The student drew a comic strip instead of an explanatory note. And he doesn’t regret anything, not even the expulsion

Explanatory note to technical project- this is one of the main documents included in the documentation compiled at the stage technical design. The explanatory note contains general information about the designed system, justification of the technical solutions that were chosen for its creation, as well as an action plan through which it is planned to put the system into operation.

Structure and design

The explanatory note is drawn up in accordance with interstate standard GOST 2.106-96, describing General requirements to compiling text and design documentation, the content of its sections is described in the guidance document RD 50-34.698-90, which regulates the requirements for the content of documents on automated control systems.

This document, according to the standards and governing documents, should consist of several sections:

"General provisions"
Indicating the name of the automated control system being developed, the documents on the basis of which the system is being developed - terms of reference, contracts - organizations that take part in the design, stages and timing of work, goals for developing the system, its purpose and scope of application, technical and regulatory documentation, as well as the order of design work.

“Description of the activity process”
The explanatory note to the technical project contains general information about the functioning of the system being developed.

"Basic technical solutions"
The structure of the system is given with a list of subsystems, methods and means of exchanging data between system components, interconnection of the system with other systems, and operating modes. Also here you should list the qualifications and number of employees, system functions, technical means ensuring its operation, information and software needs.

“Actions to prepare the system for operation”
A list of works on training personnel, bringing the output data of the system to suitable for further use type, organization of work places, as well as other activities that meet the specifics of commissioning a particular system.

The Russian edition of Technical Notes on Water Problems is published in two volumes, each containing two parts. Volume 1 includes a variety of information about water, its treatment methods and designs treatment facilities, and volume 2 - justification for the choice of water treatment methods depending on its original quality and appointments and extensive reference material.  

The main sections of the technical note contain information about accepted method obtaining the target product with characteristics of all technological units, the size of material and energy flows, physical and chemical properties substances used in this production, about optimal parameters technological regime and methods of their stabilization. Based on this information and the specified performance, the main and auxiliary equipment. The calculation results are placed in the Calculation and selection section technological equipment. In the future, the technical specification serves as the main source of information for the design of mechanical and technological documentation.  

Text material includes a technical note, an installation note, a specification of process equipment, a pipeline list with characteristics by section (pipeline log), a summary specification of pipeline fittings and a summary specification of pipeline parts.  

Soviet readers are already familiar with the Technical Notes from previous editions, but translation into Russian will make it possible to familiarize them with a wider circle of people involved in water treatment problems, and will, we hope, contribute to the rapprochement and cooperation of specialists from our countries in the name of common cause- protection of life on Earth.  

Degremont and the editors of all editions of the Technical Notes on Water Problems are happy and proud that this book is published in Russian.  

The developed documentation (work project or technical note) must be reviewed and approved technical advice installation organization with mandatory involvement to consideration of design decisions of direct executors.  

The basis for drawing up general production preparation schedules is the data from the explanatory technical note on the new facility, compiled by the chief designer’s department on the basis of the technical design of the design of this product.  

All calculations to determine the number of analyzes and, accordingly, the laboratory staff are carried out according to a technical note, which is continuously adjusted as new control methods are introduced into the industry.  

After completing the above work, the installation and technological department transfers the following materials to the customer: title page; technical note; installation and explanatory note; installation and technological diagram; general installation drawings; degassing drawings of pipelines; installation drawings; sketches of pipeline fastenings; list of pipelines with characteristics by sections (pipeline log); similar specification of pipeline fittings; summary specification of pipeline parts; summary specification of fastening parts.  

The starting material for compiling a pipeline log is MTS and installation drawings. Information about operating parameters is written out from the technical note.  

Typically, a technical project is carried out for an entire enterprise or a separate large and complex production. As a rule, it contains the following parts: technical and economic, general plan and transport, mechanical and technological, construction (including heating and ventilation), energy supply, water supply and sewerage, construction organization and estimate documentation. The technical project is issued in the form technical notes, calculations, drawings and estimates.  

Characteristic feature published works is high level experimental technology. When researching chemical reactions which accompany boundary friction processes, mass spectroscopy, the method of radioactive tracers, chromatography are used, infrared spectroscopy and other fine physico-chemical methods. In addition, two more circumstances give special interest this collection. Firstly, many reports contain information on work, the results of which are usually little or completely inaccessible to the Soviet reader. This applies to materials published in the USA in the form of technical notes, as well as to the work of Japanese scientists who are currently conducting very intensive research in this area. Secondly, the publication in one collection of works devoted to similar or identical topics, but carried out in different laboratories around the world completely independently of each other, makes it possible to directly compare them, which is useful from the point of view of assessing the level and focus of work carried out by different scientific schools. The collection consists of three sections. The main part of the work in the first section is devoted to the problem of the chemical interaction of organophosphorus compounds with steel.  

Pages:      1


Part 1. History of the development of the mine from its origins to the present day………………………………………………………………………………11

Part 2. Meeting with a coal veteran


Part 3. Psychodiagnostic study personal qualities students……………………………………21

Part 4. Play activities……………………………………..40




To participate in the 8th competition of schoolchildren's projects "SUEK-Kuzbass": my Company, my City" nomination mass project subgroup "Career Guidance Event" a career guidance event was developed and held on the topic "My choice is the profession of a miner."

Relevance of this event and the chosen topic is indisputable:

Firstly, in our educational institution, an event combining simultaneously informational, educational, consulting and psychodiagnostic work was held for the first time.

Secondly, despite the variety of various types of career guidance activities, many people still choose their life’s work - a profession - by mistake, in which
they are subsequently disappointed. They work in a job they don’t like, which, in turn, leads to low productivity, dissatisfaction with their life, loss of faith in themselves, their capabilities, which is why, often, the “outlet” is alcohol addiction, or having spent years of study and considerable cash to get an education, go to get another profession, or join the ranks of unemployed citizens. All of the above affects the country’s economy, standard of living and general psycho-emotional state nation.

Thirdly, our small homeland Kuzbass is the land of hard coal and the coal industry. And accordingly, one of the most popular professions, without a doubt, is the profession of a miner. With all the respect of a significant mass of the population for this profession, there are not so many who want to choose it as their professional path. In most cases, this is due to dangerous and difficult working conditions: daily descent underground, the likelihood of explosions and collapses, etc. Due to the fact that Leninsk-Kuznetsky, despite existing and operating enterprises, is still a single-industry town, the younger generation chooses the profession of a miner based on the experience of their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and the lack of other employment options. Unfortunately, it often happens that, having graduated from a vocational school, technical school or university with a mining specialty, having gone down into a mine and having tasted the “delights” of mining work, young specialists become disillusioned with the profession and understand that this is “not the business of all their professional life”, which means that years of training are wasted, emotional and physical costs are incurred. Therefore, we, the developers and organizers of the project, propose holding similar career guidance events with students educational schools(from 8th to 11th grades), applicants and first-year students of medium and higher level mining educational institutions.

Objective of the project – help students take an objective look at choosing a profession, find out the requirements for personal and professional qualities miner, identify them in yourself, make a reasonable and informed decision.






Dear students! Today we will hold a career guidance event on the topic: “My choice is the profession of a miner.”


The profession of a miner can rightfully be classified as one of the most difficult and dangerous that people have had to engage in in the entire history of human existence. However, in most cases, when choosing a profession, the decisive criteria are the advice of relatives, the possibility of entering educational institution, proximity educational institution to your place of residence. Unfortunately, your personal interests, inclinations and abilities remain unaccounted for. But it has long been known that any professional activity makes certain demands on individual characteristics employee, on whom, in turn, the success of professional activity miner, his labor productivity, the safety of both the miner himself and his colleagues. It has been scientifically proven that mistakes in choosing a profession lead to disappointment, reluctance to work, and loss of faith in oneself and one’s capabilities. During our event, we will try to take an objective look at the choice of profession, find out the requirements for the personal and professional qualities of a miner, try to identify them in ourselves and then make a reasonable and informed decision.



I want to start our meeting with a small historical excursion in the development of the coal industry. So, with
according to statistics in modern world there are more than 50 thousand professions. In the context of the development of technology and technology, some professions are dying out as unnecessary, while others, on the contrary, are appearing. The miner's profession has been in demand for about three centuries. People began mining various ores from the depths of the earth back in the 15th century. And the powerful development of mining occurred in the 18th century, a century of active development of the mining industry, when mining techniques were improved and new deposits were discovered. It was during this period that the profession of a miner appeared in the form in which it is familiar to us today. The word "miner" came to Russia from Germany; The profession got its name from the German word " schacht" - from the name of the enterprises that were engaged in coal mining. Throughout the entire period of the existence of the profession, new deposits were and are being discovered, new mines are being built, new methods and development technologies are emerging. If at the beginning the work of a miner was entirely based on manual labor, then modern mines are mechanized.


And now I want to move on to a description of the professional activity of a coal industry worker. The miner's profession is one of the most dangerous professions in the world. After all, he works at great depths, often in very high temperatures. For example, miners of the deepest mines in the world, located in the South African Republic, forced to work at a depth of 3800–4500 meters underground in heat of 60ºC. In our country, workers daily go down to the mine, located at a depth of 800 meters to several kilometers, to extract minerals, in particular coal, which are then brought to the surface. Who is a miner? A modern miner is not just a miner, but an educated, highly qualified specialist, capable of solving complex technical problems in difficult, and sometimes extreme conditions. Coal industry workers work in special structures located underground, where everyone performs certain functions in accordance with their qualifications. So, for example, miners are specialists who make a path in the bowels of the earth. Longwall miners (WMWs) are specialists directly involved in the extraction of resources. The mine also employs machinists involved in maintenance and repairs. various equipment. A significant role in mining is played by the position of an underground electrician, who is responsible for the performance of the entire mine. He has everything at his disposal technical devices and power lines. Job responsibilities workers depend on their specialization and category. For example, underground miners do not only work with various mechanisms, but also their cleaning and repair, are responsible for loading, unloading and moving cargo. They also need to monitor the readings measuring instruments, manage the operation of the pipeline and other mine equipment. The miners, whose the main task– mining, use special devices for drilling, and therefore they are required to comply with all technological instructions and safety measures. Blasting workers are also required to follow safety rules: during blasting operations, it is important for them not to harm other mine workers who are doing their jobs at the same time. professional responsibilities. The responsibilities of an electrician include regular inspection of mechanisms, replacement of worn parts with new ones, monitoring the condition of the line and power supply devices.

Despite all the danger and complexity of mining work, women play an important role in mining activities. The most popular professions among them are mine surveyor, safety engineer, and accountant.

A surveyor is a specialist involved in the development of drawings, the construction of mainly underground structures, tunnels, control over the construction process, monitoring the deformation of structures, and issuing instructions for repairs if deformations are detected. The surveyor is responsible for compliance with all design parameters of mineral development systems, all parameters of buildings and structures in the mine and on the surface of the mining enterprise. In addition to certain knowledge, skills and abilities, he must have a very balanced character, be infinitely pedantic, careful and precise in the performance of his duties, and know safety precautions. Errors in its operation can lead to colossal losses and accidents with massive loss of life. A surveyor is responsible for recording the movement and condition of mineral reserves (opened, prepared and ready-to-excavate reserves).

An occupational health and safety engineer monitors compliance at the enterprise and in its divisions with legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, over the provision of established benefits and compensation to employees for working conditions. He studies working conditions in the workplace, participates in inspections and surveys technical condition equipment, machinery and mechanisms, operating efficiency ventilation systems, condition of sanitary facilities, sanitary facilities, means of collective and personal protection workers; in determining their compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection and in identifying violations that pose a threat to the life and health of workers or may lead to an accident, takes measures to stop the operation of machines, equipment and work in the workplace.

An accountant is a specialist who deals with accrual wages, calculating taxes, maintaining and submitting reports, maintaining personalized records, accounting for the payment of alimony, benefits, sick leave _ sheets_ And_ So_ Further.

To conclude the first part of our event, let's look at psychological picture coal production worker. The miner's profession is difficult and dangerous, it requires endurance and psychological readiness to work in difficult conditions. Such a specialist must have good physical training and good health. Since unforeseen cases may arise in mines, their workers cannot do without the ability to act competently in extreme situations and make decisions quickly. A representative of this profession must be able to concentrate attention on the task at hand and have coordinated movements. A miner must be patient in order to carry out monotonous, routine (monotonous) work, responsible, disciplined, stress-resistant, and not afraid of confined spaces. The words of M.V. directly apply to workers of this profession. Lomonosov: “In the depths of the earth there is space, and nature reigns richly... Metals and minerals themselves will not come into the yard - they require eyes and hands for their mine.”



Presenter: Everyone knows what benefits the profession of a miner brings to society; without them there would be no heavy metallurgy, no heat and light in our homes, or much else. Most citizens respect this profession, but not everyone will agree to link their professional path with the work of a miner. Danger, difficult working conditions make this work unattractive. But despite everything, there are still courageous and selfless people in our time who choose this noble craft.

Guys, today you have the opportunity to talk with a representative of this heroic profession and get the information you are interested in first hand. Let me introduce to your attention the veteran of the Krasnoyarsk mine, the head of the site, Alexander Grigorievich Zakharov.


Host: Guys, please ask any questions that interest you.

Andrey K.:- Please tell us about your profession and working conditions.

Alexander Grigorievich: - The profession of a miner is both difficult and interesting. When I came to the mine as a young man, the working conditions were very difficult: a lot had to be done by hand, but over time they were improved and made easier, new mechanisms and combines appeared. If when I just started working, the teams were thousands of people, that is, they produced a thousand tons of coal per day, but now 15-18 tons of black gold are mined per day.

Polina S.: -Please tell us if there have been periods of failure in your professional path and how you managed to cope with them

Alexander Grigorievich: - Of course, my professional path was not without periods of failure, when something could not be done the first time, when disagreements arose with management or subordinates, but, in spite of everything, I always moved forward towards the goal goals. It was especially uplifting to feel the importance of your work for our country, our region, the residents of our city, because when you look at the coal coming into the mountain, you get a feeling of joy: in this black coal there is a piece of your soul, your work, your success. And, of course, over the years of my work there were achievements, there was professional growth, recognition from superiors and colleagues. I have never in my life regretted the professional path I chose and am happy that fate brought me together with the mine.

Egor U.: -Please tell us about the positive aspects of the profession and possible pitfalls.

Alexander Grigorievich: - K positive aspects profession can be attributed to the fact that only in the mine is a person’s character tested and tempered, his ability to come to the rescue is revealed, only in the mine is there a miner’s brotherhood, where there is no, and cannot be, disunity, because labor productivity and opportunity after a shift depend on cohesion come to the surface alive and well. It is also important preferential length of service, employment opportunities and ensuring the well-being of their family members. And guys, the mine is very interesting. The mine is a kind of underground city with its own streets, nooks and crannies, as we called glitches, jumpers. You asked about difficulties - of course, there are difficulties, as in any profession. But over time, a person learns to cope with them. It is especially difficult to go underground, but what a delight you feel when you rise to the surface after your shift. The sun, the sky, the foliage, and the singing of birds - all this makes you happy, and a smile appears on your face.

Sergey U.: - Please tell us what influenced your choice of mining profession?

Alexander Grigorievich: - I’ll be honest, after school I wanted to be a doctor, I graduated from medical school, but after the army I couldn’t find a job. When I arrived at the mine, I was confused, I couldn’t decide on my own choice of specialty, so I was appointed a first-class miner, then I graduated from our mining technical school and in 1990 I became the head of the installation department. IN
worked at the Kolchuginskoye mine management for 26 years before its closure. He stood at the origins of the creation of the Krasnoyarsk mine.

Host: Guys, let's thank Alexander Grigorievich for the attention he showed us.

The response is given to Nikita Shipilov:

Dear Alexander Grigorievich, we are very grateful to you for your interesting and informative story, which allowed those of us who had already decided on the choice of profession to place the final emphasis in favor of the mine, and those who doubted to lean toward this choice. And the main thing is that we all understood: a mine is not scary at all, but interesting and promising.






Guys, during our meeting we learned a lot of interesting and useful things about the miner’s profession. In the third part of our meeting, I propose to you, in order to promote your professional and personal self-determination and the formation of professional motivation, to conduct a psychodiagnostic study.

Currently in Russia, the most common typology of professional self-determination belongs to E.A. Klimov, who identified 5 spheres of labor based on the principle of human interaction with the primary subject of labor, depending on which all professions are divided into 5 types, namely:

  1. "Man is a man";

  2. “Man is nature”;

  3. “Man – technology and inanimate nature”;

  4. “Man is a sign system”;

  5. "Man is an artistic image."
Your attention a differential diagnostic questionnaire (DDI), also known as the Klimov questionnaire, is proposed for career guidance, designed to identify a person’s predisposition, expressed in his value orientations To certain types professions. The Klimov Questionnaire is based on the assumption that a person, having completed the necessary and appropriate training for the profession, will be able to perform any job, regardless of which category of the following it belongs to. And at the same time, if a person initially had the opportunity to choose his future and professional field, what type of activity would he actually prefer?


Test instructions:

Below are 20 pairs of statements that reveal in a concise form a particular type of activity. Each statement, in turn, has two letter designations- a and b.

Read each of the two statements carefully, and then choose one of them, putting a “+” sign next to it, which you considered the most appropriate and suitable for you. You can put two “+” signs, which will indicate even greater attractiveness of your chosen type of activity. If you really like the selected work, you can put three “+” signs.

Use the “-” sign to mark the job that is not attractive to you. According to the degree of discrepancy between this type of activity and your preferences, you can put two “-” signs, and if you really don’t like this work, put three “-” signs.

Questionnaire text

1a. Take care of animals.
1b. Maintain machines, devices (monitor, regulate).

2a. Help the sick.
2b. Create tables, diagrams, programs for computers.

3a. Monitor the quality of book illustrations, posters, art postcards, and gramophone records.
3b. Monitor the condition and development of plants.

4a. Process materials (wood, fabric, metal, plastic, etc.).
4b. Bring goods to consumers, advertise, sell.

5a. Discuss popular science books and articles.
5 B. Discuss fiction books (or plays, concerts).

6a. Raise young animals (animals of any breed).
6b. Train comrades (or juniors) to perform and consolidate any skills (labor, educational, sports).

7a. Copy drawings, images (or tune musical instruments).
7b. Operate any machine (truck, lifting vehicle or vehicle) – crane, tractor, diesel locomotive, etc.

8a. Inform and explain to people the information they need (in information desk, on excursions, etc.).
Design exhibitions, showcases (or participate in the preparation of plays, concerts).

9a. Repair things, products (clothing, equipment), housing.
9b. Find and correct errors in texts, tables, and figures.

10a. To treat animals.
10b. Perform calculations and calculations.

11a. Breed new varieties of plants.
11b. Construct and design new types of industrial products (cars, clothes, houses, food, etc.).

12a. To sort out disputes, quarrels between people, to convince, to explain, to punish, to encourage.
12b. Understand drawings, diagrams, tables (check, clarify, put in order).

13a. Observe and study the work of amateur art groups.
13b. Observe and study the life of microbes.

14a. Maintain and adjust medical devices and devices.
14b. Help people medical care for wounds, bruises, burns, etc.

15a. Artistically describe and depict events (observed and imagined).
15b. Compose accurate descriptions and reports about observed phenomena, events, measured objects, etc.

16a. Do laboratory tests in the hospital.
16b. Receive, examine patients, talk with them, prescribe treatment.

17a. Paint or paint the walls of premises, the surface of products.
176. Install or assemble machines and devices.

18a. Organize cultural outings of peers or juniors to theaters, museums, excursions, hiking trips and so on.
18b. Play on stage, take part in concerts.

19a. Manufacture parts, products (cars, clothes) according to drawings, build buildings.
19b. Engage in drawing, copy drawings, maps.

20a. Fight against plant diseases, forest and garden pests.
20b. Operate keyboard machines (typewriter, teletype, typesetting machine).


Answer sheet















5 B

































Let's count the number of pluses in each of the five vertical columns and put the corresponding amounts in the lower cells of the sheet. The maximum sums of pluses in certain columns indicate the predominance of interests and inclinations towards certain types of activities. So, now let’s interpret the results if maximum amount we got it, according to the results of the calculation in column 1, then you prefer the type of profession “man - nature”. Sphere of yours professional interests and inclinations are associated with nature, plant and animal organisms and the desire to work in this professional field. You enjoy caring for plants and animals and are not indifferent to the environment. Abilities that ensure successful professional activity in this area: intuition, analytical abilities, mental flexibility, forecasting regarding the growth and development of natural objects, the ability to endure prolonged physical and mental stress in various weather conditions. Professions that may suit a person with this type of orientation: forester, horse breeder, beekeeper, vegetable grower, poultry farmer, livestock breeder, gardener, agronomist, microbiologist, livestock specialist, hydrobiologist, agrochemist.

If the maximum number of points is in column 2, then you prefer the type of profession “man - technology”. The basis of your professional sphere are subjects of physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, you like or liked to do at school laboratory works on these subjects. You are willing to do modeling, you are technically savvy, you love manual labor, namely: to create, operate, repair machines, mechanisms, devices. TO this type professions include professions related to the maintenance of equipment, its repair, installation and commissioning, management, including the management of lifting and vehicles, namely: process equipment adjuster, repairman, driver, mechanical technician. Workers deal with non-living, technical objects of labor, namely: assembly mechanic, mechanical engineer, electrical mechanic, as well as process technician Catering. Also to this type professional work include professions in the production and processing of metals, their mechanical assembly and installation, assembly and installation of electrical equipment, for example, mechanics, turners. The leading subject of work is technical objects(machines, mechanisms), materials, types of energy. This also includes professions in the extraction, processing of soils and rocks; professions in the processing and use of non-metallic industrial materials, products, professions in the production and processing of metal, installation of machines, instruments, etc. To achieve the greatest professional success in this area, the following abilities are important: a high level of concentration and stability of attention, good visual and motor memory, good coordination of movements, developed technical, creative thinking, imagination.

The maximum number of points in column 3 indicates that you prefer the type of profession person - person. The scope of your professional interests and inclinations is related to training, education, leadership, and serving people. You know how to patiently and carefully listen to people, explain, convince, prevent conflicts, resolve disputes, and provide all possible assistance. You enjoy being around people and interacting closely with them.

Abilities that ensure successful professional activity in this area: verbal abilities, good development figurative and verbal-logical memory, communication skills (communication and interaction with people, the ability to establish contacts), responsiveness, goodwill, demandingness towards oneself and others. Professions that may suit a person with this type of orientation: teacher, educator, psychologist, nurse, trainer, HR manager, office manager, social teacher, service sector workers (salesperson, technologist, merchandiser, hairdresser, waiter, etc.).

What you typed maximum amount points in column 4 indicates that you prefer professions related to the type of person - sign system. You have inclinations and show interests in performing calculations, drawings, diagrams, and systematizing various information. Most professions of this type are associated with the processing of information: numbers, formulas, tables, drawings, diagrams, maps; texts in native or foreign languages. Abilities that ensure successful professional activity in this area: logical thinking, good memory on words and numbers, the ability to concentrate attention on symbolic material for a long time. Professions that may suit a person with this type of orientation: software engineer, economist, accountant, civil engineer, architect, surveyor, designer, process engineer, mechanical engineer, engineer welding production, sociologist, journalist, editor, proofreader, translator, linguist, clerk.

And finally, the maximum amount of points in the last 5th column is typical for professions such as person - artistic image. The basis of your professional sphere is made up of professions related to literary and artistic activities, visual arts, acting, and music. You love to write essays, notes, make beautiful products with your own hands, create works of painting, graphics, create new interesting models of clothing, interior design, and design innovations on paper and in the original. You notice the unusual and beautiful in the ordinary faster and more often than others. Most professions of this type are associated with: creating works of art, as well as with reproduction, production various products based on the model and works of art in mass production (for example, a master of painting). Abilities that ensure successful professional activity in this area: creative and artistic abilities, a high level of imagination, intuitiveness, openness to perceive new things.

Beginning of the form

End of form

Professions, that may be suitable for a person with this type of orientation: artist, architect, designer, writer, art critic, writer, philologist, journalist, fashion designer, jeweler, restorer, engraver, musician, actor, cabinetmaker.


A design student from a Tyumen university made an explanatory note in the form of a comic strip for the head of the department. He is not afraid of discontent from the teachers, because he has already been expelled from the institute for another reason. And in the explanatory comic itself, he tells with expressive illustrations why he does not regret either the missed classes or the assignment that he did not do.

A frame from one of the comics in Sasha Makkai’s public page

Artist Alexander Alekhin from Tyumen, who introduces himself on VKontakte as Sasha Makkai, posted a comic book on his public page, which, according to him, he drew instead of an explanatory note for a teacher at a university. Sasha Makkai is now being expelled from Tyumen state institute culture. Therefore, the comic will no longer affect his studies, but it may well give the teacher (and other readers) unexpected impressions.


Here, in short, the other day I was expelled, yes, and the head of the department demands from me an explanation why I don’t go to her classes. There will be explanations for you. Only in the form in which I want.

Alexander told Medialeaks that he was expelled because of an assignment that he had not completed for several months. According to him, not only he had difficulties with this task, but he was among those who delayed completing it longer than others.

We had an assignment that we received back in early April. But it turned out to be too difficult for me to implement. Actually, not only for me. Of the 11 people in the group to deadline only three people made it. The rest delayed the deadline, first until mid-summer, then until autumn. Well, someone finally finished it, but someone, like me, began to remain inactive. Well, there are three of us left.

This is what the first page of McKie's comic tells about, where he shows how anxiety over a difficult task grew into indifference to studying.

The second page of the comic tells how McKie, after some doubts, finally confirmed his decision and simply did not solve the impending problem.

According to Alexander, he has already realized that he wants to change his profession, so after expulsion he wants to go to study at another university in a completely different specialty.

Since last year, it seemed to me that I don’t understand a damn thing about design and I need to change it somehow. Therefore, I planned to take some additional exams in order to radically change the direction of my studies. Or, if called, I’ll go to health resorts for a year Russian army. And only then this is all, fortunately Unified State Exam results lasts for four years.

Therefore, the third page of the comic, marked as an epilogue, carries the main idea of ​​the entire explanatory story: Sasha Makkai does not regret anything.

It is not yet known how the head of the department will react to this explanatory note, but McKie promised to keep his subscribers informed. Perhaps the teacher will even appreciate his efforts, as was the case with the American student. But this is unlikely to affect Alexander’s decision to change his profession. The fact is that, according to the artist, the head of the department was not aware that he was being expelled.

The first time I just had an unfortunate encounter with her in the hallway the day after I missed her date. And then a week later she somehow saw me through the glass in the dining room where she was having lunch, then she was not too lazy to look in which office the class was going on, and went up there, interrupting the couple, demanding two explanatory notes from me. In general, since she was not too lazy to do everything she did, I thought that she REALLY needed explanations.

Well, while the teacher has not yet said anything about the comic, it is being actively discussed by Sasha Makkai’s subscribers, most of whom really liked it.

| Lesson planning and lesson materials | 7th grade | Planning lessons for the academic year (FSES) | Text documents and technologies for their creation

Lesson 21
Text documents and technologies for their creation

4.1.2. Technologies for preparing text documents

4.1.2. Technologies for preparing text documents

People have been recording information for thousands of years. During this time, both what information was recorded on and what it was used to do it changed. But the main thing did not change: in order to make changes to the text, it had to be rewritten. And this is a very long and labor-intensive process.

The advent of computers radically changed writing technology. The technology for creating handwritten and typewritten documents on paper (“paper” technology) has today been replaced by “computer” technology. With the help of special computer programs you can create any text, make changes to it if necessary, without rewriting the text again, write the text into the long-term memory of the computer for long-term storage, print any number of copies of the text on the printer without re-entering it, or send the text using Email to other computers.

“Computer” technology has a number of advantages compared to “paper” technology. Let's compare these technologies (Fig. 4.1). 

Most texts created on a computer are printed and used in traditional paper form(documents on all kinds of forms, newspapers, magazines, textbooks, reference books, popular science and fiction etc.). Along with this in Lately wide use received e-books - compact devices designed to display text information presented in electronic form.

You can point out a number of advantages of e-books over traditional ones:

The e-book allows you to display not only text, but also pictures and clips; built-in speech synthesizer programs allow you to voice texts;
V e-book text search, hyperlink navigation, and display of reader notes can be implemented; you can change the font size in it;
thousands of books can be stored in one device; such a “library” is much easier to transport compared to its printed counterpart.

The main disadvantages of modern e-books:

Relatively high cost;
greater sensitivity to physical impact than printed books;
less high contrast of the image compared to the image on paper.

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