Universe theme. Our universe

All about the Universe

Astronomy page

Question: What is the Universe? The Universe is outer space filled with celestial bodies, gas and dust

This is interesting. The Universe is so huge that it is impossible to comprehend its size. Let's talk about the Universe: the part of it that is visible to us extends over 1.6 million million million million km - and no one knows how large it is beyond the visible. According to the most popular theory, 13 billion years ago it was born as a result of a giant explosion. Time, space, energy, matter - all this arose as a result of this phenomenal explosion. It’s pointless to say what happened before the so-called “big bang”, there was nothing before it

Historical page

Ancient Egyptians. Ancient Babylonians. Ancient Indians. Ancient people's idea of ​​the universe

Connect the models of the Universe and their creators with lines.

Continuers of the idea of ​​Copernicus Giordano Bruno Galileo Galilei

Literary page “Solar System”

This yellow star always warms us, illuminates all planets, protects us from other stars.

Six sons and two daughters are running around the light, Years and days will flash by, But they will not meet.

The tiny planet is warmed by the First Sun, and is agile - the year on it is Eighty-eight days.

Only the Sun and Moon in the sky are brighter than her. And there is no hot planet in the solar system.

There are miracles on the planet: Oceans and forests, Oxygen is in the atmosphere, People and animals breathe it.

Kamenyuki Fear and Horror are circling over the red planet. There is no mountain anywhere in the world Higher than on that planet.

A heavyweight giant Throws lightning from the sky, He's striped like a cat, It's a pity he's losing weight little by little.

Lush gas giant Brother of Jupiter and dandy He loves to have Rings of ice and dust nearby.

He has been a Greek among his Roman brothers for many centuries, And rushes through the cosmos of melancholy, lying on his side.

On the planet blue, the wind is blowing very strong. The year on it is very long - winter lasts 40 years.

It takes five hours for the light to reach that planet, and therefore it is not visible in telescopes.

Map of the Solar System (compiled by Petya) Pluto Mercury Neptune Uranus Mars Venus Earth Saturn Jupiter

Cosmic physical exercise: Cosmic physical exercise

Astronomy page



THINK! Specify our Galaxy

Geographic page

Infinite:_________ Our Galaxy ____________________ Solar system Planet _____________ Continent _____________ ______________ region District _______________ District _______________ Village ________________ Infinite Universe and our address in it:

Infinite: Universe Our Galaxy Milky Way Solar System Planet Earth Continent Eurasia Tyumen Region Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug District Priuralsky Village Katrovozh Infinite Universe and our address in it.

Zera Yakubova
Topic: “Our Universe.”

Theme “Our Universe”.

Target: introduce children to the concept of “ Universe” is a huge space that is filled with stars, planets, galaxies, and black holes. All these components interact and form a whole system - Universe.

Educational objectives:

1. Teach children to answer questions.

2. Find the right answer yourself.

3. Give an idea of ​​the Sun as the brightest star.

4. Introduce children to planet Earth.

5. Learn to carry out experimental work.

Developmental tasks:

1. Develop children's speech.

2. Develop skills in learning activities.

Educational tasks:

1. Foster love for planet Earth.

Material: planar image of the Sun and Earth; yellow circles with a diameter of 5 cm for each child; night sky map; flashlight; Sunglasses; candle; tennis ball; globe.

Progress of the lesson:

A flat image of the sun hangs on the board.

Educator: What do you see on the board?

Children: This is the sun.

Educator: Why do they say “You can’t catch the sun in a bag”?

(children's answers)

Educator: What is the sun?

Children: This is a hot ball.

Educator: Where do we see the sun?

Children: We see the sun in the sky.

Educator: At what part of the day can we see the sun?

Children: We see the sun during the day.

Educator: Where is the sun at night? At night the sun shines on the other side of the planet.

Educator: What else happens in the sky?

Children: There is still the Moon and stars in the sky.

Educator: When do we see the Moon and stars?

Children: We see them at night.

Educator: Why don’t we see them during the day? Because the light of the sun is much stronger and the light of the stars is not visible.

Educator: You answered everything correctly. The Sun is a big, big, simply huge star that is far from us. But the sun is not the only star in the sky. Here's a look at the star map. See how many stars there are on it. But the brightest star is the Sun. Because other stars are even further away from us than the sun.

(look at the star map)

Educator: Look, I have a flashlight. Come closer to me, I will turn on the flashlight. What kind of light does the flashlight have - bright or not?

(children's answers)

Educator: Now move further away, to the very end of the group and see what kind of light there will be from our flashlight.

(the children move away and notice that the light of the flashlight is almost invisible)

Educator: So the light of the stars is not visible during the day, because the sunlight is very bright.

A flat image of the Earth is hung on the board and a globe is inserted.

Educator: Children, what do you think this is?

Children: This our Earth.

Educator: Right. Our Planet Earth is a huge, enormous ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to travel around it. Think and tell me why our Earth is blue?

(children's answers)

Educator: It was difficult for you to guess. I'll give you a hint. There is a lot of water on our Earth. It was she who gave this color to our planet.

Educator: The earth rotates around the sun and at the same time around itself. As a result of this, seasons and parts of the day change on Earth.

Let's do an experiment with a globe and a candle. We determine where it will be day and where it will be night.

Light a real candle. This is the Sun. We rotate a tennis ball around the candle. This is a model of the Earth. We determine which side will be winter, which side will be summer, which side will be autumn and spring.

We draw the children’s attention to the fact that when the rays from the “sun” fall directly, it is warm on Earth, and it is summer. If the sun's rays fall at an angle, then it is autumn or spring on Earth. The further we move the ball from the candle, the less light falls on it.

Children perform the experiment themselves under the supervision of a teacher.

Physical education minute

Children stand in a circle. The teacher stands in the center. Children depict planet Earth. The teacher is the sun. Children turn around themselves and spin in a circle. At the teacher's signal, the children stop. Educator asks: “Who is it summer now?”, “Who is it daytime now?”, “Who is it night now?”, “Who is it winter now?”.

Children determine their position in relation to the teacher and answer the question.

Educator: Guys, you said that the sun is a hot ball. Why did you decide so? How can you prove this?

Children: When the sun is shining, it is warm outside.

Educator: Go to the window and look how beautiful, bright the sun is today.

(children squint, it’s difficult for them to look at the sun)

Educator: So we proved it. The sun is so hot that it is impossible to look at it without special instruments. What do you need to have to look at the sun?

Children: You can wear sunglasses.

Educator: That's right, but you can look through a special telescope, you can just look into colored, dark glass.

(children put on glasses and look at the sun)

Educator: What do we get from the sun?

Children: We receive light and heat from the sun.

Educator: What would happen if there was no sun?

(children's answers)

Educator: If there were no sun, then there would always be night on Earth. Trees would not grow because they cannot grow without light. Only those animals, birds and insects that live without light would live on Earth. A person would build closed cities, where there would be only artificial lighting. Without the sun it would be very bad for everyone.

Educator: Guess the riddle.

The field is not measured (sky)

Sheep are not counted (stars)

And the shepherd is horned (month)

Educator: Why is the sky compared to a field?

Children: Because it's as big as a field.

Educator: Why are stars compared to sheep?

Children: Because there are as many of them as there are white sheep that are scattered throughout the field.

Educator: Why is the month compared to a shepherd, and a horned one at that? There is always one shepherd, and there is only one month in heaven. When the month is not full, it seems that it has horns.

Educator: Guys, if you were offered to fly from planet Earth to another planet now, would you agree?

Children: We wouldn’t leave anywhere, because our home is on Earth. Our family and friends live here.

Educator: You did a good job today, and the sun is giving you little sunshine.

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Natural history lesson notes
in 5th grade

" Universe "


biology teacher

Kudenko Svetlana Anatolevna




Open lesson on the subject "Natural History"

Theme: Universe


TYPE OF LESSON : Generalization and systematization of knowledge.


The Universe, the Solar System, its composition; The sun is a star, planet Earth, its position in the solar system, planets of the solar system, asteroids, comets, meteors, meteorites.

LESSON OBJECTIVES (training, developmental, educational):

Systematize and generalize students’ ideas about the structure of the Universe, the Solar system, the starry sky and constellations.

Begin to develop knowledge generalization skills: teach children to use a plan and compare the objects being studied.

Create a situation in the lesson that promotes the development of the ability to follow the progress of a general conversation, participate in a common cause, and the ability to provide and accept help to each other.

Developmental tasks are implemented based on the implementation of the creative system e Russian tasks of a differentiated nature such as “Connect with lines.”

Develop students' creative understanding of the learning process

Strengthen knowledge and pronunciation skills of terminology on the topic of the Universe.


1. Drawing up a model of the Solar System (the task helps to remember the order of the planets in the Solar System, teaches the use of mnemonic techniques to facilitate memorization);

2. Teaching the ability to compare concepts;

3. Training in the ability to work according to plan;

4. Organization of knowledge testing using tasks with selective response.


· Slides with images of the starry sky. Sun and planets of the solar system

· Sets of cards with questions and answers to test your knowledge.

· Plates: Stars and Planets.



ASTEROIDS These are small planets.

METEORS - These are flashes of light that occur when particles of cosmic dust burn in the earth's atmosphere.

METEORITES - these are cosmic bodies that fell to earth.

STARS - These are giant flaming balls located very far from our planet.

CONSTELLATIONS - These are areas of the starry sky.

Topic summary plan:

1. What is the Universe?

2. Celestial bodies.

3. Stars. Star Sun:

A. Sizes, color,

b. Temperature,

4. Planets. Planet Earth:

A. Place in the solar system

b. Shape and dimensions.

V. Surface

We're going on a journey through the universe today. In order to move on to the next stage of the journey you must complete tasks.

During the classes : image of the universe on the computer

Front work:

Introducing the plan, talking about the plan.

Today we will go on a journey through the Universe, but for this we need a spacesuit. Let's sew it! The solution of the problem.


1. What is the Universe?

UNIVERSE - this is outer space and everything that fills it: celestial bodies, gas, dust.

2. Name the celestial bodies.

3. Brainstorm: what do the numbers say?: 15 million degrees, 88, 54, 16, 30, 18, 8.


15 million degrees is the temperature inside the Sun.

88 – the starry sky is divided into constellations.

54 – you can see constellations on the territory of our country.

16 – satellites of Jupiter.

Saturn has 30 satellites.

Uranus has 18 satellites.

Neptune has 8 satellites.

4. Planets of the Solar System.SLIDE No. 3 PLANETS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM.

What two groups are planets divided into (TERRESTRIAL PLANETS, GIANT PLANETS)

List the terrestrial planets.


Planet Mars, what color is it associated with (the guys hold up a colored tablet, what sensations does this color evoke)

Planet Earth …

5. Mark which of the following features are suitable for terrestrial planets: (work with cards) No. 1

Small sizes

Gigantic sizes

Many satellites

Few or no satellites


Questions: 1. Which planets, besides Earth, have an atmosphere? (Venus, Mars.)

2. What is the main difference between planet Earth and other planets?

4. The planet closest to the Sun (Mercury)

6. Which planet of this group has the densest atmosphere (Venus)

7. Which planets of this group have satellites (Earth, Mars)

6. Choose the giant planets (cross out the extra ones): card No. 2

7. Mark which of the following features relate to giant planets: (work with cards) No. 3

Great distance from the Sun

Small sizes

Many satellites

Gigantic sizes

A short distance from the Sun

Availability of rings

Few or no satellites


QUESTIONS : characteristics of planets.

1. Jupiter

The largest planet, named after the main Roman god, the king of the gods. Jupiter has 16 satellites. A giant, rapidly spinning ball, its atmosphere contains long layers of clouds that give it a striped appearance.

2. Saturn

Named after the god of agriculture. This is the most unusual planet in appearance. It is surrounded by bright rings and has a record number of satellites - 30.

3. Uranus

It received its name in honor of the god who personified the sky. Became the first planet discovered using a telescope. 18 satellites.

4. Neptune

Named after the god of the sea. At first, its location was calculated by scientists and only then discovered using a telescope in 1846. 8 satellites.

8. Number the planets in order of their distance from the Sun. (card number 4)











Define1. what is an asteroid?

2. ----------- meteor?

3. ----------- meteorite?

4. In what part of the solar system do most asteroids move?

9. Connect 2 people with lines (work with card No. 5)

Epidemics, famine, wars. Asteroids

Which leaves a large crater. Comets

Orbit the Sun. Meteora

They think they are shooting stars. Meteorites

10. What are stars? Constellations?

In a frontal conversation, and then in individual responses, children list the signs of stars.

Sun yellow star (guys' color sense)

11. Finish drawing up the diagram (working with card No. 6)


12. The sun is the closest star to us.


Characteristics of the Sun.

Slide number 10 questions

Teacher Questions:

1. Ball-shaped.

2. Source of light and heat.

3. Does not emit its own light.

4. Planet.

5. Hot celestial body.

6. Located in the center of the solar system.

7. Rotates around its axis.

8. Moves around the center of the solar system

9. There is a change of seasons here.

10. Star.

11. Here the change of day and night occurs.

And now we are returning from the infinite Universe to our home planet.

Let's fantasize, we are workersdesign bureau.You need to assemble an alien from a set of geometric shapes. (1 student at the blackboard).

Ø Summing up the lesson. The guys comment on the lesson plan:

1. Lesson topic. (Universe).

2. Objective of the lesson. (Summarize knowledge on the topic).

5. What did you learn in the lesson?

6. What did you like most?

7. What grades did you receive?

Ø Homework:

Prepare to retell texts about stars and planets.

  1. write a fairy tale about the planet.
  2. come up with a name for an unknown star (cut out this star)
  3. write a story about an encounter with aliens.


1. Theiler R. Structure and evolution of stars. M., 2003.

2. Kaplan S. A. Physics of stars. M., 1996.

3. Shklovsky I. S. Stars. Their birth, life and death. M., 2004.

4. Surdin V. G. Lamzin S. A. Protostars. Where, how and from what stars are formed. , 2000.

5. Spitzer L. Space between stars. M., 1996.

6. Kononovich E.V., Moroz. I. General course of astronomy. M. 2006.

7. Baide V. Origin and evolution of stars and galaxies. M.: Mir, 2006.

8. Vorontsov - Velyaminov B. A. Extragalactic astronomy. M.: Nauka, 2004.

9. Marochnik L. S., Suchkov A. A. Galaxy. M.: Nauka, 2004.

10. Hodge P. Galaxies. M.: Nauka, 2007.


Card No. 1

Check which of the following features are appropriate for terrestrial planets:

Great distance from the Sun

Small sizes

Gigantic sizes

A short distance from the Sun

Many satellites

Few or no satellites

Card No. 2

Select the giant planets (cross out the ones that don't belong):

Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

Card No. 3

Mark which of the following features relate to giant planets:

Great distance from the Sun

Small sizes

Many satellites

Gigantic sizes

A short distance from the Sun

Availability of rings

Few or no satellites

No hard surfaces

Card No. 4

number the planets in order of their distance from the Sun.










Card No. 5

Connect with lines

This natural phenomenon has long inspired

People feared, was considered a harbinger

Epidemics, famine, wars. Asteroids

The largest of these celestial bodies, falling

To Earth, cause a strong explosion, after

Which leaves a large crater. Comets

More than 5 thousand of these celestial

Tel. They are small, irregular in shape,

Orbit the Sun. Meteora

On a clear, dark night, up to 6 times per hour

Observe this phenomenon in the sky. Many people

They think they are shooting stars. Meteorites.

Card No. 6


Supergiants ___________ _____________


Order of the planets

giant planets

Sun The temperature inside the Sun is 15 million degrees. Temperature outside 6000 degrees

The mass of the Sun is 750 times greater than the mass of all bodies in the solar system

Spherical shape Source of light and heat Does not emit its own light Planet Hot celestial body Located in the center of the Solar system Rotates around its axis Moves around the center of the Solar system


Slides: 26 Words: 139 Sounds: 0 Effects: 56

Universe. Celestial bodies: - stars; - planets; - satellites of the planets; - asteroids; - comets. Ideas about the structure of the Universe. Ptolemy. Aristotle. Copernicus. Solar system. Composition of the Solar System. Planets Stars Asteroids Comets Meteors and meteorites The Sun is the center of the Solar System. Planets. Terrestrial group Mercury Venus Earth Mars. Giant planets Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune. the smallest is Pluto. Jupiter. Saturn. Neptune. Uranus. Comet. Constellations. Assignments: What is the Universe? What is the Solar System? What two groups are planets divided into? What is the difference between a meteor and a meteorite? - Universe.ppt

universe space

Slides: 7 Words: 218 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Space. The universe is the totality of everything that exists physically. The starry sky is a small part of the boundless space. What's next? Are there other creatures like us somewhere else? What to expect from space - good or evil? What is space? The first space photographs were taken in 1961 by German Titov. At the same time, visual observation of the earth's surface by spacecraft crews began. You can see the entire Dnieper - from source to mouth. - Universe space.ppt

Star Universe

Slides: 25 Words: 1386 Sounds: 0 Effects: 43

Universe. Space. Ancient people. Centuries have passed. Stars. Sun. Different stars. Planets. Solar system. Mercury. Venus. Earth. Moon. Mars. Jupiter. Saturn. Uranus. Neptune. Pluto. Astronomical counting table. Asteroids. Check yourself. - Star Universe.pptx

Structure of the Universe

Slides: 47 Words: 1175 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The structure of the Universe. Structural-scale “ladder”. Ladder. Structural-time “scale”. “Cellular” structure of the Metagalaxy. “Flat” structure of the Metagalaxy. Superclusters of Galaxies. Observatory. The largest structure in the Universe. Structure. Groups of Galaxies. Local group of galaxies. Galaxies. Milky Way. Star clusters. Planetary systems. Systems. Neighborhood. Solar system. System. Nemesis. Oort cloud. Asteroid belt. Largest asteroids. Asteroid belt "Inner". Asteroids. “Gravity” map in conventional colors. Crater. Snow. Quicksand. - Structure of the Universe.ppt

Models of the Universe

Slides: 27 Words: 859 Sounds: 0 Effects: 29

Models of the Universe. Anaximander. Questions. The structure of the Universe. Pythagoras of Samos. The system of the world of the Pythagorean Philolaus. Direct and retrograde motion of planets. Aristotle. Aristarchus of Samos. Claudius Ptolemy. Location of celestial bodies. Sun. Heliocentric system. Monument to Copernicus in Warsaw. Monument to Copernicus. Giordano Bruno. A number of guesses. Monument to Giordano Bruno. Galileo. Galileo decides to publicly renounce his faith. Telescope. Tombstone. Ancient people. At the center of the Universe is the Sun. Italian scientist. - Models of the Universe.ppt

Cosmological models

Slides: 89 Words: 2537 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Introduction to cosmology. Cosmological models. Hubble's law. Removing all bodies does not mean the existence of an expansion center. Redshift. Wavelength shift. Reasons for changing wavelength. Doppler effect. Exact formula. Expansion of space. Integral formula. Redshift of the galaxy. The essence of the Hubble constant. Metagalaxy. Newtonian cosmology. Cosmological models. Newtonian cosmology. The coordinate changes according to the law. Laws of conservation of mass. Law of conservation of mechanical energy for an element at the edge of a ball. Let's write down the total mechanical energy. Dynamic properties of the cosmological model. - Cosmological models.ppt

Life and Mind

Slides: 26 Words: 1059 Sounds: 0 Effects: 72

Life and intelligence in the Universe. UFO - unidentified flying object). What are all our great geographical discoveries worth compared to the upcoming expedition to Mars? Others argue that the universe is simply teeming with different forms of life. Often UFOs are seen on the road, but only when there is no one around. There is a lot of evidence of hostile behavior of UFOs. Let us list the main phenomena that cause reports of UFOs. Atmospheric. The Moon and Venus are often the culprits in UFO reports. Why are scientists skeptical of all kinds of reports about UFOs and aliens from other worlds? - Life and Mind.ppt

Life in the Universe

Slides: 33 Words: 1425 Sounds: 12 Effects: 25

Life and intelligence in the Universe. Introduction. There is nothing more exciting than the search for life and intelligence in the Universe. Man will not rest until he solves the mystery of his origin. I want to learn about distant cosmic worlds, about the Universe. The emergence of the mind. Most likely no! Attempts have long been made to discover and establish contact with other civilizations. The emergence of life on Earth. Searches for life in the solar system. No traces of organic life have been found on the Moon. There is no atmosphere, and the surface temperature varies from –170 to 450? C. Unfortunately, due to its proximity to the Sun, Venus is not at all like Earth. - Life in the Universe.ppt

Extraterrestrial civilizations

Slides: 13 Words: 274 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Searches for extraterrestrial civilizations. The 26-meter radio telescope of the US National Radio Astronomy Observatory in West Virginia. Techniques. Look for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations. Send the so-called “ready signal”. SAO RAS radio telescope RATAN-600 operating in the centimeter and decimeter ranges. Classification of civilizations. The first type of civilization uses energy on a planetary scale. Supercivilization. Our Galaxy. A black hole is a corridor to other worlds. The problem of paleocontacts. The Japanese dogu figurines bear a strong resemblance to some kind of clumsy spacesuit. UFO problem. - Extraterrestrial civilizations.ppt

Extraterrestrial life forms

Slides: 21 Words: 832 Sounds: 21 Effects: 88

Search and study of extraterrestrial life forms. Criteria for the existence and search of living systems. A practical overview of the search and research of extraterrestrial life forms. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. Yuri Gagarin. Direct interest in the problem of searching for intelligent life. Definition of life on other planets. Our ideas about the essence of life. About the chemical basis of life. General dynamic properties of living systems. The role of light in maintaining life. Methods for detecting extraterrestrial life. Discovery of life forms similar to terrestrial animals. Moon. Venus. Mars. Meteorites. Search for extraterrestrial civilizations. -

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