The deadline for receipt was canceled for a foreign citizen. What does a foreign citizen need to register and receive SNIs? Documents for creating a plastic card

If a foreign employee quits without receiving SNILS, the employer will be required to notify him about the readiness of the document and send a letter asking him to appear to receive SNILS. Until the foreign worker collects his SNILS, the document must be kept in his personal file. List of documents for registration of SNILS to a foreign citizen through the employer Documents for obtaining SNILS for a foreign citizen by the employer:

  • questionnaire of the insured person according to form No. ADV-1;
  • inventory transferred documents according to form ADV-6-1 (you can download form ADV-6-1 from this link).

The employer bears full responsibility for all documents submitted to the Pension Fund. Therefore, the employee of the organization who is responsible for sending documents must have a power of attorney from the manager for the right to carry out such actions.

SNILS for foreign citizens 2018 how to get in MMC

For example, registration on various sites requires personal identification by providing an insurance number. Registration of a document is not a mandatory attribute of every person living in the territory of the Russian Federation, but in many cases the procedure is necessary and advisable. Where to go Today, there are several ways to register for SNILS.
Each has a number of advantages and disadvantages. You can use one of the following methods:

  • The registration of SNILS is carried out by the employer who has concluded employment contract with an employee. IN in this case there is no need to go through all sorts of authorities, since the administrator takes care and responsibility upon himself. The questionnaire filled out by the employee is also submitted to the pension fund, but the employer is obliged to attach copies of the submitted documents for successful completion registration procedures.

Online magazine for accountants

In this statement, written in free form, foreign employee must submit a request for the issuance of a pension insurance certificate. After this, HR specialists must prepare a questionnaire for the insured person in the ADV-1 form and a list of documents submitted to the Pension Fund in the ADV-6-1 form. To get SNILS on foreign worker, specified documents must be submitted to territorial body Pension Fund (Art.

1, 7, 8, 9


Federal Law dated 04/01/1996 No. 27-FZ, clauses 17 and 25 of the Instructions, approved. Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2017 No. 2p). Five working days after receiving the documents Pension Fund will assign the foreigner an insurance number for an individual personal account in the system pension insurance(SNILS). Insurance certificate, which a foreign employee will receive, will contain exactly this SNILS assigned to him.

How to get SNIs for a foreign citizen


Within 2 weeks after starting a job, the employer transfers the documents to the Pension Fund, and the latter, in turn, within 5 days transfers the completed certificate to the personnel service, after which it is handed over to the foreigner. Children of citizens from abroad and unemployed persons can obtain SNILS in Moscow:

  • at the place of registration;
  • in the absence of registration - at the place of actual residence.

SNILS can also be issued at the MFC. To search for an MFC, you should use the functionality of the official website of the Moscow Mayor.

Procedure to act independently The foreigner will have to act independently in case of lack of employment or if it is necessary to obtain a certificate for minor child. With a temporary residence permit, a temporary residence permit is issued to foreigners temporarily residing in the Russian Federation, within the quota. Consideration of an application for issuance of a temporary residence permit is carried out within a period not exceeding 6 months (Part.

4 tbsp.

Why do foreigners need a private insurance card and how to apply for it?

How to apply for and receive SNILS for a foreign employee? Obtaining SNILS by an employer for a foreign citizen If a foreign citizen is officially employed in Russia, his employer must obtain a SNILS for him. To issue a SNILS for a foreign worker, the employer must submit a Required documents in the Pension Fund of Russia. Then within 3 weeks from the date of admission Pension Fund documents prepares insurance pension certificate, which specifies a unique SNILS number foreign worker.
After which the employer, within a week, must transfer the document to his foreign employee, who, in turn, checks all his data, after which he signs a statement in the ADI-5 form, which the employer returns to the Pension Fund.

How to get SNILS for foreign citizens in 2018

How to get SNILS for a foreign citizen via the Internet Many do not know how to make the necessary document due to lack of free time. Getting some public services became available on the Internet. This method also received wide use among citizens, as it allows them to save big number personal resources.

The Internet service allows you to perform many various operations without leaving home, but registration of SNILS online at this moment impossible. On the official website of the Russian Pension Fund you can see detailed explanations of the situation. Insurance identifiers are personalized information, which makes their distribution subject to relevant legislation.
Personal information is confidential. The described information is prohibited from being transmitted and is recommended to be stored in government agencies.
An application form for obtaining SNILS by a foreign citizen can be submitted by a foreigner personally to any Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. When submitting, you will need to present an identification document, as well as a document that confirms the legality of your stay on the territory of the Russian Federation. If it is necessary to obtain SNILS for children of foreign citizens, when submitting the application form of the insured person for children of foreign citizens, you must provide a document certifying legal representation minors.
The list of documents for SNILS for a foreign citizen is very small: Questionnaire of the insured person in form No. ADV-1. Identity document. Notarized translation of an identity document (if it is completely on foreign language). If a foreign citizen is officially employed in Russia, his employer must obtain a SNILS for him.

How to get SNILS for a foreign citizen 2018

If SNILS is lost, or rather the state pension insurance certificate itself, on which the number is indicated, you can get a duplicate of it, but the SNILS number itself will remain unchanged. Is SNILS issued to a foreign citizen? Is it possible for a non-working foreign citizen to receive SNILS? According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, namely Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On legal status foreign citizens in Russian Federation", any individual who is located on the territory of Russia can become a participant in the state pension insurance system and receive SNILS, including children, unemployed citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens of other states working in Russia under an employment contract, living in the Russian Federation or temporarily staying in the country. Children of foreign citizens can also receive SNILS.
In this case, the worker will not be required to do anything - the questionnaire in form ADV-1 can be filled out by employees of the employer’s personnel service (paragraph 3, paragraph 17 of the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 2p dated January 11, 2017 “On approval...” (hereinafter referred to as the Resolution) ), and the foreigner’s identity document has already been submitted during employment Independently at the Pension Fund or MFC Details below For a child of a foreigner under 14 years of age Parents who arrived in the Russian Federation from abroad issue a SNILS for their child legally residing in the Russian Federation by filling out a questionnaire in the ADV-1 form and providing your identity card, as well as a document confirming family ties with the child In Moscow If a foreigner works in Moscow for labor or GPC agreement, SNILS is issued by the employer.
However, foreign citizens or stateless persons temporarily staying on the territory of Russia who work in the territory of the Russian Federation under an employment contract must have a SNILS in mandatory, since it is necessary for the employer to submit reports for foreign employees to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as for paying insurance premiums and issuing an insurance certificate. Thus, if a foreign citizen plans to work in the Russian Federation, then the foreign citizen must obtain SNILS. Design SNILS for a foreigner- means registering it in the state pension insurance system. This is necessary so that the foreign citizen can subsequently: Receive social payments and benefits, including an old-age pension or survivor's benefit. Receive free medical care (if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy).
MHIF eligible to receive preferential benefits medical care, spa treatment, free medicines etc.;

  • to provide social measures. support for individual categories children, for example, for the disabled;
  • to design a universal electronic card, which allows you to simplify access to municipal and state. services;
  • For electronic registration documents, if you have SNILS, you can submit an online application for a foreign passport, receive an extract from the Unified State Register, etc.;
  • to receive subsidies in educational institutions(SNILS allows you to effectively systematize accounting budget funds allocated for food, textbooks, etc., so it is requested by almost all schools and kindergartens).

Don't miss: Reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations by 2018: reorganization Where to get SNILS? It is issued by the Pension Fund upon the application of any of the parents.

SNILS is the account number of a person who is included in the pension insurance system. The account is assigned one number for the entire period of a citizen’s life. Even if the certificate is lost, the numbers in the issued duplicate do not change. Everyone must register for SNILS, including unemployed citizens and children. Foreigners can also obtain a certificate. The procedure for obtaining SNILS for foreign citizens is, in general, no different. However, some nuances need to be taken into account.

Registration procedure

Required documents

The procedure is completed only once.

SNILS for a foreign worker: registration

If you change employer, you do not need to re-issue the certificate. If you have a card, it will be provided upon employment.

SNILS is the account number of a person who is included in the pension insurance system. The account is assigned one number for the entire period of the citizen’s life. Even if the certificate is lost, the numbers in the issued duplicate do not change. Everyone must register for SNILS, including unemployed citizens and children. Foreigners can also obtain a certificate. The procedure for obtaining SNILS for foreign citizens is, in general, no different.

However, some nuances need to be taken into account.

Conditions of receipt

In 2018, foreigners can apply for a pension plastic card regardless of whether they are employed or not. This also applies to stateless persons. The innovation was introduced a year ago. Previously, a person with another citizenship, in order to receive SNILS, had to enter into an employment contract with the employer for at least six months.

The only condition in 2018: a specialist arriving in Russia should not have the status of a highly qualified employee.

There is no need to pay to obtain an insurance number. It can be issued by a foreigner with a residence permit or temporary residence permit. For employees, the employer is obliged to make monthly contributions to the Pension Fund.

Compulsory insurance is required for:

  • Receipts social payments and benefits. For example, an old-age pension or survivor's benefit.
  • Receiving free medical care (if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy).

Registration procedure

The plastic card is issued by employees of the Pension Fund. If a citizen is not employed, he or she handles the registration independently. This applies, for example, to children. Parents or official guardians prepare documents for them. In other cases, it is the employer's responsibility.

Within two weeks after hiring a foreigner, the employer is obliged to contact the Pension Fund and submit documents for issuing a certificate. When SNILS is ready, give it to the employee. In this case, the applicant signs the statement, which is sent back to the fund.

It takes 3 weeks to process the questionnaire. The finished cards are handed over to the employer. Within a week, he is obliged to issue a certificate to the employee. If the foreigner submitted the application himself, he will have to pick up the finished card himself.

Required documents

List of documents for obtaining a certificate:

  1. Questionnaire. It is important that the personal data coincides with those indicated in the foreign citizen’s passport and migration documents. Parents or guardians fill out the questionnaire for children. Download the application form and sample filling in PDF.
  2. Original passport with a stamp about temporary residence permit or residence permit. If the main ID does not contain information in Russian, a translation must be completed and notarized.

The form is filled out in Russian in block letters. The applicant indicates full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, temporary registration address and telephone number. Some PF departments do not require a handwritten questionnaire. The fund employee fills out all sections independently. computer program.

How and where can foreign citizens receive SNILS in 2018?

At the end, the applicant puts his personal signature.

If circumstances are such that the employee cannot sign the form (for example, he is on a long business trip), the certificate will be issued without a signature. Provided that the employer confirms the specified reason.

If SNILS is lost, the foreigner must contact the employer and ask him to restore the document. Unemployed citizens apply to the Pension Fund themselves.

Pensions for foreign citizens

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Compulsory Pension Insurance” indicates that insured persons have the right to claim pension payments. Foreigners who have SNILS are no exception. This applies to payments upon reaching age, disability, etc.

An important nuance: the right to a pension is valid only in cases where a foreigner lives in Russia permanently. The proof can be a residence permit. You can go to court to protect your rights.

SNILS is the account number of a person who is included in the pension insurance system. The account is assigned one number for the entire period of a citizen’s life. Even if the certificate is lost, the numbers in the issued duplicate do not change. Everyone must register for SNILS, including unemployed citizens and children. Foreigners can also obtain a certificate.

How to get SNILS for a foreign citizen

The procedure for obtaining SNILS for foreign citizens is, in general, no different. However, some nuances need to be taken into account.

Conditions of receipt

In 2018, foreigners can apply for a pension plastic card regardless of whether they are employed or not. This also applies to stateless persons. The innovation was introduced a year ago. Previously, a person with another citizenship, in order to receive SNILS, had to enter into an employment contract with the employer for at least six months.

The only condition in 2018: a specialist arriving in Russia should not have the status of a highly qualified employee.

There is no need to pay to obtain an insurance number. It can be issued by a foreigner with a residence permit or temporary residence permit. For employees, the employer is obliged to make monthly contributions to the Pension Fund.

Compulsory insurance is required for:

  • Receiving social payments and benefits. For example, an old-age pension or survivor's benefit.
  • Receiving free medical care (if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy).

Registration procedure

The plastic card is issued by employees of the Pension Fund. If a citizen is not employed, he or she handles the registration independently. This applies, for example, to children. Parents or official guardians prepare documents for them. In other cases, it is the employer's responsibility.

Within two weeks after hiring a foreigner, the employer is obliged to contact the Pension Fund and submit documents for issuing a certificate. When SNILS is ready, give it to the employee. In this case, the applicant signs the statement, which is sent back to the fund.

It takes 3 weeks to process the questionnaire. The finished cards are handed over to the employer. Within a week, he is obliged to issue a certificate to the employee. If the foreigner submitted the application himself, he will have to pick up the finished card himself.

Required documents

List of documents for obtaining a certificate:

  1. Questionnaire. It is important that the personal data coincides with those indicated in the foreign citizen’s passport and migration documents. Parents or guardians fill out the questionnaire for children. Download the application form and sample filling in PDF.
  2. Original passport with a stamp about temporary residence permit or residence permit. If the main ID does not contain information in Russian, a translation must be completed and notarized.

The form is filled out in Russian in block letters. The applicant indicates full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, temporary registration address and telephone number. Some PF departments do not require a handwritten questionnaire. The fund employee fills out all sections independently in a computer program. At the end, the applicant puts his personal signature.

If circumstances are such that the employee cannot sign the form (for example, he is on a long business trip), the certificate will be issued without a signature.

Provided that the employer confirms the specified reason.

The procedure is completed only once. If you change employer, you do not need to re-issue the certificate. If you have a card, it will be provided upon employment.

If SNILS is lost, the foreigner must contact the employer and ask him to restore the document. Unemployed citizens apply to the Pension Fund themselves.

Pensions for foreign citizens

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Compulsory Pension Insurance” indicates that insured persons have the right to claim pension payments. Foreigners who have SNILS are no exception. This applies to payments upon reaching age, disability, etc.

An important nuance: the right to a pension is valid only in cases where a foreigner lives in Russia permanently. The proof can be a residence permit. You can go to court to protect your rights.

If a foreign citizen lives and works in our country, it would be a completely reasonable decision to issue a SNILS, because according to Russian laws any owner similar document(regardless of his citizenship) may subsequently qualify for a labor pension.

IN this issue representatives of other countries and peoples have exactly the same rights as Russians. Therefore, registration of SNILS by a foreigner promises him reliability and a stable pension in the future.

In addition, most employers simply do not have the right to hire employees who do not have a personal insurance number. Therefore, if a foreigner wants to work in Russia, he will most likely have to obtain this document without fail when applying for a job.

However, this is far from the only reason why you should get SNILS. There are many other reasons to do this, for example, the possibility of receiving various benefits and government services. In addition, one cannot help but notice that SNILS is a kind of personal sign of a person and helps to identify his personality.

This may be necessary, for example, for registration on various sites offering government services, etc.

In a word, registration of SNILS, of course, is not mandatory requirement to all foreign citizens living in our country. However, in many cases, obtaining this document by a foreigner is not only advisable, but also necessary. Who issues SNILS - an employee or an employer - read.

Today, there are two main ways to obtain SNILS, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages.

  1. If a foreigner gets a job in Russia and, SNILS is issued to him by the employer. In this case, there is no need to contact any government authorities; the employer takes all these worries upon himself. In particular, the potential boss must provide the pension fund with a questionnaire filled out for the employee, attaching copies of the necessary documents. In this case, the employer assumes responsibility for the correct execution of all papers and the actual process of obtaining SNILS.
  2. Foreigners also have the opportunity independently obtain your personal insurance number. To do this, you should contact the PF unit at the place of temporary or permanent registration. This method is usually used by those who do not have official employment In Russian federation.

Each of the methods described above has the right to exist. Any foreigner living in Russia can obtain SNILS both with the help of his employer and on our own. How to change SNILS when changing your last name - read.

Required documents

If a foreign citizen, temporarily or permanently living in our country, expects to receive a personal insurance number, he will have to prepare the following list of documents:

  1. Application form of the applicant (features of correct execution of the form - see below).
  2. Identity document. And in the case of foreign citizens, certain problems may arise with a passport (for example, if all the information in the passport is in a foreign language). It is likely that a foreigner may be additionally asked to have his passport translated into Russian, with notarization.

These two documents are quite enough to qualify for SNILS. With the exception of a notarized translation of a passport, the requirements for foreign citizens in this matter are absolutely the same as for Russians.

Completing the application form correctly

When submitting an application, it is extremely important to fill out the application form correctly. It includes standard questions related to the applicant's personal data. The questionnaire must necessarily disclose such mandatory items, such as date and place of birth, gender, nationality, place of registration and address actual residence, phone number, passport details, personal signature.

You must fill out the form in Russian, in neat letters, preferably printed (blue or black pen). In addition, it is also possible to find the form on the Internet and fill out all the points (except the signature) on the computer, and then just print it out and sign by hand.

Remember that the questionnaire must be completed as accurately and competently as possible, without any corrections, cross-outs or grammatical errors.

If a foreigner applying for SNILS does not speak Russian sufficiently, his Russian-speaking friends or colleagues can help him fill out the form. In this case, the risk of errors and misunderstandings will be reduced to a minimum.

So, let's denote once again, what actions should a foreign citizen take? who wants to gain individual number pension insurance.

  1. First of all, get your passport translated. Making a competent translation today is not difficult - in Russia these days there are countless translation agencies that are ready to translate any document from any language in the world into Russian for a small fee. Additionally, you will have to pay for notarization of the translation. Many translation agencies do these notarizations themselves.
  2. Fill out the application form. You can download it on the PF website and government service portals. Follow the instructions above to correct design questionnaires.
  3. If you are a working citizen, provide the prepared documents to your employer, who will be responsible for processing your SNILS. If you are not in the service, go in person to submit an application to the pension fund office. If SNILS is needed for a child under 14 years old, parents or parents can issue the document for him or her educational institution where he is undergoing training. Teenagers after the age of fourteen draw up a document according to the same rules as adults.

After you have submitted your documents for consideration, all you have to do is wait to receive finished document. If you submitted an application to the Pension Fund department, then you will need to receive SNILS there. If the employer is responsible for preparing the document, then he will be responsible for receiving it. How to replace SNILS - read by clicking on.

Registration cost

Like many other government services, registration of insurance pension number is produced absolutely free. To obtain this document, no fees or fees are required.

However, when registering SNILS by a representative of another country, the applicant will have to spend money on the services of a translation agency and notarization passport translation. The cost of such services may vary depending on the organization you contact. On average for notarized translation Such agencies take passports today from 1000 rubles and above.

Receipt times

Duration of registration of SNILS for representatives foreign countries standard and is three weeks (as for citizens of our country). If SNILS is issued by an employer to its employee, he must within one working week After receiving the completed document, issue it to the applicant.

In addition, there is one more important detail: an application for SNILS must be submitted within a period of no more than two weeks after a foreign citizen concludes an employment contract at a new workplace.

Registration via the Internet

IN Lately in our country there is an opportunity to get various kinds government services via the Internet. This seems to be a very convenient and rational way, so many people regularly resort to government online services in order to save their energy and time. Some of them are wondering: is it possible to apply for SNILS via the Internet?

You can really perform many important and useful operations online. However, such innovations do not apply to all existing types of services provided by the state. In particular, issuing SNILS via the Internet is not yet possible.

On the Pension Fund website you can find detailed explanations why this cannot be done. The fact is that an individual pension insurance number is personalized information, which, according to Russian laws, is strictly protected. Such important and personal information cannot be posted on global network and must be kept exclusively in the Pension Fund.

Therefore, registration of SNILS via the Internet is currently impossible. Probably in the distant future we have a chance to switch to electronic system submitting applications. But so far no such changes are expected, and registration of SNILS is possible only in branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Features for foreign citizens with temporary residence permit

Many foreigners coming to Russia strive with all their might to obtain a TRP (temporary residence permit). This document, desired by many migrants, makes it possible to officially reside in the Russian Federation until receiving a residence permit. A temporary residence permit gives foreigners many important advantages, such as employment opportunities, medical care, etc.

This document, of course, has a very important, But In fact, its presence does not affect the registration of SNILS in any way.

If, according to the old requirements, only foreigners who had an officially concluded employment contract and grounds for living in the Russian Federation could receive SNILS, then the recently adopted new rules significantly expand the category of foreigners who have the right to register with the pension fund.

Today, almost all foreigners legally present in Russia fall into this category, regardless of their status. They may have both a temporary residence stamp and permission to permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Regardless of the situation of a foreigner in our country, if he is here legally, he has every right to receive SNILS(of course, if all his documents are in order, and his passport has a stamp indicating temporary or permanent registration).


SNILS - very useful document, which opens up a lot of beneficial advantages to its owner. This document will be especially important and valuable for people arriving from other countries of the world. An unfamiliar environment, a new atmosphere, language difficulties - all this, of course, significantly complicates the life of a foreigner in Russia.

The presence of such a document as SNILS, allows you to minimize the series possible problems , associated, for example, with medical care or access to other government services.

Therefore, if a foreigner has the opportunity to legally obtain an individual pension insurance number, this should certainly be done.

The presence of such a document will protect a foreign citizen from a number of everyday problems and provide him with stable financial guarantees in future.

The company hires a foreign employee for the first time. It is not clear to personnel officers whether to issue a SNILS for a foreigner? It is not a fact that a foreigner will receive a pension in Russia. Why does he need a certificate of insurance? We will answer these questions in the article.

Almost all foreigners are subject to pension insurance

In fact, almost all foreign workers must be involved in the compulsory pension insurance system, and their earnings must be accrued insurance premiums. Therefore, if for a foreign citizen your enterprise is the first place of work in Russia, then he will have to issue an insurance pension card (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
It is not necessary to provide insurance certificates only to highly qualified foreign workers temporarily staying in Russia (Clause 1, Article 7, Part 2, Article 22.1 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ).

Let us recall that a highly qualified foreign worker is an employee who is a citizen of another country, has experience and skills in his profession and receives high salary(Clause 1, Article 13.2 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ).

SNILS is the insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person, which is contained in the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (Clause 1, Article 7 of the Law on Personalized Pension Accounting). It is needed, in particular, for maintaining personalized records, as well as preparing calculations for insurance premiums.

Procedure for obtaining an insurance certificate

Now let's move on to the question of how to get SNILS for a foreigner? It turns out that this needs to be done in the same order as when issuing an insurance certificate for an employee - Russian citizen.
You need to start with an application addressed to the head of the organization. In this application, written in any form, the foreign employee must state a request for the issuance of a pension insurance certificate.

After this, HR specialists must prepare a questionnaire for the insured person in the ADV-1 form and a list of documents submitted to the Pension Fund in the ADV-6-1 form.

To obtain SNILS for a foreign worker, the specified documents must be submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund (Articles 1, 7, 8, 9 of the Federal Law of 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ, clauses 17 and 25 of the Instructions, approved by resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund RF dated January 11, 2017 No. 2p).

Five working days after receiving the documents, the Pension Fund will assign the foreigner an insurance number for an individual personal account in the pension insurance system (SNILS). The insurance certificate that the foreign employee will receive will contain exactly this SNILS assigned to him.

For a Russian citizen, the concept of “SNILS” is familiar and natural: with using SNILS You can, for example, make an appointment with a doctor or receive government services. But for guests from other countries, this set of letters sounds at least strange. To clarify and put everything into perspective, let’s look at what this concept is, how a foreign citizen can get SNILS, how much it costs and how long to wait.

SNILS is...

This abbreviation means the insurance number of an individual personal account. In other words, this is the number of a specific person in the pension accounting system. Just like, for example, a TIN, it is assigned once and assigned to a person for life.

Is a foreigner required to fill out SNILS?

The essence pension provision is that working citizens make contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation), and after achieving of a certain age have the right to receive monthly payments (pensions).

It is precisely in order to carry out settlements with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation that you need.

As mentioned above, SNILS is a personal account number.

The person for whom the certificate is issued is called the insured.

For our fellow citizens, receiving this document is standard procedure, in relation to foreign guests It is often necessary to clarify how SNILS is issued for a foreigner. Let's figure it out.

Why should a foreigner apply for SNILS?

The purpose of the pension certificate is the same for both Russians and foreigners - to receive a pension in the future. Labor legislation states: when hiring a person, he provides SNILS so that the employer can make contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If there is no evidence, personnel services companies should take care of registering it for a newly hired employee.

Those who come to the Russian Federation to find a job do not always know whether a foreign citizen needs SNILS when applying for a job and why they should get it at all. Unfortunately, the truth of life is that there are dishonest employers who will not even ask about the presence of a pension certificate, but in the end this will become a problem for a foreign citizen. The law is the same for everyone: when applying for a job, any citizen (including foreigners) must provide SNILS.

Citizens of Belarus

A large number of citizens of the fraternal republic come to Russia to find work. In such case SNILS in Russia it’s the same for Belarusians mandatory document, as well as for Russians. Of course, if a person plans to get a job with an employer who complies with the requirements of the law, and does not invent gray schemes and clever traps for unsavvy foreigners.

Are there situations when Belarusians do not need to think about obtaining a pension certificate in the Russian Federation? Of course: there is no point in issuing a SNILS for citizens of Belarus if the purpose of their visit to the Russian Federation has nothing to do with finding a job and planning a pension. Such examples include, for example, training, tourism, temporary residence.

Most foreign citizens seek to settle in major cities, where there are more opportunities and prospects. Naturally, the capital of our Motherland is especially popular. In this regard, many would like to know how a Belarusian can get SNILS in Moscow.

It must be said that the receipt procedure itself is the same for both Moscow and other cities; it will be described below. It is much more difficult to answer the question related to job search, because sometimes local residents I have to go through interviews for months.

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Citizens of Kazakhstan

Citizens of Kazakhstan also see Russia as a very attractive place to implement their plans. This applies to education, employment, and living in general. However, before rushing to another country, people want to get as much information about it as possible. In relation to our state, they are concerned about how or how a citizen of Kazakhstan can obtain SNILS in Russia, whether it is necessary to obtain it, for what vacancies and wages you can calculate what rights foreign workers are entitled to.

Thanks to the warm friendship between the states, Kazakhstanis receive significant preferences in many areas of life. As for pensions, exceptions to general rule No. As in the case of guests from other countries, SNILS for citizens of Kazakhstan must be issued when a person officially gets a job in Russia. In all other cases, a foreigner has the right to independently decide whether he needs a pension certificate.

Most often, SNILS is issued to foreigners by the employer, so first you need to decide where to get a job.

Citizens of Ukraine

Just like the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine has always been close to Russia culturally, economically and social aspects. It is not surprising that the flow of guests from this country not only does not decrease, but is steadily increasing. However, Ukrainians often decide to stay in Russia, which means they need to think in advance about how and what they will live on when they reach the so-called working age. This is at least one reason to issue SNILS for citizens of Ukraine.

Although even this becomes secondary, since only those who worked and made regular contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are entitled to receive a pension. In this regard, the issue of employment and receiving official income comes to the fore.

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Citizens of Uzbekistan

Although Soviet Union broke up long ago and former republics become independent states, they managed to maintain good neighborly relations. To the already mentioned Kazakhstan and Belarus, we can safely add Uzbekistan. Residents of this country also come to Russia quite often: some to earn money, others to earn money.

Since the topic of our article concerns a pension certificate, then in this case there are no special features: a citizen of Uzbekistan will definitely need SNILS in Russia only in case of official employment. If a person does not plan to work, and is generally not sure that his pension will find him in Russia, then there is hardly any urgent need to issue a SNILS.

Registration procedure

The legislation determines that you can issue a pension certificate either on your own or in in some cases– through the employer. Strictly speaking, the algorithm of actions is the same, the only difference is who will submit the application with documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and receive a completed certificate. In this part of the article, we will look at both options: how to obtain SNILS for a foreigner on their own, and how to do it through an employer.

Most government and municipal services can be obtained in one of three ways:

  • appear in person at the department of the relevant department;
  • use the services multifunctional centers(hereinafter referred to as MFC);
  • contact government agencies through the specialized Internet portal State Services.

Unfortunately, obtaining a pension certificate is not included in this majority and issuing SNILS for foreign citizens through State Services is impossible. However, it’s not even a matter of nationality and nationality: Russians are in a similar position. Thus, there are only two ways to obtain SNILS - either in territorial office Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, or through the MFC.

Russian legislation divides foreign guests into three main categories:

  • temporary residents whose legality of stay is confirmed. If the period of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation exceeds 180 days within six months, you will need to issue a temporary residence permit (hereinafter referred to as a temporary residence permit));
  • temporary residents - those who have a temporary residence permit;
  • permanent residents - those who have a residence permit.

In this part of the article we will talk about how a foreign citizen with a temporary residence permit receives SNILS in 2019, is there or special requirements for foreigners with a residence permit, what to prepare for for those who only have a migration card.

For personnel officers, the questions of how to obtain SNILS for a foreign worker in 2019 and whether there are significant differences from the previously existing procedure are quite relevant. Although our legislation is updated periodically, in this case there have been no changes.

The employee must provide all the necessary documents, but handing them over to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, obtaining a certificate and issuing it to the insured is the responsibility of the employer.

Where to contact

One of the main questions is related to where a foreign citizen can obtain SNILS.

Strictly speaking, there are not many options. The easiest one is to come to territorial division A pension fund with an established package of documents, spend some time waiting in line, but in the end receive SNILS on the same day: a PF specialist will print out the certificate, laminate it and hand it over, as they say, from hand to hand.

Another method - contacting the MFC - is suitable for those who, for some reason, do not have the opportunity to appear at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Mode MFC work much more convenient than the Pension Fund. True, in this case, you will have to spend some time to ensure that the documents are transferred from the MFC to the Pension Fund, and then the finished certificate arrives at the MFC.

The third way, which is provided for by law, is associated with the use of the Internet, more precisely, the Portal of state and municipal services. Please note that in this way you can only obtain a duplicate of the pension certificate, primary document you will still have to register using one of the methods described above.

What documents are needed

Regardless of where the citizen/employer applies - to the Pension Fund or a multifunctional center - he will be asked to fill out an application form for the insured person. It contains standard personal data (full name, date and place of birth, etc.) and will not cause any difficulties with entering information. Naturally, not only does a foreign citizen submit an application for receiving SNILS; some documents must be attached to it.

Don’t panic in advance: issuing a pension certificate is perhaps one of the most comfortable procedures in terms of preparing documents. In this case, you will not need to collect various certificates and extracts, fill out papers, running around authorities and offices. However, despite the fact that the list is short, let’s still clarify what documents a foreign citizen needs to obtain SNILS.

So, along with the application the following is provided:

  • passport or other . Moreover, it must be translated into Russian and notarized;
  • a document confirming the legality of a foreigner’s presence in Russia (residence permit, mark on temporary residence permit or temporary residence permit in the form separate document(for stateless persons), );
  • if the application is submitted by a representative of the insured:
    • notarised power of attorney;
    • identification document of the representative.

Of particular interest is the question of what is needed to obtain SNILS for temporarily staying foreigners, that is, those who do not have a temporary residence permit or a residence permit. For them, the list of documents is similar, and a migration card is provided as confirmation of the legality of their stay in the Russian Federation.

Why may registration be refused?

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation may refuse to register and issue a pension certificate for one reason only: if a person is already registered in the system (and therefore a personal account has been opened) with the same personal data.

What is the price

Despite the fact that most government services require the payment of a state fee, registration of SNILS is free of charge.

Registration deadline

The standard period for consideration of the application and preparation of SNILS is 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application and documents. This period is provided for cases when the application is submitted through the MFC. If a person personally appears at the territorial division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, a pension certificate will be issued and issued on the day of application.

How can a foreigner obtain a TIN and SNILS in Russia: Video

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