Sales receipt in excel format. Sales receipt

Sales receipt- a document of the established form issued by the store confirming the availability of the goods selected by the buyer, and after payment - the fact of sale.

The sales receipt indicates the type and quantity of goods sold, the price and amount paid, the date of purchase and the number of the cash register.

A buyer who has discovered defects in a product he has purchased for which no warranty period has been established (clothing, fabrics, furs, etc.) has the right to either exchange this product (at the place of purchase) within 14 days (not counting the day of purchase) or return it and receive the amount paid for it. Exchange of low-quality goods is carried out upon presentation by the buyer, along with the goods, of a cash register or store receipt and if there is a factory label on the goods.

In addition, the sales receipt is accepted by employing organizations to justify expenses incurred by employees from their own funds, but in the interests of the employer.

Download a sample sales receipt form for free in Word format:

Documents confirming the expenditure of accountable funds must be paired: sales receipt plus cash receipt or invoice plus receipt for the receipt order. In this case, the first document will describe the operation itself, and the second will confirm the fact of payment.

General phrases cannot be used in a sales receipt, for example, “building materials were purchased in the amount of 1000 (thousand) rubles. 00 kopecks.” Each product must be listed separately, its quantity and unit price must be indicated: “paint brush – 15 pieces at a price of 10 rubles. per piece for the amount of 150 rubles.”

Modern cash registers are capable of printing cash receipts containing all the necessary information, including a list of purchased goods. But even in this case, having a sales receipt is highly desirable; this will help you avoid problems with inspection authorities. If it is not there, the seller’s signature must be on the check.

You can confirm expenses with a cash and sales receipt even if it does not have the seller’s stamp. But in this case, the sales receipt must contain the required attributes for the primary document, the name of the organization, INN, and the signature of the seller.

If there is no sales receipt, it can be replaced by a document drawn up by representatives of the selling organization, which will indicate what was purchased and for what purposes.

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A sales receipt is a strictly accountable document that is widely used in trade when working with cash. It is used when a representative of the selling organization (for example, a cashier) must confirm the receipt of funds and the completion of the sale. Most often, sales receipts are used in cases where the seller has the right not to use cash registers in his work, or when the client asks, in addition to the cash register receipt, to issue a sales receipt, for example, to decipher the full list of purchased products.


Why do you need a sales receipt?

Quite often, sales receipts are asked to be issued by buyers representing an organization and purchasing certain types of goods for it (for example, a secretary when purchasing office supplies). In this case, the sales receipt is an attachment to the cash receipt and serves as an accounting document that confirms the expenses incurred by the enterprise.

In cases where the purchased product turns out to be of inadequate quality and the buyer wants to return the money for it or exchange it for similar products, the sales receipt serves as proof of the previous purchase.

Also, the document acquires legal force in cases where, for some reason, disagreements have arisen between the seller and the buyer that require resolution in court.

When issuing a sales receipt, it would not hurt the seller to remember one important nuance: when selling a product, in accordance with the norms established by law, the seller must warn the buyer about the shortcomings in it, both orally and in writing. A sales receipt is also suitable for recording a defect or defect in a product, which further guarantees the seller protection if the client suddenly decides to return products about the low quality of which he was warned in advance.

Rules for issuing a sales receipt

A sales receipt does not have a unified template, so enterprises and organizations can develop a document template on their own or write it in free form. Some organizations, having come up with their own form of the document, subsequently order a certain edition from the printing house and sellers fill out the forms by hand during sales, sellers of other companies enter all the information about the sale into a form file stored in the computer and print out the sales receipt on a printer each time a sale is made.

The number of tables and rows in a document is not limited, so depending on the situation, the sales receipt can be narrowed or expanded.

For example, you can add a line to indicate the article and grade (for textiles, clothing, fur products or shoes), sample, type and characteristics (for the sale of precious metals and stones), etc. In addition, you can include information about the warranty provided or the company logo on the sales receipt.

With all the variety of forms, the sales receipt should always contain the following information:

  1. name and details of the organization,
  2. information about a specific seller,
  3. Product data:
    • Name,
    • quantity,
    • price,
    • total cost.

The sales receipt must be signed by the seller who made the sale.

It is not necessary to put a stamp on it, since starting from 2016, legal entities (as well as individual entrepreneurs) have the right not to use stamps and seals in their activities.

A sales receipt is issued in two copies, one of which remains with the seller, and the second is handed over to the consumer. To avoid filling out the same thing twice when filling out a sales receipt by hand, it is recommended to use carbon paper. It is necessary to issue a sales receipt immediately at the time of the purchase and sale transaction.

Instructions for filling out a sales receipt

This document is quite simple and should not cause any particular difficulties during registration.

  • The first line of the sales receipt contains the full name of the enterprise distributing the goods, indicating its organizational and legal status and OGRN number (from the constituent documents of the enterprise).
  • Next, enter the actual address at which the sale is carried out.
  • Then in the middle of the line the name of the document and its number according to the company’s internal document flow are written, and the date of the transaction is also entered.
  • After this, in the appropriate line you need to indicate the position, surname, first name and patronymic of the employee who makes the sale.
  • Then a special table should be included in the sales receipt. It is necessary to enter a detailed list of goods sold, indicating their name, unit of measurement (pieces, liters, kilograms, etc.), quantity, price and total cost.
  • In the “Total” line we note the full cost of the products sold in words.
  • In conclusion, the sales receipt must be certified by the signature of the seller who released the goods, with its obligatory decoding.

Filling out a sales receipt in Excel using drop-down lists, printing a completed sample or a blank sales receipt form, invoice.

Printing blank forms of sales receipts and invoices

Download the Excel file and open it. By selecting the “Sales Receipt” or “Invoice” label, print the forms of the corresponding documents.

The invoice form has been added due to the fact that most small bakery and baked goods manufacturers still supply their goods with such invoices, often completed by hand.

Filling out a sales receipt and invoice in Excel

Description of the sales receipt template

If you want to print already completed sales receipts or invoices from Excel, download the Excel file, open it and select the “Template” shortcut. For reference, the sales receipt on the “Template” sheet is already filled in with approximate data.

The sales receipt template is slightly automated:

  • in the cell with the date there is a formula displaying the current date;
  • “Product name” is selected from the drop-down list;
  • in the lines with the selected product name, the columns “No.”, “Unit” are automatically filled in. Meas.", "Price" and "Amount";
  • The number of items and the total amount are automatically calculated, which is additionally converted into an amount in words.

The numerical sum is converted into a written sum using formulas located in the block of cells on hidden rows 101-115 of the Excel worksheet.

In the sales receipt template, only the cells with the current document number and date, the columns “Name of goods” and “Quantity” are filled in manually. All other cells are filled in automatically, and the table columns that are filled in automatically are highlighted in color.

Preparing the template for work

    1. In the sales receipt on the “Template” sheet, clear the data in the “Product Name” and “Quantity” columns; the remaining color-coded columns will be cleared automatically; Excel formulas are located in them.
    2. In the sales receipt template, indicate the details of your organization or individual entrepreneur, and if you want to use an invoice, then change the name of the document and replace the inscription “Seller ____________” with “Passed ____________”, and to the right add “Accepted ____________”.
    3. To avoid accidentally clearing cells with Excel formulas, you can protect the worksheet by leaving changeable cells (current document number and date, “Product Name” and “Quantity” columns) unprotected.
    4. Then go to the “Nomenclature” tab (shortcut) and replace the assortment list with your own.

If you need more rows in a table with data, insert the required number of rows inside the table and copy the formulas into them, dragging the selected row of the table with formulas from the top down the inserted rows without formulas.

If you wish, you can replace the color fill of unchangeable cells or remove it completely.

Now the sales receipt or invoice template in Excel is completely ready for use.

How to use a sales receipt template

Copy the sheet with the template into the same Excel workbook and start filling it out. Enter the current document number and change the date if necessary. Select products from the drop-down list in the “Product Name” column and add the quantity; the remaining columns of the table will be filled in automatically. After this, the sales receipt or invoice can be printed. If you want to store completed sales receipts in an Excel workbook, change the label signature to something more informative, for example, the receipt number or number and date. You can remove extra empty rows from the data table.

You can change the file name to something more suitable. The file was created in Excel 2016, saved as Excel 98-2003 workbook.

Saving invoices and removing blank lines

To automatically copy sales receipts (invoices) to new sheets for the purpose of storing and printing them, I added two buttons: “Save” and “Clear”. In the new file, you no longer need to manually copy the “Template” sheet. The file contains macros, so they must be from your Excel program.

It is impossible to save two sales receipts with the same numbers and dates, since Excel does not allow you to save two sheets with the same name. If you need to correct an error and save the receipt under the same number, first delete the previous sales receipt and change the document number in the template manually.

The Clear button runs a macro that removes entries from the template so you don't have to delete them manually. Clearing the template is assigned to a separate button in case it is necessary to correct the original data so as not to fill it out again.

After copying the sales receipt to a new sheet and after clearing the template, the workbook is automatically saved.

On the “Template” sheet, you can change the name of the document “Sales receipt No.” to “Invoice No.”. In line No. 50, replace “Seller ____________” with “Passed ____________” and “Accepted ____________.” Merging cells is not allowed.

New sheets are copied from a hidden “Copy” sheet, in which you can further adjust the column width and cell shading. To do this you will have to display it. There is no need to hide it back; the program will hide it itself when saving the next receipt.

Download a file in which you can save all typed sales receipts (invoices) with one click of a button. The file contains macros, so they must be from your Excel program.

The file was updated on January 28, 2019 at 10:40 am. It has added automatic saving of the workbook and the ability to replace a sales receipt with an invoice on the “Template” sheet.

A sales receipt is an important attribute in any business activity. Some fill it out only at the buyer’s request. Others do it daily because they need it for reporting purposes. And many people learn about this document only when switching from one tax regime to another. For example, for a patent, in which the presence of a cash register is not necessary, and a cash register receipt is replaced by a sales receipt. No entrepreneur can avoid getting acquainted with the latter, so let’s look at what a sales receipt for an individual entrepreneur is and how to fill it out.

When an individual entrepreneur is obliged to issue a sales receipt with a cash register

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the primary document to confirm a purchase and sale transaction is a cash receipt that should be issued to each customer. A commodity document is a secondary document, that is, its issuance is optional.

But sometimes you just can’t do without it. For example, some individual entrepreneurs use checks without specific information. Instead of pens, notebooks, and notepads, it contains one generalized word “stationery.”

If the buyer needs to provide a purchase report to the accounting department, such a document will not suit him. And he will demand that you give him a merchandise book, which contains detailed information about the product - full name, article, price, purchase amount.

An entrepreneur does not have to write out a sales document after each sale; this should only be done at the request of the buyer. You should not ignore the request, since a fine of up to 3 thousand rubles is provided for refusal to issue a check.

But there are also situations when a commodity book must be issued to every individual without fail. This applies to individual entrepreneurs selling the following goods:

  • automototechnics;
  • furniture;
  • numbered units;
  • weapon;
  • car trailers.

When a sales receipt is issued without a cash receipt

In tax regimes in which it is not necessary to carry out monetary transactions using a cash register, the entrepreneur is obliged to issue each buyer a product slip instead of a cash receipt. These modes include UTII and PSN.

In this case, the merchandise acts as the primary and only document confirming the act of purchase and sale. Therefore, the information on an individual entrepreneur’s check for PSN or UTII must be indicated in strict accordance with the requirements for strict reporting documents.

The product form must be filled out in two copies.. The first is given to the buyer, the second remains with the entrepreneur. Its purpose is reporting to the tax authorities. It is also correct to keep a book of records of issued receipts; this will help to avoid controversial situations with unscrupulous clients.

Where to find a sales receipt form for an individual entrepreneur without a cash register

Check forms are not issued anywhere. An individual entrepreneur must purchase them independently, using one of three well-known methods:

  • Order from the printing house. A small number of forms will be expensive, so it is better to order them in bulk - more than 5 thousand pieces.
  • Print. The form and design of the form do not matter, since the commodity book is not one of the strict reporting documents. You can print it yourself, immediately entering all the unchanged information - information about the individual entrepreneur, the company.
  • Buy books with tear-off forms. In such books, tickets are torn off like leaves on a calendar, which is very convenient. Plus, they are often supplied with double pages with carbon copies, which will please individual entrepreneurs who need copies for themselves and the tax office.
  • Download a ready-made sample on the Internet in Excel or Word and immediately enter all the unchanged information about your individual entrepreneur.

Correct execution of a sales receipt

According to tax legislation, the goods register must be filled out in accordance with the following requirements:

  • The form itself can be designed freely. But it must contain all the required information and points, especially if the individual entrepreneur does not have cash register equipment.
  • Also, the presence of incorrect or inaccurate information, erasures and corrections is not allowed.
  • You can specify advertising information, but in such a way that all completed items are visible.
  • Each purchased product item must be entered on a separate line.
  • The total amount of the purchase should be indicated at the end of the receipt. Both in numbers and in words.
  • If the list of purchased goods does not fit on one receipt, you can transfer the missing items to a second one. But the seller must write a comment about this on the first page.
  • All unfilled fields must be crossed out.

How to correctly fill out a sales receipt for an individual entrepreneur: sample

In order for a product to be recognized as valid, it must contain all the required information:

Form item What to indicate
Form name Necessarily.
Serial number It is allowed to affix continuous numbering throughout the year or start with a new one every day. It is better to enter numbers in advance.
Date of transaction Day, month and year of purchase.
Information about the enterprise
  1. Name of the organization, as in the certificate of registration.
  2. TIN, as in the certificate.
  3. Legal address as in registration.
  4. The full address of the retail outlet itself, for example: 675675, Moscow, Rechitskaya sh., 67.
  5. Entrepreneur's initials.
Product details
  • Full name of each individual product item.
  • Unit of measurement, for example, pcs, kg, m.
  • Quantity/weight of purchased goods.
  • Article number, if available.
  • Unit price.
  • The total cost of each product item.
Buyer's name Filling out is optional.
the total cost This line must be filled in both numbers and words.
Signature The cashier who released the goods and filled out the receipt signs.

Such information must be present on each commodity label, otherwise the document will not be valid. In special cases you can add additional items, which are necessary in the opinion of the individual entrepreneur.

If a businessman carries out monetary transactions using a cash register, he must attach a cash register to the sales receipt. Without it, the merchandise has no value and will not serve as proof of purchase for accounting and tax authorities.

Do I need to certify a sales receipt with a seal?

It is not necessary to have an individual entrepreneur’s seal on the goods; there is no such rule in Russian legislation. But for the businessman himself, it serves as insurance against unscrupulous buyers. After all, it costs them nothing to buy a product, receive a merchandiser, and then make a copy, add any other product into it and demand a refund.

Therefore, whenever possible It is better to purchase a stamp and put it on each ticket. This is a guarantee for both the entrepreneur and the buyer. After all, only a certified document can serve as proof that a product/service was purchased at a specific retail outlet.

Many novice entrepreneurs often confuse the concepts of cash receipt and sales receipt. These are completely different terms: sales receipts can be issued to customers even without a cash register. In this article we will look at the question of how to fill out a sales receipt correctly, as well as why the buyer and seller need it at all.


A cash receipt, according to Russian legislation, is considered a primary document. It is issued by the cashier after making a purchase. This document usually indicates the quantity of the product, its name and price. A sales receipt is considered a secondary document - its issuance is optional. It indicates detailed information about the product - its detailed description, color, brand, cost.

This is what a sample sales receipt looks like

Typically, sales receipts are issued upon request as a supplement to the cash receipt. They must include a store mark about the sale (stamp, signature of the responsible person). Remember that a check is an official document and can be used to resolve disputes.

What are they needed for?

Many stores issue receipts not with the exact name of the product, but impersonal. For example, when you buy a pack of A4 paper, you will receive a document with the description “Office”. You will get exactly the same if you buy a set of pens. To report to the accounting department, you need a detailed description of all purchased items, so upon request, the cashier will issue you a detailed sales receipt.

Note: Not all entrepreneurs can have cash registers when carrying out business activities, so they issue sales receipts as a replacement for regular ones.

If you receive a sales receipt, you will need to submit it along with the cash receipt for reporting. And although the sales receipt is considered secondary, its presence can become critical in many cases related to the return or exchange of purchased goods.

In some cases, cash receipts are replaced with sales receipts. When does this happen? In Russia, according to the law on business activity, not everyone needs cash registers. For example, entrepreneurs working on UTII, simplified tax systems, and selling agricultural and handmade products work without devices. They simply must have sales receipts, which include the name of the product, its price, and the date of the transaction. After payment, the check is certified by the entrepreneur with a seal and signature, becoming an official document.

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The entrepreneur himself needs to print out the sales receipt form or take care of purchasing them. Don't forget that they must be issued to every buyer - otherwise you are breaking the law. If you need to report on your purchase, then when handing in the form, a statement is written stating that the outlet is not equipped with a cash register.

Sample of a completed sales receipt with a cash register attached

How to fill it out correctly

Russian legislation does not put forward clear requirements for filling out a sales receipt, but there are still general rules. Let's look at a sample of filling out a sales receipt - all the information below should be present in it:

  1. What exactly is the name of the document?
  2. His number.
  3. The date the document was issued.
  4. Name of the organization or full name of the entrepreneur with whom the transaction is taking place.
  5. TIN or entrepreneur registration number.
  6. Name of the product/service being purchased.
  7. Quantity of goods.
  8. Its cost.
  9. The total amount indicated in figures and words.
  10. Full name of the seller who conducted the transaction, his signature
  11. Stamp (if available).

Where can I get forms? There are several ways:

  1. Order them from any printing house. Such an operation should be performed only if you need 5 thousand or more forms, otherwise they will be quite expensive.
  2. Print on a regular printer. This document does not apply to strict reporting, so it can be printed independently.
  3. Buy ready-made “books” with forms. You will simply fill out and tear off checks, like sheets on a calendar. This is quite convenient, especially if you need copies (many books contain double pages with carbon copies, the original is given to the buyer, the duplicate remains with the seller for reporting).

Note: The form will be valid only if it is filled out correctly; the header and dimensions do not play any role. Please fill out this document carefully to avoid troubles and unexpected checks.

Usually, information about the individual entrepreneur or company is indicated at the top left (surname, number, Taxpayer Identification Number, address), in the right - the date of the transaction. Then the body of the document records the goods sold, their quantity and unit price. At the bottom right, the total amount of the transaction is indicated in numbers and words. At the bottom left is the seal and signature of the seller. This form of filling is considered classic and most correct. Using this link you can download a sample sales receipt for an individual entrepreneur without a cash register print it on a printer, cut it and give it to your clients.

Sales receipts can also be created in electronic systems

Do you need a seal?

Russian legislation does not require a seal on this document. But this does not mean that you do not need to put a stamp if you have one. Printing very often becomes decisive when disputes arise between an entrepreneur and a buyer. A simple example: an unscrupulous buyer purchases any product from you and demands a receipt. You give him a document without a seal. He has a sample in his hands and calmly makes a new one, writing anything into it, setting any prices and dates. This form can then be used in court as evidence, or to return goods that were not actually sold. The seal cuts out such types of fraud and reduces them to a minimum.

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