Tech portal smev 3. Unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (smev)

The implementation of interaction between information systems of organizations and departments is carried out within the framework of the state target program “Information Society (2011-2020)”.

Interaction is implemented within the framework of:

    interdepartmental electronic document management systems (EDF).

    unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEI).

What is SMEV and why is it needed?

Unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEI)- federal state information system designed to organize information interaction between the information systems of SMEV participants in order to provide state and municipal services and perform state and municipal functions in electronic form.

Participants in interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV participants) are federal executive authorities, state extra-budgetary funds, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, state and municipal institutions, multifunctional centers, other bodies and organizations.

The purpose of creating SMEV is to improve the quality of provision of state and municipal services and the performance of state and municipal functions through the use of common information resources, reducing the time for searching and processing information in electronic form.

SMEV is designed to solve the following problems:

Main functions of SMEV

The main functions of SMEV are:

    transfer of requests, documents and information necessary for obtaining state and municipal services and submitted by applicants through a single portal to information systems connected to SMEV;

    exchange of electronic messages between SMEV participants;

    transfer to a single portal of requests, other documents and information processed in information systems, as well as information on the progress of requests and the results of the provision of services.

In order to perform its functions, SMEV provides:

Technological support for SMEV

Technological support for information interaction using SMEV is achieved by using:

    service-oriented architecture, which is a set of electronic services built according to generally accepted standards;

    unified technological solutions and standards, unified classifiers and descriptions of data structures.

How to become a member of SMEV?

Features of using SMEV and connecting information systems of individual bodies and organizations to it are determined by agreements between the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, which is the operator of SMEV, and the body and organization that is a participant in SMEV. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia coordinates activities related to connecting to SMEV, ensures its functioning and maintains a register of electronic services.

Integration of information systems within the framework of SMEV is carried out in accordance with the Technical Requirements for the interaction of information systems in a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (approved by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated December 27, 2010 No. 190).

To become a member of the SMEV, a body or organization providing state and municipal services and performing state and municipal functions must:

    Ensure the development of electronic services and interfaces for interaction between the information system used and SMEV.
    To do this, you need to contact the supplier or developer of the information system used to carry out work on implementing the necessary services and interfaces.

    Provide an electronic service to the operator of the SMEV node, of which this organization must be a member, for registration and inclusion in the register of electronic services.
    To do this, it is necessary to officially contact the operator of the SMEV node and provide a passport of the electronic service, a test procedure and a user manual for the electronic service, as well as ensure the availability of the electronic service for its acceptance.

    Ensure the presence of a secure communication channel between the information system used and SMEV.


2. Federal state information system “Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)”.

3. Software and hardware that provide the ability to access information systems through SMEV.

4. In accordance with the Regulations on the unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

Interaction between federal executive authorities and state extra-budgetary funds in the provision of public services from January 1, 2015 should be carried out exclusively using a single electronic service - the third version of the interdepartmental electronic interaction system (SMEI). Independent development of new services is also prohibited. This was announced by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

Authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are recommended to switch to a unified electronic service from January 1, 2017, the ministry added, citing Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1222 “On the further development of a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.”

“The updated service will provide a unified format for mutual exchange of information, guaranteed delivery of messages, an electronic message queue mechanism to solve the problem of congestion of popular services, an increase in the size of the transmitted message from 5 MB to 1 GB, as well as integration with the main certification authority for verifying electronic signatures,” the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications said in a statement. “The new version of the system involves interaction between the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and not only with the authorities at the federal level, as was previously the case.”

The transition to the latest version of SMEV is planned to begin with the most popular information. There will be no shutdown of other existing services for now, but the launch of new ones that do not meet the requirements will stop on January 1, 2015.

In test mode, the latest version of SMEV has already been launched in Moscow, Mordovia, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Tyumen, Yaroslavl, Novosibirsk regions and Primorye, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications said in a statement.

Note that with SMEV 3.0 the transition of the e-government infrastructure to free software began. To build the new version of the system, the free Apache ActiveMQ solution was chosen, whereas the previous version was built on the Oracle solution.

How SMEV 3.0 works

Deputy Minister of Communications Alexey Kozyrev spoke about the features of the new version of SMEV in a recent interview:

“The functionality that is now implemented in SMEV 2.0 will remain completely.

SMEV 3.0 will add functionality related to a guaranteed delivery queue, allowing departments to interact in an asynchronous mode and thus ensure smoothing of peak loads - stabilization of the system.

In the third version, a technology is created in which, in order to organize interaction in SMEV for the exchange of information, it is not necessary to integrate with their supplier every time under any special conditions.

We now have a huge number of integration projects, each of which carries out two-way integration testing to ensure that electronic interaction works. This takes a lot of money and a huge amount of time. The new SMEV differs from the previous version in that it creates an integration standard within which the composition of the data and the type of service that provides the data can be changed using settings.

We are also creating an automatic testing system.

The fact is that when someone connected to SMEV, selected the necessary information and configured their adapter, in order for it to take this information, it is necessary to make sure that this setting is correct.

And now, when regions are lining up in front of federal executive authorities (“let us test the correctness of the exchange of information with you”), a bottleneck effect is arising. Therefore, everything can be done by your own developer, without requiring any action from that side.

We are creating an autotest that allows us to create a database of certain situations: how the service responds to a correct request and how to respond to an erroneous one. It completely behaves like a “combat” service and allows you to test the settings you have made.

Finally, the new SMEV implements technology for transmitting large amounts of data.

There are currently restrictions in place - attachments of no more than 5 MB can be sent. And when, for example, Rosreestr wants to transfer an investment in the form of documents with cadastral diagrams, it “does not get through.” This problem will be solved due to the fact that the message will include a link to a document that is in a file storage integrated with SMEV.

SMEV 3.0 has significantly more developed functionality for regional operators - for entities that integrate their regional buses with the federal one.

So far, most of our administrative functions are performed by Rostelecom, and its entry points (email addresses, etc.) act as interfaces for regional operators. The functions themselves are, as it were, closed from them.

We are now creating a special interface that will allow local users to see reporting and resource availability, as well as perform most of the functions of the SMEV operator at the regional level.

Now we have a single SMEV (federal level) and 83 regional segments in each subject of the Russian Federation (excluding Crimea and Sevastopol) - such logical SMEV.

There are many types of interactions at the regional level that a regional SMEV should serve. In fact, we now see that half of the regions have implemented their own integration buses that perform the functions of regional SMEV.

It turns out that in this design, the regional segment of the e-government infrastructure (regional SMEV) becomes redundant, because it duplicates what the region already does at its level.

We will provide such entities with the opportunity to integrate directly with the federal SMEV.

The new system will allow the regional bus to connect directly to the federal SMEV. This will significantly reduce the load on the operation of the entire infrastructure. For those entities that do not have their own regional buses, we will also provide the ability to connect regional information systems to the federal SMEV.”

The material presents an algorithm for searching for types of information of SMEV 3. Sources of information about aircraft are considered: interface of the SMEV Technology Portal, Transition Plan to the use of Methodological Recommendations 3.x, Unified SMEV Report. The process of checking the performance of the productive version of the aircraft is described.

The problem of searching for the type of information in SMEV

SMEV developers suggest using the web interface located on the Technology Portal at as the main tool for searching for types of information in SMEV 3. At the same time, the user is given the opportunity to search only by the name of the type of information, while for the previous version of the Techportal a much wider set of filters was provided:

  • by service owner (department or organization)
  • by ID
  • by keyword in description
  • by area of ​​application
  • by availability (public/restricted)

In addition to the lack of additional filters, the search process may be associated with the following problems:

  • not all SMEV2 services are transferred to SMEV3
  • when moving from SMEV2 to SMEV3, the supplier can significantly change the name of the service (type of information), split one service into several aircraft, or, conversely, combine services (for example, the SMEV2 GIS GMP service is currently divided into 10 types of information)
  • A very long time may pass between the output of a type of information to the test and production environments (up to 6 months or more)
  • very often several versions of the same type of information are output to the test and production environments
  • SMEV Technical Portal no longer publishes current data on aircraft consumers
  • cards of types of information on the SMEV Technical Portal are not indexed by search engines
  • finally, recently, due to the need to formally comply with planned deadlines, the practice of installing “stubs” for types of information in the production environment is often encountered (the aircraft is brought into production, but either does not respond to productive requests, or responds with test data)

These problems complicate the search for information about the type of information, and also make it difficult to make a decision about starting work on connecting to the aircraft.

Additional data sources about types of information

Plan for the transition to providing information using the unified electronic service SMEV

The document “Appendix 2 to the Transition Plan Protocol...” has been published on the SMEV Technology Portal, which presents a list of aircraft and the timing of the transfer of electronic services to the implementation of Methodological Recommendations for working with SMEV version 3. This document is very valuable for several reasons.

Firstly, it contains a one-to-one correspondence between the services of SMEV2 and the types of information of SMEV3.

Secondly, all services and types of information are grouped by department (supplier).

Thirdly, the document provides dates for the release of types of information into the test and production environments. However, it is worth considering that these deadlines are approximate and may change. The formal output of a type of information into the product also does not indicate its performance.

The most important thing is that the document is a file in Excel format. It has standard search functionality. That is, you can search by department, the name of the SMEV 2 service and the type of SMEV 3 information.

The disadvantage of the document is that it does not contain a complete list of types of information, but only those aircraft to which SMEV2 services correspond.

Unified report on SMEV

The e-Government Situation Center publishes the document “Unified Report on SMEV”. Access to it is granted to users with an authority account. Path to the document: “Published reports” => “SMEV” => “Unified report on SMEV” => “SMEV. Unified report on SMEV: Report No. 6_SMEV_Unified report on SMEV_". The report is published monthly.

The document is an Excel file and contains a lot of useful statistical information. Among other things, it has an “Unclaimed Services” tab, which lists the services and types of information that are not being requested. Thus, if a type of information should provide required information (1), has already been released into the productive environment (2) and is included in the “unclaimed” list (3) - most likely, it is actually not operational.

File "Aircraft Status"

Recently, an information block appeared on the main page of the SMEV 3 Technology Portal with a link to a summary file in Excel format with information about the degree of readiness of all types of information. The file is in the public domain. You can find it on the main page of the technical portal: you need to open the standard search functionality for the contents of the page and find the phrase “report on the registration status of types of information.” Under the found text there will be a link to the current version of the file.

As of 05/30/2018.

The file contains the following information:

  • a complete list of SMEV participants and their information systems (the “Participant Status” tab)
  • a complete list of types of information indicating the supplier, the corresponding SMEV2 service (if available), as well as the status of the aircraft being released into the test and production environment (the “Aircraft Status” tab)

This document is the most important source of data for finding the type of information you need.

Algorithm for searching for a type of information

Using summary files with a list of types of information instead of a web interface greatly simplifies the process of finding the desired aircraft.

The search algorithm itself looks like this:

  1. Go to the SMEV Technology Portal and download the current version of the “Aircraft Status” file
  2. We search for aircraft using standard search functionality:
    1. by name or SID of the corresponding service in SMEV2
    2. by provider department
    3. by keyword
  3. If the list contains several versions of one aircraft, you should use the latest one
  4. If you have access to the file “Unified SMEV Report”, it is worth checking whether the type of information is among the unclaimed

As mentioned above, outputting a type of information to production does not guarantee that it will actually work. Therefore, before starting full-scale work on connecting and integrating with the aircraft, it is worth carrying out an additional check:

  1. Test the aircraft in a test environment
  2. Gain access to aircraft in a productive environment
  3. Manually generate several combat requests according to the aircraft scheme
  4. Using the free client for SMEV, send these combat requests to the Information Type in a productive environment
  5. Wait for meaningful responses to requests (of course, responses with error codes or responses with test data are not meaningful)

Only the presence of meaningful answers to requests in a productive environment allows us to judge the real performance of the SMEV 3 Information Type and can serve as a signal to begin work on integration with the aircraft.

In July 2010, Dmitry Medvedev signed Federal Law No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.” At the beginning of October 2011, the “Electronic Government” was launched, within which a separate project was allocated - the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEI). More recently, state authorities and local governments switched to SMEV 3.0 - the latest version of the interdepartmental interaction system. Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Alexey KOZYREV told NBJ about its advantages.

NBJ: Alexey Olegovich, please tell us about the first results of the participants’ transition to the third version of the interdepartmental electronic interaction system.

A. KOZYREV: The transition process is proceeding as planned. The third version of SMEV was developed at the end of 2013, and in 2014 it was in trial operation. We conducted a series of tests on industrial “combat” data, made sure that everything worked, and have now moved on to the stage of introducing the new version into commercial operation for all participants in interdepartmental interaction.

The information that authorities provide through SMEV is in demand in different ways. Some types of information are requested very often, while others are requested only a few times a year. We have selected several departments that provide the most popular information: Federal Treasury, Rosreestr, Pension Fund, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Tax Service. We agreed with them that their information systems will be adapted to transmit data through the third version of SMEV. In addition to the indicated structures, several constituent entities of the Russian Federation have already joined it: Moscow, Tyumen region and others...

NBJ: There are not very many participants yet.

A. KOZYREV: The totality of information provided by these departments makes up 80% of all information that is transmitted through SMEV. In total, 11 thousand participants are connected to the system, among them 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, more than 70 federal government bodies, and almost a thousand credit institutions. But the bulk of requests come from those departments that I mentioned above, and about fifteen types of information. The core of SMEV is the interaction between these structures and regions.

Our task is to ensure that all entities begin to interact with these departments according to the SMEV 3.0 standard. The process will take place naturally: as changes are made to regulations, federal authorities will refine their information systems and disable old ones. We are not forcing you to immediately switch to SMEV 3.0, since the second version of the system works well, but from this year all changes will be made to the third version.

NBJ: How does SMEV 3.0 differ from SMEV 2.0 and SMEV?

A. KOZYREV: The first and second versions of the system are the same, the difference was only in the technologies for using electronic signatures. There is already a significant difference between the second and third versions of SMEV.

If we draw an analogy, we can say that the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction is a state intranet. The websites of various organizations operate on the intranet; the state has the same system: there is an intranet, closed from the outside, but accessible from the inside, and a number of sites that provide certain types of information (we call them electronic services). Information on these sites is posted by federal and regional authorities, and participants in the interdepartmental electronic interaction system can receive it.
SMEV 2.0 allowed the exchange of information - sending requests and receiving online responses or deferred responses. When the system worked in real time, it was important to process all requests, the total number of which sometimes reached several billion per year. SMEV worked in pipe mode: as many requests as it received, the same number were sent to the site. Several parties participated in the process: consumers, directly SMEV, through which their requests passed, and a departmental information system that processed requests and promptly responded to them. It was often unable to cope with the volume of online requests.

NBJ: How did you solve the problem?

A. KOZYREV: In the third version of SMEV, we have provided a special buffer that allows you to distribute the load on the information system. Previously, the service could withstand 20 simultaneous requests: 20 users visited the site, but for the 21st it turned out to be unavailable and an error message popped up. We made it so that instead of fruitlessly trying to get to the site, the 21st is asked to “take a parking spot” and wait for his turn. As the information system is unloaded, requests reach the addressee, and the buffer is gradually released. Everything is processed in a split second, and no error message appears. An arbitrary increase in the number of buffers is provided for by the system functionality itself; this is called a guaranteed delivery queue.

The second difference of SMEV 3.0 is the following: previously, through the system it was possible to transmit information not exceeding five megabytes in one message, this was enough. Nowadays it is often necessary to attach a file to the text, for example an image of a land plot or a cadastral plan. This information does not fit in five megabytes. We have increased data transfer capabilities to virtually up to a gigabyte, which fully covers the needs of all system participants.

In SMEV 2.0, each site required a separate browser, since there was no specific standard, a single data exchange protocol for all participants. We implemented it in SMEV 3.0. If a system participant wants to receive information from 60 different sources, he does not need to use 60 different ways to connect to them. The consumer joins the system according to a certain standard, which is also adhered to by the 60 sources he needs, and immediately gets access to all the information he needs. This is called a universal electronic service; it significantly saves the costs of maintaining the functionality and development of the system. Connecting the 61st source to SMEV required additional payment, but now there is no need for it. It is enough to connect to the system once to gain access to all the necessary information.

SMEV is a pyramid: 85 regional segments are connected to the federal “head”. Previously, in each region, the functions of the system operator were performed by some government agency. Control of the regional part of SMEV was exercised exclusively from above, through the federal level. Now most of the operations that require the participation of constituent entities of the Russian Federation are brought down to the level of regional operators. Instead of one operator of the system, there were 85, processes within it began to proceed faster and more efficiently.

In order for SMEV to work properly, it is necessary to connect all its nodes with communication channels protected by a certain cryptography. Until recently, the infrastructure of these nodes was quite complex. As part of SMEV 3.0, it became possible to make routing requests through it more efficient than before. Before the implementation of the latest version of the system, requests passed through a large number of nodes, creating a load on the network. SMEV 3.0 made it possible to significantly simplify the system topology and establish direct delivery of requests from one participant to another. This change increases the reliability and stability of the service and reduces the cost of operation in terms of communication channels.

NBJ: Has your plan to increase the number of participants in the system come to fruition?

A. KOZYREV: Yes, the list of participants in the system has expanded. Certification centers that issue electronic signatures are connected to SMEV; the Supreme Court and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation have already connected. Previously, the judicial branch of government did not have access to government information systems. This year, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers and the Federal Notary Chamber became participants in SMEV (interaction with the Federal Tax Service of Russia is carried out through the organization).

SMEV is a closed system; you can become a participant only if there is an appropriate legislative act. The decision to connect to the system is made by a commission chaired by the Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikiforov.

As for the SMEV participants, the following should be taken into account: in our country there are more than 24 thousand municipalities, approximately 970 credit institutions, about 80 federal authorities and 85 constituent entities of the Federation. In total, they create about 26-27 thousand possible participants in interaction, not counting budgetary institutions that could also connect to the system, but have not yet done so. However, informatization in the regions is organized differently. In some regions, municipalities are connected to the subject’s system, and it is connected to the SMEV. Thus, we have not 26 thousand, but 11 thousand participants - part of these 26 thousand are aggregated under regional information systems.

In some municipalities where the main channels have not yet reached, there is no connection yet, so they carry out interdepartmental interaction through the nearest municipality where there is Internet. There is no question about all participants having access to the system, just some of them gain access offline.

By the way, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications has developed a project to eliminate the digital divide, designed for ten years. Within its framework, it is planned to lay 200 thousand km of optical fiber; this is the largest construction project in the world; thanks to it, the Internet will appear everywhere in Russia.

NBJ: How do you monitor the activity of the regions participating in SMEV?

A. KOZYREV: Once a month we hold video conferences in which the heads of regional authorities responsible for interdepartmental cooperation participate. During conferences, we study in detail the statistics on the number of requests, correlate them with the population of the subject, and then compile a rating of regions according to the intensity of requests. There are areas that are far behind, which have made connections but are reluctant to use them due to their adherence to outdated technologies, such as fax. We monitor statistics and regularly provide subjects with instructions on the transition from paper document flow to electronic one. However, most regions are already actively using SMEV. The maximum number of requests comes from the Republic of Buryatia, Trans-Baikal Territory, Bryansk, Kostroma and Tambov regions.

NBJ: Please explain the meaning of the term “freely distributed database management system”.

A. KOZYREV: A database management system (hereinafter referred to as a DBMS - Ed.) is a class of information system. There are proprietary DBMSs, that is, developed by private companies and distributed commercially, as well as freely distributed systems that are developed by communities of programmers. Such DBMSs can be used free of charge.

SMEV 3.0, which is an integration bus, was based on Oracle technologies. We recently migrated the system to free software called ActiveMQ, developed by the Apache Software Foundation. ActiveMQ is free software that Russian programmers configured for use in interdepartmental electronic communication. The Oracle database management system will gradually move to free software.

The structure of Electronic Government currently also uses the Oracle database management system, but in 2015 we are tasked with switching to free software. First, we will create a prototype of a freely distributed database, check how it handles loads, and whether it meets information security requirements. If the test results are positive, we will migrate to free software in 2016. We are considering free software for the PostgreSQL DBMS as a possible option.

The transition to a freely distributed DBMS is a concrete step in the field of import substitution within the Electronic Government infrastructure. The first step was taken when we abandoned proprietary software in the integration bus, the second step will be the database. True, we cannot say that now we are slashing with a saber and tomorrow everything will be different. The transition will be careful and gradual.

NBJ: How can we explain the increased activity of credit institutions sending more and more requests to SMEV?

A. KOZYREV: By virtue of the law, credit organizations must provide government authorities with information about payments made by citizens. This obligation became the reason for connecting all banks to SMEV.

Financial institutions are interested in information about the creditworthiness of borrowers in the form of statements about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person. This information is available to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The statements contain information about the borrower’s place of work and income. Credit institutions, using this information, can significantly reduce the risks associated with retail lending. This, in turn, may lead to a reduction in loan rates.

This process also has a downside: citizens’ personal data about their place of work, income level is significant information that must be carefully protected from compromise. In this regard, borrowers should be able to control how e-Government services are provided.

The bank can obtain information about the creditworthiness of a citizen if he has applied for a loan or the loan has already been received, but the financial institution, as part of its policy, wants to assess the creditworthiness of the individual. In both cases, a conscientious borrower will give permission for the use of his personal data by a specific credit institution. We have such technology, it works through the government services portal and mobile applications, it looks like this: a person comes to the bank and fills out a loan application, the financial institution requests information about the citizen’s creditworthiness through the Electronic Government infrastructure. The potential borrower receives an SMS message asking him to confirm the provision of information to the bank. Consent to provide information to a credit institution can be given by reply SMS message, through a mobile application or a government services portal - by checking the box next to the word “allow”. If a citizen agrees to the use of his personal data, the bank gets access to it.

In our opinion, such technology is universal; it can apply to any information that a person wants to provide about himself to third parties - not only credit institutions.
Currently, the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, together with the largest Russian retail banks, is conducting a pilot project to use technology to obtain information about creditworthiness from the Pension Fund of Russia. It involves Tinkoff Bank, Citibank, Bank of Moscow - the full list includes 25 credit organizations, as well as non-profit structures: the Association of Regional Banks of Russia, the National Payment Council, etc. Banks request all information from the Pension Fund through SMEV and, if necessary, register citizens in the Unified identification and authentication system (USIA).

We expect that by the beginning of autumn of this year the project will become permanent and the technology will become available to all credit institutions. We will establish a certain procedure for providing information from government information systems - as of today it is not clearly stated anywhere.

There is an opinion that a citizen can obtain written consent to receive personal data once and refer to it every time he tries to obtain information. It is difficult to control the situation in this case: millions of requests will be received from banks, we will never be able to find out about the availability of permission in each specific case. Random checks may be able to identify compromise of personal data, but only after the fact, when the information has already been provided. The technology of the Ministry of Communications of Russia involves sending information only after the citizen gives permission to do so.

This development is especially relevant for small regional banks, which may find it difficult to compete with federal retail lending institutions. Large banks with state participation already have the opportunity to obtain information about creditworthiness from state information systems, which cannot be said about other retail financial organizations, especially regional ones. New technology will give them an excellent opportunity to more carefully manage borrower risks, reduce interest rates and increase the creditworthiness of their offers.

NBJ: What services provided through SMEV to both individuals and legal entities are in demand today?

A. KOZYREV: There are 15 federal and 20 regional services that are in demand by citizens, about 85% of all requests fall on these 35.

Services provided by federal authorities include: issuing a foreign passport and driver's license, registering vehicles, paying taxes and fines, filing a tax return, registering real estate ownership, including real estate in the cadastre, obtaining an extract from it, as well as from the Unified State Register - Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.

In-demand services provided by regional authorities include registration of marriage, death, birth, divorce, registration and name change. In addition, issuing social benefits and issuing a hunting license are popular. These services are provided through the MFC, the Unified Portal of Public Services, and government authorities.

Regardless of the channel through which requests are received, they ultimately reach the authority, which collects all the necessary information through interdepartmental requests. You know that according to the law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” it is prohibited to require paper documents from citizens. Actually, the authorities request the missing documents from each other.

NBJ: How often and why do the interdepartmental electronic interaction system fail?

A. KOZYREV: The system crashes very rarely; it is quite reliable both from a technical point of view and from an information security point of view. As a rule, local failures occur in SMEV, the reasons being various circumstances: failures of communication equipment, and software failures associated with the overflow of certain technological areas of data storage.

One of the latest failures occurred due to the failure of telecommunications equipment, the so-called load balancer and its backup. This is a rare case, but it happened. Another failure occurred due to an increase in the volume of requests: the technological section in the database where information about transmitted requests was stored was overflowing, which led to disruption of the database.

In general, requests to resolve incidents come to a single situation center of the Electronic Government, which routes them depending on the type. It is necessary to understand that three parties are always involved in the interaction system: the sender of the request, its recipient and SMEV as an integration bus. Currently, technical support for these information systems is the responsibility of one organization.

Let's imagine: the sender of the request is the MFC in the Ivanovo region, the information system of which is maintained by some organization. In the middle is SMEV, which transmits requests and delivers responses; its technical support is managed by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and Rostelecom. The third party to the relationship is the recipient, for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs; they have their own contractors who maintain the department’s information systems. Previously, it was necessary to figure out where the failure occurred: on the side of the sender, the recipient, or in the SMEV. This was quite a challenge. Now above all participants there is a situation center, which receives all requests to resolve problems. Thus, the center decides which part of the technical support needs to act. This increases the level of coordination when resolving incidents. The number of requests to the situation center reaches several billion per year, most of which are resolved within one day.

NBJ: What other functions, in addition to those assigned to it today, could SMEV take on? Are there any plans to expand its functionality?

A. KOZYREV: In this case, we need to talk about the entire “Electronic Government” infrastructure. In addition to SMEV, it includes a number of systems that ensure full interaction between government authorities and each other.

It is necessary to organize a unified system of normative and reference information, which will ensure a unified procedure for creating and maintaining information resources. This is very important, since standardization of data exchanged between authorities through SMEV will significantly increase the efficiency of their interaction. For example, if you need to receive an address as part of information from an authority, then, most likely, each agency will provide it in accordance with its own design standard: text line, cut-up, etc. The lack of uniformity in data presentation leads to contradictions that accumulate in information resources.

It is critical that all government infrastructure uses the same sets of information in clear, standard formats. I think that the next stage of development of SMEV will be devoted to standardization and development of a unified model of government data.

About the solution

SMEV (System of Electronic Interdepartmental Interaction) is a federal information system that allows authorities at various levels and banks to request and provide electronic information about citizens and organizations, including as part of the provision of state and municipal services to them. The SMEV technology portal is located at,

SMEV has two generations: SMEV 2 and SMEV 3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 No. 1222 “On the further development of a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction” from January 1, 2015 prohibited the development of electronic services in accordance with the Methodological recommendations for working in SMEV 2. Since 2017, the active shutdown of existing SMEV 2 services and the transition to working with services of the SMEV 3 version began. The next stage of the transition is planned for 2018.

The "Universal Account (SMEV)" system allows authorities at any level and banks to exchange information with other participants through SMEV at the federal and regional levels, without delving into the complexity of the process of interaction with it. The system supports working with SMEV 2 and SMEV 3 services.

Scheme of interaction of the System "Universal Cabinet (SMEV)":

The "Universal Account (SMEV)" system provides a graphical and software interface for creating requests for information from various information providers (Rosreestr, Pension Fund of Russia, Federal Tax Service, etc.). Received requests are processed and converted into formats required by SMEV and suppliers. Requests are sent in accordance with the SMEV rules. SMEV forwards requests to suppliers. Information providers process requests and, at scheduled times, prepare and send responses back to SMEV. The universal account receives responses from suppliers from SMEV. The received data is processed and displayed in the interface or transmitted to a third-party IS via a software interface. The reverse method of interaction is also available, when using the “Universal Account” system, information is provided on requests received from other participants in the interaction.

Capabilities of the "Universal Cabinet (SMEV)" system:

  • To work in the graphical interface of the "Universal Cabinet (SMEV)" system, you only need an Internet browser. There is no need to install any plugins, extensions, JRE, etc. on the user's PC. Applets, etc. are not used. You can use any OS at your workplace - Windows, Linux, etc.
  • Creating requests and viewing responses in convenient and functional WEB forms. The form fields for creating requests contain various checks and masks that simplify data entry and minimize errors. It is possible to download answers in PDF, HTML and XML formats. Examples of request and response forms.
  • Availability of a software interface for sending requests and receiving responses. The software interface is implemented using REST API technology. XML messages of the established format are exchanged. All REST API input and output data are validated against XML schemas. Internal exchange schemes for all suppliers are made in the same style and have common parts for different departments. XML schemas are easy to use and contain all the information a developer needs, without having to search for the required information in the Service Passport. For comparison: scheme for requesting SNILS from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in SMEV 2, diagram of a similar service for requesting SNILS in SMEV 2, provided by the "Universal Account (SMEV)" system through the internal API.
  • Viewing requests received from other interaction participants and generating responses to them in the interface of the "Universal Account (SMEV)" system. Automatic assignment of a request to a specific department based on the type of request. Possibility of reassigning a request to another department. Monitoring the timing of preparation of responses to requests.
  • Maintaining an address series according to FIAS. The system implements automatic updating of FIAS to use up-to-date information and ensure synchronization with information providers.
  • View requests and responses in their original form (XML requests and responses sent and received from SMEV). If such a possibility exists (for example, if user data is transmitted directly within XML, and not as a Base64 string), XML is presented in a readable form (there is alignment, tag highlighting, long unreadable Base64 strings are excluded from viewing, etc.) .
  • Processing requests sent from the Unified Portal of Public Services through SMEV. The ability to delegate such requests to a third-party system.
  • Signing requests in SMEV using an electronic signature key installed directly on the System server.
  • Checking the validity of the electronic signature in responses received from suppliers.
  • View user-created queries in a graphical interface, with the ability to filter by various fields.
  • Statistics on sending requests in various sections (departments, services, types of information) and forms (dashboards, reports, OLAP cubes). The ability to download reports to an Excel file is available.
  • Notify users via email when queries are answered or when there are new incoming queries.

The "Universal Cabinet (SMEV)" system is our own development. GC Extreme has all the necessary licenses from the FSB and FSTEC to implement legally significant interaction using SMEV.

Implemented services

Service name View Department Version Identifier or SID Note
Request to receive personal account data of the insured person by insurance number of the individual personal account Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 2 SID0003623

Will be disabled on January 14, 2019. Instead, SMEV 3 service “Receiving personal account data according to the provided insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) in the compulsory pension insurance system” will operate, already implemented in the System (VS00179v002-PFR001


Request to obtain the insurance number of the insured person Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 2 SID0003619 Will be disabled on 07/01/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 service “Receiving personal account data according to the provided insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) in the compulsory pension insurance system” will operate, already implemented in the System (VS00182v002-PFR001 data/1.1.2)
Service for providing information on the amount of payments of the insured person through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 2 SID0004000 Disconnected 09/03/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 service “Obtaining information on the amount of payments for a period (including pensions, additional payments established for pensions, social benefits and care payments)” already implemented in the System (VS00116v001-PFR001 will operate /bap-for-period/1.0.1)
Service for transmitting information about wages or income for which insurance premiums are calculated Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 2 SID0003818 Will be disabled on January 14, 2019. Instead, SMEV 3 service “Transfer of information on wages or income for which insurance premiums are calculated” will operate (VS00115v003-PFR001
Receiving personal account data using the provided insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) in the compulsory pension insurance system Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3 VS00179v002-PFR001 (
Providing an individual personal account insurance number (SNILS) according to the personal account data of the insured person Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3
Providing the insurance number of the individual personal account (SNILS) of the insured person, taking into account additional information about the place of birth, identity document Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3 VS00648v001-PFR001 (
Obtaining information on the amount of payments for the period (including pensions, additional payments established for pensions, social benefits and care payments) Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3
Changing the register of local incinerators Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3
Information about data in the SMEV storage (Transfer of information about changes in the register of facts of assignment of the MRZ) Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3
SNILS request taking into account additional information Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3 VS00115v003-PFR001 (
Changing local MRZs Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3 VS00645v003-PFR002_3T (urn://egisso-ru/msg/10.05.I/1.0.4)
Transfer of information about changes in the register of facts of assignment of MRZ Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3 VS00644v002-PFR002_3T (urn://egisso-ru/msg/10.10.I/1.0.3)
Information contained in the inspection report of the main work on the construction of an individual housing construction project Incoming Pension Fund SMEV 2 SID0003891
Public information/extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003525 Disconnected 04/30/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 services "Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities at the request of public authorities" (VS00051v003-FNS001 urn://x-artefacts-fns-vipul tosmv-ru/311-14/4.0.5), Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities at the request of authorities state authorities (VS00050v003-FNS001 urn://x-artefacts-fns-vipip-tosmv-ru/311-15/4.0.5) already implemented in the System
Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities at the request of government authorities Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 3
Extracts from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs at the request of government authorities Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 3
Information about the presence (absence) of debt Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003793 Disconnected 04/30/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 service is provided: Providing information about the presence (absence) of debts for taxes, fees, insurance premiums, penalties, fines, interest (VS00026v001-FNS001(urn://x-artefacts-fns-zadorg/root/548-04 /4.0.4) already implemented in the System
Providing information on the presence (absence) of debts for taxes, fees, insurance premiums, penalties, fines, interest Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 3
Average number of employees Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003524 Disabled 12/12/2017. Instead of it, the service “Information on the average number of employees for the previous calendar year” implemented in the SMEV 3 System is already implemented in the System (VS00043v002-FNS001 urn://x-artefacts-fns-SRCHIS/082-2/4.0.1)
Electronic service “Providing Information from the income statement of individuals 3-NDFL” Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003521 Disconnected 07/03/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 service “Tax return information for personal income tax” (VS00112v001-FNS001) will operate.
Information on the average number of employees for the previous calendar year Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 3
Obtaining information about the income of individuals using 2-NDFL certificates Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 3 VS00111v003-FNS001 (urn://x-artefacts-fns-ndfl2/root/260-10/4.1.1)
Information contained in contracts for social (commercial) rental of residential premises Incoming Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003833
Information about the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution, about being on the wanted list Outgoing Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003456 Will be disabled on January 14, 2019. Instead, SMEV 3 service “Information on the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution, information about being on the wanted list” will operate, already implemented in the System (VS00262v001-MVDR02 urn://ru/mvd/ ibd-m/convictions/search/1.0.2)
Information on receipt, assignment, non-receipt of a pension and termination of payments Outgoing Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia SMEV 2 SID0004003
Information about the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution, information about being wanted Outgoing Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia SMEV 3
Service for providing Rosreestr services in electronic form Outgoing Rosreestr SMEV 2 SID0003564
Receiving applications to the FSIS EGRN, accepting applications (also documents attached to the application) for the provision of Rosreestr services and obtaining the results of the provision of services Outgoing Rosreestr SMEV 3 VS00376v004-RRTR02 (urn://x-artefacts-rosreestr-gov-ru/virtual-services/egrn-statement/1.1.2)
Making changes to the Unified State Register of Real Estate as part of interdepartmental information interaction Outgoing Rosreestr SMEV 3 VS00375v002-RRTR02 (urn://x-artefacts-rosreestr-gov-ru/virtual-services/change-egrn-info/1.1.1)
Information contained in the permit to commission a capital construction project Incoming Rosreestr SMEV 2 SID0003841 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
Decision of the local government to transfer residential premises to non-residential premises, non-residential premises - to residential Incoming Rosreestr SMEV 2 SID0003840 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
Information contained in the register of household books Incoming Rosreestr SMEV 2 SID0003840 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
A document confirming that the land plot belongs to a certain category of land Incoming Rosreestr SMEV 2 SID0003837 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
A document confirming the established permitted use of the land plot Incoming Rosreestr SMEV 2 SID0003838 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
Conclusion of the local government body of a settlement or urban district, confirming that the real estate object being created or created is located within the boundaries of the land plot intended for running personal subsidiary plots Incoming Rosreestr SMEV 2 Service of the Federal Penitentiary Service for providing information held by the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in electronic form Outgoing FSIN of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003444

Information about the citizen’s presence in places of deprivation of liberty and his lack of income

Outgoing FSIN of Russia SMEV 3
Outgoing FSS of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003414 Will be disabled on 12/31/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 service "Information on the amount of monthly insurance payments for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases" already implemented in the System will operate (VS00240v002-FSSR01 .1)
Information on the amount of monthly insurance payments for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases Outgoing FSS of Russia SMEV 3
Information on the amount of pension received and other payments taken into account when calculating the total income of a family (a citizen living alone) Outgoing Financial and economic department of the FSB SMEV 2 SID0003534
Information about the amount of the insured person's pension Outgoing Federal Customs Service of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003898 Disconnected 07/02/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 service will operate" Providing information on the amount of the insured person's pension" (VS00084v001-CUST01 urn://x-artefacts-fts-pension-insured-ru/root/1.0.1)
Obtaining information about the amount of accrued amounts of social benefits for inclusion in the applicant’s total income Outgoing SMEs of the Sverdlovsk region SMEV 2 SID0003916 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
Universal service for accepting applications from EPGU Incoming EPGU SMEV 2 SID0003893 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
Coordination of the route of a vehicle transporting large-sized and (or) heavy cargo Incoming Rosavtodor SMEV 2 SID0003842 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
Information on coordinating the route of movement of vehicles transporting dangerous goods Incoming Rostrans-nadzor SMEV 2 SID0003839 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)


The "Universal Cabinet (SMEV)" system has been successfully implemented since 2012. Currently, there are more than 30 successful implementations in the Sverdlovsk region and other regions of the Russian Federation.

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