Technical conditions for engineering support of the facility. Procedure for obtaining technical specifications

To connect a construction site to engineering and technical communications (water supply, sewerage, electricity, gas), a prerequisite is the availability of technical specifications (TU).

To connect a construction site to engineering and technical communications (water supply, sewerage, electricity, gas), a prerequisite is the availability of technical conditions ( (TU).

Documents for obtaining technical specifications

The procedure for obtaining technical specifications is regulated by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. It involves performing sequential actions:

1. First of all, you should contact the local administration to obtain information about the organization (or organizations) that issues technical specifications. This may be a water utility, city gas, city energy, or one parent organization under whose leadership the operation of utility networks is carried out. Local government authorities are required to provide you with the information you are interested in no later than 2 working days after contacting them.

2. Next, you must contact directly the organization operating the utilities with a request and a package of documents, which must contain:

  • directly a request for the issuance of technical specifications indicating the full name of the person who has the rights to the land plot for construction, the location of this person (address);
  • documents on the right of ownership of a land plot (ownership or lease agreement);
  • copy of passport;
  • a document containing information about the boundaries of the site;
  • permission to use the site for construction, including information about the purpose of the object;
  • information about the maximum construction parameters;
  • types of resources that need to be connected (gas, water, etc.);
  • estimated date of commissioning of the facility;
  • expected communications load.

Deadlines for obtaining technical specifications

After submitting these documents in full, the organization must, within 14 working days, complete the determination of technical conditions and issue them. If it is impossible for an object to connect to communication networks, the requesting person is denied connection. The legality of such a refusal can be clarified by contacting the body exercising technical supervision.

Specifications usually include the following information:

  • the amount of payment for connecting to communications, including the cost of the tariff for using the service and its validity period (or the date of the second contact with the organization, if the tariff has not yet been determined);
  • the maximum possible load of communications;
  • conditions that are necessary to connect the building to communication networks.

The organization that issued the technical specifications is obligated to connect communications within a year, starting from the date of issue. If, when submitting a request for the issuance of technical specifications, the expected load of the networks was not determined, and within a year after the issuance of the technical specifications, an application for this was not submitted, then it is considered that the organization connecting the utility networks no longer bears obligations.

If the owner of the site where construction is taking place changes, the new owner has the right to use the existing technical conditions. After receiving the technical specifications, the building can be connected to communication networks.

Connection to utility infrastructure networks

*This material is over three years old. You can check with the author the degree of its relevance.

Connection to utility infrastructure networks

Major changes in legislation regulating the procedure for connecting construction and industrial facilities to utility networks.

Does not work

At the end of 2009, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the “Main Directions for Improving the System of State Regulation in Infrastructure Sectors”. The document is based on the idea of ​​improving legislation on connecting engineering infrastructure to networks, which already in 2010 entailed a series of amendments to various legal acts regulating the fuel and energy sector.

The general trend of legislative changes in 2010 was the search for ways to speed up and reduce the cost of connecting to utility infrastructure networks. Innovations affected all types of utility networks: electricity, heat, gas, water supply, drainage, wastewater treatment. At the same time, both completely new solutions and those that had already been tested in practice were proposed.

However, it should be noted that the legislative technique that was chosen during the reform was not entirely successful. Changes were made not through the adoption of a single regulatory act covering all types of utility networks, but with the help of many special federal laws and other acts. The process began, first of all, with legislation on the electric power industry, then, in 2010, the thermal power industry took up the baton. The bill “On Water Supply and Sewerage” recently submitted to the State Duma continues this trend.

Naturally, this approach is not very convenient for market participants (primarily for developers): working with the regulatory framework governing connection issues is complicated. However, the reform as a whole should not be assessed negatively because of this.

1. Prohibition of free pricing

The most important problem in regulating connection (technological connection) to utility networks is the clear specification of legal provisions that do not allow the parties to connection agreements to independently set fees for these services. The ban on free pricing makes it possible to curb the growth of developers' connection costs. And the reform is trying to solve this problem.

True, a clear ban has so far been established only in the legislation on electricity and heat energy, in particular, at the level of the federal laws “On Electric Power Industry” and “On Heat Supply”. In other areas (water and gas supply, water disposal and wastewater treatment) the question still remains open. The current legislation has rules that in some cases allow the parties to the agreement to set a connection fee. And the situation is corrected only by judicial practice: the courts interpret this rule in conjunction with paragraph 17 of the Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction project to utility networks, which allows them to defend fully regulated pricing for connection services.

2. Distribution of responsibilities for creating and preparing networks for connection between the developer and the network owner

The second important innovation was the distribution of responsibilities for creating and preparing networks for connection between the developer and the owner of the networks. The change affected all areas of engineering and technical support. According to the new rules, measures to strengthen and develop existing networks, as well as to create them up to the boundaries of the land plot of the developer (future consumer), are carried out by the organization that owns the utility infrastructure networks and only within its land plot - accordingly, the customer of connection services.

This provision turned out to be extremely inconvenient for implementing organizations, which did not take into account in the tariff decisions all measures for the construction of networks to the applicants’ land plots. Now they will have to carry out these activities without previously provided sources of funding.

The current situation even served as a reason to challenge the legitimacy of the relevant rules in court. Tver Vodokanal LLC applied to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation with a request to invalidate the provisions that exempt developers from paying connection fees in cases where there is no need to increase the power or capacity of networks or the creation (reconstruction) of utility networks is not required. However, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the legality of such provisions and denied Vodokanal's demands.

The position of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, the “chief controller” for the proper distribution of responsibilities under connection agreements, boils down to the fact that bona fide network organizations must provide in their investment programs the need to develop networks for connecting applicants.

3. Installment payments for connection

Another general rule was the introduction of mandatory installment payments for providing access to networks, which also became a good help for consumers. The specific amounts of installment plans are established in clause 12 of the Rules for concluding and executing public agreements on connection to public utility infrastructure systems and clause 16.2. and 16.4. Rules for the technological connection of power receiving devices of electrical energy consumers, electrical energy production facilities, as well as electrical grid facilities belonging to network organizations and other persons to electrical networks.

4. Connection deadlines

And finally, the last condition that unites the legislation on connection is the determination of deadlines for the provision of connection and technological connection services. For connection to heat, water, gas supply, water disposal and wastewater treatment networks, a maximum period of 18 months is established, unless a longer period is specified by the applicant. For technological connection, the terms vary depending on the category of consumer from 15 working days to 4 years.

5. Other innovations in connection legislation

Above, we examined four, perhaps, the most important points that unite the processes of connecting to all utility infrastructure networks. But several more significant amendments were also adopted, which relate only to heat and electricity.

  • In the electric power industry, preferential rates have been established for consumers with a small connected capacity (550 rubles per 15 kW) and citizens' associations (550 rubles per person, with each connection up to 15 kW). Significant installment payments for technological connection are also being introduced: at the consumer’s request, 95% of the connection fee can be repaid within 3 years after connecting to electrical networks, if the connected power does not exceed 100 kW.
  • It is possible to redistribute connected power when connecting to heat and electricity networks and reduce connection fees (the person receiving the redistributed power does not pay for the development of networks).
  • It is possible for small consumers of electrical energy to return the connection fee when reducing power consumption.
  • It is possible to approve an individual fee for connection (technological connection) to heat supply (electricity) networks in some cases: lack of technical capabilities, redistribution of power, as well as other grounds provided for by pricing legislation.

An analysis of the “Main Directions for Improving the System of State Regulation in Infrastructure Sectors” also allows us to state that in the future we should expect:

  • approval of standard connection agreements (technological connection) for citizens and small businesses;
  • strengthening the ability to redistribute unused power;
  • securing the right of consumers to choose between paying a connection fee and independently carrying out connection activities (technological connection).

As can be seen from the presented analysis, the legislation on connection is strictly in a pro-consumer direction. However, even if the general trend towards protecting the interests of service consumers remains, they should nevertheless understand that specific methods of protection require taking into account many details.

The construction of a suburban area involves not only the construction of a house and household buildings, but also landscaping. It will take a lot of time and money to establish communications. And the electrical network in this case comes first. Therefore, first of all, novice developers are faced with the question of what technical conditions for connecting to electrical networks are necessary in order for light to appear on the site at first. And modern construction tools do not work without electricity.

There is no clear answer to this question. After all, the site may be located near the road where the power line is located, or it may be located in the depths of the village. There are other nuances that need to be taken into account. In addition, each energy supplying organization has its own technical connection conditions and its own specific services that they offer. So this issue must be approached individually.

If we talk about the simplest option, then this is a site located not far from the power line, no further than 25 m. That is, in this case you don’t even have to install an additional support. Directly from the pole, the wires are pulled to the house and fed into the distribution board through insulators installed on the wall or roof of the house. In all other cases, you will have to refer to the legislative document, the government decree, issued in 2009 on April 21. The title of the document is “On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on Improving the Procedure for Technological Connection of Consumers to Electric Networks.”

What does this resolution say? We will be interested in only three positions:

  1. The total power consumption of a country house should not exceed 15 kW.
  2. The distance (meaning in a straight line) from the house to the connection to electrical networks in the city should not exceed 300 m, outside the city 500 mm.
  3. The connection fee is 550 rubles.

All these positions are understandable. But here another question arises: do the technical conditions of the energy supply organization coincide with these requirements? After all, taking into account these rules, the company must necessarily enter into an agreement for the supply of electric current to the consumer, regardless of whether the organization has the technical capabilities to do this or not. That is, no one cares what the company will do, it must make the connection, and that’s it.

By the way, this is indicated by the rules that are recorded in another government decree dated December 27, 2007 under number 861. It is also precisely defined here within what period after the consumer submits an application, this issue will be considered. Six months are given for all this.

Now, regarding payment for the services of the energy supply organization. Let's just say that its representatives believe that 550 rubles is too low a price. Therefore, it is illegal for you, as a consumer of electricity, to be charged additional funds. As if for the development of technical conditions for connecting to electrical networks, for the exceeded distance, for the installation of additional supports, for the connection itself, and so on. That is, all options will be used to make this amount increase several times. Unfortunately, many country developers, due to lack of awareness, fall for these arguments.

How to connect correctly (2)

There is a certain algorithm that must be followed to achieve the desired result. That is, there are certain rules and procedures for connecting to electrical networks. This is the procedure you need to go through.

  • First of all, you need to write a statement to the energy supply company. The application must also be accompanied by a copy of the house owner's passport, title documents for the suburban area, and a site plan, where it is necessary to indicate in which location the distribution board or switch will be installed.
  • The review process usually takes one month. After which the owner of the suburban area should be given technical conditions for connection and a contract.

Attention! In one of the clauses of the agreement, which describes the financial relationship of the parties, the same 550 rubles should be spelled out.

But here we will have to take into account the very first resolution, which stipulates that the connection fee can be increased if the distance to the connection point from the house exceeds the standard indicators. That is, over 300 m in the city, and more than 500 m in the countryside.

If the consumer’s declared power exceeds 15 kW, then the company may refuse connection altogether. And that's their right. Therefore, the best option is to carry out all approvals in advance.

  • Let's move on to the algorithm. The contract you signed is returned to the company. Now she will carry out the connection within the appointed time, determined by the same decree.
  • As soon as representatives of the network organization connect to the electrical network, the consumer must pay for their services. After which two acts will be written: connection and delineation of balance sheet ownership. That is, the boundaries that will divide the highway into sections that belong to the consumer and which belong to the company will be precisely described. The second act will necessarily indicate the responsibility of the parties.

By the way, the consumer himself can connect according to the technical conditions. This is not against the law. True, there is one catch in this situation - company representatives will find fault with everything, so the acceptance certificate may not be signed. But the installation of a meter for monitoring electricity consumption, or rather, its installation lies entirely with the consumer.

What is indicated in the technical specifications (2)

  1. Connection points to the electrical network. The distance to the house should not exceed 25 m.
  2. Requirements for meters and machines.
  3. Distribution of duties.
  4. Requirements for wire cross-section if there is a problem of increasing power consumption.

Attention! The validity period of the technical specifications is 2-5 years. At the same time, according to the rules, the energy supply organization draws up technical conditions free of charge.

Conclusion on the topic (2)

As you can see, in order to connect your home to a power line, you first need the technical connection conditions. Based on them, a new line project is created (using a computer), and responsibilities are distributed between the consumer and the system organization in terms of servicing their areas. Essentially, this is the basics when it comes to operating power lines.

Hello, dear guests and readers of the Electrician's Notes website.

I have information for you. Now I will be online (online) less often. This is due to the fact that the Internet on my work computer was turned off for reasons unknown to me, so I will consider all your letters with questions and comments on articles in the evening at home. By the way, I have already begun to deal with this issue, because... I don’t want to leave you without 24/7 support.

Now let's get down to business.

The first day at work after vacation was very fruitful. I won’t talk about all the intricacies; I don’t think it will be interesting to you. I’d rather tell you about the technical conditions for power supply.

In the morning, around 8:30, the customer called me with a request to visit the site after installation. I agreed, and by 10:30 my colleagues and I were there.

The situation was as follows.

The customer had a sheet of technical conditions (TS) for power supply. They were issued by the energy supply organization based on the subscriber’s application for technological connection since February of this year. The object of technological connection was a garage, or, to put it more beautifully, a garage box.

According to the technical conditions, the garage box was to be powered by category 3 power supply with the nature of the load being active-reactive. The voltage level should be 220 (V) with a maximum allowable power of 3 (kW).

2. Electric meter

Commercial accounting must be performed with an accuracy class of at least 2.0. This requirement is also met. VRU-0.22 (kV) type SOE-52/60-31Sh (on a DIN rail).

3. Installation location

The meter must be installed on the outside of the garage wall, in an accessible location for removal by the energy supply company's controllers. This condition is also met. ASU-0.22 (kV) is installed directly on the front wall of the garage.

4. Power limiter

The fourth requirement of the technical specifications for garage power supply is the installation of a power limiter () with a setting of 3 (kW) after the electrical energy meter.

This condition is not met for a reason.

5. RCD

Also, the energy supply organization in its technical specifications for connecting the garage did not forget about (residual current device). But I didn’t see him in either.

6. Closed access

The ASU must be structurally designed to exclude the possibility of unauthorized access to the circuits of the input machine and meter, as well as with the possibility of sealing them. In this regard, everything is fine here. A steel loop is welded to the shield and a lock is hung.

I got there myself with great difficulty.

7. Lightning protection

The seventh requirement is to protect the garage from lightning surges and surges during network emergency operation. For this purpose, OPS1-S from the IEK company was installed at the input.

The eighth requirement is to ensure reactive power consumption with a tangent of 0.2. If we convert tangent angles into our usual units of measurement, we get a cosine equal to 0.98, i.e. The load should be practically only active.

Acceptance tests

After all the technical requirements for connecting the garage have been met, the subscriber must submit the electrical installation for inspection and provide all acceptance tests.

We made the following measurements:

  • SIP wires (2x16) from support No. 7 to the garage: resistance was 200 (MOhm)
  • VA47-29 C16: the machine was tested and met the standard shutdown time
  • the metal connection (presence of a circuit) between the grounding device and the shield housing VRU-0.22 (kV) was checked: less than 0.05 (Ohm)

By the way, in the technical specifications for power supply to the garage, nothing was said about. In fact, it exists. Near the ASU-0.22 (kV), a reinforced steel rod 1.5 (m) long was driven into the ground. turned out to be equal to 15 (Ohm). Because There is no resistance standard for re-grounding, so we believe that this is sufficient.

This evening I met with the customer again and gave him all the test and measurement reports.


If all the completed specifications for connecting the garage to the electrical network are met, then the energy sales organization signs an Act on the delineation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility, as well as an energy supply agreement.

The last step to switch the garage on to a permanent power supply is to sign the Technological Connection Certificate.

It is important to know. The validity period of the technical specifications in my example is 2 years.

If the validity period expires or there are any changes, then in this case you need to obtain new technical conditions.

Sample (example) of technical specifications for garage power supply

Below I want to show you what a real sample (example) of specifications for power supply to a garage looks like. For confidentiality, I hid all personal and contact information of the energy supply organization and the customer (subscriber).

Front side (click on the picture to enlarge).

Reverse side (click on the picture to enlarge).

P.S. This is where I end the article. If you have questions or ambiguities, the comment form is at your service. And don’t forget to subscribe to new articles on the site - and notification of the release of a new article will be sent directly to your email.

158 comments to the entry “Technical conditions for garage electrical supply”

    The shield is assembled somewhat clumsily. And the SIP is seated incorrectly - it should sit on the terminal of the machine, and only then the jumper on the OPS, and secondly, the black core of the SIP is usually zero, and not vice versa as in the photo. Also, after the meter there should be a circuit breaker for the outgoing line - there is none. A power limiting device is not necessary; its role can, to some extent, be played by an input circuit breaker that will turn off when overloaded (higher consumption). At least in our region, all objects without OM are accepted.

    Regarding measurements, as far as I understand, the metal connection should be measured at all points, and not just between the charger and the shield body. Those. ZU-PEN bus, PEN bus - panel body, PEN bus - bus of the second shield inside the garage (if there is one), and if there is no shield, then relative to the grounding contacts of electrical receivers. The grounding value is standardized and is 30 ohms.

    The build quality of the shield is a different story. I agree with you on this. By the way, I gave recommendations and pointed out the mistakes that the electrician made during assembly. In principle, the entire ASU is not assembled correctly.

    It is not necessary to install a machine immediately after the counter. By the way, it is installed, but already in the panel of the garage itself.

    It seems that the power limiter is clearly written in the technical specifications. If it's supposed to be, then it's supposed to be. There's no arguing here. Although lately I’ve heard that they are no longer recommended for mandatory installation.

    Now, regarding measurements. Read in the PUE about re-grounding in the TN system. It is not standardized.

    There is only one measurement for metal communication, due to incorrect assembly of the ASU - the PE bus is missing, the N bus is not grounded, etc. By the way, there is only one input machine in the garage; the wiring has not been done yet. The input cable to the garage is made without a protective conductor and, accordingly, there can be no talk of measuring between the charger and the panel body in the garage.

    We agreed to take measurements again after correcting all the errors.

    Well, the situation is typical. They hired “Uncle Vanya the electrician” - he spanked it as best he could
    And as for grounding, I’ll look into the PUE someday if necessary. But our requirements for acceptance by the commission (and during design) are the same - 30 Ohms, I think those who accept them themselves don’t look at the PUE

    Why is the metering unit placed outside the garage? In the PUE about this type of installation it is written that “it is allowed...”

    So as not to steal

    how much cost and money is needed to install electricity in a garage cooperative for 50 garages and what kind of transformer is needed, its cost and everything else...

    Slava, I can’t answer you unambiguously, because... it all depends on the project: load, material, length, voltage class, etc.

    How simple it is for you!!! If everything were that simple, the subscriber would be connected within a month maximum. I live in Yalta, Ukraine, things are worse here... Firstly, the technical specifications issued by the energy supply organization are unreasonably inflated; when requesting 4.2 kW, the subscriber is forced to change the cable cell and connect it with a ring from two other cable boxes or TP, and this is not 10 meters cables of at least 120 mm sq. but this is not horror yet, problems arise after receiving the specifications and starting work. The project can take more than one month to be approved, and at the same time you need to get at least 6-7 signatures from different departments, then installation and the most interesting thing is the construction of the object and the conclusion of the contract... this is just the peak of sadism... To construct the object and conclude the contract, the consumer must submit to En .Com. the following documents:
    1) agreement on accession (one signature)
    2) technical specifications (one signature)
    3) legal documents for the object
    4) Project (seven signatures)
    5) Certificate of route selection (6 signatures of city authorities)
    6) RES input card (13 signatures of all services)
    7) Certificate of completed work
    9) Certificate of fulfillment of specifications (3 signatures)
    10) Borders of balance sheet (3 signatures)
    11) Photos of the metering device, its X-ray image and the metering photoboard (1 signature of the inspector)
    12) Certificate of admission (2 signatures)
    13 A couple of receipts for payment for the contract and initial inclusion
    Well, after providing these documents, an agreement will be concluded on which there will be three more signatures.

    In principle, it’s okay if they fulfilled their duties and collected all the signatures themselves, but we’re not in America...
    The largest number of signatures on a household contract I had was about 65, and I made a complete set of documents myself and took them to them for signature...

    This is how we process the process of connecting new subscribers, so you're in luck!!!

    X-ray? Oo This is the first time I've encountered something like this

    And where, after all these manipulations, do they give you the limit?

    I was also surprised about the x-ray. Wondering how to do it?

    I have a problem, tell me how to be in the garage, 3-phase is suitable, connected 10 years ago, I used it, paid everything, as if it was good, but suddenly the electricians arrived and presented that I don’t have the conditions for this 3-phase, the question is, can I be cut off, what to do and what to do

    Smiled =) If you have an energy supply agreement, then the network operators do not have the right to demand technical specifications; on the contrary, they must issue you a demarcation act upon request if there is none (PP 861). And if there is no agreement, then you should have been given a non-contractual agreement, but not required specifications.

    There is a contract, I’m paying for it, they probably want money

    what is the act of demarcation

    An act of delimitation is a document issued at the end of the technological connection procedure and determining the balance sheet ownership of electrical facilities. And the specifications are issued before the start of this procedure (read the article)

    Tell me how to properly connect the OPS1-S surge suppressor before or after the input circuit breaker? what section?

    I will write a detailed article about OPS soon. Wait a bit.

    Tell me, why, when inspecting an electrical installation, do I have to provide test reports, why? And do they have the right to demand that I do them? Energy supply organizations have entire services that carry out testing, why can’t they send their people to make these reports? why should I pay some other third organization for these protocols, which of us needs them more? And in what resolution, order it is written that I must do these protocols (please indicate the address or document numbers where all this can be deducted, t .k. there is not a word about these protocols on the websites of energy supply organizations)

    If you have a task in the technical specifications to perform a grounding loop, then deign to carry out tests. Then someone will be killed, and the network organization will be blamed

    Dasha, I’ll add to Alexey’s words that in any case, after all installation work or reconstruction of the electrical installation, you need to perform acceptance tests: PUE, Chapter 1.8. After the appropriate tests and measurements, you are given a report.

    Please tell me.
    I found on your website an example of specifications issued by an electrical organization.
    Where can you look at an example of a developed project in accordance with the specifications - preferably for connecting a three-phase meter to a pole).

    Vasily, here is an example of a project (three-phase input) made according to technical specifications -.

    There is no example on the site yet with an introductory shield on a pole, but I have such a project, perhaps I will post it a little later.

    Thank you very much.

    Is it necessary to draw up technical conditions for connecting a mobile laboratory to power supply?

    Of course, Svetlana.

    Good evening! Help please. The store on the ground floor of a residential building is being converted into a beauty salon. When contacting the sales company, technical conditions were received which stated that the connection should be made from a 0.22 (kV) overhead line, the allocated power is 15 kV. There are no activities carried out by the Network Organization. They said make an input, order the project then come to us. Question: where should I go now, is it possible to mount the ASU shield ourselves without a project, and if I throw a 4x25 SIP from a pole, will I have to split the PEN conductor into the ASU? Thank you.

    Good afternoon. From the CO I received specifications for connection, in which I need to install, in addition to the meter and the machine, a device that provides control of the maximum power value. Is a circuit breaker (a device for protecting power receiving devices) also a power control device? Or will I have to purchase a power limiter that costs 6000 (3 phases) or an expensive meter?

    The VA is not a power control device. Another thing is that the specified requirement in the TS SO is not legal.

    Sergey, Alexey wrote to you correctly. I can send you correspondence to resolve this situation, or even write an article about it.

    Good afternoon Help with power supply to the cottage!
    2-storey cottage (for two different owners), 1-floor. first owner, 2-floor, second owner. Accordingly, you need two separate metering units (single-phase). Power supply from the support along the trench. How to do it better?
    lay one cable and install a common circuit breaker (phase, 0) in front of the house, two separate cables? and is it possible to install the metering board on the second floor?

    Install a common metering board in front of the house, where to place both meters. And each floor will have its own input cables. Only the metering panel should be designed for outdoor use, and also look at the temperature conditions of the meters.

    It would be interesting to know about the internal wiring of the box.
    I was once offered to do it, I read in the PUE about fire hazardous objects, the customer refused to do it according to the PUE.
    There were also ready-made garages with internal distribution boards and other electrical equipment of the usual IP20-IP40 design, the owners were not afraid of anything

    There are living quarters in the house, 37 owners at the beginning were all powered from the developer's line, the line was not formalized, 14 owners draw their line and formalize it, file a lawsuit and the developer's line is dismantled, 23 owners draw their line
    they connect, but cannot issue it. Reasons - 2 lines are not possible, then they said that it is possible, but it is necessary to change the category from 3 to 2, then it turns out that we cannot change the category of the modem, we are powered by one TP and the owners of 1 line do not agree, 2 TUs are IMPOSSIBLE, tell me how to get out of the deadlock , we have been living in hell for a year, currently the second power line has not been registered, we have not paid for electricity for the second month, there are fears that they will cut it off.

    Marina 06.11.2013
    I think you need to ask more lawyers than electricians. But:
    1. Who owns the whole house? How could some of the owners pursue their line only for themselves? How could they be given specifications just for them?
    2. Category of power supply (2 or 3) - it is a personal matter of the consumer what he wants.
    3. Who is the owner of the TP? If he distributed his capacity to third-party consumers under a contract, then of course you won’t have enough

    Marina, firstly, you need legal advice on drawing up contracts and so on. Secondly, the project is impossible without it. Thirdly, the category of electrical appliances is assigned only by the project - this cannot be done without permission. The first thing you need to start is to contact the energy sales company with similar questions and start sequentially filling out all the documents; you may need to write an application for technological connection, where you will be provided with technical conditions, and go through the entire procedure from scratch.

    Dmitry, now everything has been simplified; connected objects up to 150 kW do not have the right to demand a project (

    I mean the project for the supply line from the transformer substation and the assignment of the ES category.

    “The eighth requirement is to ensure reactive power consumption with a tangent of 0.2. If we convert tangent angles into our usual units of measurement, we get a cosine equal to 0.98.”

    Does trigonometry stress anyone's skull? Where did tangent phi come from? All my life the measure was cosine.

    In the order of the Ministry of Energy there is a tangent, in all demarcation acts there is also a tangent.

    not really well done.

    Dmitry, hello. Tell me, what is the maximum load that can be connected to a single-phase network? In electric networks they say 5 kV maximum. accordingly, VA is also no more than 25A.

    For individuals, the allocated power is a maximum of 15 (kW).

    Hello, please tell me.
    At whose expense should linemen of the distribution network install the SIP cable from the support to metering, if the technical specifications state: “input of 0.4 kV cable by a specialized organization”?

    Vasily, look at whose responsibilities this is included in the technical specifications. Most likely at your expense. The phrase “by a specialized organization” means that the installation of the input line to the house must be carried out by qualified specialists.

    Tell me, please, we have such a situation.
    We are buying a house that is not connected to the power supply. The support is across the road when connected, they say we need to install another support, so the question is, according to the law, who pays for this support and for the installation and whose it is then, maybe there are some norms or laws on this matter, I don’t want to pay extra ( I have two small children, I buy a house for material. There is simply no extra capital)

    Ekaterina, you will have to pay for the support installation services and the cost of the support itself. These are the conditions of the specifications from the energy supply organization. Everything that is beyond the balance sheet falls on your shoulders. And the boundary according to the specifications is most likely indicated precisely on the existing support. Then everything is correct.

    Dmitry, not quite so - a network organization is required by law to bring its network to the border of the land plot. If there is no support there, it will be a network task.

    Alexey, this may be true, but in practice it is completely different. I'm currently setting up a new connection. From the line to the house, you need to install two supports, so the cost of the supports, SIP wires and installation falls financially on my shoulders, no matter how hard I tried to negotiate, it wouldn’t work. Although we have friendly relations with the network company, we have been closely cooperating for decades. But okay, so they also wanted them to do the installation, supposedly their line, and for this they billed about 150,000 rubles, to which I, naturally, gave a negative answer. I will do everything with my own hands and then take all the necessary measurements, fortunately opportunity allows. Just like that.

    Dmitry, I work in the network (although not directly in the technical connection department). I know that just one complaint to the FAS is enough to immediately begin to comply with all the rules of the law.

    Alexey, I know this and recommend it to all my readers. I didn’t contact the FAS, because the relationship between us was friendly, I thought I’d reach an agreement without any problems, but that wasn’t the case. Now I’m thinking whether to contact the antimonopoly service or leave it as it is...

    Tariffs have been frozen, so network companies are saving on everything they can

    So I ask in what norms and documents to look for the truth, we were told and we pay without knowing our rights. So I’ll put up a support, and the network organization will put a sign on it that this is their support and what I paid for then

    Ekaterina, in your case, probably, the distance from the support to the border of the site is less than 25 meters, and from the support to the building closest to it is more than 25 meters. According to the connection rules, you need to install a support on your site. With this you resolve the issue of her ownership. An important condition is that the wires from the CO support to yours must be at a height of more than 4.5 meters. You can even make the support out of wood. We installed it on our site from a metal profile. I will also add that the network organization does not have the right to impose third-party services on you (installation of supports). You will also have to pay for the box with the meter and the wire with the rest of the fittings. All legal documentation can be found on the MOESK website.

    Good afternoon, there are a lot of errors in this shield; they have been described more than once on the forum, but connecting the OPS directly to the sip is generally fun. Although the OPS itself has a fuse, this does not give the moral right to connect it directly to the line. Yes, it is advisable to create a separate article about connecting an alarm system in everyday life and on a similar device, as well as the use of its characteristics depending on the equipment on which it is installed.

    Sergei 04/05/2014
    OPS is well described in IEC technical catalogs.
    What's wrong with directly connecting an OPS (with a fuse) to the input?

    I received technical specifications for 160 kV. Can I supply a transformer for 63 kV??

    Alexey, do you mean 160 (kVA)? A lower power of the power transformer can be installed, but it is prohibited to increase it above the allocated one.

    In similar conditions, when connecting a garage (non-residential premises), I was also asked for the following documents (although they were not in the technical specifications):
    - list of changes and deviations from the project;
    - act of measuring the dimensions from the overhead line wires to the object being crossed;
    - certificate of inspection of hidden work on installation of grounding devices;

    so what should you do after you have received the technical conditions (in the village) where to go and whom to look for to connect electricity and install poles. HELP HELP

    Alexander 05/19/2014
    How is this who and where? Someone who knows how to do this and has the right to do it, and whose work will be accepted by the power grid. Usually these are specialized construction and installation organizations in cities, with the appropriate personnel, equipment and licenses. You can ask about them in the same networks, and the networks themselves can take over.

    To connect the garage you need the following
    There is no need to make 1 project
    2 an organization with a license is not needed
    3 requirements of the network organization are not legal
    4 you have the right to connect from the wiring of the garage co-op if there is one
    5 all installation and material costs are borne by the network organization up to the consumer’s metering device
    6 the only thing you need is a grounding protocol
    I can confirm this information with references to legal regulations and rules.

    Dear Admin! Very useful forum, I learned a lot that I had no idea about. I built a garage separate from the house, but there was a problem with the grounding device. ZU - steel pin D=18mm, h=2.5m, black soil in the Krasnodar region, connected to the ASU body with a 2x25 steel strip, the PEN conductor was separated in the ASU. Support, connection points at a distance of 10 m. from the garage. There is an Act of hidden work on the memory. Electricians require a protocol for measuring ground resistance. but as I understand it, re-grounding has been done, but it is not standardized according to the PUE. A special laboratory wants to extract 1500 re from me for measuring the memory and providing a protocol. Are the electricians right?

    A lot of useful information. Tell me a way out of this situation: electricity is being stolen in a gardening partnership. We are trying to convince gardeners to install electricity meters on the façade of buildings. Conscientious gardeners endure it without objection, but there are those who are categorically against it. After reading your site, I realized that I really don’t have the right to force them to remove the meter. How can you legally fight against thieves? In this case, is the decision of the general meeting of gardeners legal and what articles of legislation exist in this regard?

    Re-grounding has always been normalized. If the soil resistivity is more than 100, the standards increase tenfold. In places where people live, no more than 4 ohms. 30 Ohm is for supports.
    Electricians rightfully require a protocol. Without a measurement protocol, the ground loop should not be connected at all. But one and a half thousand for ten-minute measurements slowly... Electrical laboratories are like wild dogs a dime a dozen, call a dozen, 300 red price, no more. Of these, 290 are for gasoline.
    The forum is useful and interesting. Well done admin.

    And I wouldn’t go for less than 5000 at all. If you just print the protocols, then 1500 will still be okay. But 300 - yes, such prices do not exist in nature and never have existed. For 300 I won’t even pick up the phone.

    Hello! Tell me, if they apply for an increase in power, do they need to carry out measurements or is it not necessary?

    Vyacheslav 11/28/2014 at 01:44
    What about measurements? If you think about power, then the networks are not interested in whether you have such consumption. They will simply give you technical conditions for power supply that you will need to fulfill, and they can write anything there, for example, transfer them a kilometer of cable or overhead line.

    I have a question for the experts. For installation of non-electricity meters. A. Water meters in the apartment. And about TU.
    The authorities bothered me about installing meters (2 pieces). The budget is extremely limited. I managed to buy them before the price went up at ~500 rubles/piece, it’s a bargain. Housing and communal services are overgrown 2 * 700 rubles = 1400 rubles for their installation (plumbing work). He delivered, but was angry that I didn’t pay him directly. And he announced to me that he would complain to the beginning. Housing and communal services that I don’t have any mythical specifications for me (at the same price as the work). I sent him through the forest. But I was afraid myself. Are my fears in vain?
    1) There are no seals at the joints (I read that you don’t have to pay for sealing, at least for water meters). This is me later.
    2) I already inquired on one site - they answered that I didn’t need them.

    capu 01/20/2015 at 07:43
    Specifications are technical conditions for connecting a consumer to any networks, either electric, water, or heat. It says there that there must be an inspection, design and installation by licensed organizations, this is the general procedure. That is, the fact that you were given a meter without completing all these points is your great happiness. Probably, in the simplest cases, a simplified procedure for installing meters is allowed. I don't know how simplified it is. There must be documents describing the procedure for performing work and their payment, and these documents are available in water networks. Another thing is that networks can hide documents that are unfavorable for them and prevent them from being read. Of course, water experts know this better, there are websites and forums on water, read a few, in relation to your area.

    Could you tell me if the power grid has the right not to issue technical specifications, citing the fact that I am the only one of all the boxes who wants to connect from the network? They say that the people should gather and elect a chairman and then they will issue technical specifications, but they will not connect each garage separately.

    I have a garage in GSK Progress-92 in the village of Andreevka, the GSK board chairman, electrician and accountant decided to install meters on the outside of the garages. And the owner who installed the meter at his own expense under Articles 210 and 211 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation must bear the burden of maintaining his property, as well as the risk of accidental death or accidental damage to property and theft of the meter and disabling the alarm from the ATS, and the GSK board takes 2 thousand 600 rubles for installation, the electrician shifts his responsibility to the members of the GSK, the GSK electrician Shapatin E.V installs meters at a height of 2 meters 50 cm, violating Rules for electrical installations PUE clause 1.5.27 This paragraph states that the electric meter is installed in dry rooms with a temperature not lower than 0*, clause 1.5.29 at a height of 08-1.7 meters from the floor.
    Tell me how to deal with this.

    I have a very important question regarding the electrical panel for the garage.
    The network does not require installation on the outside of the garage. For the convenience of turning off and turning on electricity, is it possible to install an automatic input machine of the AP-50 type next to the metering unit? There are two buttons. Passed, pressed, left, pressed another. and everything turned off, and everything else was installed in a metal box. i.e. a meter, machines for sockets and a machine for lighting. But ABB or IEK machines are inconvenient to turn on and you have to open the box door all the time.

    Of the simpler models (three-phase, 1 tariff), I can recommend you the CE300-R31 from Energomera or MERCURY 231AM.

    Good afternoon, in order to supply power to a country house, I was given technical specifications by a network organization, according to which it is necessary to mount the metering unit on a pipe stand, near the support (at the border of the balance sheet). Please tell me whether I must separate the PEN conductor in this metering cabinet on a pipe stand or can it be divided into an ASU in the house. Is it necessary to ground the metal profile of the pipe stand itself to a separate ground electrode or can the pipe stand itself be used as a natural ground electrode. Thank you.

    Good afternoon We have a connection under an agreement with NESK for 20 kW. We wrote an application to increase the power by another 20 kW. They asked us for 80 thousand rubles. and indicated in the technical conditions that they would lay the designed cable line (section 4x35 mm) to us from the substation (length 100 m) and the execution period was a year. I know that such a period is legal. But we already have an overhead line with the same wire cross-section coming to us. Please tell me what is the best way to proceed. We want to convince network operators to give us the opportunity to connect increased power from an existing line? The overhead line goes over the road to a private property, the road is rarely used, the cable does not interfere with anyone. The house of the main power engineer next to us is connected to the same poles and everything is in order (.

    I received technical specifications from the network for connecting a plot of land to electricity (connecting an electrical panel). It is written that the switchboard must be assembled according to the design. Where can I get this project and is it needed?

    Hello! In the one for connecting cal. The networks of the dacha area are instructed to install a protection device against excess voltage above the permissible limit. The question is, what kind of device? Voltage relay or independent release, or something else?

    OK. Thank you. If I understand correctly, then I can install a switch or relay. And the inspector won’t have any questions during delivery?

    Alexey, that’s right, and provided that the remaining requirements of the technical specifications are met

    Hello. I bought a dacha in Tula. We need to bring in the light. Submitted an application to Tulenergo. After 25 days they made an agreement. So that they connect everything themselves, they ask for 18 thousand. for the work and about the same for the material. And within another 25 days everything will be done. I decided to connect on my own, but I don’t understand their technical conditions at all. They contain no information. And according to the experience of neighbors, they find fault with everything during acceptance. People connected electricity for half a year. Help me to understand.
    Point 11.2 - which cable to connect everything with?
    Clause 11.1 - which machines to place before and after the counter. How many amperes? What is the required time for automatic power off. What kind of grounding system should be in the cabinet... - what circuit breakers should be installed before and after the meter. How many amperes? What is the required automatic power off time...(s)

    Valery, good afternoon.
    11.1. Three-phase network 380 (V), allocated power 15 (kW). The rating of the input machine should be 25 (A) with characteristic C. But according to the mind, this rating should be indicated in the specifications (see example of specifications in the article, paragraph 5.1.1). In the ASU-0.4 (kV) assembly, it will be necessary to re-ground the zero. It is not standardized according to the PUE, but taking into account repeated grounding on other supports and grounding of the neutral, it should be no more than 4 (Ohm), which means that in any case you will have to hire ETL to measure the resulting resistance.
    11.2. Installation from the support to the ASU-0.4 (kV) can be carried out with a self-supporting insulated wire (4x16). Installation inside the assembly can be done with copper wire, either flexible (PUgV, formerly PV-3), or rigid (PV-1) with a cross-section of at least 4 sq. mm, and preferably 6 sq. mm.
    11.3. Be careful about the counter. . The meter must have a direct connection to a voltage of 3x220/380 (V) and a rated current of 5-60 (A). Any brand and manufacturer, the main thing is that the specified parameters fit. The input machine will be installed in front of the meter, which means it is necessary to provide for its sealing (here is an article about).
    11.4. Just when purchasing a meter, machines and other equipment, save documents, passports, verification, etc.

    P.S. There is nothing complicated or supernatural in complying with the technical specifications; it’s just that the comrades from the Tula networks want to make money on mere mortals, without even providing basic data in the technical specifications. Charging 36 thousand rubles for such work is robbery.

    P.S.2. Ask your neighbors to show you their assembly to take into account all the nuances. After all, they accepted the connection point.

    Thanks for clarifying. I looked at the neighbors. They have cabinets with two doors. This is what confuses me - the second door has square holes only for the meter and the machine module installed after the meter. The introductory machine is completely closed by the door. You can't even see him. Question: if the introductory machine works, how do you turn it on, since it is behind the second sealed door? If only a disconnector was installed at the input, then it would be understandable. And so I'm at a dead end

    How much does it cost to connect your garage to electricity?

The procedure for obtaining technical conditions and connecting any facility to the power supply in the Russian Federation is regulated by the “Rules for Technological Connection...” adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation No. 861 dated December 27, 2004, the last changes to which were made in 2017. This document defines the regulations on how to be able to connect to electricity to individuals and legal entities who are consumers, as well as entities engaged in the production and distribution of electricity - power plants and power grid enterprises. Let's consider the procedure for obtaining technical conditions for power supply to a private house, garage, land plot and other objects owned by a private or legal entity.

Established procedure for obtaining technical specifications

First, let's be clear. In accordance with the rules in force in the Russian Federation, technical conditions form an integral part of the contract for technological connection, that is, technical specifications (technical conditions) are not an independent document, and their receipt without a contract is not provided. In order to be able to connect the power plant to electricity, the following steps must be completed:

  • Submitting an application for concluding a contract and obtaining technical conditions to a network organization.
  • Signing an agreement regulating the legal and technical aspects of the technological connection.
  • Compliance with technical conditions and other clauses of the contract necessary to be able to connect electricity.
  • Obtaining permission to connect to the power supply of the Applicant’s facilities, issued by the State Energy Supervision Authority.
  • Connection of the Applicant's facilities, carried out by the network organization in accordance with technical conditions.
  • Drawing up an act of the established form certifying the completion of the connection in accordance with the technical conditions.

The above procedures are necessary in the following cases:

  • When it is necessary to obtain technical conditions for connecting a new facility to power supply.
  • When increasing the maximum capacity of an existing facility.
  • When the power supply scheme changes. For example, if it is necessary to obtain a different category of power supply reliability, change the connection point of the facility.

The application is submitted to the network enterprise whose power supply facilities are located closest to the Applicant’s site. The proximity of energy facilities determines easier technical conditions that allow access to electricity. The application form can be either paper, sent by mail, or electronic, that is, submitted via the Internet, on the website of the organization providing electricity. A sample application that needs to be filled out can be obtained by downloading the appendix to the Rules.

A network company that has received an application for concluding an agreement and obtaining technical conditions (TS) for connecting to electricity is obliged, within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application, to send to the applicant a paper version of the completed and signed agreement in two copies and the technical conditions that are an integral part of this document . This obligation is also valid in the case where the applicant used the Internet to submit the application and completed it on the company’s website.

If the technological connection to electricity is carried out in accordance with an individual power supply project, the signed version of the contract and technical specifications are sent to the applicant within three days from the date of approval of the cost of the technological connection. Approval of the cost of connecting to electricity is carried out by the state body authorized to regulate electricity tariffs. In the event that an applicant submits an application for technical conditions for temporary connection of electrical installations to the network, the network company sends a draft agreement and technical conditions to the applicant within ten days from the date of filing the application.

In the event that the technical conditions for connecting electricity must be agreed upon with the System Operator, the period for preparing the draft agreement and technical conditions (TU) may be extended by the network company for the time necessary to obtain such approvals. In this case, the network company informs the applicant about this. Sending documents in this option is carried out within three days from the receipt of the necessary approval.

In turn, the applicant, who has received a signed draft agreement and technical conditions (TS) from the network organization, must send to it one copy of the document signed by him within thirty days. If the applicant does not agree with the provisions of the draft sent to him, he must send a reasoned refusal with a protocol of disagreements, which indicates changes to the text of the contract and technical conditions (TS), the introduction of which is necessary in his opinion. All this must be done within the same thirty days.

After the agreement for technological connection for the supply of electricity is concluded, the network organization within two days notifies the market entity through which the applicant intends to gain access to electricity to power the facility, and conclude a corresponding agreement. At the same time, the network organization sends to the electricity supplier a copy of the contract with technical conditions, as well as copies of the applicant’s documents.

What documents are needed to obtain technical specifications?

According to the rules, in order to be able to connect electricity, the following documents must be attached to the application:

  1. Location diagram of electrical installations for which it is necessary to obtain permission to connect to the power supply.
  2. Electrical diagram (single-line) of the applicant’s networks. The requirement applies only to networks of 35 kV and above.
  3. List of electrical installations indicating their power. Refers to devices that can be connected to emergency control circuits.
  4. A copy of the title document for the property relating to the connected object.
  5. For legal entities, it is necessary to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

For individuals applying to conclude an agreement and obtain technical conditions for connecting electrical installations with a capacity of no more than 15 kW, intended for needs not related to the functioning of the business, the following data must be provided:

  • Full name and passport details of the applicant, or data of another document that can verify the identity of the applicant in accordance with the current laws of the Russian Federation.
  • A document confirming the applicant's place of residence.
  • The maximum value of the requested power of electrical installations that they are capable of obtaining at the applicant’s facility.

The contract for connection to electricity contains a list of technical measures, the implementation of which is mandatory for the implementation of electricity supply. The activities and those responsible for their implementation are listed in the attached technical specifications.

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