Quarrels with neighbors. What a conspiracy, a prayer to read so that the neighbors will shut up, do not harm, do not make noise: words, ritual


You can choose your loved one, friends, colleagues, but, unfortunately for many, you don’t choose your neighbors. By their nature, neighbors can be completely different, with their own shortcomings and advantages, with their own “cockroaches” in their heads, but in any case, you need to live in harmony with them.

Yes, this is necessary, but what to do if you can’t live in peace and harmony, especially if we're talking about O communal apartment, where is almost everything common? How to make peace with your neighbors? In order to answer these questions, we want to give you some tips that will help you make peace with your neighbors and learn to live with them in the same apartment.

The first thing you definitely need to do is start greeting each other, at least just say hello. Greet your neighbors sincerely and with a smile so that they feel your warmth and benevolence. No matter how strong your past differences, no matter how strong your conflict, sooner or later your neighbors will begin to reciprocate your greeting, even if they have declared a silent war on you. Nobody, not even the most negative person will not be able to resist sincerity and openness. Even if you were very much insulted, be more educated and take the first step.

The second thing to do is try to talk to your neighbor. For example, you can ask him for help, say, find out from a neighbor how to find El Kantaoui hotels on a map, how to fix a TV, or simply ask him to use some thing. Even if your neighbor refuses to help you, you will know that you tried to do something, and he will think about why he refused you, because he is probably also uncomfortable that problems have arisen between you. And it is quite possible that after a while he himself will offer you help, or ask you for help. Don't sit still - take the first step and you will see what it can lead to. Only here you need to remember that if a neighbor refuses to help you, you don’t need to shout or swear at him, just quietly and calmly go to your room, don’t provoke a scandal, this will not lead to anything good.

The next thing you can do is arrange a holiday, especially since there may be plenty of reasons. Gather all the neighbors in the communal apartment, you can even invite neighbors from other apartments to make it more fun and the situation does not get tense between the owners of the warring rooms. You will see, at the holiday everyone will become family and forget about all grievances and conflicts. Only here it is necessary to take into account the fact that excessive use alcoholic drinks may provoke new scandals, be prepared to have time to resolve the conflict.

Every person in life chooses a life partner, as well as friends, but one cannot choose neighbors. You can get any kind of neighbors: irritable, hypersocial or antisocial, but you need to live with them in harmony and peace. What can cause misunderstandings with others and conflicts? Everything is very simple, because we do not clearly express what we want. For example, after 10 pm there are children roller skating upstairs, which makes it difficult to fall asleep. the main objective- this is to agree with parents so that children do not ride after 22-00, while the basis of any agreement is considered to be non-aggressive and clearly stated one’s desires. There is no need to immediately utter offensive phrases, as parents will immediately have a response. To make peace with your neighbors, it is best to start with polite communication and pronounce your wishes as correctly as possible and listen to your opponent; you can always come to an agreement.

Avoiding conflicts, setting rules

A very common conflict is when a neighbor smokes in the entrance and others don’t like it. In order to prevent conflict, someone who does not smoke must admit that he has the right to do so only if certain conditions are met, for example, not throwing cigarette butts around, keeping the room clean and ventilating. Any conflicts are very difficult to resolve administrative methods, since there will simply be no one to do this, and the neighbors, on the contrary, will continue to make noise. If it has already become so that relations with neighbors are damaged, there are still methods to make peace with neighbors. To get started, simply start greeting your neighbors - without smiling or flatteringly. Whatever the conflict, he will respond after some time in any case. Or you were in conflict over where you parked your car, if you park your car a little to the right or left, this will be regarded as a step towards improving relations.

Benefiting from it

It is best not to quarrel with the hypersocial type of neighbors. This type includes grandmothers with unspent energy. Our advice may work with such grandmothers. They are interested in everyone and everything, they turn off the lights in the entrance, clear the snow near the house, they have the entire entrance under control. They notice strangers at the entrance and immediately call the police. If a stranger walks near your car, they will also inform you immediately. Of course, they can be annoying, but it is advisable not to conflict with them, since they do more good than harm, but if it has already happened that a conflict cannot be avoided, be sure to as soon as possible you need to make peace with the hypersocial type of neighbors.

It is clear that it is impossible to resolve all conflicts ourselves and then you have to contact the authorities various kinds. Of course, it is best to try to make peace yourself; life shows that certain conditions can be negotiated even with antisocial neighbors, but if the psychological resource is spent trying to make peace, then you can resort to the help of authorities.

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Conflicts can be superficial and serious (with deep consequences), acute and chronic.

Different conflicts have different algorithms for resolving them. But they are all united by one condition - the need to come to an agreement and solve the problem peacefully: without threats, intimidation and, especially, assault and damage to property.

In our article we will look at multi-level categories of conflicts and offer tips for resolving them.

Disturbing the peace and quiet

This reason for conflict accounts for 30% of all controversial issues between neighbors.

Loud music or watching a television program at high volume, repair work, screaming and noise, even a child's cry can be identified as a violation:

  • Sanitary standards - during the daytime;
  • public order and tranquility protected by law - at night.

IN apartment building from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., residents are required to remain quiet without disturbing others to live in peace. Systematic excess acceptable standards silence may be considered an administrative violation.

To calm down noisy neighbors who do not respond to repeated requests and appeals, you must contact a representative law enforcement to draw up the appropriate act.

To do this, you need to call the local police officer and draw up an application for involvement in administrative responsibility troublemaker. If calls are repeated, the likelihood of attraction increases. This is fraught with a fine. If changes in behavior do not occur, then the issue of confiscation of, for example, audio equipment as a source of acoustic discomfort can be initiated.

The most difficult thing to get rid of is not only the noisy, but also the indecent behavior of drinking neighbors.

This is a long journey that must have good reasons. This requires:

  • Record all requests to the district police officer.
  • Receive a conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor about the excess permissible level noise.
  • Submit an application to district administration on the forced eviction of violators.

Emergency situation

This reason for conflict accounts for 25% of all controversial issues between neighbors. The most common emergency situations involve flooding.

Residents of houses built in the 50-60s of the last century, with outdated and often damaged waterproofing, are most susceptible to emergency flooding.

The owner of the property is responsible for maintaining the apartment in in good condition, including all engineering and communication networks and equipment, and is obliged to follow the rules for the operation of his own apartment and common property, taking into account the rights and interests of neighbors.

Actions to take if an apartment is flooded:

  1. De-energize the apartment to protect against short circuits using circuit breaker on the electrical panel.
  2. Find out the cause of the flooding as quickly as possible: for example, the upstairs neighbors forgot to turn off the tap or, if your apartment is on the top floor, rainwater has accumulated in the attic and is leaking.
  3. If you are unable to eliminate the cause yourself, call emergency team Housing Office and be sure to take from them a document confirming their visit indicating the team number, full name, contact numbers and date.
  4. Take photos or videos yourself of all the damage and, if possible, the source of the leak in the neighbor’s apartment, preferably with a time stamp.
  5. After eliminating the cause of the leak, call a commission from the housing office.
  6. Involve other neighbors to witness the consequences of the accident.
  7. After the commission’s visit, you should have a “Certificate of Flooding of Your Apartment” in your hands.
  8. Contact a damage assessment agency. Invite an expert a few days after emergency situation so that all the consequences have time to manifest themselves, because the water could still linger between the ceilings. All damage must be reflected in the “Appraiser’s Opinion on the Amount of Damage Caused.”
  9. The next action may be to invite a team of workers to draw up a plan repair work to eliminate the consequences and estimate future expenses.

To compensate for damage caused by flooding of an apartment, you must submit the following documents:

  • An act confirming the flooding of the apartment;
  • Conclusion independent appraiser about the extent of damage caused;
  • Estimate for restoration work.

What you need to know if you are the culprit of a flood

  1. You are not entitled to claim more than the actual damage as compensation.
  2. You must supervise the preparation of both the “Flooding Report” and the “Damage Assessment Report”. Agree on a time for the visit of housing office representatives and an independent appraiser. Documents can be drawn up in your presence.
  3. Swipe own photo and video recording of all consequences of flooding immediately after the emergency.
  4. If the injured party blocks access to a flooded premises, this is a violation and is identified as dishonest behavior aimed at material enrichment.

Fight for parking spaces

This reason for conflict accounts for 20% of all controversial issues between neighbors.

Methods of struggle should not be illegal and inadequate, otherwise you will become a lawbreaker.

Under no circumstances should you do following errors: fight by taking direct actions against a neighbor living in your or an adjacent entrance, such as a fight or intentional damage the surface of his car.

Fencing an area is illegal and is an offense punishable by a fine.

Your actions must be lawful and legally organized:

  • Take photographs of the license plates of the offender's car;
  • file a complaint with the district prefecture and district office ATC. Be sure to include photographs with your complaint.

The following offenses are also subject to fines: misconduct car owners in the yard:

  • Car wash;
  • car repair;
  • draining oil and gasoline;
  • simple vehicle with the engine running.

You need:

  • Take photos or videos of the offense;
  • Call the police and draw up a “Protocol on recording the offense.”

Inappropriate use of premises

This reason for conflict accounts for 15% of all controversial issues between neighbors.

If a neighbor's apartment is used for other purposes than for its intended purpose, you should file a complaint with housing inspection local administration.

This category also includes controversial uncoordinated redevelopments affecting load-bearing walls, communal attics and basements, communication rooms, as well as their clogging.

Also if your careless neighbors use part of the common space in the entrance to store large items and belongings (strollers, bicycles, even scooters or motorcycles). This controversial issue needs to be brought to general meeting residents of the house.

Without the permission of the other residents, agreed upon at the meeting, to carry out any actions to use the territory sharing unauthorized.

And for use common territory for storing a scooter or motorcycle there is a fine as administrative punishment for violation of fire safety standards.


This reason for conflict accounts for 10% of all controversial issues between neighbors.

On this moment The number of pets is not limited by regulations and laws. Therefore, it makes sense to complain only about those consequences of keeping animals that interfere with the calm and comfortable living: the dog barks loudly, especially at night, bad smell, dirt and unsanitary conditions in the entrance or neighboring apartment.

You should make a complaint:

  • In the housing office;
  • to the housing inspection;
  • to the district police officer with the subsequent drawing up of a Protocol.

The law prohibits walking a dog without a muzzle near the house, on playgrounds and sports grounds, as well as keeping animals on balconies and attics.

Violation of sanitary and hygienic rules

Smoking on the landing

There is a ban on smoking in elevators and premises common use apartment buildings.

You have the right to a comfortable living environment free from cigarette smoke and harm to health.

There is a fine for this. But first, we recommend using psychological technique impact: write an announcement asking not to smoke on staircases.

Neighbor's trash on the landing

If this situation repeats itself systematically, take action. You should start with peaceful actions of a psychological nature:

  • Knock on your neighbors’ door and remind them in a friendly manner about the bag of garbage outside the door: “ Good afternoon You probably forgot that your trash bag was left outside the door?»;
  • stick up a notice calling for people not to litter on staircase landings.

Most people are afraid of negative publicity, so publicizing the issue through an ad should work. But if not, then it’s time to write a statement to the police about violation of sanitary and hygienic rules for the use of residential premises. The next step is to contact the prosecutor's office.

Start with yourself

First, let's learn not to let things happen controversial situations to the level of conflict. Basic Rules:

  • Be the initiator of truly “neighborly” relationships. Do not speak rudely or unfairly about your neighbors “behind their eyes”; always greet them when you meet them. Humor is the shortest way to building good relationships.
  • Be an attentive, responsive neighbor yourself.
  • Get to know your neighbors better. It is not necessary to establish friendly relationships, but friendly and friendly communication is the key to good “neighborly” relations.
  • Find points of intersection of interests. You can be brought together by:
  1. Your homogeneous social level, it’s not for nothing that you live in the same house;
  2. Shopping in one supermarket within walking distance;
  3. Similar individual attachments: for example, love for dogs, cats, flowers, fish, cars;
  4. The same individual sessions: social media, knitting, sewing, gardening.

  • Don't allow yourself to do what you don't accept.
  • Listen to your neighbors' requests.
  • Show an example of the desired relationship. For example, if you plan to occasionally hold noisy parties, warn about this in advance. And then you can expect similar “steps forward” in response.
  • Don't be biased. Complaints should not be selective and apply only to those neighbors who you do not like.
  • Calmly accept complaints addressed to you. If they are fair and adequate, correct them. If they are unreasonable, then you should not promise to fulfill them and, of course, you should not react emotionally. Your answer might be something like this: " Your request has been heard. I'll figure out what's really going on».

If reasons for disagreement do arise, do not transfer the relationship to the category of conflict and aggressive, do not make hasty decisions.

Non-radical solutions

We try to resolve conflicts peacefully:

  1. For the first time, convey your wishes as a polite request. Only if your requests are ignored, consult a lawyer, and in some cases, resort to calling the police.
  2. Don’t talk about your neighbors’ guilt, otherwise you will get defensive words and actions in response. Avoid rhetorical questions: “ Why are you doing this?», « Do you have a conscience?» Tell us about your feelings, sensations and problems that may arise conflict situations. Eg: " I can’t sleep because of the noise, I get up early, I’ll feel bad. Could you listen to music not loudly?»
  3. Speak to the point, directly, not indirectly or in general phrases.
  4. Never make threats.
  5. Try to find a compromise solution. Don't make unrealistic or difficult to achieve demands. For example, it is possible to influence neighbors who are constantly making noise in terms of maintaining silence at night, but it is unreasonable to recommend that they increase the sound insulation of the apartment. Think about it and suggest own version solve the problem, and not just make complaints.
  6. If your relationship has ceased to be good neighborly, and you cannot express all your requests and wishes in orally, do it in writing in the form of a note. Written appeal does not convey emotions, so it will be perceived more adequately.
  7. Separate the primary problems from the secondary ones. Distribute them according to importance and the required speed of decision-making. Also decide for yourself the following: what issues can cease to be controversial - you can come to terms with them in general or on some certain conditions. Agree only on the main and priority issues of concern.
  8. Offer your help in solving the whole problem or some part of it. For example, get a ride to a workshop or arrange a call for a technician.
  9. Just don’t offer monetary participation in solving the problem. Don't widen the rift in your relationship by stressing different levels financial opportunities.
  10. Bring the job you started to completion together. Don’t push them with daily reminders, but if after a few weeks nothing is done on their part, remind them, then step up your participation.
  11. Don't think badly of your neighbors. They may have good reasons that do not allow you to satisfy your request on time.
  12. If things have moved forward and changes have occurred, express your gratitude to your neighbors, perhaps even in the form of a non-binding symbolic gift.
  13. Be lenient if you manage to agree on controversial issues. For example, if you managed to calm down noisy neighbors, then with understanding accept rare noisy events, the reason for which is an important event.
  14. After solving the problem, continue to build good neighborly relations.

If, after all your well-meaning appeals and requests, the neighbors continue to ignore them, you have every right move on to more radical measures.

Forced radical measures

Radical measures are taken only when all options to reach a peaceful agreement have been exhausted. They will take a lot of time and effort, and the relationship will completely fall apart.

  • Collect supporting evidence: photos of damage, video or audio recording of violations.
  • Familiarize yourself with the legislation and identify the violation, its category and degree of responsibility.
  • Place a call or formal appeal – complaint or statement – ​​to the appropriate service:
  1. To the district police officer;
  2. To the police;
  3. In the housing office;
  4. To the housing inspection;
  5. To the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  6. To the district department of the Internal Affairs Directorate;
  7. To the district prefecture;
  8. To the damage assessment agency.

  • Use the services of a lawyer - this will significantly speed up the process, but will require costs.
  • Enlist the support of other neighbors who are in solidarity with you on this conflict issue, but only if they are also the injured party.

A collective statement or complaint should not only have more weight in the relevant authorities, but can also change the attitude of careless neighbors towards the existing problem.



In any private conflict, there is a component of guilt on both sides: one side made a number of mistakes, the other was unable to correctly and correctly express its dissatisfaction, without leading to public quarrels and official proceedings - to radical actions.

Learn to negotiate, compromise, build good neighborly relations, and then it will be easy for you to solve any controversial issues non-aggressive peaceful means- like a neighbor.

YULIA IVASHUTKINA, especially for the site

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Conspiracies and rituals that will help get rid of bad neighbors.

People living in multi-storey buildings, they know how noisy and annoying neighbors can be. Neighbors who drink alcohol and narcotic drugs. In this case, life in own apartment becomes simply unbearable, and a person has to look for a way out of the current situation.

In our article we will tell you about not quite traditional way dealing with noisy neighbors - white magic. We will introduce you to the most effective prayers and rituals that will help you make your life calm and measured.

What a conspiracy, a prayer to read so that the neighbors will shut up, do not harm, do not make noise: words, ritual

A conspiracy so that the neighbors shut up, don’t do harm, don’t make noise

Before introducing you to the ritual and prayer from noisy neighbors, I would like to clarify that in this case the emotional state of a person plays an important role. If you want your actions to have an effect the first time required action, then try to carry out the ritual and read the words in the best possible mood.

If you do everything with negativity, then whether you like it or not, some of the negativity will inevitably come back to you. The easiest way to calm noisy neighbors without harming yourself or them is to use an ordinary nail and hammer it into the door frame.


  • Buy a nail on the day of the Full Moon
  • Bring it home and sprinkle it with Holy Water
  • Next, having first read the Our Father, proceed to the ritual
  • Light a church candle and thoroughly heat the nail in its flame
  • While the process is taking place, read a special prayer
  • Let the charmed nail cool down, and you can hammer it into the door of noisy neighbors
  • Do this when they are not at home
  • If you do everything correctly, its energy will affect the apartment’s residents for 6 to 8 months

Words for the ritual:

  • I heat the nail with holy fire and endow it with powerful power.
  • Let neither a cry, nor a sound, nor a rustle harm my home and my household.
  • Let the servants of God (name names) forget about screams, noise, turmoil and live in complete silence

Spell for salt from evil, bad and noisy neighbors: words, ritual

Spell for salt from evil, bad and noisy neighbors

Probably, it’s not even worth mentioning that ordinary kitchen salt has a mass positive qualities. One of the most pronounced is the ability to absorb negative energy. In view of this, if you want to get rid of evil, bad and noisy neighbors as quickly as possible, then try to fight it with the help of this product.

However, you must remember that in order for the salt to have the maximum effect on them, it must get into their house. Therefore, after the salt has been charmed, under any pretext, go to visit your neighbor and, unnoticed by her, add it to the salt shaker or simply hide it behind any cabinet.

  • Buy a new pack of salt from the store
  • Having brought it home, begin the ritual as quickly as possible.
  • You can’t take salt that you have, because by talking it, you will suppress the energy of your home
  • Pour salt into a saucer and start reading a spell over it
  • Words: I read a spell over salt, I wish peace and goodness to my neighbors
  • Live peacefully and amicably without creating unnecessary noise
  • Where this salt is located, there will be peace and grace
  • Repeat the spell over salt 40 times and you can take it to your neighbors’ house

A conspiracy against evil, bad and noisy neighbors: words, ritual

A conspiracy against evil, bad and noisy neighbors

One more effective way The fight against evil, bad and noisy neighbors is considered a conspiracy to the thread. In this case, it is best to use red wool thread. If you speak it correctly, it will be a kind of energy trait that will prevent the negativity emanating from your neighbors’ apartment from entering your home.


  • Buy a red woolen thread and a church candle
  • Heat the scissors over the candle and cut a small piece of thread with them
  • Lay it out on the table and start reading the plot
  • Words: The thread scorched by Holy fire, give peace to the lost souls of God’s servants (names)
  • Do not let them become a victim of the unclean and give them peace of mind
  • Protect my home from negativity coming from outside
  • Read the plot 3 times and then cut the thread into 2 parts
  • Place one of them under your threshold, and take the other to your neighbors

Pin spell to survive scandalous, envious, bad and arrogant neighbors: words, ritual

Pin plot to survive neighbors

The ritual with a pin is somewhat similar to the ritual with a nail. In this case, you will also need to speak with a pin, and then stick it into the door frame without the neighbors noticing. The ceremony must be carried out on the waning Moon, and if you do everything correctly, then within a month envious and noisy neighbors will begin to feel terrible discomfort in their home and will try to spend a lot of time outside the house. After some time, this discomfort will force them to sell the apartment or they will simply move out of it.


  • Sprinkle the pin with Holy water and read the Our Father 3 times
  • Light a church candle and start reading the plot
  • To do this, bend over the pin as low as possible and say the magic words 3 times
  • CONSPIRACY: Almighty, protect me in my troubles
  • Give me and my household peace and prosperity
  • Let the rowdy neighbors move out and make a nest for themselves elsewhere
  • I leave all the quarrels and squabbles at the threshold, there is no need for them to stay here anymore!

What kind of conspiracy from harmful and noisy neighbors above, to the side, on the site needs to be read 40 times so that they leave: words

Conspiracy from harmful and noisy neighbors above

If you have resorted to white magic at least once in your life, then you probably know that in any case it will bring benefits to both the one who asks for help and the one who is affected. This effect is obtained due to the fact that most often in conspiracies they turn to the Almighty or strong Saints.

This is probably why, when conducting such rituals, obligatory paraphernalia are church candles And Epiphany water. But besides all this, white magicians recommend that people read special prayers 40 times. Remember, the more internal strength and time you spend on pronouncing special words, the faster you will get results.

Conspiracy from noisy neighbors:

  • Save me, Almighty, save me from the hatred of all my relatives
  • I pray to you, Lord, calm down the neighbors.
  • Get them away from my home once and for all
  • Punish them fairly, let life near me no longer seem like honey to them
  • Let life be difficult for them here.
  • I ask for myself and for my good-natured neighbors. Amen

Conspiracy from Natalya Stepanova's neighbors: words

Conspiracy from Natalya Stepanova's neighbors No. 1

Conspiracy from Natalya Stepanova's neighbors No. 2

The Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova is famous for the fact that with the help of, it would seem, simple words helps solve the most difficult problems. In view of this, if you want to pacify or get rid of noisy neighbors, then try to do this with the help of her spells. Above we offer you 2 conspiracies that will certainly help you get rid of noise and negativity in the neighboring apartment.

How to make peace with neighbors so that neighbors love and respect: conspiracy, ritual

Conspiracy, ritual for reconciliation

If you want to make peace with your neighbors and find allies in them, then try to speak honey and just give it to the residents from noisy apartment. As they use it, the tension between you will subside. True, you must remember that in order for the charmed honey to have the desired effect, all this time you should not emanate negativity towards them.


  • On the Full Moon, buy a jar of honey
  • After bringing it home, place it on the window at night so that the moonlight falls on it.
  • This is necessary so that the honey is saturated with the power and wisdom of the luminary
  • When the moon wanes, start reading the plot
  • Words: Sticky honey, the strength and energy of kindness lies within you!
  • Make the hearts of God's servants (names) softer
  • Calm them down and bring peace to us all
  • Let there be peace and grace between us from now on. Amen

Pin spell for peace between neighbors: words, ritual

According to those who have used this method of reconciliation on themselves, it works almost flawlessly. If you do everything as correctly as possible, then with high probability we can say that you can forget about squabbles with your neighbors.


  • Buy a pin, and when you bring it home, immediately put it in a glass of water
  • Just keep in mind that it should be natural, not tap water.
  • Place the water with a pin on the window so that moonlight falls on it at night
  • She should be saturated with peaceful energy for 3 days and 3 nights
  • After this you can spell the pin
  • Words: Steel pin I order you (say your name)
  • Let the noisy and evil neighbors become kind and dear
  • Let love for me and my household settle in their souls
  • So be it!
  • The words above the pin must be read 3 times

Video: Ritual with a mirror from noisy neighbors

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