Call to if there is no data. Submitting a report to SZV

New reporting for the Pension Fund has become mandatory for all policyholders. Now, payers of insurance premiums must provide information about insured persons by the 15th day of the month following the reporting month. In the article we will look at filling out the SZV-M step by step, and we will also provide the procedure for filling out the form in case of errors.

SZV-M report: who submits it and when

Not only budget organizations, but also all insurers are required to provide reporting on insured persons:

  1. Any organizations.
  2. Individual and private entrepreneurs.
  3. Self-employed citizens.
  4. Individuals hiring citizens for paid work.

Instructions for filling out SZV-M in 2019 are proposed for public sector employees, but are suitable for all policyholders.

The deadlines for submitting SZV-M in 2019 are presented in the table.

Reporting period 2019



Unified form SZV-M

Instructions for filling out the SZV-M form in 2019

The unified report SZV-M consists of four sections:

  1. Details of the policyholder. This section is required to be completed. Here you need to enter the registration number of the organization obtained from the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the full name of the economic entity, then indicate the TIN and KPP.
  1. Reporting period. We fill in the month and year of the period for which we generate data about the insured persons.
  1. Form type. You must indicate what type you are creating. For reporting created for the first time, we indicate the type “output” - initial. For an adjustment that cancels incorrect information, use “cancel,” and one that supplements the data, use “add.”
  1. We indicate information about the insured persons in the context of each employee with whom an employment or civil contract has been concluded. We write down the full last name, first name and patronymic (if any), fill out the SNILS and INN.

The prepared report must be signed by the head of the organization and certified with a seal. You should also indicate the date of completion.

Sample of filling out the SZV-M form

Who is exempt from filling out SZV-M

The current procedure for filling out the SZV-M allows for cases when you do not have to submit the document. For example, when the organization does not have a single registered employee, provided that the director or founder does not receive any payments and has not entered into an employment agreement. Detailed explanations about this situation were given by the Pension Fund in Letter No. LCH-08-19/10581 dated July 27, 2016.

Who to include in reporting

Before 2019, the instructions for filling out the SZV-M form (who to include) were different. You need to include only those employees for whom contracts have been concluded and remuneration accrued. Special conditions for drawing up the document now apply. You should include all employees with whom contracts have been concluded (labor, civil, copyright). Moreover, it does not matter whether wages were accrued and paid for them during the reporting period.

Let's look at a few controversial examples:

  1. The employee was hired on the last day of the month; there was no payment under the employment contract. Should it be included in the report? It is necessary because the agreement was signed during the reporting period.
  2. The employee was fired in July, and in August he was awarded a bonus. Should it be included in the August reporting? No, an employee dismissed last month does not need to be included in the SZV-M; the instructions for filling this out do not allow this.
  3. The organization has no employees. There is no agreement concluded with the founder, he does not receive payments. Do I need to generate reports to the Pension Fund? In such a situation, it is not necessary to provide a blank form. But many accountants play it safe and send blank forms.

How to fix errors

The error may be discovered by the institution's accountant or a Pension Fund employee. In the first case, corrective documents should be sent immediately. And if an error is found by a Pension Fund employee, then an official request will come. In this case, the inaccuracy in the report must be corrected no later than 5 working days.

What to do? If it is necessary to make changes to the SZV-M form, instructions for filling out are presented below. For example, an accountant discovered that employee Viktorova V.V. changed her last name to Simonova. Simonova provided documents under her new surname after sending the reports. We are preparing a cancellation form.

There is no need to include all employees in the canceling adjustment, only those for whom errors were made.

Another example. The accountant sent the reports for August on 08/25/2019. The director announced the hiring of a new employee, I.V. Pozdnyakov. from 08/28/2019. In this case, you do not need to provide a cancellation form. As well as duplicating employees again for whom a report has already been accepted. Only the complementary form is prepared.

Where and how to submit

Reports should be submitted to the territorial branch of the Russian Pension Fund in which the institution was registered. If an organization has branches or separate divisions, a different procedure for sending reports applies. The department is obliged to independently submit the form to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at its location. Moreover, the report should indicate the TIN of the parent organization, and the checkpoint of the branch (Law No. 27 of 04/01/1996, as amended).

A budget organization can report in two ways: electronically or on paper. Moreover, if the average number of employees is 25 or more employees, then the report can only be sent electronically, through special communication channels. Otherwise, the policyholder faces a fine of 1,000 rubles.

Contribution payers with up to 24 employees can submit a report on paper or send an electronic version.

In 2017, SZV-STAZH introduced new reporting for all employers. The author of its creation was the Pension Fund, since when the administration of social contributions was transferred to the Federal Tax Service, the fund stopped receiving information about the length of service of employees. This year, a new form must be handed out to resigning employees, but starting from 2018, all business entities must report on it.

Until 2017, organizations and entrepreneurs submitted a RSV-1 report to the Pension Fund, from which the body received information about the guardianship of the insured persons.

However, since 2017, the management of contributions was transferred, the report was canceled, and the fund had a problem - it lost the source of the necessary information for calculating the length of service.

For these purposes, SZV-STAZH was developed and introduced. In appearance, it resembles another report sent to the fund - SZV-M, but contains more detailed information for each of the employees.

The documents do not cancel each other in their effect - after all, on the basis of monthly information from SZV-M, the pension fund receives information about working pensioners in order to cancel the constant indexation of pensions. The new report will be a source of information about the length of service of each employed employee, as well as the amount of contributions accrued to them.

As an annual report, the new form will be submitted to the fund only in 2018. However, if during 2017 an employee decides to quit, the organization is obliged to issue him a SZV-STAZH. In addition, upon retirement and timely notification of this to the company, the responsible employee will have to submit an electronic version to the fund within 3 days of the application.

Who should provide SZV-STAZH?

According to the developed rules, the new form will need to be submitted:

  • Companies, as well as related divisions located in other regions;
  • Entrepreneurs, licensed detectives, lawyers, notaries who have employees.

Deadlines for passing SZV-STAZH in 2017

Entities that have hired employees must submit the document SZV-STAZH to the Pension Fund once every year. The deadline for submitting this document is March 1 of the year following the reporting year. The rule for this date is that if it falls on a weekend, the final filing deadline will automatically move to the first closest working day.

In 2017, this report was not required to be submitted. For the first time, business entities will do this until March 1, 2018 for the period of 2017.

However, there are also two cases in which it will be necessary to immediately issue a SZV-STAGE:

  • If an employee applies for a pension and brings a notification of this event to his accounting department, then a form must be filled out for him and submitted within three days from the fact of the notification;
  • It is necessary to draw up a SZV-STAGE when dismissing an employee. This should happen on the final working day when the remaining required documents are issued.

Where are the reports submitted?

The completed report is submitted:

  • If this is done by an entrepreneur - at his place of residence;
  • If a company does this, at its location;
  • Divisions that keep records independently - at their location.

Reporting methods

The report has two ways of transmitting it to the pension authority:

  • Paper form. Only those enterprises and entrepreneurs who employ no more than 25 people have the right to submit a report in this form. The report form must be filled out yourself on a computer, printed in duplicate, and in addition, you must bring an electronic file on a flash drive. The fund employee marks one copy of the report and also copies its electronic file to himself.
  • Electronic form. All entities with more than 25 employees are required to submit it in this form. In order to submit reports, you need to issue an electronic digital signature (EDS) and enter into an agreement with an operator for data transfer via the Internet.

Features of filling out the SZV-STAZH form upon dismissal

The SZV-STAZH form is required to be issued upon dismissal of an employee. However, there are some nuances here. So, if, when submitting for the reporting year, all available employees are included in the form, then in this case, information on only one person is entered into the document.

The form is filled out as follows:

  • The form must be marked as original, the reporting year is the year of dismissal.
  • One person is entered into the table, the period of work is from the beginning of the year or the date of admission (if it was registered in the current year) until the date of dismissal.
  • Column 14 is checked only when the employee quit on December 31.
  • Sections 4 and 5 are not completed for those resigning.

Attention! Entering information on all persons in this case is a violation of the law on personal data and may be punishable by penalties for the persons responsible. The report indicates only the person being dismissed.

Report submission form

SZV-STAZH includes general information about the organization or entrepreneur, as well as information about employees who were hired during this period.

In addition to the report itself, along with the form it is also necessary to submit the EDV-1 inventory, where information about the business entity and the total number of information about employees is entered.

Download reporting forms

Download to Excel.

Download in Excel format.

Download .

Download .

Sample of filling out SZV-STAZH: step-by-step instructions

This document can be filled out using a computer, or by hand on paper.

In the latter case, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • You must use a pen with dark ink. Do not fill with red or green paste;
  • If an error occurs, that sheet must be filled out again.
  • Crossing out or using the “Stroke” tool is prohibited;
  • When filling out, only capital letters are used.

Section No. 1 – Information about the policyholder

In the column “Registration number in the Pension Fund” the number that the Pension Fund assigned to the business entity is entered.

After this, columns are located to indicate the TIN and KPP. There are 12 cells in the column for recording TIN. In the case when the report is drawn up for an organization that has only 10 digits in its TIN code, the remaining two cells are crossed out. Only organizations enter information into the checkpoint column, since they have it. Entrepreneurs leave it empty.

In the “Name” column, enter the short name of the company or full name. entrepreneur. The data is entered as specified in the constituent documents.

The “Information Type” block column defines the situation in which this report is submitted:

  • The "Original" mark indicates that the report is being submitted for the first time;
  • The “Additional” mark indicates that this report is introducing new data or changing information in a previously submitted report;
  • The mark “Assignment of pension” indicates that the employee indicated in the report is retiring, and the length of service for this year must be taken into account when assigning the payment.

Section No. 2 - Reporting period

There is a single graph of four squares here. The year for which the document is being submitted is recorded here.

Section No. 3 – Information about the period of work of the insured persons

This report looks like a table in which information about employees is recorded line by line.

Personal information for each employee is entered in the columns “Last name”, “First name” and “Patronymic name”. The “SNILS” column indicates the insurance number assigned to it by the fund.

The “Work period” column includes two separate ones – “Start” and “End”. In the case where the employee has worked the entire year, the first and final days of the year are entered here. If it is necessary to enter more than one period for the same employee (if he quit and then got a job again), then I write them down one under the other on different lines. In this case, the previous columns with SNILS and full name are not filled in.

If the employee is going to retire, then when filling out the approximate date of the event is indicated.

If a citizen performed work under a civil contract, then its validity period is indicated, and in column 11 the code “CONTRACT” is entered. If the work was completed but not paid for, then the codes “NEOPLDOG” and “NEOPLAVT” are indicated.

Column 11 also contains the following codes:


CHILDREN The employee is on maternity leave for up to one and a half years
DLCHILDREN When an employee is on parental leave for children under three years of age
CHILDREN In the case of granting parental leave for children under three years of age, which was granted to the child's grandfather, grandmother, guardians or other relatives, if they actually cared for him
DECREE If the employee is on maternity leave
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In case of granting additional leave to citizens who were exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster
NEOPL · In case of downtime due to the fault of an employee

· In case of providing leave at your own expense (without saving your salary)

· If there are unpaid periods due to exclusion or suspension from work

· If there was unpaid time due to a strike

· When providing one unpaid day, which can be provided to women in rural areas

· If the teaching staff has been granted an unpaid leave period of up to one year

· Other types of unpaid periods

A special code is entered in the “Territorial conditions” column if the employee performed his duties in special conditions, which include, for example, the Far North. The codes that can be entered in this column are given in Appendix 1 to the report for reference.

A code is entered in the “Special conditions” column if the employee carried out activities in an environment that gives the right to early receipt of a pension. All codes that can be used here are given in Appendix 2 to the report.

Attention! If information about special conditions does not have documentary evidence, then information is not entered in columns 9, 12 and 13.

The column “Information about the dismissal of the insured person” is marked “X” only when the day of dismissal is the final day of the year (December 31).

Section No. 4 – Information on accrued (paid) insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance

This section is required to be filled out only by those who are retiring (the “Pension assignment” checkbox was placed). The section contains two questions, and the answers to them must be marked in the appropriate field.

Section No. 5 – Information on paid pension contributions in accordance with pension agreements for early non-state pension provision

This section also needs to be completed only if the report is submitted for a retiring employee. The periods for which contributions were calculated are indicated here, and you must also indicate whether transfers were made during these periods.

Inventory EDV-1

At the same time as the report, you must also prepare and submit the EFA-1 inventory. This summarizes all the data from the main document.

The inventory can be assigned one of three types – “Initial”, “Correcting” or “Cancelling”. The choice is made by checking the box opposite the status.

Section 1 includes details of the business entity, and is filled out in the same way as section 1 of the main report.

IN section 2 in the “Reporting period” column you need to enter 0, but in the “Year” column you need to write down the number of the year for which the report is being submitted.

IN section 3 you need to indicate the total number of employees for whom data is submitted to SZV-STAZH.

Section 4
is filled out only in the situation where reports marked SZV-ISH and SZV-KORR with the mark “Special” are submitted, and generalizing information for the entire period is recorded here.

Section 5 is issued in a situation where data is submitted for workers who have the right to receive early pension payments for work under special conditions.

Zero reporting on the SZV-STAZH form?

The regulatory act, which determines exactly how this report must be filled out, establishes that SZV-STAZH is sent by companies and individual entrepreneurs who act as employers. Therefore, such a business entity must have at least one employee during the reporting period.

When individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers, and people with self-employed status have not entered into a single employment contract, then there is no need to submit a report. In addition, when you try to submit it, the system will throw an error, since according to the rules, the document must contain at least one piece of information.

At the same time, the situation with organizations is still unclear. The fact is that such a person always has a director, who is indicated in the charter upon registration. And on the one hand, if an employment agreement has not been signed with him, then there is no need to submit a report on him. On the other hand, if an agreement has been signed with him, but there is no activity, then it is necessary to submit a report to the Pension Fund, indicating only the director.

At the moment, the Pension Fund has not given any explanations regarding the submission of a zero report by organizations.

Fines for not submitting a report or not issuing upon dismissal

Current legal norms provide for various amounts of penalties associated with failure to submit or inaccurate submission of data in the SZV-STAZH document.

  • Violation of the deadlines for sending a report to the Pension Fund of Russia entails the company being punished with a fine of 500 rubles. for each employee included in it late.
  • For failure to include individual workers in a report submitted on time, the company may be fined 500 rubles. for each such employee.
  • A report submitted on time that contains incorrect data on the employees represented in it will entail a penalty for the company in the amount of 500 rubles. for each identified such employee.
  • There are also penalties for officials of the organization for late submission of a report in the amount of 300-500 rubles.
  • If the report is submitted to the Pension Fund in paper form instead of the established electronic form, the company may be punished with a fine of 1,000 rubles.
  • If an employee is not issued with SZV-STAZH at the time of dismissal or, when applying for a pension, it was not sent upon request to the Pension Fund of Russia, the company expects a fine of 50,000 rubles.

The letter combination “SZV-M” does not have a specific legalized decoding. It is generally accepted that this is a symbol for the type of unified reporting on which the policyholder reports to the Pension Fund of Russia. The symbol is reflected in the appropriate instructions for filling out the form. Actually, the document itself is referred to as “Information about the insured persons.”

The “SZV-M” characteristic is determined by the letter designation and code established by the standard. Based on this, we can distinguish the following interpretation of the letters in this combination:

  1. “B” - implies that the report data is transferred to the Pension Fund, i.e. they are “incoming”. By the way, the encoding of documents coming from the fund contains “I”.
  2. “M” - displays the reporting period, i.e. indicates the monthly submission of the report.

The format of the reporting document with this symbol was introduced by Decree No. 83p dated February 1, 2016. All categories of insurers who have employees are required to report on this form. These include: organizations with their own divisions, individual entrepreneurs, as well as persons engaged in private practice in the field of advocacy, notaries, etc.

An important factor is the documentation of labor relations. That is, an organization may not operate, but if it has at least one registered employee, it must submit a “zero” report to the Pension Fund. The nature of the contract does not matter. This can be an employment or civil law contract. The very fact of concluding such agreements indicates the formalization of labor relations.

For example, if an employment agreement has been drawn up with the sole director (founder), he is paid a salary, then the SZV-M is drawn up and submitted. At the same time, the fund will have to accept a report for the November period of the current year, which shows one director, but no contract was concluded with him.

The current SZV-M form is a page. Its structure includes 4 positions. Three of them are an ordinary part of the document, and the fourth is a table. This format is equally valid for electronic and paper versions of the report.

The main components of the form are information about the insured persons, the period for which the policyholder is reporting, and the details of the obligated person. The document can take the following forms:

  • initial (version of the first report submitted for a specific period for the first time);
  • supplementary (version of the clarifying report, supplemented and submitted after the first document);
  • canceling (version of the report, which is submitted for the purpose of canceling previously submitted information).

The original form of the document is submitted at the place of registration by the 15th day of the month immediately following the reporting month. This deadline for reporting is approved by Federal Law No. 27 and has been in effect since 2017. For example, for the November period SZV-M is due until December 15th. For the last month of 2017, December, policyholders will report until January 15 of the next year.

The supplementary and repealing versions are of a clarifying nature, therefore there are no restrictions on the timing of their submission. The accountant independently decides when there is a need to submit them. It should be taken into account that submitting a document after the 15th date indicated above may result in administrative liability.

The deadline for submitting SZV-M will not change from 2018. So, for the January period of the new year, policyholders will need to submit a report by February 15.

From 2017, the employer will be required to provide the employee with a copy of the SZV-M upon request or upon his dismissal. In the standard case, a copy of this document upon application is issued within 5 days. Upon dismissal, it is given on the day of termination of the contract or on the date of dismissal. It should be taken into account that the employer must not issue a copy of the entire form, but only an extract for the specific person being dismissed (applied).

Features of compiling SZV-M

The procedure for filling out the form, both electronically and on paper, is the same. Information is entered for all positions; the formatting requirements do not differ. Positions 1.2,3 must be filled in.

The policyholder is guided by the following rules: (click to expand)

  1. Position “1” includes the details of the policyholder (TIN of 10 digits, KPP of 9 digits, short name, registration number in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation). Entrepreneurs do not indicate checkpoints.
  2. Position “22” determines the reporting month of the calendar year. The digital value of the month is entered into the position: 01 - January period or 02 - February, etc. in accordance with the list of values ​​​​given in the position.
  3. The code of the submitted form is written depending on the type of report form: “ISHD” (for the original), “ADP” (for the additional one), “OTM” (for the canceling one). Explanations of the designations are indicated in the position of the form in question.
  4. Position “4” contains information on the initials in the nominative case, SNILS, TIN of each insured person with whom an employment or GP agreement was concluded. The policyholder writes down the TIN only if he has information about it. Also, the middle name is not written if it is missing.

The compiled document is endorsed by the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur. His position must be indicated and his signature deciphered. Signing of the report by a representative is not allowed.

The date of compilation is entered next to it in the format “DD.MM.YYYY”. Stamped upon availability. The policyholder must submit the completed reports himself.

SZV-M supply methods: advantages and disadvantages

The policyholder is required to submit an electronic version of the reporting if he employs more than 25 people. If the number of employees is less than 25 people, the report is submitted on paper. Depending on this, an acceptable method of delivery and delivery of SZV-M is selected.

Method of delivery of SZV-M Advantages Flaws
Via TKSSaving time and money;


You can create the form quickly and free of charge using the “PU 6 Documents” program on the Pension Fund’s website or for a fee on one of the services such as Internet accounting “My Business”;

the ability to independently check for errors on the fund’s website

Only for electronic version of the report;

mandatory availability of digital signature;

technical delays cannot be completely ruled out;

When generating an electronic report, you must comply with a number of mandatory requirements in accordance with the fund’s resolution No. 1077p dated 12/07/2016, such as: XML extension, UTF-8 encoding, proper file name

By postInexpensive, convenient for paper document form;

sent by a valuable letter with an inventory

For paper reports only;

it takes time to find (print) the form, fill it out correctly, and send it;

There may be some delays with delivery, some possibility of the letter being lost in transit

Each method is good in its own way. The only limitation that the obligated person faces is the number of employees. Thus, it is not permissible to generate and submit an electronic version of reporting when he employs up to 25 people. This would be a violation. Accordingly, the delivery method via TCS will not work here.

And vice versa. If the number of employees is more than 25 people, the policyholder does not have the right to choose to send the report on paper via the post office. This would be an offense for which he would be punished with financial penalties.

Common mistakes when drawing up SZV-M

Most of the errors when drawing up the form are related precisely to the correctness of its design, entering complete and accurate information . Errors made may be insignificant, then CMEA-M is accepted by the fund without correcting them. In other cases, the Pension Fund accepts the report in whole or in part, but obliges the policyholder to correct existing errors and provide updated information.

If the report is not accepted, this means that serious errors were found in the form (incorrect TIN, reporting period, etc.). Then all errors are corrected and the report is submitted again.

It is necessary to include in the appropriate positions the data of those insured citizens with whom a contract has been drawn up (labor or civil employment contract) and its validity in the reporting month is celebrated at least during the day. At the same time, the presence of accruals, payments and deduction of mandatory contributions for them for the same period is not necessary.

If gross errors are made and the fund does not accept the reports, then it is possible that financial sanctions will be applied to the policyholder. As a standard, for an error (one or more) one Pension Fund employee has the right to recover 500 rubles.

Responsibility for failure to submit and violation of deadlines for filing SZV-M

Violation of the established deadlines and procedure for submitting SZV-M, submitting incomplete reports or indicating false information in them is recognized as an offense. In such cases, the insured as a violator is held accountable on the basis of Federal Law No. 27, Art. 17.

As a punishment, fines are applied to the perpetrator. (click to expand)

Upon receipt of a demand for payment of a fine, the policyholder is obliged to pay the amount of the sanction within 10 subsequent days. If he does not do this or pays partially, the Pension Fund has the right to collect it through the court.

The listed financial sanctions may be written off due to their hopelessness. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation does this when it is impossible to collect money for legal, economic, or social reasons.

The insured is not punished for an offense if 3 years have passed by the time the decision to prosecute is made (due to the statute of limitations). By this time, the legal consequences cease.

Example 1. Sample compilation of CMEA-M for the November period

LLC "Project" compiles SZV-M for the November period of the current year. In it, the policyholder should include information on two insured citizens working for him. Both work on the basis of an employment agreement. The policyholder enters data on Valentin Petrovich Grigoriev into the table (only SNILS, since there is no information on the TIN). For the second employee Galina Semenovna Petrovskaya, all data is entered.

In the first position, the details of Project LLC are written down (No. in the Pension Fund of Russia, Taxpayer Identification Number, short name, KPP). The company reports for November, therefore, “11” is entered in the appropriate position for the period. Next, “ISHD” is indicated, since the report is being submitted for the first time.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question #1: Are non-profit organizations without employees required to take SZV-M?

There is no need to submit if the following circumstances exist: the NPO does not have insured working citizens with and. O. The chairman of a non-profit structure (partnership, company) has not drawn up a GPC agreement (or an employment agreement).

Question #2: If an individual entrepreneur has no employees, does he need to submit SZV-M to the fund on a monthly basis?

Individual entrepreneurs without employees do not need to report on this form at all.

The SZV-STAGE form is submitted once a year to the Pension Fund office and contains information about the length of service of all personnel over the past year. For the SZV-STAZH report, the deadlines for submission are quite long: from the beginning of January to the end of February, but no later than March 1. That is, the form for 2018 must be submitted before 03/01/2019.

In this case, the employer should report early during 2018 if:

  1. The employee applies for a pension.

The report is drawn up only for this employee and is submitted to the Pension Fund within 3 days from the date of his application for a pension.

  1. The employer is liquidated or closed.

SZV-STAZH is issued for all employees, including those who work under a civil contract (GPC), for the period from January 1 to the date of liquidation of the company (closure of the individual entrepreneur).

The deadlines for submitting the document to the Pension Fund branch are shown in the table:

The decree does not provide for the submission of a zero form .

PLEASE NOTE! If the company employs only a manager—the only founder—then the SZV-STAZH form must also be drawn up for him and submitted to the Pension Fund.

The report includes information about employees with whom employment or civil law contracts were in force in the previous year, regardless of whether wages were accrued to them:

  • Full name;
  • SNILS;
  • period of work in the reporting year;
  • information about working conditions;
  • information about the employee's dismissal.

Employers have the right to submit a SZV-STAZH report to the Pension Fund of Russia both on paper and in electronic form. But a paper version of the report will be accepted only if the employer has 24 employees or fewer. If information is issued for 25 or more people, then only an electronic report format certified by an electronic signature is available (clause 2 of Article 8 of Law No. 27-FZ).

When sending reports electronically, be sure to ensure that you receive a receipt from the Pension Fund for accepting the reports.

Why this needs to be done, we explained in the material “An important change in reporting to the Pension Fund from October 1, 2018” .

Responsibility for late submission or errors in the SZV-STAZH form

Art. 17 of Law No. 27-FZ provides for the following financial sanctions against the employer:

  • For failure to submit the SZV-STAZH report to the Pension Fund office within the established time frame, as well as for providing incorrect information about employees, the employer faces a fine of 500 rubles. for each insured person.
  • If the form is submitted in paper form instead of an electronic file, the policyholder will be fined 1,000 rubles.

But that's not all. For failure to provide an employee with a copy of the SZV-STAZH upon dismissal, the employer faces liability for non-compliance with labor legislation, provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offences. The amount of sanctions in this case will be from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. for officials and individual entrepreneurs who committed an offense, and from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. to the employer as a legal entity.


The deadline for submitting the SZV-STAZH report based on the results of 2018 is set at 03/01/2019. This form is also submitted to the Pension Fund upon liquidation of a company or retirement of an employee. If the information is not submitted on time, penalties will be applied to the employer.

For all changes regarding the submission of pension reports, follow our section

New reporting form for all employers. Personalized information about employees must now be submitted to the Pension Fund using this form. In addition, it replaced the previously used form of SPV-2 and is very similar in content.

The SZV-STAZH form - 2017 can be downloaded from the ConsultantPlus website

Then, in the SZV-STAZH - 2017 form, you must note the type of information that will be reflected in it. When submitting the form for the first time for the year, a check mark is placed opposite the “Original” field. Next, the reporting period is indicated - that is, the calendar year for which information is submitted (clause 2.2 of the Filling Out Procedure).

Section 3 directly reflects information about the periods of work of the insured persons in accordance with the procedure for filling out the SZV-STAZH form. Here, for each of them, the following is indicated: full name, SNILS (clause 2.3.1 of the Procedure for filling out), dates of periods of work (clause 2.3.2 of the Procedure for filling out), codes of territorial and special working conditions and other information, including those related to the early assignment of a pension .

Sections 4 and 5 are not completed when submitting the year-end form (clause 2.4 of the Completion Procedure). They need to be filled out only when submitting a SZV-STAZH report for an employee/performer who has decided to apply for a pension this year.

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