Summary movement schedule. General responsibilities of railway transport workers




Appendix No. 6

to the Technical Rules

railway operation

Russian Federation


The schedule is the basis for organizing train traffic in railway transport. In fact, this is a graphical representation of train movement.

1. The basis for organizing the movement of trains along the infrastructure is a consolidated train schedule, which combines the activities of all departments and expresses the given volume of operational work of the departments of the infrastructure owners.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 17-FZ "On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation", the consolidated train schedule is approved in the manner determined by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport, based on proposals by infrastructure owners train schedules within infrastructures.

The organization of train traffic within one infrastructure is carried out on the basis of a train schedule approved and put into effect by the owner of this infrastructure.

The movement of trains on schedule is ensured by compliance with the rules and regulations, the correct organization and implementation of the technological process of operation of railway stations, depots, traction substations, maintenance points and other departments of railway transport related to the movement of trains.

Violation of the consolidated train schedule is not allowed. In exceptional cases, or due to the failure of technical means, or natural disasters, when there is a violation of the consolidated train schedule, workers of all enterprises are obliged to take prompt measures to schedule late passenger and freight trains and ensure their safe passage.

On non-public railway tracks, the owner of the non-public railway tracks approves contact train schedules.

2. The consolidated train schedule must provide:

meeting the needs for transportation of passengers and cargo;

train traffic safety;

efficient use of the throughput and carrying capacity of sections and the processing capacity of railway stations;

rational use of railway rolling stock and loading and unloading equipment;

compliance with the established duration of continuous work of locomotive crews;

the ability to carry out work on the routine maintenance and repair of tracks, structures, signaling devices, centralization and blocking, communications and power supply;

implementation of the technological process for timely transportation of goods;

consistency of operation of public and non-public railway transport.

The procedure for assigning and canceling trains depends on their category.

3. The procedure for assigning and canceling trains of all categories on public railway transport in accordance with the consolidated schedule is established by the owner of the infrastructure.

Train numbers are assigned to formations: those following from north to south and from east to west are odd, from south to north and from west to east are even.

4. Each train is assigned a number established by the train schedule. Trains in one direction are assigned even numbers, and trains in the opposite direction are assigned odd numbers.

In addition to the number, each freight and passenger train at the railway station of its formation (departure) is assigned an index, which does not change until the railway station of disbandment (destination).

By type of service, passenger trains are divided into long-distance, traveling a distance of over 700 km, local - up to 700 km, and suburban - up to 150 km.

Trains not provided for by the schedule (recovery, fire, snow plows, locomotives without cars, special self-propelled rolling stock assigned to restore normal traffic and to extinguish a fire) are assigned numbers when they are assigned. The numbers of such trains and their order of travel are announced by the train dispatcher.

The schedule does not provide for extraordinary trains.

Question What do you think, which trains are assigned even or odd numbers?
Possible answer: Reaction to the answer:
1)Even South-West Odd East-North You are wrong! Choose the correct answer.
According to the State Traffic Regulations, train numbering should streamline traffic You're right! Train numbers are assigned at formation stations depending on the category and type of transportation.

Odd North-South, East-West Even South-North, West-East The number is retained throughout the entire route to the destination or disbandment station

5. The priority of trains is established depending on the following priority of transportation:

transportation carried out to restore train traffic and extinguish fires (recovery and firefighting trains, snow plows, locomotives without cars, special self-propelled rolling stock assigned to restore normal traffic and to extinguish fires);

military transportation;

transportation of passengers in international traffic (high-speed, high-speed, express passenger trains);

long-distance transportation of passengers within the Russian Federation (high-speed, high-speed, express passenger trains);

transportation of passengers within the Russian Federation in suburban traffic (suburban trains);

transportation of postal items, luggage, cargo luggage (mail and luggage, cargo and luggage trains);

special transportation (special trains);

cargo-passenger and human transportation (freight-passenger and human trains);

transportation of goods (freight (through, sectional, groupage, export, transfer), utility trains and locomotives without cars).

6. Trains operate according to Moscow standard time on a 24-hour basis.

Clocks must be installed in office premises and passenger stations. The procedure for installation, repair and maintenance of wall and external electric clocks located in places of work of authorized persons associated with the movement of trains and passenger service is determined, respectively, by the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of non-public railway tracks.

The time indication on the clock must be the same in all sections and divisions of railway transport.



In accordance with (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Art. 2866; 2014, No. 26 (Part I), Art. 3377, No. 45, Art. 6145; 2015, No. 24, Art. 3368)

I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for approving the consolidated train schedule taking into account the calendar of matches for the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup.

2. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Russian Federation
at the Ministry of Justice
registration N 41788

The procedure for approving a consolidated train schedule taking into account the calendar of matches for the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup

1. The procedure for approving the consolidated train schedule taking into account the calendar of matches for the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup was developed in accordance with Part 4 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of June 7, 2013 N 108-FZ "On the preparation and conduct in the Russian Federation of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" and the Rules for the provision of services for the use of public railway transport infrastructure, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2003 N 703 .
Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Art. 2866; 2014, N 26 (part I), art. 3377, N 45, art. 6145; 2015, N 24, art. 3368.

Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 47, Art. 4552; 2006, N 52 (part Ill), art. 5587.

2. Infrastructure owners develop a consolidated passenger train schedule based on requests from carriers submitted no later than seven months before the entry into force of the consolidated passenger train schedule to include passenger trains in the consolidated schedule, as well as taking into account the calendar of FIFA World Cup matches. 2018, FIFA Confederations Cup 2017. The development of the specified consolidated schedule is completed no later than four months before its entry into force.

3. In order to put into effect the consolidated passenger train schedule, the owner of the infrastructure submits the following documents to Roszheldor:

an appeal to set the deadline for putting into effect the consolidated passenger train schedule;

approved consolidated schedule of passenger trains.

4. The result of the consideration of the documents provided for in paragraph 3 of this Procedure is the issuance of an order of Roszheldor establishing the deadline for putting into effect the consolidated schedule for the movement of passenger trains on railway transport and informing the owner of the public railway transport infrastructure.

5. Access to the public railway transport infrastructure for the transportation of passengers, baggage, and cargo luggage is provided to carriers on the basis of an order of the Russian Railways on establishing the deadlines for putting into effect a consolidated schedule for the movement of passenger trains on railway transport.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Official Internet portal
legal information, 04/18/2016,
N 0001201604180016

1. The basis for organizing train movement along the infrastructure is a consolidated train schedule, which unites the activities of all departments and expresses a given volume of operational work. Violation of the consolidated train schedule is not allowed.

2. The consolidated train schedule must provide:

meeting the needs for transportation of passengers and cargo; train traffic safety; efficient use of the throughput and carrying capacity of sections and the processing capacity of stations; rational use of rolling stock and loading and unloading equipment; compliance with the established duration of continuous work of locomotive crews; the ability to carry out work on the routine maintenance and repair of tracks, structures, signaling devices, centralization and blocking, communications and power supply; implementation of the technological process for timely transportation of goods; consistency of operation of public and non-public railway transport.

4. Each train is assigned a number established by the train schedule.

7. The movement of trains is carried out with their delimitation at separate points.

The separate points are: stations, sidings, passing points and waypoints, automatic blocking traffic lights, as well as the boundaries of block sections with automatic locomotive signaling, used as an independent means of signaling and communication.

8. The boundaries of the station are: on single-track sections - entrance traffic lights; on double-track sections along each individual main track, on one side there is an entrance traffic light, and on the other, a “Station Boundary” signal sign installed at a distance of at least 50 m behind the last exit switch.

On double-track sections equipped with double-sided traffic lights, there are entrance traffic lights.

10. The paths are divided: to the main ones on stages, station ones (including the main ones at stations) and special purposes.

It is not allowed to install: identical numbers for tracks, turnouts and posts within the same station.

12. The use of technical means of the station is established - TPA station.

24. Maneuvers must be carried out at the direction of only one employee.

25. The main means of transmitting instructions during shunting work should be: radio communication, and, if necessary, two-way park communication devices.

Giving signals during shunting operations is permitted using hand-held signaling devices.

61. The movement of trains on the site is controlled by only one employee - the train dispatcher.

85. The main means of signaling and communication during train movement are: AB and PAB

87. In case of AB, the permission for a train to occupy a block section is: the permissive indication of the exit or passage traffic light.

88. In case of PAB: permission for a train to occupy a section is the permissive indication of the exit or passage traffic light.

89. For ALSD: permission to occupy the first block section is the permissive reading of the exit traffic light; permission to occupy the next block section is the permissive indication of the locomotive traffic light.

90. The speed of movement in a place requiring a reduction in speed: must correspond to that indicated in the warning or order, and in the absence of these instructions - no more than 25 km/h, and on non-public roads - no more than 15 km/h.

91. Warnings are issued:

in the event of a malfunction of the track, contact network, crossing signaling, artificial and other structures, as well as during repair and construction work requiring a reduction in speed or stopping along the way;

when introducing new types of signaling systems, moving or eliminating existing traffic lights and their malfunction;

in the event of a malfunction of the ALSN track devices; when departing a train with oversized cargo;

when working on a double-track section of a snowplow, ballaster, track layer, crane, crushed stone clearing and other machines; when placing rolling stock on a train that cannot travel at the speed established for a given section; when operating removable moving units, as well as when transporting heavy loads on track trailers; in all other cases when it is necessary to reduce the speed or stop the train en route, as well as when it is necessary to warn the locomotive crews about the special conditions of the train.

104. Fencing of a train stopped on a stretch is carried out:

passenger - upon request of a recovery or fire train, as well as an auxiliary locomotive - immediately after the call;

if the train was sent during a break in the operation of all signaling and communication means - immediately after the train stops.

In all cases, the obstacle to the movement of trains on the adjacent track of a double-track or multi-track section must be immediately fenced off, first of all from the side of the expected train.

109. If a rescue or fire train, as well as an auxiliary locomotive, is requested, the stopped train cannot begin moving until the requested assistance arrives or appropriate permission to move is given.

110. The movement of removable mobile units is carried out without issuing train documents for the right to occupy the section (except for removable railcars) and should not cause disruption to the trains on schedule. All removable moving units must have electrically insulated axles.


1. What is the train schedule?

2. What means of signaling and communication are considered basic?

3. What serves as a permit for a train to occupy a block area at the PAB?

4. What serves as a permit for a train to engage in a haul under AB?





I. General provisions

1. Compliance with ISI requirements ensures the uninterrupted and safe operation of trains and shunting operations.

Appendix No. 6
to the Technical Rules
railway operation
Russian Federation


94. If necessary, on public railway tracks, the owner of the infrastructure can organize traffic by connecting trains and following them connected to operating locomotives at the head of each of these trains, establishing a procedure that ensures the safety of movement and operation of railway transport.

95. Trains moving forward by carriages are allowed:
when driving onto non-public railway tracks and along these railway tracks and back;
during the movement of utility, recovery and fire trains; in other cases established by norms and rules.
A carriage is placed at the head of such a train, on which there must be an employee whose duties include monitoring the freedom of the railway track and, if there is a threat to traffic safety or people’s lives, take measures to stop the train.
On non-public railway tracks, in cases where, in order for cars to move forward, a car with a transition platform cannot be placed at the head of such a train and there cannot be an employee who is obliged to monitor the clearness of the railway track, the procedure that ensures the safety of the movement of trains in this case is established by the rules and regulations. rules. In open-pit mining, when specialized trains (turntables) are traveling, not accompanied by a compiler, the first carriage in the direction of travel must be equipped with sound signals and, in the dark, with light signals.

96. The driver is obliged:
have a certificate for the right to drive the relevant type of railway rolling stock, as well as a form with a mark on passing the test of knowledge of the rules and regulations and these Rules,
know the design of a locomotive (multi-unit train), special self-propelled rolling stock on which it must operate in accordance with established qualification requirements, the profile of the serviced area, the location of permanent signals, signal signs and signs on it and their purpose, as well as the location of railway crossings on the area served, have a train schedule on the area served by it;
When accepting a locomotive (multi-unit train), special self-propelled rolling stock, make sure that it is in good working order, paying special attention to the operation of the brakes, sandboxes, the completeness and operability of radio communications, radio-electronic data transmission devices, devices for giving a sound signal, and according to the entry in the technical condition log of the locomotive make sure that locomotive automatic locomotive signaling and safety devices operate properly, check the availability of signaling accessories and fire-fighting equipment;
when traveling on public railway tracks belonging to the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of non-public railway tracks must have a document confirming that they have undergone a medical examination and the established pre-trip and pre-shift types of medical examinations;
ensure the safe passage of the train with strict adherence to the schedule;
comply with other requirements of the rules and regulations and these Rules.

97. After attaching a locomotive to a train (special self-propelled rolling stock to a utility train), the driver is obliged to:
make sure that the locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock is properly coupled to the first carriage of the train and the connection of air hoses and electrical wires is correct, as well as the opening of the end valves between them;
charge the brake line with compressed air, make sure that the pressure drop does not exceed the established standards, and test the brakes;
obtain a certificate confirming that the train is equipped with brakes, check the number of the tail car indicated therein with the actual sheet and make sure that the brake pressure on the train complies with the established standards;
get acquainted with the composition of a freight and cargo-passenger train using a full-scale sheet - the presence of cars occupied by people, cargo of certain categories specified in the rules for the carriage of goods by rail, as well as open railway rolling stock;
get acquainted with the composition of the passenger and mail-baggage trains using a full-scale sheet - the presence of cars occupied by cargo and baggage;
If the locomotive is equipped with a radio station with individual calling, set the assigned train number and locomotive number on the radio station control panel.
After coupling the locomotive to a passenger train with electrically heated cars, the driver is required to lower the current collectors for the electrician to connect the high-voltage inter-car electrical connectors.
In areas equipped with automatic locomotive signaling, the driver of the leading locomotive, multiple unit train, special self-propelled rolling stock is obliged to turn on these devices before leaving the railway station, and in areas equipped with radio communications, make sure that the radio station is turned on, and by calling, check the radio connection with the boss ( mechanic-foreman) of a passenger train and, accordingly, with the head of work on a service train.

98. When driving a train, the driver and his assistant are obliged to:
monitor the clearness of the railway track, signals, signal indicators and signs, comply with their requirements and repeat to each other all signals given by traffic lights, stop and speed reduction signals given from the railway track and train;
monitor the condition and integrity of the train, and in electrified sections, in addition, the condition of the contact network;
monitor the readings of instruments that monitor the uninterrupted and safe operation of the locomotive and special self-propelled rolling stock;
when entering a railway station and passing along station railway tracks, give the established signals, follow the turnout signs for the correctness of the route, the openness of the railway track and the signals given by railway station workers, as well as the movement of trains and shunting movements on adjacent railway tracks, immediately accepting measures to stop when there is a threat to traffic safety.
After the train stops at the railway station, if any malfunctions are found in it, the driver is obliged to immediately report this to the duty officer at the railway station, and in areas equipped with dispatch centralization - to the train dispatcher.
If it is necessary to stop at a railway station, the driver is obliged to stop the train without passing the exit traffic light (if there is none, the limit column) of the receiving route. In this case, the locomotive of the freight train must be stopped at the output signal (if it is absent, at the limit column). Before reaching them, the driver can stop the train only if he is convinced through the train station duty officer via train radio communications that the entire train is installed within the useful length of the receiving path.
If a malfunction of traffic lights, automatic blocking, damage to the railway track, overhead contact network and other structures and devices, or a malfunction in trains traveling on adjacent railway tracks is detected along the route, the driver is obliged to report this to the duty officer at the railway station of the nearest railway station or the train dispatcher. If there is a train radio communication, the driver must transmit a message about these malfunctions via radio communication to the duty officer at the railway station of the nearest railway station or to the train dispatcher, and, if necessary, to the driver of the train traveling along the adjacent railway track.
When following signals, signal signs and signs in conditions of limited visibility (fog, rain, snowstorm, etc.), the driver is allowed to reduce the set speed of the train to ensure traffic safety.

99. When driving a train, the driver must:
have braking devices always ready for action, check them along the route, do not allow the pressure in the main reservoir and in the line to drop below the established standards;
when there are prohibitive indications of constant signals, indications of speed reduction signals and other signals requiring a reduction in speed, using service braking, stop the train without passing the stop signal, and proceed with the speed reduction signal at a speed not exceeding that set for this signal;
follow the signal sign fencing the neutral insert (to avoid stopping the locomotive on it) at a speed of at least 20 km/h;
If a stop signal is suddenly given or an obstacle suddenly appears, immediately apply emergency braking to stop the train.

100. During the route, the driver has no right to:
exceed the speeds established by these Rules, the order of the owner of the infrastructure, the carrier, the owner of non-public railway tracks, as well as issued warnings and signal instructions;
be distracted from operating a locomotive, multiple unit train, special self-propelled rolling stock, its maintenance and monitoring the signals and condition of the railway track;
disable properly functioning safety devices or interfere with their operation;
go to the haul if there is a failure on the locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock of traction equipment that ensures the movement of the train, and it is impossible to eliminate the cause of the failure.

101. The movement of the train is controlled by the driver of the leading locomotive. Drivers of other locomotives, including the pushing locomotive, are required to obey all instructions and signals from the driver of the leading locomotive and repeat them.
The operating procedure of nudging locomotives is established, respectively, by the owners of infrastructures and owners of non-public railway tracks.

102. Travel in the working cabin of a locomotive by persons who are not part of the locomotive crew is not allowed, with the exception of the main conductors (train compilers), as well as officials who have permission for such travel, in accordance with the rules and regulations and the decision, respectively, of the owner infrastructure, the owner of non-public railway tracks, but no more than two people at a time.
Travel in a non-working locomotive cabin by a departmental security detail during the performance of their official duties is permitted in the manner established by the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of the non-public railway tracks.

103. When a train is forced to stop on a stretch, the driver is obliged to:
stop the train, if possible, on the platform and on a straight section of the railway track, unless an emergency stop is required;
activate the train's automatic brakes and the auxiliary brake of the locomotive, on special self-propelled rolling stock - the automatic brakes, and, if there are control devices, the auxiliary brake;
immediately announce by radio about the stop to the drivers of locomotives and multiple unit trains traveling along the stretch, and to the duty officers at railway stations limiting the stretch, who must immediately report this to the train dispatcher. In addition, the driver of a passenger train is obliged to report the reason for the stop to the head (mechanic-foreman) of the passenger train via radio communication, and the driver of a special self-propelled rolling stock - to the supervisor of work on the service train;
if the stop is not related to the train being delayed at a traffic light with a prohibitory indication, find out its reasons and the possibility of further travel;
if the movement of the train cannot be resumed for 20 minutes or more and it is not possible to hold the train in place using auto brakes, activate the hand brake of the locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock and give a signal to activate the hand brakes included in the train (by passenger car conductors , conductors, work manager on a utility train). On trains where there are no such workers, the assistant driver must place the brake shoes available on the locomotive under the wheels of the cars, and if there are not enough of them, in addition, apply the hand brakes of the cars in accordance with the procedure established, respectively, by the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of the railway tracks non-public use based on rules and regulations;
additionally inform the duty officer at the railway station or the train dispatcher via train radio about the reasons for the stop and the necessary measures to eliminate the obstacles to traffic that have arisen. In the event of a malfunction of the train radio communication, the message to the duty officer at the railway station or the train dispatcher must be transmitted through other types of technological telecommunications or from the nearest point with a telephone connection (through an assistant driver, conductor, conductor of a passenger car, supervisor of work on a service train);
together with all employees servicing the train, take measures to eliminate the obstacle to traffic that has arisen, and, if necessary, provide fencing for the train and the adjacent railway track.
When servicing locomotives of passenger trains by one driver, operations to secure and fencing the train are carried out by the head (mechanic-foreman) of the passenger train and the conductors of the passenger cars at the direction of the driver, transmitted via radio communication or other types of technological telecommunications established by these Rules.

104. Fencing of a train stopped on a stretch is carried out:
passenger - when requesting a recovery or fire train, as well as an auxiliary locomotive - immediately after the call;
if the train was sent during a break in the operation of all signaling and communication means - immediately after the train stops.
In all cases, the obstacle to the movement of trains on the adjacent railway track of a double-track or multi-track section must be immediately fenced off, first of all from the side of the expected train.
The procedure for fencing and actions of workers is established in these Rules.

105. In areas equipped with automatic blocking, when a passenger train stops during a stage, the conductor of the last passenger car is obliged to check the visibility of train signals, carefully monitor the stage, and if a following train appears, take measures to stop it.

106. If the train has stopped on a rise and there is no pushing locomotive at the tail, the driver, if necessary, can bring the train down to a lighter profile of the same section.
In this case, in front of the train being stopped, there must be a locomotive crew employee, a chief conductor of freight trains, or a work supervisor on a utility train. The settling speed of the train should be no more than 5 km/h.
Upsetting is not allowed:
passenger trains in all cases;
on stages equipped with automatic blocking or automatic locomotive signaling, used as an independent means of signaling and communication;
during fog, blizzards and other unfavorable conditions when signals are difficult to distinguish;
if the stopped train was sent when all signaling and communication means were interrupted.
When stopping on a rise of a train, the weight of which exceeds the norm according to the conditions for starting on a given rise and the settling of which is not allowed, the driver must immediately request an auxiliary locomotive.
The list of such places and weight standards is established, respectively, by the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of non-public railway tracks.

107. The train can be returned from the haul back to the railway station of departure only by order of the duty officer at the railway station of this railway station in accordance with the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on railway transport of the Russian Federation.

108. If the train cannot proceed independently after stopping, it is removed from the section by an auxiliary locomotive in accordance with the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on railway transport of the Russian Federation.
The procedure for the action of locomotive crews in the event of a train break is established by the Rules for the maintenance of braking equipment and control of brakes on railway rolling stock, approved by the Council on Railway Transport of the Commonwealth Member States (Appendix No. 18 to the Protocol of May 7, 2014 No. 60).
In sections equipped with automatic blocking, a locomotive of a following freight train can be used to assist a train stopped on the stretch and, in exceptional cases, it is allowed to push a following train of normal weight and length.
If a multi-unit train is forced to stop during a stretch and its further independent movement is impossible, it is permitted to attach a following multiple-unit train or a reserve locomotive to it for delivery to the railway station.

109. If a recovery or fire train, as well as an auxiliary locomotive, is requested, the stopped train cannot begin moving until the requested assistance arrives or appropriate permission to move is given.
The procedure for requesting, assigning and moving recovery or fire trains and auxiliary locomotives, as well as the procedure for connecting two multiple unit trains on a stretch and their further movement are established in the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on railway transport of the Russian Federation.

110. The movement of removable mobile units is carried out without the issuance of train documents for the right to occupy the section (except for removable railcars) and should not cause a disruption in the movement of trains on schedule. All removable moving units must have electrically insulated axles.
The order of movement of removable mobile units, ensuring the safety of train movement, is established, respectively, by the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of the non-public railway tracks.

1. The basis for organizing train movement along the infrastructure is summary train schedule, which unites the activities of all departments and expresses the given volume of operational work of the departments of infrastructure owners.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 18 of Federal Law No. 17-FZ of January 10, 2003 “On railway transport in the Russian Federation,” the consolidated train schedule is approved in the manner determined by the federal executive body in the field of railways. transport, based on train schedules within the infrastructure proposed by infrastructure owners.

The organization of train traffic within one infrastructure is carried out on the basis of a train schedule approved and put into effect by the owner of this infrastructure.

The movement of trains on schedule is ensured by compliance with norms and regulations, proper organization and implementation of the technological process of railway work. stations, depots, traction substations, maintenance points and other railway departments. transport related to train traffic.

Violation of the consolidated train schedule is not allowed. In exceptional cases, or due to the failure of technical means, or natural disasters, when there is a violation of the consolidated train schedule, workers of all enterprises are obliged to take prompt measures to schedule late passenger and freight trains and ensure their safe passage.

On the railway on non-public tracks the owner of the railway. of non-public routes approves contact train schedules.

2. The consolidated train schedule must provide :

meeting the needs for transportation of passengers and cargo;

train traffic safety;

efficient use of the throughput and carrying capacity of sections and the processing capacity of the railway. stations;

rational use of railways rolling stock and loading and unloading equipment;

compliance with the established duration of continuous work of locomotive crews;

the ability to carry out work on the routine maintenance and repair of tracks, structures, signaling devices, centralization and blocking, communications and power supply;

implementation of the technological process for timely transportation of goods;

coordination of railway work public and non-public transport.

4. Each train is assigned a number established by the train schedule. Trains in one direction are assigned even numbers, and trains in the opposite direction are assigned odd numbers.

In addition to the number, each freight and passenger train on the railway has a number. the station of its formation is assigned an index that does not change until the railway. disbandment stations.

By type of service, passenger trains are divided into:

- distant, following at a distance over 700 km;

- local - up to 700 km;

- suburban - up to 150 km .

Trains not provided for by the schedule (recovery, fire, snow plows, locomotives without cars, special self-propelled rolling stock assigned to restore normal traffic and to extinguish a fire) are assigned numbers when they are assigned. The numbers of such trains and their order of travel are announced by the train dispatcher.

Odd North-South, East-West Even South-North, West-East The number is retained throughout the entire route to the destination or disbandment station

Transportation carried out to restore train traffic and extinguish fires (recovery and firefighting trains, snow plows, locomotives without cars, special self-propelled rolling stock assigned to restore normal traffic and to extinguish fires);

Military transportation;

Transportation of passengers in international traffic (high-speed, high-speed, fast passenger trains);

Long-distance passenger transportation within the Russian Federation (high-speed, high-speed, express passenger trains);

Transportation of passengers within the Russian Federation in suburban traffic;

Transportation of postal items, luggage, cargo luggage (postal luggage, cargo luggage);

Special transportation (special trains);

Cargo-passenger and human transportation (freight-passenger and human trains);

Transportation of goods (freight (through, sectional, groupage, export, transfer), utility trains and locomotives without wagons).

6. Trains operate according to Moscow standard time on a 24-hour basis.

6. Trains operate according to Moscow standard time on a 24-hour basis.

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