Stat data by inn. Letter from Rosstat free of charge

With the need to obtain OKVED codes, private entrepreneurs and legal entities for the first time. Codes are assigned by Rosstat: the information declared in the registration procedure is entered into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities. They are displayed in Rosstat's information letter and extracts from registers.

Statistics code structure

OKVED is a normatively established directory of business sectors, including a list and characteristics classification groups activities. OKVED codes reflect the areas of work of a particular SPD.

The statistics code is a number series 2-6 characters long. The first 4 are the most important: this component of the code is harmonized with international classification Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community.

The specifics of the domestic economy are reflected in the 5th and 6th digits.

Overwhelmingly official documents in the OKVED column you must indicate the first 4 digits of the main direction of economic activity.

In the registration procedure, specifying the scope of business at the level of a four-digit code is considered sufficient. A business entity receives the right to engage in any of the activities indicated by the 6-digit code and covered by the 4-digit group.

Information letter from Rosstat

Providing an information notice to Rosstat about registering a business entity with the Statistical Register is required for:

An information notice and an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities are required to obtain licenses/permits for defined by law activities. The presence of the appropriate OKVED code is a condition for issuing permits.

Grounds for the OKVED request

Entering information about individual entrepreneurs/organizations into the Statregister of Business Entities and issuing newsletter with OKVED codes can be primary or carried out in order to clarify the data.

Obtaining OKVED is possible on the following grounds:

  • registration of individual entrepreneur/legal entity;
  • change of personal data of an individual entrepreneur/change of the name of a legal entity;
  • change of permanent residence of an individual entrepreneur/legal address of the institution;
  • making changes to the list of areas of activity of a business entity by adding/deleting them;
  • creation of separate structural divisions;
  • replacement of a previously issued letter from Rosstat in connection with the change of OKONH;
  • the need to submit to government agencies.

OKVED does not take into account the form of ownership and organizational form business entity. In addition, work on the domestic market and foreign economic activity. Changing this data does not lead to the need to request OKVED.

Procedure for obtaining statistics codes

Representatives of individual entrepreneurs and enterprises that are registered within the normal procedures, as well as, need to contact Rosstat independently.

OKVED 2014 came into force: Video

Now you can receive a letter from Rosstat for FREE without leaving your home

Follow the new link and indicate the TIN of the organization!

ATTENTION, ENTREPRENEURS! Don't forget to submit new uniform reporting to Rosstat until April 1, 2016.

Information from the Rosstat Statregister for Moscow.What is Rosstat?

This is the Federal Service state statistics. It was created to maintain objective and complete statistical information on organizations, both state and non-state, individuals (authorities and management, funds mass media, population, scientific community, commercial organizations and entrepreneurs, international organizations). Rosstat has central office on federal level and territorial bodies located in all subjects Russian Federation. Rosstat carries out its activities directly and through its territorial bodies.

The city of Moscow has its own territorial body— Territorial body Federal service state statistics for the city of Moscow. The abbreviated name of the territorial body is Mosgorstat. It collects and processes primary statistical data, administrative data, forms and provides official statistical information about social, economic, demographic, environmental and other social processes in Moscow to the Federal State Statistics Service (all data is sent to the central office), authorities state power Moscow, authorities local government, organizations and citizens. Simply put, for example, during a population census, it is Rosstat that provides information on the results of the census.

Starting from the January 2005 report, Rosstat stopped developing and providing users with information on economic sectors in accordance with the All-Union Classification of Industries National economy(OKONKH) and provides consumers with data on types economic activity based on the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED). Statistical bodies have exclusive rights for the publication and distribution of their materials.

What is Statregister?

Rosstat conducts its statistical base data (Statistical Register - Statregister). The database contains information on all business entities registered on the territory of the Russian Federation. The activities of individuals and legal entities are subject to mandatory registration with Rosstat. Thus, the state monitors the activities of individuals and legal entities.

What does the abbreviation OKVED mean?

In the application when registering an individual as individual entrepreneur or when creating a legal entity, the types of activities that the individual entrepreneur will be engaged in or entity. Each type of activity is registered in the form of an OKVED code ( All-Russian classifier types of economic activity).

How to register with Rosstat?

After tax authority registered individual as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, he uploads data to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service. There, the received data is processed and codes of All-Russian classifiers are assigned, such as:

  • OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Entrepreneurs and Organizations, assigned individual registration number in the Statregister of Rosstat);
  • OKOGU (All-Russian Classification of Government and Management Bodies, reflects whose property the enterprise is);
  • OKOPF (All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms, an indicator of the form of ownership of the organization owned (private, foreign, etc.);
  • OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division, an indicator of the territory in which a particular organization is registered, indicating this code, taxes are paid on a territorial basis);
  • OKTMO (All-Russian Classifier of Territorial Municipal Entities, indicates the territorial affiliation of the organization by municipal units);
  • OKFS (All-Russian classifier of force property, assigned to a certain form own your code - Private property, code 16; Own charitable organizations- code 50, etc.).

Thus, registration with Rosstat is carried out automatically by the registering tax authority.

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