Property subjects and owners download the presentation. State property

Presentation for a social studies lesson in 8th grade on the topic “Property”


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MBOU "Krasnoyarsk Secondary School" Social studies teacher Firstova E.N. Own. 8th grade. A basic level of

Property relations Property. Forms of ownership. Protecting Property Rights Lesson Plan

Formation of ideas about property relations and forms of ownership. Objective of the lesson:

What are social relations called? What types of property did you become familiar with in your history course? Does everyone own any property? What does it mean to be an owner? Let's repeat:

— Relations between people arising regarding property; the basis of such relations is the right to property. Property relations

- ownership of material, spiritual values, funds to certain persons - owners. Own

Property rights are a set of legal norms that establish, regulate and protect the ownership of material goods by specific people. Property

Property right Possession Disposal Use Property

Assignment: Determine ownership. Grandmother gave her grandson an apartment. Right of disposal.

Task Determine ownership Mom cooks dinner on a gas stove Right of use

Task Determine ownership Vanya bought a motorcycle and put it in the garage Ownership

Forms of ownership and subjects of ownership rights Private property (individual, collective) State property Municipal property Individuals (citizens) Legal entities (firms, enterprises) State, Subjects of the Federation Municipal entities

Exercise. Determine the form of ownership for the property Land Enterprises Buildings Means of transport Nuclear weapons Monuments of historical and cultural heritage Property of the armed forces Private property State property Municipal property

- How does a person become an owner? — How does the law protect property rights? Pages 105-106. Self-study

&13. Questions pp. 106-107 Homework

1. Social studies. Grade 8. Textbook for secondary schools. Moscow. Education. 2012 Pictures Internet Sources:

The presentation “Citizen and Property” can be used in social studies or law lessons.

In a social studies lesson in the 11th grade, when studying the topic “Civil Law”, the issue concerning the right to intellectual property is studied. Children can be interested in this topic. Forthcoming

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In this life, we will leave something behind: someone will build a house, someone will build a city, someone will plant a forest. But history does not always remember the names of all the people who did a good deed. There is no need to complain, because from...

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The work presents the basic concepts: property relations, ownership, possession, use, disposal. The slides include the activities presented in the workbook.

Some of the RP are based on the new Federal State Educational Standards (from grades 5 to 7), some are still based on the old ones.

Presentation of a lesson for an interactive whiteboard in social studies (grade 11) on the topic:
Lesson-presentation on the subject of social studies for grades 8, 11 on the topic “Property”

A lesson presentation on the topic “Property” takes into account the required level of knowledge for 11th grade students in preparation for the Unified State Exam. An option is proposed for drawing up a plan for the Unified State Examination section “Economics. Own"


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Property Social studies lesson in grades 8 and 11

What event do you see in the pictures?

Who can afford to buy a tank?

Who and what do we see in front of us?

Who might this belong to?

Why are they so happy?

Plan for studying a new topic 1. What is property? 2.What meaning do lawyers give to the concept of property? 3.How are property rights acquired and terminated? 4.What types of property exist? 5.What forms of ownership do you know? 6. Forms of ownership in the Russian Federation according to the Constitution 7. Judicial protection of property rights 8. Reinforcement tasks 9. Reflection

Property is the basis of the economic system property property property Ownership of a thing as personal property Belonging of things, material and spiritual values ​​to certain persons Legal rights regarding ownership, division, redistribution of an object of property

Two sides of property Subjects of property: Individual - family - work collective - social group - population of the territory - governing bodies - people of the country Objects of property: land, lands - natural resources - labor - material and property values ​​- fixed production assets - socio-cultural buildings destinations - money, currency, securities - jewelry - spiritual, intellectual, information resources

Legal content of property Right of ownership Right of use Right of disposal Actual possession of this property, legally enshrined process of extracting useful properties from this property or receiving fruits and income Ability to change the condition, purpose, ownership of property (sell, donate, change, lease) Rent (give away on loan) Trust (trust) The right to use property without having the right to dispose of it The right of the owner to transfer the right to manage his property to another person without the right to interfere with his actions

Methods of termination and acquisition of property rights -Nationalization, -Sale, -Relinquishment of property rights, -Destruction of property, -Confiscation -Privatization, -Newly created property, -Purchase and sale, -Inheritance, -Nakhodka -Transfer of property from private hands to hands state, -Transfer of property from one private person to another, -forced deprivation -Transfer of state property to individual citizens or legal entities created by them, -other

Types of property Common property Private property Mixed property Characterized by joint appropriation of the means and results of production A separate individual has the right to own, use and dispose of it Combines the features of common and private property

Classification of forms of Property in different eras FORMS OF OWNERSHIP Primitive - community, family, state, collective Labor, family, farming, individual labor activity, non-labor, slave-owning, feudal, bourgeois-individual Joint-stock, cooperative, joint

Classification of forms of Property FORMS OF OWNERSHIP PRIVATE: -personal -individual STATE COLLECTIVE (joint)

Forms of ownership in the Russian Federation Private property State property Municipal property Property of citizens - property of legal entities Federal - subjects of the federation Belongs to urban and rural settlements, other municipalities

Judicial Protection of property rights Vindication claim Negative claim Claim against government and administrative bodies Reclamation of one's property from someone else's illegal possession Protection of the owner's rights if there are obstacles that prevent him from using his property In the event that they issue an act that does not comply with the law and violates the rights of the owner

Solve the educational problem Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “Everyone has the right to own property, individually and in community with others. No one may be arbitrarily deprived of his property.” What legal right of the owner is noted in the article? Name two other rights of the owner and illustrate one of them with the help of two examples ANSWER: 1. Legal rights of the owner: -ownership (noted in Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) -use -disposal 2. Examples: -sale of an apartment bequeathed to a grandson - car will

Complete the task: Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic “Economic content of property”

ANSWER: 1. concept of property: a) economic content b) legal definition 2. Subjects of property a) person, family; b) labor collective; c) social group; d) state 3. The most important objects of property: a) land, land plots, lands b) money, currency, securities c) natural resources; d) labor force; e) buildings, structures, real estate f) spiritual, intellectual, information resources 4. Basic rights of the owner: a) possession, b) use, c) disposal 5. Basic forms of ownership in the Russian Federation: a) private; b) state; c) collective; d) municipal 6. Property in the economy at the present stage

At the end of the lesson, we answer the questions in the notebook: Was it easy to find answers to the questions? Did you enjoy working in the lesson? How do you evaluate your work in class? How do you evaluate the work of your group?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation for an extra-curricular social studies event for grades 9-11 on the topic: “Different” - equal in a large family, (within the framework of the “Friendship of Peoples” festival.) Suggested presentation.

8th grade - 1 hour per week, 9th grade - 2 hours per week, 10-11th grade 1 hour per week.

Work programs for grades 5-7 were developed according to the original program of L.L. Bosova, grades 8-11 according to the author’s program I.G. Semakina. The uniqueness of the programs is that they are designed taking into account correction.

The work program for the subject “Technology” for grades 10-11 was developed on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education and the Ministry of Education.

Work program for the subject “Social Studies” for grades 10-11. basic level, MO for history and social studies teachers.

Work program on the subject “Social Studies” for grades 10-11 (basic level).

These teaching aids and test assignments are compiled on the basis of an approximate program of the academic subject “Social Studies” for grades 10-11 of a comprehensive school. Methodological instructions are composed.

Property and its types Topic 3. PLAN 1. The concept of “property” 1. The concept of “property” 2. Forms of ownership 2. Forms of ownership 3. Characteristics. - presentation

Presentation on the topic: “Property and its types Topic 3. PLAN 1. The concept of “property” 1. The concept of “property” 2. Forms of ownership 2. Forms of ownership 3. Characteristics.” - Transcript:

1 Property and its types Topic 3

2 PLAN 1. The concept of “property” 1. The concept of “property” 2. Forms of ownership 2. Forms of ownership 3. Characteristics of forms of ownership 3. Characteristics of forms of ownership 4. Ownership rights 4. Ownership rights

3 The concept of “property” is a relationship between people regarding the ownership of material goods; this is a relationship between people regarding the ownership of material goods; this is a historically determined social way of people appropriating consumer goods and means of production; this is a historically certain social way of people appropriating consumer goods and means of production; this is not a thing , but the relationship between people about a thing. it is not a thing, but a relationship between people about a thing. Gives an answer to the question: who owns material wealth?

4 Forms of ownership GENERAL PRIVATE MIXED

5 COMMON PROPERTY Primitive-tribal/family State Municipal Collective

6 PRIVATE PROPERTY Individual Slave owners Feudal lords Capitalists


8 Forms of ownership There are many forms of ownership, but from an economic point of view the two most important: 1. Private property - the absolute right of an individual or legal entity to property objects 2. Public property - the absolute right of society as a whole and its separate groups for property.

9 OWNERSHIP RIGHT is the right to own, use and enjoy and dispose of certain property (legal concept)

10 Right of ownership Right of ownership - the ability to have a thing Right of possession - the ability to have a thing Right of use - the opportunity to receive benefit from a thing Right of use - the opportunity to receive benefit from a thing Right of disposal - the ability to determine the legal “fate” of a thing Right of disposal - the ability to determine legal “fate” of a thing

11 CHANGES IN OWNERSHIP RELATIONS Two main ways: Two main ways: 1. Privatization - the transformation of public property into private 2. Nationalization - the transformation of private property into public property. METHODS: Redemption Redemption Confiscation Confiscation

12 FOR DISCUSSION In Norway, industry is largely privately owned. But the largest oil firms, hydroelectric power, railroads, post offices and many banks are state-owned. In Norway, industry is largely privately owned. But the largest oil firms, hydroelectric power, railroads, post offices and many banks are state-owned. The government regulates the economy through fiscal policy. What type of economic system would you classify this country as and why?

13 FOR DISCUSSION The German economy is called a social market economy, the German economy is called a social market economy, and the South Korean economy is called a command market economy. and South Korea – command-market. Why do you think? Why do you think?

Property and its forms

Purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the concepts of property relations, what property is, forms of ownership in the Russian Federation, protection of property rights.

II. Learning a new topic:
1) Property relations
3) Forms of ownership in the Russian Federation
4) Protection of property rights

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"Property and its forms"

Property and its forms

Ozhigova Ekaterina Alekseevna

Municipal educational institution IRMO "Oyokskaya secondary school"

  • To familiarize students with the concepts of property relations, what property is, forms of ownership in the Russian Federation, protection of property rights
  • I. Repetition of previously studied material
  • II. Learning a new topic:
  • 1) Property relations
  • 2) What is property (in economic and legal senses)
  • 3) Forms of ownership in the Russian Federation
  • 4) Protection of property rights
  • First of all, relations regarding property.
  • Property relations are far from simple: we use not only what belongs to each of us or our family (trolleybus, tram, metro belongs primarily to the city, and we use public transport, pay for travel, carry luggage).
  • Conclusion: we enter into property relations, into certain contractual relations.
  • Property relations are relations between people arising regarding property, which are based on the right to property.
  • For example: BUY-SELL transactions

Property (from the word “self” - belongings, property and “property” - possession of a thing or someone as personal property)

In an economic sense:

In a legal (legal) sense:

  • The attitude of a person to a thing belonging to him as if it were his own.
  • Owners are subjects of property rights.
  • Separate property.
  • Groups (associations): family, work collective, social. Group, public organizations, etc.
  • Society as a whole.
  • Unity of rights to own, use and dispose of a thing within the limits established by law.
  • Ownership
  • Right of use
  • Right of disposal
  • Lease is a property lease, as a result of which one provides another with land, a building, or other property.

Historically, the first form of ownership was common property , which arose during the primitive communal system.

From the slave system to the 20th century. dominated private property

Getting rich through someone else's labor

Property of workers: peasants, artisans, etc.

In the 20th century is developing mixed ownership

Mixed ownership is a form of ownership that combines the features of private and common property.

Joint stock companies (societies, corporations)

Cooperative cooperation between enterprises

Forms of ownership in the Russian Federation:

Other forms of ownership (cooperative, joint stock, etc.

The place of ownership in the system of social relations:

  • Own determines the position of various groups, classes, layers;
  • Own determines forms of distribution, exchange and consumption;
  • Own is the basis, the foundation of the entire system of social relations;

PS - ownership

PV - right of ownership

PP - right of use

PR - right of disposal

Types of relations between the subject and the object of property

Subject - objective (the relationship of the subject to the object)

Subject - subjective (relations between owners)

  • Possession
  • Redistribution of existing property
  • Order
  • Use
  • Responsibility
  • During the transition from one type of economic system to another, such methods of terminating and acquiring property rights as nationalization And privatization .

Methods for terminating and acquiring ownership rights

Nationalization (from Latin nation-people)

Privatization (from Latin privatus - private)

  • This is a transition from private ownership to the ownership of the state or society: land, industry, transport, banks, etc.
  • This is the acquisition of state or municipal property into the private ownership of citizens, joint-stock companies;

Property and its forms Lecture 4. Lecture plan 1. Property relations 2. Types of property 3. Forms of private property 4. Corporate form of ownership. - presentation

Presentation on the topic: "Property and its forms Lecture 4. Lecture plan 1. Property relations 2. Types of property 3. Forms of private property 4. Corporate form of ownership." - Transcript:

1 Property and its forms Lecture 4

2 Lecture plan 1. Property relations 2. Types of property 3. Forms of private property 4. Corporate form of ownership

4 P. Heine “Property rights are the ability to control the use of resources and distribute emerging costs and benefits”

5 Property is the rules of the game accepted in society. It exists due to the rarity of resources and allows us to resolve the contradiction between the amount of resources and the need for them

6 Psychologically, property means a person’s attitude towards a thing as his own

7 Legally, property is the relationship of subjects of property (people) to objects of property (things)

8 Property rights are a set (bundle) of rights, sanctioned behavioral relations that develop between subjects regarding their use of economic benefits

9 Possession is the actual possession of a thing belonging to the owner with the simultaneous alienation of the thing from all other subjects

10 Use (appropriation) - extracting from a thing its useful properties in the process of its consumption. The ability to assign the results of the operation of a property

11 Disposition - the right to carry out any manipulations with property within the framework provided by law

12 The right of transfer (by inheritance, gift) - the right to transfer all previous powers

13 Functions of property: realization of economic interests of subjects, promoting the efficient use of resources; ensuring economic freedom of subjects; ensuring economic isolation of subjects; formation of economic responsibility for results.

14 Question 2 Types of property

15 The theory of property rights identifies three main systems of property rights - private, public and state

16 Private property, everyone except the owner is excluded from access to the resource; he himself decides how to use and on what conditions to transfer the powers he has.

17 Public property access is open to everyone, but since the supply of most resources is limited, the principle of “first to borrow, first to use” comes into play.

18 State ownership, access to resources is regulated based on the collective interests of society

19 State and public property are combined into the concept of “public property”

20 Public property is used to serve the public interest and cannot be used for profit

21 Private property is used for personal gain, incl. in the form of profit

22 Public property 1. State 2. Municipal 3. Property of public organizations (party, confessional, etc.)

23 Question 3 Forms of private property

24 Private property 1.Personal 2.Sole 3.Partnership 4.Corporation

25 Personal property is property belonging to a person or family. Typically, personal property includes non-productive household objects, things and property

26 Sole property - the owner independently exercises the rights of ownership, disposal, use and appropriation. This determines the desire of the private owner to run his farm in the most rational way, the high efficiency of private property

27 Partnership (partnership) - an association of 2 or more persons, based on an agreement of its participants, who pool their property assets and, as a rule, through personal efforts contribute to making a profit as a result of joint entrepreneurial activity or joint maintenance and use of common property

28 A general partnership is a type of business partnership, the participants of which (general partners), in accordance with the agreement concluded between them, are engaged in entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for its obligations not only in the amount of contributions to the share capital, but with all the property belonging to them, that is "full", unlimited liability

29 A command partnership is a commercial organization based on share capital, in which there are two categories of members: general partners and limited investors. General partners carry out entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for the obligations of the partnership with all their property. Limited depositors are responsible only for their contribution

30 Limited liability company (LLC) is a business company established by one or more legal entities and/or individuals, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares; members of the company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the value of their shares in the authorized capital of the company

31 Question 4 Corporate form of ownership

32 Corporate ownership is a form of private ownership, which is based on corporatization, share capital. Management functions have been transferred to professional management managers.

33 Types of corporations 1. A closed joint stock company is a joint stock company, the shares of which are distributed only among its founders or another predetermined circle of persons 2. An open joint stock company is a joint stock company, the participants of which can alienate their shares without the consent of other shareholders

34 Management structure of the corporation 1.general meeting of shareholders; 2.board of directors (supervisory board); 3.sole executive body (general director); 4.collegial executive body (executive directorate, board); 5.audit commission (auditor).

35 Corporate governance structure

36 The general meeting is a form of management of a joint-stock company on the part of its shareholders. It is the supreme management body of the joint-stock company

37 The Board of Directors is a collegial management body elected for a certain period of time by a meeting of shareholders that manages the activities of a joint-stock company in the period of time between annual meetings of shareholders

38 The executive management body of a joint stock company is a direct management body created by decision of the general meeting and/or board of directors. The executive management bodies of a joint stock company are liable to the company for losses caused to it as a result of their actions or inaction

39 The Audit Commission is an elected control body of the management of a joint-stock company. Its functions are to audit the results of the financial and economic activities of the company

40 Share capital consists of the sum of the nominal values ​​of the company's shares acquired by shareholders

41 Shares are an issue-grade security that secures the rights of its owner (shareholder) to receive part of the profit of the joint-stock company in the form of dividends, to participate in the management of the joint-stock company and to part of the property remaining after its liquidation

42 Ordinary shares give the right to participate in the management of the company and participate in the distribution of profits of the joint-stock company. The source of payment of dividends on ordinary shares is the company's net profit. The amount of dividends is determined by the board of directors of the enterprise

43 Preferred shares - constant dividends (often fixed as a certain percentage of accounting net income or in absolute monetary terms). Do not vote at the shareholders meeting

44 Bonds are an issue-grade debt security, the owner of which has the right to receive from the issuer of the bond its nominal value in cash or in the form of other property equivalent within a specified period. The bond may also provide for the owner's right to receive a fixed percentage (coupon) of its face value.

45 Issuer - an organization that has issued (issued) securities for the development and financing of its activities

46 Controlling stake - the number of shares that give the shareholder the opportunity to have a decisive influence on the activities of the joint-stock company

47 Advantages of the corporate form of ownership 1. The transfer of ownership of shares does not entail the need to re-register a legal entity, but is recorded in the register of shareholders. 2. Possibility of attracting additional capital by placing (selling) shares.

48 Disadvantages of the corporate form of ownership 1.Large minimum authorized capital (MCI). 2.More complex and expensive registration procedure. 3. The need to register the issue of shares and reporting with the Agency for Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Market and Financial Organizations. 4. The need to conclude an agreement with the registrar for maintaining the register of shareholders. 5. A more complex structure of governing bodies and a complex procedure for holding their meetings and making decisions. 6.Double taxation


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“Property in the economy” - Priority in the Constitution and multi-layered protection. The influence of economic relations on the state. Constitutional norms as the main legal basis for regulating economic relations. Freedom of economic activity. The limits of government intervention and guarantees of ensuring a number of principles of a market economy (clauses 1, 2, Article 74).

“Municipal authorities” - Lecture 10. Getting started. Leading positions. Municipal service in the Russian Federation. Status of the Head of the local administration (appointed) working under a contract. Model 3. Head of a municipal organization = chairman of the representative body of a municipal organization (for all types of municipal organizations). Deputy heads are heads of departments. Non-elected positions Category B and C.

“Right to use subsoil” - Table Historical stages in the development of mining law in Russia. State educational institution of higher professional education "NATIONAL RESEARCH TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY" INSTITUTE OF NATURAL RESOURCES. Course RATIONAL METHOD OF SEARCH FOR GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF MINERAL RESOURCES (Part I) Lecture MANAGEMENT OF SUBSOIL USE RELATIONS Author: Ph.D., Associate Professor Domarenko Viktor Alekseevich TOMSK 2010.

Property, as an economic category, expresses the relationship of appropriation (alienation) of objects and economic goods created with their help in the process of their production, distribution, exchange and consumption. That is, the fact of ownership of economic goods must be recognized not only by the owner himself, but also by other subjects, therefore the right of ownership arises as a social relationship.

What is property? Property is the relationship between people regarding the appropriation, possession, disposal and use of property, resources, and means of production. These relationships determine who and how appropriates the results of production and carries out the management process.

Property expresses the right of a subject to use an object (thing). Subjects can be a state, a collective, or an individual. The main objects are: land, buildings, objects of material and spiritual culture, etc. Property rights: - ownership is the right of exclusive physical control over goods, enshrined in legislation; - disposal – the right to decide who will use the property and how; - use – the right to use the beneficial properties of goods for oneself; - the right to income from the sale of property.

History knows different types of property, the main ones being COMMON and PRIVATE. Historically, common property was the starting point. It was based on common labor and joint appropriation of its results. Later, private property appeared. It comes in two forms: labor and non-labor.

Main features of different forms of ownership 1. Individual ownership. This form concentrates in one subject all the listed characteristics: labor, management, disposal of income and property. In Russia, this form can include: peasants running their own separate farm; individual traders (including shuttle traders); private practitioners, lawyers and all those in whom labor, management, and disposal of income and property are concentrated. 2. Private property. Private property is similar in content to individual property in the sense that the main powers are concentrated in one individual or legal entity. But private property, as a special form, differs from individual property in that the characteristics (powers) here can be divided and personified in different subjects. Some people work, while others manage their income and property. The position of the latter is determined by economic power, and the position of the former by economic dependence. The manager (manager) is in an intermediate position, since, as noted above, managers participate in the performance of functions by order. If a private person, being the owner of the production conditions, does not use the labor of hired workers, then such property should be defined as individual (or private labor).

3. Cooperative ownership. This form is based on an association of individual owners. But this is not the arithmetic sum of individual owners, but their functioning unity. Everyone in the cooperative participates with their labor and property and has equal rights in the management and distribution of income. Cooperative ownership can be shared, where the shares of each participant in the property of the cooperative are determined, or non-shared, that is, without the allocation and personification of the shares of the property of each participant. 4. State property. It differs from previous forms in that absolute property rights are not held by individual private individuals and their associations, but by the state institution of public, political and economic power. The state is the supreme manager of property (conditions of production). State-appointed executives (managers) manage production. The peculiarity of the ownership of state-owned enterprises is that their property is not divided into shares and is not personified in individual participants in the economic process, and in that sense it is unitary. 5. Municipal property. Along with state, municipal property is a type of public property. The supreme administrator of the property of municipal enterprises are local authorities (city, district, etc.). Management of municipal enterprises is carried out either directly by municipal authorities or through appointed leaders (or managers). The generated income can be distributed by municipal bodies, managers independently or with the participation of labor collectives.

6. Mixed forms. The modern economy is characterized by dynamism, a variety of changes in economic relations, forms and institutions. In relation to property, there is a diffusion of different forms and relations of ownership, as a result of which the internal content of individual forms becomes more complicated. Within individual forms, the features of different forms of ownership are combined. For example, structures of a private entrepreneurial and cooperative nature can be formed within state-owned enterprises, and within state-owned enterprises the features of various forms of ownership are formed. In the transition economy of Russia, this process affected all areas. For example, various health centers in public health institutions operate on a private or cooperative basis. Similar structures exist in state higher educational institutions. Or, for example, collective farms and state farms have been transformed into joint-stock companies, but continue to function on a cooperative basis, again combining the shares allocated to employees. 7. Combined forms. The process of complicating the internal content of individual forms of ownership was discussed above. The modern economy, in search of effective functioning and implementation of projects, comes to the unification of various forms of ownership while preserving each of them its own special content. As a result, combined forms are formed. These may include modern enterprises, holdings, financial and industrial groups, concerns, trusts and other forms with equal powers to manage, distribute income and dispose of property. Private, public and other forms can participate in financial-industrial groups and other associations without losing their basic quality.

Economic relations regarding appropriation are fluid. Ego means that forms of ownership can change from one to another. This process is carried out using different METHODS. Let's consider the most important of them: Nationalization is the transfer of private ownership of basic economic objects (land, industry, transport, banks) into state ownership. Nationalization has different socio-economic and political content depending on who, in whose interests and in what historical era it is carried out. The opposite process to nationalization is privatization. Privatization (from the Latin privatus private) is the transfer of state or municipal property for a fee or free of charge into private ownership. Privatization may be hidden, for example, long-term lease of state property by private individuals or companies; may be partial, when, for example, only part of the shares are sold; can be carried out in the form of denationalization and reprivatization. Denationalization is the return by the state of nationalized property to its former owners. Currently, this process has become widespread in the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Reprivatization is the return to private ownership of state property that arose as a result of the earlier purchase of enterprises, land, banks, shares, etc. from private owners. Reprivatization, unlike denationalization, as a rule, is not accompanied by acts of state power.

As an economic category, “property” is characterized by the unity of two aspects: quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative aspect of property is a variety of objects: factories, means of labor, land, money, securities, patents, licenses, etc. The most important object of property is the means of production. Depending on whose hands they are concentrated (slave owner, feudal lord or capitalist), the corresponding social mode of production is formed. The qualitative aspect of property is the relationship between people, enterprises, the state, between the state and other entities regarding the appropriation of the means of production, created product, securities, etc. in all spheres of social reproduction. The theoretical expression of economic property relations is a set of such economic categories as “cost”, “price”, “money”, “capital”, “wages”, “profit”, “tax”, etc.

Self-limitation of rights The owner can voluntarily, without any external coercion, limit his rights to the property. What could cause such strange, at first glance, behavior of the owner, in what forms can it take place? Firstly, the owner can rent out the object for use to another person, a company or an individual. For example, premises, equipment, land, and vehicles can be leased. Secondly, the owner can delegate part of his powers to managers to hired management personnel. Managers will help to use the owner’s production and monetary capital more efficiently. Thirdly, the owner can combine his property with the properties of other persons. For example, people can, by pooling efforts, resources, and money, create an enterprise in the form of a business partnership. Each participant, of course, will lose a greater or lesser part of their rights to the property; they will now be placed under some kind of general management.

3. Conclusions Private property is the assignment of the right to control economic resources and life benefits to individuals or their groups. According to current legislation, an individual has the right, at his own discretion, to perform any actions in relation to his property that do not contradict the law and other legal acts.

"State Duma" - Agrarian question. From the Constitution of the Russian Federation, 1993. Congress of People's Deputies. MM. Speransky. Nicholas II. From the manifesto on the establishment of the State Duma on August 6, 1905. Provincial Dumas. Parish councils. Emperor. The State Duma. The State Duma is an institution of representative democracy. And it all began...

“State symbols of Russia” - Conclusion. In addition to the national flag, Russia has two more special banners. People living in a country. Against the background of the shield is a double-headed golden eagle. State symbol made of fabric. Moscow. People. What are the symbols of the Motherland for us? The wings of an eagle are like the rays of the sun. Apostle Andrew was considered the patron saint of Russia and navigation.

“State final certification grade 9” - Rosobrnadzor tasks for 2009. Instructional materials. Delivery of results. A subordinate institution authorized to provide organizational and technological support for the State Inspectorate. Preparation of analytical data. Regional center for quality assessment (information processing). Ppoi. Municipal education authority.

“Forms of ownership in Ukraine” - Of course, some of the theses cannot be understood. For example, this is the situation in the countries of the Western socio-cultural system. Such studies are not conducted in Ukraine. Research on this topic is ongoing. Another example of clan ownership of land. In some cases, standards categorically do not correspond to actual land use practices.

“Intellectual Property” - Works. Geographical indications of origin of goods. What is intellectual property: Types of intellectual property: Types of intellectual property infringement: Rights that intellectual property includes: Trade secrets are often protected by unfair competition laws.

“State final certification” - Information sites. Clause 16 of the GVE is carried out at the examination points; the graduate’s delivery time is no more than an hour; they are usually accommodated at the educational institution where the graduates studied. Organizes timely informing of students about the results of GIA-9. clause 3.5. Certificate of basic general education final grades in subjects of the second level (5-9 grades) 5 (excellent) 4 (good) 3 (satisfactory).

Property. The scientific understanding of property differs from
ordinary idea, while property
considered in an economic and legal sense.
Contents of the concept “Property”.
Economic category
(relationships between people and
property objects)
powers to
between people)


Property is a social concept,
reflecting a complex system of relationships
between a person, group or
community of people (subject), with one
sides, and any substance
material world (object), on the other hand
In economic definition, the greatest
attention is paid to the system of relations
between subject and object, and in
legal - law.


The determining factor in the maintenance of property is
appropriation - alienation of an object of property
subject from other subjects.
From property as a complete form of appropriation
It is necessary to distinguish between ownership, use and
Possession is partial appropriation, because owner
(tenant, debtor) acts under the conditions
determined by the owner.
Use - the actual use of a thing in
depending on its purpose. Use
represents a form of realization of ownership and
Disposition is the making of decisions by the owner or
another person regarding the operation of the facility
property (sale, donation, pledge),
based on the right of the entrepreneur to transfer to
use of property within the limits permitted


Property relations are of a specific historical nature, but regardless of
property maintenance it is always about three
1) about an object of property - real
property maintenance;
2) about the system of relationships between subjects;
3) on the economic implementation of relations on
micro and macro level.


Subjects and objects of property
Real estate


Law is a set of generally binding rules (norms)
people's behavior.
They are established in society or sanctioned
(approved) by the state and supported by it.
The subjects of property rights are:
1) citizen (individual) – person as a subject
civil (property and non-property) rights and
2) legal entity – organization (association of persons,
enterprise, institution), is a subject of civil
rights and responsibilities. This is social (collective)
education enters into economic relations on its own behalf
as an independent integral unit. An example would be
serve a company - economic, industrial or commercial
enterprise (association) enjoying the rights
legal entity;
3) state and municipalities (local authorities
management and self-government).


The legislation specifically highlights objects
civil rights.
Among them, the following types of objects are distinguished:
- real estate (land plots, subsoil,
isolated water bodies, forests, perennial
plantings, buildings, structures, etc.);
- movable things (money, securities and other
things not related to real estate);
- intellectual property (results
intellectual activity and equivalent to
them means of individualization of legal
persons, individualization of products performed
works or services: company name,
trademark, service mark, etc.).


Property is a system of subject-object and subject-subject
relations regarding appropriation, as well as
possession, use and disposal
Development and complexity of relationships
property in modern conditions
market economy contributed to
that the legal and economic aspects
property problems "closed" in
emerging theory of property rights.


Ronald Harry Coase - American economist, laureate
Nobel Prize in Economics 1991 "for the discovery and
clarifying the exact meaning of transaction costs and
property rights in the institutional structure and
functioning of the economy."
Theory of R. Coase. Its essence: If property rights are clear
specialized and transaction costs are equal
zero, then the production structure will remain
unchanged regardless of changes in distribution
property rights.
The meaning of the theorem is that in the absence
costs of negotiating, drawing up contracts and
other transaction costs, as well as when it is clear
established and securely protected rights
ownership of economic assets, i.e. those benefits from
from which profit can be made (e.g. land
areas, subsoil, companies) will gradually
outbid by those who are willing to pay more for them
high price.


According to the economic theory of property rights,
not a resource (means of production or labor)
itself is property, and the bundle or
share of rights to use the resource.
Property rights are understood as
sanctioned by society (laws
state, traditions, customs,
orders of the administration) behavioral
relationships between people who appear in
connections with the existence of goods and concern them
In accordance with legislative acts, subjects
are endowed with property rights. That's right
includes such powers of the owner as
possession, use and disposal.


The complete “bundle of rights” consists of 11 elements:
1) the right of ownership, that is, exclusive physical control over
2) the right to use, that is, to apply the useful properties of property
for myself;
3) the right to manage, that is, decisions about who will provide and how
use of benefits;
4) the right to income, that is, the possession of results from the use of benefits;
5) the right of the sovereign, that is, alienation, consumption, change or
destruction of the good;
6) the right to security, that is, to protection from expropriation of goods, from
harm from the external environment;
7) the right to transfer benefits as an inheritance;
8) the right to indefinite possession of a good;
9) prohibition on using a good in a way that is harmful to the external
10) the right to liability in the form of recovery, that is, the possibility
collection of benefits in payment of debt;
11) the right to a residual nature, that is, to the existence of procedures and
institutions that ensure the restoration of damaged


Content and distribution of property rights
influences the distribution of resources, the volume and
terms of exchange, distribution and level of income,
on pricing processes.
It is important to take into account transaction costs.
Transaction costs are operating
exchange costs associated with the transfer
property rights.
Types of transaction costs:
1) costs of searching for information,
2) costs of quality measurement,
3) costs of negotiations and conclusion
4) costs of alternative behavior,
5) costs of specification and rights protection


Separation of "property rights" from
“property” has developed not only in
economic theory, but also in economic
practice. Evidence of this is
development of trust companies.
Trust (from English trust - to trust, to entrust
care) represents a system of trust
management of property, securities,
enterprises, firms, etc.
A trust agreement means that the owner
transfers the right to manage his property
to another subject, after which, within the framework
the concluded agreement does not have a formal
the right to interfere in the actions of one's own


As society developed, relationships improved
property, accepting a wide variety of types and
The type of property is understood as a qualitatively special
stage in property development,
and under its form - the specific nature of belonging
material factors and results of social
production to its main subjects.
Property types
Forms of ownership
Primitive communal
(Asian, antique)


Homework for students for the seminar:
1) features of different forms of entrepreneurial
Individual entrepreneur,
Full partnership
Partnership of faith
Limited Liability Company,
Additional liability company,
Closed Joint Stock Company,
Public corporation,
Production cooperative (artel),
2) Features of common family property,
state property, municipal
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