Statistics of accidents involving motorcyclists. Some statistics on accidents involving motorcyclists

MOSCOW, October 31 – RIA Novosti. The number of accidents caused by drivers of motorcycles and mopeds decreased in the last motorcycle season, the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia told RIA Novosti.

According to official accident statistics, in March-September 2017, more than 5.8 thousand such car accidents were registered, which is 12.3% less than in the same period last year. As a result of these incidents, 631 people died (a decrease of 17.1%) and more than 6.4 thousand were injured (a decrease of 11.9%).

Positive trend

The issues of reducing the level of accidents on the roads were discussed in detail at the All-Russian seminar-meeting of heads of State Traffic Inspectorate departments held in Orel.

The head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, emphasized that the tasks of ensuring road safety, including reducing road deaths, are a priority and are under constant control of the country's leadership. He noted that over the past five years, as a result of the measures taken, even against the backdrop of an increase in the number of vehicles, the number of deaths in road accidents has decreased by more than a quarter.

This became possible in particular thanks to the ongoing federal target program (FTP) “Improving road safety in 2013-2020”, improving the regulatory framework, strengthening liability for the most dangerous offenses, additional regulation of the activities of road owners, the introduction of new requirements for the arrangement of pedestrian transitions, an actively developing video recording system.

Statistics: leaders of violations

According to statistics, between 2005 and 2016 the number of accidents involving motorcyclists in Russia decreased by 67%. But the severity of the consequences of such accidents is of concern - last year alone, 607 motorcyclists were killed in road accidents and more than 5 thousand were injured.

Among the violations committed by motorcyclists on the road, the leading ones are maneuvering from lane to lane, speeding and failure to wear a helmet. In addition, often drivers of motorcycles and mopeds, like drivers of cars, do not follow the order of passage through intersections, drive into oncoming traffic and ignore the prohibiting traffic light signal.

“Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate pay special attention to suppressing violations by drivers of motorcycles and mopeds in the spring-summer period, when the number of these vehicles on the roads increases significantly,” said the deputy head of the Main Directorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in an interview with RIA Novosti Vladimir Kuzin.

According to him, during this period, traffic police motorcycle units operate on the roads. “Special raids are carried out, preventive work is carried out with drivers, and we encourage all road users to treat each other politely and attentively,” Kuzin emphasized.

“The reduction in the number of accidents involving motorcyclists is due, among other things, to the fact that it was possible to remove teenagers from driving these vehicles,” Natalya Agre, president of the Driving Without Danger expert center, told RIA Novosti.
Today, you can drive a motorcycle and moped only if you have a driver’s license. “If previously parents simply bought their child a new toy - a motorcycle or moped, now they need to take care of learning to drive this vehicle,” Agre emphasized.

Protection comes first

Another factor that has led to a reduction in the number of motorcyclist fatalities is the active use of passive safety - “motorcycle protection” - special vests, the so-called “turtle”, knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet.

As RIA Novosti was told in the expert center "Dangerous Traffic", several years ago a large-scale study was conducted, initiated by the Association of European Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), on accidents involving motorcycles, scooters and mopeds. It affected five countries - France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy.

The study found that quality equipment was effective in preventing serious injuries among two-wheeler riders. For example, in 64.6% of cases the jacket reduced and prevented pilot injuries, in 61.3% of cases - motorcycle trousers. Shoes, gloves and a helmet are also important; the latter, for example, can prevent or mitigate head injuries in almost 70% of cases.

“We are very grateful to the motorcycle community, which is actively working with us to promote the use of “protection” and a helmet by motorcyclists. In many situations, a helmet saves the driver from serious injuries, this has been repeatedly proven by both Russian and international studies,” said Natalya Agre.

According to her, a special place in addressing the issues of reducing accidents is occupied by targeted social campaigns, which are carried out by the State Traffic Inspectorate together with the expert center “Driving without Danger” within the framework of the Federal Target Program for road safety. Currently, a new campaign “Reason for Overtaking” has been launched, which will take place in ten constituent entities of the Russian Federation in six federal districts. Its main goal is to remind drivers of the rules for overtaking and thereby prevent further accidents.

The material was prepared within the framework of the Federal Target Program

Tens of thousands of people die every year in car accidents. Such figures are many times higher than the number of deaths in plane crashes and other situations. Statistics show a negative trend for road accidents, but the results are still not encouraging.

What changes have occurred compared to 2015

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Today, fatal accidents occur quite often on the territory of the Russian Federation. The reasons for this can be very different.

Moreover, according to statistics, most often all kinds of accidents have serious consequences not only in terms of material damage, but also harm to health and life.

It is for this reason that the payment limit for payments was increased again relatively recently. For 2019, the amount is about 500 thousand rubles.

The dynamics of such incidents on the territory of the Russian Federation changes relatively little over time. However, it is important to know the official statistics.

You should especially carefully figure out in advance what to do with receiving insurance payments in the event of this type of traffic accident.

Today it will be possible to obtain information about road deaths in our country from public sources.

In 2019 alone, about 126 thousand road traffic accidents were recorded on the territory of the Russian Federation, in which injuries and deaths were registered.

It should be taken into account that in general there are significantly fewer car accidents than there were last year. At the same time, the total number of deaths increased quite significantly - by 16.6 thousand people.

The main causes of death in road accidents, according to official statistics, are the poor quality of the road surface and driving while intoxicated - alcoholic or otherwise.

The total number of victims who survived and received serious injuries has decreased slightly, but in comparison with other countries remains excessively high - 160 thousand people.

At the same time, the percentage of deaths directly related to driver violations of traffic rules is relatively low. This figure is only 2.2% of the total number of fatal accidents.

Statistics for 2019 by regions of Russia

It is also necessary to take into account that the number of accidents with different outcomes varies significantly in different regions. Accordingly, the reasons for the occurrence of such situations also differ quite significantly.

For 2019, the following statistics differ significantly:

  • general statistics of road accidents;
  • deaths of people in road accidents;
  • with the participation of cyclists;
  • involving motorcycles;
  • with the participation of children;
  • at intersections;
  • due to the fault of pedestrians;
  • at crossings;
  • by personal transport;
  • on freight transport;
  • by public transport.

general Statistics

Today, the general statistics of road accidents in various regions is generally not reassuring. This is why you need to be as careful as possible on the roads. Since many drivers simply do not want to follow traffic rules.

Usually, it is precisely because of this circumstance that all sorts of accidents and other unpleasant situations involving motorists occur.

For 2019, the general statistics of road accidents on the territory of the Russian Federation are as follows:

Despite the negative dynamics, the total number of incidents is quite large. In general, Russia ranks among the first among other countries in terms of the number of accidents.

Deaths of people

The mortality rate in road accidents is more than 16 thousand people throughout our country. However, this indicator varies significantly depending on the region.

For the entire 2019, by region, the following number of citizens died in road accidents for various reasons:

In general, the number of deaths in different cities varies relatively little. For the most part, all kinds of accidents occur precisely because of the poor quality of the road surface.

Also very important is the large number of drivers using their vehicles while intoxicated.

With the participation of cyclists

Every year, the type of transport such as a bicycle is becoming increasingly popular in our country.

Due to the lack of equipped infrastructure in a large number of cities, regular roads are used for cycling. This is the main cause of accidents involving cyclists.

Accordingly, special devices are rarely used to make moving bicycles more visible on the road surface.

The causes of road accidents involving cyclists are varied. Often the latter receive serious injuries or simply die.

Again, most of these situations occur due to the lack of special protective shields and helmets.

Accurate official statistics regarding accidents with bicycles are currently unavailable. The main reason for this is precisely the situation with the status of this vehicle.

According to regulatory documents, a bicycle is not recognized as a vehicle. Accordingly, accidents involving a bicycle are not taken into account separately from other road accidents.

According to unofficial data, statistics on bicycle accidents are as follows:

The data indicated above is valid for Moscow and the region. However, these figures may differ significantly from actual figures.

Featuring motorcycles

Motorsport is one of the most dangerous and extreme sports today. It is precisely because of the danger of this type of transport that a large number of accidents involving motorcycles occur.

Moreover, most often it is the driver of a two-wheeled vehicle who initiates accidents.

Usually the main reason is neglect of traffic rules, dangerous driving, and a malfunction of the motorcycle.

Accordingly, the number of deaths of motorcycle drivers is significantly higher than that of car drivers.

Again, according to official statistics, motorcyclists are 29 times more likely to be involved in fatal accidents than car drivers.

There is a fairly simple explanation for this - when driving a regular car, the driver is simply protected by the body. Also, in most cases, the motorcycle has the ability to reach higher speeds.

In 2019, about 181 accidents involving motorcycles were recorded. However, this indicator changed compared to the previous year as follows:

With the participation of children

Today, children become involved in road accidents no less often than adults. Especially during the period when schooling takes place.

Most often, accidents occur at pedestrian crossings - when children simply do not follow the rules for crossing such places.

For the whole of 2019, statistics involving children are as follows:

In general, the number of minors injured in road accidents has decreased slightly. Mostly due to direct interaction between school employees and the traffic police.

For minors, special class hours are held - during which educational work is carried out.

During life safety lessons, students receive detailed information about proper behavior on the roads and learn the rules of the road.

At the crossroads

From a road safety point of view, it will be necessary to carefully navigate through the intersection of equal and unequal roads.

Since it is in such places that all sorts of difficult situations most often arise. Usually the reason for this is a banal failure to comply with traffic rules.

Moreover, there are separate statistics specifically for road accidents at intersections. It varies for different cities of the Russian Federation:

Due to the fault of pedestrians

Road traffic accidents caused by pedestrians also occur quite often. Moreover, the cause is usually the pedestrians themselves.

Drivers' inattention and violation of traffic rules are somewhat less common.

Moreover, again, separate statistics are kept on road accidents due to collisions with pedestrians - for different cities:

At crossings

Railroad crossings are one of the most problematic places on the road. There are special rules for crossing such areas. But drivers often violate these rules.

This is why various road accidents occur. Statistics for these are again kept separately - as well as for road accidents at intersections.

The statistics themselves look like this:

By personal transport

Separately, statistics are also kept on road accidents that occur when the owner drives such a car. Moreover, these statistics are disappointing.

Every year more and more such accidents occur. The reasons for this are varied. Most often, drivers who received their license relatively recently get into accidents.

The accident statistics for personal transport are as follows:

By freight transport

Accordingly, again, such data differ significantly between cities. In 2019, there is a negative trend – the number of accidents involving freight transport is significantly lower.

However, the number of dead and wounded was not much less:

By public transport

Separately, it is worth noting the fact of maintaining statistics on road accidents involving public transport. The specifics of using such transport have some peculiarities.

Because of this, buses get into traffic accidents relatively infrequently. Things are different with minibuses.

In many cities, they are the main source of danger on the road:

Number of accidents by car brand

The number of road accidents varies significantly depending on the make of the car. Most often, accidents involve either very old cars or cars with powerful engines - the owners of which often exceed the speed limit.

Accordingly, the causes of road accidents are completely standard - non-compliance with traffic rules and speeding.

The statistics look like this:


All the main causes of road accidents can be divided into two main categories:

  • due to unsatisfactory quality of the road surface;
  • due to the presence of drunk drivers.

At the moment the statistics look like this:

What is the government doing to reduce accidents?

The statistics of road accidents while intoxicated have a negative trend. The reason for this is the presence of a large number of measures taken by the state.

These include:

  • control on roads by law enforcement agencies has been strengthened;
  • Preventative checks of drivers are carried out on holidays, as well as before and after them;
  • restrictions are introduced on the sale of alcoholic beverages in certain places, as well as at certain times of the day;
  • Penalties for drunk driving are being tightened.

Every year the number of “drunk” accidents, as well as those arising for other reasons, decreases.

But it should be taken into account that, compared to other countries, Russia loses significantly in terms of the number of road accidents that occur.

The overall rate of road accidents in Russia for the period from January to May 2016 compared to the same period last year decreased by 7.9%, 58,161 accidents occurred.

The majority of road traffic accidents with injuries occurred with drivers of cars (39,587 accidents of the total), 4,517 with drivers of freight vehicles, in 20,978 cases passengers were involved in accidents and almost the same number, 19,078 times, with pedestrians.

Drivers began to violate traffic rules less, -7.6% for the period under review. In total, the authorities recorded 50,178 road accidents.

As we said, drivers of passenger cars most often violate traffic rules, but their number decreased by -9.4% compared to the same period last year. Of these, 3,437 (-25.1) people were involved in traffic accidents while drunk.

Bus drivers, as always, are less likely to get into accidents due to their own fault; 1,974 accidents in Russia for the month of May.

The motorcycle season is in full swing, and the data on the number of motorcycle accidents is as follows: Motorcycle drivers were involved in road accidents due to their own fault 1,200 times, which is 28.7% lower than last year; 202 people were recorded in a state of intoxication (-46.0%).

According to statistics, moped drivers were involved in 688 accidents in May.

Road traffic accidents and victims by type of accident

Road accident






Road accidents and casualties - total







Of these, by type of accident -

vehicle collision







vehicle rollover







hitting a standing vehicle







collision with a pedestrian







hitting an obstacle







hitting a cyclist







collision with a horse-drawn vehicle







passenger fall







hitting an animal







The most dangerous days of the week, according to the State Road Safety Inspectorate, were Monday and Friday, and the least difficult day was Sunday.

The overwhelming number of road accidents were caused by male drivers, 39,477. Women appeared in reports almost 7 thousand times.

In the Russian Federation over a five-month period, 19,078 accidents involving pedestrians occurred. 18,584 collisions with pedestrians, of which more than 10 thousand times the collision occurred due to the fault of drivers. Almost half of this type of accident occurred at night.

The number of road accidents involving children is decreasing. In total, 6 thousand road accidents were recorded in Russia in which children under 16 years of age were injured. 2,900 children involved in road accidents were hit by vehicles.

According to the traffic police, there were 7,766 victims under the age of 18 in the period from January to May 2016.

In 2015, in some regions of the Russian Federation, the incidence of accidents on highways, roads and highways decreased significantly. And, nevertheless, I would like to reduce the number of such incidents even further, first of all, so that fewer people die.

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One form of influencing driver awareness is the release of statistics that can show a holistic picture of how often people die in road accidents.

What changes have occurred in the number of road accidents compared to 2018?

In general, of course, the volume of accidents on Russian roads is decreasing.

However, in certain regions of the country, one can see a completely opposite picture – incidents of accidents due to repair work on roads and nearby areas are becoming more frequent, and the number of collisions with pedestrians or accidents caused by child pedestrians has increased significantly.

Faulty cars also continue to make themselves felt; they often appear in one or another accident as the culprit. In addition, it has been noticed that for one reason or another, accidents on roads where buses with passengers are involved are becoming more common.

To understand in which direction the general trend in road accidents is moving, you need to consider at least the general statistics for the past periods of 2018 in relation to the periods of 2018.

In comparison with data on road accidents, for example, for the period January-August 2018, for the same period of time, but already in 2018, the reduction in accidents with serious consequences, injuries and deaths decreased by 9.2%, which is 115. 3 thousand cases of road accidents.

Of them:

  • accidents with casualties and fatalities decreased by 15.3%, which is 14.3 thousand people;
  • incidents with injured citizens, both direct participants in a car accident and indirect ones, for example, passing vehicles that could somehow be caught in the incident, decreased by 9.6%, which is in digital terms - 146.2 thousand people;
  • in the general trend, the number of collisions with pedestrians in the first two months of 2018 fell by 1.5% compared to the previous year 2018, amounting to 32.2 thousand cases;
  • but then experts began to note a slight increase in accidents due to pedestrians - 7.1 thousand accidents in eight months of 2018 (+11.9%), of which 440 people. died (+2.3%) and 7.3 thousand people were injured (+11.7%);
  • in January-August, 5.3 thousand cases of collisions with children were identified, which increased by 2.6% compared to 2018;
  • during the same period, 164 of all cases were fatal (+3.8%), and 53 thousand children were maimed and seriously injured (+3.1%).

Regression was also noted in the case of collisions with workers who are engaged in the construction of roadside facilities or road repairs, and there have also been increasing cases of collisions with traffic police officers and other special workers.

The deterioration of these indicators is noted in the following figures:

  • compared to the previous year 2018, there were 38.7% more cases of collisions with road service workers;
  • in numerical terms, there were 4.4 thousand such accidents in 2018;
  • Of this number, 600 people died, which is 40.7%;
  • of this number, 5.5 thousand people were wounded, which is 36.9% in percentage terms.

At the same time, there is also a reduction in funding from the state budget for road services. Financing for road construction in 2018 decreased by 25% compared to 2018, which is why the pace and volume of construction work on roads is decreasing.

But even this factor had no effect on reducing accidents on the road surface involving road workers and road service employees.

In addition to road construction workers, accidents have also increased due to delivery drivers who drive buses.

It should be noted, as an example, the largest accidents involving this category of transport:

  • in just 8 months of 2018, compared to last year, there were more than 2,000 accidents involving buses and drivers with licensed carriers;
  • in percentage terms, this factor is 13.6% more than last year;
  • the total rate of such accidents amounted to more than 3,000 cases, which is 8.2% more than a year ago;
  • the total number of deaths caused by buses is 223 people, which is 42% more than last year;
  • 4.6 thousand people were wounded, which is 12.5% ​​more than in the previous annual period;
  • the largest accidents occurred in the Khabarovsk Territory, Chechnya and the Omsk Region;
  • Already these three major accidents showed an impressive death toll - 128 passengers, including drivers;
  • This figure is a percentage increase of 58% compared to 8 months of 2018.

In addition to everything else, statisticians include elderly drivers in a separate category, due to whose carelessness in 2018, 5,000 cases with serious consequences have already occurred between January and August.

People aged 60-70 years found themselves in these situations. Last year, the elderly contingent had 10.2% fewer accidents than it does today.

And the last obvious reason that is actively changing the statistics of this year compared to last year is faulty vehicles.

It was noted that due to the poor technical condition of cars, accidents occurred 12.2% more often than in 2018 (that’s 1.4 thousand cases).

Statistics for 2018 by regions of Russia

Information on impaired traffic safety on the roadway is annually compiled and presented to the public on the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate website. Where you can always get acquainted with changes or details, accidents in detail, so to speak. The work of extras is regulated.

Reports will show general indicators for a given period of time; you can study data on accidents involving various categories of citizens - users of motor vehicles and other types of vehicles.

In addition, statistics on road accidents while intoxicated, involving children, accidents at intersections or railway crossings and other details that may be significantly important for Russian citizens are presented separately.


In total, more than 14,000 people died across Russia in 8 months in 2018.

For the period of 9 months that have passed in 2018, statistical data for the Russian Federation have already been noted, which amounted to the following picture:

And in the first 6 months of 2018, 79,199 cases of accidents on the roads were recorded. Of these, 9,712 people were killed, 99,740 people were injured, according to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation.

The peak of accidents still occurs on weekends – Saturday and Sunday. Moreover, for some reason this is precisely the evening time - from 17 to 18 pm.

There were 30,667 accidents due to poor quality road surfaces. And because of drunk drivers – 5396 cases of accidents.

Number of car accidents in detail

To see more detailed statistics for all of Russia for the past period in 2018, you can quickly study the table for the main regions of the country:

Name of the region of the Russian Federation
Moscow 7538 492 8664
Moscow region 5687 985 6923
Nizhny Novgorod Region 3939 379 5103
Saint Petersburg 5292 253 6341
Leningrad region 2522 451 3372
Rostov region 3843 501 4868
Volgograd region 1762 248 2136
Komi Republic 805 95 1082
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 1395 174 1874
Tomsk region 624 80 763
Krasnoyarsk region 3376 422 4293
Irkutsk region 2399 342 2886
Altai region 2573 233 3255
Khabarovsk region 1403 156 1788
Amur region 1048 113 1325
Sakhalin region 574 68 731
Magadan Region 197 25 257
Saha Republic 774 90 986

Deaths in road accidents:

Name of the region of the Russian Federation Number of road accidents for 9 months of 2018 with fatalities
Moscow 492
Moscow region 985
Nizhny Novgorod Region 379
Saint Petersburg 253
Leningrad region 451
Rostov region 501
Volgograd region 248
Komi Republic 95
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 174
Tomsk region 80
Krasnoyarsk region 422
Irkutsk region 342
Altai region 233
Khabarovsk region 156
Amur region 113
Sakhalin region 68
Magadan Region 25
Saha Republic 90
Name of the region of the Russian Federation Number of road accidents for 9 months of 2018 Of these, the total number of deaths in the region Of these, the total number of wounded in the region
Moscow 245 2 243
Moscow region 169 18 152
Nizhny Novgorod Region 195 16 181
Saint Petersburg 269 1 270
Leningrad region 92 8 84
Rostov region 72 7 65
Volgograd region 49 9 40
Komi Republic 33 0 33
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 36 0 36
Tomsk region 17 0 17
Krasnoyarsk region 78 6 72
Irkutsk region 55 5 50
Altai region 87 1 86
Khabarovsk region 45 1 44
Amur region 39 1 39
Sakhalin region 12 0 12
Magadan Region 3 0 3
Saha Republic 21 0 21
Name of the region of the Russian Federation Number of road accidents for 9 months of 2018 Of these, the total number of deaths in the region Of these, the total number of wounded in the region
Moscow 390 43 397
Moscow region 249 41 257
Nizhny Novgorod Region 143 15 156
Saint Petersburg 148 20 149
Leningrad region 82 16 81
Rostov region 116 22 126
Volgograd region 74 10 76
Komi Republic 25 2 29
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 43 5 44
Tomsk region 27 2 31
Krasnoyarsk region 144 23 155
Irkutsk region 178 21 200
Altai region 94 10 103
Khabarovsk region 49 7 60
Amur region 53 13 60
Sakhalin region 27 2 30
Magadan Region 4 1 3
Saha Republic 50 3 53

With the participation of children:

Name of the region of the Russian Federation Number of road accidents for 9 months of 2018 Of these, the total number of deaths in the region Of these, the total number of wounded in the region
Moscow 622 10 662
Moscow region 537 22 562
Nizhny Novgorod Region 430 8 479
Saint Petersburg 473 4 496
Leningrad region 271 21 293
Rostov region 408 23 429
Volgograd region 196 11 211
Komi Republic 111 7 114
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 174 3 185
Tomsk region 89 0 98
Krasnoyarsk region 371 15 403
Irkutsk region 265 16 271
Altai region 333 13 355
Khabarovsk region 187 10 210
Amur region 146 4 159
Sakhalin region 74 3 81
Magadan Region 24 0 29
Saha Republic 114 4 122
Name of the region of the Russian Federation Number of road accidents for 9 months of 2018 Of these, the total number of deaths in the region Of these, the total number of wounded in the region
Moscow 94 8 120
Moscow region 2451 608 3187
Nizhny Novgorod Region 1114 230 1644
Saint Petersburg 42 3 56
Leningrad region 1689 377 2405
Rostov region 1218 333 1703
Volgograd region 377 98 481
Komi Republic 259 61 405
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 415 117 642
Tomsk region 160 41 200
Krasnoyarsk region 1022 289 1518
Irkutsk region 707 193 915
Altai region 652 152 954
Khabarovsk region 246 87 389
Amur region 304 63 424
Sakhalin region 167 41 225
Magadan Region 60 17 85
Saha Republic 220 49 355

Due to the fault of pedestrians:

Name of the region of the Russian Federation Number of road accidents for 9 months of 2018 Of these, the total number of deaths in the region Of these, the total number of wounded in the region
Moscow 2649 220 2539
Moscow region 1673 342 1416
Nizhny Novgorod Region 1107 124 1039
Saint Petersburg 1985 127 1946
Leningrad region 497 90 425
Rostov region 1029 139 934
Volgograd region 536 66 494
Komi Republic 207 22 203
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 326 23 312
Tomsk region 193 20 181
Krasnoyarsk region 965 92 914
Irkutsk region 775 101 703
Altai region 883 81 837
Khabarovsk region 478 48 453
Amur region 269 29 249
Sakhalin region 173 13 169
Magadan Region 54 3 52
Saha Republic 221 19 209
Name of the region of the Russian Federation Number of road accidents for 9 months of 2018 Of these, the total number of deaths in the region Of these, the total number of wounded in the region
Moscow 3 1 2
Moscow region 15 4 13
Nizhny Novgorod Region 11 0 18
Saint Petersburg 6 3 6
Leningrad region 3 5 39
Rostov region 1 1 0
Volgograd region 4 1 5
Komi Republic 5 1 5
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 3 2 4
Tomsk region 2 0 2
Krasnoyarsk region 6 4 9
Irkutsk region 4 2 2
Altai region 1 0 1
Khabarovsk region 3 0 3
Amur region 5 0 7
Sakhalin region 1 0 1
Magadan Region 0 0 0
Saha Republic 0 0 0

By personal transport:

Name of the region of the Russian Federation Number of road accidents for 9 months of 2018 Of these, the total number of deaths in the region Of these, the total number of wounded in the region
Moscow 4883 265 5894
Moscow region 2973 407 2937
Nizhny Novgorod Region 2392 233 3359
Saint Petersburg 3417 157 4340
Leningrad region 1998 364 2790
Rostov region 2591 323 3505
Volgograd region 1208 167 1574
Komi Republic 534 63 776
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 1054 138 1475
Tomsk region 432 62 559
Krasnoyarsk region 2280 271 3099
Irkutsk region 1457 207 1903
Altai region 1574 153 2152
Khabarovsk region 975 93 1264
Amur region 697 62 962
Sakhalin region 386 43 541
Magadan Region 137 18 188
Saha Republic 528 56 722

By freight transport:

Name of the region of the Russian Federation Number of road accidents for 9 months of 2018 Of these, the total number of deaths in the region Of these, the total number of wounded in the region
Moscow 420 38 488
Moscow region 475 71 618
Nizhny Novgorod Region 257 29 331
Saint Petersburg 263 14 325
Leningrad region 188 33 242
Rostov region 216 29 273
Volgograd region 121 16 140
Komi Republic 52 5 82
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 119 17 157
Tomsk region 23 5 27
Krasnoyarsk region 161 44 237
Irkutsk region 142 29 161
Altai region 140 11 198
Khabarovsk region 82 10 100
Amur region 105 16 147
Sakhalin region 47 14 45
Magadan Region 14 2 21
Saha Republic 49 11 66

By public transport:

Name of the region of the Russian Federation Number of road accidents for 9 months of 2018 Of these, the total number of deaths in the region Of these, the total number of wounded in the region
Moscow 2071 81 2572
Moscow region 1866 212 2378
Nizhny Novgorod Region 1403 105 1995
Saint Petersburg 1513 42 1966
Leningrad region 1014 128 1420
Rostov region 1383 134 1849
Volgograd region 603 63 771
Komi Republic 322 40 421
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 534 72 721
Tomsk region 224 23 288
Krasnoyarsk region 1344 139 1787
Irkutsk region 816 96 1054
Altai region 956 60 1284
Khabarovsk region 480 52 702
Amur region 373 22 499
Sakhalin region 208 19 279
Magadan Region 76 9 101
Saha Republic 308 29 445

By car brand

In addition to regional data, statistics also consider and record cases of frequent accidents of certain brands of cars.

This is necessary in order to calculate the quality of the manufacturer, how maneuverable the cars are, whether the brake systems of a particular brand work normally in the general trend, and other characteristics.

In total, the following models and brands of passenger cars have already been involved in accidents most often in 2018:

Causes of road accidents

The main cause of accidents, according to psychologists in the country, is not only pedestrians and their inappropriate behavior, but also the increased nervousness of drivers due to motorcyclists.

Often, the maneuverability of two-wheeled vehicles greatly interferes with the attentiveness of vehicle drivers. In addition, different data on the presence of accidents on the road are shown in the evening and during the day.

In an overview, you can consider the table of the following data, which reflects the causes of road accidents in Russia:

What is the government doing to reduce the number of accidents?

Despite the decrease in funding for road reconstruction in the country, the state does not stop making other attempts to regulate traffic on roads and reduce the risk of accidents.

This has been noticed in the work of legislators. Thus, by July 1, 2015, amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will come into force, where a new article will appear -.

The article will indicate that criminal liability will now arise not only when people died as a result of an accident, but also for the fact that the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs while driving again, after the first warning and fine.

Also, persons who drive a car but refuse to undergo a second medical examination will be held criminally liable.

In addition, the Russian Government is also interested in improving the situation on the roads. So, V.V. Putin instructed government agencies to approve an action plan to reduce road accidents in Russia by July 15, 2018.

Public monitoring of traffic on highways in sections will begin to work quickly in order to identify the most dangerous ones, which should be given priority attention.

The President of the Russian Federation also places emphasis on the federal authorities, who should actively participate in the project to create maximum safety on the country’s roads.

In general, looking for statistics on motorcycle accidents is a thankless task, we have almost none - we only count motorcycles that have been in an accident, but we don’t count what kind of accident it was, what led to it, what the consequences were. In the USA, for example, the statistics on motorcycle accidents are the most detailed: it even takes into account what kind of helmet the motorcyclist was wearing - open or closed, and what injuries he received, but for obvious reasons, here these statistics are not very relevant (we have many of our own purely our factors) and it’s also not easy to get from us. Therefore, having seen the statistics on motorcycle accidents in the book “Motorcycle”, published by the Yaroslavl publishing house “History of People” in 2008, I will be happy to share it. I believe that this is a kind of compilation of statistics from different countries of the world, but nevertheless it is still interesting.

Young people aged 18-25 years old are the most likely to get into road accidents. From 25-30 years the amount decreases by 2 times, but after 30 years it increases again. This is more likely due not to age characteristics, but to consumer characteristics: motorcycles are bought either at a very early age, as the first means of transportation, and already over 30, when there is the financial opportunity to buy an additional “toy”, another means of transportation.

Most people get into accidents once, then get into them again.

It’s interesting that those who started riding Enduro motorcycles almost never get into accidents. Therefore, novice motorcyclists are recommended to learn on such motorcycles.

90% of all motorcycle accidents occur on “sport bikes” and “neoclassics”, followed by “custom” bikes, scooters, and “tourism”. Cases of accidents on enduro are rare.

2/3 of all motorcycle accidents involve collisions with other vehicles. 1/3 are other reasons: technical condition, road surface, inability to control the car.

Cases of deliberate action against a motorcyclist by motorists are extremely rare. Most often, accidents are associated with a motorcycle not being visible on the road. Therefore, you must always drive with your headlights on, wearing bright clothes or a special vest.

Accidents at intersections are very common when a motorcycle abruptly starts at a green traffic light, while a car is still driving from a perpendicular road trying to rush through the yellow traffic light.

Frequent causes of accidents among motorcyclists are the lack of skills in driving powerful motorcycles and the lack of a category A license.

Many accidents occur with scooters, where drivers do not even know the rules of the road and move chaotically. The most common accident is when the scooter is in the far right lane and the car makes a sharp right turn to park. In such cases, motorists are usually to blame.

The most terrible accidents in terms of their consequences occur when a motorcyclist drives into the oncoming lane; turns through two solid ones, overcoming another perpendicularly once and several stripes; drives along the dividing strip between two continuous ones.

1/3 of accidents involving cars and motorcycles are caused by motorists. As a rule, motorcyclists are found guilty due to failure to comply with the speed limit.

Often, when a motorcycle and a car collide, the speed of the motorcycle at the time of the accident was 100-140 km/h, that is, before braking it was all 200 km/h. Thus, having looked in the mirror before performing the maneuver, the motorist simply did not see the motorcycle located a hundred or two meters behind, and a moment later the bike was already in front of his bumper.

It is interesting to note that in case of an accident outside the city limits, the motorcyclist is found guilty in 90 cases out of 100 - apparently, once outside the city, even the most cautious of them decide to “get the most out of” their motorcycle. 1/3 of such accidents are fatal.

Mostly owners of low-power motorcycles drive while intoxicated. The more power the motorcycle has, the less likely the driver is to become intoxicated. This is explained by the fact that owners of powerful motorcycles get adrenaline from the very fact of driving and do not confuse their bike with a bicycle, as owners of low-power motorcycles do, seeing nothing wrong with getting behind the wheel while intoxicated.

Most often, hips, knees, elbows, and collarbones are affected in road accidents. In 24% of frontal collisions, the motorcyclist suffers a broken leg and groin injury. Injuries to the chest, head and spine often lead to death.

3/4 of motorcycle accidents involve a collision with a car, most often a passenger car.

1/4 of motorcycle accidents involve hitting some kind of obstacle.

Less than 3% of accidents are due to a malfunctioning motorcycle. Most often due to flat tires and, as a result, loss of control.

2/3 of all motorcyclist accidents without the involvement of other vehicles are driver error. Basically, hard braking and spinning out of turns.

Road surface defects account for 2% of motorcycle accidents.

1% of motorcycle accidents are caused by animals. In general, if a motorcyclist sees a dog, then it is very likely that it will react to him and precautions should be taken.

When a motorcycle collides with another vehicle, 2/3 of the cases are due to the driver of the other vehicle ignoring the motorcyclist’s right of way.

The main reason for motorcycle accidents is that motorists do not see or recognize the motorcycle until the accident occurs.

The most common motorcycle accident is when a car suddenly turns left in front of a moving motorcycle.

The most common place for accidents is at an intersection where traffic signals are not observed or where a motorcycle is not given the right of way.

2% of motorcycle accidents occur due to weather.

Most accidents happen when traveling on short routes or at the very beginning of a trip. (A motorcyclist, for example, did not pay due attention to safety when traveling along a quiet street to a neighboring block, believing that nothing would definitely happen here, or having just left the parking lot on the road, he had not yet entered “work mode.”

In 50% of motorcycle accidents, motorcyclists were unable to assess the road situation due to poor visibility, obstruction of visibility by another car, or blinding by headlights.

A critical factor is the visibility of the motorcycle. If motorcyclists' clothes were brightly colored, there would be much fewer accidents.

In 62% of cases, fuel leaks from a motorcycle after an accident. High fire hazard.

The average pre-accident speed is 45 km/h, the average emergency speed is 30 km/h. In one case out of a thousand, the speed of the motorcycle was 130 km/h.

Restricted peripheral vision while wearing a helmet is not a significant cause of accidents: in 3/4 of accidents, the object of the collision was no more than 45 degrees from “straight ahead.”

The visibility of a motorcycle is most critical from the front.

Accidents where the cause was a motorcycle malfunction are quite rare. Most often, such accidents occurred due to poor quality maintenance of equipment.

Motorcyclists aged 16-24 years old get into accidents more often than those aged 30-50 years old.

Most often, workers, students, and unemployed motorcyclists get into accidents. Business motorcyclists, those who hold high positions in their professional environment, almost never get into accidents.

Most accidental motorcyclists have not attended motorcycle school. 92% are self-taught.

More than half of the accident motorcyclists got behind the wheel of this particular motorcycle less than 5 months ago, despite the fact that they have a total motorcycle driving experience of more than 3 years. (Conclusion: getting used to a particular motorcycle, its temperament, handling, power, and driving behavior plays a big role).

Half of the dead motorcyclists were intoxicated.

During accidents, many motorcyclists showed an inability to adequately control a motorcycle in a critical situation: they blocked the rear wheel, did not brake the front wheel, reducing the necessary reduction in speed. Many did not maneuver the steering wheel enough.

A typical situation leading to an accident gives the motorcyclist only 2 seconds to prevent it.

Motorcyclists with passengers are much less likely to get into an accident. (Here, apparently, there is a sense of responsibility for the passenger and, as a result, lower speed, increased attention, more careful driving. Unfortunately, when alone on a motorcycle, many motorcyclists immediately forget about these properties).

Most car drivers are not familiar with a motorcycle, with the features of its control, which means they are unable to predict the behavior of a motorcyclist on the road and do not know what to expect from him. Most often, motorists 20-29 years old and over 65 get into accidents with motorcycles.

Large and heavy motorcycles are less likely to be involved in accidents. But their accidents lead to much greater injuries to those involved in road accidents.

The color of a motorcycle has virtually no effect on accident statistics. The reason is that most often drivers see the front surface of the motorcycle before an accident. On the contrary, installing a large windshield or casing reduces the likelihood of a motorcycle getting into an accident, since in this case it becomes more visible from the front. It is also possible that wind protection is installed by more experienced motorcyclists whose likelihood of getting into an accident is much less.

An interesting fact: a very large number of accident motorcyclists do not have an open category for driving a motorcycle, do not have a license at all, or were previously deprived of them.

Motorcycles with souped-up engines are more likely to cause accidents. The likelihood of injury on these motorcycles is very high: 98% in a collision with another vehicle, 96% in a single accident. In 45% of cases the injuries are severe.

Crash bars are not an effective protective measure: ankle injuries are reduced, but hip, knee and shin injuries are increased.

The use of heavy shoes and jackets, and protective gloves reduces the number of minor injuries, but does not save from serious ones.

In 13% of accidents, a motorcyclist suffers a groin injury from a frontal impact with another vehicle at moderate speed.

73% of accidental motorcyclists did not have eye protection at the time of the accident, which reduced the perception and adequate assessment of a dangerous road situation.

50% of motorcyclists regularly wear helmets, but only 40% were wearing them at the time of the accident.

The helmet does not reduce the perception of sounds on the road, the field of view does not distract attention. The helmet was never a factor in the accident. Accident motorcyclists wearing a helmet have significantly lower rates of neck and lower head injuries. Integral helmets provide the greatest protection.

In motorcycle accidents, the most severe injuries are those to the head and chest.

Only 10% of motorcycle accidents had any insurance.

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