and the amount of tax, then an invoice with such an error does not prevent the receipt of a deduction (clause 2 of Article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Similar clarifications are contained in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 18, 2011 No. 03-07-09/06.

If an error in the customs declaration number gives reason to doubt the authenticity of the customs declaration itself, do not deduct the VAT amount on such an invoice. For example, the declaration number 10110080/321512/0004389 is obviously unreliable, since the date 15/32/12 does not exist.

The chief accountant advises: when purchasing imported goods, be especially attentive to shipping documents received from counterparties. First of all, this applies to those counterparties with whom the organization is working for the first time, and the transaction amount is significant.

Tax legislation does not oblige an organization to check customs declaration numbers in invoices received from counterparties. A Russian seller selling imported goods is responsible only for the compliance of the data on the country of origin and the customs declaration number in the invoices issued to him with the information contained in the invoices and shipping documents received by him (clause 5 of Article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Right to deduction input VAT It doesn't depend on that either. That is, the buyer imported goods has the right to deduct the VAT charged to him even if the received invoice contains incorrect details of the customs declaration that the importer submitted when importing goods into Russia.

There are numerous examples court decisions, where the judges support this point of view (see, for example, the rulings of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2009 No. VAS-5993/09, dated May 21, 2008 No. 6342/08, decisions of the Arbitration Court of the North Caucasus District dated July 17 2015 No. F08-2928/2015, FAS Moscow District dated July 22, 2010 No. KA-A40/7444-10,).

However, to avoid disputes with inspectors, at least selectively control the customs declaration numbers indicated by counterparties in the issued invoices.

According to Article 10.2 of the Law on Regulation of Alcohol Products, circulation (in this case, supply and retail sale) of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products is carried out only if there are the following accompanying documents certifying the legality of their production and circulation:

1) waybill;

2) a certificate attached to the cargo customs declaration (for imported alcoholic and alcohol-containing products);

3) a certificate attached to the consignment note (for alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, the production of which is carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation);

Alcohol and alcohol-containing products, the circulation of which is carried out in the complete or partial absence of the specified accompanying documents, are considered products in illegal circulation.

The form of the certificate attached to the consignment note and the form of the certificate attached to the cargo customs declaration, and the procedure for filling out such certificates are established accordingly by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 N 864 “On the certificate to the consignment note for ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" (hereinafter referred to as the Resolution on the certificate to the customs declaration) and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 N 872 "On the certificate attached to the cargo customs declaration" (hereinafter referred to as the Resolution on the certificate to the customs declaration).

Sometimes legal entities carrying out retail sales alcoholic products, they believe that the certificate for the technical specification and the certificate for the customs declaration are the same documents. Yes, their main direction is to bring to the consumer information about the production and circulation of alcoholic products. But there is a main difference between them, and it lies in the fact that a certificate for the customs declaration is issued for domestically produced alcoholic products, and a copy of the certificate for the customs declaration is issued for imported alcoholic products and imported beer.

The TTN certificate consists of section A and section B.

Section A of the TTN certificate indicates: name, quantity of products shipped (dal/but); certificate of conformity (authority that issued it, number, date of issue); marking with federal special stamps (category and number of federal special stamps); manufacturer of the product (name of the organization, address of its location, production address), license number, issuing authority, date of issue, tax identification number, checkpoint; Shipping date; bill of lading number, last name, first name, patronymic, position authorized person sender's organization; recipient of the product (name of the organization, address of its location, production address), license number, issuing authority, date of issue, tax identification number, checkpoint; last name, first name, patronymic, position of the authorized person of the recipient organization. Section A of the certificate for the TTN is signed by an authorized official of the sender and recipient and certified by their seals.

Section B of the certificate for the TTN must contain the following details: name of the selling organization; name of the purchasing organization, addresses of their location, delivery addresses, license numbers, authorities that issued them, dates of issue, tax identification number, checkpoint, quantity of products in dal (bottle), labeling of products with federal special marks (category and number), date of shipment, number waybill, position, surname, first name, patronymic, position of the authorized person of the selling organization, surname, first name, patronymic, position of the authorized person of the sending organization.

According to the Resolution on the certificate to the TTN, the certificate is filled out in accordance with the data of the consignment note for each subsequent wholesale sale (transfer) of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (hereinafter referred to as the products) by the last owner (sender) for each batch of products shipped. The manufacturing organization of the product fills out sections “A” and “B” of the certificate when shipping it. approved form, with the exception of indicating the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the authorized person of the purchasing organization, and certifies the data specified in section “A” and the left part of section “B” of the certificate with the signature of the authorized person and his seal. When receiving products from the manufacturer, the purchasing organization certifies the data related to this organization in both sections of the certificate with the signature of an authorized person official and its seal. For each subsequent sale of products, only section “B” of the certificate is filled out by the selling organization. In this case, the selling organization fills out both parts of section “B”, certifying with the signature of an authorized official and its seal the data indicated on the left side of the section. Upon receipt of alcoholic products, the purchasing organization certifies the data indicated on the right side of section “B” with the signature of an authorized official and its seal. When filling out the certificate, all entries, as well as stamps on it, must be clear and legible.

The certificate for the customs declaration also consists of two sections - A and B, which are certified by the seal of the customs authority.

Section A contains information about: name, quantity, manufacturer of goods, excise stamps (for goods subject to mandatory labeling), documents confirming product compliance with the requirements technical regulations, persons who have entered into foreign trade agreement, the owner of the goods (OGRN, INN/KPP, address), the recipient of the goods (OGRN, INN/KPP, address), the name of the customs authority, the place of customs clearance.

Section B contains information about the seller and the buyer, which is signed by the head of the seller’s organization and the buyer’s organization, and is certified by the originals of their seals.

When selling goods by the owner of the goods through a retail outlet owned by him trading network each a store for the sale of goods must have a copy of the certificate attached to the customs declaration, certified by the original seal of the owner of the goods.

Legal entities engaged in the retail sale of alcohol products need to pay attention to the following point.

The information stated in the certificate for the technical specification or customs declaration must always correspond to the data indicated on the labeling. Thus, in practice, a violation of the rules was revealed retail alcoholic products, which was as follows. The importer indicated on the label did not correspond to the importer indicated in the certificate for the customs declaration; therefore, this discrepancy does not allow identifying the goods being sold with the information stated in the certificate for the customs declaration. IN in this case the sale of alcoholic products will be carried out without confirmation of the legality of its production and circulation (i.e. without a certificate for the customs declaration).

Another example. The discrepancy between the numbers of excise stamps and the numbers of excise stamps indicated in the certificate for the customs declaration also indicates that this document issued for another batch of goods.

These violations are often disputed in judicial procedure. But, as it shows arbitrage practice, in both of these cases the violation was correctly qualified by an official of the regulatory authority.

Alcohol and alcohol-containing products that do not have certificates of conformity and documents confirming the legality of their production and circulation are subject to withdrawal from illegal trafficking based on decisions authorized bodies in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 25 of the Law on Regulation of Alcohol Products).

State Advisor civil service RF 3rd class

Gerasimenko A.G.


if the supplier attaches the customs declaration to the certificate TTN certificate Section B, where only the seal of the last seller is clearly visible, the rest of the seals cannot be seen. Can such documents be accepted from this supplier? And wouldn't this be considered a violation?


and if we're talking about about imported alcohol(wine from Italy, France)?

Should section A of the TTN certificate still be filled out?

or upon delivery retail store for implementation it is enough that section B is filled out and certificates and certificates are attached to the customs declaration?


Katya, if the alcohol is imported, then it must be accompanied by a certificate for the customs declaration, with completed section B, a certificate. The TTN certificate is attached only to Russian-made products.


Polina, according to the law, all seals must be readable and must not overlap each other. Therefore, when checking, a document with illegible stamps will be rejected. It's better to ask the supplier for a new one.


What invoices should be attached under the goods and cash report?

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 N 864
"On a certificate for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol (except for the pharmaceutical substance of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), alcohol and alcohol-containing products (except for alcohol-containing medications and alcohol-containing medical products)"

Pursuant to the Federal Law "On government regulation production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products" The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

a certificate form for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol (except for the pharmaceutical substance of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), alcohol and alcohol-containing products (except for alcohol-containing medications and alcohol-containing medical products);

Rules for filling out a certificate for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol (with the exception of the pharmaceutical substance of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), alcohol and alcohol-containing products (with the exception of alcohol-containing medicines and alcohol-containing medical products).

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 1997 N 1019 “On approval of the list of documents confirming the legality of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products on the territory of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 34, Art. . 3976).

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated December 31, 2005 N 864
(as amended on May 2, 2012, August 5, 2015,
August 7, 2017, August 28, 2018)

FORM certificate for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol (with the exception of pharmaceutical substance ethyl alcohol (ethanol), alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (except for alcohol-containing medicinal products) drugs and alcohol-containing medical products) N _________________ Section "A" 1. Product name _______ 1.1. Product code in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products ________________________ 1.2. Amount of excise tax (per unit of product) ___________________________ 2. Quantity of products (dal/piece bottle) _____________________________ 3. Date of bottling of products "___"____________20___. 4. Information about documents confirming the conformity of products with established standards, details of the relevant documents, name of the authority that issued the document, _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Manufacturer of the product ___________________________________________ 6. Country code ______________________________________________________________ 7. INN/KPP, or UNP, or TRN/(BIK/IIN) _____________________________ 8. License number, license validity period, authority , who issued it, _____ 9. Date of shipment "___"____________20___. 10. Number of the consignment note _________________________________________________________________________ 11. Information about the persons who entered into an agreement (contract) for the supply of products: number and date of the agreement (contract) for the supply of products _______________ name of the person ___________________________________________________ OGRN, INN/KPP, or UNP, or TRN/(BIC / IIN) __________________________ address ______________________________________________________________ counterparty _________________________________________________________ address ______________________________________________________________ 12. Number and date of confirmation of recording of information in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products 13. Information on marking with federal special marks (for products produced in the territory Russian Federation) or excise stamps (for products imported and being goods of the Eurasian economic union

in accordance with the law of the Eurasian Economic Union) _________________________________________________________________________ (series (categories) and ranges of numbers of federal special stamps or excise stamps are indicated) M.P.

1. Name of the seller (sender)


1. Name of the buyer (recipient)

2. Location


2. Location



3. License number, license validity period, issuing authority, ________


4. Country code _______________________

5. INN/KPP, or UNP, or


5. INN/KPP, or UNP, or TRN/(BIC/IIN) ____________________

6. Product name ___________

7. Quantity of products (dal/piece bottle)

8. Commodity transport number

invoice _________________________

8. Bill of lading number __________________________

9. Shipment date "__"___________ 20__

9. Shipment date "__"____________20__.

10. Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the authorized person of the seller (sender)


10. Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the authorized person of the buyer (recipient)________________________



filling out a certificate for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol (except for the pharmaceutical substance of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), alcohol and alcohol-containing products (except for alcohol-containing medications and alcohol-containing medical products)

With changes and additions from:

June 16, 2006, June 16, 2010, May 2, 2012, August 5, 2015, August 7, 2017, August 28, 2018

1. These Rules establish the procedure for filling out a certificate for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol (with the exception of the pharmaceutical substance of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), alcohol and alcohol-containing products (with the exception of alcohol-containing medicines and alcohol-containing medical products) in a form approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2005 N 864 “On a certificate for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol (except for the pharmaceutical substance of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), alcohol and alcohol-containing products (except for alcohol-containing medications and alcohol-containing medical products)" (hereinafter referred to as the certificate ).

2. The certificate is filled out in relation to ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products imported and being goods of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the EAEU), for the purpose of using such products as raw materials or auxiliary material in the production of non-alcohol-containing products or in technical purposes or other purposes not related to the production and (or) circulation (except for the purchase) of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products produced on the territory of the Russian Federation or imported and being goods of the EAEU, as well as for alcoholic products labeled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation Federation with federal special stamps, information on the volume of turnover of which is not recorded in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products for each unit of alcoholic products.

The certificate is filled out in accordance with the data of the consignment note and (or) the international consignment note for each subsequent wholesale sale (transfer) of ethyl alcohol (except for the pharmaceutical substance of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), alcohol and alcohol-containing products (except for alcohol-containing drugs and alcohol-containing medical products) (hereinafter - products) by the last owner (sender) for each product name as part of the shipped batch of products, as well as during internal movement of products between separate divisions of the organization or agricultural producers recognized as such in accordance with the Federal Law "On Development Agriculture" (hereinafter - agricultural commodity producer), having different places location and (or) address for carrying out activities.

3. An organization or agricultural producer carrying out production on the territory of the Russian Federation and being a seller of products, fill out sections “A” and “B” of the certificate when shipping products, with the exception of indicating the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the buyer’s authorized person, and certify the data indicated in section “A” and the left side of section “B” of the certificate, with the signature of an authorized person and his seal (if any).

An organization (individual entrepreneur) producing products in the territories of other EAEU member states, as well as an organization (individual entrepreneur) that is a seller of such products, or an organization (individual entrepreneur) of other EAEU member states importing products into the customs territory of the EAEU, which acquired the status EAEU goods, as well as the organization (individual entrepreneur) that is the seller of such products, when delivering products to the Russian Federation, fill out section “A” and the left part of section “B” of the certificate, with the exception of paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, and 17 of section “A” and instructions last name, first name, patronymic and position of the authorized person of the buyer (recipient).

4. The purchasing organization (recipient), when receiving products from a manufacturer producing products on the territory of the Russian Federation, certifies the data related to this organization in both sections of the certificate with the signature of an authorized official and its seal (if any).

The purchasing organization (recipient), upon receipt of products from an organization (individual entrepreneur) of other member states of the EAEU, supplying products to the Russian Federation, certifies the data related to this organization in section “A” and the left part of section “B” of the certificate with the signature of an authorized official face and your seal (if available). In this case, the right side of section “B” of the certificate is filled out by the purchasing organization (recipient) and certified by the signature of an authorized official and seal (if any).

5. For each subsequent sale (transfer) or internal movement between separate divisions of an organization or agricultural producer of products, the seller (sender) fills out only section “B” of the certificate. In this case, the seller (sender) fills out both parts of section “B” of the certificate, certifying with the signature of an authorized official and his seal (if any) the data indicated on the left side of the section. The requirements of this paragraph apply to the implementation (transfer) or internal movement between separate divisions of an organization or an agricultural producer of labeled alcoholic products, information on the volume of turnover of which is not recorded in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products for each unit of alcoholic products.

6.Section “A” of the certificate is completed in compliance with the following requirements:

b) paragraph 2 indicates the quantity of products in accordance with the data of the consignment note and (or) the international consignment note;

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2015 N 801, paragraph 6 was supplemented with subparagraph "b.1"

b.1) clause 1.1 indicates the product code recorded in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, for each name of each type of product in the shipment;

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2015 N 801, paragraph 6 was supplemented with subparagraph "b.2"

b.2) clause 1.2 indicates the amount of excise tax per unit of product name as part of the shipped batch;

d) paragraph 4 indicates the details of the declaration of conformity or certificate of conformity for each item of shipped product, indicating registration numbers, registration date (date of issue) and registering (issuing) authority;

e) in paragraphs 5 and indicate:

for an organization and agricultural producer registered as legal entity, - name and location (short name of the country in accordance with the classifier of countries of the world, applied in accordance with the decision of the Customs Union Commission of September 20, 2010 N 378 (hereinafter referred to as the classifier of countries of the world), administrative-territorial unit, locality, street, house number (building, building) and premises number (room, office);

For separate division organization and agricultural producer registered as a legal entity - name and location (short name of the country in accordance with the classifier of countries of the world, administrative-territorial unit, locality, street, number of the house (building, building) and number of the premises (room, office );

for individual entrepreneurs and agricultural producers carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity - last name, first name, patronymic individual and his place of residence (short name of the country in accordance with the classifier of countries of the world, administrative-territorial unit, locality, street, house and apartment number);

g) in paragraphs 7 and indicate:

for organizations and agricultural producers registered as a legal entity (in paragraph 15 - also for agricultural producers carrying out business activities without forming a legal entity) of the Russian Federation - an identification number taxpayer, as well as for organizations and agricultural producers registered as a legal entity - also through the separator sign "/" reason code for registration. In this case, if the supplier or recipient of goods is a separate division of the organization (agricultural producer), the registration reason code assigned at the location of the separate division of the organization (agricultural producer) is entered;

for organizations (individual entrepreneurs) of other EAEU member states that are manufacturers (sellers) of products:

for organizations (individual entrepreneurs) - taxpayers of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Armenia - registration number payer;

for organizations (individual entrepreneurs) - taxpayers of the Republic of Kazakhstan - registration number taxpayer, either business identification number or individual identification number;

for organizations (individual entrepreneurs) - taxpayers Kyrgyz Republic- taxpayer identification number;

h) in paragraphs 8 and indicate the license number, the validity period of the license, the body that issued it (if licensing of activities is provided for by the legislation of the EAEU member states);

i) paragraph 10 indicates the number of the consignment note or the number of the international consignment note in accordance with which the products were moved;

j) clause 11 indicates the details (number and date of conclusion of the agreement (contract) for the supply of products, as well as following information about the persons who are parties to this agreement (contract)):

for organizations and agricultural producers of the Russian Federation - name, main state registration number, taxpayer identification number, as well as for organizations and agricultural producers registered as a legal entity - also through the separator sign "/" code of the reason for registration, location of the organization and agricultural producer. In this case, if the supplier of goods is a separate division of the organization (agricultural producer), the registration reason code assigned to the location of the separate division of the organization (agricultural producer) and the location of the separate division of the organization (agricultural producer) are entered;

for agricultural producers carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - name (last name, first name, patronymic), taxpayer identification number and location (place of residence);

for organizations (individual entrepreneurs) of other EAEU member states that are manufacturers of products and also import products into the territory of the EAEU that have acquired the status of EAEU goods:

for organizations (individual entrepreneurs) - taxpayers of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Armenia - name (last name, first name, patronymic, series, number, date and place of issue of the passport (identity document)), payer registration number, location of the organization (place of residence of the individual entrepreneur ):

for organizations (individual entrepreneurs) - taxpayers of the Republic of Kazakhstan - name (last name, first name, patronymic, series, number, date and place of issue of the passport (identity document)), taxpayer registration number, or business identification number, or individual identification number , location of the organization (place of residence of the individual entrepreneur);

for the counterparty - the name of the organization and its location (for an individual entrepreneur - last name, first name, patronymic and place of residence), specified in the agreement (contract) for the supply of products;

for organizations (individual entrepreneurs) - taxpayers of the Kyrgyz Republic - name (last name, first name, patronymic, series, number, date and place of issue of the passport (identity document), taxpayer identification number, location of the organization (place of residence of the individual entrepreneur);

k) paragraph 12 indicates the number and date of confirmation of recording information in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products using technical means recording and transferring information on the volume of production and turnover of products to the specified information system(for organizations using the main technological equipment in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 2.1 of Article 8 Federal Law"On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products");

l) paragraph 13 indicates the series (category) and ranges of numbers of federal special stamps or excise stamps with which the alcoholic products in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:

if the brand numbers are consecutive, these indicators are indicated in one range;

if there is no marking, please indicate the details permit document, allowing the sale of imported goods on the territory of the Russian Federation without excise stamps.

8. When filling out sections “A” and “B” of the certificate, all entries must be made in Russian.

When subsequently certifying copies of sections “A” and “B” of the certificate, it is not allowed to superimpose the seal impressions of the certifiers on the existing seal impressions on copies of sections “A” and “B” of the certificate.

When reducing the help format, reducing the print format is not allowed.

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