World fire statistics. Statistics and causes of fires

Fundamentals of fire and explosion hazards.

In the Federal Law "On Fire Safety" dated December 21, 1994, No. 69-FZ, GOST 12.1.033-81 (2001) "SSBT. Fire safety. Terms and definitions” and GOST 12.1.004-91 (1999) “Fire safety. General requirements” provides the basic concepts and their definitions in the field of fire safety.

Fire- uncontrolled combustion, causing material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, the interests of society and the state.

At the same time, a fire is understood as a process characterized by social and economic damage as a result of exposure to people and material values ​​of factors of thermal decomposition or combustion, as well as the fire extinguishing agents used.

Fire safety- the state of protection of the individual, property, society and the state from fires.

Statistics and causes of fires.

Every year in Russia there is an average 579 fires that kill 44 human and 37 get injured. The fire destroyed 160 buildings, 24 vehicles and 8 heads of cattle. Daily material damage is 3.4 million rubles. The cities of the Russian Federation account for 65.4% of the total number of fires, 5.51% of the death toll and 0.5% of people injured in fires, 60.3% of material damage.

Most fires are recorded in the residential sector. Their share of the total amounted to 71%, and material damage - 49.6%. As a result of careless handling of fire, 44.28% of fires occur, which caused 22.1% of material damage from the total. Violation of the rules for the construction and operation of electrical equipment caused every fifth fire (19.3%), and the share of damage from them was 25%.

Fire mode- rules of human behavior, the procedure for organizing production and (or) maintaining premises (territories), ensuring the prevention of violations of fire safety requirements.

Fire safety measures- actions to ensure fire safety - actions to ensure fire safety, including the implementation of fire safety requirements.

Ignition source- a means of energy impact, initiating the occurrence of combustion.

combustible environment- a medium capable of burning independently after the ignition source is removed.

There are two approaches and assessments of the fire and explosion hazard of production: deterministic and probabilistic. The deterministic method is based on a certain quantitative differentiation of production into categories, classes, etc. The probabilistic approach is based on the calculation of the probability of reaching a certain level of fire and explosion hazard, i.e. on the concept of acceptable risk.

The Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" dated December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ provides for the introduction of new approaches to the establishment and application of requirements voluntarily adopted by the manufacturer for the processes of production and circulation of products and services, the introduction of mandatory technical regulations into practice, and also establishes a voluntary status national and other standards and regulations.

Fire risk- a measure of fire danger, which determines the possibility of a fire at the objects of human activity, causing harm to people, property, production and the environment, characterizing the action (or inaction) of persons responsible for fire safety.

A fire risk assessment allows real-time assessment of the fire hazard status of an object and taking appropriate and sufficient fire prevention measures.

Causes of fires can be divided into four types:

  1. Society - reflects the totality of the causes of fires resulting from the activities of people, their behavior when using fire and fire hazardous products in production, everyday life, etc. These include: negligence when smoking, electric and gas welding, violation of the rules for the operation of electrical installations and electric heaters, improper installation of heating stoves and violation of the rules for their operation, deliberate arson, careless handling of fire, pranks of children with fire.
  2. Technology - reflects the totality of the causes of fires that arose as a result of failures and malfunctions of equipment, machines, assemblies, as well as due to the imperfection of the technology for processing substances and materials.
  3. Nature - reflects the totality of the causes of fires from the action of natural forces and the functionality of microorganisms.
  4. Other causes - causes, the manifestation of which was not identified during the investigation of fires. Social - 85%, technological reasons - 2%, natural - 1%, other - 13%.

Physical and chemical bases of the combustion and explosion process.

burning is a complex physico-chemical process of transformation of initial combustible substances and materials into combustion products, accompanied by intense release of heat, smoke and light radiation from a flame.

Explosion- this is a relatively large release of the amount of energy in a finite limited volume in a relatively short period of time.

Combustion is possible under three conditions: a combustible substance with a certain ignition temperature of a certain power.

The physical and chemical foundations of combustion consist in the thermal decomposition of a substance or material to hydrocarbon vapors and gases, which, under the influence of high temperatures, enter into chemical interactions with an oxidizing agent (air oxygen), turning into carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) during combustion. carbon), soot (carbon) and water, and this releases heat and light radiation.

According to the propagation speed, deflagration, explosive and detonation combustion are distinguished. The most important feature of the combustion process is the self-accelerating nature of the chemical transformation.

The main parameters characterizing an explosion (explosive combustion) are: maximum explosion pressure, pressure at the front of the shock wave, average and maximum rate of pressure increase during an explosion, high-explosive or crushing properties of an explosive environment.

Ignition- this is the ignition of a combustible medium under the influence of an ignition source, accompanied by the appearance of a flame.

Self-ignition- this is the phenomenon of a sharp increase in the rate of an exothermic reaction, leading to the occurrence of combustion in the absence of an ignition source.

Fire hazards affecting people and property are:

Ø flame and sparks;

Ø elevated ambient temperature;

Ø toxic products of combustion and thermochemical decomposition;

Fire statistics in Moscow in 2014

According to the EMERCOM of Russia in 2014, the situation with fires in the city of Moscow in 2014 was characterized by the following main indicators:
- registered fires - 6,846;
- registered fires - 13,722;
- 152 people died in fires;
- injured - 542 people;
- saved people - 1,546 people;
- material damage - 1 billion 639 million 267 thousand 297 rubles.
As can be seen from the data, both the number of fires / ignitions and the damage caused by them are very significant. On average, every day, fire departments made trips to the city territory for 19 fires (in 9 cases, these were fires in residential buildings), in which 2 people died and received injuries of varying severity, and the established material damage exceeded 4.9 million . rub.

In 2014 in residential buildings and outbuildings of the city 3,457 fires were registered, which caused material damage in the amount of 42 million 526 thousand 344 rubles, which is 50.5 and 2.6% of the citywide values, respectively. The fires killed 114 and injured 445 people. Most often, fires in residential buildings occurred in rooms (residential, sleeping quarters) - 941 cases, stairwells - 487, kitchens - 372 and balconies (loggias) - 365. The main cause of fires in the residential sector of the city of Moscow, as before, remains careless handling with fire - 1,783 fires or 52% of all house fires. The second largest number of fires is a violation of the rules for the construction and operation of electrical equipment, which accounts for 30.3% of all fires in housing or 1,045 cases.
In industrial buildings located on the territory of Moscow, 118 fires were registered in 2014, the established material damage from which amounted to 44 million 437 thousand 248 rubles. Five people died and received injuries of varying severity in the fires. Most often, fires in the category of industrial buildings occurred in household, auxiliary and temporary buildings and structures - 42 cases and in buildings intended for the maintenance, operation and repair of equipment.

In 2014 in unused buildings in Moscow 257 fires were registered, in which 4 people died and 8 people were injured of varying severity, and material damage amounted to 1 million 660 thousand 747 rubles. The main cause of fires - 216 cases, was careless handling of fire.
In 2014, 143 fires occurred at trade enterprises in Moscow, in which 3 people died and 5 people were injured of varying severity, material damage from fires amounted to 37 million 13 thousand 807 rubles. At this category of facilities, the main cause of fires is still a violation of the PU&E of electrical equipment - 88 cases. In comparison with the APPG, the number of fires due to arson increased from 10 to 12, fire safety violations during hot work - from 1 to 3, and for other reasons - from 8 to 17.
There were 95 fires in warehouse buildings in Moscow in 2014,
material damage from which amounted to 936 million 724 thousand 148 rubles. On fires of this category of objects, 2 people died and 3 people received burns and injuries of varying severity. The main cause of the fires that occurred was a violation of the PU&E of electrical equipment - 57 cases.

In 2014 in administrative buildings located on the territory of the city of Moscow, 134 fires were registered, the material damage from which amounted to 269 million 510 thousand 786 rubles. The main cause of fires is the violation of the PU&E of electrical equipment - 104 cases (77.6% of the total number of fires in this category of facilities).

In buildings, public service premises in 2014, there were 116 fires, with a total material damage of 63 million 714 thousand 169 rubles. No deaths were registered in 2014. However, 6 people were injured in these fires. The main cause of the fires that occurred was a violation of the PU&E of electrical equipment - 61 cases. Most often, fires in this category occurred at catering establishments - 78 cases.

In buildings of educational purpose of the city of Moscow in 2014, there were 30 fires, the material damage from which amounted to 231 thousand 716 rubles. There were no cases of death and injury of people in fires in educational buildings. Most often, fires occurred in educational institutions. The main causes of the fires that occurred were: violation of the PU&E of electrical equipment.

For 2014 in buildings and premises of healthcare and social services for the population of the city of Moscow there were 19 fires. Material damage from fires amounted to 327 thousand 606 rubles. In case of fires in buildings of this category, no dead or injured were registered. The main causes of the fires that occurred were: violation of the PU&E of electrical equipment.
In buildings and premises for cultural and leisure activities and religious rites in the city of Moscow in 2014, 29 fires occurred, the material damage from which amounted to 17 million 781 thousand 730 rubles. During fires in this category, 2 people received burns and injuries of varying severity. The main causes of the fires that occurred were: violation of the PU&E of electrical equipment.

Fire insurance

As can be seen from the statistical data, the material damage, as well as the damage caused to the life and health of people during fires, is quite high. When choosing fire insurance, you need to carefully consider the terms of insurance, as well as determine the required amount of protection.

Arranging residential fire insurance, it is important that fire insurance protects not only the property located in the apartment, house, but also responsibility to neighbors. Liability insurance in this case is an additional risk and covers damage caused not only by the fire itself, but also by measures to extinguish it. Even if the fire was extinguished, and it did not spread to the neighboring apartment, then during the extinguishing, especially if there is more than one floor below, it is not possible to avoid the bay of the neighbors. Insurance of apartments and / or houses against fire should include the risks of: fire damage, smoke, arson, and we also recommend extending property insurance with a liability policy to neighbors

For non-residential premises, industrial buildings, warehouses, shops, offices, etc. the main source of fires is the violation of the PU&E of electrical equipment. Fire insurance is also necessary for property owners to be able to restore property; and tenants, in order to, in addition to restoring movable property (tables, appliances, appliances, etc.), be able to receive compensation from a fire for goods stored on the trading floor and in the warehouse. Liability insurance of the tenant or owner of the premises will protect against claims of third parties.

The study of fires, as well as the causes and their consequences, allows the development of effective methods of fighting fire and reducing fires. Therefore, a significant help is fire statistics, which studies:

  • place and time of the incident;
  • direct and indirect damage;
  • type, frequency and their cause;
  • the number of victims injured .

World fire statistics

More than 3.1 million fires occur annually in the world, in which more than 20 thousand people die. About 50% of fires occur in buildings and vehicles, they also account for 90% of all victims. The United States leads the world in terms of the number of fires. However, the statistics of those killed in fires show that the largest number of victims per 100,000 people falls on Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

World fire statistics are mainly estimated by two organizations established at the end of the last century. They have been processing and systematizing all fire data for more than 20 years.

  1. AUCCTU– World Center for Fire Statistics. Its main task is to study the cost of fire damage, fire protection systems and the maintenance of fire services.
  2. CPS CTIF- The Center for Fire Statistics of the International Association of Fire and Rescue Services, studies the dynamics of fires and their victims.

In recent years, the US National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has also become interested in global fire statistics. Their main task is the development of fire systems. The sequence of generating statistical data:

  1. Cities.
  2. Regions.
  3. Countries.
  4. Continents.
  5. planet as a whole.

According to the CPS CTIF for 2014, the distribution of fires is as follows:



In cities of the world, % In the world, %
In buildings23,1 38,8
On transport7,8 13,0
In forests0,6 1,6
Grass4,8 16,4
Garbage18,2 9,7
Other46,6 20,5

In the table you can see that the statistics of fires in buildings and their victims has the highest rate. Main reasons:

  • having a large number of people in a state of sleep at night and sick people with limited mobility;
  • inability to exercise sufficient control over the fire safety of dwellings. High tightness of the combustible load (furniture, decoration, household appliances) per unit of living space;
  • elevated number of storeys. The main danger is the high speed of the spread of fire up the floors, and, accordingly, the lack of time for evacuation.

In recent years, fires in buildings with a massive crowd of people have a significant impact on the statistics of fires. It is difficult to carry out evacuation mainly because of the panic of people. This includes houses of cultural and administrative purposes, shopping areas.

An important role in ecology is played by the USA and Russia. Mainly because of the large territories occupied by these countries. According to the AUCC data, the cost of fire damage and the cost of fighting them for each country averages 0.65% of GNP (Gross National Product).

On the territory of the Russian Federation, about 9.5 thousand dead people are recorded per year in 150 thousand fires. The main body responsible for fire safety is the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The formation of statistical reports is carried out by its subdivision: the Scientific Research Institute of the Federal State Budgetary Institution VNIIPO.

According to world indicators, Russia takes 1st and 2nd places. However, for fires, it indicates a decrease in indicators. Over the past 10 years, the number of fires has decreased from 210 to 140 thousand per year, and the number of victims has almost halved. Reduced and fires in educational institutions. According to statistics, 786 cases were recorded in 2007 and a gradual decrease in the number of incidents to 228 units according to 2015 data.

The table shows the summary statistics of fires in Russia by years for the last 5 years (for 2011–2015) for several positions:

Name of indicator Number of fires / death toll
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Total for the year, thousand units/person168,5/12019 162,9/11652 153,5/10601 150,8/10138 145,9/9405
In residential buildings, %70,82/91,94 69,51/92,17 68,15/91,12 68,68/92,12 68,86/90,54
Number of forest fires, thousand units21,074 19,329 9,991 16,865 12,337
Agricultural land and other open areas, units3228 3738 3443 3511 4098

Forest fires in Russia

The territory of Russia occupies a huge area. About half are forests. According to the statistics of forest fires in Russia, on average, from 10 to 30 thousand cases of fires are recorded per year. About 1,500–3,000 thousand hectares of land are burning out. Only in the territory of the Leningrad region in 2014 there were 550 fires. Causes of forest fires:

  • through the fault of citizens, approximately 61% of cases;
  • agricultural burning - 10%;
  • from lightning discharges - 9%;
  • through the fault of expeditions - 2%;
  • through the fault of logging organizations - less than 1%;
  • unexplained reasons - 17%.

However, the statistics of forest fires in 2016 is different from recent years. During this period, more than 1500 foci appeared. And this is only from lightning discharges. The table shows fire statistics for 5 years (2007–2011).

Since 2007, 2010 has become the most fire hazardous for the forest area. 34812 cases were recorded, in which 93.1 million m 3 of forest burned down. However, much depends on natural conditions. In a dry year, there are much more fires.

Another big threat to the forest is the burning of peat bogs, since the roots of trees are burned out. According to the statistics of peat fires for 2015, only in the Kabansky district of Buryatia, 67 outbreaks were monitored, the area of ​​which was 215.3 hectares. On the territory of the Irkutsk region, six places of peat burning were recorded - a total of 396 outbreaks, with a total area of ​​27.7 hectares.

Fire situation in Ukraine and Belarus

Fire statistics in Ukraine do not have uniform averages for recent years, due to the political situation in the country. According to the State Emergency Service for January 2017, 4520 fires were registered, 301 deaths were identified, 181 people were injured.

The statistics of fires in Belarus according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations for 2015 is as follows. There were 6123 fires, 578 people died, 284 were injured. In the forestry sector, 2015 was the most fire hazardous year. During this period of time, 1218 fires occurred, in which 398,496 m 3 of forest were completely burned. Fire statistics for 2016 recorded 5679 cases of fire, 538 deaths and 384 injured people.

The causes, parameters and consequences of fires need to be studied in order to reduce the risks of new emergencies. For this, fire statistics are kept in each state separately, and in the world. The second direction is formed by three organizations: CTIF, VTsPS and TsPS CTIF. Recently, the American association NFPA has joined them. This association studies and systematizes complete information about fires, damage from emergencies, and develops fire safety systems. In Russia, this direction is given to the competence of VNIIPO. This division of the State Border Service collects data for the country and individual regions.

Fire statistics is maintained in order to obtain complete quantitative information for assessing threats and the level of fire protection at objects for various purposes, in climatic and natural zones, in specific settlements. This information allows the Ministry of Emergency Situations to rationally plan work. Information is collected according to the following parameters:

  • When and where did the fire occur?
  • what damage was caused by the fire: direct and indirect;
  • the number of injured and dead people;
  • type of fire;
  • causes and frequency of incidents.

Important! The study of fires that have occurred makes it possible to analyze the actions of firefighters in emergency situations, the correctness of the chosen tactics, the adequacy of legislative acts and other aspects. This is how strategies, technologies, approaches to extinguishing fires and the number of firefighters in Russia are adjusted.

Fire data on objects for various purposes

World fire statistics for various facilities show comparable quantitative indicators for individual countries:

  1. Residential buildings are the most fire hazardous objects, more than 70% of the total number of fires occur here.
  2. Industrial fires are a little over 3%.
  3. Shopping and entertainment centers, hotels and other retail facilities are slightly behind the production facilities, their percentage is 2.8.
  4. Agricultural objects are also characterized by increased danger, their number reaches 2.3%.
  5. Administrative institutions become the site of fires in 1.7% of cases.
  6. Construction objects and warehouses become hotbeds of fires in 0.% and 0.4% of cases, respectively.

On a note! According to worldwide data, fires occur much less frequently in preschool educational institutions and schools than in other facilities. This trend has intensified in 2016-2017.

Fire statistics by country, including the Russian Federation, report that the most common causes of fires are:

  • violation of the rules for the installation of electrical wiring and equipment, as well as non-compliance with the requirements of operation;
  • gas leaks and improper operation of gas equipment;
  • violation of technological processes in which flammable substances are used;
  • smoking.

Should be understood! The above data suggests that in most cases the cause of fires is the human factor. Even the large-scale flattering fires of recent years have occurred due to the negligence of people. The second largest is the civilizational component. Natural factors rarely cause fires.

Fire statistics around the world

Organizations that keep records of data around the world report that more than 3 million fires occur annually in Europe, Asia, America and Australia, in which more than 20 thousand people die from smoke, fire and other factors. In most cases, fires occur in transport, mainly in trains, in buildings and structures. About 90% of the total number of victims die at these facilities:

  • the largest number of fires occurs in the United States of America;
  • in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus - the largest number of human casualties;
  • The largest volume of forest fires occurs in Russia and the United States, the damage from emergencies annually amounts to 0.65% of the gross national product.

Buildings account for the largest percentage of total fires - more than 38%. The reasons for this are:

  • the impossibility of providing a sufficient level of control over the fire safety of the housing stock;
  • mass stay of people at high-rise facilities, the presence of sick people with limited movement, as well as the lack of control of people at night;
  • high fire load in high-rise buildings, formed by household appliances, furniture and finishing materials;
  • high speed of flame propagation up the floors.

Statistical organizations annually rank countries by fires, this allows you to determine trends, the effectiveness of measures taken in certain states.

Data for Russia

Fire statistics in Russia report that on average about 150,000 fires occur per year. According to official reports on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, more than 9.5 thousand people die in them. Most fires occur in densely populated regions, among which Moscow and the Moscow Region are confidently “leading” - about 8 thousand fires annually. St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region show statistics half as low. According to primary quantitative indicators, the situation in the remote northern regions is more favorable. For example, in the Komi Republic, a little more than 1 thousand emergencies happen a year, and in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - less than 50. But the indicators change critically when recalculating the dead per 100 thousand people, that is, taking into account the population density. But this is average data. If we consider the number of fires in Russia over the past six years, the following trend is determined by years:

  • 2012 - 162.9 thousand emergencies, of which 99.3 thousand occurred in cities.
  • 2013 - 153.5 thousand fires, in cities - 93.1 thousand.
  • 2014 - 150.8 thousand fires, in large settlements - 89.6 thousand.
  • 2015 - 146.6 thousand emergencies, in cities - 86.4 thousand.
  • 2016 - 139.1 thousand fires, 88.4 thousand - in large settlements.
  • 2017 - 132.4 thousand fires, in urban infrastructure - 78.1 thousand.

This trend made it possible to predict that in 2018 there will be even fewer emergencies. Less optimistic statistics in the Russian Federation on forest fires, in which up to 30 thousand hectares of forest burn out in 1 year. The reasons for the death of arrays are:

  • careless handling of fire by citizens - more than 60%;
  • fire transferred to the forest from agricultural facilities - 10%;
  • accidents caused by expeditions - 2%;
  • technological processes in logging - less than 1%.

In 17% of cases, it was not possible to establish the causes.

Application of statistical information in various industries

World fire statistics provide up-to-date information for many industries. First of all, this applies to construction, since buildings and structures are being built everywhere. In this area, requirements and methods, both Russian and international, are developed taking into account statistical data:

  • a classification of objects according to fire safety and types of production was created;
  • a system of fire resistance of materials with recommendations for objects of various specifics was developed;
  • the development of projects for industrial facilities is carried out on the basis of technological processes, the raw materials used, the number of employees;
  • infrastructure design is carried out taking into account fire loads;
  • the planning of buildings and premises is carried out taking into account safety, including the possibility of evacuating people.

Energy is no less tightly regulated by statistical data. The world ranking of countries by the number of fires allows you to predict the situation for the current year. Based on how many fires are possible in a particular area, it is possible to effectively consolidate the efforts of firefighters from all over the world.

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