CIS countries. Countries


Which countries belong to the near abroad and which to the far abroad? Discussions about this issue are still ongoing. What does this term mean? Which countries should a Russian consider “far abroad”? And are they of interest to those who would like to change their place of residence?

Basic concept
In fact, this definition is very simple. The list of non-CIS countries includes those states that are not countries of the former Soviet Union. But there is a small note here: at one time the Soviet Union consisted of 14 republics. Some believe that Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are also “far abroad”. According to this opinion, only the following are neighboring countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Armenia and Turkmenistan.

Where is the best place to emigrate?
So, the list of non-CIS countries includes more than 250 countries. Most of them - 193 countries - are members of the UN. And each state has its own attitude towards those who want to emigrate from their homeland and settle there. There are foreign countries in which it is better for a Russian person not to meddle. For example, one of such states is Japan. Moving there permanently is an almost impossible task. On the contrary, there are other places, moving to which is practically the same as changing a city on the territory of the Motherland. For example, Belarus.

What is needed to emigrate?
The first thing you need to move to another country is knowledge of a foreign language. Almost the entire list of non-CIS countries consists of those where knowledge of the language is required. If you only know Russian, then the choice before the emigrant is small: you can move to Kazakhstan, Abkhazia, Belarus. At the same time, the more languages ​​a person who wants to move speaks, the more valuable he is. Language proficiency can be easily proven and verified - for this you need to pass special tests or pass an exam.
Other requirements include professional qualifications and age. With professional qualifications, everything is more or less clear - the one who has valuable skills and experience is always the desired candidate. What about age? On the one hand, minor citizens cannot emigrate. On the other hand, if there are several candidates of the same age, migration services will always prefer younger candidates. Of course, this is not the entire list of requirements for those wishing to move. These conditions vary from country to country and can vary significantly.

South American countries are the best place to emigrate
The list of non-CIS countries for Russians wishing to emigrate often includes states such as India or Bali. But here, as elsewhere, there are many problems that may be completely unacceptable to the average person - for example, floods, or problems with employment. Therefore, Russians often choose South American countries to move to. The list of foreign countries for emigration - namely, South American states - includes Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador. Moving to Latin America is much easier and simpler than, for example, to the United States. And there may be several reasons for this.
It's not just the attractive natural scenery. Also, in large Latin American cities the infrastructure is quite developed, here you can find comfortable living conditions. It is easier to obtain a residence permit than in other countries. The South American list of non-CIS countries for Russia may also contain the Dominican Republic, Argentina, and Uruguay. The latter is often called “Latin Switzerland”. After all, it is this state that accounts for the largest number of emigrants.

Australia: another attractive destination
This distant country ranks third in the world in terms of living standards. No wonder so many emigrants want to try their luck here. Australia has the following advantages:
There is a very high level of social protection of the population here. Medical care is free, pensions are high, and there are also a large number of benefits from the state;
Australian legislation provides for the possibility of moving for permanent residence for the whole family: the so-called “independent emigration program” allows spouses and minor children to move;
After just 4 years of residence, you can obtain citizenship and the possibility of visa-free visits to almost any country in the world;
Low level of unemployment among the population - in recent years it has amounted to about 6%;
Relatively short emigration process. Registration of documents, their consideration, as well as departure - all this takes on average 1.5-2 years;
Good climate.
The main requirements for emigrating to Australia are having a sought-after profession, being under 49 years of age, good knowledge of English, no criminal record and some other conditions.
Other countries of the near and far abroad: list of countries for moving to permanent residence

Among other popular countries, the leading places are occupied by the United States, Canada, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Thailand, and New Zealand. The easiest way is to emigrate to the state where the migration legislation is the most flexible. For example, Canada is very popular all over the world. Special programs have been developed here for emigrants from Russia and Ukraine. In terms of living conditions, New Zealand is similar to Canada. But here the level of education and abilities of a person are assessed more strictly. Many also choose Spain as their new place of residence. This warm country is among the top five for emigration from Russia and Ukraine.
Moving to Southeast Asian countries is also relatively easy. For example, fairly flexible migration legislation is in effect in Thailand, India, and Vietnam. You can live here for a while on a study or tourist visa. They are easier to obtain than in other countries. Despite the loyalty of the procedure, it can last a very long time. The undoubted advantage of these countries is the low prices for rental housing, clothing, and food.
The list of non-CIS countries for Russia is huge - after all, with the exception of 14 states, this is the whole world. There are pros and cons everywhere. Whether to stay in their homeland or choose a new refuge is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Near abroad (new abroad) is a conventional term that includes all the former Soviet republics that became foreign countries for Russia after the collapse of the USSR. Designed to distinguish these countries from the “old foreign countries”, i.e. foreign countries outside the former USSR.

Far abroad (old foreign countries) is a conventional term implying the totality of all foreign states located outside the former USSR. Designed to distinguish these states from the “near abroad”, i.e. newly independent countries on the territory of the former USSR. In connection with the collapse of the USSR and the formation of “near abroad” states, the term “transparent borders” appeared, which means unhindered (free) migration between Russia and the states of the former USSR, despite the appearance of an official state border. In fact, this phenomenon exists in relations between the United States and Canada, between Australia and New Zealand, and in its most complete form in the Schengen countries.

The Russian Federation maintains close relations with the CIS countries and the European Union (EU), as well as with Asian and African states. Russia exports industrial products abroad, in particular, equipment, machinery, oil, gas, metal products, coal and chemical products. Complete information about non-CIS countries (including CIS countries), with which Russia maintains close economic relations, can be obtained on our website portal, in particular, in the section

Over the past year, exports of oil (by 18-20%) and petroleum products (by 6%) have increased significantly. At the moment, Russia is the main exporter of oil in the world (its reserves account for about 5% of the world), as well as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iran and Iraq, Qatar and Norway, the UK and Canada, Mexico and Venezuela, Nigeria, Algeria and Angola . In addition to the increase in oil exports, Russian sales abroad of coal increased by 8-10%, aluminum and ferroalloys (three times). At the same time, imports of industrial products to Russia from non-CIS countries decreased significantly (by 36.9%).

Foreign economic trade relations connect the Russian Federation with EU countries, in particular with Germany, Italy, France and Poland. The EU is a major trading partner of Russia; EU countries account for half of trade turnover, while EurAsEC countries account for only 9%, and APEC countries account for a fifth of it.

European states

Russia supplies 93% of exported oil to Europe, the main importers of which are Germany, Italy and France, as well as the CIS countries.

Germany is engaged in the export of equipment for reactors, boilers, electronic and electrical equipment, chemical products and automobiles. Russia imports equipment and machinery, chemical products from Germany. Energy resources (30-40%), metals, products and metals (up to 20%), and chemical products (8-10%) are exported from Russia to Germany. Gradually, the Russian Federation is turning from a supplier of raw materials to Germany into an exporter of finished products.

France cooperates with Russia mainly in terms of the aeroindustry, since it is these industrial products that are exported.

Italy sells equipment for reactors and boilers. Imports of goods from the country to Russia have recently decreased significantly.

Singapore supplies (and resells) electronics and cars to the world market. Today, Russia has surpassed Singapore in exports.

United Kingdom exports industrial products produced by aerospace enterprises. This country is an oil exporter (there are 150 oil fields on the territory of the state, and 31 fields are located on the mainland). In recent years, exports of goods to Russia have decreased significantly.

Countries of the American continent

USA successfully trades in reactors and boilers, vehicles, aircraft and electronic equipment. This country is one of the largest importers of oil, although it independently produces a fifth of the raw materials that it consumes. Most of the raw materials come from vehicles. For the United States, the Russian Federation is an excellent alternative oil supplier.

From Canada Vehicles and machines necessary for agricultural work enter Russia and other countries. Canada is an exporter of crude oil, mainly to the United States and China.

Asian states

China engages in the export of electronic equipment, which brings the main income to the state treasury. On the international market, China is the largest exporter of electronic products. China also exports reactors and boilers to other countries. The PRC is striving to create a strategic oil reserve, so there is an increase in imports of this industrial product, in particular from Russia. Oil and gas pipelines are being built from Russia to China. China is Russia's main trading partner. Russia supplies China with its own machines and other industrial equipment (the share of these goods in supplies to China in the pre-crisis period was 25%). True, Russia still buys some mechanical and technical products from China. China is interested in supplying its own products to the Russian market, as well as in gaining access to Russian raw materials.

Japan supplies Russia mainly with electronics, vehicles, and equipment for power plants. The state's main trading partners are the USA and China.

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The world stage is represented by 251 countries. Each of them has its own territory, authorities and population. In order to structure them, several classifications were introduced. For example, in relation to a particular state, such a classification may be the division of the world into countries near and far abroad. A list of countries related to each of them is presented in this article.

What are near and far abroad countries?

In order to understand what the far abroad is, it is necessary to clearly understand which countries and on what basis are included in the near abroad. In fact, “neighbors” are those countries that were once part of the USSR and after 1992 left it.

These names are unofficial and are often written in quotation marks in the foreign press. For Russia, this is a deep memory of continuous connection with The nature of this term has nothing to do with the geographical remoteness of the countries. First of all, it has a political and historical meaning.

Far abroad of Russia (list of countries)

The list of states belonging to this classification includes quite a lot of countries. To make the list of Russia’s far abroad countries memorable, let’s highlight the brightest of them. It is also worth noting the level of cooperation between these countries. The list of far abroad countries in Russia is presented below:

  1. China is one of Russia's largest trade and economic partners.
  2. India is a developing trade center of the world.
  3. European Union countries are an important source of investment.
  4. Japan and Korea are the source of important technologies.
  5. Latin American and Caribbean countries are a source of various natural and agricultural resources.
  6. The Middle East and North Africa is a capacious market for the import of Russian equipment.

Sometimes even the Baltic countries are included in the list of non-CIS countries. But this is allowed rather as an exception. Despite the common border with Finland, Poland, Norway, China and the DPRK, Russia includes these states in the list of non-CIS countries.

CIS countries

Much fewer countries are classified as neighboring countries. They are divided into 4 categories. The first are the Baltic countries. These include Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The second block is the Eastern European states. The third regions included in this category and completing the list are the regions of Central Asia.

Relations between Russia and China

The list of non-CIS countries should start with China. For Russia, foreign economic relations with this country are a priority. The main objectives of cooperation between countries are:

  • Introducing domestically produced engineering products to the Chinese market.
  • Development of export policy in relation to agriculture.
  • Elimination of barriers when introducing products from the telecommunications sector and the chemical industry to the Chinese market.
  • Investing in the development of border areas between countries.
  • Research and development cooperation.

Work in these areas allows us to strengthen friendly relations between non-CIS countries. The list of possible areas is constantly expanding, which demonstrates the dynamics of development of mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and China.

India and Russia

It is no coincidence that India occupies second place in the list of non-CIS countries. The main sectors of cooperation between Russia and India are the biotechnology and information industries. To strengthen relations between countries, the Russian Federation plans to expand its coverage area in the Indian market. The main export goods are special equipment, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and mechanical products. The development of investment projects between states will affect pharmaceutical, gas and oil companies. Closer cooperation should provide comfortable transport corridors for export-import movement of goods. Much attention in foreign economic cooperation between Russia and India is paid to energy, biotechnology, and aircraft construction.

EU countries

The main share of Russian exports and imports comes from the states of the European Union. Therefore, the presence of these Western countries in the list in an honorable third place becomes obvious. Russia's main task in relation to the EU is to receive the proper amount of investment and introduce their technologies and business processes into its production. The list of priority areas for developing relations between Russia and EU countries includes the following activities:

  1. Formation of a stable regime for the supply of hydrocarbons from Russia to the European market.
  2. Creation of conditions for mutual investment in the development of gas and oil production, as well as their distribution and transportation.
  3. Increasing the size of industrial cooperation by concluding mutually beneficial alliances between domestic and European companies. The main industries in this area are: telecommunications, automotive industry, food industry.
  4. Increasing interest in scientific and technological cooperation between countries.
  5. Establishing bilateral investment in financial and development projects.
  6. Carrying out work to increase mobility and simplify cross-border movement of citizens. This also applies to the transportation of goods and intellectual property.
  7. Elimination of barriers that arise in the process of exporting Russian goods to the European market.

The implementation of the measures presented above will allow Russia and the countries of the European Union to become mutually beneficial partners in the global market. Today, these countries are actively engaged in achieving the goals they have set for themselves, while not forgetting to pay attention to the development of border areas.

Which countries are included in the non-CIS countries? and got the best answer

Answer from Natalia[guru]
Far abroad is an unofficial term that arose in Russia after the collapse of the USSR to generally designate states that do not belong to the near abroad, that is, as a rule, those states that were not part of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Contrary to geography, “far abroad” also includes countries that have a common border with the Russian Federation, such as Finland, Norway, Poland, Mongolia, China, North Korea, and sometimes the Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia).
Of course... Only countries that are part of the CIS do not include

Reply from Roofer Best[guru]
Israel, USA.

Reply from Yemirlan Kairat[newbie]

Reply from Azalia Mukhametshina[active]
List of countries Baltic countries: Lithuania is the largest Baltic state in terms of area (65.3 thousand km2). The capital is the city of Vilnius. The type of government is a parliamentary republic. The population is about 3 million people. Latvia is located in the northern part of Europe. It shares borders with Lithuania. The area of ​​the state is about 64.6 thousand km2. The population is slightly less than 2 million people. The capital is the city of Riga. Estonia is the smallest state among the Baltic countries (area more than 45 thousand km2). The capital is the city of Tallinn. It has borders with Russia, Latvia and Finland. The population is about 1.3 million people. The continuation of the list will consist of the following states, a description of which can be read below in the article. Azerbaijan. Ukraine. Belarus. Kazakhstan. Georgia. Moldova is located in the south-eastern part of Europe. It shares borders with Romania and Ukraine. The area of ​​the state is almost 34 thousand km2. About 3.5 million people live in this territory. Armenia is a country in Transcaucasia. The capital is Yerevan. Area – about 30 thousand km2. For a long time it was in a military conflict with Azerbaijan. The population is about 3 million people. Countries of the near abroad (list of former republics of Central and Central Asia): Uzbekistan borders on five countries: Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. It occupies an area of ​​slightly less than 450 thousand km2. The number of inhabitants is almost 32 million people. Turkmenistan is a country that has access to the Caspian Sea. The capital is the city of Ashgabat. The area of ​​the state is about 490 thousand km2, the population is more than 5 million people. Tajikistan is located in Central Asia. It occupies an area of ​​142 thousand km2. More than 8.5 million people live here permanently. The capital is Dushanbe. Kyrgyzstan is a country located in Central Asia. It has borders with China, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, Kazakhstan. The capital is the city of Bishkek. The population is about 6 million people, the area is slightly less than 200 thousand km2. Azerbaijan Among the neighboring countries, the Republic of Azerbaijan can be noted. The state is located in Eastern Transcaucasia and is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. Its territory is 86.6 thousand km2, and its population is more than 9 million people. According to these two parameters, Azerbaijan is the largest Transcaucasian state. The capital is the city of Baku. -

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