Fire hazard category designation plate. Fire and explosion hazard category designation sign - Novgorod educational and business center

Categories of premises according to explosion and fire safety and fire danger- This is a special division that is based on such an indicator as the fire load. In fact, this parameter is nothing more than the amount of thermal energy released when the room burns. That is, fire hazard categories are determined by the materials from which the building is constructed, materials stored in it in the form of finished products, or processed there.

It should be mentioned here that not only industrial building or warehouses, this includes any premises where there is a high probability of fires. All this is recorded in the set of rules under number 12.13130.2009. In it, all buildings are divided into five categories, designated by the letters of the Russian alphabet from “A” to “D”. The premises were also divided into eight categories, in which the letter “B” is divided into four classes from B1 to B4.

Let us consider by what criteria the division occurs.

  1. Category "A". These are explosion- and fire-hazardous rooms or buildings in which explosive gases and liquids are used, as well as materials that can oxidize, ignite, or explode when interacting with water, air, or each other. There is a temperature limit for ignition - +28C and overpressure equal to 0.05 bar. These parameters are critical for determining the category of buildings for explosion and fire protection and fire safety.
  2. “B” category is also considered fire and explosion hazardous. Only for its determination are dusty media, flammable and combustible liquids that explode at a temperature of +28C and an excess pressure of 0.05 bar. Gases are not included in this category.
  3. "B1-B4". This fire hazardous category no explosions. This takes into account hard materials, which can change their state of aggregation when interacting with water or air, forming a large number of suspended particles. A plug in this category takes into account the fire load acting on certain areas premises taking into account the type of accommodation.
  4. Category "G" - these are premises in which various materials with high temperature, for example, in molten form, or liquid or gaseous fuel is used. There is a fairly wide range of premises from technological workshops to boiler rooms and other buildings for this purpose.
  5. “D” category of premises in which non-combustible materials are used or stored.

It is necessary to indicate that in the set of rules there are certain points that clarify the types of categorization of premises according to explosion or fire hazard:

  • Category “A” may include objects, here we mean premises, compartments, the total area of ​​which is not less than 5% of the total area of ​​the building, or not less than 200 m².
  • The same applies to premises falling under category “B”.
  • With category “B” everything is not so simple. Here it is necessary to take into account the positions associated with the areas of the compartments. The basic principle of determination is based on the percentage ratio of areas A-B3, here the limit is more than 5% of the total area, or 10% if the building does not have compartments with categories A and B. There is another setting where a limit of 25% is taken into account. That is, if the compartments or rooms are smaller in area than this percentage, but not more than 3500 m², then such premises do not belong to category “B”. This also applies to those compartments where automatic system fire extinguishing
  • The same can be said for the “G” category. If in a building the sum of areas falling under category A-G more than 5%, then they can be classified in this category of fire hazard. If the area is less than 25%, but not more than 5000 m², and the compartments of categories A-B3 are equipped with an automatic system, then they do not fall under the G-category.
  • With “D” everything is simpler; premises fall under this category if they do not belong to the previous varieties.

It should also be added that the classification of premises for fire safety is an accounting and PUE rules, that is, electrical safety based on proper operation of wiring and electrical equipment. According to the PUE, all rooms and compartments are divided into six explosion hazard zones and four fire hazard zones. The determination criteria are again the materials that are used inside.

In addition to materials for categorizing premises according to explosion and fire hazards, other factors are taken into account:

  • area of ​​the room or building;
  • the volume of gas or liquids (a possible value is used here) that were released during the depressurization of equipment or pipelines;
  • distribution of equipment (warehouse, technological, additional) across the compartment area.

Fire zones - classification

There is a classification of premises according to fire zones, where the designation is completely different - the letter “P”.

  1. The first zone, designated P-I, includes rooms where flammable gases that ignite at a temperature of +61C are used.
  2. Zone P-II is a room where dust or small fibers of various materials are present in the air. In this case, the particle concentration should be within 65 g/m³. This is the so-called explosive concentration.
  3. Zone P-IIa. In such premises, solid combustible materials are processed or stored, in which specific load in terms of fire safety is within 1 MJ/m².
  4. P-III. These are zones located outside the premises. They contain solid combustible materials or gases of the same type. For the latter, the ignition temperature should be +61C.

Attention! If flammable substances are used indoors in the technological process, plus is used open fire, besides itself technological equipment, in which all actions with flammable materials are carried out, is located at a distance of no more than 5 m from the boundaries of the zone, then such a zone cannot be considered a fire hazard.

Everything that is located outside the five-meter boundary is classified as a fire hazard, taking into account technological processes. If one piece of equipment classified as a fire hazard is installed in the room, then the area within 3 m is considered dangerous. However, there is one condition - if fire hazard measures have not been developed inside the premises.

If the premises are used for ventilation of zones P-II, that is, exhaust or supply fans, then they also apply to category P-II. If fans are installed behind external fences, that is, rooms are not specially constructed for them, then their design must include materials that comply fire zone P-III.

Explosive areas - classification

There are eight positions here that differ significantly from each other.

Class Characteristic
0 Explosive mixtures of various gases are present in the premises: continuously or for 1 hour.
1 (VI) There are vapors or gases that, when combined with air, form explosive mixtures.
2 (BIa) These mixtures are not formed, but an explosion can occur in emergency situations related to technological equipment.
3 (VIb)

The requirements here are the same as in the class above, but there are some nuances:

· gases (flammable) should not have a concentration below 15%, there should be a strong odor in the premises;

· if in production premises use hydrogen, where the concentration at a level not lower than 0.75 m from the floor should be more than 5% of the total volume of the zone.

4 (BIr) This includes areas where outdoor installations with flammable liquids and gases have been installed: gas tanks, tanks, drain racks, oil traps and others.
20 Rooms with dust concentrations below 65 g/m³. This means constantly.
21 (VII) Such premises contain equipment that can emit dust and other suspended particles to explosive concentrations.
22 (VIIa) The same thing, only without the dust emitted by the equipment. But this can happen during an accident.

Why do you need to specify the hazard category?

The categorization of premises in terms of explosion and fire hazard includes such an indicator as the qualification value of fire hazard, denoted by the abbreviation KVPO. It is this indicator that dictates that premises should be subjected to protective actions and be equipped with external and internal fire water supply.

It indicates the fire resistance limit, the types and types of barriers that resist the passage of fire (this includes not only partitions, but also doors, gates, hatches and windows), this characteristic determines the degree of protection against explosions and fires in a minimum equivalent. This mainly concerns buildings and their premises, as well as the insulation of electrical wiring and electrical equipment. The latter relate to fire and explosion hazardous areas.

At the same time, an important factor regarding KVPO is the number and location of fire extinguishers. And in addition, we can say that for categories A-B1 separate instructions are being developed for fire safety.

KVPO signs

Everyone is accustomed to public buildings Signs must be posted on the doors so that you can find out what is behind the door. For example, in hotels this is how hotel rooms, rooms for service personnel And so on. It's hard to make a mistake. But even if a mistake occurred, it’s just an embarrassment.

But when signs with special signs, then an error or ignorance can lead to unpredictable consequences, often with fatal. Therefore, fire safety rules oblige owners or tenants of premises of this type use and install signs on doors indicating the fire safety class of the premises. The photo below shows such signs.

They are glued to the doors in the form of a sticker or they are applied with paint using stencils. In addition, the doors are marked with:

  • name of the premises and its purpose;
  • hazard category;
  • PUE class.

For obvious reasons, not all employees understand signs and inscriptions. Therefore, here are some examples of which premises belong to which categories and zone classes, taking into account explosion and fire hazards.

  1. The workshop in which the ether is rectified belongs to category “A”.
  2. The gallery through which coal is supplied from the mine belongs to class “B”.
  3. The warehouse where wine and vodka products are stored is category “B1”.
  4. A warehouse where non-flammable products are stored, but in paper packaging, is “B4” category.
  5. “G” includes boiler rooms.
  6. To “D” - warehouses with rolled metal or non-flammable building materials (brick, cement, sand, etc.).

What do signs give in terms of fire safety? Basically, there are two positions here. The first is that they discipline employees, for example, they do not allow smoking near such doors, or hot work. Secondly, the presence of the table means the absence of comments from the inspection authorities in terms of fire safety.

Who determines the category of explosion and fire hazard

Everything will depend on which building is being categorized: newly constructed or already in use.

  1. If this is a facility under construction, then determining the category is project organization, whose staff must include a specialist in this field.
  2. For existing facilities, the determination is made by the building's engineering department or the company that provides fire protection measures.

Today it is not difficult to determine the fire danger category. Various computer programs, in which you only need to include certain parameters of the building. The only thing that needs to be noted is that different programs varying degrees accuracy.

But it must be noted that buildings that fall under the categories of premises according to explosion and fire hazard B1-B4 and class P-IIa can be developed by any engineer working at this facility. A large amount of reference literature helps him, which he can easily understand. It is important to understand what categories and classes they belong to. Construction Materials, from which the building was erected, stored inside it finished products, raw materials and semi-finished products, and what energy opportunities they use.

If the task is to determine the category, for example, of warehouses where flammable materials are stored, then a more accurate calculation is required, which uses a lot of input data, as well as various formulas, which only a specialist in the field of industrial safety can understand.

Generalization on the topic

Today, decide on the categories of premises for fire safety (tables in free access a lot) is not difficult. The main thing you need to understand is that it is determined not only by the equipment used inside it and the technological materials used in the production process. There are a large number of factors here: from the building materials that were used in the construction of the building, to fixtures, tools and various devices, used in production technology.

Categories of premises are divided into 5 groups, designated by Russian letters from A to D. Categories A and B are classified as fire and explosion hazardous. Indoors category A find flammable substances (alcohol, gasoline) or gases (propane), when bottled, the vapor concentration is sufficient to cause an explosion. TO category B include rooms with flammable dust, but its concentration in the volume of the room should also be sufficient to cause an explosion. Such premises may include woodworking enterprises, when dust is generated during sanding of products. Category B may also include rooms with flammable liquids under certain conditions.

Category B(B1-B4) are the most common. This is a room in which there are flammable substances - wooden furniture, boxes, Appliances. This category includes server rooms, electrical panels, various inventory rooms, board warehouses, etc.

TO category G include boiler rooms. The most fireproof category – D. There are no flammable substances in such premises. It can either be empty, or non-flammable substances can be stored there - for example, iron or sand.

The fire hazard category of the room must be indicated on a sign on the door of the room. Thus, seeing the category designation on the door of a room, you can have an idea of ​​what the room is like.

We will talk in detail about each category and what additional activities it entails separately. You can find out how to determine the category of a room yourself. If you need to determine the room category, you can place an order on the page.

1. By fire and explosion hazard production premises and warehouse purpose regardless of their functional purpose are divided into the following categories:

1) increased fire and explosion hazard (A);

2) fire and explosion hazard (B);

3) fire hazard (B1 - B4);

4) moderate fire hazard (D);

5) reduced fire hazard (D).

2. Buildings, structures and premises for other purposes are not subject to division into categories.

3. Categories of premises for fire and explosion hazard are determined based on the type of flammable substances and materials located in the premises, their quantity and fire hazardous properties, as well as based on the space-planning solutions of the premises and the characteristics of the technological processes carried out in them.

4. Determination of categories of premises should be carried out by sequentially checking whether the premises belong to categories from the most dangerous (A) to the least dangerous (D).

5. Category A includes premises in which there are (circulate) flammable gases, flammable liquids with a flash point of no more than 28 degrees Celsius in such quantities that they can form explosive vapor-gas mixtures, upon ignition of which a calculated excess explosion pressure in the room develops, exceeding 5 kilopascals, and (or) substances and materials capable of exploding and burning when interacting with water, air oxygen or with each other, in such quantities that the calculated excess explosion pressure in the room exceeds 5 kilopascals.

6. Category B includes rooms in which flammable dusts or fibers are located (handled), flammable liquids with a flash point of more than 28 degrees Celsius, flammable liquids in such quantities that they can form explosive dust-air or steam-air mixtures, upon ignition of which the calculated excess explosion pressure in the room exceeding 5 kilopascals.

7. Categories B1 - B4 include premises in which flammable and low-flammable liquids, solid flammable and low-flammable substances and materials (including dust and fibers), substances and materials that can interact with water, air oxygen or only burn with each other, provided that the premises in which they are located (handled) do not belong to category A or B.

8. Classification of a room to category B1, B2, B3 or B4 is carried out depending on the number and method of placing the fire load in specified room and its space-planning characteristics, as well as from the fire hazardous properties of substances and materials that make up the fire load.

9. Category D includes premises in which non-combustible substances and materials are located (handled) in a hot, incandescent or molten state, the processing of which is accompanied by the release of radiant heat, sparks and flames, and (or) flammable gases, liquids and solids, which are burned or disposed of as fuel.

11. Categories of buildings and structures for fire and explosion hazards are determined based on the share and total area of ​​premises of a particular hazard category in this building or structure.

(see text in previous edition)

12. A building belongs to category A if the summed area of ​​premises of category A exceeds 5 percent of the area of ​​all premises or 200 square meters.

13. A building does not belong to category A if the summed area of ​​category A premises in the building does not exceed 25 percent of the summed area of ​​all premises located in it (but not more than 1000 square meters) and these premises are equipped with installations automatic fire extinguishing.

14. The building belongs to category B if simultaneously completed following conditions: the building does not belong to category A and the summed area of ​​premises of categories A and B exceeds 5 percent of the summed area of ​​all premises or 200 square meters.

15. A building does not belong to category B if the summed area of ​​premises of categories A and B in the building does not exceed 25 percent of the summed area of ​​all premises located in it (but not more than 1000 square meters) and these premises are equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations.

16. A building belongs to category B if the following conditions are simultaneously met: the building does not belong to category A or B and the summed area of ​​premises of categories A, B, B1, B2 and B3 exceeds 5 percent (10 percent if the building does not have premises of categories A and B) the summed area of ​​all premises.

17. A building does not belong to category B if the summed area of ​​premises of categories A, B, B1, B2 and B3 in the building does not exceed 25 percent of the summed area of ​​all premises located in it (but not more than 3500 square meters) and these premises are equipped with automatic fire extinguishing

To define a list necessary measures on compliance with fire safety legislation for each room, structure, building or outdoor installation the fire safety category of the object is assigned. This classification it is necessary that the level of protection actions taken corresponds potential danger occurrence of an emergency situation. There are three types of objects:

  • buildings or structures;
  • premises;
  • outdoor installations.

To more accurately determine the characteristics of each of them and the categories assigned to them, it is advisable to consider objects separately in groups.

How to determine the fire safety category of a room

All operated premises are divided into five types according to the degree of potential danger. They are determined by the gases, liquids or materials contained within, as well as the technologies used, if we're talking about O industrial buildings. Below is a table of fire safety room categories containing descriptions and some examples of each.

Room category Basic characteristics and properties of gases, liquids and materials used or located in the premises in question Example of a room
Category "A"- premises with increased fire and explosion hazard Gases classified as flammable and flammable liquids (flammable liquids), which ignite with a flash point of up to 28 degrees. This results in a dangerous mixture that explodes when ignited with an outlet pressure of more than 5 kPa
  • Warehouses where fuels and lubricants, gasoline and similar substances are stored;
  • Stations where flammable liquids are stored or produced;
  • Stations that store or produce hydrogen or acetylene;
  • Stationary battery installations using alkali and acid
Category "B"- premises classified as explosive and fire hazardous Combustible fibers or dusts, flammable liquids with a flash point of more than 28 degrees, other flammable liquids that can form a dangerous mixture that explodes when ignited with an outlet pressure of more than 5 kPa
  • Workshops for the production of coal dust, wood flour and similar substances;
  • Premises where painting is carried out using paints and varnishes ( paint and varnish materials), the flash point of which is more than 28 degrees;
  • Stations where they store or produce diesel fuel;
  • Oil-fired power plants and boiler houses
Category "B1-B4"– Premises classified as fire hazardous Low-flammable and flammable liquids and solids, as well as materials (including fibers and dusts), ordinary substances and materials that, when mixed under natural conditions, only burn, provided that the premises in question do not belong to the categories “A” or “B” described above »
  • Storage facilities and warehouses for coal or peat;
  • Woodworking workshops, sawmills and carpentry shops;
  • Auto repair shops, garages and service stations;
  • Plants for the production of bitumen, asphalt and bitumen-containing materials;
  • Transformer substations;
  • Warehouses and storage facilities for oil paints and varnishes
Category "G"- premises moderate fire hazard Various substances, classified as non-flammable, as well as being in a red-hot, hot or molten state, required by the conditions of the applied technological processes. In this case, the processing or production of the final product involves the combustion or disposal of solids or liquids, as well as gases used as fuel
  • Hot rolling and stamping workshops for various metals;
  • Production of bricks, cement and similar materials using firing technology;
  • Foundry, welding, forging and smelting industrial shops;
  • Enterprises for repair and restoration of engines and similar equipment
Category "D"- premises reduced fire hazard Various substances and materials that are non-flammable and are in the process of processing or cold storage
  • Cold rolled metal shops;
  • Various stations using pumping equipment (compressor, irrigation, blower);
  • Workshops Food Industry engaged in the processing of milk, meat or fish.

Determining the fire safety category of a premises must be carried out by any business entity. Its result is reflected in the corresponding declaration drawn up upon commissioning of a constructed or reconstructed facility.

Categories of buildings and structures, as well as outdoor installations

In addition to the most commonly used definition of the level of fire hazard of premises, similar classifications are used for buildings and structures, as well as outdoor installations. This is necessary so that the measures taken fire protection measures corresponded to the degree of potential threat.

Category Characteristics of a building without an automatic fire extinguishing system Characteristics of the building on which the automatic fire extinguishing system is installed
A Premises assigned category “A” occupy an area of ​​200 sq.m. or their share is higher than 5% of the entire building Premises assigned category “A” account for over 25% of the total area of ​​the building or occupy from 1000 sq.m.
B Premises assigned to categories “A” and “B” occupy an area of ​​200 sq.m. or their share is higher than 5% of the entire building. However, it does not belong to the previous group Premises assigned to categories “A” and “B” account for over 25% of the total area of ​​the building or occupy from 1000 sq.m.
IN Premises assigned to categories “A”, “B” and “B1-B3” occupy an area of ​​over 5% of the entire building. However, it does not belong to the two previous groups Premises assigned to categories “A”, “B”, “B1-B3” account for over 25% of the total area of ​​the building or occupy from 3500 sq.m.
G Premises assigned to categories “A”, “B”, “B1-B3” and “D” occupy more than 5% of the total area of ​​the building. However, it does not belong to the three previous groups Premises assigned to categories “A”, “B”, “B1-B3” and “D” account for over 25% of the total area of ​​the building or occupy from 5000 sq.m.
D All other buildings and structures

All other buildings and structures

In a similar way, the calculation of categories of outdoor premises for fire safety, more often called installations, is carried out. It also divides all objects into five groups: from category “AN” - increased fire and explosion hazard to category “DN” - reduced fire hazard. The classification characteristics used in this case are almost identical to those used when grouping premises.

Designation of the fire safety category of premises, buildings and structures

As a result of the classification of protected objects, fire safety category signs are posted on each of them according to GOST. Their parameters are clearly defined Technical regulations and must fully comply with it. There are two types of signs that are allowed for use: a red rectangle or a yellow triangle. Their sizes, colors used and the font of the inscriptions must correspond to those specified in the regulations.

When visiting any regulatory authority, the fire safety category sign for the premises (GOST R 12.4.026-2001) is one of the first to be checked, since its necessity is directly stated in all regulatory documents.

The TRIO company offers services for compiling fire declaration, training and certification of responsible employees of the enterprise, as well as carrying out design and installation work related to alarm and fire extinguishing systems. In addition, experienced and qualified specialists can perform any type of fire-retardant painting or impregnation of structures and materials.

IN Russian Federation there are rules fire protection regime, which establish standards for designating categories of premises and buildings depending on their fire hazard.

In every organization, the manager is responsible. Therefore, it is he who must ensure that the doors of all existing premises have stickers indicating the explosion and fire hazard categories.

Fire hazard category sign on the door of the premises

But not every leader knows how to correctly determine the desired category. We will try to help figure out this problem. In fact, this is not the case difficult task. But it will be easy only for an experienced person or for someone who has received accurate information.

Firstly, every manager has the right to determine fire safety using handbooks. Nobody forces anyone to sit and perform calculations on their own. The law allows you to use tabular materials if you cannot calculate the category yourself. Therefore, I would like to first focus on the reference description of the categories.

Relevant publications state that all premises and buildings can be divided into several categories. Each of them is determined depending on what flammable substance or material is in the building. The category is also influenced by the quantity and fire hazard properties of such substances or materials. For more precise definitions the layout of the room is taken into account.

Fire danger category warehouse determined based on the type and quantity of flammable materials stored there

It’s just the beginning, and everything already seems completely confusing. Moreover, the fire hazardous properties of materials are determined using special tests. Only after some measurements can one judge how dangerous a substance is. And after that they assign the desired category to the room.

There are the following categories of room division:

  • B1-B4;

Well, the buildings are divided in this order:

In order to understand in more detail the issue of fire safety category signs for premises and buildings, you will have to familiarize yourself with each of them in more detail.

A – increased fire and explosion hazard

The letter “A” indicates that there are flammable gases or liquids in the room that are easily flammable. Moreover, their flash point does not exceed 28 °C. The amount of such materials can form a mixture that, when ignited, will create an explosion pressure of more than 5 kPa. In order for such substances and materials to ignite or explode, they must interact with water, oxygen in the air, or even with themselves.

B – explosion and fire hazard

Such rooms contain flammable fibers or dust and liquids that can easily ignite. Their flash point exceeds 28 C. There may also be flammable liquids here. Their quantity should be such that they can form mixtures of dust or steam with air. During ignition, an explosion with a pressure greater than 5 kPa should develop.

B1 – B4 – fire hazard

If after testing it was determined that the room contains flammable and low-flammable liquids. Solid flammable substances and materials, as well as the same low-flammability categories, are also suitable here. All of them, after interacting with water, atmospheric oxygen, or with each other, can only ignite and maintain the flame. But this is the case if the premises do not belong to the two above-mentioned categories (A or B).

Signs of fire hazard categories for premises

G – moderate fire hazard

In such areas you may find substances or materials that are incandescent, hot or molten. But, nevertheless, such substances and materials are not flammable. During their processing, sparks, flames, and heat may be generated. Most often, such materials are used as fuel.

D – reduced fire hazard

In order for a room to receive a sign of this category, it must contain only non-combustible substances and materials. And they all must be cold.

Methods for calculating fire and explosion hazard criteria for premises

Have you decided to tackle the task yourself? Aren't you afraid of a bunch of numbers and formulas? Then remember, in order to accurately calculate the fire safety category sign for premises on your own, you need to follow the following instructions:

  1. When calculating all values, you need to pay attention to the most unfavorable outcome of the accident.
  2. You need to think about the case when someone gets into the room maximum amount available substances.
  3. Be sure to calculate the moment of evaporation of liquid materials and substances. In such cases, you need to take into account where exactly the liquid is evaporating (floor, container) and its evaporation time.
  4. Different amounts of dust form explosive mixtures of different strengths, so it is worth calculating the maximum dust accumulation.

Let us remind you that in order to determine the free volume of a room, you need to find the difference between two volumes - the volume of the room and the volume occupied by the equipment. In the case where it is not possible to calculate the free volume, then take a conditional figure. This number will be 80% of the actual volume of the room.

By adhering to the above points, you can accurately determine the category of the room. But in order to make it easier to determine the categories of premises according to fire danger, programmers created special program. It simplifies the work, which involves a lot of testing and experimentation. But, again, the program does not exempt you from measurements. Since certain numbers are needed to calculate it.

Proven Methods

In order to be more confident in the correct design of category signs, you should still trust the specialists. The case has been verified. These are people who are known for their work. They've been working for years this direction. They won't be able to miss a single detail.

But even in this case you need to be very vigilant. Pay attention to every step in the work of a representative of your chosen company:

The contractor must come to your site and provide all calculations in detailed form.

Don't believe promises that everything can be done online. To make calculations (even using electronic program), you need to take a lot of measurements first. This is how the world works that among a dozen conscientious performers there will be several charlatans who want to cheat and get their money.

Correct solution

Let's clarify. The main thing in this matter will be only GOST. It states that safety signs must be signal colors. Since the category is designated Index sign, then we select according to the standard blue background, on which an inscription will be applied in white characters (letters, designations, combinations).

All fire hazard signs for various types of premises

But you may come across the opinion that these are still warning signs. And this will also be correct, since on the one hand they warn about possible danger inside the room. In this case, the color of the sign will clearly change. And not only color, but also shape. If in the first case it could be a rectangle, then in the second a triangle will look better.

Therefore, there is no need to worry if you have blue rectangles hanging around your business. Moreover, there is no need to urgently change them to yellow triangles (unless you want something new).

The main condition for all samples must be the following designation: in the middle of the sign there is a horizontal line, above which the category sign is written, and below it - the designation of fire and explosive zones.

Standard designations

Don't think that you can draw the sign by hand or perhaps on the computer. A homemade sign, of course, will delight you with its originality, but to the inspectors it will most likely indicate your lack of experience and unprofessionalism. Each premises category sign designation must be issued by specialists. Therefore, in order not to think or guess about the correct coloring of signs, order them from a specialized company.

It is in such places that you will be given the opportunity to choose the material from which the sign will be made (self-adhesive film, PVC film, plastic) and the size of the sign. Ready-made sample designs will be shown. And they will give you the opportunity to compare which of the signs looks more beautiful (red, yellow or blue).

With such a variety, everyone chooses according to their own taste or, perhaps, according to how the sign will fit into the interior (this also happens).

The only rule is that the signs must be bright and all symbols must be clearly marked. IN otherwise It will be difficult to understand what this sign wants to say. But its main purpose is to warn people.

Minor amendments

Together with the category of the premises on a sign that is placed on front door, it is worth indicating the class of a certain zone (according to the “Rules for Electrical Installations”). If there are several such zones in the room, then additional signs are installed at the boundaries of the zones inside the room.

Inside the premises, next to each telephone there should be a sign indicating the telephone number of the fire department.

Fire safety signs according to GOST R 12.4.026-2001

In the same way, signs indicate the location of fire extinguishers. All of them are attached only in a visible place. Not lower than 2 meters from the floor.

The main condition is that all signs must be in a visible place and conspicuous. After all, they are intended to be a warning. With the help of such signs, a person (employee) receives information about his actions in the event of a fire.

And even if you cannot immediately learn all the signs by heart, you can remember a simple rule: “Objects of category “A” are the most dangerous, category “D” are the least dangerous.”

Each room has its own fire protection equipment

And, finally, we have reached the point where we would like to say why fire safety categories for buildings are needed.

This distribution helps to accurately select funds fire protection For specific premises or buildings. Why should every enterprise purchase expensive fire extinguishing equipment if some of them do not contain fire hazardous materials at all.

It is worth remembering that only buildings and premises for storage and production purposes are divided into categories and require certain markings.

  • Avoid the wrath of fire officials;
  • Provide your enterprise with high-quality fire safety;
  • Save on fire prevention measures;
  • Correctly distribute the location of systems and extinguishing systems.

Improve your knowledge and let bad situations pass you and your company by. And we think that everyone will agree with us - it is better to prevent trouble.

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Exercise 1 . a) Select the initial sounds from the words: sleigh, hat.

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As one might expect, most liberals believe that the subject of purchase and sale in prostitution is sex itself. That's why...
To view the presentation with pictures, design and slides, download the file and open it in PowerPoint on your...
Tselovalnik Tselovalniks are officials of Muscovite Rus', elected by the zemshchina in districts and towns to carry out judicial,...
A kisser is the strangest and most mysterious profession that has ever existed in Rus'. This name can make anyone...
石黒浩 Career In 1991 he defended his dissertation. Since 2003, professor at Osaka University. Heads a laboratory in which...