Station “Pharmaceutical Consulting for Consumers. Consulting consumers about the quality, consumer properties of goods, safety requirements for their operation (for each product group)


Stages of counseling



Modern society and the processes taking place in it pose a number of problems for a person that even his immediate predecessors did not face. This is due to such factors as the acceleration of the pace of social mobility, a fundamental change in the basic norms of society, the acceleration of the rate of its urbanization, the expansion of value-normative boundaries of human behavior and activity, etc. The listed and many other factors confront most people with the need to choose a single way to solve a social or personal problem from a variety of possible ones, each of which is significantly different from the others. Of course, a number of problems that a person faces can be successfully solved either independently or with the help of people close to him. But in a number of cases he lacks knowledge, experience, etc. Then the person is forced to resort to the help of a specialist, i.e. to get a consultation

Among the professional skills of a lawyer, counseling is obviously the most in demand. No matter who a lawyer works, no matter what position he holds, no matter what field he practices, he always has to advise “non-lawyers” on legal issues. The profession of a lawyer itself encourages citizens to turn to him for clarification of legal issues and ask him for advice.

From a psychological point of view, counseling can be defined as a process of communication between a lawyer and a “non-lawyer” regarding a life problem of a legal nature. When building his relationship with a client during the consulting process, a lawyer must be psychologically prepared to work with different people. In accordance with this, the relationship between lawyer and client is structured differently. Some relationship situations are repeated and become stereotypical for a lawyer, some are out of the ordinary. From the number of repeating situations, a unique typology of psychological portraits of clients is formed, and, probably, every practicing lawyer can talk about such clients and even offer figurative designations for their various types.

The lawyer, as a rule, does not choose the client. Therefore, the professional skill of a lawyer when conducting consultation, among other things, also includes the ability to achieve cooperation from any client, despite the characteristics of his personality, character, and type of behavior.

Concept of client counseling

Consulting is the process of interaction between a lawyer and a client regarding a life problem in order to identify possible legal options for solving it and their consequences, clarifying the ways and means of implementing the chosen option.

Consulting includes a set of skills and abilities. To successfully provide consultation, a lawyer must be able to:

Analyze factual information in order to highlight legally significant circumstances in it, distinguish between the main and secondary in it;

To navigate the regulatory material and find the legal basis for giving consultations and solving the problem;

Analyze legal norms and judicial practice;

Identify alternatives to the client’s actions to achieve his goals;

Clearly, clearly and clearly explain to the client the legal basis of his problem and possible solutions;

Predict the consequences of the client’s actions, including not only legal, but also others, both positive and useful, as well as negative;

Predict the consequences of your consultations in case of correct and incorrect perception of them by the client.

Considering that counseling is communication and interaction between people, various communication skills are also important for this activity, which here manifest themselves somewhat differently than during interviewing. During the counseling process, communication roles change. Now the lawyer plays an active role in the dialogue. He must provide the client with all the information he needs about the legal aspects of his problem. But this should be done in such a way that, firstly, the client understands what the lawyer is talking about, what certain provisions of the law mean, how they affect the possibility of solving his problem, what they threaten or promise him. Secondly, the lawyer’s explanations should not turn into a monologue, since counseling involves discussing the problem with the client. Therefore, when explaining legal issues to a client, a lawyer must be able to involve him in a dialogue, and during the conversation, check whether the client correctly understands his explanations, find out which of the proposed solutions he prefers and why.

When building his relationship with a client during the consulting process, a lawyer must be psychologically prepared to work with different people. In accordance with this, the relationship between lawyer and client is structured differently. Some relationship situations are repeated and become stereotypical for a lawyer, some are out of the ordinary. From the number of repeating situations, a unique typology of psychological portraits of clients is formed, and, probably, every practicing lawyer can talk about such clients and even offer figurative designations for their various types. The lawyer, as a rule, does not choose the client. Therefore, the professional skill of a lawyer when conducting consultation, among other things, also includes the ability to achieve cooperation from any client, despite the characteristics of his personality, character, and type of behavior.

Consulting is considered as a special type of intellectual and practical interaction between a lawyer and a client. Having studied the problem, identified possible solutions to it and calculated the possible consequences of each of them, the lawyer explains all this to the client. The client makes counter intellectual efforts, trying to understand and understand the lawyer’s explanations about the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed options. He himself calculates the possible benefits or losses for him and also makes volitional efforts, choosing one of the possible options, assessing its optimality, based on his subjective aspirations. Having chosen the necessary solution to the problem, the client and the lawyer continue cooperation, discussing ways and means of its implementation, determining which of them should take what actions to achieve this.

Of course, the basis of consulting is professional legal knowledge. The entire theoretical basis that is laid down in the memory and consciousness of a lawyer during academic training courses finds implementation and embodiment in the consulting process. In the absence of knowledge, incomplete or incorrect knowledge, a lawyer cannot give the client the correct answer and help resolve his problem.

Consulting with clients, like any form of student work in the clinic, is carried out under the supervision of a teacher. Students are not permitted or practiced at giving consultations during their initial admission. In consulting practice, two approaches (principles) have developed to building relationships between a lawyer and a client. One of them can be defined as the lawyer’s reliance on his own professionalism. The essence of this approach is that the lawyer considers it necessary and is ready to offer the client the most profitable (simple, effective, cheap, etc.) way to solve the problem, based on his own professional knowledge and experience. The client’s opinion is ignored or simply not taken into account.

Let's look at an example of this approach:

Mr. V contacted the Legal Clinic. During the conversation with him, students found out the following circumstances. V. worked as an engineer at a design institute, where for several months he was underpaid, without paying for the actual amount of work performed. After V. complained several times to the management of the institute and the labor dispute commission, he was fired from the institute altogether. At the same time, the dismissal was formalized “at his own request,” although V. was actually forced to write a corresponding statement, threatening that otherwise he would be fired for violating labor discipline. The student analyzed this situation, identified all possible options for solving the identified problems and came to the conclusion that it would be most expedient for V. to demand through the court that the dismissal be recognized as forced and reinstated at work. After this, he will be able to demand from the administration a review of the payment made. However, V., after listening to such a consultation, refused to follow this recommendation. Reinstatement at work was not part of his plans and he did not want to follow the proposed path.

This example shows that the lawyer and the client may have different perceptions of benefit. What seems best to a lawyer may be completely unacceptable to a client. Since the task of consulting is not the lawyer’s demonstration of his professional knowledge, but legal assistance to the client in resolving his problem, a different approach to the relationship between lawyer and client should be recognized as more correct.

The essence of this approach is that the lawyer builds his relationship with the client based on his interests. This approach is called “customer-centric”. Relying on the client requires the lawyer to clarify not only the essence of the client’s legal problem, the factual circumstances that gave rise to this problem, but also the client’s true desires, goals, and aspirations.

If the student counseling Mr. W had been guided by the client-centered approach, he would have conducted the consultation differently. First of all, he would start from the client's goals. V. told him in an interview that he would not like to go to work again with the same team and with the same boss. He would only like to recover the wages he was underpaid. Therefore, the student had to offer V. several options. And at least one of them should have discussed the possibility of achieving exactly the goal that Mr. V was striving for. If reinstatement was the “shortcut” to collecting unpaid amounts, this should have been explained to the client, showing that lawyers are not only remember, but also take into account his wishes.

Technological consulting includes several stages. To learn how to organize and conduct counseling, you need to have an understanding of these stages.

Stages of counseling

1. Preparing for counseling

This is a mandatory transition stage between interviewing and counseling. In time, it can take from several minutes to several days, weeks, and maybe even months; The amount of work required may also differ: for example, to reproduce in memory the text of an article of law or to study many facts, documents, and regulations. But, undoubtedly, without this stage, counseling is impossible!

In terms of implementation time, the 1st stage precedes counseling and at the same time is, as it were, outside of it. This is a kind of “zero” preliminary stage, but the foundation of counseling is laid here.

In preparation for consultation, the lawyer should once again summarize all the known facts obtained during the interview process while studying the documents. He must turn to the regulations: clarify and understand the text of laws and the content of legal norms, select from them the necessary ones that correspond to the facts and requirements of the client; determine the limits of their action and the consequences of their use, etc.

It is necessary to determine possible procedures for implementing legal norms in relation to the client’s situation; calculate possible material, time and other costs; required actions and efforts. You should also think about when, where, in what form (orally or in writing) it is advisable to conduct the upcoming consultation, and what supporting materials to offer.

Very often, when preparing a consultation after an interview, a lawyer realizes that he did not receive enough information during the interview, and there is a need to fill in the gaps. In these cases, before meeting with the client, it is necessary to prepare a “list of questions” to which you need answers. Then you can proceed as follows:

If it is possible to prepare a consultation taking into account all possible options for the client’s answer to a question that was not clarified during the interview, then you work as usual, but according to a more complex scheme;

In the case when a possible solution depends on a specific answer, but you cannot imagine what this answer will be, you should make an appointment with the client to obtain the missing information, and postpone the consultation. Or if you clearly and correctly filled out Registration Form No. 1, then you can contact the client by phone.

Here it is necessary to highlight and say separately about working with a teacher. The teacher gets acquainted with the materials and planning of the case and, if necessary, points out shortcomings and ways to eliminate them. In addition, the teacher can indicate the need for a repeat interview if it is determined that the amount of information that was obtained during the interview is insufficient to provide quality advice, and also indicate which copies of documents must be provided to the client. Based on the teacher's comments, the student eliminates the deficiencies and submits the final version of the consultation. If the student can limit himself to oral consultation and this will satisfy the client, it is advisable to record the entire course of consultation in writing in Registration Form No. 3, indicating all possible legal options for solving the client’s problem, their positive and negative aspects, as well as the procedure for implementing these solutions.

The need for this is due to the lack of experience in giving consultations among students, and a detailed description of the consultation will help the student concentrate on the information conveyed to the client, convey all the necessary information and simply not get confused.

Meeting with the client and explaining the procedure for conducting the consultation.

After careful preparation, you meet with the client at the appointed time. At this point, the psychological and organizational foundations of counseling are determined and formed. When interviewing a client, the lawyer has already received certain ideas about the client’s character, level of education and culture, abilities and behavior. Taking all this into account, the client’s meeting should be structured and the contact necessary for counseling should be established with him.

Such a meeting also conventionally consists of several stages. In order to turn the client into his “employee” and thereby ensure the effectiveness of the consultation, the lawyer needs to immediately determine and clearly define the goals and objectives of the meeting. First of all, since a certain period of time has passed since the interview, you must check with the client at the very beginning of the meeting whether there have been any changes in his situation, whether his intentions remain the same, or whether he wants to say anything additional. This is very important, since such information can significantly affect the content of the consultation.

If no significant changes have occurred in the situation, you can move on and determine the procedure for counseling. The point is that you can resort to various options for constructing a consultation: either listing all the options for resolving the problem, and then discussing each of them with the client, or conducting a one-by-one discussion of the options after they are voiced by the lawyer. An agreement reached with the client on these points will allow the consultation to be carried out in a more organized manner. When organizing a consultation, you should also accurately determine: how much time the lawyer can spend on it (he may have other matters planned for that day) and how much time the client has; Is this time enough for a calm and comprehensive discussion of all necessary issues? Taking into account the nature of the client, the procedure for discussing these issues should be immediately specified. The lawyer may invite the client to list and explain all possible options, and then discuss each of them or only those that interest the client. But he can conduct a discussion on each option separately and only after that choose the most suitable one for the client. You can propose to first discuss the options and only then the ways and means of their implementation, or do this simultaneously, so that when choosing an option, the client immediately takes into account the efforts and costs that the implementation of each option will require.

If the consultation procedure is agreed upon in advance with the client, the lawyer has the opportunity to interrupt abstract reasoning and at any time remind the client of the need to adhere to the established procedure.

Explaining to the client possible solution options and analyzing the possible consequences of each of them

It is clear that this is the central, most important stage of counseling. Special requirements must be placed on it.

First, the lawyer’s explanations must be clear and understandable. The ability to speak clearly and understandably is necessary for a lawyer, but it depends not only on his own literacy, the richness of his vocabulary, but also on the ability to “adapt” to the level of the client. After all, explanations are given to the client, and he, the client, must understand the lawyer.

Secondly, the lawyer must tell the client all possible options for solving the problem, including those that the client may not like or upset him. The lawyer must remain objective and promptly warn the client about possible failures.

Thirdly, the subject of explanation should be not only options for solving the problem, but also a forecast of possible consequences. Moreover, when discussing the consequences, the client plays an important role, since he may know about some circumstances unknown to the lawyer. For example, the lawyer did not discuss his family relationships with the client, since in this case they had no legal significance. For the client, it is important how his relatives will treat him before, during and after the resolution of the controversial issue.

Fourthly, it is necessary to explain the methods and possible costs for implementing the options discussed, and the role of the client himself in the implementation of each of them. The client must clearly imagine what efforts and costs the implementation of each option will require, both for the lawyer and for him personally.

Assisting the client in choosing the optimal solution

After all possible ways to solve his problem have been explained to the client and the possible consequences for him have been discussed with him, the lawyer moves on to the very important stage of choosing the optimal option. As a rule, at this stage the client is passive and listens to the lawyer’s monologue. However, do not get carried away with this, because just because the client is silent does not mean that he has nothing to say or nothing to ask. It is very important to conduct this part of the consultation in the form of dialogue. To do this, from time to time you can ask the client questions for understanding or use the following phrases:

If this interests you...

Can I explain to you what this means?...

What do you think about this proposal?...

Is this condition acceptable to you?...

The most important part in explaining the possible options is to outline the prospects for each of them, because it is on this basis that the client chooses one or another option. Since the prospects for solving the problem are, in any case, still the lawyer’s assumptions, they should not be presented as absolutely certain. A lawyer should neither exaggerate nor minimize the client’s chances of a positive outcome. This may cause the client to be too pessimistic, or, conversely, too optimistic, which is equally undesirable.

The sources of the information presented should be cited; this emphasizes both the reliability of the information provided and the competence of the consultant. Perhaps sometimes it is even necessary to show the client the text of the regulatory act.

Often the client's problem is complex and multidisciplinary in nature. In such cases, it is advisable to divide the problem into separate components and explain them in turn; also, arguments and arguments are better perceived if they are presented in turn.

Avoid simply listing options; go into detail about each, indicating the advantages and disadvantages.

There are situations when the same result can be achieved in different ways. In these cases, the client must also be offered all options, but it must be explained that the outcome will be the same.

As already noted, when conducting consultation based on the client, the latter’s opinion may not coincide with the lawyer’s opinion. A lawyer can only recommend to the client the solution that seems optimal to him. But after discussing all the options and their consequences, the client can choose another option. This is the client's right, and the lawyer must respect it. At the same time, in such situations, it would not be amiss to double-check whether the client correctly understood the essence and consequences of the option he chose. The lawyer can offer the client some kind of “reality test”, for example, ask whether the client is ready for significantly higher costs, or, conversely, certain losses that will certainly arise when implementing the option he has chosen. You can ask the client to explain why he chooses this particular option, how he imagines its implementation and possible results.

A lawyer should not give advice to a client, even if there is a strong desire to do so. A typical lawyer’s mistake is phrases such as the following: “There is one option for solving your problem..., but I would advise you to act differently...”.

It is important that the client perceives the decision as his own, and not imposed by the lawyer, otherwise there is a danger that he will subsequently blame the lawyer for not achieving his goal by acting in accordance with the lawyer’s recommendations.

However, this does not mean that the lawyer should be completely passive at this stage. It is possible that here again and again it will be necessary to remind you of the pros and cons of each option.

Many clients often try to shift the burden of decision-making to the lawyer, constantly asking questions like: “What would you do if you were me?”, “What would you advise me?” It is necessary to avoid answering these questions by explaining to the client that you are not in his place, and only he himself can determine what is preferable for him. If you see that the client is in doubt and cannot lean towards any specific solution option you have proposed, invite him to think and come next time when a solution is ripe.

If the consultation is one-time (explanation of the law or other regulatory act), assistance in choosing the optimal solution, as a rule, becomes the final stage. If further cooperation is planned, it is necessary to move on to the last stage of consultation.

Determining the strategy and tactics for implementing the decision.

Of all the proposed options, the client, with the help of a lawyer, chose the one that was most preferable to him. This causes him a certain satisfaction, but some confusion also arises: how to implement the chosen method of solving the problem?

After choosing the solution itself, the lawyer and the client continue to discuss specific actions until it is implemented. For example, if the client decides to go to court, you need to discuss with him when it is better to file a claim, what documents need to be attached to the claim, which court and which judge should be addressed, etc. If necessary, help.

Further work may require new meetings with the client, so these should be scheduled together with him. You should definitely explain to the client that if new or additional information appears, he should immediately inform you about it, as this may affect the way the decision is implemented.

The cooperation that the lawyer was able to achieve at the beginning of the consultation (and perhaps even earlier, during the interview process) will help him successfully complete it, and in the future will be the key to success in the implementation of the developed solution.

Once counseling is completed, it needs to be reviewed and evaluated. For this we can suggest

Goals and objectives of consulting in a legal clinic

The purpose of counseling in a legal clinic is:

development and accumulation of special counseling skills;

application of methods, techniques and techniques used by lawyers in providing consulting assistance;

acquisition of practical skills in future professional legal activities; consulting client lawyer

expanding the range of practical skills in the field of training through oral and (or) written consultation of citizens on legal issues, drawing up documents of a legal nature.

The objectives of industrial practice - consulting in a legal clinic in accordance with the types of professional activities are:

law enforcement activities: drafting legal documents;

law enforcement: ensuring legality, law and order, security of the individual, society and state;

expert and consulting activities: providing legal assistance, consulting on legal issues;

organizational and managerial activities: implementation of organizational and managerial functions.


The activities of each person, just like the activities of any company, are associated with various legal issues that require a clear and competent solution. Today, the work of any company is simply impossible without proper and professional legal support. In addition, the economic conditions of our country require comprehensive legal services, starting from the creation of a company, and throughout its entire activity. It is worth noting that it is better to give your preference not to one lawyer, but to a specialized firm that will provide more specialized legal advice.

Consultation is a process of interaction between a lawyer and a client regarding the latter’s problem in order to identify possible legal options for solving it and their consequences, clarify the ways and means of implementing the chosen solution to this problem. In addition to good knowledge of the law, activities in the form of giving advice and consultations presuppose the ability of a lawyer to analyze factual information in order to highlight legally significant circumstances in it; the ability to navigate the regulatory material and find a legal basis for solving the client’s problem; the ability to analyze legal norms and judicial practice in order to find alternative ways to solve the client’s legal problem that satisfy his interest; the ability to clearly, clearly and accessiblely explain to the principal the legal basis of his problem and possible ways to solve it; the ability to predict the consequences of one’s advice and consultations in case of correct or incorrect perception of them by the client.

The lawyer is obliged to convey to the client all the necessary information about the legal aspects of his problem. This should be done in such a way that the client understands what the lawyer is talking about, what certain provisions of the law mean, how they affect the possibility of solving his problem, what they threaten or promise him; The lawyer’s explanations should not turn into a monologue, since a consultation involves discussing the problem with the client.


1.Civil human rights: modern problems of theory and practice / ed. F.M. Rudinsky. - M., 2006.

.Krasnikova E.A. Ethics and psychology of professional activity. - M., 2003.

.Professional skills of a lawyer: Practical training experience. - M., 2001.

Smirnov D.A. Experience of creating a legal clinic at the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia // Criminal enforcement system: law, economics, management. - 2007. - No. 1.

.Smirnov D.A. Professional education and legal assistance to the vulnerable: experience of creating a legal clinic at the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia // Legal education and science. - 2007. - No. 1.

Legal clinic and modern legal education in Russia: educational and practical studies. allowance/answer. ed. S.L. Degtyarev. - M.: Wolters Kluwer, 2004.


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Consulting consumers about the quality, consumer properties of goods, safety requirements for their operation (for each product group)

Technology for selling textile goods

Textile products include fabrics and products made from them (pillows, mattresses).

Fabric is a textile product of relatively long length and small width, obtained by interlacing two systems of threads (warp and weft).

Natural fibers can be:

  • · Vegetable origin (cotton, flax, hemp);
  • · Animal origin (wool, natural silk);
  • Mineral origin (asbestos)

According to the raw materials of fabric there are:

  • - homogeneous;
  • - mixed raw materials.

The width of the fabric can range from narrow 30-50cm to wide 150-200cm.

Acceptance of fabrics is carried out at the warehouse by a materially responsible person through continuous 100% measuring according to accompanying documents (TTN), invoices and documents confirming the quality of the goods. In the section along the household ends.

Features of preparing fabrics for sale.

Upon arrival at the store, the fabrics are unpacked and transferred from factory packaging to retail packaging (rolling pieces of double folds and rolling onto boards).

Ways to display fabrics

In a display case, on a counter, they demonstrate it in action.

Methods of measuring.

By placing the meter on the fabric (for expensive fabrics) and folding it back.

Main defects of textile goods.

  • 1. Defects in threads (yarn) - knots, loops, uneven thickness, oily thread, flagella.
  • 2. Weaving defects - similar (breakage of 1-2 warp threads)
  • 3. Finishing defects - uneven coloring, distortion of the design, serifs (unpainted folds)

Exchange rules.

Measured goods are NOT subject to exchange!!!

Fabric marking

Marked with a stamp or labels. The mark is applied with indelible paint on the reverse side (the name of the manufacturer and the QC number and on the top piece - the length of the fabric in the piece). On the label - the name and trademark of the manufacturer, the nominal width of the fabric, the percentage of fibers, grade, piece number, production date and controller number.

Storage of goods

Store in dry rooms at t + 15 + 18 ° C and humidity 60-65%. Fabrics are packaged on pallets in stacks no higher than 2 m, unpacked - on racks according to groups, articles, drawings. It is necessary to protect from direct sunlight, moths and dust.

Technology of selling sewing goods.

By purpose:

  • · outerwear (coats, short coats, raincoats, jackets, overalls);
  • · costume items (trousers, jackets, suits, shorts)
  • · clothing items (dresses, blouses, skirts, vests, sundresses, robes, aprons)
  • · linen products and blankets (men's and boys' outer shirts, men's and boys' shirts, women's, men's and children's underwear, bed linen, pajamas, swimwear, underwear sets for adults and newborns, quilted blankets, children's toiletries)
  • · uniforms (coats, raincoats, greatcoats, peacoats, uniform suits)
  • · headdresses (caps, caps, caps, hats, Panama hats, berets, skullcaps, bonnets, caps)
  • · products for work and special purposes (sportswear)
  • · other sewing products (sleeping bags, sleeping bag liners, covers, faux fur collars)

Shirt sizes:

  • 1) neck circumference;
  • 2) chest circumference;
  • 3) height in cm.

Dimensions of men's trousers: 176-100-88 (176 - product height, 100 - hip volume, 88 - waist circumference).

Marking of sewing goods is carried out using a product label, a tape with the image of a trademark (stamp) and a control tape.

The product label must contain the following details:

  • · image of the manufacturer's trademark;
  • · legal address of the manufacturer;
  • · designation of the standard or specification;
  • · vendor code;
  • · model number;
  • · product size;
  • · its variety and date of issue;

It is recommended to store knitted products in clean, well-ventilated, dry rooms at a temperature not lower than 5°C and not higher than 40°C, RHV 65%. At higher humidity, mold may form on products and microorganisms may develop, resulting in discoloration or staining. At low humidity, products become brittle, hard, and overdried. Knitted items should be protected from direct sunlight and moths.

Control tape is required for all garments of outerwear, knitwear, men's and teenagers' shirts, women's underwear, nightgowns, and combinations. It indicates the size of the product.

The brand is used when marking hats and personal protective equipment.

Technology for selling knitted goods.

By purpose:

  • top:
    • - jacket - a product with a slit to the end of the waist, the sleeves are sewn in, ending with cuffs, wristbands, and sometimes folded inward. Can be single-breasted or double-breasted.
    • - vest - a sleeveless product with a slit along the entire length of the front.
    • - jumper (pullover) - has a fastener of limited length or without it, a collar of various designs or without a collar.
    • - sweater - a product with a high collar, single or double, with long sleeves.
  • · linen
  • hosiery
  • · gloves
  • · hats

By raw materials:

  • - made from natural fibers;
  • - from a mixture of different fibers.

According to the manufacturing method, products are divided into:

  • - regular;
  • - semi-regular;
  • - cut;
  • - combined.

Linen knitwear is divided into:

  • - household
  • - sporty

By gender and age they are divided into:

  • - men's underwear (overshirts, sweatshirts, long johns, T-shirts, briefs);
  • - lingerie (day shirts, night shirts, combinations, pantaloons, sets, negligees, petticoats);
  • - children's underwear (overalls, vests, shirts, rompers, envelopes, caps, booties).

Hosiery: women's and children's stockings, half-stockings, socks, tights, underwear, sports hosiery, medical stockings.

Headwear - berets, scarves, hats, caps, berets.


  • - by season - winter, summer, demi-season.
  • - according to production method - knitted, sewn.
  • - by size.

Quantitative acceptance

Carried out by the financially responsible person and/or team members by recalculating each commodity unit. If there are no discrepancies, then the financially responsible person puts a stamp and signature on the accompanying documents and accepts the goods. If there are any discrepancies, a representative of the supplier is called.

High quality reception.

It is carried out at the warehouse by a merchandiser using the method of continuous inspection. The product must comply with GOST, standards, technical specifications, have a certificate of quality (conformity), and hygiene certificates. If the product does not meet the quality, then a representative of the supplier is called.

The display is carried out according to articles, types, sizes, styles, models, colors, seasons, companies.

If the product does not suit the buyer in size, style, or color, it can be changed within 14 days, not counting the day of purchase, if there is a sales receipt, markings and preservation of its presentation.

If a defect is detected, the buyer contacts the store, writes a statement in 2 copies, is endorsed by the trade organization, and the product is accepted for examination. The examination must be carried out within 20 days in the presence of the buyer. From the 21st day, if the examination is not carried out, the buyer has the right to make a claim to recover 1% of the cost of the goods for each day of delay.

Linen and hosiery cannot be exchanged!

Assignment for all sections of topic 4.2:

  • 1. Compile and fill out a table of 10 product names for each product group.
  • 2. Attach the product label and decipher the dimensions.

Study the technology of selling textiles, clothing and knitwear.

Compile and fill out a table of 10 product names.

You should know that a visitor to any retail facility who is considering a product is more likely to purchase it only if there is comprehensive information about this product. Often, the information that is available on the packaging and contained in advertising materials does not fully satisfy the potential buyer.

This problem can always be eliminated, for example, through the sociability and competence of sales consultants. However, as practice has shown, most people do not welcome intrusive service.

Therefore, to the questions: “What interests you?” or “Can I help you with anything?” They answer: “I’ll take a look myself” or “Thanks, no need,” and some even immediately “disappear.”

This behavior of potential buyers is explained by various reasons (and there are many of them):

  • sometimes they prefer to make a choice in a calm environment, without the participation of, for example, a consultant;
  • sometimes the reason is that buyers rely only on their competence in choosing the product they need;
  • couples, due to their shyness, do not seek advice from sales consultants;
  • do not trust the seller;
  • the purpose of visiting a shopping facility is sometimes simple interest, curiosity, and not a purchase;
  • closed character.

People love to buy, but they don't like to be sold to. This is the ABC of sales.

Correct relationship with the client:

  • at the beginning of a conversation with a client, try to accurately determine his needs;
  • do not put pressure on the client, as he needs time to think;
  • if you are asked for advice, do not try to sell a slow-selling product;
  • offer not only the most expensive products, give the opportunity to choose;
  • when talking with a buyer, focus on solving his problem rather than on the sale itself;
  • always make alternative offers if the buyer does not find a product;
  • Congratulate each customer on the eve of the holiday: “Happy Holidays to you!”, or more specifically: “Merry Christmas!” (instead of the usual please);
  • deal with complaints without delay, do not waste time - this will only worsen the situation. Ask the buyer how he would like to resolve the problem, and do your best to accommodate him. Verify that the problem is resolved.

Consult correctly:

  • Consult only those who ask for it, or those who at least do not object to your consultation;
  • try to help in everything: find the right product, show where the numbers indicating the expiration date are located (often they are located in such a way that it is very difficult to find them);
  • study your labor battlefield thoroughly and become a good guide for buyers;
  • do not show the buyer with a gesture where the desired rack with goods or department is located, escort the buyer to the place or at least take two steps with him in the right direction (unless, of course, at the moment you are working with another buyer or simply cannot leave from the workplace). And no dissatisfied facial expressions! The buyer is your guest;
  • know everything about the product – “down to the decimal point”. To do this, you need to constantly study and read a lot;
  • be prepared to act as a consultant even in matters of culinary skill. For example, if you work in the “Vegetables and Fruits” department and you have avocados on sale, be sure to have two or three salad recipes from this fruit in stock. Moreover, shrimp, which, for example, are among the ingredients of the salad, will be immediately bought by a grateful buyer in your own store;
  • A sales consultant works like a doctor: he listens carefully, recommends, but does not force. He “makes the correct diagnosis,” that is, he finds out the true need. So you need to consult honestly, with a desire to help and do everything so that the buyer does not regret the purchase. The seller bears a great responsibility.


Modern society and the processes taking place in it pose a number of problems for a person that even his immediate predecessors did not face. This is due to such factors as the acceleration of the pace of social mobility, a fundamental change in the basic norms of society, the acceleration of the rate of its urbanization, the expansion of value-normative boundaries of human behavior and activity, etc. The listed and many other factors confront most people with the need to choose a single way to solve a social or personal problem from a variety of possible ones, each of which is significantly different from the others. Of course, a number of problems that a person faces can be successfully solved either independently or with the help of people close to him. But in a number of cases he lacks knowledge, experience, etc. Then the person is forced to resort to the help of a specialist, i.e. to get a consultation

Among the professional skills of a lawyer, counseling is obviously the most in demand. No matter who a lawyer works, no matter what position he holds, no matter what field he practices, he always has to advise “non-lawyers” on legal issues. The profession of a lawyer itself encourages citizens to turn to him for clarification of legal issues and ask him for advice.

From a psychological point of view, counseling can be defined as a process of communication between a lawyer and a “non-lawyer” regarding a life problem of a legal nature. When building his relationship with a client during the consulting process, a lawyer must be psychologically prepared to work with different people. In accordance with this, the relationship between lawyer and client is structured differently. Some relationship situations are repeated and become stereotypical for a lawyer, some are out of the ordinary. From the number of repeating situations, a unique typology of psychological portraits of clients is formed, and, probably, every practicing lawyer can talk about such clients and even offer figurative designations for their various types.

The lawyer, as a rule, does not choose the client. Therefore, the professional skill of a lawyer when conducting consultation, among other things, also includes the ability to achieve cooperation from any client, despite the characteristics of his personality, character, and type of behavior.

Concept of client counseling

Consulting is the process of interaction between a lawyer and a client regarding a life problem in order to identify possible legal options for solving it and their consequences, clarifying the ways and means of implementing the chosen option.

Consulting includes a set of skills and abilities. To successfully provide consultation, a lawyer must be able to:

Analyze factual information in order to highlight legally significant circumstances in it, distinguish between the main and secondary in it;

To navigate the regulatory material and find the legal basis for giving consultations and solving the problem;

Analyze legal norms and judicial practice;

Identify alternatives to the client’s actions to achieve his goals;

Clearly, clearly and clearly explain to the client the legal basis of his problem and possible solutions;

Predict the consequences of the client’s actions, including not only legal, but also others, both positive and useful, as well as negative;

Predict the consequences of your consultations in case of correct and incorrect perception of them by the client.

Considering that counseling is communication and interaction between people, various communication skills are also important for this activity, which here manifest themselves somewhat differently than during interviewing. During the counseling process, communication roles change. Now the lawyer plays an active role in the dialogue. He must provide the client with all the information he needs about the legal aspects of his problem. But this should be done in such a way that, firstly, the client understands what the lawyer is talking about, what certain provisions of the law mean, how they affect the possibility of solving his problem, what they threaten or promise him. Secondly, the lawyer’s explanations should not turn into a monologue, since counseling involves discussing the problem with the client. Therefore, when explaining legal issues to a client, a lawyer must be able to involve him in a dialogue, and during the conversation, check whether the client correctly understands his explanations, find out which of the proposed solutions he prefers and why.

When building his relationship with a client during the consulting process, a lawyer must be psychologically prepared to work with different people. In accordance with this, the relationship between lawyer and client is structured differently. Some relationship situations are repeated and become stereotypical for a lawyer, some are out of the ordinary. From the number of repeating situations, a unique typology of psychological portraits of clients is formed, and, probably, every practicing lawyer can talk about such clients and even offer figurative designations for their various types. The lawyer, as a rule, does not choose the client. Therefore, the professional skill of a lawyer when conducting consultation, among other things, also includes the ability to achieve cooperation from any client, despite the characteristics of his personality, character, and type of behavior.

Consulting is considered as a special type of intellectual and practical interaction between a lawyer and a client. Having studied the problem, identified possible solutions to it and calculated the possible consequences of each of them, the lawyer explains all this to the client. The client makes counter intellectual efforts, trying to understand and understand the lawyer’s explanations about the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed options. He himself calculates the possible benefits or losses for him and also makes volitional efforts, choosing one of the possible options, assessing its optimality, based on his subjective aspirations. Having chosen the necessary solution to the problem, the client and the lawyer continue cooperation, discussing ways and means of its implementation, determining which of them should take what actions to achieve this. Professional skills of a lawyer: Practical training experience. - M., 2001, p. 53

Of course, the basis of consulting is professional legal knowledge. The entire theoretical basis that is laid down in the memory and consciousness of a lawyer during academic training courses finds implementation and embodiment in the consulting process. In the absence of knowledge, incomplete or incorrect knowledge, a lawyer cannot give the client the correct answer and help resolve his problem.

Consulting with clients, like any form of student work in the clinic, is carried out under the supervision of a teacher. Students are not permitted or practiced at giving consultations during their initial admission. In consulting practice, two approaches (principles) have developed to building relationships between a lawyer and a client. One of them can be defined as the lawyer’s reliance on his own professionalism. The essence of this approach is that the lawyer considers it necessary and is ready to offer the client the most profitable (simple, effective, cheap, etc.) way to solve the problem, based on his own professional knowledge and experience. The client’s opinion is ignored or simply not taken into account.

Let's look at an example of this approach:

Mr. V contacted the Legal Clinic. During the conversation with him, students found out the following circumstances. V. worked as an engineer at a design institute, where for several months he was underpaid, without paying for the actual amount of work performed. After V. complained several times to the management of the institute and the labor dispute commission, he was fired from the institute altogether. At the same time, the dismissal was formalized “at his own request,” although V. was actually forced to write a corresponding statement, threatening that otherwise he would be fired for violating labor discipline. The student analyzed this situation, identified all possible options for solving the identified problems and came to the conclusion that it would be most expedient for V. to demand through the court that the dismissal be recognized as forced and reinstated at work. After this, he will be able to demand from the administration a review of the payment made. However, V., after listening to such a consultation, refused to follow this recommendation. Reinstatement at work was not part of his plans and he did not want to follow the proposed path.

This example shows that the lawyer and the client may have different perceptions of benefit. What seems best to a lawyer may be completely unacceptable to a client. Since the task of consulting is not the lawyer’s demonstration of his professional knowledge, but legal assistance to the client in resolving his problem, a different approach to the relationship between lawyer and client should be recognized as more correct.

The essence of this approach is that the lawyer builds his relationship with the client based on his interests. This approach is called “customer-centric”. Relying on the client requires the lawyer to clarify not only the essence of the client’s legal problem, the factual circumstances that gave rise to this problem, but also the client’s true desires, goals, and aspirations.

If the student counseling Mr. W had been guided by the client-centered approach, he would have conducted the consultation differently. First of all, he would start from the client's goals. V. told him in an interview that he would not like to go to work again with the same team and with the same boss. He would only like to recover the wages he was underpaid. Therefore, the student had to offer V. several options. And at least one of them should have discussed the possibility of achieving exactly the goal that Mr. V was striving for. If reinstatement was the “shortcut” to collecting unpaid amounts, this should have been explained to the client, showing that lawyers are not only remember, but also take into account his wishes.

Technological consulting includes several stages. To learn how to organize and conduct counseling, you need to have an understanding of these stages.

Promotions with the “Consulting” mechanic are gaining more and more popularity. This type of promotion is used both for advertising new products and for advertising established brands.

What are promotions with the “Consulting” mechanic?

It looks quite simple: in the department (or store) where your products are sold, there is a promoter who advises consumers on your product.

The promoter’s task is to switch the consumer’s attention from competitors’ products to your product. Very often, the work of a promoter-consultant is perceived by customers as the work of an ordinary store employee, and they are very willing to listen to his opinion (especially if the consultant knows information not only about your product, but also about competitors’ products, and can competently operate with all available data)

Many buyers decide to purchase a product of a particular brand directly in the store. It is at the moment when the buyer has doubts, or does not have sufficient information to choose a product, that a promoter (consultant) comes to his aid, who can answer all his questions regarding a specific product. In addition, the consultant will be able to emphasize the advantages of your product in relation to competitors, and provide information that the consumer will not be able to obtain when choosing a product on their own.

When is it appropriate to use the Consulting promotion?

Consulting is relevant when working with a group of products that have a large number of characteristics. Consulting is most often used for cosmetics, household chemicals, and personal care products. It is also very popular to use promoter-consultants in the sales of household appliances, audio and video equipment, tools, as well as all those goods that require special skills and knowledge (when purchasing such goods, consumers more often rely on the opinion of professional consultants). Consulting is also relevant when introducing new or specific goods and services to the market that were previously not known to the consumer.

Advantages of the “Consulting” promotion

Consulting is a type of promotion that can increase the attention of potential buyers at the point of sale of a focal product, highlight the advantages of a given product or service against the background of its main competitors, thereby increasing sales and brand awareness.

Consulting at a point of sale helps the target audience learn about a product or service in a detailed form from a promotional consultant, with their demonstration and full description of the characteristics. Consultations give potential buyers the opportunity to compare products and make their own choice.

Consulting is an effective and inexpensive form of advertising that has a long-term effect. As a result of the promotion, consumers learn more about the brand and purchase it more often. Consulting at a retail outlet is an opportunity to get a regular customer.

The consultant-promoter communicates with consumers in a friendly and polite manner, which contributes to the client’s affection for the brand. Explaining the benefits of a particular brand (product) and stimulating its purchase by consultants working directly at the product display increases sales efficiency several times compared to other marketing methods.

Solve the problem of increasing sales You can, by ordering a service from the Marketing Center “TOOLS” organizing consultations at points of sale. A professional approach to the selection and training of promotional personnel who can easily communicate with the target audience directly at the product shelves is the key to the effectiveness of financial investments and high profitability of the project.

Our qualified consultants, possessing the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills, will be able to unobtrusively shift the consumer’s attention to your product.

Our capabilities

Organizing and conducting promotional consultations at retail outlets includes several important aspects that we can easily solve for you:

  • We will provide qualified personnel that meet your requirements;
  • We will conduct training sessions for consultants;
  • We will develop an effective marketing message - “promotional text”;
  • We will offer an optimal targeted program and schedule for carrying out a BTL campaign;
  • We will help to implement an agreement on promotional consultations with retail outlets;
  • we will develop and produce promotional clothing, accompanying handouts and souvenirs;
  • We will provide you with a detailed report and photo report

Marketing Center “TOOLS” consultants are guaranteed to attract the attention of the target audience to your product!

Our company has carried out many successful promotional consultations. We know how to hold a successful event without large financial investments.

Marketing Center "TOOLS" offers you organization and consultation in such cities as: Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov, Belgorod, Kursk, Orel, Bryansk, Vladimir, Stary Oskol, Yelets, Tula, Ryazan, Smolensk, Kaluga, Yaroslavl, Rybinsk and others cities of Russia.

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