Testing schoolchildren's behavior in emergency situations. Emergency procedures

Algorithms for action in the event of a threat (occurrence)
emergency situations

Actions upon detection and extinguishing of fire

Immediately notify the fire department by calling 01.
- Address of the object,
- location of the fire,
- provide your last name and phone number.
Take measures, if possible: to evacuate people, extinguish fires and preserve material assets.
When extinguishing, the following rules must be observed:
- if it is possible to extinguish the flame, it is better to move against the fire, trying to limit its spread and “pushing” the fire towards the exit or to where there are no flammable materials;
- always belay yourself with a rope when you need to go along corridors, onto roofs, into basements and other dangerous places, since in heavy smoke it is difficult to find the way back;
-the most effective fire extinguishing is carried out from a height at the level of the fire;
- if a person’s clothes catch fire, do not let him run; throw him to the ground, wrap him in a blanket and water him generously. Do not undress the burned person under any circumstances; if the clothes are already burnt, cover the affected parts of the body with sterile cotton wool;
- extinguish the fire with water, taking into account possible destruction of objects or load-bearing supports of the building. It is not the amount of water used that is important, but its correct application;
- it is prohibited to extinguish electrical appliances connected to the network with water. If a device is on fire, it is necessary to disconnect it from the network (unplug the plug from the socket, turn off the fuse of the electric meter);
- having extinguished the source of fire, it is necessary to check the existence of other possible sources that could negate all previous efforts.
During evacuation:
- evacuation should be carried out only along flights of stairs, including between balconies, external stationary, extension and retractable stairs.
Going down drainpipes and risers with the help of tied sheets is extremely dangerous!
It is unacceptable to jump from the windows of a building, starting from the third floor, as injuries incompatible with life are inevitable!
- it is prohibited to use elevators;
- in case of heavy smoke, you must move crouched to the floor, tightly cover your nose and mouth with a wet handkerchief or towel and hold your hand to the wall so as not to lose the direction of movement towards the exit.
Providing first aid:
Call an ambulance immediately for the victim by phone 03 . Before her arrival, you need to take the victim out into the fresh air, freeing him from restrictive clothing, perform artificial respiration and rub the body, and give plenty of fluids.
1. For body burns, apply a cold damp cloth (preferably sterile) or constantly wet the burn area with cold water (apply clean snow). The depth of the burn decreases with increasing cooling time. Do not apply ointments or oils to burns. Do not touch anything that is stuck to the burns.
2. If the victim’s clothing catches fire, it is necessary to pour water on it or wrap it in a thick cloth, coat or blanket to eliminate the flow of air to the burning site.

The flame can be knocked down by rolling on the ground, protecting your head first. The victims should not be allowed to run or try to tear off their clothes. It is necessary to prevent human movement, including the use of force.
3. In case of poisoning by combustion products - artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage.
4. For fractures, splints are applied to ensure the immobility of broken body parts.

Actions in case of danger of poisoning with hazardous substances

Signs of chlorine poisoning- there is a sharp pain in the chest, pain in the eyes, lacrimation, shortness of breath, dry cough, vomiting, impaired coordination of movements and the appearance of blisters on the skin.
Signs of ammonia poisoning - increased heart rate and pulse, agitation, possible convulsions, choking, pain in the eyes, lacrimation, runny nose, cough, redness and itching of the skin. Under certain conditions, poisoning can result in death.
If there is a risk of poisoning, you must:
1. Quickly leave the contaminated area, take shelter in a protected structure (ammonia).
2. Climb to the upper floors of buildings (chlorine).
3. Seal the premises.
4 Use gas masks of all types, if not available, use cotton-gauze bandages moistened with water or, better, 2-5% solutions of baking soda (chlorine), acetic or citric acid (ammonia).
5. If there is a danger of poisoning on the street, you must quickly leave the area of ​​infection, using materials moistened with water, and, if possible, take refuge in protective structures.
6. If you are at home, you need to close windows and doors tightly, turn off heating appliances and gas.
7. Use pieces of cloth moistened with soda solution to seal windows and doors, move away and wait for messages about further actions.
8. If a message about an accident finds you in a public place, then you need to listen to the administration’s instructions on how to behave. If such instructions are not followed, moisten any material (shawl, scarf, etc.) with water, protect your respiratory system, go outside, determine the direction of the wind and walk perpendicular to the direction of the wind.
Providing first aid for chlorine poisoning:
- the victim must be immediately taken out into fresh air, covered tightly and allowed to breathe water vapor or an aerosol of 0.5% baking soda solution for 15 minutes;
- do not allow the victim to move independently. It can only be transported in a supine position. If the need arises, perform artificial respiration using the mouth-to-mouth method;
- The main means of combating chlorine is water.
Providing first aid for ammonia poisoning:
- the victim must be immediately taken out into fresh air;
- must be transported in a supine position. Provides warmth and peace, provides humidified oxygen.
- in case of pulmonary edema, artificial respiration cannot be performed.

Actions to take when receiving messages containing threats by phone
terrorist in nature

1. Try to remember the conversation verbatim and record it on paper.
2. As the conversation progresses, note the gender, age of the caller and the characteristics of his (her) speech:
- voice: loud (quiet), low (high)
- speech rate: fast (slow)
- pronunciation: clear, distorted, stuttered, hissed, with an accent or dialect
- manner of speech: cheeky, mocking, with obscene expressions
3. Be sure to note the sound background (the noise of cars or railway transport, the sound of television and radio equipment, voices, etc.).
4. Mark the nature of the call - local or long-distance.
5. Be sure to record the exact time the conversation started or its duration.
6. In any case, try to get answers to the following questions during the conversation:
- where, to whom, what phone number is this person calling?
- what specific demands does he (she) put forward?
- does he (she) make the demands personally, act as an intermediary, or represent some group of people?
- on what conditions does he (she) or they agree to abandon the plan?
- how and when can I contact him (her)?
- Who can or should you inform about this call?
7. Try to get the caller to give you the maximum possible amount of time for you and the organization’s management (duty administrator) to make decisions or take any actions.
8. If possible, during the conversation, report it to the organization’s management (the head of your structural unit, the administrator on duty), if not, immediately after it ends.
9. Do not talk about the fact of the conversation and its content. Limit the number of people who have information as much as possible.

Actions to take when receiving a threat in writing

1. When receiving such a document, handle it with the utmost care. If possible, place it in a clean, tightly resealable plastic bag, and place it in a separate hard folder.
2. Try not to leave your fingerprints on it.
3. If the document arrived in an envelope, open it only from the left or right side, carefully cutting off the edges with scissors.
4. Save everything: the document itself with the text, any attachments, envelope and packaging, do not throw anything away.
5. Do not expand the circle of people familiar with the contents of the document.
6. Immediately notify management by telephone of the receipt of such a document and its contents, and then hand it over personally in compliance with the precautions mentioned above.
7. Anonymous materials must not be stitched or glued together, they cannot be written on, underlined or circled in certain places in the text, and they must not be wrinkled or bent.

Actions in case of hostage taking

1. If possible, inform the organization's management or any other employee.
2. Do not proactively enter into negotiations with terrorists (criminals).
3. If necessary, comply with the demands of criminals, if this does not involve causing damage to the life and health of people.
4. Do not contradict criminals, do not risk the lives of others and your own.
5. Avoid actions that could provoke attackers to use weapons and lead to casualties.

Actions upon detection of explosive devices and objects

1. Upon receiving a message about a planted explosive device or the discovery of objects that cause such suspicion:
- record the time of detection (message);
- immediately notify the head of the organization or the person performing his duties (head of a structural unit, duty administrator);
- do not come close to this object;
- while remaining at a safe distance, do not allow other employees to touch the suspicious object or try to neutralize it.
2. If an explosive device is discovered, it is strictly prohibited:
- independently take actions that violate the condition of a suspicious item, touch it or move it to another place;
- pour liquids or cover the object with fabric and other materials;
- use electrical, radio equipment, intercoms near the detected object;
- exert temperature, sound, light, mechanical effects on an explosive object;
- touch an explosive object while wearing clothes with synthetic fibers.

Unmasking signs of an explosive device

1. The presence of standard ammunition, signaling, lighting, and pyrotechnic products of a characteristic type.
2. The presence of independent modifications and elements on the discovered items that do not correspond to their intended purpose or design (antennas, wires, etc.)
3. The presence of the sound of a working clock mechanism or electronic timer.
4. The presence of connections between the object and objects in the environment in the form of stretch marks.
5. Pungent odor of fuels, lubricants or solvents, emanating smoke (which may be due to the decomposition of chemical elements).
6. An unusually large object (for example, candy boxes, coffee cans, books, notepads).

7. The presence of stickers with inscriptions on the surface of the box lids (for example, “Bomb”, “TNT”, “Explosion”, etc.)

Actions in case of explosion

1. Try to calm down and clarify the situation.
2. Move carefully, do not touch damaged structures and exposed wires.
3. In a destroyed or damaged building (premises), due to the danger of an explosion of accumulated gases, you cannot use open flames (matches, lighters, candles, torches, etc.)
4. In case of smoke, protect your respiratory organs with a moistened scarf (piece of cloth, towel).
5. If possible, turn on the television and radio equipment.
6. If it is impossible to evacuate, give signals that you are in this room (building).
7. If you were not injured in the explosion, help the victims free themselves from the rubble, provide them with first aid.

Actions when under the rubble of walls

1. Try to pull yourself together, don’t lose heart.
2. Breathe deeply, evenly, take your time.
3. Prepare to endure hunger and thirst.
4. Use your voice and knock to attract people's attention.
5. If you are deep from the surface of the earth, move any metal object (ring, keys, etc.) left or right to detect you with a metal detector.
6. If the space around you is relatively free, do not light matches, candles, lighters, save oxygen.
7. Move carefully, try not to cause another collapse.
8. Be guided by the movement of air coming from outside.
9. If possible, strengthen sagging beams and ceilings.
10. If you are very thirsty, put a piece of cloth in your mouth and suck on it, breathing through your nose.
11. If you have a mobile phone, try to establish contact with relatives (acquaintances).


  1. Recommendations for citizens on actions in emergency situations:

Control test on the topic: “Natural and man-made emergencies”

The main reasons for the increase in the number of natural and man-made emergencies are

A. natural hazards

B. natural disasters

B. accidents and man-made disasters

D. human factor

Social emergencies include

B. terrorism

B. drug business

D. substance abuse

D. kidnapping

E. infectious diseases

What's extra?

To ensure the safety of the population in peacetime and wartime emergencies, the RSChS carries out measures to:

A. monitoring

B. forecasting

B. notification

D. engineering protection of the population and territories from emergencies

D. radiation and chemical protection

E. biological protection

G. evacuation of the population

Z. emergency rescue and other urgent work.

What's extra?

Name the federal body that solves problems of life safety of the population

A. Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

B. Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief

B. Federal Security Service

G. Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Russian Federation.

Emergency response means

A. carrying out rescue and other urgent work in the event of an emergency

B. localization of emergency zones and cessation of the action of hazardous factors characteristic of them

B. organizing the construction of housing for the affected population.

The emergency zone includes

A. territory where an emergency is predicted

B. territory where potentially dangerous objects are located

In the territory where the emergency occurred

The situation in a certain territory that has developed as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, or a catastrophe is called

A. extreme situation

B. natural disaster

B. an emergency

D. emergency

According to the scale of consequences, emergencies are classified as private, facility, local, and

A. local and federal

B. regional and cross-border

B. federal and transcontinental

D. regional and global.

How will you act after being notified of an accident at a chemical plant in the absence of personal protective equipment, shelter and the possibility of exiting the accident zone? Determine the sequence of actions

A. move away from windows and doors

B. turn on the radio, TV, listen to information

B. move valuables to the basement or separate room

D. cover the entrance doors with thick fabric

D. close windows and doors tightly

E. signal for help

J. seal the home.

An earthquake alert finds you outside. What are you going to do?

A. quickly take a place in the nearest ravine, ditch, hole

B. run into the nearest building and take cover

B. take a place away from buildings and power lines.

Uncontrolled burning of vegetation, spontaneously spreading throughout the forest area is

A. natural fire

B. natural fire

B. forest fire

Depending on the scale of recurrence and damage caused, floods are divided into

A. low

B. average

V. outstanding

G. catastrophic.

The main damaging factors of a tsunami are

A. flood

B. wave shock

B. vortex rotating water flows.

Sun, air and water are our best friends.

TEST "Actions in emergency situations."

You must choose the correct answer, in your opinion.

1. When swimming in open waters, you:

A) refrain from swimming in unfamiliar places;

B) you can dive and frolic in places with unknown bottom topography;

C) you can swim behind the buoys because you consider yourself a good swimmer.

2. When chills appear, you need to:

A) swim some distance very quickly;

B) get out of the water, rest and warm up.

3. If a cramp appears in the water, you:

A) working with your lowered leg, you will swim to the shore;

B) stop working with this leg, tear the muscle and swim, working only with your hands.

4. Having swam far, we felt tired. In this case you:

A) call for help, waving your arms;

B) turn on your back, lie calmly, and then, avoiding energetic and impetuous movements, swim to the shore.

5. A person begins to drown, and you do not have any life-saving equipment at hand. Your actions:

A) you swim up to the drowning person from the front and, holding hands, transport him to the shore;

B) take the drowning person from behind by the back of the head or armpits and, supporting his face above the water, swim on his back to the shore.

6. The victim was taken out of the water unconscious. Your actions:

A) send for a doctor;

B) you will perform artificial respiration and indirect massage


C) send for a doctor, remove the water from the lungs and proceed to


B) 20 – 25 min;

B) 25 – 40 min.

A) morning;

B) day;

B) evening.

9. If you overheat, you should:

A) swim in cool water;

B) lie down in the shade, wet your head and face with cold water and

Fan yourself with a towel.

10. Signs of sunstroke:

A) weakness, dizziness, spots before the eyes;

B) pallor, headache, tinnitus, barely breathing


11. In case of sunstroke, the victim should:

A) take him to the medical center;

B) put in the shade;

C) put in the shade so that the head is higher than the body,

Spray your face with cold water and give it a drink.

12. If you faint, you:

A) perform the same actions as in paragraph 11c;

B) the same actions, only the head should be lower


13. If you have a severe cut, you:

A) try to get to a medical facility;

B) apply a tourniquet 2–5 cm below the wound;

C) apply a tourniquet 10–15 cm above the wound and

Try to get to a medical facility.

Final certification test in life safety PART 1 Natural emergencies

9th grade

The test contains 30 questions. There are several answer options for each question. You must select only ONE answer - the one that most fully reflects the content of the question.

What kind of dangerous situation arises due to a person’s inattention to the peculiarities of natural conditions and violations of the rules of behavior in nature?

A) technogenic nature;

b) natural character;

V) social nature.

What can cause social emergencies?

A) industrial accident, explosion, fire;

b) earthquake, flood, hurricane;

V) conducting military operations, terrorist acts, epidemics.

What is not a natural disaster?

A) ice;

b) heavy rain;

V) Hurricane.

When was the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief created?

A) in 1991;

b) in 1994;

V) in 1999.

What is a squall?

a) a rare short-term increase in wind up to 20-30 m/s and above, accompanied by a change in its direction;

b) air movement relative to the earth's surface at a speed of 14 m/s;

c) prolonged, very strong wind with a speed of over 20 m/s, causing strong waves at sea and destruction on land.

How would you characterize the situation that arises when a civilian vessel is captured by sea pirates?

a) a dangerous situation of a social nature;

b) an emergency of a social nature;

c) emergency situation of a man-made nature.

What situation do ice fishermen find themselves in each spring?

a) in a natural emergency;

b) in a dangerous situation of a social nature;

c) in a dangerous natural situation.

What natural disaster occurs most often in Russia?

a) flood;

b) earthquake;

c) avalanches.

Name the wind according to the characteristics described: “Wind with a speed of 70 km/h, during which branches on trees break.”

A) breeze;

b) storm;

V) storm.

In which natural zone can dust storms occur?

A) in the taiga;

b) in the forest-steppe;

V) in the steppe.

How long does a hurricane usually last?

A) 3-4 days;

b) 9-12 days;

V) 18-20 days.

Where should you not be during a tornado or hurricane?

A) in the attic;

b) in the basement;

V) under the bridge.

What wind, rushing across the earth, is shaped like a funnel?

A) Hurricane;

b) breeze;

V) tornado.

How many Beaufort scale ratings does the storm have?

A) 10 points;

b) 11 points;

V) 12 points.

Hurricanes usually form over the surface of which body of water?

A) rivers;

b) seas;

V) ocean.

Which earthquake is described: “People are running out of the premises out of fear. The walls of stone buildings are collapsing. Cracks are appearing on the roads”?

A) moderate;

b) very strong;

V) devastating.

What scientists study the vibrations of the earth's crust?

A) geologists;

b) hydrologists;

V) seismologists.

How long before you need to leave the room after the first tremors of an earthquake?

A) 15-20 minutes;

b) 25-30 minutes;

V) 30-35 minutes.

How many points on the MSK scale does -64 indicate a devastating earthquake?

A) 5 points;

b) 9 points;

V) 12 points.

What is the name of the place in the bowels of the earth where an earthquake originates, from where elastic waves diverge in all directions?

A) earthquake source;

b) earthquake epicenter;

V) seismic area.

The country where the largest earthquake of the 20th century occurred?

A) Japan;

b) Russia;

V) Armenia.

What pet helps Japanese people predict earthquakes?

A) aquarium fish;

b) cats;

V) parrots

What place in the room is the safest to be during an earthquake?

A) near the closet;

b) near the window;

V) in the corner near the load-bearing wall.

Who determines the safety of premises after an earthquake?

A) the residents themselves;

b) rescuers;

V) employees of municipal and technical services.

Do children participate in clearing debris after an earthquake?

A) No;

b) Yes;

V) if parents allow.

What natural phenomenon is usually known in advance?

A) about floods due to tsunamis;

b) about floods;

V) about the flood.

What is not active flood protection?

A) construction of dams;

b) evacuation of people;

V) construction of reservoirs.

What place in a one-story house is most dangerous during a flood?

A) basement (cellar);

b) room;

V) roof.

When can you use running water after a flood?

A) after the water has subsided;

b) after checking the pipes;

V) after permission from specialists.

How should one board a rescue boat during a flood?

A) as fast as possible;

b) one at a time, without panic;

V) on special flooring.

Test Key: Part 1

1 – b

11 – b

2 – in

21 – in

12 – a

3 – a

22 – a

13 – in

4 – b

23 – in

14 – b

5 – a

6 – b

24 – in

15 – in

25 – a

16 – b

7 – in

17 – in

8 – a

26 – in

27 – b

9 – b

18 – a

28 – a

19 – b

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1. Earthquakes occur in the form of tremors, which include ...
foreshocks, main shock, aftershocks
hearth, hearth center, hypocenter
active process, focus center, passive process
propagation speed, stability, attenuation
seismic forces, main shock

2. A strong toxic substance contained in car exhaust gases
tetraethyl lead

3. The most serious danger in case of fire
Fear of heights
poisonous smoke

4. Based on the rate of development, emergencies are divided into...

5. Meteorological emergencies of a natural nature
sat down
snow storms
snow avalanches

6. Sources of chemical air pollution in the residential environment
products of destruction of polymeric materials
technical equipment of buildings
technological equipment of buildings

7. The size of the focus of biological infection depends on...
type of microorganisms
weather conditions
method of application
means and methods of delivery
places and times of application
environmental conditions

8. A local emergency includes an emergency that resulted in more than __ people being injured, provided that the emergency zone does not extend beyond the boundaries of a populated area, city, or district:
20, but not more than 90 people
15, but not more than 70 people
30, but not more than 100 people
10, but not more than 50 people
more than 100 people

9. Telluric and tectonic disasters
sat down
snow falls
volcanic eruptions

10. One of the most serious dangers in a fire
Fear of heights
poisonous smoke

11. A zone with a radiation level of more than 50 mSv, with no permanent residence permit, with control of economic activities and environmental management by special acts is called a zone ...
radiation control
limited population
radiation accident

12. According to departmental affiliation, emergencies are divided into...

13. Special ammunition and military devices with delivery systems, the destructive effect of which is based on the use of the properties of pathogenic microbes and toxic products of their vital activity (toxins), capable of causing massive severe diseases in people, animals and plants is called...
pathogenic ammunition
biological weapons
biological weapon
pathogenic device
microbiological weapons

14. Stages of a radiation accident

15. Conventional value characterizing the total energy of elastic vibrations caused by an earthquake
Richter scale
earthquake magnitude
earthquake epicenter
earthquake aftermath
earthquake source
earthquake center

16. Biological emergencies

17. Distribution of hazardous chemicals in the natural environment in concentrations or quantities that pose a threat to people, farm animals and plants over a certain period of time
chemical contamination
chemically hazardous object
chemical accident
chemical toxic contamination
chemical technological accident

18. Stages of emergency development
factor impact

19. Dangerous changes in the state of land, air, hydrosphere and biosphere in terms of their occurrence are classified as... emergencies.

20. A disaster is...
a sharp abrupt change in the destructive nature of any real system
evolutionary process
dynamic process
any non-abrupt change
dynamic process of technogenic nature

21. Extreme event of man-made origin in production, resulting in failure, damage and destruction of technical devices and human casualties
transport accident
industrial accident
man-made accident
ecological catastrophy

22. Sawmills, woodworking, carpentry, model production are particularly dangerous fire and explosion objects of the category ...

23. Cause of earthquakes
human activity
strengthening of chemical processes in the bowels of the earth
ruptures in the earth's crust
collision of tectonic plates

24. Accidents, fires, explosions at enterprises, transport and utility networks in terms of their occurrence are classified as... emergencies.

25. A local emergency refers to an emergency that resulted in no more than ______ people being injured, provided that the emergency does not extend beyond the territory of the facility:

26. Rays with the greatest penetrating ability
neutrons and gamma

27. Features of the use of biological weapons
psychological impact
long-term damaging effect
cause respiratory and eye irritation
presence of incubation period
difficulty of detection

28. Strong toxic substance used in industrial refrigeration units
tetraethyl lead

29. An accident at a radiation hazardous facility, leading to the release or release of radioactive substances and (or) ionizing radiation beyond those provided for by the design for the normal operation of this facility is called ... an accident.
radiation biological
radiation accident

30. Damaging factors of accidents at fire and explosive objects
air shock wave
occurring during various types of explosions
open fire
evaporation of harmful substances
fragmentation field formed during explosions
increased doses of toxic substances

31. Geological, meteorological, hydrological, natural fires, mass diseases of people and animals in terms of occurrence are classified as... emergencies.

32. Based on the nature of the source, man-made emergencies are divided into...
industrial accidents, fires and explosions
hazardous transport incidents
industrial accidents, fires and explosions, dangerous incidents in transport
disruption of economic activity
disruption of economic activity, building collapses, explosions and fires

33. A strong toxic substance used for water purification at water pumping stations
tetraethyl lead

34. The measurement of wind force at the earth’s surface at a standard height of 100 meters is determined on a scale ...

35. Damaging factors during releases of radioactive substances from a reactor
radiation exposure to personnel
gas-aerosol mixture of radionuclides
radioactive substances
radioactive contamination of the area
ionizing radiation or radioactive contamination

36. Groups of toxic substances, according to toxic effects, physiological effects on the human body
nerve agent
irritating effect
electromagnetic action
temporary action
suffocating effect

37. A regional emergency refers to an emergency that results in the disruption of living conditions ___, provided that the emergency zone does not extend beyond the boundaries of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
from 500 to 1000 people
from 100 to 500 people
no more than 50 people
over 500 people
over 1000 people

38. A secondary cloud of hazardous substances is formed as a result of...
high concentrations of toxic substances
evaporation of the spilled substance from the underlying surface
instantaneous transfer of part of the hazardous substances from the container into the atmosphere upon its destruction
damaging effects of toxic substances
physico-chemical properties and state of aggregation of hazardous substances

39. An emergency is...
state of emergency throughout the Russian Federation
a situation in a certain territory that may lead to casualties and disruption of people’s living conditions
the most extreme natural phenomenon
state of emergency in certain areas of the Russian Federation

40. Simultaneous intense burning of the predominant number of buildings and structures in a given building area is called...
separate fire
a complete fire
massive fire
uncontrolled combustion

41. The seismic magnitude scale, based on the assessment of the energy of seismic waves arising during earthquakes, is called the scale ...
Ch. Richter
B. Franklin

42. Dangerous accidents in transport include...
accidents on main pipelines
accident at a hydraulic structure
accidents at underground structures
traffic accidents
accidents at landfills

43. The territory in which mass casualties of people, farm animals and plants occurred as a result of the enemy’s biological weapons is called ...
source of biological damage
zone of biological contamination
quarantine zone
source of infection
sanitary and hygienic zone

44. A zone with a radiation level from 5 mSv to 20 mSv, without restrictions on residence in it and an explanation of the risk of damage to health caused by exposure to radiation is called a zone ...
radiation control
limited population
radiation accident

45. Contamination of the surface of the earth, atmosphere, water bodies and various objects with radioactive substances falling from the cloud of a nuclear explosion is called...
radioactive contamination
products of a nuclear chain reaction
radioactive decay of harmful substances
penetrating power of gamma rays
contamination by gamma and beta particles

46. ​​A fast-flowing process of chemical transformation of explosives, accompanied by the release of energy and propagating through the explosives in the form of a wave at supersonic speed

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