Set new goals and motivations. stage. Well-deserved reward

Hello! In this article we will tell you everything about staff motivation.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is motivation and why to stimulate employees.
  2. What types of motivation exist.
  3. The most effective ways to motivate employees to perform their duties efficiently.

Concept of staff motivation

It is not often that you meet a person who is completely and completely satisfied with his job. This is because people often occupy positions not according to their calling. But it is within the power of the manager to make sure that the work process is comfortable for everyone, and that employees perform their duties with pleasure.

Successful businessmen know firsthand that their employees need to be stimulated and encouraged in every possible way, that is, motivated. Labor productivity, the quality of work performed, the company’s development prospects, etc. depend on this.

Motivation of personnel in the organization These are activities aimed at a person’s subconscious, when he has a desire to work effectively and perform job duties efficiently.

For example, imagine a team where the boss does not care about his subordinates. It is important to him that the work is completed in full. If an employee fails to do something, he will be fined, receive a reprimand or other punishment. In such a team there will be an unhealthy atmosphere. All workers will work not at will, but under compulsion, with the goal of...

Now let’s consider another option, where the employer motivates the staff in every possible way. In such an organization, all employees are likely to have friendly relations; they know what they are working for, are constantly developing, benefit the company and receive moral satisfaction from this.

A good manager simply must be able to stimulate staff. Everyone benefits from this, from ordinary employees to the highest management of the company.

Personnel motivation goals

Motivation is carried out in order to unite the interests of the enterprise and the employee. That is, the company needs high-quality work, and the staff needs a decent salary.

But this is not the only goal pursued by employee incentives.

By motivating employees, managers strive to:

  • Interest and attract valuable personnel;
  • Minimize the number of people leaving (eliminate “staff turnover”);
  • Identify and deservedly reward the best employees;
  • Monitor payments.

Theories of personnel motivation

Many aspiring businessmen thinklessly approach solving motivation issues. But in order to achieve the desired results, it’s not enough just. It is necessary to analyze the problem and move on to its competent resolution.

To do this, it is necessary to study the theories of motivation of famous people. We will look at them now.

Maslow's theory

Abraham Maslow argued that in order to effectively motivate your employees, you need to study their needs.

He divided them into 5 categories:

  1. Physical needs– this is a person’s desire to satisfy his needs at the physiological level (drink, eat, relax, have a home, etc.).
  2. The need to be safe– all people strive to be confident in the future. It is important for them to feel physical and emotional safety.
  3. Social needs- Every person wants to be part of society. He strives to have a family, friends, etc.
  4. Need for recognition and respect– people strive to be independent, recognized, have status and authority.
  5. The need to express oneself– a person always strives to conquer heights, develop as a person, and realize his potential.

The list of needs is compiled in such a way that the first item is the most important, and the last is less significant. The manager does not have to do everything 100%, but it is important to try to address every need.

McGregor's "X and Y" theory

Douglas McGregor's theory is based on the fact that people can be controlled in 2 ways.

Using theory X, control is carried out using an authoritarian regime. It is assumed that the team of people is disorganized, people hate their work, shirk their duties in every possible way, and need strict control from management.

In this case, in order to improve work, it is necessary to constantly monitor employees, encourage them to conscientiously perform their job duties, and develop and implement a system of punishments.

TheoryY radically different from the previous one. It is based on the fact that the team works with full dedication, all employees take a responsible approach to fulfilling their duties, people organize themselves, show interest in work, and strive to develop. Therefore, managing such employees requires a different, more loyal approach.

Herzberg Theory (Motivational-Hygiene)

This theory is based on the fact that doing work brings satisfaction or dissatisfaction to a person for various reasons.

An employee will be satisfied with his work if it contributes to his self-expression. Personnel development depends on the possibility of career growth, the emergence of a sense of responsibility, and recognition of employee achievements.

Personnel motivation factors that lead to dissatisfaction are associated with poor working conditions and shortcomings in the company's organizational process. This could be low wages, poor working conditions, an unhealthy atmosphere within the team, etc.

McClelland's theory

This theory is based on the fact that people's needs can be divided into 3 groups.

  1. Employees' need to manage and influence other people. People with this need can be divided into 2 groups. The first ones simply want to control others. The latter strive to solve group problems.
  2. Need for success. People with this need strive to do their job better every time than the previous time. They like to work alone.
  3. The need to be involved in some process. These are employees who want recognition and respect. They love to work in organized groups.

Based on the needs of people, it is necessary to introduce the necessary incentive measures.

Process theory of employee stimulation

This theory is based on the fact that a person wants to achieve pleasure while avoiding pain. The manager, acting according to this theory, should reward employees more often and punish less often.

Vroom's Theory (Expectancy Theory)

According to Vroom, the peculiarities of personnel motivation lie in the fact that a person performs the work that, in his opinion, will satisfy his needs with the highest quality possible.

Adams theory

The meaning of this theory is as follows: human labor should be rewarded accordingly. If an employee is underpaid, then he works worse, and if he is overpaid, then he works at the same level. Work performed must be fairly compensated.

Types of staff motivation

There are many ways to motivate employees.

Depending on how you influence your subordinates, motivation can be:

Straight– when the employee knows that if the work is done quickly and efficiently, he will be additionally rewarded.

Direct motivation, in turn, is divided into:

  • Material motivation of staff– when an employee is stimulated, bonuses, cash rewards, trips to sanatoriums, etc.;
  • Non-material motivation of personnel– when the work of employees is recognized by management, they are given certificates, memorable gifts, working conditions are improved, working hours are adjusted, etc.

Indirect– in the course of stimulating activities, the employee’s interest in work is renewed, he feels satisfaction after completing a task. In this case, employees have a stronger sense of responsibility, and management control becomes unnecessary.

Social– a person understands that he is part of a team and an integral part of the team. He is afraid of letting his colleagues down and does everything to complete the tasks assigned to him as efficiently as possible.

Psychological– a good and friendly atmosphere is created for the employee within the team and the company itself. A person should want to go to work, participating in the production process, he should receive psychological satisfaction.

Labor– stimulation methods aimed at human self-realization.

Career– when the motivation is to move up the career ladder.

Gender– the employee is motivated by the opportunity to brag about his successes to other people.

Educational– the desire to work arises when an employee wants to develop, learn something, and be educated.

In order for staff motivation methods to bring the desired result, it is necessary to use all types of employee incentives in combination.

Basic levels of staff motivation

All people are unique and individual. Some are careerists and the prospect of career growth is very important to them, while others prefer stability and lack of change. Based on these considerations, managers must understand that methods of stimulating employees must be selected individually for each employee.

There are 3 levels of motivation:

  1. Individual motivation– The employee’s work must be paid decently. When calculating the amount of payments, the knowledge, skills and abilities that the employee possesses must be taken into account. It is important to make it clear to the subordinate that if he performs his duties well, he will receive a promotion.
  2. Team motivation– a group of people united by one cause and goal works more efficiently. Each team member understands that the success of the entire team depends on the effectiveness of his work. When motivating a group of people, it is very important that the atmosphere within the team is friendly.
  3. Organizational motivation– the entire team of the enterprise needs to be united into one system. People must understand that their organization is a single mechanism and a positive result depends on the actions of everyone. This is one of the most difficult tasks for a leader.

Systematic approach to personnel motivation

In order to competently carry out incentive activities, it is necessary to remember that motivation is a system consisting of 5 stages.

Stage 1. Identifying the problem of staff motivation.

In order to understand what kind of motivational activities to carry out, the manager needs to analyze the motivation of the staff. To do this, you need to conduct a survey (it can be anonymous) and identify what your subordinates are dissatisfied with.

Stage 2.

Implementation of management, taking into account data from the analysis of motivation and its goals.

When motivating employees, management must work closely with staff. Based on the research data, implement those methods that will bring benefits specifically to your enterprise. For example

, if the majority of employees are not satisfied with the length of the working day at the enterprise, then changes need to be made in this direction.

Stage 3.

Influence on employee behavior.

  • When carrying out activities to motivate staff, it is necessary to monitor changes in employee behavior.
  • Employees will change it if:
  • Management will accept constructive criticism;
  • Reward employees in a timely manner;

Demonstrate correct behavior by example;

They will be taught the required behavior.

Stage 4.

Improving the staff motivation system.

At this stage, it is necessary to introduce non-material methods of stimulating employees. Workers need to be convinced of the need to increase their productivity. The manager must “ignite” the subordinate and find an individual approach to each.

Stage 5.

A well-deserved reward.

  1. The company should develop a system of bonuses and incentives. When employees see that their efforts are rewarded, they begin to work better and more productively. . This is a powerful motivator that forces an employee to do his job well. If wages are low, it is unlikely that this will inspire workers to devote 100% to the production process.
  2. Praise . Every person who conscientiously performs his work is pleased to hear that his work did not go unnoticed. The manager needs to periodically analyze the work of employees and not neglect praise. Using this method, you don’t spend a penny, but increase your productivity significantly.
  3. Address employees by name . For the authority of the director of the company, it is very important to learn the names of all employees. By addressing a person by name, a leader shows his respect for his subordinate. The employee understands that he is not just a faceless secretary or cleaning lady, but a person who is valued.
  4. Additional rest . Some enterprises encourage workers to do their work faster and better by offering additional rest. For example, an employee who showed the best result at the end of the week may leave work several hours earlier on Friday. Thus, passion and zeal to be a winner awakens in the team.
  5. Awarding with memorable gifts . On the occasion of any memorable dates, you can present your employees with memorable gifts. These may be trinkets, but if you engrave it, then the employee will probably show off such a sign of attention to his friends for the rest of his life.
  6. Promotion prospect . All employees must understand that for quality performance of their work, they will receive a promotion. The prospect of moving up the career ladder is as motivating as material rewards.
  7. Opportunity to express your opinion and be heard . In any team, it is important to give all employees the opportunity to express their opinions. But it’s not enough to just listen; management must also listen to the advice and wishes of its employees. This way, employees will understand that their opinions are taken into account and listened to.
  8. The opportunity for each employee to personally communicate with the company’s management . All managers, first of all, must understand that they are the same people as their subordinates. Directors only organize the production process, and the execution of work depends on their subordinates. Therefore, it is regularly necessary to organize personal meetings with employees, where important issues on a variety of topics can be raised.
  9. Hall of Fame . This is an intangible method of motivation that greatly increases productivity. To implement it, it is necessary to create an honor board where portraits of the best employees will be posted. Thus, production competitions are created that stimulate workers to improve their production performance.
  10. Provide the opportunity to fulfill your . This method is only suitable for individual companies. If an office employee has routine work that he can do without leaving home, he can be asked not to come to his workplace on certain days. But the main condition will be high-quality performance of job duties.
  11. Nice job title . Each profession and position is good in its own way. But if a nurse in a medical institution is designated as a junior nurse, then the person will not be ashamed to say who he works for.
  12. Corporate events . Many enterprises organize parties on the occasion of major holidays. At these celebrations, people communicate in an informal setting, relax, and make new acquaintances. Corporate events help distract employees and demonstrate the company's care for them.
  13. Public thanks . You can praise an employee not only personally. It's best to do this publicly. This idea can be implemented in several ways. For example, announcing the best employee on the radio, through the media or public address system at the enterprise. This will encourage others to do better so that everyone knows about their results.
  14. Providing discounts . If a company produces a product or provides services, then a discount can be provided for employees of this company.
  15. Accrual of bonuses . Material incentives are an effective method of motivating staff. Employees need to set a goal, upon reaching which they will receive certain additional payments to the basic salary in the form of bonuses.
  16. Motivational board . A simple but effective method of motivating employees. To implement the idea, it is enough to draw a graph of the productivity of each participant in the production process on the demonstration board. Employees will see who performs better and will strive to become a leader.
  17. Training at company expense . It is important for many employees to improve and... By sending employees to seminars, conferences, trainings, etc., the manager shows his interest in the professional growth of his subordinate.
  18. Payment for a subscription to a sports club . From time to time, teams can organize production competitions, at the end of which the best employee will receive a subscription to a fitness club.
  19. Coverage of transportation costs, payment for communication services . Large companies often motivate their employees by paying for their transportation costs or cell phone service.
  20. Creating a bank of ideas . At an enterprise, you can create a bank of ideas in the form of an electronic mailbox. Anyone can send letters to it with their suggestions. Thanks to this, each employee will feel important.

Increasing the motivation of personnel in certain professions

When developing motivational measures, it is important to take into account the profession of workers and the type of employment.

Let's look at an example of motivating workers in some professions:

Profession Motivation methods

Provide the opportunity to make decisions independently;

Pay a bonus (a certain percentage of sales)


Organize production competitions with other managers;

Give bonuses depending on sales volumes;

Link wages to company profits

Logistician For people in this profession, wages most often consist of a salary and a bonus. Moreover, the salary is 30%, and 70% are bonuses. They can be motivated by the size of bonuses. If their work did not cause failures, then the bonus is paid in full

Non-standard methods of modern personnel motivation

In the Russian Federation, non-standard methods of stimulating labor are rarely used. But nevertheless they bring good results.

Not long ago, a survey was conducted in which office workers from different parts of Russia took part. They answered questions: what bonuses they would be happy with and what they want to see in the workplace.

Most people preferred:

  • Office kitchen;
  • A machine where everyone can make their own coffee for free;
  • Soul;
  • Recreation room, bedroom, smoking room;
  • Exercise machines;
  • Massage chair;
  • Tennis table;
  • Cinema hall;
  • Scooters.

The fair sex preferred massage chairs and gyms, while the stronger sex preferred entertainment (tennis table, scooters, etc.).

Professional assistance in motivating employees

If you are a young manager and doubt the correctness of developing staff motivation, you have 2 options to get out of this situation.

  1. You can contact special organizations that, for a fee, will develop a motivation system and successfully implement it in your company.
  2. Or enroll in a business school where they will teach you the basics of management.

What will good employee motivation bring?

If a manager properly stimulates his employees, then within a few weeks a positive result will be noticeable.


  • Employees begin to take a more responsible approach to performing their job duties;
  • The quality and productivity of labor increases;
  • Production indicators are improving;
  • Employees develop a team spirit;
  • Personnel turnover is reduced;
  • The company begins to develop rapidly, etc.

If you are a new entrepreneur, you must properly motivate your employees:

  • First, always encourage your subordinates to get the job done;
  • Second, ensure that employees' basic needs are met;
  • Thirdly, create comfortable working conditions;
  • Fourth, be loyal to your employees.

In addition, use the following tips:

  • Take an interest in the lives of your subordinates, ask about their needs;
  • Do not scold employees with or without reason. Better help them do the work that the employee can’t handle. After all, the failures of employees are the failures of managers;
  • Do analysis periodically. Conduct surveys, questionnaires, compile work diaries and internal reporting;
  • Pay unscheduled bonuses and incentives.


The role of staff motivation in any enterprise is quite large. It is within the power of the employer to create such working conditions where the employee wants to work with full dedication. The main thing is to competently approach the development and implementation of incentive methods.

The workforce is the most important component of any business. In the sales department, its importance is paramount, and people are the main “weapon” for generating income and growing profits. For commercial success to have positive trends, every manager must know how to motivate employees to achieve, or better yet, to exceed it.

Standard methods of motivation

Improving the quality of work of sales managers can be achieved by introducing a number of simple and low-cost motivating methods:

  1. Praise. If an employee did his job well, he should be told about it.
  2. Training. In order to grow his own income, it is important for an employee to be able to do a little more than what he can currently do.
  3. Working conditions. A comfortable chair, a good computer, a stylish work phone – the atmosphere will do the trick.
  4. Feedback. An employee should have the opportunity to speak out, receive advice, and comment from management.
  5. Open information. Each manager should know how they personally contributed to the overall success - this approach will allow your staff to feel responsible and perform better.
  6. To each - . People are different and work at different paces. You can set big goals for your most active employees to achieve the plan and pay performance accordingly. This will be a good guide for others.
  7. Percentage of sales. We are talking about a well-known award. It can be awarded to the department as a whole for fulfilling the plan or highlight the merits of a specific employee individually. The second option for fulfilling the sales plan is considered more effective.
  8. Competition. The best employee in a designated category (in a certain market, among elite buyers, in selling a specific brand, etc.) is given a cash bonus. You can also use: for example, a subscription to a fitness club, a bottle of expensive cognac, a tourist voucher.

You can use non-material rewards: for example, a subscription to a fitness club, a bottle of expensive cognac, a tourist voucher.

Non-standard ways of motivation

Motivating staff to fulfill the sales plan can consist not only of bonuses at the end of the month, but also of daily rewards. When an employee is given a target for a whole month, he considers this period as a free field for distributing efforts. A situation arises: “I’ll rest today and catch up tomorrow.” Moreover, it is precisely because of this that many employees disrupt their plans.

But once you set the bar for every day, your motivation will increase exponentially. The bottom line is that the employee receives a bonus only for those days when the plan was fulfilled. Sometimes additional payments are provided for exceeding the daily plan. This encourages employees to work productively every day.

Another option for motivational influence on staff is concessions during working hours. That is, employees who have fulfilled the plan for the day or month are given the opportunity to use the remaining working time for personal purposes: leave early for lunch or go home, go to yoga in the same business center in the middle of the working day, or leave for personal matters during working hours. Statistics show that this method can increase sales by as much as 40%.

If your company already has a bonus system, an additional incentive to improve the quality of sales plan fulfillment will be a non-monetary bonus fund. Let's say, for stable compliance of actual sales figures with the planned ones at the end of the year, the best employees are given a trip to the sea, a branded watch, an expensive TV.

The level of income of the company directly depends on how interested the sales department employees are in their work. The motivation system is thought out to the smallest detail: characters, marital status, and psychological portraits are studied. Be attentive to people, do not make empty promises and do not set impossible goals.

In this article you will read

  • What needs to be done to ensure that staff motivation begins to bear fruit
  • 24 staff motivation ideas worth paying attention to
  • Why the Apple legend preferred to meet with employees in a non-traditional setting
  • Examples of successful staff motivation from Russian and foreign companies

Let's consider effective ways to motivate staff, which can rightfully be called “eternal.”

Ways to motivate staff

1. Praise your employees. Praise is an important condition for employee loyalty to management and the entire company. It will not be difficult for the management to once again say “thank you” to the employee for the work done. For example, gratitude to the secretary for a competent meeting schedule. It’s just enough to say “thank you” so that in the future the secretary will be interested in performing his functions even more efficiently.

2. Address the employee by name. In small companies, managers know their employees by name. But with a constant increase in the number of employees, certain difficulties may arise in remembering the names of all employees. General Director of the LiveInternet portal German Klimenko recommends recording the names of employees in a diary if you have problems remembering everyone. Employees have been working in his company for 15-20 years - and experience confirms that nothing sounds more pleasant to a person than his own name.

3. Providing additional rest. Many managers can attest to how important additional rest can be for employees in the form of time off, the ability to come in later or leave work early. Such privileges are not always offered and not to everyone - you need to earn such a right. For example, the editors of the magazine “General Director” allow the author of the most popular Facebook post of the week to leave early on Friday. Similar staff motivation has proven itself in practice.

4. Presentation of memorable gifts. Widespread personnel motivation (especially for employees of manufacturing enterprises). Employees are awarded certificates, cups and other symbolic awards. The General Director of the Industrial Power Machines company, Andrey Medvedev, has seen from his own experience how effective this approach can be. His factory employees liked it, and such encouragement became honorable. But at the same time, gifts turned out to be an effective way of motivation not only for employees of manufacturing enterprises. Also, do not forget about the families of your employees. Sometimes a great gift for an employee's wife turns out to be a more effective motivation than giving it to him himself.

5. Career prospects. Quite effective motivation of staff, as stated by the employees themselves. After all, career prospects can inspire and motivate to achieve excellent results at work, contributing to the success of the company. The employee understands that he has a chance to achieve new positions and prospects in the company thanks to his efforts. In particular, in the practice of the Econika company, 15% of employees receive an increase annually. Also, many companies adhere to the practice of cultivating their top managers from ordinary managers.

6. Clear objectives and evaluation criteria. A third of directors adhere to transparent systems when setting goals and monitoring results. In particular, the director of Corus Consulting CIS company Ilya Rubtsov adheres to such priorities - he draws up a schedule on a sheet of A3 format. The vertical axis of such a graph becomes a reflection of the importance of the task, while the horizontal axis indicates labor intensity. He puts a sticker on his schedule with completed tasks to visually reflect his priorities.

7. The opportunity to express your opinion and be heard. In the work of the company, many managers prefer to involve ordinary employees in solving global problems of their companies. It is important for an employee to feel the significance of his contribution to the overall development of the company. In addition to motivating employees, this approach allows you to get quite useful ideas and recommendations from employees, because in many ways they know better how the company works, since they work directly with clients. This approach will help identify various controversial and weak points in the company’s work. In particular, the co-founder of the Tonus Club network, Irina Chirva, invites her employees to determine 3 indicators by which their work will be assessed. Based on the responses received, I was able to form a KPI assessment system and implement it in the company’s activities.

8. Personal contact with the head of the company. Personal contact with employees with whom management is not obligated to meet due to their status is important. Many famous entrepreneurs and successful businessmen resort to this approach. For example, world business legend Richard Branson decides to answer letters from his employees personally. The CEO of ArmstrongMachine provides each employee with paychecks personally, asking if there are any problems. In his work, Steve Jobs invited his subordinates on long walks, during which he had the opportunity to discuss issues or problems that had arisen in a relaxed atmosphere.

9. Free lunch. Some companies organize free lunches once a week. On one day, free delivery of sushi, pizza, etc. is provided to employees. This type of staff motivation is mainly widespread in the work of IT companies.

10. Honor board. Personnel motivation involves recognition of an employee's results and achievements over a certain period. In particular, McDonald's is known for its "Best Employee of the Month" stands, and the 100% Fitness Center chain names the best employees on internal radio. In addition, the employee who has become the best strives to maintain his leadership, while others will strive to impose competition and surpass the winner.

11 Possibility to work from home. Only a quarter of managers and entrepreneurs in our country provide employees with the opportunity to work on a flexible schedule or remotely. But experience suggests that productivity increases by 15% for employees working from home. Although not all positions and specialties can work from home.

12. Honorary title of the employee's position. A fairly common way to motivate staff. After all, it is important for many employees to use a beautiful, honorable, and not a standard job title when communicating with their acquaintances. In particular, now the janitors at the Martika company (Barnaul) are called “general workers.”

13. Corporate gatherings. 10% of managers in our country periodically gather their team for various celebrations in a bowling alley, bar, etc. Many employees like this approach of holding informal evenings. Excellent opportunities are created for joint leisure in a relaxed atmosphere, and simply a great chance to relax and gain strength for future work successes.

14. Public gratitude. For example, the general director of the “Favorite Children” chain of children's goods stores walks through the offices in the central office every day, noting and thanking employees who have successfully completed their tasks. Gratitude turns out to be much more important if it is backed up with a useful gift. Usually a minor gift is enough, although sometimes it can be serious - for example, a trip to a sanatorium. Public gratitude is very pleasant for an employee. But try to express your gratitude correctly so as not to affect the feelings of other employees.

15. Discounts on services. Quite effective staff motivation in various organizations - corporate discounts for employees on various products and services of their company. Employees perceive their savings positively, and loyalty to the company increases. If a company specializes in several areas of its work, then it is simply impossible to do without providing such corporate discounts.

16. Providing bonuses. At the end of the year, all employees expect to receive various gifts, bonuses and bonuses from their employer. They can be issued for the achievement of set goals and plans - providing motivation to employees. When calculating, you can use a nonlinear scale. Payment of a 100% bonus if goals are achieved by 90% or more, 50% - if goals are achieved by 80%, if this figure is less than 70%, then no bonuses are provided. The size of the bonus can be equal to a fixed amount - for example, two monthly salaries or more. Bonuses for top managers are higher; they can be paid in several stages, including in December and March, since not every company can plan large payments at the end of the year.

17. Motivational board. Few managers know this term, we will talk about it in more detail. In fact, a motivation board is a standard marker board, which is a visual dynamic indicator of the sales level for the current date for each department or manager, and also becomes a reflection of the employee’s personal contribution to the common cause.

Experience confirms that it is possible to achieve an effect thanks to a motivation board after just a week of use. In the past, the worst managers understood that their poor sales could go unnoticed. Now an exciting game and competition begins, because no one wants to be the last. At the same time, the spirit of competition still does not prevent managers from supporting each other. They can see how much time is left until the sales plan is fulfilled, and they begin to encourage the rest of the employees - the team spirit kicks in.

18. Payment for employee training. To achieve professionalism in any job, it is important for an employee to strive for improvement in his specialty. After all, an employee who is passionate about his learning will definitely be able to achieve career growth and improve his skills, with the development of additional skills. Therefore, training and knowledge can be an important motivating factor. There can be various ways for such motivation. This includes sending employees to participate in conferences, trainings, etc. Additional knowledge should be made an advantage to inspire employees to further their education.

19. Payment for a fitness club subscription. A fairly effective motivation is to pay for the interests and hobbies of employees. Such hobbies usually relate to visiting a fitness center. Moreover, if employees are focused on improving their physical condition, then they are more focused on achieving their goals. But not everyone enjoys going to the gym. Some may be more interested in art school or piano lessons. Each person is individual, so their hobbies vary.

20. Control as a way to motivate staff. Many managers are convinced of the need to control employees. Control really allows you to motivate employees. The main idea is to provide employees with the opportunity to make independent decisions on all issues for which centralized control is not required. Allow employees to change any aspect of their work environment on their own as long as it does not pose a threat to the company's image or safety. One company in particular allows employees to wear headphones to work while enjoying their favorite music. Many companies do not prohibit employees from decorating their workplaces. Give employees more decision-making freedom within reasonable limits to achieve effective motivation.

21. Salary. Salary is one of the main ways to motivate employees. Therefore, if you cannot initially provide a sufficient salary for an employee, then other methods will turn out to be ineffective and secondary. Comfortable salary levels vary for different employees. It is important to understand what salary level will be constant and what will be flexible.

22. Bank of ideas. You should be interested in the opinions and thoughts of your employees. Many employees may have really useful and effective ideas, but do not see interest in them. Although most managers are interested in employees sharing relevant thoughts and ideas, not all managers simply know how to ask. Most of them simply interrupt the employee and reject his initiatives, which deprives employees of self-confidence and motivation. To solve this problem, it is better to get a notepad, file or other documents in which employees’ ideas will be recorded. Thanks to this approach, managers soon begin to listen better to employees, who can offer some pretty useful ideas.

23. Employee profit sharing/option. An option is one of the instruments for employees' equity participation in the company's capital. Such an instrument has become a replacement for partnership or simple corporatization of personnel. In Russian practice, option programs are considered a relatively young phenomenon. Just a few years ago such cases were rare. The main goal is to focus the company's management on long-term growth of capitalization and increasing employee loyalty to the employing company. The loyalty of managers to the company is especially relevant today, when economic growth is causing a shortage of highly qualified employees. Because of this, compensation and staff turnover increase. The introduction of option programs helps to effectively solve both of these problems.

24. Payment for travel and mobile communications. Many employees are interested in paying for their travel or mobile phone costs, as these can be quite significant. Naturally, such bonuses will be pleasant for your employees. It would seem like a small thing, but it’s nice!

  • Motivation, Incentive, Remuneration, KPI, Benefits and Compensation

Motivating staff is the best way to increase the success of a company.

The success, and most importantly, the profitability of any commercial structure directly depends on the desire of each individual employee and the entire team to do their job as best as possible. A properly motivated employee’s productivity increases, and working at an accelerated pace allows for an increase in overall growth rates.

Understanding the basics of how to motivate employees to increase their contribution to achieving enterprise goals becomes a powerful tool for leaders. Investment in personnel can bring results no less than financial investments, you just need to correctly calculate the vectors of application of forces and consistently introduce the developed principles and approaches into the management process.

Nothing is universal

Mistakes made by management can turn the work process into a waste of time, which will ultimately result in a decrease in performance, a decrease in competitiveness and, as a result, the complete collapse of any, even the most promising undertaking. Therefore, first of all, you need to understand what not to do.

For every person, motivation is the main driving force; if we do something, then we already want something. And, conversely, if we have to do work that is not supported by desire, we will do it through force with the corresponding result. But just as there are no absolutely identical people, there are no absolutely similar desires. Therefore, what will motivate one to work at full capacity will not interest the other at all.

Therefore, there are no principles that are ideal for everyone. For example, there is one oft-proposed way to increase employee engagement that may seem ideal: paying workers not at a specific rate, but as a percentage of profit. But there are a lot of people who perform. They can cope remarkably well with clearly defined tasks, but are completely lost if personal initiative is required from them. At the same time, workers with opposite psychological attitudes are completely unable to act within clear boundaries.

Meanwhile, there is always a job that is best suited to the first or second type. And one of the main personnel mistakes is that an employee is entrusted with activities that are completely unsuitable for his psychotype. At the same time, if the former are given specific tasks and explained exactly what they should do, and the latter are appointed to positions that provide a certain amount of freedom, the productivity of both will increase significantly.

The main meaning of this principle is that when choosing a method of motivation, you should rely on the person’s personality, and not automatically use the same methods for all employees. Therefore, even after becoming familiar with the incorrect use of motivation or the principles on which the right approach is based, the personality of a particular employee should be taken into account.

Mistakes in motivation that can kill a business

The point is that the manager does not want to admit the fact: the success of the company depends not only on the knowledge and experience of employees, but also on their desire to perform the assigned work.

This is especially important in the service sector, in which much depends on the level of interaction between employee and client. No instructions can provide for situations that arise during personal communication, and it is impossible to force a person to work in the service sector with high quality if he himself does not have such a desire.

Personnel acting strictly according to instructions, unwilling to take responsibility and take initiative, will inevitably lead the company to the loss of a client and, accordingly, profit. There is no way to force a person to be proactive; he must really want it. And only the right motivation can help with this.

Even professional psychologists are confused in the definition of the terms “motivation” and “motive”. In general terms, we can say that correct motivation is the actions of management, thanks to which the team has a desire not only to do their work, but to obtain a certain effective result.

Most managers transfer their own perceptions onto their employees, so they consider what seems right to them sufficient for motivation.

For example, a boss may consider that a high salary is a sufficient reason for employees to follow all his instructions. At the same time, he will be confident that the person will try “from the bottom of his heart” in order to retain his job, climb the career ladder or increase his earnings. That is, motives will be applied to the employee that seem sufficient for him. At the same time, it is quite acceptable for a situation where a person is satisfied with the amount he earns, but absolutely cannot stand the situation in the team or the attitude of his superiors towards him.

Wrong motivation that does not take into account the specific situation will act on the contrary, destroy loyalty to the company and destroy initiative. The result is loss of efficiency, loss of competitiveness and reduced profits.

A monetary incentive should be present in the staff motivation system, but it should not be put in first place. A low salary may well become a reason to hate what a person does. But this rule does not work in the opposite direction.

Another reason why monetary incentives do not become decisive for employees to strive for increased efficiency is habituation. A salary increase can evoke positive emotions only at the first stage, but after a short time such earnings become habitual and no longer seem sufficient (“there is no such thing as too much money”).

It is necessary to use such incentives, but it should be understood that a person also perceives an increase in his own income as recognition of his achievements.

It is especially important to take into account that financial incentives do not guarantee employee loyalty in cases of highly paid specialists. A person who knows that he can always find a place to apply his own knowledge cannot be retained only with money - he must enjoy working in a particular place.

Employees who are primarily focused on earning more money must see the connection between remuneration and work results. And that part of the staff whose need for money is lower always attaches greater importance to the conditions for self-realization, the opportunity to communicate with other people, the work process itself, or the good attitude of management. However, using them without a fair monetary assessment of labor becomes a demotivating factor that will also reduce productivity.

It is the manager who makes decisions that affect motivation: he determines wages, working conditions, deadlines for completing tasks and their distribution, etc. Therefore, almost any manager’s decision, one way or another, is related to the motivation (or demotivation) of employees. Therefore, such decisions, both in the form of rewards and punishments, must take into account the extent to which they will affect the motivation of staff.

The situation is the opposite of the one in which management does not want to hear about motivating employees. Such a manager, knowing that “employees need to be motivated,” perceives this as an unpleasant but necessary duty. As a result, it is easier for him to motivate people “from the opposite direction” - with punishments and threats. The result is exactly the opposite - such actions create a tense environment, not for one person, but for the entire team.

This is not all, but some of the main mistakes related to staff motivation that you should definitely remember.

Principles and types of motivation

The effect of motivating staff can only be obtained if certain principles of incentives are observed:

  • setting clear and understandable tasks and goals (employees must know exactly what tasks are assigned to them and what goals they must achieve);
  • rewards and goals must be linked (a person needs to know what he will get from effective work);
  • the possibility of feedback and transparency (the employee must be sure that his success will be supported, and he can turn to management with questions);
  • knowledge of motivation tools used in other enterprises, especially competitors;
  • understanding employee expectations;
  • optimal combination of material and moral types of motivation;
  • taking into account the employee’s personality when using incentive methods (what is necessary for one is not necessary for another);
  • if possible, use positive rather than negative methods (despite the fact that the possibility of punishment may improve performance, the constant use of this method worsens the general situation and climate in the team).

Incentive tools can be divided into several types:

  1. material monetary - an increase or assignment of high (upon hiring) wages, bonuses, bonuses, percentages of results, commissions, etc.;
  2. material non-monetary – incentives or rewards that can be valued in money, but received by the employee “in kind” (vouchers, certificates, provided housing or transportation, etc.);
  3. non-monetary – incentives that emphasize both management’s attitude towards the employee and the assessment of his performance, and also work to unite the team.

It is generally accepted that one of the most effective motivating systems of monetary incentives is KPI, which takes into account the performance of employees according to key indicators. In reality, the real picture turns out to be different.

Domestic business uses the KPI as something similar to the system that existed under socialist planning: each employee receives a specific task for a period, and the result of its implementation affects wages. However, management often increases the “norm” next month, which is already more difficult to fulfill. This leads to a deterioration in attitude towards work. In the case when the KPI is not met, the employee does not receive part of the money, so he strives to complete the task, but also develops a negative attitude towards the perception of his activities. As a result, such a system becomes a means of forcing staff to bring more profit, which has nothing to do with actual motivation.

And non-material incentives, which include:

  • holding general corporate events;
  • individual work schedule (possibility of remote work, separate days off if necessary, days off on birthdays, etc.);
  • creating a favorable atmosphere;
  • public positive assessment of the achievements of an employee or team.

As a conclusion, we can say that the introduction of a motivation system that complies with the listed principles may well lead to an improvement in the overall performance indicators of the entire company. However, this is only possible if the personal qualities of each employee are taken into account. To do this, you need to understand what might interest each employee. This stage may seem complicated, long and inconvenient, but it can bring the best results and increase the competitiveness (and, therefore, profit) of any commercial structure.

How to motivate employees to improve labor productivity and fulfill the plan? Every manager has to look for answers to this question, whether he manages a transnational corporation or a small department. It is obvious that the right motivation can make people more responsible in performing their professional duties. How to find it and does money always decide everything?

How to motivate employees: gratitude

Surprisingly, material bonuses are far from the only motivational tool that is present in the arsenal of an experienced manager who gets his subordinates to fulfill the plan. A boss can motivate employees intangibly by simply thanking people for their work. We are talking not only about such popular means of expressing gratitude as honor boards and certificates, as well as public recognition of a person’s merits. Any employee is pleased to receive an informal compliment from the boss, expressed in person, over the phone, or even in the form of an SMS message.

When using gratitude as a motivational tool, it is worth celebrating not only the outstanding achievements that are obvious to everyone. It is useful to praise a novice manager who managed to interest the first client during his work in the company, even if the contract has not yet been signed. Having supported a person, you can be sure that he will begin to try even harder.

The initiative is welcome

How to motivate employees correctly? An effective method that can produce superior results is to encourage initiative. Many people in leadership positions like to talk about how the company needs proactive employees. In reality, they (wittingly or unwittingly) suppress the attempts of their subordinates to think independently. As a result, people hesitate to take initiative for fear of disapproval from their superiors, which negatively affects the results of their work.

It is likely that in the past, a manager who complains about a lack of initiative on the part of subordinates has repeatedly rejected the ideas they expressed, without even familiarizing themselves with them properly. Perhaps it is worth considering incoming proposals more carefully, as well as giving employees a little more freedom in decision-making, and welcoming a creative approach - of course, within reasonable limits.

Individual approach

How to motivate employees and set them up for work? All people, without exception, like it when they are seen as an individual, and not as a work unit devoid of individuality. Every person has talents whose presence he is especially proud of. Moreover, these abilities may, at first glance, not be directly related to his professional duties, but turn out to be very valuable upon closer examination. So why not celebrate them?

For example, if a person is a pedant, he secretly takes pride in his ability to keep documents in immaculate order. Why not praise him for this quality, which in the future can protect not only the employee himself, but also the company as a whole from serious problems! The subordinate will definitely like it if he is cited as an example, emphasizing the value of his unique talent to the organization.

Right to make mistakes

How to motivate a new employee? Lack of experience often forces people to make mistakes that do not at all indicate their professional unsuitability. If a new person unknowingly makes a serious mistake that results in losses for the company, it is not always advisable to immediately say goodbye to him. A “pardoned” employee can begin to work with renewed vigor, striving to prove his worth and dedication to the common cause.

Of course, every manager has his own idea of ​​the scale of the mistake to which one can turn a blind eye.

Creating comfortable conditions

How to motivate employees to fulfill the plan? Managers who manage to create comfortable working conditions for their subordinates win. It must be taken into account that all people are different from each other, therefore, their productivity is influenced by various factors. In most cases, negative factors can be easily eliminated by creating a feeling of gratitude in the subordinate, which will also have a positive impact on the result of work. The person realizes that he is needed by the company.

A simple example: people may work worse because the office is too cold or, on the contrary, too hot. In the first case, the solution to the problem will be to install a heater, in the second - to buy an air conditioner.

Flexible work schedule

How to motivate employees? The phenomenon of flexible work hours is becoming increasingly popular. Many managers these days do not require their subordinates to “sit” for 8-10 hours at the workplace, but look only at the result of their work. Surprisingly, what appears to be a lack of discipline often results in increased productivity. Employees are less likely to take “smoke breaks” and try to finish current tasks faster, having the right to personal time.

It is also worth asking the question: is lateness always an evil that needs to be fought? Many people are professionals in their field, but have serious problems with punctuality. If an employee’s “habit” of being late does not negatively affect the organization’s work, why not turn a blind eye to it? Of course, if a person manages to cope with his work responsibilities.


How to motivate employees to work? An effective incentive is the feeling of stability that a company can give a person. In the age of rented apartments and loans, for many people a matter of “life and death” is having a constant source of income. Therefore, the best motivation that a leader can offer his subordinates is the absence of doubts about the future.

How to achieve this? Wages must be issued without delay, employment must be official. The prospects of the industry with which the organization’s activities are connected also play an important role. Finally, a person must see an opportunity for career growth and count on a promotion, which will be a reward for effective work. In this case, he will not even think about leaving the organization; he will put more effort into his work.

Keeping promises

How to motivate employees to work? A good leader knows how not only to make promises, but also to fulfill them exactly. Any deception of expectations, even a minor one, makes people doubt the reliability and honesty of the employer. As a result, their productivity also decreases, and they, in turn, allow themselves to become forgetful and inattentive.

For example, a newcomer is promised an increase in salary as soon as he completes the probationary period, but they forget about this. Not every person decides to remind their superiors about this promise; some continue to work silently, but the effectiveness of their work is significantly reduced due to disappointment and resentment, and distrust of the employer arises.

Demonstration of trust

Total control is not always an effective means of motivating employees to work. Research shows that productivity in most cases does not increase, but decreases, if a person constantly feels under surveillance. Surveillance tools can be different: installing video cameras in work offices, tracking activities on the Internet, using speech modules. Of course, subordinates are always in good working spirit, but at the same time they do not go beyond the task of “serving at work from 9 to 18.”

A manager seeking to motivate employees of an organization should also not encourage subordinates to denounce each other. Lack of trust in colleagues negatively affects team spirit. Not every person is able to work effectively in a prevailing atmosphere of intrigue. Challenging working conditions can force many professionals to say goodbye to an organization that doesn't trust them.

About social networks

How else can you motivate employees, in addition to all of the above? Managers who purposefully block staff's access to social networks do not always do the right thing. Firstly, popular networks are actually an analogue of the media; they can also be used by subordinates to solve professional problems.

Secondly, not every person who logs into Facebook from time to time performs poorly. Also, separating employees from social networks does not guarantee an increase in labor productivity. Klondike solitaire, mobile phone, communication with colleagues on personal topics - people who have no desire to work will always find other ways to kill working time. While the trust that is expressed in providing access to social networks will be appreciated by everyone, it is therefore an effective motivation.


How to motivate employees to fulfill the plan? The prospect of career growth is a sure-fire incentive that experienced managers take advantage of. Obviously, you can't provide new positions to everyone who works great for a couple of months. However, there are also temporary, intermediate positions. For example, the head of a department who is going on vacation can choose the most efficient of his own subordinates to play the role of his deputy. You can also appoint an employee as the manager of an important project that the organization is currently working on.

How to properly motivate employees without promising a promotion? An effective alternative is the possibility of improving working conditions. For example, you can promise people bonuses such as a new computer, modern equipment, a separate office, and so on - depending on the capabilities that a particular organization has.

Unexpected bonuses

It's no secret that the easiest way to motivate employees financially. In this case, we are talking not only about the amount of wages, although the prospect of its increase will also be a wonderful motivation. It is great if the organization has a fund to pay unexpected bonuses to reward employees who have performed in the best way. Surprise bonuses can be paid based on the results of work for the year, after the end of a long-term project, and so on.

Interim bonuses will also be greeted with gratitude by employees and will motivate them to work. For example, it is possible to encourage a subordinate's contribution to a major project, even if the work on it has not yet come to an end. Having received a cash bonus, the employee will try even harder.

Employee training

Many modern companies motivate employees by paying for their training. A person interested in his professional growth is happy to attend trainings and seminars that allow him to improve in his own specialty. They also feel grateful to the company that provides them with such an opportunity, which has a positive impact on their work results.

Many modern organizations offer training opportunities as a bonus given to employees who provide the best results.

Discounts, bonuses

How to motivate employees correctly? Many organizations these days provide their employees with discounts on their own services or products. People get the opportunity to reduce their own expenses, and as a result, their loyalty to the company increases. Compensation for expenses for cellular communications, travel, which can be quite impressive, and organization of free lunches also falls into this category.

Bonuses such as payment for visiting a swimming pool or fitness club are popular. This not only motivates staff, but also allows people to stay fit and take care of their health. It is obvious that a person’s physical condition directly affects his ability to work and energy, as well as the frequency with which he goes on sick leave. The main thing is that visiting a fitness club does not turn into a kind of obligation for subordinates, otherwise the result will be the opposite.

Corporate gatherings

The ability to motivate employees also requires constant concern for team spirit. Team unity is promoted not only by joint work, but also by entertainment. Many managers now from time to time gather subordinates in places such as a bar or bowling alley. People get the opportunity to take a break from routine, get to know each other in an informal setting, gain new impressions and take on the upcoming project with fresh energy.

Of course, such forays should not be carried out too often. People who are forced to go bowling with their colleagues once a week will sooner or later begin to perceive this as another work obligation.

Readiness for dialogue

How to motivate employees to work? The leader must demonstrate his openness to his subordinates. Many people have a negative attitude towards bosses who are difficult to get an appointment with, and this also negatively affects work results. You should definitely set aside time for communicating with subordinates outside of production meetings.

Research shows that everyone likes to hear their own name. Of course, the larger the organization, the more difficult it is to remember the names of all employees. However, it is worth taking the time because many people stay with a company for years. The fact that the manager knows the name of the subordinate helps the latter to feel his own importance for the company. This becomes an incentive for more productive work.

There are actions that a manager should carefully avoid when thinking about how to motivate employees. First of all, you should not set obviously impossible tasks for people, threatening them with deprivation of bonuses, bonuses, and so on. Goals must be achievable, otherwise subordinates give up.

Excessive use of tools of disciplinary motivation and control is harmful. People who are fined for being 5 minutes late are thinking about how to leave the company, not about how to increase their productivity. You cannot constantly remind employees of the mistakes they have made, forgetting about praise; it is especially harmful to humiliate a person in public. It is also dangerous to constantly emphasize how easy it is to replace an employee with another specialist, reducing his importance to the organization. Only healthy competition is welcome.

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