The main ways to improve the efficiency of the organization. payback period of investments, including capital investments. The company has active and passive capital. If the assets of the balance sheet reflect the funds of the enterprise, then the liabilities - the sources of their

Ways to improve production efficiency- complex specific activities on the growth of production efficiency in the given directions. The main ways to improve production efficiency: reducing labor intensity and increasing labor productivity, reducing the material consumption of products and rational use natural resources, reducing the capital intensity of products and enhancing investment activity enterprises.

An important factor in improving the efficiency of the enterprise is scientific and technological progress. IN modern conditions need revolutionary, qualitative changes, the transition to fundamentally new technologies, to the technology of subsequent generations, a radical re-equipment of all industries National economy based on the latest achievements of science and technology.

Fundamental transformations in engineering and technology, the mobilization of all, not only technical, but also organizational, economic and social factors will create prerequisites for a significant increase in labor productivity. It is necessary to ensure the introduction of the latest technology and technology, to widely apply progressive forms in production. scientific organization work, to improve its rationing, to achieve the growth of the culture of production, the strengthening of order and discipline.

One of important factors intensify and improve the production efficiency of enterprises is the economy mode. Resource conservation must become a decisive source of meeting the growing demand for fuel, energy, raw materials and materials.

Increasing production efficiency depends on best use fixed assets. It is necessary to make more intensive use of the created production potential, to achieve the rhythm of production, to maximize the utilization of equipment, to significantly increase its shift work and, on this basis, to increase the volume of production from each piece of equipment, from each square meter production area. The result of the organization of intensive use of production capacities is the acceleration of the growth rate of production without additional capital investments.

important place in improving the efficiency of production occupy organizational and economic factors. Their role especially increases with the growth of the scale of social production with the complication economic relations. Requires further development and improvement of industrial social infrastructure, which has a significant impact on the level of production efficiency. In management, this is the improvement of the very forms and methods of management, planning, economic incentives Total economic mechanism. In the same group of factors, various levers of cost accounting are widely used and financial incentives, liability and other self-supporting economic incentives.

A special place in the intensification of the enterprise economy, reducing specific consumption resources belongs to improving product quality. This task should become the subject of constant attention and control, the main factor in evaluating the performance of each work collective.

The purpose of the activity of any industrial enterprise is the production of certain products (performance of works, provision of services) of the established volume and quality, in certain deadlines. But when establishing the scale of production, one should proceed not only from the national economic and individual needs for this product, but also from the need to take into account the achievement maximum level its effectiveness. Therefore, the quality of the work of an industrial enterprise should be assessed, first of all, by determining the economic efficiency of the products.

Production efficiency is the most important qualitative characteristic of management at all levels. Under the economic efficiency of production is understood the degree of use of production potential, which is revealed by the ratio of the results and costs of social production. The higher the result at the same cost, the faster it grows per unit cost of socially necessary labor, or the lower the cost per unit of useful effect, the higher the production efficiency. A generalizing criterion for the economic efficiency of social production is the level of productivity of social labor.

Production efficiency is one of the key categories market economy, which is directly related to the achievement of the ultimate goal of the development of production in general and each enterprise separately.

Economic theory defines the category of efficiency as the effectiveness of the production process, production system or specific form of business. In the most general view economic efficiency of production is quantitative ratio two values ​​- the results of economic activity and production costs. Historically, with all modes of production, regardless of the form of ownership, the producer is interested in the relationship between costs and results of his activities.

Economic efficiency is ultimately expressed in an increase in labor productivity. Consequently, the level of labor productivity is a criterion for the economic efficiency of production. The higher the productivity of labor and, consequently, the lower the cost of production, the higher economic efficiency labor costs.

In foreign practice, the term “productivity of the production and service system” is usually used as a synonym for “management efficiency”, when productivity is understood as the efficient use of resources (labor, capital, land, materials, energy, information) for the production of various goods and services.

Do not forget also that the overall performance of the system is a much broader concept. Than labor productivity and profitability of production. A hereditary sign of efficiency (productivity) may be the need to achieve the goal of the production and economic activities of the enterprise with the lowest costs social labor or time.

1.2 Performance indicators of the enterprise

The profit of the enterprise is one of the most important indicators of the financial result economic activity enterprises. In accordance with Russian legislation, profit is the difference between income and expenses caused by its receipt.

Profit is the most important economic category and the main purpose of the functioning of any commercial organization. As an economic category, profit reflects the net income generated in the production and provision of services, and performs a number of functions. The main ones include the following:

1. Fiscal function. Profit is one of the determining revenue sources of budgets at all levels.

2. Evaluation function. Profit characterizes economic effect, obtained as a result of the economic activity of the enterprise for a separate period, i.e. the financial result of the enterprise is estimated.

3. Stimulating function. Since profit is at the same time not only a financial result, but also the main element financial resources enterprises, the latter is interested in obtaining the greatest amount of profit as the basis for its development and competitiveness.

When considering the issue of economic efficiency of production, it must be borne in mind that effect and efficiency are ambiguous concepts. In the most general form, the form of the effect of any production is its function - the end result, which is embodied directly in the volume of production material values, cost savings, etc. However, no matter how important the effect is, in itself it does not sufficiently characterize the activity of the enterprise, since it does not show at what cost it was obtained. The same effect can be obtained in different ways, with different levels the use of resources (costs) and, conversely, the same costs can have different effects. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the effect achieved with the costs (resources) with which it was obtained. In its most general form, economic efficiency is a comparison of two values: the absolute value of the effect with the absolute values ​​of costs and resources. The general formula for efficiency is as follows:


, (1.1)

Where E - economic efficiency;

R- the result of the enterprise;

W- enterprise costs;

F- factors, resources.

The level of economic efficiency gives an idea of ​​the costs at which the economic effect is achieved. The greater the effect and the lower the costs, the higher the economic efficiency of production, and vice versa.

Calculations of production efficiency are carried out according to the system of indicators, which are combined into the following groups:

- generalizing indicators of increasing the economic efficiency of social production;

- indicators of increasing the efficiency of labor use;

- indicators of increasing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets, working capital and capital investments;

– performance improvement indicators material resources.

Increasing the efficiency of production of forest complex enterprises largely depends on the better use of fixed production assets. Improving the use of existing fixed production assets makes it possible to increase the volume of production without additional capital investments, reduce production costs and, accordingly, increase profits. To assess the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets, generalizing and particular indicators are used. Generalizing indicators make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of all fixed assets on the balance sheet of the enterprise. Private indicators are calculated for certain types and groups of fixed assets.

The most common generalizing indicator of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets is capital productivity. It characterizes the output per 1 p. value of fixed assets:

, (1.2)

Where IN- the volume (revenue) of products produced per year;

OPFaverage annual cost fixed production assets.

Capital intensity shows the share of the value of fixed assets attributable to each ruble of output.

where FE is capital intensity,

FO - return on assets.

The capital-labor ratio characterizes the technical equipment of labor and is determined by the formula:

, (1.4)

Where H- the average number of workers.

Increasing the efficiency of using fixed production assets at enterprises is achieved through organizational, technical and economic measures.

Organizational activities include:

1. reduction of equipment downtime in repair by reducing its terms and lengthening the overhaul periods;

2. increase in shift work of equipment;

3. organization of uninterrupted supply of workplaces with the necessary tools, devices, etc.

Technical measures include:

1. increasing the speed of machines and equipment;

2. reducing the duration of technological processes based on the use of catalysts;

3. use of machinery and equipment at full capacity;

4. improvement of production technology;

5. application of progressive technology;

6. introduction of complex mechanization, etc.

Economic measures include: improvement of the system of planning, accounting and control of the use of funds; creation of incentive systems that ensure the interest of personnel in increasing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets, etc.

One of the ways to increase the efficiency of production is to increase the efficiency of the use of working capital. Usage efficiency working capital depends on their turnover. Working capital of the enterprise is constantly in motion, making a circuit. They pass from the sphere of circulation into the sphere of production, and then from the sphere of production again into the sphere of circulation, and so on. At the same time, working capital consistently passes through three stages: cash, production and commodity. The efficiency of the use of working capital is characterized by a system of interrelated indicators, which includes:

- turnover ratio of working capital;

- the duration of one turnover of working capital;

- coefficient of working capital utilization.

The turnover ratio of working capital shows the number of turnovers made by these funds for a certain period of time and is determined by the formula:

, (1.5)

Where IN- cost of goods sold, rub.;

OS- average balances of working capital in this period, p.

The duration of one turnover of working capital shows the time during which these funds make a complete circuit. This indicator reflects the time during which the company will be returned its funds in the form of revenue for sold products and is determined by the formula:

, (1.6)

Where T is the number of days in the period under review.

Working capital utilization factor, the value of which is inversely proportional to the turnover ratio, characterizes the amount of working capital spent on 1 p. products sold:

The efficiency of the use of working capital has a significant impact on financial condition enterprises. Here a number of financial ratios for working capital are determined. The most significant of them are:

Current liquidity ratio:

, (1.8)


- the amount of short-term debt of the enterprise.

This coefficient characterizes the general security of the enterprise with working capital for doing business and timely repayment of short-term obligations. The recommended value of this indicator is at least 2.

Working capital ratio:

, (1.9)


- the size of own current assets of the enterprise.

The Ministry of Finance has set its standard value at 10 percent (0.1). The enterprise must have at its disposal at least 10 percent of its own working capital, otherwise it may be declared insolvent.

By increasing the speed of turnover of working capital, an increase in production and sales volumes is achieved with unchanged funds invested in the creation of working capital. The cost of working capital may also decrease with a constant volume of production and sales of products.

The main directions of increasing the efficiency of working capital can be classified according to the stages of their circulation.

At the stage of creating inventories, these areas include:

- reduction in warehouses of excess stocks of raw materials, fuel, materials and other normalized means;

- uninterrupted and comprehensive material and technical supply of production with resources of the required quality;

- reducing the cost of purchased resources without compromising quality;

– ensuring the safety of materials during storage in warehouses, etc.

At the production stage, the following areas are distinguished:

– reduction of the production cycle;

- reduction of specific consumption rates of raw materials, materials, fuel and other resources without compromising the quality of products;

– use of production waste;

– improving the quality of products;

- organization of the rhythm of production, etc.

At the stage of product sales, the directions for increasing the efficiency of the use of working capital include:

– strict observance of the rules of financing;

– strengthening contractual and payment discipline;

- speeding up the processing of payment documents and their timely presentation for payment;

– acceleration of document flow in the process of implementation;

- the use of rational methods of settlement with suppliers;

– acceleration of shipment of products to the consumer, etc.

Labor productivity is a complex economic category that characterizes the efficiency of workers in the sphere of material production. Labor productivity is determined by the quantity of products produced per unit of working time, or by labor costs per unit of output. The final result of the enterprise activity largely depends on labor productivity. The higher the productivity, the more products are produced at the enterprise for the calendar period, the higher will be the financial result (profit).

The growth of labor productivity allows the enterprise to produce more products, therefore, to obtain higher financial results, should be objectively conditioned by:

– improvement of working conditions for employees;

– the use of highly efficient equipment and resource-saving technologies;

– the interest of employees in obtaining high final results;

- stable and expanding markets for the company's products.

The growth of labor productivity is an important factor in improving the efficiency of the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

This growth is driven by key factors such as:

– change in the technical level of production (mechanization and automation of production processes, modernization of equipment, introduction of advanced technology, etc.);

– improvement of management, organization of labor (reduction of losses of working time, reduction of marriage and deviations from standards, etc.);

– change in the volume and structure of production;

– introduction of scientific and technical developments into production;

– implementation of investment projects;

– quality improvement labor resources;

- material and moral incentives for employees.

The main indicator characterizing the efficiency of current expenses of the enterprise is the actual cost per 1 ruble of output. Efficiency means efficiency, in this case it shows how effectively the company carries out its costs associated with the production and sale of products.

, (1.10)


- the actual cost of the company's products;

IN- the volume of output in monetary terms.

This indicator must have a value less than 1, otherwise it means that the company incurs losses.

Another general indicator of cost effectiveness is the data on the level of profitability:


- profit of the enterprise after taxes (net profit).

The level of profitability shows the amount of profit of the enterprise, which it receives from each ruble spent on production. The higher the value of this indicator, the more efficiently the costs of production and sales of products are used.

Particular indicators of the efficiency of current costs are material intensity, wage intensity, capital intensity and energy intensity of products. Their parameters will depend on the type of production and its sectoral affiliation.

In a competitive environment great importance for the enterprise has the issue of reducing the actual costs associated with the production and sale of products. Cost reduction results in:

- to an increase in the mass of profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise, and hence to the emergence of the possibility of expanded reproduction;

- to expand the capabilities of the enterprise to financially stimulate employees, which contributes to their work with full dedication;

- to improve the financial condition of the enterprise and reduce the risk of bankruptcy;

– expanding the possibilities of pricing policy planning, which makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of products and increase sales.

In order to identify reserves for reducing the cost of production at the enterprise, the cost structure is first analyzed. The cost structure is the composition of costs by elements or items and their share in the total cost. System definition and cost analysis in the enterprise have a very importance to manage costs in order to minimize them. The cost structure allows you to identify the main reserves for their reduction and develop specific measures for their implementation at the enterprise.

Economics of the enterprise: lecture notes Dushenkina Elena Alekseevna

3. Ways to improve the efficiency of the enterprise

Ways to improve production efficiency- a set of specific measures to increase the efficiency of production in the given directions. The main ways to improve production efficiency: reducing labor intensity and increasing labor productivity, reducing the material consumption of products and rational use of natural resources, reducing the capital intensity of products and enhancing the investment activity of enterprises.

An important factor in improving the efficiency of the enterprise is scientific and technological progress. In modern conditions, revolutionary, qualitative changes are needed, a transition to fundamentally new technologies, to technology of subsequent generations, a radical re-equipment of all branches of the national economy on the basis of the latest achievements of science and technology.

Fundamental changes in engineering and technology, the mobilization of all, not only technical, but also organizational, economic and social factors, will create the prerequisites for a significant increase in labor productivity. It is necessary to ensure the introduction of the latest machinery and technology, to widely apply progressive forms of scientific organization of labor in production, to improve its standardization, to achieve a growth in the culture of production, the strengthening of order and discipline.

One of the important factors of intensification and improvement of production efficiency of enterprises is the mode of economy. Resource conservation must become a decisive source of meeting the growing demand for fuel, energy, raw materials and materials.

Increasing the efficiency of production depends on the better use of fixed assets. It is necessary to make more intensive use of the created production potential, achieve rhythmic production, maximize the utilization of equipment, significantly increase its shift work and, on this basis, increase the volume of production from each piece of equipment, from each square meter of production area. The result of the organization of intensive use of production capacities is the acceleration of the growth rate of production without additional capital investments.

An important place in increasing the efficiency of production is occupied by organizational and economic factors. Their role especially increases with the growth of the scale of social production with the complication of economic ties. The production social infrastructure, which has a significant impact on the level of production efficiency, requires further development and improvement. In management, this is the improvement of the very forms and methods of management, planning, and economic stimulation of the entire economic mechanism. In the same group of factors, various levers of cost accounting and material incentives, financial responsibility and other self-supporting economic incentives are widely used.

A special place in the intensification of the economy of the enterprise, reducing the specific consumption of resources belongs to improving the quality of products. This task should become the subject of constant attention and control, the main factor in evaluating the performance of each work collective.

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The economy of enterprises is a combination of factors of production (own and borrowed), non-production factors, circulation funds, finished products, Money held in the company's bank accounts, valuable papers, intangible funds of property (patents, licenses, etc.), income or profits received as a result of the sale of products and the provision of various services.

Their valuation characterizes the level and scale of development of the enterprise's economy. The latter depends on many factors: on the ability to find the optimal proportions between resource provision, quantity and quality of products, on the one hand, and sales volume, sales revenues and profits, on the other hand.

The nature and degree of effectiveness of the implementation of these factors depend on the impact of accounting for external and internal conditions enterprise development. TO external conditions applies market system management. An enterprise in its activities should strive not only to stay, but also to develop in the market, while optimally using the entire set of internal factors development of production, which in their content and purpose are quite numerous. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups.

Factors resource provision production. These include factors of production(buildings, structures, equipment, tools, land, raw materials, fuel, labor, information), that is, everything without which the production of products and the provision of services in the quantity and quality required by the market is unthinkable.

Factors that ensure the desired level of economic and technical development of the enterprise (STP, organization of labor and production, advanced training, innovation and investment, and so on).

Factors that ensure the commercial efficiency of the production and economic activities of the enterprise (the ability to conduct a highly efficient commercial and procurement activities) .

There is no strictly defined line between these groups. At the same time, they differ in terms of the degree of impact on production. So, the first group of factors determines the resources of the enterprise, its capabilities, and the degree of realization of these capabilities depends on the use of the second group.

A third group of factors stands somewhat aside. Its emergence is directly related to market relations. Their implementation is aimed at:

- ensuring the rhythm of production through a certain organization of its provision with all necessary resources for the production of goods in a quality and quantity that allows to satisfy the requirements of the market;

* reduction of production costs or their retention at a certain level through effective commercial work;

* making a profit in the amount that ensures the technical and economic development enterprises.

This is achieved through product marketing. Their different role in the production of goods and its development determines the specifics of the use of each group of factors.

Ways to improve production efficiency - a set of specific measures to increase production efficiency in given directions. The main ways to improve production efficiency: reducing labor intensity and increasing labor productivity, reducing the material consumption of products and rational use of natural resources, reducing the capital intensity of products and enhancing the investment activity of enterprises.

An important factor in improving the efficiency of the enterprise is scientific and technological progress. In modern conditions, revolutionary, qualitative changes are needed, a transition to fundamentally new technologies, to technology of subsequent generations, a radical re-equipment of all branches of the national economy on the basis of the latest achievements of science and technology.

Fundamental changes in engineering and technology, the mobilization of all, not only technical, but also organizational, economic and social factors, will create the prerequisites for a significant increase in labor productivity. It is necessary to ensure the introduction of the latest machinery and technology, to widely apply progressive forms of scientific organization of labor in production, to improve its standardization, to achieve a growth in the culture of production, the strengthening of order and discipline.

Reducing the cost of production is of great importance for improving the efficiency of the enterprise. It implies, first of all, the economical consumption of resources, which indicates not only a quantitative, but also a qualitative impact on the economic potential of the enterprise and its prospective changes.

Cost drivers are quantifiable cost savings opportunities. The first group of factors includes an increase in the technical level of production. The second group of factors - improving the management of the organization of production and labor. The third group of factors includes changes in the volume and structure of products, the structure of production. The fourth group of factors includes changes in business conditions. Since the cost of production consists of various items, then, accordingly, there are various ways to reduce it. It is necessary to identify the sources and factors of cost reduction.

Sources show where to look for opportunities to reduce production costs. Factors determine the conditions that ensure successful use identified sources of cost reduction.

Sources of reducing the cost of production are:

* improving the use of raw materials and supplies;

* a decrease in the labor intensity of products ensures an increase in labor productivity and, consequently, leads to a decrease in the share wages in the cost of production;

ѕ reduction of production maintenance and management costs.

Profit is an indicator that most fully reflects the efficiency of production, the volume and quality of products, the state of labor productivity, the level of cost.

Among the factors influencing the amount of profit, a prominent place, in addition to the cost of production, is occupied by scientific and technological progress, changes in the volume and structure of production, changes in prices.

Factor action scientific and technological progress to increase profits are manifested through a decrease in the cost of production, an increase in labor productivity, and an increase in capital productivity.

Among the ways and means to increase the profit of the enterprise, the following can be distinguished:

1. reduce the cost of production by reducing the norms variable costs. Enterprises even have special economic services who are engaged in line-item cost analysis and find ways to reduce it. But to a large extent, this work is depreciated by inflation and rising prices for raw materials and fuel and energy resources.

2. Increasing the volume of sales of products in in kind, which can be achieved with the help of capital investments for the purchase of more productive equipment, the development of new technologies, and the expansion of production.

3. reduction in the size of unrealized balances at the beginning and end of the reporting period. For this it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

a) reduction of the time required for picking, packaging products, execution of settlement and monetary documents.

b) drawing up contracts with clearly defined conditions for payment by the buyer of products in order to exclude a situation where the buyer does not pay for products on time.

The volume and timeliness of all work, the degree of use of equipment, machines, mechanisms and, as a result, the volume of production, its cost, profit and a number of others depend on the security of the enterprise with labor resources and the efficiency of their use. economic indicators. The efficiency of the use of labor resources of the enterprise characterizes labor productivity. Labor productivity is affected by three groups of factors:

- material and technical, depending on the level of development, condition, degree of use of the means of production and directly affecting the labor intensity of products;

ѕ organizational, depending on the level of organization of labor, production and management.

These two factors affect the use of working time.

ѕ socio-economic, depending on the content of labor, working conditions, composition and qualifications of personnel.

ѕ reserves are unused opportunities for growth in labor productivity due to the action of specific factors:

¾ reserves for more efficient use of the means of production and work force;

* current ones are implemented in current planning and proceed without significant costs, and promising, are associated with significant financial labor costs;

ѕ national economic, sectoral and on-farm.

One of the important factors of intensification and improvement of production efficiency of enterprises is the mode of economy. Resource conservation must become a decisive source of meeting the growing demand for fuel, energy, raw materials and materials. external form resource saving is resource saving. Its value shows the state of resource saving at the enterprise. The economical use of material resources consists in the formation of such a level of consumption of raw materials and materials as an integral part of production consumption, in which the smallest possible amount of raw materials and materials should be used to manufacture high-quality products.

Increasing the efficiency of production depends on the better use of fixed assets.

Improving the efficiency of the use of fixed assets can be achieved in the following ways:

1. Timely commissioning of new fixed assets and production capacities, their rapid development. This allows you to get faster desired products with technically more advanced fixed assets, speed up their turnover and thereby slow down the onset of obsolescence of fixed assets of enterprises, and increase the efficiency of social production as a whole.

2. Improving the use of existing fixed assets and production capacities industrial enterprises, including those newly commissioned, which can be achieved through:

* increasing the intensity of the use of production capacities and fixed assets (technical re-equipment, increasing the rate of renewal);

* increasing the extensiveness of their load (increasing the operating time of equipment in calendar period, increase in the proportion of operating equipment in the composition of all equipment).

3. Timely installation is not installed equipment, as well as the commissioning of all installed equipment, with the exception of the part that is in the planned reserve and repair.

4. Improving the organization of production by:

ѕ reduction of intra-shift downtime of equipment;

ѕ ensuring a continuous flow schedule of work.

5. Improvement of qualification, skill of the personnel servicing the equipment.

6. Improving the system of moral and financial incentives enterprise personnel.

In order to increase the efficiency of the use of fixed assets, it is necessary to increase the degree of their load, especially their active part, the renewal of funds, the use of advanced equipment, modern technologies and skilled workers.

Efficient use of working capital largely depends on correct definition working capital needs. It is important for the enterprise to correctly determine the optimal need for working capital, which will allow, with minimal costs, to receive the profit planned for a given volume of production. Working capital after fixed assets occupy the second place in terms of the total amount of resources that determine the economy of the enterprise.

From the standpoint of the requirements of the effective management of the enterprise's economy, the volume of working capital should be sufficient for the production of products in the range and quantity requested by the market, and at the same time, the minimum does not lead to an increase in production costs due to the formation of excess stocks.

Among the ways to increase the turnover of working capital, the following can be distinguished:

1. Reducing the time during which working capital is diverted, that is, are in circulation.

2. Reducing the average annual balances of working capital.

3. Decrease in the need of the enterprise for working capital.

4. To produce those products that can be sold quickly and profitably, while reducing the output of products that are not in current demand. This will help to avoid crises in the sale of manufactured products.

6. Rational organization production stocks:

* rational use;

* liquidation of excess stocks of materials;

* improvement of the organization of supply;

ѕ Improvement of warehouse operations.

Economic Importance of Saving revolving funds in modern conditions is expressed as follows:

1. Reducing the specific consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel provides production with large economic benefits- makes it possible to produce large volumes of products from a given amount of resources.

2. The desire to save material resources encourages enterprises to implement new technology and improvement of technological processes.

3. Saving material resources greatly contributes to reducing the cost of industrial products.

4. Significantly affecting the reduction of production costs, saving material resources has a positive impact on the financial condition of the enterprise.

Thus, the economic efficiency of improving the use and savings of working capital is very high, since they have a positive impact on all aspects of the production and economic activities of the enterprise. Thus, the acceleration of the turnover of working capital allows you to release significant amounts, and thus increase the volume of production without additional financial resources, and use the released funds in accordance with the needs of the enterprise.

An important place in increasing the efficiency of production is occupied by organizational and economic factors. Their role especially increases with the growth of the scale of social production with the complication of economic ties. The production social infrastructure, which has a significant impact on the level of production efficiency, requires further development and improvement. This is the improvement of the very forms and methods of management, planning, economic stimulation of the entire economic mechanism. In the same group of factors, various levers of cost accounting and material incentives, financial responsibility and other self-supporting economic incentives are widely used.

A special place in the intensification of the economy of the enterprise, reducing the specific consumption of resources belongs to improving the quality of products. Necessary condition survival in the competitive struggle was the creation of a quality system covering all stages of production that affect the quality of the finished product. Product quality management is interconnected complex measures to establish, ensure and maintain required level product quality during its development, production and operation or consumption, carried out through systematic quality control and targeted impact on the conditions and factors affecting product quality. Product quality management should be carried out systematically, that is, the company must have a product quality management system. This task should become the subject of constant attention and control, the main factor in evaluating the performance of each work collective.

The availability of reserves and costs of the enterprise is revealed own sources, as well as taking into account long-term, and then short-term loans; this analysis gives the most complete picture of the provision of reserves and costs with own sources of financing;

The reasons for the formation accounts payable, her specific gravity in the obligations of the enterprise, dynamics, structure, share of overdue debt.

In accordance with the indicator of the provision of reserves and costs with own and borrowed sources, types are distinguished financial stability:

* absolute stability of the financial condition: own working capital fully provides for reserves and costs;

- normally stable financial condition: stocks and costs are provided by the amount of own working capital and short-term borrowed sources;

* unstable financial condition: reserves and costs are provided at the expense of own working capital, long-term borrowed sources and short-term loans and borrowings, i.e., at the expense of all major sources of inventory and costs;

ѕ financial crisis: reserves and costs are not provided by the sources of their formation, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy.

The efficiency of the functioning of the enterprise and its economic growth largely depend on the ways of improving the management and organization of all aspects of its activities. In itself, the use of one or another factor outside of connection with others does not mean that proper economic and economic development will be ensured. technical development enterprises. We need integration of all factors. This function belongs to the management of production in the conditions of market relations. The requirements for management can be conditionally expressed as follows: he knows, he wants, he has time. The absence of one of the elements is enough, and the system collapses.

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