Inn Federal State Statistics Service. How to find out okpo by inn for organizations and individual entrepreneurs

When registering, an organization or individual entrepreneur receives certain details, without which it is impossible to conduct business. An important code is OKPO, which is necessary for many procedures in economic activity. If this information was previously omitted, it can be found in various ways.

Consider how an entrepreneur or representative of a legal entity can find out OKPO by TIN for free using certain resources.

The OKPO code is a number assigned according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO). This is the most main code legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in statistical data.

With its help, it is easier to find the corresponding businessman or company and all the information about them in the databases:

  • Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • USRIP;
  • EGRPO.

The OKPO code determines the type of activity of the entrepreneur. It has been assigned since July 1, 1994 in accordance with the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1993 No. 297. Two identical OKPOs are not allowed.

Enterprises are given the OKPO code once and for all. The reorganization of a legal entity does not affect the OKPO code, it is excluded from the Rosstat databases only 5 years after official liquidation organizations (OKPO is listed in the databases, although the company itself is no longer there).

Attention! Do individual entrepreneurs have OKPO or not? Yes, they have it, only, unlike organizations with an 8-digit OKPO, the code for IP has 10 digits. If an individual entrepreneur changes the type of activity or adds new ones, the OKPO code also changes.

What is the OKPO code for?

This digital sequence not only determines the position of the entrepreneur in the Rosstat databases.

It must be affixed to any documentation where business details are needed:

  • registration papers;
  • accounting documents, invoices;
  • reporting;
  • concluded contracts;
  • references;
  • issued licenses;
  • documents submitted to the tax office, etc.

Attention! Often the OKPO code is affixed to the seal of the organization. Sometimes it is required by banks to conclude a service agreement.

Knowing the OKPO code, it is easy to check if the entrepreneur tax debt whether a lawsuit is open at the individual entrepreneur or organization.

Also OKPO code is used for:

  • operational communication between various government agencies (PFR, Rosstat, Federal Tax Service, etc.);
  • classification of data on firms and private entrepreneurs according to various criteria;
  • to speed up computer processing of information about a company or individual entrepreneur;
  • for economic and social analysis and forecasting within the country.

Code structure

There are two groups of codes in the Classifier:

  • for organizations, that is, legal entities;
  • for individual entrepreneurs.

In the 8 or 10-digit value of OKPO, the type of activity is encoded by the ordinal numerical method. The last characters of the code are control. They are calculated using a special algorithm given in the Standardization Rules No. PR 50.1.024 of 2005.

Attention! For the same types of activities, OKPO codes of different entrepreneurs will partially coincide.

There are three blocks in each section of OKPO:

  1. Identification block. For legal entities it consists strictly of 8 characters, 7 of which - serial number a certain kind activity, and the 8th character is a check number. For IP, this algorithm is used for a 10-digit code.
  2. Name block. Information about the name of the business entity is attached to the code. The full and abbreviated form in Russian is given, and if the name is foreign, then it is listed as an additional line. For individual entrepreneurs whose name is a full name, you need to write this data in full, without abbreviations, in the nominative case.
  3. Block of signs of classification. In the OKPO Classifier last paragraph there is an encoding according to other all-Russian classifiers:
  • OKFS - by form of ownership;
  • OKOG - according to the managing department;
  • OKATO - by administrative-territorial affiliation;
  • on the municipal territory;
  • OKOPF - according to the organizational and legal form.

How to find out OKPO by TIN of an organization or individual entrepreneur

More recently, an entrepreneur could receive an extract with the OKPO code only by personally contacting state statistical authorities, having with him an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or, accordingly, the EGRIP.

Statistical bodies regularly update the databases, adding information about newly registered entrepreneurs or changes in the type of activity. This happens within five days after the request is made.

To get information about the OKPO code, you can search for it on documents where it is indicated in without fail: accounting accounts, certificates, licenses, etc.

If you do not have access to the documentation, you can turn to other methods.

To obtain data on OKPO you will need:

  • identity card (passport);
  • TIN number;
  • registration certificate;

Attention! To find a code OKPO organizations to the list of required documents, you need to add a copy of the Charter, PSRN and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, issued not later than a month back.

How to find out OKPO by TIN for free: Rosstat and other resources

If you know an identification number taxpayer (TIN) of an entrepreneur or organization, you can find out OKPO for free. There are several possible ways to do this.

Find out the OKPO code in person

  1. Contacting Rosstat. Need to come to territorial branch bodies of statistics and fill in the application form for receiving notification from the right information. Then you have to wait up to 5 days - the information will be issued or sent to the address indicated in the application.
  2. Request to central office Federal Tax Service of Russia: in this body you also have the right to find out OKPO by TIN. When applying, a special application is written, and then you need to pick up the information in person or wait for the mail.

Find out OKPO by TIN online

Modern technologies allow you to recognize OKPO by TIN without getting up from your computer.

You can use the following resources:

  • official website of the Federal tax service RF tax ru: select "legal entity" or "entrepreneur" in the "Search Criteria", decide on the search by TIN or OGRN, drive in the desired number sequence, enter the numbers from the picture and click "Find";
  • official website of Rosstat: the algorithm of actions is similar;
  • you can get all the main codes on the official website of Statistics;
  • requests on online resources: you can get information of interest on several specialized pages.

You can use the following resources to find the code:

Resource "Contour". Enter the site, type the TIN of the entrepreneur or organization you know in the field called "Try it yourself", and get the desired OKPO.

Resource "K-Agent". Select the organization of interest from the list and enter the TIN number. In order to use this Internet portal to find OKPO for an individual entrepreneur, along with the TIN, instead of the name, you need to enter his full name.

Resource "". With the help of this site, queries are generated to the databases of unified registers of legal entities and private entrepreneurs. As a result of the request, you can display and print not only the OKPO code, but full statement statistical data. Entrepreneurs themselves can use this site to generate applications for the assignment and change of codes. Entering the site, you need to go to the "Search by OKPO" window, enter the TIN number and get an extract from the corresponding register.

Screen resource. Find the company you are interested in. You need the "Company Reporting" tab. Enter TIN and get OKPO. This operation is possible only in relation to those companies that allow the disclosure of this information upon request.

Resource "SBIS". In the window gray color, which comes immediately after the title "Learn more about any company", enter the TIN or start entering the full name of the legal entity you are interested in. The system will suggest suitable options names, you just have to choose what you are looking for. The window that opens will provide full information about it, including the OKPO code placed at the bottom of the page.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Companies, organizations, individual entrepreneurs - individual entrepreneurs in Moscow that have passed state registration can independently find out their statistics codes (OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO, OKOGU, OKFS, OKOPF) on the Rosstat website.

Information about codes according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) of economic entities is located in free access in the section "Find out your OKPO code"

Information is provided from the Statregister of Rosstat for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Statistics codes are issued (OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO, OKOGU, OKFS, OKOPF). To receive them, you must enter the OGRN (TIN, OKPO) of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

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Statistics codes Moscow

Generate and print a notification with statistics codes all-Russian classifiers: For legal entities For individual entrepreneurs In the tab that opens, you can get statistics codes for TIN, OGRN or OKPO. After clicking the Search button, your Rosstat statistics codes should be displayed, as well as the Save or open in Word (print) button. Clicking this button will load the automatically generated Notification into Word format which needs to be printed. Addresses and contact numbers district departments territorial body of the Federal Service state statistics for the city of Moscow for personal appeal: Regional departments of statistics for the city of Moscow Official website of statistics for the city of Moscow

What should I do if nothing is found for my query? After state registration information comes from tax authorities to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service, where it is entered into the database.

Information in the databases is updated several times a month, as a rule, this happens after the 15th and 30th-31st of each month. Therefore, if there is no data about you in the database yet, and the Notification is needed urgently, you can personally contact the place of your registration with an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP. Addresses and phone numbers of regional departments of statistics are presented above. Attention! The service may be closed on weekends and holidays. If for some reason the service page does not open, refresh it by pressing the F5 key, or try to log in later. We will be grateful if you report a broken link, to do this, select it with the mouse and press Ctrl + Enter.

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How to get statistics codes online on the official website of Rosstat? Previously, organizations (legal entities) and individual entrepreneurs could receive a Notice of OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO, OKOPF, OKFS, OKOGU codes at hard copy only when direct handling to the state statistics authorities by providing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP. Now legal entities And individual entrepreneurs you can get statistics codes online and print the Notice from the Statregister of Rosstat on your own without a personal appeal to the territorial body of Rosstat.

Information on identification by OK TEI codes is freely available and can be obtained in the databases territorial bodies Rosstat. To get statistics codes and print Notices Select your region from the list on the left. For more quick search numbers indicate codes of subjects Russian Federation. Statistics codes are provided free of charge. Attention! The service may not work on weekends and holidays.

From March 1, 2016, OKPO codes of entrepreneurs and organizations from any regions of Russia can be found through a single service of Rosstat. In addition, upon request, other statistics are given: OKATO, OKTMO, OKOGU, OKFS, OKOPF

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