Requirements for registration of research reports. Formulas and equations

This standard establishes general requirements for the structure and rules for the design of scientific and technical reports, as well as the rules for those cases where the unified procedure of registration will contribute to the exchange of information, improving the report processing in the information system.

REPORT ON NIR - Scientific and technical document, which contains systematized data on research work, describes the state of scientific and technical problems, process and / or results of scientific research. According to the results of the implementation of the NIR, the final report on the work in general is drawn up. The Nir report is subject to mandatory normocontrol in the artist's organization. When conducting a normocontrol, it is recommended to be guided by GOST 2.111.

The main structural elements of the NIR report are:

1. Title leaf;

2. List of performers;

6. Definitions;

7. Designations and abbreviations;

8. Introduction;

9. Main part;

10. Conclusion;

11. List of sources used;

12. Applications.

Requirements for the content of the structural elements of the report:

1. Title List

The title page is the first page of the NIR report and serves as a source of information necessary for processing and searching for a document. The title page leads the following information:

· Name of a higher organization;

· Name of the organization-performer of the NIR;

· Index of a universal decimal classification (UDC);

· The codes of the highest classification groups of the All-Russian classifier of industrial and agricultural products for NIR (VKCPP) preceding production production;

· Numbers identifying the report;

· Anticipation and approval charts;

· Name of work;

· Report name;

· View of the report (final, intermediate);

· Number (cipher) of work;

· Posts, scientific degrees, scholars, surnames and initials of the heads of the organization-performer of the NIR, heads of research institutes;

· Location and date of the report.

2. List of performers

The list of performers should include surnames and initials, positions, scientific degrees, scientists of the titles of the heads of research and development, responsible performers, performers and co-valves who have taken creative participation in the performance of work. If the report is executed by one performer, his position, a degree, academic title, surname and initials should be indicated on the title list of the report.

3. Abstract

The abstract must contain:

· Information about the volume of the report, the number of illustrations, tables, applications, the number of report parts, the number of sources used;

· List of keywords;

· Text of the abstract.

The text of the abstract should reflect:

· Object of research or development;

· purpose of the work;

· Method or methodology of work;

· Work results;

· Basic constructive, technological and technical and operational characteristics;

· application area;

· Economic efficiency or significance of work;

· Forecast assumptions about the development of the object of the study.

6 Definition

The "definition" structural element contains the definitions necessary to clarify or establish the terms used in the NIR. The list of definitions begin with: "The following terms with the relevant definitions apply in this report on Nir."

7 designations and abbreviations

The structural element of "Designation and Reduction" contains a list of designations and abbreviations used in this NIR report. The recording of designations and abbreviations are carried out in order to bring them in the text of the report with the necessary decoding and explanations. Definition, notation and reduction is allowed to bring in one structural element "Definitions, Designations and Reduction".

8. Introduction

Introduction should contain an assessment of the current state of the soluble scientific and technical problem, grounds and source data for the development of the topic, the substantiation of the need for NIR, information on the planned scientific and technical level of development, on patent studies and conclusions from them, information on the metrological provision of the NIR. In the introduction, the relevance and novelty of the topic should be shown, the relationship of this work with other research work.

9 Basic part

In the main part of the report, data reflecting the essence, methodology and the main results of the NIR performed are given. The main part should contain:

a) the choice of research directions, which includes the rationale for the research direction, methods for solving problems and their comparative assessment, a description of the selected general methodology for conducting the NIR;

(b) The process of theoretical and (or) experimental studies, including the definition of the nature and content of theoretical studies, research methods, methods of calculation, the substantiation of the need for experimental work, the principles of operation of the developed objects, their characteristics;

(c) Generalization and assessment of research results comprising an assessment of the completeness of solving the task and proposals for further areas of work, an assessment of the accuracy of the results obtained and their comparison with similar results of domestic and foreign work, the substantiation of the need for additional research, negative results leading to the need to terminate further Research.

10 Conclusion

The conclusion should contain:

· Brief conclusions based on the results of the implementation of NIR or its individual stages;

· Evaluation of the completeness of solutions of the tasks;

· Evaluation of the technical and economic efficiency of implementation; - Assessment of the scientific and technical level of the NIR performed in comparison with the best achievements in this area.

11 List of used sources

The list should contain information about the sources used in the preparation of the report. Source information is given in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1.

12 applications

Applications may include:

· Intermediate mathematical evidence, formulas and calculations; - tables of auxiliary digital data;

· test reports;

· Description of equipment and instruments used in experiments, measurements and tests;

· Conclusion of metrological examination;

· Instructions, techniques developed during the implementation of the NIR;

· Illustration of auxiliary character;

· Copies of the technical task on the NIR, the programs of work, contract or other source document for the implementation of the NIR;

· Protocol for the consideration of the NIR fulfilled on the Scientific and Technical Council;

· Acts of implementing the results of NIR and others.

Report rules

General requirements

The statement of text and the registration of the report is performed in accordance with the requirements of this Standard, GOST 2.105 and GOST 6.38. The NIR report page of the NIR report and the illustrations included in the report must comply with the A4 format according to GOST 9327. The NIR report must be performed by any printing method on the typewriter or using a computer and a printer on one side of the White Paper sheet of A4 format after a half of the interval. The color of the font should be black, the height of letters, numbers and other signs - at least 1.8 mm (Kehal is at least 12).

The report text should be printed, observing the following field sizes: Right - 10 mm, upper - 20 mm, left and lower - 20 mm.

Families, the names of institutions, organizations, firms, product name and other names their own in the report lead in the original language. It is allowed to transmit the names of their own and bring the names of organizations translated into the report language with the addition (at the first mention) of the original name. Reducing Russian words and phrases in the report - according to GOST 7.12.

Building a report

The main part of the report should be divided into sections, subsections and items. Points, if necessary, can be divided into subparagraphs. When dividing the text of the report to items and subparagraphs it is necessary that each item contains complete information. Sections, subsections, items and subparagraphs should be numbered by Arabic numbers and record from paragraphic indent. Headers should clearly and briefly reflect the content of the sections, subsections. The headlines of sections, subsections and items should be printed from the paragraph of retreat from the capital letter without a point at the end, not emphasizing. If the title consists of two sentences, they are separated by a point.

Numbering page pages

The report pages should be numbered by Arabic numbers, following the end-to-end numbering on the entire report text. Page number is affixed in the center of the bottom of the sheet without a point. The title page includes a total numbering of the report pages. Page number on the title page is not affixed. The illustrations and tables located on separate sheets include a total numbering of the report pages. Illustrations and tables on a sheet of AZ format take into account as one page.

Numbering sections, subsections, items, report subparagraphs

The report sections must have sequence numbers within the entire document marked with Arabic numerals without a point and recorded from paragraphic indent. Subsections must have a numbering within each section. The subsection number consists of a section and subsection numbers separated by a point. At the end of the number of the subsection, the point is not put.


Illustrations (drawings, graphs, schemes, computer prints, charts, photographs) should be positioned in the report directly after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. Illustrations can be in computer performance, including colored. All illustrations should be given links in the report.

Photographs size less than A4 format should be pasted on standard sheets of white paper. Illustrations, with the exception of the illustrations of the applications, you should numbered by Arabic numbers through the numbering. If the pattern is one, then it is indicated "Figure 1". The word "drawing" and its name are located in the middle of the string.

It is allowed to numbered illustrations within the section. In this case, the illustration number consists of a section of the section and the sequence number of the illustration, separated by a point. For example, Figure 1.1.

The illustrations of each application are designated by a separate numbering by Arabic numbers with the addition before the numeric designation of the application. When referenced to the illustration, you should write "... in accordance with Figure 2" with through numbers and "... in accordance with Figure 1.2" at numbering within the section.


Tables are used for better visibility and convenience of comparing indicators. Table name, if available, should reflect its content, be accurate, brief. The table name should be placed above the table on the left, without a paragraph of retreat in one line with its number through the dash. The table should be positioned in the report immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. All tables must be links in the report. The link should write the word "Table" with the number of its number. A table with a large number of strings is allowed to transfer to another sheet. When you transfer a part of the table to another sheet, the word "table" and its number indicate it once to the right above the first part of the table, the word "continuation" is written above other parts and indicate the table number, for example: "Continued Table 1". When transferring the table to another sheet, the title is placed only above its first part. The tables of each application are designated by a separate numbering by Arabic numbers with the addition of the application before the designation. If in the document one table, then it must be indicated "Table 1" or "Table V. 1", if given in Appendix B.


The word "note" should be printed from the capital letter from paragraph and not to emphasize. Notes lead in documents if explanations are needed or reference data to the content of text, tables or graphic material. Notes should not contain requirements. Notes should be placed immediately after text, graphic material or in the table to which these notes belong.

Formulas and equations

Equations and formulas should be allocated from text to a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation should be left at least one free line. If the equation does not fit in one line, it must be transferred after the sign of equality (\u003d) or after the signs plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (x), divisions (:), or other mathematical signs, and the sign in The beginning of the next line is repeated. When transferring the formula on the sign, symbolizing the transaction multiplication, use the "X" sign. Formulas placed in applications should be numbered by a separate numbering by Arabic numbers within each application with the addition of an application before each digit designation, for example, formula (V. 1). The formulas are allowed within the section. In this case, the formula number consists of a section of the section and a sequence number of the formula, separated by a point, for example (3.1).

The report allows links to this document, standards, technical conditions and other documents, provided that they completely and unambiguously determine the relevant requirements and do not cause difficulties in using the document. You should refer to the document in general or its sections and applications. Links to subsections, items, tables and illustrations are not allowed, with the exception of subsections, items, tables and illustrations of this document.

Title page

The title page contains details:

· The name of a higher organization or other structural education, whose system includes the organization-performer, the name of the organization (including abbreviated);

· The UDC index, the code of the All-Russian Product Classifier (OHP) (for reports on the NIR, preceding the development and modernization of products) and the NIR State Registration Number, which is supplied by the Executive Organization, as well as the inscription "Inv. № "- This data is placed one under the other;

· Special marks;

· Grief coordination, marginal assertion.

In the details of the "Griffing of the coordination" and "Fighting of the statement", composite parts consisting of several rows are printed through 1 an arrear interval, and the components themselves are separated from each other with a 1.5 interval.

Signatures and dates of signing should be performed only by black ink or ink.

Date elements lead to Arabic numbers in one line in the following sequence: day of month, month, year.

The type of document - lower case letters from the first uppercase, the name of the NIR - capital letters, the name of the report - the lower case letters in parentheses, the type of report (intermediate or final) - lower case letters from the first capital (if the NIR name coincides with the report name, then it is printed in capital letters);

Cipher of the state scientific and technological program, work cipher assigned to the Organization


Positions, scientific degrees, scientists of the titles of the heads of the organization-performer organization, ORD managers (if printed in several lines, print through 1 line interval), then leave a free field for personal signatures and put initials and surnames of persons signatories, below personal signatures put the dates of signing (if all the necessary signatures are not placed on the title page, then it is allowed to transfer them to the next page);

City and year of the report of the report.

List of performers

Surnames and initials, positions, scientific degrees, scholarships in the list should be positioned by column. On the left indicate the posts, scientific degrees, scholars of the title of performers and co-valves (if it is printed in several lines, then print through 1 line interval), then leave a free field for genuine signatures, on the right indicate the initials and surnames of the performers and co-valves. Near each name in brackets should indicate the section number (subsection) and the actual part of the work prepared by a specific performer. For co-valves, it is also indicated to indicate the name of the organization-co-appliance.

List of symbols

A list of designations and abbreviations, symbols, symbols, units of physical quantities and terms should be located column. On the left in alphabetical order, reductions, symbols, symbols, units of physical quantities and terms, on the right - their detailed decoding.

List of sources used

Source information should be placed in the order of reference to sources in the text of the report and to numbered the Arabic numerals without a point and print with paragraphic indent.


The application is drawn up as a continuation of this document on its subsequent sheets or issued in the form of an independent document. The text of the document for all applications should be given links. Applications are in order of reference to them in the text of the document, with the exception of the reference application "Bibliography", which is placed the last. Each application should be started with a new page with an indication at the top in the middle of the page of the word "application", its notation and degree. The application must have a header that is written symmetrically relative to the text from the uppercase letter.

Annexes are denoted by capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with a, with the exception of letters E, s, and, o, h, b, s, b. After the word "application" follows the letter denoting its sequence. It is allowed to designate applications by the letters of the Latin alphabet, with the exception of the letters I and O. In the event of the complete use of the letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, it is allowed to designate applications by Arabic numbers. If in the document one application, it is indicated by "Appendix A".

Applications must have a common end-to-end page of pages with the rest of the document. If necessary, such an application may have "content".

The title page is the first page of the NIR report and serves as a source of information necessary for processing and document [from clause 5.1.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

The title page leads the following information:

  • superior organization;
  • nIR artist name;
  • index (UDC);
  • Higher classification groups of the All-Russian Classifier for Industrial and Agricultural Products for NIR (VVGCP) preceding;
  • numbers identifying the report;
  • vultures and;
  • name of work;
  • report name;
  • view of the report (final, intermediate);
  • number (cipher) of work;
  • positions, scientific degrees, scholars, surnames, surnames and initials of the heads of the organization-performer of the NIR, heads of research institutes;
  • place and date of reporting.

General requirements

The presentation and report are performed in accordance with the requirements of this Standard, GOST 2.105 and GOST 6.38. Pages of the text of the NIR report and the illustration included in the report must comply with the format according to GOST 9327 [from clause 6.1.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

The NIR report should be performed by any printing method on the typewriter or using and on one side of the white paper sheet of the format in a half. The color should be black, the height of the letters, numbers and others - at least 1.8 mm (Kehal is at least 12).

The report text should be printed, observing the following dimensions: Right - 10 mm, upper - 20 mm, left and lower - 20 mm.

It is allowed to use computer focus on certain, formulas, theorems, applying fonts of different headsets [from clause 6.1.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

Regardless of the method of executing a report of the printed text and the design of illustrations, tables, printouts with must meet the requirement of their clear playback [from clause 6.1.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

When executing a report, you must follow the uniform density, and the clarity of the image throughout the report. The report should be clear, unwanted lines, letters, numbers and signs [from clause 6.1.4 GOST 7.32-2001]

Targets, and graphic inaccuracies found in the process preparation process is allowed to correct the clearance or painting with white paint and applying the corrected text (graphics) by machine-written method or black ink, paste or ink - handwritten.

Damage to sheets of text documents, blots and traces of incompleteness of remote former text (graphs) are not allowed.

After making corrections, the document must meet the microphole requirements set by GOST 13.1.002 [from clause 6.1.5 GOST 7.32-2001]

Families, the names of institutions, firms, the name of the products and other names of their own in the report lead in the original language. It is allowed to transmit the names of their own and bring the names of organizations translated into the language of the report with the addition of (at the first mention) of the original name [from clause 6.1.6 GOST 7.32-2001]

Reducing Russian words and phrases in the report - according to GOST 7.12 [from paragraph 6.1.7 GOST 7.32-2001]

Building a report

Names of the structural elements of the report "List of performers", "Abstract", "Content", "Regulatory references", "Definitions", "Designation and Reduction", "Introduction", "Conclusion", "List of sources used" serve the structural elements of the report [ From clause 6.2.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

The main part of the report should be divided into sections, subsections and items. Points, if necessary, can be divided into subparagraphs. When dividing the text of the report to items and subparagraphs, it is necessary that each paragraph contains complete information [from clause 6.2.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

Sections, subsections, items and subparagraphs should be numbered by Arabic numbers and record from paragraphic indent.

Sections must have sequence within total text, except applications.

Example - 1, 2, 3, etc.

The subsection number or item includes the partition number and the sequence number of the subsection or item, separated by the point.

Example - 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.

The sub-clause number includes the partition number, subsection, item, and sequence number of sub-clause, separated by a point.

Example -,,, etc.

After the section number, subsection, item and subparagraph in the text, the point does not set.

If the report text is divided only to items, they should be numbered, with the exception of applications, sequence numbers within the entire report.

If the section or subsection has only one item or item has one subparagraph, it should not be numbered [from clause 6.2.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

Sections, subsections must have headlines. Points, as a rule, do not have headers. Headers should clearly and briefly reflect the content of sections, subsections [from clause 6.2.4 GOST 7.32-2001]

Headers of sections, subsections and items should be printed with from the capital letter without a point at the end, not. If the title consists of two proposals, they are separated by a point [from clause 6.2.5 GOST 7.32-2001]

Numbering page pages

The report page should be numbered by Arabic numbers, observing through throughout the text of the report. Page number are affixed in the center of the bottom of the sheet without a point [from paragraph 6.3.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

The title page includes a total numbering of the report pages. Page number on the title page are not affixed [from clause 6.3.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

The illustrations and tables located on separate sheets include a total numbering of the report pages. Illustrations and tables on a sheet of AZ format take into account as one page [from clause 6.3.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

Numbering sections, subsections, items, report subparagraphs

The report sections must have sequence numbers within the entire document marked with Arabic numerals without a point and recorded from paragraphic indent. Subsections must have a numbering within each section. The subsection number consists of a section and subsection numbers separated by a point. At the end of the number of the subsection, the point is not put. Sections, as well as subsections, may consist of one or more points [from clause 6.4.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

If the document does not have subsections, the numbering of items in it should be within each partition, and the point number must consist of a section and point numbers, separated by a point. At the end of the point point, the point is not put

1 Types and Main Sizes

1.2 Numbering of the first section of the document

2 Technical requirements

2.2 Numbering of the items of the second section of the document

If the document has subsections, the numbering of items should be within the subsection and the point number should consist of the section numbers, subsection and item, separated by points, for example:

3 Test Methods

3.1 Apparatus, Materials and Reagents

3.1.2 Numbering of the first subsection of the third section of the document

3.2 Preparing for Testing

3.2.2 Numbering of items of the second subsection of the third section of the document

[from clause 6.4.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

If the section consists of one subsection, then the subsection is not numbered. If the subsection consists of one point, the item is not numbered. The presence of one subsection in the section is equivalent to their actual absence [from clause 6.4.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

If the report text is divided only to items, then they are numbered by sequence numbers within the entire report [from clause 6.4.4 GOST 7.32-2001]

Points, if necessary, can be divided into subparagraphs that must have a sequence numbering within each paragraph, for example,,, etc. [from clause 6.4.5 GOST 7.32-2001]

Inside items or sub-clauses can be listed.

Before each transfer, it is necessary to install or, if necessary, references to the text of the document on one of the enumerations, the lowercase letter (except for it, s, o, r, b, and, з), after which the bracket is placed.

For further details of the listings, the Arabic figures must be used, after which the bracket is placed, and the record is made from the paragraph of the retardation, as shown in the example.

  1. _______
  2. _______
    1. _____
    2. _____
  3. _______

If the report consists of two and more parts, each part must have a sequence number. Each part number should be affixed by Arabic numbers on the title page below the type of report, for example, "Part 2" [from clause 6.4.7 GOST 7.32-2001]

Each Structural Report should begin with () [from clause 6.4.8 GOST 7.32-2001]

The numbering of the pages of the report and applications included in the report must be through [from clause 6.4.9 GOST 7.32-2001]


Illustrations (, graphs, computer printouts, diagrams, photographs) should be positioned in the report immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

Illustrations can be in computer performance, including colored.

Drawings, graphs, charts, diagrams, illustrations placed in the report must comply with the requirements of state standards of a unified system of design documentation (ECCD).

It is allowed to perform drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams through the use of computer printing [from clause 6.5.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

Photographs size less than A4 format should be pasted on standard sheets of white paper [from clause 6.5.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

Illustrations, with the exception of the illustrations of the applications, you should numbered by Arabic numbers through the numbering.

If the pattern is one, then it is indicated "Figure 1". The word "drawing" and its name are located in the middle of the string [from paragraph 6.5.4 GOST 7.32-2001]

It is allowed to numbered illustrations within the section. In this case, the illustration number consists of a section of the section and the sequence number of the illustration, separated by a point. For example, Figure 1.1 [from clause 6.5.5. GOST 7.32-2001]

Illustrations, if necessary, may have the name and explanatory data (sketching text). The word "drawing" and the name are placed after explanatory data and are as follows: Figure 1 - Details of the device [from clause 6.5.6 GOST 7.32-2001]

The illustrations of each application are designated by a separate numbering by Arabic numbers with the addition before the numeric designation of the application. For example, Figure A.3 [from clause 6.5.7 GOST 7.32-2001]


Tables are used for better visibility and convenience of comparing indicators. Table name, if available, should reflect its content, be accurate, brief. The table name should be placed above the table on the left, without a paragraph of retreat in one line with its number through the dash.

When transferring part of the table, the name is placed only over the first part of the table, the lower horizontal line, which limits the table, is not carried out [from paragraph 6.6.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

The table should be positioned in the report immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page [from paragraph 6.6.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

A table with a large number of strings is allowed to transfer to another sheet (page). When transferring a part of the table to another sheet (page), the word "table" and the number of it indicates once over the first part of the table, the word "continuation" write over other parts and indicate the table number, for example: "Continued Table 1". When transferring the table to another sheet (page), the title is placed only above its first part.

A table with a lot of quantity is allowed to divide on the part and place one part under the other within one page. If the rows and colors of the table goes for the page format, then in the first case, the head is repeated in each part of the table, in the second case - the sidework.

If the text graph is repeated in different rows, the text consists of one word, then after the first writing is allowed to be replaced with quotes; If from two or more words, then when you first repetition, it is replaced with the words "the same", and then with quotes. Put quotes instead of repeating numbers, brands, signs, mathematical and chemical symbols are not allowed. If digital or other data in any row of the table does not lead, then it is tailored in it [from clause 6.6.4 GOST 7.32-2001]

Digital material is usually drawn up in the form of tables. An example of the table is shown in Figure 1.


Count headers

Subtitles graph

Rows (horizontal rows)

Side for

(Count headers)


[from paragraph 6.6.5 GOST 7.32-2001]

Tables, with the exception of application tables, it is necessary to numbered by Arabic numbers through the numbering.

It is allowed to numbered tables within the section. In this case, the table number consists of a partition number and a sequence number of the table, separated by a point.

The tables of each application are designated by a separate numbering by Arabic numbers with the addition of the application before the designation.

If in the document one table, then it must be indicated by "Table 1" or "Table B.1", if it is shown in the application in [from clause 6.6.6 GOST 7.32-2001]

The headlines of the graph and rows of the table should be written from a capital letter in a single number, and the seagulls of the graph - from the lowercase letters if they constitute one sentence with the title, or from a capital letter if they have an independent value. At the end of the headers and subtitles of the tables, the point does not put [from paragraph 6.6.7 GOST 7.32-2001]

Tables on the left, right and below, as a rule, limit the lines. It is allowed to apply the font size in the table is smaller than in the text.

Separate the headlines and subtitles of the sidework and the graph diagonal lines are not allowed.

Horizontal and vertical lines, distinguishing table lines, allowed not to carry out if their absence does not make it difficult to use the table.

Count headers, as a rule, are written in parallel to the rows of the table. If necessary, perpendicular arrangement of the headers of the graph is allowed.

The head of the table must be separated by the line from the rest of the table [from clause GOST 7.32-2001]

The design of the tables in the report should correspond to GOST 1.5 and GOST 2.105 [from clause 6.6.9 GOST 7.32-2001]


The word "note" should be printed from a capital letter from paragraph and not [from clause 6.7.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

Notes lead in documents if explanations are needed or reference data to the content of text, tables or graphic material. Notes should not contain requirements [from clause 6.7.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

Notes should be placed immediately after text, graphic material or in the table to which these notes belong. If one note is one thing, then after the word "Note" is rated and the note is printed from the capital letter. One note does not name. Several notes are numbered in order to Arabic numbers without a stress point. Note The table is placed at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

Note -__________________________________________________________________

Several notes are numbered in order by Arabic numbers.





[from paragraph 6.7.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

Formulas and equations

Equations and formulas should be allocated from text to a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation should be left at least one free line. If the equation does not fit in one line, it must be transferred after the sign of equality (\u003d) or after the signs plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (x), divisions (:), or other mathematical signs, and the sign in The beginning of the next line is repeated. When transferring the formula on a sign that symbolizes the operation of multiplication, the "X" sign is used [from clause 6.8.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

An explanation of the values \u200b\u200band numeric coefficients should be given directly under the formula in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula [from paragraph 6.8.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

Formulas in the report should be numbered by ordinal numbering within the entire report by Arabic numbers in parentheses in the extreme right position on the line.

Example A \u003d A: B, (1)

One formula is denoted - (1)

[from paragraph 6.8.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

Formulas placed in applications should be numbered by a separate numbering of Arabic numbers within each application with the addition of an application before each digit, for example, formula (V. 1) [from paragraph 6.8.4 GOST 7.32-2001]

The formulas are allowed within the section. In this case, the formula number consists of a section of the section and the sequence number of the formula, separated by a point, for example (3.1) [from paragraph 6.8.6 GOST 7.32-2001]

The procedure for presenting in the report of mathematical equations is the same as the formulas [from paragraph 6.8.7 GOST 7.32-2001]

The report is allowed to perform formulas and equations by the handwritten method of black ink [from paragraph 6.8.8 GOST 7.32-2001]


The report allows links to this document, standards, and other documents, provided that they fully and unequivocally determine the relevant requirements and do not cause difficulties in using the document [from paragraph 6.9.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

You should refer to the document in general or its sections and applications. Links to subsections, items, tables and illustrations are not allowed, with the exception of subsections, paragraphs, tables and illustrations of this document [from clause 6.9.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

With reference to standards and indicate only their designation, it is allowed not to indicate the year of them, provided that the standard is fully described in the list of used sources in accordance with GOST 7.1 [from clause 6.9.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

Title page

The title page contains:

  • the name of a higher or other structural education, whose system includes an organization-performer, the name of the organization (including abbreviated);
  • uDC Index, Code of the All-Russian Product Classifier (OCP) (for reports on NIR, previous design and products) and the NIR State Registration Number, Space Controlled by the Executive Organization, as well as the inscription "Inv. № "- This data is placed one under the other;
  • special marks (if there is a report of numerical data on substances and materials in this part, the abbreviation of the GSSD is affixed - the State Service of Standard Reference Data);
  • vulture, neck.

The claims of the statement consists of the word "argue", the posts indicating the name of the organization, a scientific degree, the scholar of the person who approved the report, personal, its decoding and the date of the report approval. Here the organization has been stamped, approved by the report.

The haruing coordination consists of the word "coordinated", the posts indicating the name of the organization, a scientific degree, the scholar of the person who agreed a report, his personal signature, its decoding, the date of coordination, the press of a matching organization.

If the coordination was conducted by a letter, the abbreviated name of the matching organization, the outgoing number and date of the letter should be indicated.

In the details of the "Griffing of the coordination" and "Fighting of the statement", composite parts consisting of several rows are printed through 1 an arrear interval, and the components themselves are separated from each other with a 1.5 interval.

and the dates of signing should be performed only by black ink or ink.

Date elements lead to Arabic numbers in one line in the following sequence: day of month, month, year, for example: date April 10, 2000 should be issued 10.04.2000:

  • the type of document - lower case letters from the first uppercase, the name of the NIR - capital letters, the name of the report - the lower case letters in parentheses, the type of report (intermediate or final) - lower case letters from the first capital (if the NIR name coincides with the report name, then it is printed in capital letters);
  • cipher of the state scientific and technical program, work cipher assigned by the Executive Organization;
  • positions, scientific degrees, scientists of the titles of the heads of the organization-performer organization, ORD managers (if printed in several lines, print through 1 line interval), then leave a free field for personal signatures and put initials and surnames of persons signatories, below personal signatures put the dates of signing (if all the necessary signatures are not placed on the title page, then it is allowed to transfer them to the next page);
  • city and year of the report of the report.

[from paragraph 6.10.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

Examples of the design of title sheets are given in Appendix B [from clause 6.10.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

List of performers

Surnames and initials, positions, scientific degrees, scholarships in the list should be positioned by column. On the left indicate the posts, scientific degrees, scholars of the titles of performers and co-valves (if it is printed in several lines, it is printed after 1), then leave the free field for genuine, on the right indicate the initials and surnames of the performers and. Near each name in brackets should indicate the section number (subsection) and the actual part of the work prepared by a specific performer. For co-valves, the name of the organization-co-valve should also be indicated [from clause 6.11.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

An example of registration of the list of performers is given in Appendix in [from clause 6.11.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

List of symbols and abbreviations, symbols, symbols, units of physical quantities and terms

The list should be located column. On the left in alphabetical order, reductions, symbols, symbols, units of physical quantities and terms, on the right - their detailed decoding [from clause 6.12 GOST 7.32-2001]

List of sources used

Source information should be positioned in order to appear references to sources in the text of the report and to numbered by Arabic numerals without a point and print from paragraph number [from clause 6.13 GOST 7.32-2001]


The application is issued as a continuation of this document on its subsequent sheets or produced in the form of an independent document [from clause 6.14.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

The text of the document for all applications should be given links. Applications are in order of reference to them in the text of the document, with the exception of the reference application "Bibliography", which is recent [from clause 6.14.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

Each application should be started with a new page with an indication at the top in the middle of the page of the word "application", its notation and degree. The application must have a title that is written symmetrically relative to the text from the uppercase letter of a separate line [from clause 6.14.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

Annexes are denoted by capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with a, with the exception of letters E, s, and, o, h, b, s, b. After the word "application" follows the letter denoting its sequence.

It is allowed to designate applications with letters of the Latin alphabet, with the exception of letters I and O.

In the case of full use of the letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, it is allowed to designate applications by Arabic numbers.

If in the document one application, it is denoted by "Appendix A" [from clause 6.14.4 GOST 7.32-2001]

The text of each application, if necessary, can be divided into partitions, subsections, items, subparagraphs that are numbered within each application. The number is set to the designation of this application [from clause 6.14.5 GOST 7.32-2001]

Applications must have a common end-to-end page of pages with the rest of the document. If necessary, such an application may have "content" [from clause 6.14.6 GOST 7.32-2001]

Applications or parts released as an independent document, the designation is assigned as part of a document with an indication of the document of its sequence number in the code [from clause 6.14.7 GOST 7.32-2001]

Appendix A (compulsory) - an example of the compilation of the report on the NIR report

Report 85 p., 2 h, 24 fig., 12 Table., 50 sources, 2 adj.

Excreational installations, piston flowmeters, tachometric flowmeters. Measurement, big expenses, gases

The object of the study is piston installations for accurate playback and measurement of large gas costs.

The purpose of the work is to develop a methodology for metrological research of installations and non-standard equipment for their implementation.

In the process of work, experimental studies of the individual components and the overall error of the installations were carried out.

As a result of the study, two piston reversing flow units were created: the first on costs up to 0.07 m3 / s, the second is 0.33 m3 / s.

Main constructive and technical and performance indicators: high measurement accuracy at large gas flow values.

The degree of implementation is the second installation according to the developed method of certified as exemplary.

The efficiency of the settings is determined by their small influence on the course of the measured processes. Both installations can be used for graduation and verification of industrial rotation meters of gas, as well as tachometric flow meters.

final Report, Interim Report

[From paragraph 7 of GOST 7.32-2001]

  • When playing the materials of the portal, installing an active hyperlink to the source - page with this publication to the site.

Basic provisions GOST 7.32-2001

These rules are based on the provisions of GOST 7.32-2001 "Report on research work. Structure and rules of registration. " The isolated color is an additional explanation not contained in GOST 7.32-2001, or a recommendation for the design of text documents when performing training assignments by students of all courses of the specialty 220,0200 ASOEYA OMGTU.

The document also contains examples of the bibliographic description of electronic resources according to the requirements and GOST 7.82-2001.

Parameters Page and Basic Text

The NIR report is drawn up on the pages of A4 format (210x297 mm), the orientation of the book, printing on one side of the sheet. Fields of 20 mm, right - 10 mm. The numbering of pages through, starting from the title page, in the center of the page at the bottom, Arabic numerals without a point at the end. On the title page, the number is not affixed.

Parameters of the main text: Font - Times New Roman, 12-14 points, black, low-fat, without cruising and other modifications; paragraph indent 12.7 mm; One-time line interval (in Microsoft Word - Multiplier 1,2).

Structural Elements of the Nir Report

The structural elements of the NIR report are (in order in the report in the report):

- title page;

- list of performers;


Designations and cuts;

- introduction;

- main part;

- conclusion;

List of sources used;


Mandatory structural elements are highlighted in bold. Each structural element starts with a new page.

Title page

The title page is the first page of the document. Word transfer on the title page is not allowed. Abbreviations and abbreviations, if possible, are not used. Signs and dates of signing should be performed only blackink or ink. The date is written by Arabic numbers through the point in the sequence: day, month, year (for example, 04.12.2003); Without a point at the end.

List of performers

If the report is executed by one performer, then his position, a degree, scientist, surname and initials should be indicated on the title list of the report.


The abstract on the report on the NIR must contain:

Information about the amount of the report, the number of illustrations, tables, applications, the number of reports of the report, the number of sources used;

List of keywords;

Text of abstract.

The list of keywords should include from 5 to 15 words or phrases from the text of the report, which mostly characterize its content and provide the ability to the information search. The keywords are given in the nominative case and are printed in capital letters through the comma.

The text of the abstract should reflect:

Research object or development;

Purpose of work;

Method or methodology of work;

The result of work;

Basic constructive, technological and technical and operational characteristics;

Application area;

Economic efficiency or significance of work;

Forecast assumptions about the development of the object of the study.

If the report does not contain information on any of the listed structural parts of the abstract, it is lowered in the text of the abstract, but the state sequence is preserved.

An example of registration in the content name of the application:

Appendix B Listing the program "Bor-4" 8

Structure of the main part of the report

The main part should be divided into sections,subsections,pointsand (if necessary) subparagraphswhich are numbered by Arabic numbers and recorded with paragraphic indent. Sections have sequence numbers within the main part; Subsections, items and subparagraphs - within the structural element of the main part to which they belong, with the addition of the number through the point. After the last number, the point is not put.

If the section consists of one subsection, then the subsection is not numbered. Single points and subparagraphs are not numbered. This subsection, for example, is not divided into separate items; All of its paragraphs are considered part of the only point.

Sections and subsections must have headlines. Points, as a rule, do not have headers.

Examples of the design of various elements of the structure of the main part are presented in Figure A.1 of the reference application A.

Registration of headlines

All headlines are recorded from the capital letter, without a point at the end, without undercuting, without transferring words and do not come off from the subsequent text. If the title consists of two sentences, they are separated by a point.

Names of structural elements "Abstract", "Content", "Introduction", "Conclusion" and "List of sources used" serve their headers, not numbered, separated from the text by an empty string.

The headlines of the elements of the main part are drawn up with paragraph retreat. The title of the section is separated from above and below an empty string.


The listings are recorded with paragraphic indent, through a hyphen or, if necessary, reference to one of the enumerations, a Russian string letter with a bracket (except for it, s, o, g, b, y, s, ъ).

For further details of the enumerations, Arabic numbers with a bracket are used, which are recorded from a double paragraphic indent, as shown in the following example:


Mathematical equations and formulas should be allocated from text to a separate line and separate leastone empty string from above and below.

Formulas are numbered by Arabic numbers without a point at the end through the numbering within the main part, or within the section. The formula number is written in brackets and is located in the extreme right position of the string. Formulas placed in applications are numbered by a separate numbering within each application with adding an application designation. Links in the text on the formula numbers are given in brackets (for example, "... set by expression (12) ...", "... see formula (B.19) ..."). However, GOST does not contain the requirements for each numbered formula to be made.

Explanation of symbol values \u200b\u200band numeric coefficients should be given directly under the formula in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula.

An example of registration can be an expression

u.t. U. M sin. t. 0), (3.18)

describing a harmonic signal where u.(t.) - voltage function; U. M is the amplitude of the signal; -circular frequency;  0 - displacement of the initial position.

Illustrations and Tables

Illustrations (drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, etc.) and tables should be positioned in a report directly after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. All illustrations and tables in the report text must contain links. For example, "As shown in Figure 3.7", "contains in Table 8", "see Figure G.15 Appendix G ".

Illustrations and tables of the main part are numbered by Arabic numbers without a point at the end through the numbering within the main part, or within the section; In applications - a separate numbering within each application with the addition of the application designation (see, for example, the signature of Figure A.1 of Appendix A). If the text is only one illustration or table, they are still assigned number one.

Signature illustrations underclinecentered; Table name - above the tableon the left, without paragraph number, in one line. The initial words "Figure" and "Table" are not reduced, then the number is recorded.

The name of the illustration or table, if available, is written after the number through the dash, from the capital letter, without a point at the end. For example, "Figure 6.3 is a block diagram of the Patricia algorithm", "Table 4 - deliveries in the quarters of 2004."

For tables is permissible: break and transfer to another page, use more small font; It is unacceptable: the diagonal separation of the cells, the presence of unfilled cells (in the empty cells put a dummy).

The headlines of the graph (columns) and rows of the table are written with registrationletters, B. singleincluding without a point at the end. The subtitles of the graph - from the lowercase letter, if they make up one sentence with the title, or from the capital, if they have an independent value. In Table 1, decorated according to the present requirements, there are no headlines of the graph, but there are lines headers.

Table 1 - coefficients for calculating gasoline consumption

When the table is transferred to the next page: The title of the table is indicated only above the first part and on right; "Continuation of the table" and its number, and its number, and the name is lowered (for example: "continuation of Table B.2"); The lower horizontal line, which limits the table, is not carried out; In each part of the table repeat the headers of the graph or the headers of the strings.


Applications are drawn up as a continuation of the document on its subsequent sheets and include into the general end-to-end numbering of pages, or are issued as an independent document. Links must be given to all applications. Applications are in order of reference to them in the text of the document. The exception is the reference application "Bibliography", which are placed last, and references may not be.

Applications are numbered by capital letters of the Russian alphabet, with the exception of letters E, s, y, o, h, b, s, b (for example, "Appendix G"). The word "application" and the letter of the sequence write from the new page in the center, after which the degree (for example, mandatory, reference, etc.; See Example below). The only application is denoted by "Appendix A". Applications are allowed to designate the letters of the Latin alphabet (except IIO).

The application necessarily has a header that is written symmetrically relative to the text from the capital letter with a separate string (see example in Figure 1).

Figure 1 - An example of application caps

See also the design of the application and this document.

The application material is executed according to the requirements for the main part of the report. The text of each application, if necessary, can be divided into partitions, subsections, items and subparagraphs that are numbered within each application using the application letter as prefix (for example, "D.2.16 Analysis of convergence"). Such applications, if necessary, may have "content". Application section headers in the "content" of the report are not given.

List of sources used

Source information should be positioned in the order of reference to sources in the text of the report, from the paragraph number, to number the Arabic numerals without a point at the end and execute in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1. All listed sources in the text must be referenced in the form of a source number in the list enclosed in square brackets. For example: "... What was first proposed in and later discussed in detail in ...".

Pay attention to the fact that from July 1, 2004, the new version of GOST 7.1 is put into operation. 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation. "

Bibliographic description electronic resourcesit is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.82-2001 "Bibliographic recording. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules of compilation. " For example:

    Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language Vladimir Dalya [Electronic resource]: Podcoth. on the 2nd furnace. ed. 1880-1882 - electron. Dan. - M.: Act [et al.], 1998. - 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM); 12 cm + hands. User (8 p.). - (Electronic book). - Systems. Requirements: IBM PC with processor 486; RAM 8 MB; Opera. Windows system (SK, 95, NT); CD-ROM drive; mouse. - Tilt. From the screen.

    Sideganov V.U. Moscow model [Electronic resource]: electron. Map of Moscow and Moscow region / Sideganov V.U., Tolmachev S.Yu., Tsygankov Yu.E. - Version 2.0. - electron. Dan. and prog. - M.: Formoza, 1998. - 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM); 12 cm. - Systems. Requirements: PC 486; Windows 95 (OSR). - Tilt. From the screen. - state number. registration 0329600098, 2000 copies.

    Flowers V.Ya. Computer graphics: Working program [Electronic resource]: For students. Forms of learning geodesis. and others. specialties. - electron. Dan. and prog. - M.: Miigaik, 1999. - 1 floppy disk. - Systems. Requirements: IBM PC, Windows 95, Word 6.0. - Tilt. From the screen. - state number. registration 0329900020.

    Atlas-98 [Electronic resource]: 3D: the most detailed. Fully threemer. Atlas of the world. - electron. Dan. and prog. - [B. m.], 1998. - 1 electron, wholesale. Disk (CD-ROM): ZV., COL.; 12 cm - (ABC) (the whole world in 3D). - Systems. Requirements: PC 486 DX-33; 8 MB RAM; 15 MB HDD; Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; 2-speed drive; 256 CV. SVGA display; star. map; mouse. - Tilt. from the container.

    Internet step by step [Electronic resource]. - electron. Dan. and prog. - SPb.: Peter Kom, 1997. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM) + adj. (127 p.). - Systems. Requirements: PCs from 486 DX 66 MHz; RAM 16 MB; Windows 95; star. pay; Speakers or headphones. - Tilt. From the screen.

    Russian State Library [Electronic Resource] / Center Inform. Technologies of RGB; ed. Vlasenko T.V.; Web-Master Kozlova N.V. - electron. Dan. - M.: Ros. State B-ka, 1997-. - Access mode:, free. - Tilt. From the screen. - Yaz. Rus., English

    Electronic catalog of the GPTB of Russia [Electronic resource]: The database contains information about all types of lit. entering the Russian GPTB Foundation. - electron. Dan. (5 files, 178 thousand records). - M. ,. - Access mode: - Tilt. From the screen.

    Russian consolidated directory on NTL [Electronic resource]: The database contains information about abroad. and Fatherland. kn. And abroad. period. ed. in nature. Sciences, technician, sat down. Hoz-Wu and medicine entered in the organization participating in the automated system Ros. Code. Cat. According to scientific school. Lit. : annual. Replenishment approx. 30 thousand records for all types of ed. - electron. Dan. (3 files). - M. ,. - Access mode: - Tilt. From the screen.

List of sources used

    GOST 7.32-2001. Report on research work. Structure and rules for design [Text]. - instead of GOST 7.32-91; introduce 2001-07-01. - Minsk: Intergos. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification; M.: Publishing House of Standards, 2001. - 16 p. - (System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing).

    GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compiling [Text]. - instead of GOST 7.1-84, GOST 7.16-79, GOST 7.18-79, GOST 7.34-81, GOST 7.40-82; introduce 2004-07-01. - M.: Publishing House of Standards, 2004. - 116 p. - (System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing).

Appendix A (Reference)

Examples of design elements of the main part of the report

Figure A.1 - An example of sections of sections, subsections, items, subparagraphs and enumerations

UDC 001.891 (047): 006.354 Group T62
State Standard of the SSR Union
Information system for information
library and publishing
Structure and regulations
OKSTA 0007.
GOST 7.32-91
(ISO 5966-82)
Date of introduction 01.01.92

4.1. General requirements

4.1.1. Pages of the text of the NIR report and an illustration included in the report, table and printouts with a computer must comply with the A4 format according to GOST 9327. It is allowed to represent illustrations, tables and printouts with computers on A3 sheets.

4.1.2. The NIR report should be performed by a machine-written way or using print and graphic computer output devices on one side of the white paper sheet after a half of the interval. For reports made on printing and graphic devices for displaying computers, the height of letters and numbers should be at least 1.8 mm.

The report text should be printed, observing the following field sizes: left - not less than 30 mm, right - not less than 10 mm, upper - at least 15 mm, lower - at least 20 mm.

4.1.3. Regardless of the method of executing a report, the quality of the printed text and the design of illustrations, tables. Software printouts should meet the requirement of their clear playback (electronics copying, microfilming).

4.1.4. When executing a report, it is necessary to observe the uniform density, contrast and clarity of the image throughout the report. The report should be clear, unwanted lines, letters, numbers and signs. All lines, letters, numbers and signs should be equally black throughout the report.

4.1.5. Separate words, formulas, signs are allowed only to black ink or black ink, the density of the included text must be as close as possible to the density of the primary image.

4.1.6. Targets, and graphic inaccuracies are allowed to correct the cleaning or painting with white paint and application on the same place a corrected image with a machine-writing method or from hand with black ink or black ink.

4.1.7. Families, the names of institutions, organizations, firms, product name and other names their own in the report lead in the original language. It is allowed to transmit the names of their own and bring the names of organizations translated into the report language with the addition (at the first mention) of the original name.

4.1.8. Reducing Russian words and phrases in the report - according to GOST 7.12.

4.1.9. The names of the structural elements of the report "List of performers", "Abstract", "Content", "The list of abbreviations, symbols. Syomols, units and terms "," Introduction "," Conclusion "," List of sources used "serve as headlines of the Structural Elements of the Report.

4.1.10. The headers of the structural elements of the report and partitions of the main part should be positioned in the middle without a point at the end and print with capital letters, not emphasizing.

4.1.11. Headers of subsections and items should be started with paragraph number and print with a recording letter, without emphasizing, without a point at the end.

4.1.12. If the title includes several proposals, they are separated by points. Word transfer in headlines are not allowed.

4.1.13. The distance between the headlines of the stratic elements of the report and partitions of the main part and the text should be at least 3.4 intervals.

4.1.14. Points and subparagraphs of the main part should be started to print with paragraphic indent.

4.2. Numbering page pages

4.2.1. The report pages should be numbered by Arabic numbers, following the end-to-end numbering on the entire report text. Page number is affixed in the upper right corner without a point at the end.

4.2.2. The title page includes a total numbering of the report pages. Page number on the title page is not affixed.

4.2.3. Illustrations and tables located on separate sheets and printouts in the computer include a total numbering of the page pages.

Illustrations, tables and printouts with a computer on a sheet of format A3 take into account as one page.

4.3. Numbering of sections, subsections, items, subparagraphs and report books

4.3.1. Sections, subsections, items, subparagraphs and report books should be numbered by Arabic numbers.

4.3.2. The report sections must have a sequence numbering within the main part of the report and designate by Arabic numbers with a point, for example, 1., 2., 3., etc.

4.3.3. Points must have a sequence numbering within each section or subsection. The point number includes the partition number and the sequence number of the subsection or item, separated by a point, for example 1.1., 1.2., 1.3. or 1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3, etc.

4.3.4. The subparagraph number includes the partition number, subsection, item and the sequence number of the subparagraph, separated by a point, for example,, etc.

4.3.5. If the section or subsection has only one item or item has one sub-clause, then the point (sub-clause) should not be numbered.

4.3.6. The report books must have a sequence numbering within the entire report. The number of each book should be affixed by Arabic numbers on the title page below the type of report, for example, "Book 3".

4.4. Illustrations

4.4.1. Illustrations (drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, photographs) should be positioned in the report immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

4.4.2. Drawings, graphics, charts, schemes placed in the report must comply with the requirements of the State Standards of ECCD.

4.4.3. Photographs size less than A4 format should be pasted on standard sheets of white paper.

4.4.4. Illustrations should have a name that is placed over an illustration. If necessary, below the illustrations are placed explanatory data (sketching text).

The illustration is denoted by the word "Fig.", Which is placed after the explanatory data.

4.4.5. The illustrations should numbered by Arabic numerals with ordinal numbering within the entire report.

4.4.6. If only one illustration in the report, it does not and the word "Fig." Do not write under it.

4.4.7. An illustration should be performed on one page. If the illustration does not fit on one page, you can transfer it to other pages, while the name of the illustration is placed on the first page explaining the data to each page and below them indicate "Fig., Sheet".

4.5. Tables

4.5.1. Digital material should be issued as tables.

4.5.2. The table should be positioned in the report immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

4.5.3. Tables should Numbered by the Arabic numerals with ordinal numbering within the entire report. Number should be placed in the upper right corner above the title of the table after the word "table".

4.5.4. If the report is one table, it does not numbered and the word "table" do not write.

4.5.5. Registration of tables in the report - according to GOST 2.105.

4.6. Listing and notes

4.6.1. Enumerations, if necessary, can be provided within items or subparagraphs. The listings should be numbered by the ordinal numbering of Arabic numbers with a bracket, for example 1), 2), 3), etc., and print with lowercase letters from paragraph number.

Within one point or subparagraph, more than one group of enumerations is not allowed.

4.6.2. Notes should be placed in the report if you need to explain the content of text, tables or illustrations. Notes are placed immediately after the point, subparagraph, tables, illustrations to which they relate, and print from the capital letter from the paragraph.

The word "note" should be printed from the capital letter from the paragraph of the recording and not to emphasize.

4.6.3. One note does not name. Several notes should be numbered by the ordinal numbering of Arabic numbers with a point, for example:






4.7. Formulas and equations

4.7.1. An explanation of the symbol and numeric ratios should be given directly under the formula in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula. The value of each character and numeric coefficient should be given from a new line. The first string of explanations start with the words "where" without a colon.

4.7.2. Equations and formulas should be allocated from text to a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation should be left at least one free line. If the equation does not fit in one line, it must be transferred after the sign of equality (\u003d) or after the signs plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (x), divisions (:), or other mathematical signs.

4.7.3. Formulas in the report should be numbered by the sequence of numbering within the entire report by Arabic numbers in parentheses in the extreme right position on the line.

If there is only one formula or equation in the report, they are not numbered.

Along with the general list, it is allowed to provide links to sources in a substitution note. Registration of references - according to GOST 7.1.

4.8.2. References to sections, subsections, items, subparagraphs, illustrations, tables, formulas, equations, enumerations, applications should be specified by their sequence number, for example: "... in Section.4", "... according to clause 3.3.4", "... Subparagraph, transfer 3 "," ... by formula (3) "," ... in equation (2) "," ... in Fig.8 "," ... in Appendix 6 ".

If in the report one illustration, one table, one formula, one equation, one application, you should write "in the figure", "in the table", "according to the formula", "in the equation", "in the annex" when referenced.

4.9. Title page

4.9.1. The title page contains details:

1) the name of the Ministry (Office) or other structural education, whose system includes the organization-performer, the name of the organization (including abbreviated);

2) the UDC index, the Code of the OKP (for reports on NIR, preceding the development and modernization of products) and the state registration number made by the Executive Organization, as well as the inscription "Inv.Nes" - this data is placed one subits;

3) Special marks (if there are numerical data on the properties of substances and materials in this part, the GSSD abbreviation is affixed in this part - the State Standard Reference Data Service);

4) Grief coordination, marginal statement.

The haruing coordination consists of the word "coordinated", the posts indicating the name of the organization, a scientific degree, the scholar of the person who agreed a report, his personal signature, its decoding, the date of coordination, the press of a matching organization.

If the coordination was conducted by a letter, the abbreviated name of the matching organization, the outgoing number and date of the letter should be indicated.

The claims of the statement consists of the word "claim", the posts indicating the name of the organization, a scientist, the scientist of the person who approved the report, personal signature, its decoding and the date of the statement of the report. Here the organization has been stamped, approved by the report.

Signatures and dates of signing should be performed only by black ink or ink.

Date elements lead to Arabic numbers in one line in the following sequence: day of month, month, year, for example: date on October 1, 1990, should be issued 01.10.90;

5) the type of document, lower case letters from the first capital - the name of the registered R & D registered letters - the name of the report, the line of the report (intermediate or final), the line of the report (intermediate or final), lower case letters from the first registration number of the report book (if the name of the registered R & D coincides with the name of the report, it is printed with capital letters);

6) cipher state scientific and technological program, work cipher assigned by the executor;

7) posts, scientific degrees, scientists of the titles of the Organization of the Organization of the Contractor of the NIR, the heads of the NIR, then constitute a free field for personal signatures and put initials and the names of those who signed the report, below personal signatures are the dates of signing (if all necessary are not posted on the title page Signatures, it is allowed to transfer them to the next page);

8) City and year of the report.

4.9.2. Examples of the design of title sheets are shown in Appendix 2.

4.10. List of performers

4.10.1. Surnames and initials, positions, scientific degrees, scholarships in the list should be positioned by column. On the left indicate posts, scientific degrees, educational titles of performers and co-valves, then leave a free field for genuine signatures, on the right indicate the initials and surnames of the performers. Near each name in brackets should indicate the section number (subsection) and the actual part of the work prepared by a specific performer. For co-valves, the name of the artist organization should also be indicated.

4.10.2. An example of executing a list of performers is given in Appendix 3.

4.11. List of abbreviations, symbols, symbols, units and terms

The list should be located column. On the left in alphabetical order, abbreviations, symbols, symbols, units and terms, on the right - their detailed decoding.

4.12. List of sources used

Source information should be positioned in the order of reference to sources in the text of the report and numbered by Arabic numbers with a point.

4.13. Applications

4.13.1. Applications should be issued as a continuation of the report on its subsequent pages or as a separate book, having applications in the order of reference to them in the report text.

4.13.2. Each application must begin with a new page and have a meaningful title printed by uppercase letters. The word "application" should be printed in the upper right corner over the title.

If applications in the report more than one, they should be numbered by the Arabic numerals by the procedure.

4.13.3. When applying for applications of a separate book report on a title page, under the number of the book, you should write the word "applications" with capital letters.

4.13.4. If necessary, applications may be divided into partitions, subsections, items that should be numbered within each application in accordance with the requirements of subsection 4.3.

4.13.5. An illustrations, tables, formulas and equations available in the text application should be numbered within each application in accordance with the requirements of subsections 4.4, 4.5 and 4.7.

4.13.6. Enumerations and notes in the application text are issued and numbered in accordance with the requirements of subsection 4.6.

4.13.7. If the application is used as an application, a document that has an independent value and is drawn up according to the document requirements of this species, it is inserted into the report unchanged. On the title page of the document in the upper right corner, the word "application" print and affix its number, and the pages on which the document is placed include in the overall numbering of the report pages.

GOST 7.32-91
(ISO 5966-82)

Group T62.

State Standard of the SSR Union

System of standards for information, library
And publishing


Structure and regulations

System of Standards On Information, Librarianship
and publishing. The Research Report. Structure.
and Rules of Presentation

OKSTA 0007.

Date of introduction 1992-01-01

Information details

1. Developed and submitted by the State Committee of the USSR on Science and Technology and Technical Committee 191 "Scientific and Technical Information, Library and Publishing"

2. Approved and put into effect by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards of 26.02.91 N 175

3. This standard has been developed by the method of direct application of the international standard ISO 5966-82 * "Documentation. Registration of scientific and technical reports"
* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned here and then on the text, you can get by clicking on the link to the site - Note database manufacturer.

4. The term of the first check - 1993

The frequency of verification - once every two years

5. Instead of GOST 7.32-81

6. Reference regulatory documents

Point number, subparagraph

GOST 2.105-79

GOST 2.111-68

GOST 7.1-84

3.9; 3.10.4; 4.8.1

GOST 7.9-77

GOST 7.12-77

GOST 7.54-88

GOST 8.417-81

GOST 15.011-82

GOST 9327-60

This standard applies to reports on fundamental, search, applied research work (NIR) in all areas of science and technology performed by research, design, design and technological organizations (institutions), higher educational institutions, scientific and production associations. , industrial enterprises, pilot experimental production and other organizations that are subject to registration in the All-Union Scientific and Technical Information Center.

The standard establishes general requirements for the structure and rules for issuing reports on the NIR.



1.1. Report on Nir - Scientific and Technical Document, which contains systematized data on research work, describing the process or results of scientific and technical research or the state of the scientific and technical problem.

1.2. Under the implementation of the NIR, in addition to the final report on the work as a whole, intermediate reports on individual stages of the NIR may be compiled.

1.3. The Nir report is subject to mandatory normocontrol in the artist's organization. When conducting a normocontrol, it is recommended to be guided by GOST 2.111.

1.4. Responsibility for the accuracy of the data contained in the report and for compliance with its requirements of this standard is the executive organization.

2. Report structure

The structural elements of the NIR report are:

1) title page;

2) a list of performers;

3) essay;

5) a list of abbreviations, symbols, symbols, units and terms;

6) introduction;

7) main part;

8) conclusion;

9) list of sources used;

10) Applications.

Mandatory structural elements are highlighted in bold. The remaining structural elements include a report at the discretion of the Contractor of the NIR, taking into account the requirements of Section. 3 and 4.

3. Requirements for structural elements of the report

3.1. Title page

3.1.1. The title page is the first page of the NIR report and serves as a source of information required for processing and searching for a document.

3.1.2. The title page leads the following information:

1) the name of the organization-performer of the NIR;

3) codes of higher classification groups of the union-union classifier of industrial and agricultural products for NIR, preceding production production;

4) numbers identifying the report;

5) anticipation and approval charts;

6) the name of the work;

7) the name of the report;

8) view of the report (final, intermediate);

9) number (cipher) themes;

10) posts, scientific degrees, scholars' ranks, surnames and initials of the heads of the Organization of the Contractor of the NIR, heads of research institutes;

11) Place and date compiling report.

3.1.3. If the NIR report consists of two or more books, each book must have its own title list that corresponds to the title leaf of the first book and containing information relating to this book.

3.2. List of performers

3.2.1. The list of performers should include surnames and initials, positions, scientific degrees, scientists of the titles of the heads of research and development, responsible performers, performers and co-valves who have taken creative participation in the performance of work. At the end of the list, the signature of the normocontroller is placed.

3.2.2. If the report is fulfilled by one performer, his position, a degree, scholar title, surname and initials, as well as the signature of the normocontroller should be indicated on the title page of the report.

3.3. abstract

3.3.1. General Requirements for Essay on the Nir Report - according to GOST 7.9.

3.3.2. The abstract must contain:

1) information about the volume of the report, the number of illustrations, tables, applications, the number of books of the report, the number of sources used;

2) a list of keywords;

3) Text of the abstract. The list of keywords should include from 5 to 15 words or phrases from the text of the report, which mostly characterize its content and provide the ability to the information search. Keywords are given in the nominative case and are printed in capital letters in a row through commas. The text of the abstract should reflect:

1) object of study or development;

2) the goal of the work;

3) method of research and equipment;

4) the results obtained and their novelty;

5) the main constructive, technological and technical and operational characteristics;

8) scope;

9) economic efficiency or significance of work;

10) Forecast assumptions about the development of the research object.

If the report does not contain information on any of the listed structural parts of the abstract, it is lowered in the text of the abstract, with the sequence of the presentation remains.

3.3.3. An example of an abstract is given in Appendix 1.

3.4.2. When drawing up a report consisting of two or more books, each of them should be its content. At the same time, the first book is placed the content of the entire report with the indication of book numbers, in the following - only the content of the relevant book. It is allowed in the first book instead of the content of subsequent books indicate only their names.

3.4.3. In the Nir Report, no more than 10 pages, the content is allowed not to be.

3.5. List of abbreviations, symbols, symbols, units and terms

3.5.1. Accepted in the report of small-scale reductions, symbols, symbols, units and specific terms should be presented as a separate list.

3.5.2. If reductions, symbols, symbols, units and terms are repeated in a report less than three times, a separate list is not constituted, and the decoding is given directly in the report text at the first mention.

3.6. Introduction

3.6.1. Introduction should contain an assessment of the current state of the soluble scientific and technical problem, grounds and source data for the development of the topic, the substantiation of the need for NIR, information on the planned scientific and technical level of development, on patent studies and conclusions from them, information on the metrological provision of the NIR. In the introduction, the relevance and novelty of the topic should be shown, the relationship of this work with other research work.

3.6.2. In the introduction of an intermediate report on the NIR stage, the objectives and objectives of research in the stage, and the place in the implementation of the NIR as a whole and the rationale for the allocation of the stage should be given.

3.6.3. In the introduction of the final report on the NIR, the list of items of all prepared interim reports on the stages and their inventory numbers are placed.

3.7. Main part

3.7.1. The main part of the report should contain the data reflecting the creature, the methodology and the main results of the NIR performed.

3.7.2. The main part should contain:

1) the selection of research directions, which includes the rationale for the choice of the study of the research, methods for solving problems and their comparative assessment, the development of the general methodology for conducting the NIR;

2) theoretical and (or) experimental studies, including the definition of the nature and content of theoretical studies, research methods, methods of calculation, the rationale for the need for experimental work, the principles of operation of the developed objects, their characteristics, the rationale for the selected metrological support of work, data on measurement objects measured values \u200b\u200band means of measurements, their metrological characteristics, assessment of the correctness and efficiency of the choice of measuring instruments (including non-standardized) and measurement methodologies, information about their certification, estimation of measurement error, obtained experimental data;

3) generalization and assessment of research results comprising an assessment of the completeness of solving the task and proposals for further areas of work, an assessment of the reliability of the results obtained and their comparison with similar results of domestic and foreign work, the substantiation of the need for additional research, negative results leading to the need to terminate further Research.

3.7.3. Depending on the features of the Nir made, the main part is set out in the form of text, tables, combinations of illustrations and tables or combination of text, illustrations and tables.

The main part of the report should be divided into sections and items. The partitions of the main part can be divided into points or subsections and points. Points, if necessary, can be divided into subparagraphs. Each item must contain completed information.

3.7.4. Presentation in the report of the properties of substances and materials - according to GOST 7.54.

3.7.5. Units of physical quantities in the report - according to GOST 8.417.

3.8. Conclusion

The conclusion should contain:

brief conclusions based on the results of the NIR made or individual stages, an assessment of the completeness of solutions of the tasks, the development of recommendations and source data on the specific use of the results of the NIR, assessing the technical and economic efficiency of implementation. If the definition of technical and economic efficiency is impossible, it is necessary to indicate the national economic, scientific, social significance of the work;

assessment of the scientific and technical level of the NIR performed in comparison with the best achievements in this area.

3.9. List of sources used

The list should contain information about the sources used in the preparation of the report. Source information is given in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1.

3.10. Applications

1) materials complementing the report;

2) intermediate mathematical evidence, formulas and calculations;

3) tables of auxiliary digital data;

4) test protocols;

5) a description of the equipment and appliances used in experiments, measurements and tests;

6) the conclusion of metrological examination;

7) instructions, techniques, descriptions of algorithms and programs of tasks, solved by the computer developed during the implementation of the NIR;

8) illustrations of auxiliary nature;

9) a copy of the technical task on the NIR, the programs of work, contract or other source document for the implementation of the NIR;

10) a protocol of consideration of the R & D on the Scientific and Technical Council;

11) acts of implementing the results of the NIR, etc.

3.10.2. The applications should include illustrations, tables and printouts with computers made on A3 format sheets.

3.10.3. Annexes to the Nir report preceding the production of products for production should be included a draft technical assignment for the development (modernization) of products or a document (application, protocol, contract, etc.), which contains substantial technical and economic requirements for products.

3.10.4. The annexes to the NIR report, as part of which patent studies are provided, a report on patent studies decorated according to GOST 15.011, a bibliographic list of publications and patent documents obtained as a result of the implementation of the NIR - according to GOST 7.1.

4. Report rules

4.1. General requirements

4.1.1. Pages of the text of the NIR report and an illustration included in the report, table and printouts with a computer must comply with A4 format according to GOST 9327. It is allowed to represent illustrations, tables and printouts with computers on A3 sheets.

4.1.2. The NIR report should be performed by a machine-written way or using print and graphic computer output devices on one side of the white paper sheet after a half of the interval. For reports made on printing and graphic devices for displaying computers, the height of letters and numbers should be at least 1.8 mm.

The report text should be printed, observing the following field sizes: left - not less than 30 mm, right - not less than 10 mm, upper - at least 15 mm, lower - at least 20 mm.

4.1.3. Regardless of the method of execution of the report, the quality of the printed text and the design of illustrations, tables, printouts with a computer must satisfy the requirement of their clear playback (electronic copying, microphole).

4.1.4. When executing a report, it is necessary to observe the uniform density, contrast and clarity of the image throughout the report. The report should be clear, unwanted lines, letters, numbers and signs. All lines, letters, numbers and signs should be equally black throughout the report.

4.1.5. Separate words, formulas, signs are allowed only to black ink or black ink, the density of the included text must be as close as possible to the density of the primary image.

4.1.6. Targets, and graphic inaccuracies are allowed to correct the cleaning or painting with white paint and application on the same place a corrected image with a machine-writing method or from hand with black ink or black ink.

4.1.7. Families, the names of institutions, organizations, firms, product name and other names their own in the report lead in the original language. It is allowed to transmit the names of their own and bring the names of organizations translated into the report language with the addition (at the first mention) of the original name.

4.1.8. Reducing Russian words and phrases in the report - according to GOST 7.12.

4.1.9. The names of the Structural Elements of the Report "List of Artists", "Abstract", "Content", "List of abbreviations, symbols, symbols, units and terms", "Introduction", "Conclusion", "List of sources used" serve as headlines of the Structural Elements of the Report.

4.1.10. The headlines of the structural elements of the report and partitions of the main part should be positioned in the middle of the line without a point in the end and print with capital letters without emphasizing.

4.1.11. Headers of subsections and items should be started with paragraph number and print with a recording letter, without emphasizing, without a point at the end.

4.1.12. If the title includes several proposals, they are separated by points. Word transfer in headlines are not allowed.

4.1.13. The distance between the headlines of the stratic elements of the report and partitions of the main part and the text must be at least 3, 4 intervals.

4.1.14. Points and subparagraphs of the main part should be started to print with paragraphic indent.

4.2. Numbering page pages

4.2.1. The report pages should be numbered by Arabic numbers, following the end-to-end numbering on the entire report text. Page number is affixed in the upper right corner without a point at the end.

4.2.2. The title page includes a total numbering of the report pages. Page number on the title page is not affixed.

4.2.3. Illustrations and tables located on separate sheets, and computer prints are included in the overall numbering of the report pages.

Illustrations, tables and printouts with a computer on a sheet of format A3 take into account as one page.

4.3. Numbering of sections, subsections, items, subparagraphs and report books

4.3.1. Sections, subsections, items, subparagraphs and report books should be numbered by Arabic numbers.

4.3.2. Report sections must have a sequence numbering within the main part of the report and denote by Arabic numbers with a point, for example, 1., 2., 3., etc.

4.3.3. Points must have a sequence numbering within each section or subsection. The point number includes the partition number and the sequence number of the subsection or item, separated by a point, for example 1.1., 1.2., 1.3. or 1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3, etc.

4.3.4. The subparagraph number includes the partition number, subsection, item and the sequence number of the subparagraph, separated by a point, for example,, etc.

4.3.5. If the section or subsection has only one item or item has one sub-clause, then the point (sub-clause) should not be numbered.

4.3.6. The reports of the report must have a sequence number within the entire report. Each book number should be made by Arabic numbers on the title page below the type of report, for example, "Book 3".

4.4. Illustrations

4.4.1. Illustrations (drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, photographs) should be positioned in the report immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

All illustrations should be given links in the report.

4.4.2. Drawings, graphics, charts, schemes placed in the report must comply with the requirements of the State Standards of ECCD.

4.4.3. Photographs size less than A4 format should be pasted on standard sheets of white paper.

4.4.4. Illustrations should have a name that is placed over an illustration. If necessary, below the illustrations are placed explanatory data (sketching text).

The illustration is denoted by the word "Fig.", Which is placed after the explanatory data.

4.4.5. The illustrations should numbered by Arabic numerals with ordinal numbering within the entire report.

4.4.6. If the report is only one illustration, it does not follow it and the word "Fig." Do not write under it.

4.4.7. An illustration should be performed on one page. If the illustration does not fit on one page, you can transfer it to other pages, while the name of the illustration is placed on the first page, explaining the data to each page and below them indicate "Fig., Sheet".

4.5. Tables

4.5.1. Digital material should be issued as tables.

4.5.2. The table should be positioned in the report immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

All tables must be links in the report.

4.5.3. Tables should Numbered by the Arabic numerals with ordinal numbering within the entire report. Number should be placed in the upper right corner above the table heading after the word "table".

4.5.4. If the report is one table, it does not name and the word "table" do not write.

4.5.5. Registration of tables in the report - according to GOST 2.105.

4.6. Listing and notes

4.6.1. Enumerations, if necessary, can be provided within items or subparagraphs. Enumerations should be numbered by the ordinal numbering of Arabic numbers with a bracket, for example 1), 2), 3), etc., and print with lower case letters from paragraphic retardance.

Within one point or subparagraph, more than one group of enumerations is not allowed.

4.6.2. Notes should be placed in the report if you need to explain the content of text, tables or illustrations. Notes are placed immediately after the point, subparagraph, tables, illustrations to which they relate, and print from the capital letter from the paragraph.

The word "note" should be printed from the capital letter from the paragraph of the recording and not to emphasize.

4.6.3. One note does not name. Several notes should be numbered by the ordinal numbering of Arabic numbers with a point, for example:


. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .


1. . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . .

4.7. Formulas and equations

4.7.1. An explanation of the symbol and numeric ratios should be given directly under the formula in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula. The value of each character and numeric coefficient should be given from a new line. The first string of explanations start with the words "where" without a colon.

4.7.2. Equations and formulas should be allocated from text to a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation should be left at least one free line. If the equation does not fit in one line, it must be transferred after the sign of equality (\u003d) or after the signs plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (x), divisions (:), or other mathematical signs.

4.7.3. Formulas in the report should be numbered by ordinal numbering within the entire report by Arabic numbers in parentheses in the extreme right position on the line.

If there is only one formula or equation in the report, they are not numbered.

4.8.1. References to sources should be specified by a sequence number on the list of sources isolated by two oblique features.

Along with the general list, it is allowed to provide links to sources in a substitution note. Registration of references - according to GOST 7.1.

4.8.2. References to sections, subsections, items, subparagraphs, illustrations, tables, formulas, equations, enumerations, applications should be specified by their sequence number, for example: "... in sect. 4", "... by § 3.3.4" , "... in subparagraph, transfer 3", "... by formula (3)", "... in equation (2)", "... in Fig. 8", ".. . in Appendix 6 ".

If in the report one illustration, one table, one formula, one equation, one application, follows with the links to write "in the figure", "in the table", "according to the formula", "in the equation", "in the application".

4.9. Title page

4.9.1. The title page contains details:

1) the name of the Ministry (Office) or other structural education, whose system includes the organization-performer, the name of the organization (including abbreviated);

2) UDC index, OKP code (for reports on NIR, preceding the development and modernization of products) and the state registration number, affiliated by the Executive Organization, as well as the inscription "Inv. No." - this data is placed one under the other;

3) Special marks (if there are numerical data on the properties of substances and materials in this part, the GSSD abbreviation is affixed in this part - the State Standard Reference Data Service);

4) Grief coordination, marginal statement.

The haruing coordination consists of the word "coordinated", the posts indicating the name of the organization, a scientific degree, a scholar of the person who agreed a report, his personal signature, its decoding, the date of coordination, the press of the agreement of the organization.

If the coordination was conducted by a letter, the abbreviated name of the matching organization, the outgoing number and date of the letter should be indicated.

The claims of the statement consists of the word "argue", the posts indicating the name of the organization, a scientific degree, a scientist of the person who approved the report, personal signature, its decoding and the date of the statement of the report. Here the organization has been stamped, approved by the report.

Signatures and dates of signing should be performed only by black ink or ink.

Date elements lead to Arabic numbers in one line in the following sequence: day of month, month, year, for example: date on October 1, 1990, should be issued 01.10.90;

5) the type of document, lower case letters from the first capital - the name of the registered R & D registered letters - the name of the report, the line of the report (intermediate or final), the line of the report (intermediate or final), lower case letters from the first registration number of the report book (if the name of the registered R & D coincides with the name of the report, it is printed with capital letters);

6) cipher state scientific and technological program, work cipher assigned by the executor;

7) posts, scientific degrees, scientists of the titles of the Organization of the Executive Organization of the Contractor of the NIR, ORGC managers, then leave a free field for personal signatures and put initials and surnames of those who signed the report, below personal signatures put signing dates (if all necessary are not posted Signatures, it is allowed to transfer them to the next page);

8) City and year of the report.

4.9.2. Examples of the design of title sheets are shown in Appendix 2.

4.10. List of performers

4.10.1. Surnames and initials, positions, scientific degrees, scholarships in the list should be positioned by column. On the left indicate posts, scientific degrees, scholars of the title of performers and co-valves, then leave a free field for genuine signatures, on the right indicate the initials and the names of the performers and co-valves. Near each name in brackets should indicate the section number (subsection) and the actual part of the work prepared by a specific performer. For co-valves, it is also indicated to indicate the name of the organization-co-appliance.

4.10.2. An example of executing a list of performers is given in Appendix 3.

4.11. List of abbreviations, symbols, symbols, units and terms

The list should be located column. On the left in alphabetical order, abbreviations, symbols, symbols, units and terms, on the right - their detailed decoding.

4.12. List of sources used

Source information should be positioned in the order of reference to sources in the text of the report and numbered by Arabic numbers with a point.

4.13. Applications

4.13.1. Applications should be issued as a continuation of the report on its subsequent pages or as a separate book, having applications in the order of reference to them in the report text.

4.13.2. Each application must begin with a new page and have a meaningful title printed by uppercase letters. The word "application" should be printed in the upper right corner above the title Capital Letters.

If applications in the report more than one, they should be numbered by the Arabic numerals by the procedure.

4.13.3. When applying for applications for a separate report of the report on a title page, under the number of the book, you should write the word "applications" with capital letters.

4.13.4. If necessary, applications may be divided into partitions, subsections, items that should be numbered within each application in accordance with the requirements of subsection 4.3.

4.13.5. An illustrations, tables, formulas and equations available in the text application should be numbered within each application in accordance with the requirements of subsections 4.4, 4.5 and 4.7.

4.13.6. Enumerations and notes in the application text are issued and numbered in accordance with the requirements of subsection 4.6.

4.13.7. If the application is used as an application, a document that has an independent value and is drawn up according to the document requirements of this species, it is inserted into the report unchanged. On the title page of the document in the upper right corner print the word "application" and put its number, and the pages on which the document is posted include in the overall numbering of the report pages.

Appendix 1 (Reference). An example of an abstract for the NIR report. ESSAY



An example of the compilation of the report on the NIR report

Report 85 p., 2 kN., 24 Figure., 12 tab., 50 sources, 2 arr.

Excreational installations, piston meters, tachometric flowmeters, measurement, large costs, gases

The object of the study is piston installations for accurate playback and measurement of large gas costs.

The purpose of the work is to develop a methodology for metrological research of installations and non-standard equipment for their implementation.

In the process of work, experimental studies of the individual components and the overall error of the installations were carried out.

As a result of the study, for the first time in the USSR, two piston reversing flow units were created: the first on costs up to 0.07 m / s, the second to 0.33 m / s.

Main constructive and technical and performance indicators: high measurement accuracy at large gas flow values.

The degree of implementation is the second installation according to the developed method of certified as exemplary.

The efficiency of the settings is determined by their small influence on the course of the measured processes.

Both installations can be used for graduation and verification of industrial rotation meters of gas, as well as tachometric flow meters.

Appendix 2 (Reference). Examples of title sheets.

Appendix 2.


Example 1. The title list of the NIR report

Ministry of Railways of the USSR

Rostov Order of the Labor Red Banner Institute of Railway Engineers Institute

UDC 624.01 (07)


State Registration No. 01870064588.

Inv. No.



And about. GL engineer
Dorrystréstt S.-k.zh.d.


Rector RIIGT
dr. tech. Sciences, prof.
(signature) (deciphering the signature)

About research and development

Study of the bearing capacity of foundations
The facility under construction and development of recommendations
By effort


Dean of the Faculty,
cand. tehn Sciences, associate professor

(signature, date)

V. M. Alekseenko

Head Department
dr. Geol. Mineral. science

(signature, date)

V. V. Saglo

Head of Nir
cand. tehn science assistant professor

(signature, date)

P. N. Khocochka

Rostov-on-Don 1987

Example 2. Title list of book books of the NIR report

Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR

State Order of the Labor Red Banner Scientific Research Energy Institute
them. G. P. Krzhizhanovsky

UDC 662.612.3.


State Registration No. 01890083597.

Inv. No.

About research and development
Research Kinetics Transformation
Oxides of nitrogen and sulfur when burning fuel


X. D. No. 127/89

Head Department

(signature, date)

S. S. Filimonov

Head Laboratory

(signature, date)

E. V. Samuelov

Head of Nir

(signature, date)

G. Ya. Gerasimov

Moscow 1989.

Example 3. The title list of the NIR report executed
One performer

State Construction Committee of the USSR

All-Union Research Institute
Water supply, sewage, hydraulic engineering
Constructions and engineering hydrogeology

UDC 628.087


State Registration No. 01840066182.

Inv. No.


dr. tech. science prof.
(date) S. V. Yakovlev

About research and development
Destruction of spent oil emulsions
On pilot industrial installation

Deputy. Directors
for scientific work

(signature, date)

V. A. Shvetsov

Head of Laboratory

(signature, date)

V. G. Ponomarev

Head of Nir
cand. tehn Science

(signature, date)

S. B. Zaharine

Lead Engineer

(signature, date)

I. I. Yakovlev


(signature, date)

B. S. Petrov

Moscow 1984.

Appendix 3 (Reference). An example of registration of the list of reports of the NIR report. LIST OF PERFORMERS

Appendix 3.


An example of registration of the list of reports on the NIR report


Head of work,
art. Scientific Sot.
cand. tehn Science

(signature, date)

E. I. Ponomarev
(Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion, Section 1)

Responsible performer
ml. Scientific Sot.

(signature, date)

V. I. Chikul
(Section 4)

Lead Engineer

(signature, date)

B. I. Khigunov
(Section 5)


Team leader

(signature, date)

N. T. Butkova
(Experimental part, Himkombinat "Orto" of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR)

Art. Scientific sob
cand. tehn Science

(signature, date)

T. D. Merkulova
(Sections 2 and 3, VNIIHimvolokno Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR)


(signature, date)

T. D. Kotova

Electronic document text
prepared Codex JSC and drilled by:
official edition
M.: Standards Publishing House, 1991

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