Safety precautions when sewing. Safety precautions when performing sewing work




1. General Provisions

1.1. The instructions apply to all divisions of the enterprise.

1.2. The instructions were developed on the basis of DNAOP 0.00-8.03-93 "Procedure for the development and approval by the owner of regulations on labor protection in force at the enterprise", DNAOP 0.00-4.15-98 "Regulations on the development of instructions on labor protection", DNAOP 0.00-4.12-99 " Model regulations on training on occupational safety issues."

1.3. According to these instructions, the seamstress is instructed before starting work (initial instruction), and then every 3 months (repeated instruction).

The results of the briefing are entered into the “Logbook of registration of briefings on labor protection issues.” The log after the instruction must contain the signatures of the instructor and the seamstress.

1.4. The owner must insure the seamstress against accidents and occupational diseases.

In case of damage to the seamstress’s health due to the fault of the owner, she (the seamstress) has the right to compensation for the harm caused to her.

1.5. For failure to follow these instructions, the seamstress bears disciplinary, financial, administrative and criminal liability.

1.6. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination, vocational training, introductory instruction on labor protection, on-the-job instruction and fire safety instruction are allowed to work on sewing machines.

1.7. The seamstress must:

1.7.1. Know the structure and operating principles of a sewing machine. Study and improve methods for safely performing work on it.

1.7.2. Do not start working on a faulty machine, with a faulty tool, or in the absence or malfunction of protective and safety devices and locking devices.

It is prohibited to independently repair the mechanical and electrical equipment of the sewing machine.

1.7.3. Comply with internal labor regulations.

1.7.4. Do not allow unauthorized persons to your workplace.

1.7.5. Remember about personal responsibility for compliance with labor safety rules and responsibility for co-workers.

1.7.6. Be able to provide first aid to accident victims.

1.7.7. Know how to use primary fire extinguishing equipment.

1.7.8. Perform only the work that is assigned by the work supervisor and for which she is instructed.

1.7.9. Do not clutter your workspace.

1.7.10. Do not follow instructions that contradict labor safety rules.

1.7.11. Work only on serviceable sewing machines and use serviceable tools and accessories.

1.8. The main harmful and dangerous production factors affecting the seamstress:

1.8.1. Needle.

1.8.2. Thread take-up.

1.8.3. Knife (on machines with simultaneous cutting of fabric edges).

1.8.4. Flywheel.

1.8.5. Belt drives.

1.8.6. Electric motor.

1.8.7. Insufficient illumination of the work area.

1.8.8. Cluttered work area.

1.9. The seamstress is provided with overalls in accordance with the collective agreement (agreement).

1.10. Overalls should not have hanging ends, and there should be no metal or sharp objects in the pockets.

1.11. In addition to these instructions, the seamstress must follow the manufacturer's instructions for the safe operation of this particular machine.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Put on overalls, button up your sleeves, and tuck your hair under your headdress.

2.2. Receive an assignment from the manager to complete the work.

2.3. Inspect and tidy up the workplace. Remove unnecessary items and clear aisles.

Make sure the work area is sufficiently lit.

2.4. Check that the grounding wire is securely attached to the machine, the electric motor, the starting device, and that there are no broken or exposed wires.

2.5. Check the presence of the safety tab and drive guard.

2.6. Make sure that the machine is in good working order by turning it on at idle and that the lower starting pedal is working properly.

2.7. Check that the removable parts of the machine are securely fastened.

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1. You can thread the upper and lower threads and replace the needle only with the machine engine turned off.

3.2. When laying the tape on the fabric, it should be held with both hands on both sides of the needle to avoid getting your fingers under the needle.

3.3. To avoid injury, the machine should be put into operation by gently pressing the start pedal.

3.4. To avoid being hit by the thread puller, do not tilt your head low towards the machine.

3.5. Threads and fabric scraps that accidentally got into the machine’s drive mechanism should be removed only when the machine’s electric motor is turned off.

3.6. Do not brake the flywheel with your hand.

3.7. Do not touch moving parts of the machine or the needle with your hands, and do not open or remove guards and safety devices while the machine is running.

3.8. Tools (scissors, screwdrivers, etc.) must be stored in specially designated areas.

3.9. Used and broken needles must be placed in a designated place. You should not throw them on the floor.

3.10. Clean and lubricate the machine only when the electric motor is switched off.

3.11. If you need to leave your workplace, even for a short time, the machine should be turned off.

4. Safety requirements after completion of work

4.1. Disconnect the machine from the power supply. Remove dust, broken threads, pieces of fabric, and lubricate machine components in accordance with the lubrication chart.

4.2. Place devices and tools in the designated place.

4.3. Set the needle in the machine to its lowest position.

4.4. Wash your hands and face.

4.5. Report to the work manager about all shortcomings that occurred during work.

5. Safety requirements in an emergency

5.1. An emergency situation and accident when performing sewing work can occur in the event of: electric shock, injury from a needle, thread puller, knife, belt drive, etc.

5.2. If an emergency occurs (the appearance of a specific smell of burning rubber or smoke, the presence of electric current is felt when touching metal parts, etc.), it is necessary to disconnect the machine from the power supply; Do not allow unauthorized persons into the danger zone.

5.3. Report what happened to the work manager.

5.4. If there are victims, provide them with first aid; if necessary, call an ambulance.

5.5. Providing first aid.

5.5.1. Providing first aid in case of electric shock.

In case of electric shock, it is necessary to immediately free the victim from the action of electric current by disconnecting the electrical installation from the power source, and if it is impossible to disconnect, pull him away from the conductive parts by clothing or using available insulating material.

If the victim has no breathing or pulse, it is necessary to give him artificial respiration and indirect (external) heart massage, paying attention to the pupils. Dilated pupils indicate a sharp deterioration in blood circulation to the brain. In this condition, revival must begin immediately, and then call an ambulance.

5.5.2. First aid for injury.

To provide first aid in case of injury, it is necessary to open the individual package, apply the sterile dressing material that is placed in it to the wound and tie it with a bandage.

If somehow there is no individual package, then for bandaging you need to use a clean handkerchief, a clean linen rag, etc. It is advisable to drip a few drops of iodine tincture onto a rag that is applied directly to the wound to get a spot larger than the wound, then apply the rag to the wound. It is especially important to use iodine tincture in this manner on contaminated wounds.

5.5.3. First aid for fractures, dislocations, impacts.

In case of fractures and dislocations of the limbs, it is necessary to strengthen the damaged limb with a splint, plywood plate, stick, cardboard or other similar object. The injured arm can also be suspended with a sling or scarf from the neck and bandaged to the body.

In case of a skull fracture (unconsciousness after a blow to the head, bleeding from the ears or mouth), it is necessary to apply a cold object to the head (a heating pad with ice, snow or cold water) or make a cold lotion.

If a spinal fracture is suspected, it is necessary to place the victim on a board without lifting him, turn the victim on his stomach face down, while making sure that the torso does not bend, in order to avoid damage to the spinal cord.

In case of a rib fracture, a sign of which is pain when breathing, coughing, sneezing, or moving, it is necessary to tightly bandage the chest or pull it with a towel while exhaling.

5.5.4. Providing first aid for thermal burns.

In case of burns from fire, steam, or hot objects, under no circumstances should you open the resulting blisters or bandage the burns.

For first-degree burns (redness), the burned area is treated with cotton wool moistened with ethyl alcohol.

For second-degree burns (blisters), the burned area is treated with alcohol or a 3% manganese solution.

For third-degree burns (destruction of skin tissue), cover the wound with a sterile bandage and call a doctor.

5.5.3. First aid for bleeding.

In order to stop bleeding, you must:

Raise the wounded limb upward;

Cover the bleeding wound with a dressing material (from a bag) folded into a ball, press it on top without touching the wound itself, and hold for 4-5 minutes. If the bleeding has stopped, without removing the applied material, place another pad from another bag or a piece of cotton wool on top of it and bandage the wounded area (with some pressure);

In case of severe bleeding that cannot be stopped with a bandage, compression of the blood vessels that supply the wounded area is used by bending the limb at the joints, as well as with fingers, a tourniquet or a clamp. In case of severe bleeding, you should urgently call a doctor.

5.6. If a fire occurs, begin extinguishing the fire using available fire extinguishing equipment. If necessary, call the fire department.

5.7. Follow the instructions of the work manager to eliminate the emergency situation.

________________________ ________________ _________________

(manager position


/organization/ - developer)


Manager (specialist)

security services

labor of the enterprise ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

Legal Advisor ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

Chief technologist ______________ _______________

Let's talk a little about safety precautions when performing sewing work. Often, safety rules are treated with disdain and in many enterprises safety rules are passed just for show. However, safety rules must be known and followed while working, even if you are not at work, but at home.

Safety precautions before starting work

  1. Put your work clothes in order: they should be fastened with all buttons. Hair is tucked under a headscarf.
  2. Check your workplace. Check the serviceability of tools, devices and equipment. Check the condition of the surface of the desktop and chair.
  3. Keep your work area clean.

Safety rules for manual work

When performing manual work, you need to know and apply the following rules.

Safety rules when performing machine work

When working on grinding and special machines, you need to know and apply the following rules.

  1. While working, you must be collected and attentive. If you handle the sewing machine carelessly, injury may occur:
  • pricking fingers with a machine needle;
  • hands, hair and clothing getting caught in moving parts of the machine;
  • injury from moving parts of the machine (impacts on the thread take-up, abrasion of skin on the flywheel, belt);
  • electric shock.
  1. The machine, tools and accessories must always be in good condition. It is necessary to constantly care for the equipment, check the integrity of the electrical wire connections, the integrity of the insulation, the functionality of the plug, the integrity of the machine needle, etc.
  2. Before starting work, you need to inspect your workplace and, if necessary, put it in order. Make sure that the sewing machine is in good working order at idle speed, its starting devices, the starting pedal, and the presence and serviceability of the drive guard. Check the reliability of fastening of removable parts (needle plate, presser foot).
  3. Installing the bobbin case and threading the upper thread is carried out only when the machine is turned off.
  4. Cleaning and lubrication should only be carried out when the machine is turned off, and your feet should not be on the pedal.
  5. You can only put the belt on the machine pulley when the electric motor is turned off.
  6. Replacement of a broken needle is carried out only when the electric motor is turned off.
  7. Scissors, jigs and other tools should always be kept in their designated place, away from rotating parts of the machine.
  8. The workplace should always be clean and your tools should not be thrown around. They must always be in a certain place.
  9. When plugging or unplugging a power plug from a socket, use dry hands to prevent electric shock.
  10. Start the machine by smoothly pressing the pedal.
  11. During operation, hold the product with your hands located on both sides of the needle to avoid getting your fingers under the needle.
  12. To avoid hair getting caught and being hit by the thread take-up, do not lean too close to the thread take-up.
  13. If threads or a piece of fabric accidentally gets into the drive mechanism of the machine, you must turn off the electric motor and remove the trapped material.
  14. Do not brake the flywheel of the machine during operation to avoid injury to your hands.
  15. Do not touch the needle while the machine is moving, do not remove guards and safety devices while the machine is moving.
  16. At the end of work, turn off the machine and tidy up the work area.

Safety rules when performing wet-heat treatment (WHT)

When performing WTO, you must comply with the following rules.

Safety precautions after completion of work

Upon completion of work, remove the work area. All tools and devices must be in a strictly defined place.

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Safety rules when working with needles, pins and scissors

Needles and pins

1. Store needles in a cushion or pincushion, entwined with thread. Store pins in a box with a tight-fitting lid.

2. Do not throw away a broken needle, but put it in a box specially designated for this.

3. Know the number of needles and pins taken for work. At the end of the work, check for their presence.

4. During work, stick needles and pins into the pad, do not put them in your mouth, and do not stick them into clothes, soft objects, walls, curtains. Do not leave the needle in the product.

5. Do not sew with a rusty needle. It does not penetrate the fabric well, leaves stains and can break.

6. Attach the patterns to the fabric with the sharp ends of the pins in the direction away from you, so that when moving your hands forward or to the sides you do not get pinned.

7. Before trying on, check to see if there are any pins or needles left in the product.


1. Store scissors in a specific place - in a stand or work box.

2. Place the scissors with the blades closed away from the worker; when passing, hold them by the closed blades.

3. Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

4. Do not leave scissors with blades open.

5. Monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.

6. Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements and

safety rules when using a sewing machine

Sanitary and hygienic requirements

1. The light should fall on the work surface from the left side or front.

2. You need to sit straight behind the machine, on the entire surface of the chair, slightly tilting your body and head forward.

3. The chair should be against the needle.

4. The distance between the worker and the machine should be 10-15 cm.

5. Legs should rest with the entire foot on the floor or stand.

Safe work rules

1. Hide your hair under a scarf.

2. Do not place foreign objects on the sewing machine.

3. Before work, check whether there are any pins or needles left in the product.

4. Do not lean close to moving or rotating parts of the sewing machine.

5. Monitor the correct position of the arms, legs, and body.

6. Before work, check the serviceability of the electrical cord.

7. When connecting the machine’s electric motor to the electrical network and turning it off, only grasp the plug body.

8. Handle the pedal carefully, press it smoothly, without jerking.

Rules for operating a sewing machine.

1. Rotate the flywheel only towards you.

2. Select the thickness of threads and needles in accordance with the fabric.

3. Check the degree of tension of the upper thread, the stitch size, and the type of machine stitch.

4.Thread the threads in strict accordance with the instructions for the sewing machine (the upper and lower threading threads should be the same number and preferably the same color).

5. Remember that when sewing, the part of the product should be on the left side of the person working, and the seam allowances should be on the right side.

6. Place fabric under the foot, pierce it with a needle, lower the foot, and bring the threads behind the foot with ends 8-10 cm long.

7. Upon completion of work, raise the needle and foot, move the fabric to the side, tighten the threads and cut them using a knife located on the sleeve of the sewing machine.

8. Do not allow the sewing machine to operate when the fabric has come off the teeth of its rack.

9. When finished, place a piece of fabric under the foot and turn off the electric sewing machine.

Safety rules when using an electric iron

1. Before using the iron, check that the cord is in good condition.

2. Turn the iron on and off with dry hands, grasping the plug body.

3. Place the iron on the stand.

4. Make sure that the sole of the iron does not touch the cord.

5. When finished, turn off the iron.

"Health-saving technologies"

Safety precautions when processing the product

For safe work, every worker must comply with the following safety rules.

Safety rules when working with needles and scissors

Needles and pins should be stored stuck in special needle cases, with threads inserted for easier detection in case of loss.

You cannot stick needles and pins into clothes, furniture, or put them in your mouth.

Before and after work, count your needles and pins.

When pricking your finger with a needle, squeeze out two or three drops of blood and lubricate the wound with iodine.

Scissors should be stored in a special case.

The scissors should be passed rings forward, holding them by the closed blades.

Upon completion of work, you must clean your workplace

Safety rules when working on a sewing machine

Ensure that the sewing machine is in good working order.

Before work, check the presence of guards and safety screens, a rubber mat on the machine pedal, and grounding of the machine body.

Do not clean or lubricate the machine while it is moving.

Do not place scissors or other objects near rotating parts of the machine.

It is forbidden to distract the tailor during work and be distracted yourself to avoid getting your hands under the needle or moving parts of the machine.

The tailor's uniform should consist of an apron and headscarf, and feet should be worn without heels with rubber or cork soles.

If a malfunction is detected that cannot be corrected on its own, you should turn off the machine and call a service technician.

Safety rules when working with an iron

Before turning on the iron, you need to check the condition of the wiring and housing.

There should be a rubber mat under the ironer's feet.

If your hands tingle slightly during operation, you should immediately turn off the iron and call an adjuster - the tingling occurs when there is a short circuit to the body.

During operation, you must ensure that the cord does not touch the sole of the iron to avoid damage to the insulation.

It is necessary to monitor the heating of the iron in accordance with the thermostat indicator.

If the iron overheats, turn it off and cool it by running it over a damp cloth.

It is necessary to turn off the iron during breaks and at the end of work.

If you find a fault with the iron, socket, plug or cord, stop working and call an electrician.

Building the base of the dress

Constructing a drawing of a pattern for the back and shelf. On the left side of the sheet of paper, at a distance of 10 cm from the top cut, draw a vertical line, on which the length of the dress is measured (105 cm) and points A and H are placed. Horizontal lines are drawn through points A and H to the right.

Dress width. From point A to the right along a horizontal line, take the measurement of the half-circumference of the chest plus 5 cm for a loose fit and place point B.

AB = 48 + 5 = 53 cm.

A vertical line is drawn through point B until it intersects with the bottom line, the intersection point is designated H?.

Back length to waist line. From point A down a vertical line, measure the length of the back to the waist line plus 0.5 cm and place point T (38 + 0.5 = 38.5 cm). A horizontal line is drawn through point T to the right until it intersects with the line ВН?; the point of intersection with this line is designated T?.

Hip line. From point T down a vertical line, lay down 1/2 of the length of the back to the waist line and place point B (38: 2 = 19 cm). A horizontal line is drawn through point B to the right until it intersects with the line ВН?, the point of intersection with this line is designated B?.

Back width. From point A to the right along line AB, take a measurement of the width of the back plus 1.5 cm and place point A?.

AA? = 18 + 1.5 = 19.5 cm.

Armhole width. From point A? To the right along line AB, set aside 1/4 of the half-chest measurement plus 0.5 cm and place point A?.

Huh? Huh? = 48: 4 + 0.5 = 12.5 cm.

Through points A? and A? draw vertical lines down.

Back neck cut. From point A to the right along a horizontal line, lay off 1/3 of the neck half-girth measurement plus 0.5 cm and place point A?.

AA? = 18: 3 + 0.5 = 6.5 cm.

For figures with fat deposits in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra, width. The back neckline is increased by 0.5 cm.

From point A? construct a perpendicular to the line AA?, on which from point A? set aside 1/10 of the neck half-girth measurement plus 0.8 cm and place point A?.

Huh? Huh? = 18: 10 + 0.8 = 2.6 cm.

Angle AA?A? divided in half, from point A? along the line dividing the angle, set aside 1/10 of the neck half-girth measurement minus 0.3 cm and place point A?.

Huh? Huh? = 18: 10 - 0.3 = 1.5 cm.

Points A?, A? and A are connected by a smooth concave line.

Shoulder cut. From point A? down the vertical line they put 2.5 cm - for normal shoulders, 1.5 cm - for high shoulders, 3.5 cm - for sloping shoulders and put a point P. Points A? and P are connected by a straight line, on which (from point A?) the shoulder length measurement is put to the right plus 1.6 - 2 cm for a dart and plus 0.5 cm for landing and a point P? is placed.

A?P? = 13.5 + 1.6 + 0.5 = 15.6 cm.

Armhole depth. From point P down a vertical line, lay off 1/4 of the half-chest measurement plus 7 cm and place point G.

PG = 48: 4 + 7 = 19 cm.

For stooped figures, set aside 1/4 of the half-chest measurement plus 7.5 cm (48: 4 + 7.5 = 19.5 cm).

For curved figures, set aside 1/4 of the half-chest measurement plus 6.5 cm (48: 4 + 6.5 = 18.5 cm).

A horizontal line is drawn through point G to the left and right. The point of intersection of this line with the line AN is designated G?, with the line of the armhole width - G?, with the line BH? - G?.

Note. The armhole depth measurement can be checked with an additional measurement, the side length measurement, it is taken from the lace at the waist line to the armpit minus 2 cm.

Back armhole cut. From point G upward along a vertical line, lay off 1/3 of the distance PG plus 2 cm and place point P?.

GP? = 19: 3 + 2 = 8.3 cm.

Angle P?GG? divided in half, from point G along the angle dividing line, 1/10 of the width of the armhole plus 1.8 cm is set aside and point P? is placed.

GP? = 12.5: 10 + 1.8 = 3.1 cm.

GG line? divide in half and put point G?. Points P?, P?, P? and G? connected by a smooth line.

Section of the shelf armhole. From point G? up the vertical line, put 1/4 of the half-chest measurement plus 5 cm and put a point P?.

G?P? = 48: 4 + 5 = 17 cm.

For stooped figures, set aside 1/4 of the half-chest measurement plus 4.5 cm (48: 4 + 4.5 = 16.5 cm).

For curved figures, set aside 1/4 of the half-chest measurement plus 5.5 cm (48: 4 + 5.5 = 17.5 cm).

Through point P? to the left draw a horizontal line on which from point P? set aside 1/10 of the half-chest measurement and put a point P? (48:10 = 4.8 cm). From point G? 1/3 of the segment Г?П? is laid up along the vertical line. and put a point P?.

G?P? = G?P? : 3 = 17: 3 = 5.7 cm.

P points? and P? connect with a dotted line, divide the segment P?P? in half, from the division point at right angles to the dotted line, 1 cm is laid off. Point 1 is obtained. Angle P?G?G? divided in half, from point G? along the line dividing the angle, set aside 1/10 of the width of the armhole plus 1.1 cm and put a point P?.

G?P? = 12.5: 10 + 1.1 = 2.4 cm.

Points P?, 2, P?, P? and G? connected by a smooth concave line.

Side line. From point G to the right along a horizontal line, set aside 1/3 of the width of the armhole and place point G? (12.5:3 = 4.2 cm). From point G? lower the perpendicular to the bottom line. The points of intersection with the waist, hips and bottom lines are designated T?, B?, respectively. and N?.

Shelf neck cut. From point G? up the vertical line, put 1/2 of the half-chest measurement plus 1.5 cm and place point B?.

G?V? = 48: 2 + 1.5 = 25.5 cm.

From point G? up the line G?A? lay down the segment Г?В? and put point B?. Points B? and B? connected by a straight line. From point B? to the left along the line В?В? set aside 1/3 of the neck half-girth measurement plus 0.5 cm and place point B?.

V?V? = 18: 3 + 0.5 = 6.5 cm.

From point B? down the line B?H? set aside 1/3 of the neck half-girth measurement plus 2 cm and place point B?.

V?V? = 18: 3 + 2 = 8 cm.

Points B? and B? connect with a dotted line, divide the segment B?B? in half, the division point is connected by a dotted line to point B?. From point B? along this line, set aside 1/3 of the half-girth of the neck plus 1 cm and place point B?.

V?V? = 18: 3 + 1 = 7 cm.

Points B?, B? and B? connected by a smooth concave line.

Center of the chest. From point G? along the line G?G? To the left, take the measurement of the center of the chest (9.5 cm) and place point G?. Through point G? draw a vertical line until it intersects with the line B?B?, the intersection point is designated B?.

Protruding point of the chest. From point B? The chest height measurement (27 cm) is laid down along the vertical line and point G? is placed.

Shoulder cut and dart lines. From point B? 1 cm is laid down along the vertical line and point B? is placed. Points B? and B? connected by a straight line. P points? and B? connected by a dotted line. From point P? To the right along the dotted line, lay down the measurement of the length of the shoulder minus the value of the segment B?B?, minus 0.3 cm and place a point B?.

P?V? = 13.5 - 3 - 0.3 = 10.2 cm.

Points G? and B? connected by a straight line on which from point G? the value of the segment Г?В? is put up. and put point B?. Points B? and P? connected by a straight line.

Calculation of the dart solution along the waist line. If the dress should be fitted, it is necessary to make darts. To determine the size of the dart opening, it is necessary to find the difference between the width of the product along the chest line (taking into account the allowance for a loose fit and the width of the product along the waist line, also taking into account the allowance for a loose fit (48 + 5 = 53 cm; 38 + 3 = 41 cm; 53 - 41 = 12 cm). The opening size of all darts is 12 cm.

The size of the front dart opening is equal to 0.25 of the total dart opening (12 x 0.25 = 3 cm). The size of the side dart opening is equal to 0.4 of the total dart opening (12 x 0.4 = 4.8 cm). The size of the back dart opening is equal to 0.35 of the total dart opening (12 x 0.35 = 4.2 cm).

Calculation of the width of the dress along the hip line. To calculate the width of the product along the hip line, add 2 cm to the hip half-girth measurement for a loose fit; from the resulting value, subtract the width of the dress obtained when constructing the drawing between points B, B? (53 + 2 - 53 = 2 cm). The resulting value (2 cm) is distributed equally between the shelf and the back (2: 2 = 1 cm). From point B? to the left and to the right they put aside 1 cm and put points B? and B?.

From point T? to the left and to the right along the waist line, put aside half of the side dart solution (4.8: 2 = 2.4 cm) and place the T points? and T?. T points? and T? connected by straight lines to point G? and continue this line to the armhole line. Point T? connect with a dotted line to point B?, point T? - with point B?. The distances between these points are divided in half, perpendiculars are drawn from the division points towards the side line, on which 0.5 cm are laid. The resulting points are connected to points B?, T? and B?, T? smooth lines. Through point B? and B? draw vertical lines to the bottom line. The points of intersection with the bottom line indicate H? and N?.

Shelf waist line. From point B? down the line B?H? set aside the front length measurement to the waist line plus 0.5 cm (43 + 0.5 = 43.5 cm) and put a point T?. T points? and T? connected by a smooth line.

Shelf hip line. From point B? down the vertical line lay the value of the segment T?T? and put point B?. Point B? and B? connected by a smooth line.

Shelf bottom line. Vertical line B?H? continue downwards from point H? down along this line the value of the segment T?T? and put a dot H?. H points? and N? connected by a smooth line.

Design of a dart on the back. Distance between points G and G? divided in half, the division point is designated G?. Through point G? draw a vertical line until it intersects with the hip line. The intersection points with the waist and hip lines indicate T? and B?. From point T? to the left and to the right they put aside half the depth of the back dart (4.2: 2 = 2.1 cm) and put the T points? and T?. From point G? 1 - 3 cm are laid down along the vertical line and point G? is placed. From point B? 4 cm are laid up along a vertical line. Points T? and T? connect with slightly concave lines to the resulting point and to point Г?.

Front dart lines. Through point G? draw a vertical line down. The point of intersection of this line with the waist line is designated T?, with the hip line - B?. From point T? to the left and to the right they put aside half the depth of the front dart (3: 2 = 1.5 cm) and put points T?? and T??. From point G? down a vertical line and away from point B? 5 cm are laid up along the same line. The resulting points are connected by straight lines to points T?? and T??.

Before starting work:

1. tuck hair under a scarf;

2. Place your feet on the pedals so that your right foot is pushed slightly forward and starts the machine;

3. straighten your back and sit straight on the entire surface of the chair;

4. Place the product 30-40 cm away from the eyes;

5. arrange objects: those you use more often - closer to you, those you take with your right hand - on the right, and those you take with your left - on the left;

6. remove items that are not required to complete the task.

During operation:

1. Turn on the electric motor and make sure that it is operating smoothly;

2. when starting and stopping the machine, place your right hand on top of the flywheel;

3. load both hands evenly with work;

4. move products by sliding your hands along the table surface;

5. do not thread the machine or change the needle without turning it off;

6. pay attention to your working posture, do not lean low towards the machine;

7. if the belt comes off the pulley, stop the machine by turning off the electric motor;

8. If you smell burning rubber, stop the car quickly.

Upon completion of work:

1. turn off the electric motor and stop the car by pressing the pedal;

2. clean your workplace.

Occupational safety requirements

When working with a needle, scissors

1. Sewing with a thimble.

2. Store needles and pins in a certain place (special box, pad, etc.), do not leave them on the workplace (table).

4. Attach the patterns to the fabric with pins, pointing the sharp end away from the person working.

5. Store scissors in a specific place (box).

6. When working, place the scissors with their blades closed.

When using a sewing machine

1. The electric sewing machine must be grounded.

2. Before work, tuck your hair under a headscarf. The ends of ties and scarves should not hang down.

3. Do not lean close to the moving parts of the machine and do not hold your fingers near the presser foot to avoid being punctured by the needle.

4. Before sewing, make sure there are no pins or needles on the seam line or in the product.

When working with an iron

1. Do not leave the iron connected to the electrical network unattended.

2. Place the iron on an asbestos, marble or ceramic stand.

3. When turning off the iron, you should grasp the plug body.

4. Monitor the operation of the iron and report any malfunctions to the teacher.

5. Make sure that the iron does not touch the cord.

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