Statistics form 7 injury sample filling. Filling out the new statistical form N7 - injuries

Form 7-injuries is an annual report on accidents and occupational diseases that occurred at the enterprise. The site's editors have prepared step-by-step instructions for preparing and submitting a report. At the end of the article, you can download Form 7 for injuries for 2019 and learn about upcoming changes.

Who must submit Form 7 (injury) and when?

Information on industrial injuries and occupational diseases (form 7t (injuries) for 2018) is submitted to the territorial division of Rosstat at the location of the organization or individual entrepreneur once a year - no later than January 25 of the year following the reporting year.
But this report is not required for everyone. It does not need to be prepared for micro-enterprises, households, as well as:

  • financial and insurance companies;
  • institutions involved in public administration and military security;
  • educational organizations;
  • social security institutions;
  • extraterritorial organizations.

Form 7-injury 2019: form

For 2019, you must report in accordance with the requirements of Rosstat Order No. 417 dated June 21, 2017. The document contains both a form and instructions for filling out the report.

Look carefully at what the 7 injury report form for 2018 looks like. You can download the form 7t (injuries) for 2018 at the end of the article. Compared to the previous report, there are not too many changes, however, the form (Form 7-injury), approved by Rosstat order No. 216 dated June 19, 2013, is considered no longer valid, so it cannot be used.

General filling requirements

Traditionally, Rosstat offers to fill out a paper or electronic version of the report. If you submit information on paper, then any corrections or erasures are prohibited. Handwriting must be legible and only use black or blue ink.

The necessary information about cases of injuries at work is taken from accident reports (Form N-1, approved and filled out in accordance with Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated October 24, 2002 No. 73). Amounts spent on labor protection are reported using accounting data. If there is no data, enter “0”.

Step-by-step instruction

As you have already seen, the report consists of several parts:

  • title page;
  • table to fill out;
  • section "For reference";
  • information about the person responsible for providing the information.

Let's look at the features of filling out each part. Below is a sample of filling out Form 7 for injuries.

Step 1. Title page

In this section, the respondent must “introduce himself”, indicate the address of his location, and also clarify for which year he is reporting. In the report itself, the filling sequence is as follows:

1. Specify the reporting year

2. Enter the full and short name of the business entity that is reporting, as well as the address where it is located. It is important that the index is indicated, and the address itself coincides with the actual location of the organization. If the legal and actual addresses do not match, you need to write the one where the company is located.

3. Let's move on to the tabular part. From the very beginning, you must indicate the code of the reporting organization OKPO (column 2). If you don’t know it, you can find a notification about assigning a code by name on the Rosstat website.
If there is a separate division, both the head office and the branch must report separately. Moreover, the branch indicates its identification code. Information must also be submitted at the place of actual business of each separate division.
Look carefully at columns 3 and 4. They are not filled in under any circumstances.

Step 2. Table

If there are accidents during 2018, specific numbers appear in this section. Moreover, you only need to fill in the empty cells - column 4. Column 3 indicates the units of change - “person” (means the number of people), “person days” (person days), “thousand rubles.” (thousand rubles).

Please note the following points:

  • If the death occurred in 2018, but the accident itself occurred earlier, then it is not necessary to take it into account in the report on line 01.
  • When calculating the number of days of temporary disability, it is necessary to summarize the information on all sick leave issued to employees last year. If the injury was recorded in 2017, and the sick leave ended in 2019, then the information must be reflected only in line 09.
  • Line 10 is filled in if there were cases where victims were transferred from their main job to another in accordance with a medical report, but sick leave was not issued to such employees. Accordingly, line 11 indicates the number of women who find themselves in such situations.

Step 3. “Reference” section

Here, officials want to see how many workers there are in a plant to determine how high the injury rate is. In addition, it is necessary to report whether the organization has a medical center. The section with fields 14, 15 and 16 must be filled out. This is a requirement of Rosstat Order No. 417 dated June 21, 2017.

Please note that column 15 does not include:

  • women on maternity leave;
  • an employee who has been sent on parental leave;
  • persons who perform work under civil contracts.

As for column 16, it must be filled out if the organization has doctors who can provide first aid if necessary.

Step 4. Contact information

The hardest part is over. All that remains is to sign the document, indicate the date of completion and leave your contacts: telephone, e-mail (if available).

Step 5. Checking the correctness of the data

Please check that your report is correct before submitting it. First, according to your own documents, then with the help of a hint from Rosstat - logical relationships that are given at the end of the filling instructions.

How to submit

If you filled out a paper report, you can take it personally to the territorial division of Rosstat or send it by mail.


Let us remind you that for refusal to provide the necessary statistical data, for violation of the procedure provided for reporting, as well as for sending false information, the respondent faces liability in accordance with clause 1 art. 13.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The fine for officials (manager or designated responsible person) is from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - from 20 to 70 thousand rubles.

Changes for 2019

In accordance with Rosstat Order No. 493 dated August 10, 2018, along with a report on form 7-injuries, once every three years it will be necessary to submit the Appendix “Information on the distribution of the number of victims in industrial accidents by main types of incidents and causes of accidents.” Such an application will need to be submitted in 2020 (for 2019). The period does not depend on the opening date of the organization.

Here you can download form 7-T (injuries) for 2017 and use it to compile a report. Download Step-by-step instructions for filling out We offer you detailed explanations on the design and a sample of filling out Form 7 for injuries. When filling out a document, it is worth remembering that it must contain only complete and reliable information. Step 1. Title page Step 2. Table New report form 7 (injuries) for 2017 contains information about employees injured in industrial accidents, in accordance with the industrial accident report in form N-1, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 No. 73 “On approval of the forms of documents required for the investigation and recording of industrial accidents, and provisions on the features of the investigation of industrial accidents in certain industries and organizations.”

Report on injuries to statistics using Form 7

Territorial branches of Rosstat must inform organizations whether the enterprise is included in the sample. At the same time, clause 4 of the regulation “On the conditions for the provision of statistical data” (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 18, 2008 No. 620) states that information is provided free of charge, including in writing. But Rosstat’s letter No. 04-04-4/29-SMI dated February 17, 2017 recommends checking information about what forms of statistical reports an organization should submit on the Rosstat Internet portal using OKPO, INN or OGRN codes.

IMPORTANT! All legal entities must provide a copy of their accounting records to the territorial statistical authorities, regardless of whether they were included in the sample (Rosstat order No. 220 dated March 31, 2014). Provide a statistical report on injuries annually, before January 25 of the year following the reporting year. Penalty for initial failure to provide statistical data in accordance with Art.

Form 7-injuries for 2017 in 2018: form, step-by-step instructions

A legal entity has the right to submit “unfortunate” information in electronic form (via TKS or Web collection) or on paper in person or by Russian post. Where to get form 7-injury Form No. 7-injury was introduced by Rosstat order No. 417 dated June 21, 2017 (form according to OKUD - 0609304). The form is very concise. It is located on only two pages: the title page and the information itself, presented in tabular form.

How to fill out the form: general principles The form is annual. In 2018, you submit a form in which you provide the required data for the past 2017. The form contains instructions on the units of measurement (column 3 of the tabular section) in which certain information must be provided.

This serves as a kind of hint and helps a lot in filling out the form. How to fill out the title page of form 7 injuries for 2017 First, in the field with the name of the report in the specially designated space, indicate the reporting year - 2017.

Form No. 7-injuries for 2017 in 2018: download the form

The line “Postal address” indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual location of the respondent (postal address) is indicated. In the code part of the title page form, the code of the reporting organization (individual entrepreneur) is entered according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) or an identification number (for a territorially separate division of a legal entity) based on the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code (identification number) posted on the Internet. Rosstat portal at: 3.

We report on workplace injuries using a new form!


Then proceed to the next part – the address part. Here, first of all, indicate the full name of the company, and then in brackets - the short name. In the “Postal Address” line, enter the name of the subject of the Russian Federation and legal address with postal code. Attention: if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, indicate the actual location.

That is, you need a real postal address. The codes at the bottom of the page are needed for automatic processing of information by Rosstat. The respondent company puts its code in column 2. Do not touch columns 3 and 4. They are filled out by a Rosstat specialist. Where to get the data to fill out the main tabular part of Form 7-injuries in its main part is filled out on the basis of reports of industrial accidents in form N-1 (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 No. 73).
And be sure to focus on the provisions of “thematic” articles 227-231 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A new form of statistical reporting 7-injuries has been approved

The number of days of temporary incapacity for work is reflected in total for all certificates of incapacity for work issued by treatment and preventive organizations. In the case where the victim was injured in the year preceding the reporting year, and his temporary disability ended in the reporting year, the total number of person-days of disability is shown on line 09 in the report for the reporting year. This case is not reflected in line 01, as it was already taken into account in the report for the previous year.
8. Line 10 shows the number of victims who partially lost their ability to work and were transferred from their main job to another for 1 working day or more in accordance with a medical report, but without issuing a certificate of incapacity for work. If a certificate of incapacity for work was issued to the victim, then this line is not filled in. Line 11 reflects the number of women who have partially lost their ability to work.

Fill out form 7 (injuries), step-by-step instructions

HSE, HSE and GOES Greetings, dear friends! Managers and specialists, be aware that information on workplace injuries and occupational diseases from the 2017 report must be submitted using a new form (Federal Statistical Observation Form No. 7-Injuries). We remind you that the reporting is annual, the deadline for submission is January 25. The new injury form was approved by Rosstat order No. 417 dated June 21, 2017.


You can download Rosstat order No. 417, as well as form 7 injuries in MS Excel format just below. With the introduction of a new form for injuries, Appendix No. 2 “Federal statistical observation form No. 7-injuries “Information on injuries at work and occupational diseases”, approved by Rosstat order No. 216 dated June 19, 2013, is declared invalid. Rosstat order No. 417 also Instructions are given for filling out form 7 injuries.

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And in general, this is Putin’s team, a proven person, a literate person... The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation will again be Medvedev Nda... The idea was cool, but could not withstand the collision with reality... Putin signed a new May decree. What awaits the country in the next six years? And the development of entrepreneurship will be facilitated by endless summonses to the tax office for questioning...

Putin signed a new May decree.

Statistical reporting form 7 injuries for 2018

The “For reference” section must be completed without fail. The data is provided in the units of measurement indicated in the form. 2. If a legal entity has separate divisions (1), this form is filled out both for each separate division and for a legal entity without these separate divisions.

A separate division of an organization is any division territorially isolated from it, at the location of which stationary workplaces are equipped. Recognition of a separate division of an organization as such is carried out regardless of whether its creation is reflected or not reflected in the constituent or other organizational and administrative documents of the organization, and on the powers vested in the specified division. In this case, a workplace is considered stationary if it is created for a period of more than one month (clause

2 tbsp.
The fine for him under this article is from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. Step-by-step instructions As you have already seen, the report consists of several parts:

  • title page;
  • table to fill out;
  • section "For reference";
  • information about the person responsible for providing the information.

Let's look at the features of filling out each part. Below is a sample of filling out Form 7 for injuries.

Step 1. Title page In this section, the respondent must “introduce himself”, indicate the address of his location, and also clarify for which year he is reporting. In the report itself, the sequence of filling out is as follows: 1. Indicate the reporting year2. Enter the full and short name of the business entity that is reporting, as well as the address where it is located.

It is important that the index is indicated, and the address itself coincides with the actual location of the organization.

Who must submit form 7-injury and what are the regulations for its submission?

The new report form, introduced in 2017, and the procedure for filling it out were approved by Rosstat order No. 417 dated June 21, 2017. This regulatory act establishes that the report must be submitted by all legal entities, with the exception of micro-enterprises and economic entities related to the following areas:

  • finance and insurance business;
  • government and military security;
  • education and social welfare;
  • household activities;
  • extraterritorial activities.

All other enterprises and organizations are required to submit an injury report in Form 7 annually no later than January 25.

Procedure for filling out the report

The report consists of two sheets. The format of the first sheet is typical for statistical reporting. It contains general information about the report (including the procedure for submission) and information about the company - name, address, codes.

The second sheet contains the actual reporting information. It can be divided into several categories:

  1. The number of victims, among which are:
  • industrial accidents (pp. 01-08);
  • partial loss of ability to work without issuing sick leave (pages 10-11);
  • identification of occupational diseases (p. 12).

In addition, fatalities are shown separately, and for all accidents the following categories of victims are distinguished:

Don't know your rights?

  • women;
  • persons under 18 years of age;
  • Foreign citizens.

For cases of partial disability, only information on women is highlighted.

  1. Number of days of incapacity for work victims (p. 09).
  2. Expenses for labor protection (page 13).
  3. Reference information (pp. 14-16) - total number (including women) and information about the presence of a medical center at the enterprise. This section must be completed, even if all other report indicators are zero.

If the accident occurred in the previous year, and the death occurred in the reporting year, then this incident is not reflected on page 01, but is shown on page 05.

If the injury was sustained in the previous year, and the sick leave ended in the reporting year, then the total number of days of incapacity for work is shown on page 09 for the reporting year. But on page 01 this case is also not shown, since it was already taken into account in the previously submitted report.

A sample of filling out form 7-injury can be downloaded.

The injury report is used to provide information about accidents and illnesses caused by production activities. It is taken annually by all legal entities, except micro-enterprises and companies belonging to certain areas of activity.

Organizations must submit information about workplace injuries and occupational diseases to their Rosstat department (TOGS) once a year. For these purposes, form 7-injury was approved (Order of Rosstat dated June 21, 2017 N 417). The specified form (in its updated version) came into force with reporting for 2017. And at the end of 2018, business entities need to report on it.

TOGS contact details can be found in our.

Form 7-injury: form

Form 7-injury: who takes it?

All organizations are required to submit this form except:

  • companies that are micro-enterprises. You can check whether your company belongs to this category on the Federal Tax Service website;
  • organizations conducting financial activities;
  • legal entities operating in the field of public administration and military security;
  • organizations operating in the field of social insurance;
  • legal entities engaged in educational activities;
  • households;
  • extraterritorial organizations.

You can check whether your organization needs to submit form 7-injuries using a special service on the Rosstat website.

Appendix 7-injuries

Once every three years, organizations whose responsibility is to submit form 7-injury must also submit to TOGS the Appendix to form 7-injury (approved by Order of Rosstat dated August 10, 2018 N 493).

This application reflects information on the distribution of the number of victims in industrial accidents by main types of incidents and causes of accidents.

Appendix to form 7-injury: form

Form 7-injury: nuances of filling out

When filling out the form, as well as its attachments, you need to consider the following points.

  1. The information is reflected in the form in accordance with Act N-1 (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 N 73), - 231 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 No. 73.
  2. Information on the costs of labor protection measures is taken from accounting data.
  3. Lines 02 - 15 of the Appendix to form 7-injury are filled out on the basis of the entry in clause 8.1 of act N-1, and lines 16-30 - on the basis of clause 9 of act N-1.
  4. Each victim recorded on line 01, columns 3 and 4 of the Appendix to form 7-injury must be attributed to one of the types of incident (lines 02 - 15 of the Appendix) and to one of the causes of the accident (lines 16 - 30 of the Appendix).
  5. If the organization has separate divisions, then form 7-injury and its annex are filled out separately for each OP, as well as for the legal entity (excluding “separate divisions”).

Having filled out the form and application, it makes sense to check the correctness of their completion using control ratios:

Control ratios for form 7-injury
Page01 ≥ Page02
Page01 ≥ Page03
Page01 ≥ Page04
Page01 ≥ Page05
Page02 ≥ Page06
Page03 ≥ Page07
P.04 ≥ P.08
If p.02 ≠ 0, then p.01 ≠ 0
If p.03 ≠ 0, then p.01 ≠ 0
If p.04 ≠ 0, then p.01 ≠ 0
If p.05 ≠ 0, then p.01 ≠ 0
If p.06 ≠ 0, then p.02 ≠ 0
If p.07 ≠ 0, then p.02 ≠ 0
If p.08 ≠ 0, then p.02 ≠ 0
Control ratios for application to form 7-injury
Line 01 gr.3 = sum of line 02 - 15 gr.3
Line 01 gr.3 = sum line 16 - 30 gr.3
Line 01 gr.4 = sum of line 02 - 15 gr.4
Line 01 gr.4 = sum line 16 - 30 gr.4
gr.3 ≥ gr.4 for all lines
Cross reference ratios
Page 01 gr.4 of form 7-injury = line 01 gr.3 of the appendix to form 7-injury
Page 05 gr. 4 of form 7-injury = line 01 gr. 4 of the appendix to form 7-injury

Form 7-injury: sample

You can find a sample of filling out form 7-injury in this material.

Appendix to form 7-injury: sample

You will also find a sample of filling out the Appendix to Form 7-injury in our consultation.

Form 7-injury: due date

The deadline for submitting this form is January 25 of the year following the reporting year. Accordingly, form 7-injury for 2018 must be submitted no later than January 25, 2019.

The application to form 7-injury is submitted within the same period as the form itself, but, as we said earlier, it is submitted once every three years. Moreover, according to the Instructions for filling out this Appendix, it is submitted for 2007, 2010, etc., i.e., it turns out that along with the 7-injury form for 2018, it is not necessary to submit an appendix to it.

Please note that for violating the deadline for submitting statistical reports, as well as for reflecting false information in it, the organization faces a fine (Part 1 of Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • from 20,000 to 70,000 rub. - for the organization itself;
  • from 10,000 to 20,000 rub. - for its officials.

Form 7-injury: methods of presentation

You can submit the form and its attachment in one of the following ways.

In January, companies must submit Form 7-injuries for 2016. The form for this report can be found below. In this article we will tell you who needs to fill out form 7-injury and in what order.

Who and where should submit form 7-injury

Form 7-injury for 2016, the form of which is given below, must be submitted by all organizations, except micro-enterprises and companies engaged in activities such as:

  • financial;
  • public administration;
  • ensuring military security;
  • social insurance;
  • educational;
  • household activities;
  • activities of extraterritorial entities.

Form 7-injury must be sent to the territorial office of Rosstat at your location.

If the company has separate divisions, you must fill out a form for the parent organization and for each separate division. The report must also be submitted at the location of the separate division and at the location of the head office.

See also: Annual reporting for 2016: reporting deadlines

Where to get form 7-injury

Federal statistical observation form 7-injuries “Information on injuries at work and occupational diseases for 20__” and Instructions for filling it out were approved by Rosstat order No. 216 dated June 19, 2013.

You can download the form on the website of the electronic magazine “Salary” in the form section or from the link below.

When should you take the 7-trauma test?

The report must be submitted to statistics once every three years. The deadline for submitting the report is no later than January 25.

Accordingly, form 7-injury for 2016, the form of which you can download from the link above, must be submitted no later than January 25, 2017

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How to fill out form 7-injury

Form 7-injuryserves to reflect information about occupational injuries that occurred over the past year. Let's look at the rules for drawing up a report.

The report must be completed in full, including the “For reference” section. Enter the information in the units of measurement indicated in it.

In the address part of the form we indicate the full name of the company in accordance with the constituent documents, and then in brackets - the short name. For example, “Open Joint Stock Company Exident (OJSC Exident)”.

If the form is filled out for a separate division, indicate the name of the separate division and the parent organization.

In the “Postal Address” line, fill in the name of the subject of the Russian Federation and the legal address with postal code. If the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, we also indicate the actual postal address.

For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, you need to enter a postal address with a postal code. The address of the parent company does not need to be specified.

In the code part of the form in column 2, the OKPO code should be filled in based on the notification of assignment of the OKPO code, which is issued to the company by the territorial branch of Rosstat.

There is no need to enter the remaining codes in columns 3 and 4. They will be determined and filled out by the Rosstat department. The specified codes will be used in subsequent automated processing of the information contained in the form.

If the form for the company is submitted by a separate division, in the code part of the form you must indicate:

  • for a branch - OKPO code;
  • for a separate division that does not have the status of a branch - identification number.

Both the OKPO code and the identification number are established by the Rosstat branch at the location of the unit.

Thirteen indicators are named in column 1 of the table, they fit into column 4 “For the reporting period”, and three indicators - into the “For reference” section.

Line 01 shows the number of victims who lost their ability to work for one working day or more, including the deceased.

  • 02 - number of affected women;
  • 03 - number of affected persons under the age of 18;
  • 04 - number of affected foreign citizens.

If the death of an employee occurred in the reporting year after an accident that occurred in the previous year, we do not include it in the indicator on line 01, since it is already taken into account in the report for the previous year. There is no need to reflect those who were injured last year, but whose temporary disability ended in the reporting year.

Line 05 reflects the number of deaths in the reporting year, regardless of the time when the accident occurred.

On lines 06-08 we indicate, respectively, the number of affected women, persons under 18 years of age and foreign citizens.

Line 09 must reflect the number of working person-days of disability of victims who, as a result of an accident, lost their ability to work for at least one working day, whose temporary disability ended in the reporting year 2015.

The number of days of temporary incapacity for work is calculated in total for all certificates of incapacity for work. If the victim was injured last year, and his temporary disability ended in the reporting year, we will enter the total number of person-days of disability on line 09 in the report for the reporting year.

Line 10 must show the number of victims who have partially lost their ability to work (without sick leave), whom the employer transferred from their main job to another for one working day or more in accordance with a medical report.

Line 11 reflects the number of women who have partially lost their ability to work.

If the victim was issued a certificate of incapacity for work, lines 10 and 11 are not filled in.

For more information on how to determine the average number of employees, read the article on our website.

Line 12 shows the number of persons who were diagnosed with an occupational disease for the first time in the reporting year on the basis of a conclusion issued by a treatment and prevention organization and issued by an internal order of the enterprise (order, etc.). This procedure is established in paragraph 9 of the Directives.

On line 13, it is necessary to reflect the costs of labor protection measures, including improving conditions and labor protection at work, from all sources of financing in accordance with the collective agreement and the labor protection action plan. We show this information based on accounting data.

In the “For reference” section you need to fill in three indicators.

On line 14 you need to enter, based on labor reporting, the average number of employees, consisting of:

  • payroll employees;
  • external part-time workers.

At the same time, we do not include performers who entered into a civil contract with the company in line 14.

On line 15 you need to indicate the average number of working women, consisting of payroll workers and external part-time workers. This does not include:

  • women on maternity leave and additional child care leave;
  • performers who have entered into a civil contract with the company.

In line 16 about the presence of a health center, you need to circle one of two options: “Yes” or “No”.

If the company has a doctor on staff who can provide first aid, you should select “Yes.”

  • positions;
  • contact phone numbers;
  • Email;
  • date of document preparation.
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