Interpretation on the coffee grounds of a crocodile. Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is popular, intriguing with signs of fate and fatal symbols at the bottom of the cup. This method of predicting fate was used hundreds of years ago, with the fortune teller pronouncing a secret spell known only to initiated individuals. Today, the principles of the process remain unchanged.


Carrying out the ritual

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is easy to do on your own at home if you have the necessary attributes:

  • white porcelain cup;
  • natural ground coffee;
  • Turk.

The key to correct fortune telling is the observance of the ritual, which is performed as follows:

  1. In a Turk, hand-ground coffee beans are brewed and special magic phrases are pronounced. For brewing you will need a mixture of coarse and finely ground grains in a 2:1 ratio. The sediment from such a thicket is easier to decipher.
  2. Competently formulate a question with a clear and most accurate formulation of what exactly needs to be learned from higher powers.
  3. After boiling the aromatic drink, pour it into a cup.
  4. You need to hold the porcelain container in your hands and mentally concentrate on your inner experiences.
  5. Drink a warm and infused drink, leaving a small amount of liquid at the bottom. After making circular movements in the air three times with your left hand, the contents are tipped onto a clean saucer.
  6. Having counted to themselves to 10, the cup of coffee is put away and they begin the mysterious ritual of fortune telling based on the drawings on the saucer.

If, during fortune telling, 4–5 images emerge from the coffee grounds, the ritual was a success; 1–2, it is worth repeating again.

The meaning of size, color and location of signs

The size of the pattern will tell you about the degree of influence of the predicted event on a person’s life. The pictures on the bottom will tell you about past events, and the pictures on the edge will tell you about the future. It should be borne in mind that if you see a lot of dark spots on the bottom - the burden of unresolved matters, and the predominance of light ones speaks of a carefree and happy existence. In addition, the smaller the distance between the signs and the center of the cup, the closer the moment of fulfillment of the prediction.

Interpretation of symbols

Images must be interpreted based on an understanding of the meanings, as well as relying on intuition and internal sensations.

In the video from the School of Life channel. ru you can see how to tell fortunes using coffee grounds.

Human figures

In this fortune-telling, human figures are often encountered that have a symbolic meaning:

  1. Damn - arguing with fate is a rash step.
  2. A devil with horns is a sign of temptation, addiction to the forbidden, betrayal, illness, and troubles.
  3. Angel - recovery soon, happy news that will solve all problems.
  4. The figure with wings is an astral image; a person is under the protection of a strong Guardian Angel, who protects him everywhere. At the right moment, the issues will be resolved in the best possible way.
  5. Fisherman - a relationship with a loved one will last for many years.

Body parts

It is not uncommon to see various body parts at the bottom of a coffee cup. There are images that are familiar to humans, as well as those supplemented by other drawings.


In fortune telling, it marks joy on the love front and a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Characterizes readiness for emotional experiences. In the near future, fate will bring you together with a person who will radically change his views and moral values.

In addition, the interpretation of the sign is as follows:

  • the image of a heart with an arrow in fortune telling using coffee grounds means the infidelity of a partner, the end of a relationship, protracted quarrels in the family, the collapse of dreams and plans;
  • an inverted heart is a symbol of being in an illusory state, of knowing true love.


The eyes seen on the coffee grounds are a symbol of observation and research qualities. Care is required when accepting proposals from business partners.

Depending on which eyes you saw, the interpretation will be as follows:

  1. Sad ones with drooping corners symbolize a state of depression, melancholy, and loneliness. Bad news is expected. Lack of opportunity to demonstrate talents and gifts.
  2. A triangle figure can be seen near the eyes - no matter what, you will be lucky in the near future. Positive changes are just around the corner.
  3. Large, beautiful - a symbol of patronage and proper distribution of energy.
  4. Convex, round eyes - a suspicious and cowardly character, the hardships of married life, the likelihood of betrayal.
  5. Sly, narrow Asian eyes on the surface of the coffee grounds - it is recommended to remain calm, conservatism, secrecy, and it is better to keep plans secret.


We can safely call it a sign of stability:

  • in the center of the cup - a symbol of a strong financial position, a secure existence;
  • below - characterizes a reliable person who you can safely rely on;
  • open - those around you watch your person’s actions with curiosity and bewilderment;
  • the outline of a face nearby is a sign that one of the most important meetings in life is approaching;
  • lips near the field - an adventure of a romantic nature, a likely happy marriage in the future.


Quite common drawings made from coffee grounds are animals, which usually have a favorable meaning for the fortuneteller. But they can also warn about something or give a hint.

For example:

  • the giraffe tells the fortuneteller that one should not place high hopes on quick changes in life;
  • the dinosaur says that the fortuneteller will assist in the education and spiritual development of another person;
  • a dog promises a person happiness, as well as success and friends who are ready to help at any moment;
  • The caterpillar is a sign of a slow but sure path to achieving your goal.

The rest of the symbols are presented below.


This is a symbol that foreshadows career growth and an improved standard of living. The appearance of a dragon in coffee fortune-telling must be compared with other images at the bottom of the cup in order to understand the exact interpretation.


The deer symbolizes:

  • frankness with others;
  • generosity;
  • openness;
  • wisdom.


Denotes secret enemies, as well as losses associated with close relatives.

Interpretation of images with a mouse:

  • animal near the triangle - value will be found in the coming days;
  • there is a zero next to it - you need to carefully monitor your jewelry, there is a high probability of losing it;
  • a mouse inside the contour of the face is a warning sign of scandals and squabbles;
  • the animal in the middle of the cup means unforeseen financial difficulties.


Means small profits, small career successes. In mythology, a cetacean creature was considered a conductor between worlds, therefore, in the process of fortune telling, it also foreshadows the road and path.


Seeing a crocodile indicates that you need to be careful in professional matters, especially if the initials of a dubious person are visible near the image. If this symbol is at the top of the cup's edge, a wrong decision is about to be made.


A common image on coffee grounds, its interpretation means:

  • position under control;
  • self-confidence;
  • help from a friend;
  • trips and travel.

Trees and plants

The interpretation of the meanings of such drawings depends on the type and characteristics of the plant or tree itself. They need to be analyzed and the information compared with the course of one’s own life.


The interpretation depends on which tree and in what form appeared in the coffee grounds:

  1. A tree with roots and leaves in the traditional sense means good health, prosperity, ascension. Characterizes a person who knows how to think creatively and achieve recognition in society.
  2. With drooping branches - portends powerlessness, migraines, weakness. There may be a delay in business.
  3. Without leaves, dried out - failures of relatives, illnesses, troubles.
  4. A broken trunk is deprivation, a broken symbol is disappointment, indicating the collapse of endeavors.
  5. Oak - triumph, speedy recovery, surge of vitality.
  6. Spruce is a predisposition to longevity, a sign of experience acquired over the years.
  7. Willow is a symbol of melancholy, tears, and melancholic mood.
  8. Bush - bad luck in business, unexpected troubles, obstacles along the way.
  9. The forest is the wrong path of life.
  10. Only leaves - success in business, support of outsiders, income.
  11. Walnut tree - authority and respect of people.
  12. Apple tree - an exciting life.

A tree made from coffee grounds is deciphered in a special way, depending on the location:

  • the tree at the bottom of the cup will indicate resistance to difficulties and obstacles on the path to a successful goal;
  • the image of a tree on the wall - more attention should be paid to the family and its interests.

Tree Tree


In fortune telling on coffee grounds, it has two meanings:

  • unexpected income and unexpected victories;
  • warns that everything has a price and you have to pay in full for every action.


A symbol of love interests, as well as family warmth and comfort. The meaning increases if it is not alone, but in a bouquet.

The interpretation will be as follows:

  • there are dark flowers at the top of the cup - there will be a meeting with your future spouse soon;
  • in the center of the cup - children will take care of the old age of the fortuneteller, ensure satiety and well-being;
  • below - you need to prepare for fun, most likely in nature;
  • flowers near the contour of the face - falling in love is ahead;
  • next to an animal - promises the birth of a child;
  • flowers not far from the road - unexpected guests who are in a hurry and will be on the doorstep any minute;
  • a rose is a symbol of the engagement of two people;
  • violet - luxurious wedding;
  • chrysanthemum is a sign calling to maintain faith in love, which will not come soon.


Objects can often be found at the bottom of the cup along with plants and animals. The interpretation of these symbols is not always clear.

For example, if a fortuneteller notices the figure of a teapot in a cup of coffee grounds, this means guests. The clock will be a signal that there is too little time left to realize your desires. And the waterfall you see symbolizes the rapid pace of events, in which the main thing is to have time to make the right decision.


The controversial figure made from coffee grounds symbolizes royal life, juxtaposing wealth and power with responsibilities and restrictions at the same time:

  • at the bottom of the cup - a sign of readiness to take responsibility for others;
  • the crown is visible in the center - the person is respected, sometimes they fawn on him;
  • the outline of the image on the rim - symbolizes rewards in professional achievements, career growth, and good luck in business.


A plane at the bottom of the cup characterizes a person who loves changes in life. If it is in the middle part - a relaxing trip. At the top or on the edge is a sign of an upcoming business trip.


When fortune telling using coffee grounds, a mirror has more than one interpretation:

  1. In the center of the cup - you should be critical of yourself. Perhaps the causes of problems and the key to solving them lie within the person himself.
  2. In the left corner of the cup there is a sign warning that attention should be paid to the state of health.
  3. In the right - good news, marking a meeting with your soulmate.


Having understood the designations of the figures that are most often found, you can easily decipher their images.


Auspicious picture. It portends a successful and comfortable life thanks to the receipt of an inheritance and entrepreneurship. Warm loving relationships, as well as being surrounded by famous and respected people.

User Elena Ryazantseva will tell you how to learn to tell fortunes using coffee grounds.


These signs have different interpretations:

  1. The wavy line is a symbol of a long, exciting trip.
  2. In the shape of an arc or a curve - you need to beware of an ill-wisher among close people.
  3. A pair of short lines (1 cm) – inconsistency in desires and preferences. This is associated with frequent changes in type of activity and circle of acquaintances.
  4. Many curves are a sign that you need to beware of suspicious people who want evil.
  5. Several broken lines - serious financial difficulties, large-scale spending.
  6. Many straight, long ones - a symbol of good health and long life, short ones - characterizes frivolous relationships.
  7. A separate line in the center of the cup means an exciting journey is expected soon.
  8. The intersection of a straight line with broken lines or curves is a sign of heartfelt feelings.
  9. A broken or zigzag line is adventurism leading to accidents that are harmful to health.
  10. Long straight line – monotony, lack of sharpness of sensations. A calm, measured life awaits you in the future.
  11. Straight short (1 cm) – changes with alternating ups and downs.
  12. Small lines are a favorable pattern.

It must be remembered that the interpretation of lines depends on neighboring images.


Associated with an engagement ring, wedding and means:

  • in the center of the cup - life with your spouse will be easy and fun;
  • at the top - one of the close relatives will soon get married;
  • below - a decent dowry is provided before the wedding;
  • there are clouds around - a problem for a loved one, the solution to which is in your hands;
  • two circles - a flash of feelings, love at first sight, marriage.


A regular triangle is a sign of birth under a lucky star. If this is a broken figure, major troubles will be resolved in the coming days; in the future, dangers and obstacles will not be scary. When you see two touching triangles, it means that fate has prepared unexpected changes, a precarious position.


The interpretation of the letters seen during fortune telling on coffee grounds is as follows:

  • A - triumph and prosperity;
  • B - big plans for the future;
  • B - entertainment, celebration;
  • G - worries, worries, demotion;
  • D - a close friend will help in solving problems;
  • E - your inner instinct will not let you down;
  • F - favorable news;
  • Z - sadness;
  • And - change should be expected;
  • J - beware of unpleasant situations;
  • K - troubles with a relative;
  • L - deceit and betrayal of a dear person;
  • M - carefree in the future;
  • N - peace and harmony;
  • O - helping a friend;
  • P - costs associated with loved ones;
  • P - success in financial matters;
  • C - news from the past;
  • T - if you look back, there will be no future;
  • U - happiness will find you;
  • F - love with a friend;
  • C - quick cash profit;
  • H - expect help from a man;
  • Ш - dangers and unforeseen problems;
  • Shch - tolerance and endurance;
  • b - perseverance and determination;
  • Y - love and fortune are nearby.


These signs in this fortune telling are interpreted differently:

  • 1 – fortune telling will tell you about happiness;
  • 2 – sudden difficulties, obstacles, difficulties;
  • 3 – luck in financial matters;
  • 4 – good luck in your endeavors;
  • 5 – foul language, gossip, squabbles;
  • 6 – prosperous family;
  • 7 – mutual understanding and agreement;
  • 8 – strife and misunderstandings;
  • 9 – new connections;
  • 0 – recognition and implementation of plans.

Photo gallery

Some more signs for fortune telling using coffee grounds are shown in the photo.

The symbol of a woman means activity and powerful energy, which can act both creatively and destructively. A woman personifies the dark side of our subconscious, intuitive abilities, connection with the subtle world, emotions and the sensual sphere.

What does it mean to see a woman in a dream?

Seeing a woman in a dream always means overcoming difficulties, struggling with circumstances and the negative influence of others. If you see your mother in a dream, it means that you have emotional blocks that interfere with the harmonious building of personal relationships. In general, a woman from your family in a dream is a symbol of the Foremother, who warns you in order to protect you from troubles and problems. If you see in a dream a woman from your family who died some time ago, then you should not make drastic changes in your life, for example, move somewhere. In this case, on the contrary, it makes sense to adhere to family traditions and listen very carefully to your own inner voice. The image of a young woman in a dream could mean a rival in your personal life. And if a woman attacks you in a dream, it means that you will soon encounter serious troubles and aggression from enemies.

The image of a woman in fortune telling on coffee grounds

A woman who appears on the coffee grounds means that you should listen to your emotions and learn to manage them in order to control some destructive force. The image of a woman at the bottom of the cup means that in the near future you will encounter a rival or competitor; you will have to fight to achieve material goals with opponents who use brutal destructive force. The symbol of a woman on top of a cup of coffee grounds means that there is a hidden enemy in your environment who will soon show open hostility towards you. A woman in long clothes in the middle of the cup means that you will have a powerful patroness who will help resolve difficult life situations. And the image of a little girl that appears means romantic adventures and bright love passions.

The meaning of the image of a woman in wax divination

The woman on wax acts as a warning and symbolizes the emergence of instability in your life. A woman at the beginning of a wax fortune telling means that you may have a rival who will act cruelly and cynically, using deception and manipulation. The woman at the end of a wax fortune telling can symbolize the image of a mother or mentor who will support you in a difficult period of life. The appearance of a woman on wax is due to the fact that active and destructive energy flows are opening in you. It is necessary to learn to control your emotions, overcome rage and aggression, and begin to engage in spiritual practices in order to correctly use your inclinations. By seeking advice from experts in the field of esotericism, you can find out how to learn to control the energy flow that personifies feminine power.

We have already told you how to tell fortunes using coffee grounds. If you have read about the process of preparing for fortune-telling and about history, then two conclusions can be drawn here. Firstly, fortune telling on coffee grounds was not an original Russian fortune telling, say, for some holidays. Russian peasants simply simply did not have coffee, except perhaps some drink made from chicory roots, but this is not the case at all. So, secondly, despite the fact that this type of fortune telling is quite young for Russia, and came to us from Europe, it also requires a certain environment. It should be calming, but not detached. We talked about methods of fortune telling. And now that you have already learned a little about fortune telling on coffee grounds, you can turn to the meaning of the results of fortune telling, that is, to the very symbols, shapes, blurs and coffee residues that you can observe after drinking a mug of coffee. As a matter of fact, this is what our article will be devoted to.

The meaning of symbols, shapes on a coffee mug for fortune telling and their impact on chronology

First of all, it is necessary to say that the resulting symbols on the circle, depending on their location, also have their own chronology of implementation.

1. near future or present
2. distant future
3. unlucky omens
4. the one who asks
5. this is what will pass away
6. something that will soon become part of your life

The meaning of symbols - people and body parts when fortune telling on coffee grounds

Eyes - changes are ahead in your life.
Head - a familiar young man who has a beneficial influence on you
Head in profile - you are well protected
Woman's head - love
A man's head - parting with a loved one
Head thrown up - you have a patron
Head down - danger ahead
Lips - if the image is located at the bottom, good news awaits you; if the image is at the top edge - support from friends
A circle, and in the center there are two heads - the wedding is approaching
Two heads looking at each other - mutual love.
A line and two heads separated by it - betrayal, or a major quarrel, or even divorce is expected ahead
Several goals - friends will help you
Older woman - strong family life
Hand - collapse of illusions, grief
Person with animal - one of your friends is ready to take care of you
Insects, animals, birds
Butterfly - a letter on a love theme
Bull - danger ahead
Bull on the hill - financial situation will improve
Bull in the lowlands - you are not complaining about your health
Camel - prosperity and wealth ahead
Raven - family grief awaits you
Dove - you have a friend with a pure soul
The hare is a manifestation of cowardice
Snake - a person who wishes you harm
Cow - happiness and luck awaits you
Cat - you will lose all your money
Chicken - help is expected from you
Swan - a cash surprise awaits you
Leo - kindness, strength
Fox - lie, deception
Frog - good times await you
Bear - trouble ahead
Ant - vanity
Fly - an inheritance awaits you
Deer - never lies and will always give advice
Eagle - a struggle awaits you in which you will win
Spider - surprise
Rooster - someone will make you happy; at the bottom of the cup - they are plotting against you
Fish - good news awaits you, a pleasant journey
Elephant - influence, strength, wealth
Dog - loyalty and devotion
Owl - very sad
Tiger is never kind
Lizard - surprise ahead

The meaning of the symbols - Flora when telling fortunes on coffee grounds

Oak - victory
Willow - sadness, depression, tears
Clover - soon troubles and problems will be solved
Bush - the business started will turn into failure
Les - you made a big mistake
Lily - devotion, constancy in love; quarrel (if at the bottom of the cup)
Rose - engagement and then wedding troubles
Violet - wedding with a wealthy person
Chrysanthemum - love at the end of life
Car - visiting other places ahead
Diamond - mutual happiness
Angel - unexpected joy, good news,
Fork - prosperity, wealth, luxury
Coffin - grief, misfortune
Coffin with a cross - loss of a loved one
A coffin next to the bed is an incurable disease
Door - success awaits you
Home - success, prosperity
Dagger - anger, enmity
The key is success awaits you in all matters
Wheel - an unexpected event awaits you
Ring - beneficial alliance, wedding
Hammer - the matter ends well
Knife is a big expense
Scissors - luck, prosperity
Shoes are a surprise
Weapons - a scandal awaits you
Folder - the matter ends successfully
Loop - major troubles or death
Glove - return of former affection
Horseshoe - a joyful event
Dishes - the unknown awaits you ahead
Candle - dreams
Chair - you will become a wealthy person
Flag - troubles await you ahead
Hat - joy, reverence
Anchor - pleasant surprises - if the pattern is clear; problems with a loved one - if the picture is blurry

The meaning of the symbols is geometric figures when telling fortunes on coffee grounds

Arc - you have an enemy who wishes you harm
Star - some kind of trouble will pass you by
Square - life without problems
St. Andrew's Cross is a very pleasant event
Cross - unpleasant news
Circle - a closed circle means that you are a sociable person; a broken circle speaks of a new acquaintance.
A line is an adventure if it is a zigzag; resentment, problems in personal life if the line intersects with other lines; a happy and carefree life if the line is straight and long; illness, losses, indecision, uncertainty if a broken line
Oblique lines - warn of something unpleasant for you
Broken lines - money problems
Oval - very pleasant chores
Dots or strokes - carefree life
Triangle - good luck if the triangle is closed; you will be protected if the triangle is not closed
Dashes - big changes are coming
Quadrangle - you will be lucky in love

The meaning of the symbols - numbers when telling fortunes on coffee grounds

1 - you are loved or you are in love (love number);
2 - unpleasant chores, problems (minor problems)
3 - financial success is on your side (favorable environment for making money or investing)
4 - you will be lucky (unexpected luck)
5 - empty chores (possible manifestation of unrelated fuss)
6 - Fortune is on your side (make your choice, it will be successful)
7 - happiness with your loved one (your union with your loved one will delight the two of you)
8 - trouble (problems related to waste and emotional distress)
9 - new friend (here we are talking primarily about a new acquaintance; whether this person will become your friend is the second question)
10-100 - luck, success. (lucky on little things)
101 or more - long life.

It is important to note here that the numbers can be considered both Arabic and Roman. In addition, you need to associatively imagine how the number is tied to your fortune telling, what it can affect and how it will manifest itself.

For each person, symbols are often their own, personal. This happens after long experiences of fortune telling. Here psychology and your imagination play the main role. Read the symbols to the end, consider them as a whole, and not separately, do not try to give in to what you want, find an independent truth. But nevertheless, the personal ultimately plays the main role in fortune telling.

For a long time, people have tried to look into the future using various kinds of fortune telling. Indeed, sometimes it is so tempting to open the “door” of fate a little! Among the most popular and “delicious” methods is fortune telling on coffee grounds - identifying the symbols (pictures) that form at the bottom of the cup and their exact interpretation. So, today we will find out what coffee drawings mean from the grounds left over from drinking your favorite invigorating drink - letters, numbers, figures of animals and humans. In addition, we will take a closer look at how to correctly tell fortunes using grounds, as well as brew coffee for this “magical” ritual. So, let's get down to the most interesting fortune telling!

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - symbols, their meaning and interpretation with photos

The history of fortune telling on coffee grounds dates back to Italy in the 18th century - a list of basic symbols was compiled there that needed to be used to “decipher” the past and future. In general, this method of fortune telling appeared immediately after the invention of coffee - the Middle East is considered the birthplace of this divine drink. Thus, even Turkish sultans and Russian tsars listened to the predictions of their court “magicians” on the grounds left after drinking aromatic coffee. In our country, coffee gained popularity under Peter the Great and was considered a drink of the nobility, but over time it became available to other segments of the population. Thus, at many social gatherings it has become fashionable to invite fortune tellers (“coffee girls”) to entertain guests by interpreting the meanings of the symbols remaining in the cups.

How to guess correctly using coffee grounds? First of all, you need to take high-quality ground coffee, a white porcelain cup and saucer. The surface of the selected dishes should be smooth, without depressions or bulges, as well as colored patterns. To achieve the desired consistency, mix two tablespoons of coarse and the same amount of finely ground coffee. When the drink is ready, let it cool and drink - there should be about a tablespoon of grounds left at the bottom of the cup. Now the fortuneteller takes the cup with his left hand and thinks intently about the question that interests him, while performing three circular movements clockwise. This is necessary so that the grounds are distributed on the walls of the vessel. Then we quickly turn the cup over on the saucer and, after counting to seven, remove it. That's it, you can start fortune telling! Before you start unraveling the symbols and their meaning, you should remember that the past is shown by the grounds remaining on the saucer, and the coffee drawings in the cup “speak” about the future. In this case, we study the signs in a certain order: from left to right and vice versa, at the bottom of the dish, from the edge of the walls towards the center. Let's study the meaning of the most important symbols and figures that appear on the sides of the cup.

List of symbols (figures) of coffee grounds during fortune telling - what they mean and how to interpret:

  • Dragon - the appearance of this “fierce” symbol at the bottom of the cup promises the fortuneteller positive changes in life, and is also a warning about the presence of envious people in the immediate environment.

  • Horse - if the coffee spot resembles this noble animal in outline, then you will meet a loved one or receive news from him. The horse's head is interpreted as a "portrait" of a loved one. Half a horse means that your wish will only partially come true.

  • Heart - this beautiful symbol promises the fortuneteller love and the emergence of new feelings. The size of the coffee heart determines the strength and duration of love - the more, the stronger.

  • Duck is considered a symbol of changes relating to the home sphere, namely relationships with a loved one and relatives. If the figure of a duck is surrounded by positive symbols, then this combination can be interpreted as stability, stability and wisdom.

  • Dolphin - the image of a dolphin made from coffee grounds is a good sign, since the fortuneteller will experience well-being, prosperity and new life prospects.

  • Fish - means the ability to adapt to the surrounding society in order to achieve your goals. The appearance of this symbol at the bottom of the cup is associated with events in a person’s social life - work, career, relationships with partners and colleagues. If the fish “swimmed out” closer to the edge of the cup, then you need to pay attention to relationships with parents, children and loved ones.

  • Giraffe is a warning that the fortuneteller needs to reconsider his attitude towards life, and also separate just dreams and real goals.

  • Bird - symbolizes positive changes in life, the end of one stage and the beginning of the next. Perhaps you can expect a career advancement, an increase in salary, or the successful implementation of your creative ideas. If the pattern on the edge of the cup resembles a flock of birds, a successful start to a new business or project will soon await you - and well-deserved fame!

Correct interpretation of symbols when fortune telling on coffee grounds - in pictures

Fortune telling with coffee grounds has long been considered one of the most popular ways to find out the future, as well as correctly interpret events from the past. Indeed, for this you do not need to turn to a fortune teller or soothsayer - everyone can easily master this fascinating science. And if earlier during fortune telling it was customary to read various magic spells, today the ritual has become as simple as possible - but no less interesting than a hundred or two hundred years ago. So, the coffee has been drunk, and the cup and saucer are covered with fancy patterns and spots - we begin to interpret the symbols.

When looking at the figures, we pay special attention to clearer pictures, since they provide the most accurate and correct information. The location of the symbols also matters for their interpretation - we start from the handle and clockwise. So, if the figures are placed towards the handle, then they can be interpreted as some phenomenon that will soon enter a person’s life. As an option - the head of a man, woman or animal, or a knife blade. On the contrary, with the direction of the symbols from the handle of the cup, one can hardly expect important life changes. When solving the drawings on the cup, it is important to study the ones closest to the handle - such signs usually relate to the most personal (relationships with relatives, family, everyday life). The location of less significant symbols is on the opposite side of the handle.

The figures on the left will tell about upcoming events that are a continuation and consequence of certain events of the past. On the right side there are signs for interpreting the future, which is in no way connected with the fortuneteller’s past. In addition, depending on the location of the symbol between the rim and the bottom of the cup, you can determine the time of the event. If the sign is located near the rim itself, the predicted will come true within 1 - 1.5 months, in the “equatorial” part - within 2 - 4 months, near the bottom - towards the end of life’s journey. What signs can be “read” on coffee grounds?

Among the most common symbols are human and animal figures, letters, numbers, lines, and geometric designs. To obtain the most accurate prediction, you need to interpret not a single symbol, but taking into account all those that are on the same “time line” with it. For example, a sign in the form of a suitcase itself means travel. But with a human figure located nearby, specifics are added to the prophecy - most likely, a visit from guests from afar is planned. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of some common symbols of coffee grounds in pictures that are often formed during fortune telling.

How to correctly interpret the symbols of coffee grounds during fortune telling - meanings and pictures:

  • Cat - symbolizes poverty and cunning. If the cat is located near the edge of the cup, your enemies are not asleep, involving you in their dishonest games. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at your own surroundings, stopping such actions. Is the animal at the bottom of the cup? Expect a serious quarrel with relatives.
  • Mouse - like the previous symbol, is considered a negative sign. The appearance of an image of this cute little animal on a coffee cup warns of impending losses incurred by the fortuneteller through the fault of people close to him.
  • A dog is a good positive omen, meaning friendly support in difficult times. If a sick person is doing fortune telling, then the figure of a dog on the coffee grounds can be interpreted as help, which will lead to recovery. However, it happens that the dog has a clearly visible grin - in this case, the symbol is interpreted as a possible betrayal of the best friend.

  • Bear - warns the fortuneteller about danger, which can only be avoided by making the right choice. If there is a sign next to the bear that resembles the outline of an eagle, a dangerous situation will not affect you. Moreover, you will receive the laurels of the winner! If there is a line that looks like a snake near the bear, this promises big trouble.

  • Tree - there are many interpretations of this sign of coffee grounds. Thus, a tall tree with a straight trunk and a lush crown symbolizes the appearance of lucrative job offers and new business partners in the future. In your personal life, wide opportunities also open up - several interesting acquaintances can happen at the same time. It’s even better if the tree is strewn with fruits, because this sign promises to receive a large sum of money or inheritance. A tree with a crooked, twisted trunk predicts an unsuccessful outcome of new beginnings and inevitable losses.

  • Child - this symbol means experiences and grievances of the past, as well as the inability to overcome obstacles. The appearance of a child’s figure near the edge of the cup symbolizes personal grievances and complexes that can interfere with the growth of well-being or creative development. If the child is located at the bottom of the cup, then this indicates the presence of grievances and other negative emotions that stand in the way of building harmonious relationships in the present.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - the meaning of symbols and signs

Strong aromatic coffee is one of the most popular drinks, without which many cannot imagine breakfast or lunch. In addition, with the help of a cup of coffee, you can find out your future by correctly deciphering the meaning of the remaining symbols on the grounds. So, completely different patterns may appear on the bottom or walls of the cup - lines, numbers, letters, human and animal figures. In our list you will find an interpretation of the main symbols that are most often formed on coffee grounds as a result of fortune telling.

What do the symbols-parts of the human body on coffee grounds mean - list of interpretations:

  • Head - your life will soon change thanks to a young man you know
  • Eyes - the sign promises life changes in the sphere of relationships, study or work
  • Lips - wait for the good news
  • Woman - the appearance of this symbol portends to the fortuneteller a pleasant love affair or a quick marriage
  • Hand - symbolizes the collapse of expectations and hopes

Geometric shapes - how to decipher their appearance on coffee grounds:

  • Quadrangle - to good luck in love affairs, a new acquaintance or favorable development of relationships with a man
  • Small dashes - expect a promotion up the career ladder or a salary increase
  • Triangle - if this geometric figure appears on the coffee grounds, you have a fateful meeting ahead
  • Ovala - predicts a wedding for a young girl, and promises a happy family life for a married woman
  • Cross - the appearance of this symbol prophesies a wedding, happiness in personal life, a calm and harmonious marriage
  • Square - the drawing can be interpreted as a prosperous life in the future
  • Stars - all problems will be left behind

Guessing on the coffee grounds - interpretation of the numbers:

  • 1 – symbol of happiness
  • 2 – to unexpected problems and troubles
  • 3 – fate predicts good luck for you in matters of finance
  • 4 – all your endeavors are “doomed” to success
  • 5 – the appearance of a number indicates gossip and slander surrounding you
  • 6 – promises a happy marriage
  • 7 – predicts reciprocity in feelings and harmony
  • 8 – to disagreements and quarrels
  • 9 – expects to meet new people
  • 0 – your wishes and dreams will come true

Letters - meaning on coffee grounds:

  • A - to victory, luck and luck
  • B – any of your undertakings will be promising
  • B - prophesies fun, celebration and good mood
  • G – to troubles at work
  • D – get help from a good friend in solving problems
  • E – listen to your intuition and everything will work out
  • F - for good news
  • Z - you will be overcome by melancholy and boredom
  • And - quick changes in life
  • Y - fate warns of possible troubles
  • K – problems with relatives are likely
  • L – a loved one can betray and change
  • M - happiness awaits you in the future
  • H – to mutual understanding and harmony
  • O - a friend will need your help
  • P – there will be expenses associated with family and friends
  • R – to good luck in material matters
  • C - wait for news from the past
  • T – your future is in your hands, don’t look back at the past
  • U - fortunately
  • F - you will find love in the face of a friend
  • C - you will soon receive a large bag of money
  • H - help will come from a man
  • Ш – unexpected problems are possible
  • Sh - the fortuneteller will need patience
  • Kommersant – by showing persistence and determination, you will achieve a lot
  • Y - fate will give you love and happiness
  • b - your friend needs help
  • E – a loved one needs support
  • Yu - caution in making an important decision will lead to victory
  • I - be reasonable

What do the drawings mean - interpretation of fortune telling on coffee grounds, video

Fortune telling on coffee grounds allows you to get answers to many important questions while enjoying the taste and aroma of your favorite drink. The main thing is to stock up on good brewed coffee, and also to correctly interpret the symbol-drawings that appear. In the video you will find the most accurate interpretation of the signs of coffee grounds, which are most often formed during fortune telling.

Video with interpretation of the meanings of symbols when fortune telling by coffee:

So, fortune telling with coffee grounds is a popular way to find out the future in the comfort of your home, accessible to every person. What do the symbols mean in coffee fortune telling? With the help of our selection with pictures (photos) and videos, you can determine the most accurate meaning and correctly interpret the patterns on the coffee grounds. Good luck with your fortune telling and positive emotions!

Have your fortune tellers' predictions come true?

After drinking coffee and turning the cup over, let’s look inside and look at the stripes, spots, that is, the symbols formed during fortune telling. Predictions are made based on the shape of these spots.

So, let's move on from fortune telling on coffee grounds to the interpretation of symbols.

The most accurate predictions during any fortune-telling are obtained if you connect your intuition. Therefore, in addition to the traditional interpretations of the symbols on the coffee grounds, try to understand their meanings with your own soul. What do these funny scams and signs tell you personally? Don't be afraid to fantasize. And at the end of the fortune telling, write down everything that you read from the coffee sediment and predicted for yourself. When the prophecies come true, you will proudly admit that you have a clairvoyant gift.

Interpretation values characters

Stork - to the newborn.

An angel is a harbinger of joyful and solemn events. If the angel looks like Cupid with an arrow, then you will have success in love affairs.

Butterfly is a fun pastime. If a problem was asked, it will be resolved easily and simply without your participation.

Bow - fortune telling predicts that someone likes you very much.

Ram - stubbornness will become a serious obstacle to achieving your goals.

The tower is a symbol of protection and support.

Hippopotamus is an intractable person.

Squirrel - you will have to work hard to achieve your plans.

Pregnant (Pregnancy) is an undoubted profit, although it will be obtained with some difficulty.

Letters - often suggest the initials of those people who will participate in the events indicated in the coffee grounds in the neighborhood.

Ox (Cow) - generosity will be rewarded a hundredfold.

A camel is a symbol of a heavy burden that you carry with enviable dignity and endurance.

Waterfall - events will develop too quickly. Be careful! You may not have time to react correctly.

Wolf - beware of ill-wishers. If during fortune telling a grinning wolf's muzzle appears, then its interpretation means that the fight against the enemy will be serious.

Horseman - you should hurry up and not delay making an important decision.

A guitar in fortune telling promises pleasant meetings.

Eye - be very careful. There are things going on behind your back that can cause serious harm.

The dove is a symbol of good news.

The mushroom in the coffee grounds has a dual meaning - on the one hand it is profit and unexpected triumph, on the other hand it warns that you have to pay for everything in life.

The caterpillar is a slow but sure achievement of what you want.

Mountain - obstacles on the way to the goal. On the hill you see the figure of a man - overcoming all difficulties and reaching dizzying heights.

Goose is an important, arrogant person.

Girl (Woman) - pay attention to the accompanying figures; if they are favorable, then this is a good symbol, meaning female support; if they are negative, the meaning of the female image in fortune telling is negative: a rival, a gossip.

Dolphin is a friend, help in any matter.

A tree speaks about its state of health, look what it is: frail and sick or lush and branchy?

A dinosaur drawn with coffee grounds - past mysteries and secrets will remind you of themselves with troubles.

The road is a journey. The interpretation of its success and results depends on the meaning of neighboring symbols.

The dragon is a wise enemy, a strong rival. If you are guessing at a situation, then in order to succeed, you will first have to overcome yourself.

The unicorn is a symbol of incredible and unexpected incidents.

Hedgehog (Hedgehog) in fortune telling is interpreted as necessary protection and caution.

Elka (Spruce) - you are being used in the interests of others.

Giraffe - foresight will help in a protracted matter.

Beetle - they are talking about you (good or bad depending on neighboring signs).

Hare - you are in vain afraid of failures. If the hare is located next to the wolf, then you are in real danger.

Castle - they are hiding something from you.

The star is a sign of prosperity and prosperity. All endeavors will now have great success.

Mirror - coffee grounds predict the opportunity to change an unfavorable situation for the better.

Snakes are enemies who are quite cunning and dexterous.

Kangaroo - someone needs your care.

The whale is a grand celebration.

The clown, a symbol of coffee grounds, says that sadness and joy are different sides of the same coin.

The key to the castle - you will finally reveal the secret that has been weighing you down for a long time.

Goat - and that says it all. This unworthy man is plotting against you.

Ring – marriage; for a detailed interpretation, refer to the neighboring signs.

Horse (Horse) - the appearance of a sweetheart in your life. If you are reading tea leaves for an event, you will have to work a lot, but the result will be ambiguous.

Ship (Sailboat, Sails, Boat) - wish fulfillment, long journey.

Crown - to fame and wealth.

Cat (Kitten) – appearances can be deceiving. There is an enemy lurking in your surroundings.

Crab - fortune telling advises to actively fight for your idea - it is worth it.

The cross is ill health, a heavy burden.

Crocodile - dangers and troubles.

The rabbit is a symbol of defenselessness.

Wings - you will be visited by inspiration, an incredible idea.

The rat is a sneaky attacker.

The chicken is a caring woman, kind, but not particularly intelligent.

The swan is a favorable symbol that promises a strong family, a faithful soul mate.

The lion in the coffee grounds prophesies a strong protector invested with power.

The fox is a cunning person “on his own mind.”

Fortune telling face warns you of a situation in which there is a risk of losing authority.

Elk is a strong opponent.

Moon (Crescent) - despondency and melancholy, completion of a task that will not bring joy.

Frog - you are surrounded by gossips and vile rumors.

Mask in coffee fortune-telling - mysteries and secrets.

The bear is a strong and worthy opponent; interpretation in combination with a ring, wreath and other wedding symbols in coffee grounds means the groom.

Man (Guy, Human Figure) – support, male participation in this situation.

The mouse is a bad woman, beware of trouble from her.

The bride in fortune telling foretells serious changes.

The leg is the road; the outcome is judged by whether she is shod or barefoot. A foot without shoes does not promise any special pleasures. Interpretation of a foot in a boot - financial achievements at the end of the road.

The nose is a sign of heightened intuition; the sixth sense will not let you down.

Rhinoceros - significant misadventures, a treacherous partner.

A monkey in fortune telling using coffee grounds is meanness and stupidity.

Fire - remember the saying “Too good is not good.” Be moderate in your desires and actions.

Deer - to betrayal of a loved one (beloved).

Eagle is a way out of current difficulties with honor.

Peacock – narcissism, beauty. They envy you.

Panther is a female enemy. A symbol of terrible danger.

Pegasus - fortune telling advice on tea leaves: rely on your own instincts, and you will achieve even more than you expected.

The rooster is big news.

Penguin is an official person.

Dress - new acquisitions, pleasant purchases.

Parrot - do not believe what is said in confidence.

Bird (Bird, Chick) - you will hear unusual news.

Cancer - you'll have to go back and do it all over again.

A child (Girl, Boy) is a symbol of joy and resolution of difficulties.

Rose - the interpretation is clear - they have tender feelings for you.

A hand is unexpected help or, on the contrary, a request for help (pay attention to the meanings of adjacent symbols).

Mermaid - do not be tempted by ephemeral goals, they will not bring you what you want.

Fish - for an addition to the family (not necessarily a birth, it could be the arrival of relatives and the like).

A knight is a noble and courteous man.

Airplane - fortune telling warns - you dream a lot, start implementing your plans.

Pig – ingratitude and rudeness.

A candle in coffee grounds means you will have hope.

Heart is a symbol of love. A broken heart in coffee grounds - unrequited feelings.

Scorpio is a treacherous enemy.

Trace - the event that occurred will become significant in your destiny.

Elephant - powerful support from well-wishers who have power and strength.

The snowman is a cruel person.

A dog is a friend's help. The interpretation of a dog baring its teeth at you is a quarrel with a friend.

The owl is a symbol of wisdom.

Sun - fortune telling promises happiness.

Ostrich - your problems are far-fetched.

The arrow is an unexpected catch.

The tiger is a terrible enemy, beware!

Shoes are for dancing, celebration and fun.

Seal - your lack of initiative will not lead to good.

Snail - it's time to become more sociable and open.

Duck - good luck in love.

Geometric shapes made from coffee grounds: circle – victory, oval – slow success, square – obstacles, rectangle – delay and obstacles, triangle – unexpected benefit, trapezoid – many obstacles in achieving the goal.

Flowers - they noticed you, they miss you.

Numbers - suggest the time of an incident that will become very important in your life (how many days later or the exact date). To interpret the case itself, refer to the accompanying signs.

Chicken is a little joy, a gift.

A seagull is sad news.

The teapot - the interpretation says - expect guests.

Hours - you have little time left to accomplish what you want.

Turtle - do not rush into a protracted situation, beware of deception.

The skull is a symbol of the frailty of existence, the end of the old and the beginning of the new.

Hat in fortune telling on coffee grounds - think about what is happening, they are trying to deceive you.

The apple is a symbol of temptation.

Anchor - something is holding you back from getting closer to your intended goal.

Lizard - minor troubles, attacks from ill-wishers.

Numbers :

1 – You are loved.

2 – troubles.

3 – successful financial transaction.

4 – luck.

5 – gossip.

6 – marriage union.

7 – reciprocity in love, happiness.

8 – misunderstanding with loved ones.

9 – new acquaintance.

10-100 – success.

101 and more – longevity.

Not costs despair, If To you Not succeeded on coffee define meaning figures And find correct interpretation characters. Call or write to me I I'll help to you decipher coffee signs fate.

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