Countries favorable for Russian immigration. How to get a residence permit and permanent residence in Greece

It’s not easy to live in our vast country, and if you decide to emigrate and you don’t have money, then you definitely shouldn’t be upset, but you need to consider the available opportunities that allow you to go and live in more comfortable conditions.

My family and I are seriously thinking about moving to another state for permanent residence. We chose a beautiful country with a warm climate, and the first steps to prepare the necessary documents had already been taken when we learned that there were other, more interesting options for leaving Russia. Let's talk about where to start your preparation and where the easiest way is to emigrate from the territory of the Russian Federation today.

In fact, immigration is the process in which a citizen moves permanently from one country to another. As a rule, the procedure not only requires a lot of physical and spiritual strength, but is also considered very troublesome and expensive.

Particular problems when moving include circumstances such as lack of funds for improvement in a new place and lack of knowledge of the local language. In order to avoid getting into a difficult situation, citizens planning to leave the Russian Federation and move to another country should carefully study all possible nuances. If we talk about the reasons for making the decision to move, we should note several popular reasons that Russians give when trying to justify their desire to escape to another state. So, we are talking about these points:

  • low social standard of living and lack of decent income;
  • corruption component when applying to various authorities;
  • low educational level;
  • lack of any guarantees of safe residence in the state;
  • expensive housing and other real estate;
  • widespread boorish attitude of citizens, vandalism, lack of amenities;
  • regular infringement of citizens' rights.

Even one of the listed reasons is enough to make a decision to move to another state, and if they all act together, then this desire increases significantly. However, what if there is no or very little money for moving?

Leading world countries and their migration policies

If we turn to the question of the best countries where a Russian can immigrate, then the easiest options for moving are countries such as Israel and Slovenia, Poland, the Czech Republic and Canada, Australia. If you have a certain amount of money to buy a home, an option like sunny Spain is quite suitable. Here you can easily and quickly obtain a residence permit using a simplified scheme.

States located in the eastern part of Europe set less stringent requirements for immigrants, including the lack of financial resources for immigrants. In addition, in the listed territories, the costs arising in connection with migration are quite small, which allows you to settle down when moving in a short period of time.

For Russians who do not have enough money to move, Israel may be the most convenient option. If there are legal grounds for immigration, those wishing to move will not only be provided with a job opportunity and a monthly allowance, but will also buy a plane ticket for both the immigrant himself and his family members. It is possible to take part in the repatriation program and receive free Hebrew training. Documentation is also completed in a simplified manner and completely free of charge.

What professions are most in demand in foreign countries?

Many states independently determine the main directions and provisions of migration policy. A significant influence on the decision on the possibility of immigration is whether the applicant has funds and a certain educational level. If a person has a profession that is in demand in another country, then there will be no problems at all with obtaining permanent residence. The most popular professions today are:

  • medical service employees, including highly specialized doctors;
  • specialists providing assistance to people with physical disabilities and rehabilitation specialists;
  • programmers and specialists in the field of IT technologies;
  • builders, engineers, designers;
  • veterinarians, laboratory workers.

To move and as confirmation of your specialty, you will need to present a diploma and confirm your qualification level. This will allow you to obtain a residence permit in a short time and in a simplified manner.

How to leave the Russian Federation if there is no money?

The most common problem that prevents you from moving to another state for permanent residence is the lack of the required amount of funds.

In fact, even under such circumstances it is possible to escape from Russia, and the following methods exist:

  1. Take part in volunteer programs. Traveling to another country is free, but requires knowledge of a foreign language. This does not give any rights to obtain permanent residence, but the chances of obtaining such a permit increase significantly.
  2. Concluding a marriage with a foreign citizen. Immediately after the wedding, a Russian receives a residence permit, and a few years later, citizenship. It should be noted here that a fictitious marriage can become a reason for refusal and subsequent eviction from the country.
  3. Obtaining a student visa. Some countries offer free training programs, and the Russian will only need to pay a small service fee. After receiving a diploma, the student has a year to find a job and renew his visa.
  4. Official employment. Here it is important to have unique skills and abilities, as well as to be a sought-after specialist.
  5. Political refuge. This option is suitable for those citizens who suffer oppression in their homeland and whose lives are in danger. When applying to the consulate, a person can receive housing and a monthly allowance.
  6. Participation in special programs, for example, such as Green Card and Blue Card, where permission to reside in another state can be won in a lottery.

Each of the presented options allows you to immigrate from the Russian Federation without funds, however, the citizen will need to complete all the necessary actions and complete the accompanying documents.


As a result, it can be noted that immigrating from Russia to another country is not so difficult if you take care of preparing the necessary documents in advance. At the same time, in order to move without money and obtain permanent residence in an accelerated manner, it is worth carefully studying the current migration rules of other states.

​In view of the latest events in the political and economic life of the country, the consequences of which were felt by almost all of its citizens, many Russians began to think about changing their permanent place of residence, and questions are increasingly being heard: where is the easiest way to emigrate from Russia or at least just go for permanent residence. However, as it turned out, this is not an easy matter and requires increased attention, because the future well-being of each member of the family who dares to move is at stake.

To make a final decision, the opinion formed during a tourist trip to a particular country is not enough, since the issue of emigration requires a more thorough study, considering all the advantages and disadvantages of living in a particular state.

Criteria for choosing a country for emigration

So, how to choose a country that will become a second home for you and your children, what criteria should it meet? Read on for answers to these, as well as other questions regarding moving from Russia for permanent residence. It should be noted right away that there are no universal selection criteria that everyone who wants to move to permanent residence must follow. The first thing that influences decision-making is not even the level of economic development of the country, but subjective factors, such as the availability of opportunities for self-realization, suitable climatic conditions, etc.

The choice of a second homeland is influenced by:

  • Availability of the opportunity to find a job and realize oneself as a professional;
  • Level of proficiency in the state language;
  • Climatic conditions;
  • The attitude of local residents towards migrants;
  • Features of the lifestyle of the local population, their traditions and customs, including religious ones;
  • Purpose of migration.

Countries friendly to emigrants include 5 English-speaking countries:

  1. Great Britain;
  2. Australia;
  3. New Zealand;
  4. Canada.

The favorable attitude is explained by the fact that most of the population of the listed states are immigrants from other countries and continents, the percentage of indigenous residents is insignificant.

Additional aspects that should also be considered when choosing:

  1. Level of economic development of the country;
  2. Demand for the migrant profession, which directly affects further employment;
  3. Issues regarding the purchase of housing;
  4. Availability of social security for foreigners;
  5. Possibility of further legalization and acquisition of citizenship;
  6. Religious traditions, attitude towards representatives of other faiths;
  7. Migration legislation.

Countries most popular among Russians

In 2016, the following states became the most popular among Russian migrants:

  • Spain. The legalization of Russians in the Kingdom is facilitated by the acquisition of real estate, the cost of which, according to migration legislation, must be at least 250 thousand euros. Having purchased housing, a migrant can apply for a residence permit, and subsequently for permanent residence. Since Spain is part of the Schengen zone, its residents can travel freely throughout Europe without having to have special permission;
  • USA. The best option to settle in one of the American states is to apply for a green card;
  • Israel. This state, located in southwest Asia, is most suitable for citizens whose relatives live on its territory. Thanks to the repatriation program, relatives of Jews can count on the provision of social benefits intended for immigrants immediately after moving;
  • Germany. A developed country with a stable economy, which is popular among Russian citizens. However, recently some amendments have been made to the state’s migration legislation, which have significantly tightened the rules for entry into its territory, as well as the legalization procedure;
  • Great Britain. A favorable country for highly qualified specialists whose professions are in demand on its territory;
  • Hungary and Slovenia. You can obtain a residence permit in one of these countries on the basis of investment. Having made an investment injection into the state’s economy, a Russian and his family members have the opportunity to be legalized on its territory in a simplified manner;
  • Sweden. The country's advantage is the high standard of living of its citizens, the disadvantage is its rather strict migration policy. However, this drawback does not affect the popularity of Sweden among Russians who want to leave their homeland;
  • Canada. Representatives of those professions that are in demand in the country at the time of application have a greater chance of moving to Canada;
  • Australia. Among the advantages: high standard of living of the local population, favorable conditions for employment.

Where is the easiest place for a Russian citizen to move?

The above list includes states in whose territory many Russian migrants would like to live. However, desires do not always coincide with reality, which is justified by the different migration policies of these countries and the conditions of legalization.

The easiest way to leave Russia for permanent residence is in the following countries:

  1. Czech Republic.

Recently, more and more Russians are choosing the Czech Republic as their second homeland. Affordable real estate prices, favorable climatic conditions, loyal pricing policy for products and household items, related language, all these advantages play a major role in making the final decision in favor of the Czech Republic;

  1. Latvia.

Often the choice of Russians falls on this Baltic state, which is famous for its good ecology, affordable real estate prices and less pretentious, for example, in comparison with the Swiss, work of banking institutions. The absence of a language barrier is of no small importance when making a decision, since a large number of Russian-speaking residents live in Latvia;

  1. New Zealand.

This island state, which is the most environmentally friendly in the whole world, is more interested in labor reserves than any other country. Resettlement of citizens is carried out according to the quota and professional affiliation of the migrant. In addition, the migrant must be a highly qualified specialist who is fluent in English.

For Russian citizens who do not have financial problems, the easiest way to settle is in countries such as Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Cyprus and Spain. In most of these countries, you can obtain a residence permit in a simplified manner when purchasing real estate.

Migration methods

Reasons for moving and further legalization abroad:

  • Reunion with relatives;
  • Investments;
  • Buying a home;
  • Availability of education received at one of the prestigious universities in the world;
  • Business registration and development;
  • Employment.

Loyal conditions for obtaining a residence permit in a particular country are provided to athletes, cultural figures, as well as persons who have become famous for having outstanding abilities and talents.

Stages of legalization in the new homeland

To fully legalize your residence in the territory of your second homeland, you need to go through several stages:

  • Enter the state legally, having previously obtained a visa;
  • Apply for a residence permit in the host country;
  • Obtain permission for permanent residence;
  • Become a citizen of the country.

At each stage, the migrant is provided with a number of specific rights and social benefits. However, he will be able to receive the full scope of rights, freedoms and responsibilities, including the right to vote, only after becoming a citizen of the country.

Russia is a country whose territory is larger than all countries in the world. Located in both Europe and Asia, it occupies over 17 million square kilometers, and in terms of population density it is only in ninth place, behind, for example, the United States of America. Consequently, the Russian Federation can accept almost everyone who wants to move into its 85 constituent entities without the threat of overpopulation. Administrative units of the country differ in socio-economic and environmental parameters, so deciding where to go to live in Russia for permanent residence must take into account these indicators.

The term "permanent residence"

Permanent residence (permanent residence) in Russian legislation means long-term (primary) residence in the Russian Federation on the basis of documents confirming the possibility within the state (Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” dated May 31, 2002 No. 62-FZ).

Such a document for Russian citizens is (general civil, official, diplomatic), for foreigners and stateless persons - (residence permit) or (TRP). Migrants can acquire Russian citizenship under a general or simplified procedure, under a quota or without taking it into account, which depends on the status of a foreigner, the presence of relatives permanently residing in Russia, and other conditions regulated by federal laws.

In order to fully know the grounds for legal residence in the Russian Federation and avoid mistakes when registering it, we recommend that you find out in more detail.

Quota for the purchase of temporary residence permits

The quota for obtaining a permit that allows you to temporarily stay in Russia is the norm for foreign citizens to enter the country, which is established annually by the state represented by the Government of the Russian Federation for the country as a whole and for each subject separately (clause 2 of the Rules for determining the quota for issuing permits to foreign citizens for temporary residence in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 4, 2003 No. 193).

According to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation “On establishing a quota...” dated November 15, 2016 No. 2428-r, in 2017 the entry rate for migrants and stateless persons was reduced and amounted to 110,880 people.

Accordingly, the number of foreigners who have the opportunity to settle in the districts of Russia has also decreased.

The most favorable cities in Russia for living in terms of quality of life

When the final decision to move to one of the regions of the Russian Federation has been made, options for obtaining permanent residence have been studied and all documents have been prepared, it is necessary to decide on the city of residence. Russia has over 1,000 cities, each of which differs in the quality of life of the population and the degree of economic development. Scientific institutes and rating agencies constantly monitor the best settlements, comparing many factors and components. One of the most competent organizations that carries out an annual analysis of the level of urban life is the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The research data of the university, working in such global areas as the economic security of the country and the study of factors of sustainable social development, were compiled by scientists taking into account the most important factors determining the development of the urban environment:

  • condition of roads, improvement and work of housing and communal services;
  • degree of accessibility to higher education;
  • the presence of corruption in government bodies;
  • quality of medical care;
  • level of migration to the region under study;
  • opinion of the population regarding the quality of life.

Tyumen has been in first place for three years in a row, while Moscow has dropped from second place to eighth by this year, and Grozny has risen from fifth to second.

This is the general indicator of the development of the urban environment, obtained as a result of a large-scale study, the full text of which is posted on the website of the Federal University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Safety factor in Russian cities

The safety of living in a particular region of Russia is characterized, first of all, by the number of crimes committed, as well as the quality of the work of the law enforcement and judicial systems. According to official statistics from the Internet portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, from January to March 2017, the largest increase in offenses compared to the previous period was recorded in the Republic of Tyva (Northern Federal District) and the Saratov Region (Volga Federal District), and the smallest in Sevastopol (Southern Federal District). district) and the Republic of Ingushetia (North Caucasus Federal District).

Regarding the quiet life in the city, it should be noted that an important factor is the absence of robberies, burglaries and crimes in public places.

The largest number of such offenses is committed in Moscow and the Voronezh region (Central Federal District), the least in the Chechen Republic and Dagestan (North Caucasus Federal District).

However, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Chechnya has the highest percentage of deaths from crimes, and in Moscow there are not many victims registered. Indicative in this regard is the criminal map of Russia on the RosPravosudie website, according to which you can evaluate the region chosen for moving from the point of view of all recorded crimes.

In terms of the number of registered crimes as of March 2017, Moscow, the Moscow region and the Krasnodar Territory are in the lead. Sevastopol, the Republic of Kalmykia and Ingushetia are considered safe. Ratings and crime indicators in Russia and the regions were compiled by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and presented on the legal statistics portal. On this resource you can also familiarize yourself with the ratings and indicators of offenses under individual articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The intensity of work and the trust of the population in the authorities that ensure law and order and the adoption of legal decisions are important for a person’s comfortable living in the city. The Department of Sociology of the Federal University under the Government of the Russian Federation assessed this criterion and found that in the cities of Cherepovets, Samara and Grozny the degree of residents’ trust is very high (up to 69 out of 100%). People living in Sochi, Khabarovsk, Chita and Komsomolsk-on-Amur consider the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and judges to be least effective (44% on average).

It should be noted that the safety indicators in settlements (NP) of our country, offered for review on the Internet, differ from the official ones, however, when choosing which city in Russia is better to move to for permanent residence, they also need to be taken into account.

Ten cities with the lowest crime rates:

  1. Ryazan (the number of crimes committed relative to other cities in the country is 7.8%).
  2. Ulyanovsk (11.3%).
  3. Voronezh (11.5%).
  4. St. Petersburg (12%).
  5. Penza (12.9%).
  6. Yaroslavl (13.2%).
  7. Moscow (14.3%).
  8. Kostroma (14.4%).
  9. Omsk (14.7%).
  10. Naberezhnye Chelny (14.9%).

Cost of housing and consumer goods

The pricing factor of the cost of purchasing and renting housing is of no small importance when moving to the Russian Federation. Today's real estate market is very dynamic, prices in the regions change every month. The data is systematized by government agencies and analytical agencies working in the real estate market. Based on the information provided in the public domain, you can find out which city in Russia is cheaper to buy or rent an apartment.

Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2017 No. 708/pr approved “Indicators of the average market value of 1 m2 of total housing area in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the second quarter of 2017.” The price level was calculated for social payments to citizens entitled to subsidies from the federal budget, so it is significantly lower than the real cost of apartments. Compensation payments can be received by internally displaced persons, young families, social beneficiaries and those moving from the Far North. The highest average cost of apartments in Moscow is 90,400 rubles. and the Sakhalin region - 56,069 rubles, the smallest in Adygea - 25,819 rubles. and Kalmykia – 25,351 rubles.

The true level of prices for purchasing and renting housing this year was established by experts from the SRG group of companies (monitoring is posted on the website of the SRG Analytical Center) and one of the leading Russian web portals for searching and selling real estate The summary table characterizes the average indicator for 15 large cities of the Russian Federation according to the specified criteria.

CityCost of 1 m 2 one-room apartment (rub.)Rental cost of a one-room apartment (RUB)
Moscow170000 33835
100000 21909
Ekaterinburg68000 16185
Kazan66000 13705
Nizhny Novgorod64000 13853
Ufa62000 13141
Rostov-on-Don59000 13966
Samara58000 14758
Novosibirsk57000 13919
Krasnoyarsk51000 12407
Permian50000 11892
Volgograd47000 11603
Voronezh43000 10731
Omsk42000 9944
Chelyabinsk41000 10944

Consumer prices for goods and services in populated areas are of significant importance for those wishing to permanently reside in Russia. The income of arriving migrants varies, and the cost of food, utilities and transport travel is sometimes the most significant factor when choosing a region to move to.

Average wages in Russian regions and availability of vacancies

When you need to decide on the locality in which you plan to live for a long time, it is, of course, necessary to take into account the level of wages existing there and the number of vacancies offered by employers.

In addition, an important factor is the presence in certain administrative-territorial units of the Russian Federation of special allowances and coefficients for work in difficult climatic and unhealthy conditions, which significantly increases wages.

Thus, areas with a harsh climate include certain areas of the Vologda region, where the additional monthly coefficient is 1.15 (earnings are multiplied by 1.15), and the city of Cherepovets with a coefficient of 1.25 (RF Government Decree No. 494 dated July 16, 1992) .

Employment begins with a job search. The all-Russian vacancy database “Work in Russia” is one of the federal tools for the state’s assessment of the labor market and contains comprehensive information about vacancies in the country, employers and applicants. The database is filled out by the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, on the basis of the “Rules for the formation, maintenance and modernization of the information and analytical system of OBE “Work in Russia””, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2015 No. 885. This source of ranking of vacancies and wages by region The Russian Federation is considered official and, therefore, reliable, as is the EMISS statistics website.

The table contains summary data from the indicated online resources, characterizing the ten regions with the highest level of average earnings (excluding civil service).

The subject of the Russian FederationAverage salary level as of the end of 2016 (RUB)Number of vacancies as of May 2017 (pcs.)
1. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug79502 521
2. Yamalo-Nenets and Nenets Autonomous Okrugs72792 3285
3. Magadan region61454 10 53
4. Moscow59823 11110
5. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug58060 4804
6. Sakhalin region56789 3695
7. Kamchatka region54219 1922
8. Tyumen region53800 6066
9. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)53031 2782
10. Murmansk region43928 3978

Natural and climatic conditions

The territory of the Russian Federation includes four main climatic zones: Arctic, subarctic, temperate and subtropical.

Based on temperature indicators, four zones are distinguished:

  1. South of Russia (Crimea, Rostov region, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Arkhangelsk region, Republic of Dagestan, Ingushetia, etc.).

    The territories are characterized by a humid continental and subtropical climate. In winter, the average temperature here fluctuates around –9.5 °C, and in summer from +22 to +30 °C. Considering that, according to research conducted by the Forestry Agency of the Sverdlovsk Region, the optimal air temperature for a person’s favorable well-being is +21.6 °C, this zone will be the most comfortable for permanent residence according to the climatic criterion.

  2. Primorsky Krai and northwestern regions of Russia (Vladivostok, Leningrad, Kaliningrad and Murmansk regions, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, etc.).

    The climate is dominated by moderate monsoon and continental, with an average annual temperature in winter up to –11 °C, and in summer up to +32 °C. Since the climate is monsoonal, there are typhoons on the coast of the Primorsky Territory, and the winter is longer and colder than in the first zone.

  3. Regions of Siberia and the Far East (up to the Arctic Circle) (Altai Territory, Irkutsk and Kemerovo Regions, Republic of Tyva, Khabarovsk Territory, Magadan Region, etc.).

    The combination of subarctic and monsoon climate in these areas causes a predominance of wet and cold winters, with temperatures ranging from –18 to –20 °C. Summer is much shorter than in the first two zones, and the average temperature ranges from +15 to +20 °C.

  4. Regions of Russia below the Arctic Circle (northern parts of Siberia, Yakutia, Murmansk region, northern Komi Republic, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, etc.)

    The Arctic climate predominates. Winter lasts most of the year; warmth (about +3 °C) occurs only for a few weeks. In some areas, the polar night can last up to 100 days, with sub-zero temperatures in this zone mainly ranging from 25 to 41°C.

Thus, in terms of weather comfort, the best climate in Russia for permanent residence is observed in its southern and some settlements in the northwestern part. Summary data for districts and some cities of the Russian Federation are posted on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science STUDY IN RUSSIA. At the same time, when choosing favorable comfortable conditions, one should not forget that in most northern regions wages are higher, and the state is trying to help displaced people.

The best cities to live in based on a set of selection criteria

The components of choosing a place of residence are individual for each person. For some, the level of quality of life and wages is important, others focus on the state of the environment and climate, however, according to Rosstat data for 2017, the largest number of people moving prefer large cities with a population of over a million:

  • Moscow (12,380,664 inhabitants);
  • St. Petersburg (5,281,579 people);
  • Novosibirsk (1,602,915 people);
  • Yekaterinburg (1,455,904 people);
  • Kazan (1,231,878 people);
  • Chelyabinsk (1,198,858 people);
  • Omsk (1,178,391 people);
  • Rostov-on-Don (1,119,875 people).

A study by the Department of Sociology and Political Science of the Federal University showed that migrants from Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus want to live in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar. According to the residents themselves, which is reflected in the all-Russian Internet voting on the City of Russia website, as of July 2017, Penza was the most comfortable and prosperous city, St. Petersburg was in 56th place, and Moscow was in 66th place.

At the same time, despite the presence of large cities, many vacancies and government support, there are very few people willing to move to the Far East for permanent residence (the migration coefficient according to Rosstat is negative).

Moving to Moscow

The capital of Russia is the most densely populated city in the country, with a high degree of amenities and level of education, an extensive labor market and decent types of income. There are also quite a few disadvantages of living, if you take into account the cost of housing, food and the environment of the city. Let's take a closer look at the positive and negative aspects of life in Moscow.

Positive aspects of moving to Moscow:

  1. Opportunity for professional development.

    It’s better to decide on a job before moving; job search sites will help with this. Moscow employers place a sufficient number of their advertisements on such Internet resources as,, and many others. It should be remembered that in order to get a high-paying position, you must have length of service and professional experience in your specialty. Companies are demanding of applicants.

    Increasing your professional level gives you a better chance of getting a job in a prestigious company.

    In total, according to Rosstat, there are about 1,000,000 organizations and enterprises in Moscow (indicators for 2016 are posted on the resource of the Federal State Statistics Service).

  2. Large selection of quality food and non-food products.

    Many hypermarkets and chain stores allow you to find this or that product at a very affordable price. Although Moscow is one of the three cities with the highest food prices, with the right approach, food and clothing can be found at an affordable price.

  3. Diverse cultural and social life.

    City life is filled with a variety of events, concerts and exhibitions. The parks are landscaped, everything is done for the comfort of residents, including the convenience of public transport stops and the passage itself.

Negative aspects of moving to Moscow:

  1. Expensive cost of renting and purchasing housing.

    Renting or purchasing an apartment in the center of Moscow is available only if you have high earnings or initial capital for investing in housing. At the same time, on its outskirts you can find a more budget option through official real estate agencies. This can be done in advance via the Internet.

  2. Bad ecology.

    Despite the fact that the urban environment is landscaped with parks and squares, the Moscow Oil Refinery is located in the southeast of the capital, in the Kapotnya district.

    In May 2017, Rospotrebnadzor recorded hydrogen sulfide emissions into the air that were 50 times higher than the established norm.

    The Green Patrol portal contains an environmental map of Moscow, which shows environmentally unfavorable and clean places.

  3. Crime rate of the city.

    According to the Moscow prosecutor's office, most crimes were committed in the center of the capital; the least crime-prone district is the Zelenograd district.

Moving to St. Petersburg

“Cultural capital”, “Russian Venice” - this is how magnificent St. Petersburg with a population of over 5,000,000 people is called. It is the second most attractive city for foreigners and citizens of the Russian Federation to move to, with a high standard of living, average annual income of the population (the average salary, according to official data from Rosstat, is about 44,000 rubles) and comfortable living space.

At the same time, as in any other region of Russia, living in St. Petersburg has its pros and cons.

Positive aspects of moving to St. Petersburg:

  1. The cost of living.

    The average price for consumer goods and services compares favorably with Moscow. The total monthly expenses of a resident, according to EMISS statistics, as of April 2017 did not exceed 16,144 rubles.

  2. Level of education and culture.

    Eighty-four higher educational institutions of various directions and specializations allow those wishing to enroll in both budgetary and paid faculties. Moreover, the minimum cost of training, according to information from the Internet portal, is 24,000 rubles per year, which is quite an affordable financial cost in relation to the level of earnings in the city.

    The cultural component of St. Petersburg is undoubtedly one of the most valuable and diverse not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world. A huge number of architectural monuments, imperial palaces and temples created by outstanding masters in this field - Rastrelli, Rossi, Montferrand and Schlüter. Museums and theaters arouse the admiration of tourists from different countries; visiting them will not leave indifferent those who move to the city on the Neva.

  3. Low unemployment rate.

    Negative aspects of moving to St. Petersburg:

    1. Climatic conditions.

      The temperate climate characteristic of the north-west of Russia, transitioning from continental to maritime, which is characterized by high humidity (up to 100%).

      On average, it rains 142 days a year, and 125 days the city is covered in clouds; clear and cloudless skies can be seen no more than 62 times a year.

      Winters are long and cold, with average temperatures down to -7°C and usually strong winds. In summer the temperature is about +22 °C. Not everyone can get used to changeable and cloudy weather; in addition, a damp and cool climate is contraindicated for those suffering from chronic bronchial diseases.

    2. Environmental factor.

      Contrary to publicly available ratings, St. Petersburg is polluted by exhaust emissions from a huge number of cars, fumes from garbage, and many water bodies are also polluted. The city government is trying to reduce the negative impact of these factors by introducing and implementing environmental protection programs. The actual state of the natural environment can be obtained from thematic maps presented on the website of the Administration of St. Petersburg.

    3. Expensive housing.

      The pricing policy in the real estate market is aimed mainly at the tourism business, and finding an apartment that would suit the price is quite difficult.

      The rental cost is lower than in Moscow, but higher compared to other populated areas of Russia.

    Moving to the northern regions of Russia

    Many residents of remote regions of Siberia (Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republics of Tyva and Buryatia), Chukotka, Arkhangelsk, Magadan and Murmansk regions are thinking about where to move from the north for permanent residence. Harsh natural conditions and permafrost, characteristic of the Far North, force people to move to warmer regions.

    However, those people who prioritize the opportunity to earn a decent living, on the contrary, tend to come to the northern parts of Russia.

    This desire is quite justified, since in a situation of acute shortage of qualified personnel, the state offers specialists compensation payments under resettlement programs, as well as legally established northern allowances and regional coefficients.

    The “Northern bonus” is paid individually to each worker in the Far North for work in harsh climatic and temperature conditions; in some regions it amounts to 80 or even 100% of the salary. The regional coefficient is calculated according to strictly regulated standards, both in the Far North and in other areas equated to the territories of the Far North (List of regions of the Far North..., approved by Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated 01/03/1983 No. 12 (as amended on 03/03/2012) ).

    Moving to the south of Russia

    The southern part of the Russian Federation (Southern Federal District) is one of the smallest administrative units of the country in terms of area, but the most popular and developed in terms of tourism. A magnificent, mild subtropical climate, with short winters and long summers, comfortable resorts in the Caucasus, Krasnodar Territory and Crimea are positive aspects that attract those who plan to move for permanent residence to the south of Russia - both foreign citizens and Russians.

    Meanwhile, the regions of the Southern Federal District differ greatly from each other in terms of quality of life, amenities, and income levels.

    Thus, the large cities of the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov Region occupy, as mentioned above, relatively high places in the rankings for average wages, availability of vacancies and standard of living.

    In these cities you can buy or rent housing at average prices and find a job without any problems.

    The situation is completely different in small southern cities and in Crimea. The average income here is no more than 14,000 rubles; earn about 30,000 rubles. per month, a newly arrived person can only do seasonal (summer) work in the service sector on the Black Sea coast. At the same time, prices for apartments, for example in Sevastopol, in 2017 corresponded to prices on the Moscow real estate market. If you decide that it is still worth moving to the south for permanent residence, be sure to decide in advance on your place of work and study housing prices or the cost of rent in the regions of the Southern Federal District (actual prices on the real estate market are indicated on the resource).

    Moving to the central zone of the Russian Federation

    The central European part of the country belongs to the middle zone, including the regions around Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Voronezh, etc.

    The uniqueness of this region for moving is due to its stable and comfortable temperate continental climate. The average annual temperature in winter ranges from –8 to –12 °C, and in summer from +17 to +21 °C.

    There are no sudden changes in weather or temperature, which is a favorable factor for the well-being of people with hypertension.

    The presence of mineral springs and dense forests creates all the conditions for the treatment of gastroenterology, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, vision and the endocrine system.

    Residents of the north planning to move to central Russia should pay attention to the project “Farmer”, organized by the Union of Northerners. A Murmansk construction company is offering to build a house on favorable terms in one of three villages in the Novgorod region for visitors from the northern districts.

    Permanent residence by the sea

    Living in regions with a maritime climate has many advantages, primarily for human health and internal comfort.

    A calm, measured lifestyle in seaside towns will appeal to people tired of the bustle of big cities, who have more than breathed in the polluted air in traffic jams in big cities.

    Daily walks along the coast create spiritual harmony and inspire creative achievements; moreover, this is an area where it is warm and there is work in Russia in the summer season.

    Along with this, there are also negative aspects of permanent residence in the maritime regions of Russia:

    • a huge number of tourists in spring, summer and autumn;
    • polluted beaches and their surroundings;
    • strong winds in winter and high humidity;
    • low salaries;
    • high prices on the real estate market;
    • a small number of jobs out of season.

    If you are ready to put up with the disadvantages of living for the sake of the beauty of the South Coast or the Caucasian resorts, then one of the options where to move for permanent residence could be Sochi and the Republic of Crimea.

    Moving to the resort city of Sochi

    The city with a population of 480,000 people is located on the coast of the Western Caucasus, in several natural and climatic zones: coastal, foothills, highlands and alpine. A humid subtropical climate, with an average annual temperature of +14.2 °C, distinguishes Sochi from other cities. There is practically no climatic winter: the temperature in January can reach +18 °C).

    In addition to the healthy mountain and sea conditions, there are resorts with hydrogen sulfide, Narzan and iodine-bromine springs. Another advantage is the opportunity to swim in the sea until October, since the water temperature remains within +20 °C, as well as the presence of “Indian summer” in the fall, conducive to hiking and long walks.

    After the 2014 Olympic Games, Sochi became a city with a very developed infrastructure and services and entertainment.

    After the completion of the construction of sports facilities, the unemployment rate among the population sharply increased: there are few large enterprises and companies in the region, and there are quite a lot of people willing to work permanently, rather than seasonally.

    The state portal “Work in Russia” currently offers about 1,800 vacancies, 870 of which are in the public services sector. The average salary of 34,000 rubles, officially established by Rosstat, does not correspond to the real income of Sochi residents, which does not exceed the average figure of 18,000 rubles.

    When deciding to move to a federal resort city, take care of purchasing or renting housing in advance. It is better to look for an apartment or house on trusted sites. Beware of scammers who will offer services for the sale and rental of housing, there are a lot of them, both individuals and agencies. Remember that prices for 1 m2 of apartments in Sochi are slightly lower than in St. Petersburg (97,000 rubles), and the rental price corresponds to Moscow (32,000 rubles).

    Moving to the Republic of Crimea

    The coastal territory of the Crimean Peninsula is geographically divided into three directions - the South Coast (SC), Eastern and Western. The South Coast is dominated by a subtropical climate, combining sea and mountain air. The most popular cities are Yalta, Foros and Simeiz. Since Soviet times, the territories have been used as a health resort for the entire Soviet Union, where all party leaders went to rest and receive treatment.

    Today, the main direction of the region is also health tourism, in the service sector of which the bulk of the population works.

    The western and eastern directions of the coast are not pleasing with forest and mountain landscapes, the climate is predominantly steppe, and accordingly there is not much vegetation. At the same time, Evpatoria and Saki mud baths help treat a wide range of diseases and significantly improve immunity. In addition, life in these places is much cheaper than on the South Coast.

    Where is the best place to go to live with children?

    The criteria for finding a place for permanent residence for families with children should first of all take into account the interests of the latter. Priority regions for relocation with a child must meet the following requirements:

    1. High level of security.
    2. Accessible preschool, secondary and higher education.
    3. Sufficient number of medical facilities.
    4. Availability of centers for social and personal development.
    5. Organized leisure time.
    6. Well-maintained urban environment.
    7. Child-friendly climate.

    Currently, the only credible research in this area is the work done in 2011 by the UNICEF Innocenti research center. The organization conducted a large-scale analysis of Russian cities and developed the “Creating Child-Friendly Cities” program.

    Moscow takes second place, St. Petersburg only sixth. In terms of individual development, St. Petersburg is ahead of Moscow, but inferior in terms of organizing care for children's health.

    According to climatic criteria, children, of course, will be best in the cities of the middle zone and in the south of the country. When choosing which region of Russia is best to move to for permanent residence with children, focus on more developed large cities. A small town, although it will have a better environment and affordable prices, will most likely not have the necessary level of education and medical care.

    Priority resettlement areas established by the state

    Russian citizens or persons intending to obtain a Russian passport ready for relocation should pay attention to the Program for Increasing Labor Mobility developed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. It is aimed at attracting qualified specialists to implement federal projects in 16 priority regions of Russia that are experiencing a shortage of labor.

    Program participants are provided with government support (up to RUB 250,000), relocation assistance and other benefits.

    Information about this is presented on the Internet portal Work in Russia. It currently has 323 vacancies posted, representing 855 jobs. The need for workers is constantly increasing, so in these areas it will not be difficult to find a job with an average salary of up to 300,000 rubles.

    Relocation under the State Program for Resettlement of Compatriots

    The state program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2006 No. 637, establishes that its participant moving to the territory of priority settlement receives in full all state guarantees and benefits (reimbursement of expenses for moving, receiving allowances, monthly allowance, temporary residence permit outside quotas, simplified acquisition of Russian citizenship, etc.).

    Subjects of strategic importance for Russia include:

    • The Republic of Buryatia.
    • Transbaikal region.
    • Kamchatka Krai.
    • Primorsky Krai.
    • Khabarovsk region.
    • Amur region.
    • Irkutsk region.
    • Magadan Region.
    • Sakhalin region.
    • Jewish Autonomous Region.

    Relocation of highly qualified specialists to Russia

    The peculiarities of the labor activity of migrants who are highly qualified specialists in the country are regulated by Article 13.2 of the Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation” dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ.

    Such a specialist is considered a foreigner who has experience, achievements and skills in a specific field of activity if the employer can provide him with earnings not less than the limits established by law.

    Commercial and scientific organizations, higher education institutions, healthcare institutions, physical education and sports organizations, etc. can attract specialists.

    How to get a residence permit in Russia: Video

To leave your country temporarily (study, work) or for permanent residence is a fairly common desire. Globalization processes help to travel and choose living conditions. In connection with the growth of emigration, the question arises: how to leave Russia forever without money. In the article we will learn about methods of emigration from Russia, which countries are better to go to, and what is needed for this.

For those who want to leave Russia forever, there are options on how to do this:

  1. Volunteer programs.
  2. Employment.
  3. Political refuge.


Participation in volunteer programs allows you to travel abroad without money. There are many programs, the choice depends on the country where you are leaving and on your preferred field of activity.


  1. Appalachian Trail Conference. Volunteer program representatives protect rare animal species at a site in the Appalachian Mountains.
  2. . Participants in this movement are fighting for the preservation of nature and the development of eco-tourism.
  3. UN Volunteers. This organization is always in need of specialists in various fields.

A frequent requirement for a future volunteer is knowledge of the language. The age of the applicant plays an important role.

Participation in volunteer projects does not guarantee the opportunity to stay abroad for permanent residence. It gives you the opportunity to really assess your prospects and make useful contacts. It is easier for volunteers to obtain a visa for work or study.


When trying to find a job abroad, consider:

  • Not all countries are happy to see guest workers.
  • Foreigners are paid less wages than their compatriots. For comparison: in Canada it is 30% lower, in Poland it is one and a half times lower.

In rare cases, foreign citizens may have privileges:

  • If you apply for a position that is in low demand among the local population.
  • If they have unique knowledge and skills and their work, they will contribute to the development of the state. Special programs have been created for such people, for example Green Card in America and.

Participants in such programs have advantages (no need to pass an exam to confirm language proficiency, it is easier and faster to obtain a residence permit, etc.).

When choosing a country for emigration, you should familiarize yourself with the legislative norms that stipulate the rules for hiring foreigners. In a number of states, the standards stipulate that first of all it is necessary to employ the local population and only in case of shortage of personnel - foreigners.

Employment outside of your specialty

If an emigrant’s existing specialty is not in demand, there is an option to get a job that does not require special knowledge. The pay is low, but it makes it possible to emigrate from Russia without money. In some cases, businesses that require workers provide:

  1. They provide a place to stay.
  2. They pay for food.
  3. Compensation for travel and necessary paperwork.

Illegal work

When looking for a job abroad, you may come across offers of illegal employment. It is not recommended to agree to such conditions, as you may encounter scammers who:

  1. They give false information about working conditions and placement.
  2. They do not provide the agreed salary.


An option for people who suffer oppression in their home country is to apply for political asylum. One of the most loyal countries is Germany.

It provides refugees with housing and benefits. The decision-making time is long; if the application is refused, the refugee is given time to decide what to do next.

In connection with recent events, the requirements for applicants for political asylum have become more stringent. Those who are refused are deported to the European Union country whose borders they crossed first. However, Germany continues to be the country in the European Union that provides the best support for refugees.

Those wishing to leave Russia using this method will need to document that they are being oppressed in their home country.

Where is the best place to emigrate?

To leave Russia forever, it is best to go to those states where Russians will be treated well. The list of such countries includes those that remember Russia’s assistance in difficult situations. Conventionally, the list of countries where you can go is divided into categories:

  1. The most favorable.
  2. Favorable.
  3. States where emigration will require a lot of effort.

Most favorable


This country has a good attitude towards visitors. Emigrants are paid benefits. The following can enter the country:

  1. Scientists whose knowledge is in demand in Sweden.
  2. Citizens who have family ties with the inhabitants of the country. The government is loyal to this category of emigrants and gives them the opportunity to obtain a residence permit. Marrying a Swedish citizen is a simple, fast way to emigrate.


This is a hospitable country. They can get there:

  1. Entrepreneurs who start their own business.
  2. Workers, the state is interested in attracting them. In this case, you can leave without money.

Border stamp sample


A high standard of living and social security make this country attractive for emigrants. Workers, students, and businessmen come here.

In addition to the options listed, refugees can remain for permanent residence in Belgium, Portugal or Sweden.


The following are considered favorable for Russian emigrants:

  1. Australia and New Zealand. These countries treat Russians well. Emigrants are attracted by the warm climate and nature.
  2. The countries of South America are waiting for visitors who have a higher education and will be able to help in the development of the state.
  3. South Korea and China. These states are favorable towards emigrants from Russia.
  4. Greece. Greeks are friendly, polite and always ready to help.

You should know that regardless of language skills in South American countries or Greece, emigrants will always be strangers.

Where is it difficult to emigrate?

List of countries where it is difficult to get to without money:

  1. USA (even refugees who hope to receive asylum will have to pay for paperwork and living in the country).
  2. Japan (continues to remain a closed country; to get there, you need to convince the government that knowledge will benefit the state).
  3. Romania (emigrants from Russia will have a hard time due to the unfavorable attitude of the local population).

Important to remember

For those who want to leave without money, it is useful to know about couchsurfing. This is a movement that allows you to get housing for free for a short period of time.

To reduce moving costs, they use low-cost airlines - airlines that offer tickets at low prices.

“It’s good where we are not,” many citizens of the Russian Federation believe and continue to live in one place, despite the fact that there is no decent work, normal living conditions and prospects for the future. However, the world is too diverse to be the same everywhere. Yes, there are places worse than the Russian Federation, but there are also much better ones, where you should emigrate with your family and live for your own pleasure without fear that tomorrow will crush you with another economic crisis or increasing geopolitical risks. Next, we will tell you where it is easiest to leave Russia for permanent residence, and where life will bring pleasure to you and your loved ones, if you want it and dare to take the first step along the emigrant path. To learn about all the ways to move with your family from the Russian Federation, we recommend that you read the article

Before moving on to a detailed acquaintance with the ranking of countries, I recommend watching the video on our YouTube channel >>>

You can see the standard of living of the 5 best countries to move to with your own eyes!

Northern Cyprus - how to make a fairy tale come true

People from the USSR and residents of the CIS usually associate it with a tourist island, where a pensioner and his family can come, soak up the sun on the beach, wander through the ruins of ancient civilizations, eat exotic food, etc. However, recently this country is beginning to be perceived from a different angle - as a place for immigration or starting a business. And this is quite understandable, since the authorities of this state are interested in immigrants and are ready to provide them with a lot of preferences if they bring benefits to the republic.

In particular, it is quite easy to obtain permanent residence here for those who already have a residence permit, as well as in exchange for purchasing real estate or starting a business.

And that is not all advantages of Northern Cyprus, in addition to this, it attracts foreigners due to:

  • very low crime rate;
  • tolerance towards foreigners;
  • high standard of living (average salaries, prices, education, medicine, etc.);
  • low real estate costs;
  • pleasant climate - 300 sunny days a year!

Relatively, prices for apartments and houses in the resort area start at 40 thousand US dollars, 10% of this amount will need to be given to the state as taxes, and somewhere else the same amount will be spent on furnishings. At the same time, foreigners have the opportunity to purchase housing in installments.

For example, the REITINVEST agency offers its clients a 2-year loan with a 25 percent advance for the purchase of real estate in the best residential complex Cesar Resort, so if you and your family decide to leave Russia for permanent residence in Northern Cyprus, then this can be done without spending a lot of money at the start.

Note! The authorities of Northern Cyprus do not require investors to confirm the origin of funds, which is mandatory in the European Union.

Latvia - like home, but not quite

IN Latvia the lowest threshold for the cost of real estate in the European Union, upon the purchase of which the authorities provide foreigners and their family with a residence permit, and after some time of residence in the country - permanent residence. True, in this case you will have to document the legality of the origin of the funds. Regarding the size of the investment, in order to go for permanent residence in Latvia you will need 250 thousand euros.

Advantages of permanent residence in Latvia for immigrants from the Russian Federation:

  • almost the same mentality;
  • a large number of Russian speakers among the local population;
  • Having permanent residence status in Latvia, you can travel freely throughout the Schengen zone;
  • tolerance of the population towards foreigners.

Please note that if you are looking for where to leave Russia for permanent residence with your family, without wanting to find yourself among a completely different culture, then Latvia is the best and optimal option for you.

In the article you can find out details about obtaining citizenship.

Greece and the Russian Federation have friendly political ties and Orthodoxy. In addition, people here still remember how Tsarist Russia helped local authorities in solving various military, political and economic problems. This is why the Greeks are very accepting of Russian citizens who want to obtain permanent residence or citizenship in their country. However, otherwise, it is a country with a relatively underdeveloped economy (compared to EU leaders), high prices and a sluggish economic crisis. True, in comparison with the Russian Federation, living here will be better in every sense, with the exception of understanding the local language.

For that to leave for permanent residence in Greece, a citizen of the Russian Federation will first need to obtain a residence permit and live in the country for some time.

This can be done on the following grounds:

  • marriage to a Greek;
  • family reunion;
  • purchase of real estate - from 250 thousand euros;
  • economic activity - from 300 thousand euros;
  • employer's invitation;
  • studying at a local higher education institution.

Regarding the advantages of Greece, they are as follows:

  • location in the European Union;
  • many preferences for foreign investors;
  • similar to the cultural environment of the Russian Federation;
  • best climate and rich historical heritage.

For those who, when choosing where to leave Russia to live with their family, do not take Greece into account because it could leave the EU, we note that this will never happen, since local authorities understand that only EU money can save the country from default and ruin. And this has already reached the common population.

Germany - the locomotive of Europe

The first economy of the European Union, a high standard of living, excellent social standards, tolerance of the population, the rule of law and confidence in the adequacy of the authorities - all this and much more annually encourages thousands of citizens of the Russian Federation, deciding where to leave Russia for permanent residence, to make a choice in favor of Germany in order to build your future there. But not everyone succeeds in this due to high requirements for applicants for permanent residence and many bureaucratic filters.

Advantages of Germany:

  • high quality of life;
  • excellent education system and medicine;
  • many opportunities for foreign investors;
  • relatively low crime rate;
  • friendly attitude towards citizens of the Russian Federation.

It may be noted that it is not possible to go for permanent residence under a simplified scheme in exchange for purchasing real estate in Germany, so you may want to draw up documents on a general basis.

USA - through thorns to the stars

There’s probably no point in describing the advantages United States of America- I already know everything about them. It can be said that the majority of emigrants would choose the United States as their new homeland if they had the opportunity. But alas, getting a “green card” (permanent residence) in this country has become incredibly difficult, unless you are ready to invest at least 500 thousand dollars in the American economy to open a business in underdeveloped regions or from one million dollars if we are talking about investments in US securities or investments in well-developed regions.

However, if, when choosing where to move to live from the Russian Federation, you have the opportunity to settle in the USA, do it and achieve your American dream.

Canada - safety and comfort

Canada- this is one of those places where you can say that you don’t have to close the door when leaving home. This is connected both with the excellent standard of living and with the right to carry concealed firearms - the local population has a lot of them in their hands. In addition, this state boasts a developed economy, a stable political system and the friendliness of the population towards all foreigners.

At the same time, permanent residence here, unlike Germany or the USA, can be obtained relatively easily if you:

  • want to study at local universities;
  • have a current specialty;
  • intend to invest in the local economy.

True, in terms of where exactly money can be invested, there is now some uncertainty in Canada, since the previous state migration program for investors has been canceled and the new one has not been approved. Although if you decide to invest in the province of Quebec, it does not matter, since they have their own immigration rules, and the program for exchanging permanent residence for investment is still in effect.

Dominica - cheap and cheerful

If you are choosing where to move from Russia for permanent residence with your family, so that it is quick and does not cost a lot of money, then it is best for you to move to Republic of the Dominican Republic.

Advantages This choice has the following:

  • accessibility and ease of registration of permanent residence;
  • pleasant climate;
  • visa-free regime;
  • many prospects for the tourism business.

Another advantage of Dominica is the so-called “economic citizenship” program - the purchase of citizenship for a free contribution to the local economy: 100 thousand dollars for one person, 175 thousand for oneself and a spouse, 200 thousand for a family of four.

Where to emigrate from Russia with your family: what you need to know to leave Russia for permanent residence in another country

Before you and your family decide to leave Russia abroad for permanent residence, we recommend that you study the article. You must plan everything correctly in advance and take into account many nuances, so as not to take along with your suitcases the problems associated with changing your country of residence and then return to your homeland with a “white flag”, losing time, money and nerves.

    Make sure that you have no problems with taxes, loans, utilities and law enforcement agencies in the Russian Federation. You can find out about all this without leaving your home if you use electronic government services and credit history checking agencies.

    Before you decide where to go, check all the options available to you. Perhaps your original choice is not available to you for one reason or another. It is best at this stage to make a list of states with simple conditions for obtaining permanent residence and add to it the pros and cons of each option, as well as personal impressions and wishes.

    You should not decide where to go to live from Russia for permanent residence through correspondence acquaintance via the Internet or focusing on the ease of obtaining a residence permit. It is best to visit your future place of residence with your family as tourists, but not wandering through tourist areas, but studying simple everyday things: climate, attitude of the population towards foreigners outside tourist areas, level of security, transport infrastructure, employment, average salaries according to ordinary people etc.

    It’s also worth checking how accessible basic education is in the country (number of schools and kindergartens, waiting lists for places), medicine and whether diplomas are valued there.

    And lastly, wherever you decide to leave Russia with your family, study the local diseases and get vaccinated, not only those recommended for tourists, but also against other infectious diseases popular in the area.

Where can a pensioner and his family move from Russia without money, connections or a unique profession?

With this question posed You canleave the Russian Federation for permanent residence in the following countries:

  • Belarus;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Armenia;
  • Ukraine.

If you are not embarrassed by the low standard of living and the specific position of the country on the geopolitical map of the world, then you can also go to live in Transnistria, Abkhazia or Ossetia. But these options are best considered only as a last resort.

Let's sum it up

To sum up, where to go to live from Russia for permanent residence with family, so that it would be easier and the new place would have all the conditions for a normal life, we can once again emphasize that now the best and optimal option for citizens of the Russian Federation is Northern Cyprus. Because this island is a comfortable place to live, high salaries, many business opportunities and fairly low real estate costs. And the prospects for Northern Cyprus joining the European Union add several points to this republic in comparison with other options.

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