Requirements for guards for moving parts of a pumping machine. Fencing in production is an important requirement for occupational safety. Height of mesh fencing for moving parts.

Protective devices must meet the following requirements:

1. be sufficiently durable, easy to manufacture and use;

2. exclude the possibility of injury;

3. be securely fixed in the required position;

4. do not interfere with the operation, maintenance or repair of machines and mechanisms.

The design of the protective device must be such that if its individual elements fail, the operation of others does not cease before the end of the hazardous production factor. Protective equipment should not reduce labor productivity and quality of processing, or worsen observation conditions when performing labor operations.

Protect all potentially dangerous rotating or moving parts of machines, mechanisms and equipment (except for those that cannot be protected taking into account their functional purpose); zones of possible release of working material and tools; zones of increased danger factors (high temperatures, voltages, radiation).

Protective fences, devices and devices must exclude:

· the possibility of the employee coming into contact with moving parts of the machine;

· falling out or flying out of processed parts (materials), as well as parts of working bodies when they break;

· ingress of particles of processed material into workers;

· Possibility of injury when installing and changing working parts and tools.

The internal surfaces of protective fences and the seats for them are painted red, signaling danger if they are opened, and a warning sign is applied to the outer surface. To hold the fences during removal and installation, they are equipped with handles, brackets and other devices that prevent spontaneous opening during operation. Fences must meet aesthetic requirements, be compact, proportional, without protruding fasteners and sharp corners.

Guards of especially dangerous working parts or opening doors, covers, shields in these guards must be equipped with electrical or mechanical locking devices that ensure stopping of machines or equipment when removing or opening the guard. Doors or removable covers must have devices that prevent them from opening or moving spontaneously during operation of the equipment.

The belt guard should be located as close as possible to them and be at least 50 mm wider than them.

Fencing devices are most often made in the form of solid rigid shields and casings made of sheet steel with a thickness of at least 0.8 mm, or sheet aluminum with a thickness of at least 2 mm, or durable plastic with a thickness of at least 4 mm. If it is necessary to inspect the protected mechanisms or equipment parts, the fences are equipped with inspection windows made of safety glass with a thickness of at least 4 mm. For the same purpose, as well as to reduce the weight of the structure, fences are made with holes. They can be lattice or mesh. Lattice and mesh fences must be located no closer than 50 mm from moving parts. Typically, the size of the mesh cells does not exceed 10 x 10 mm. If the fence is made of lattice (mesh), then the distance from the moving elements to the surface of the fence must correspond to the following values:

On flow-mechanized welding lines, adjacent welding areas must have fireproof fences (partitions) that protect workers from the effects of harmful and dangerous welding factors.

Locks must meet the following requirements:

· exclude the possibility of performing operations with unfixed working material or its incorrect position (installation);

· prevent spontaneous movements of working devices, vehicles, lifting, turning mechanisms and other moving elements of lines and equipment;

· do not allow the next cycle to complete before the end of the previous one;

· ensure that the line stops when the fence is removed or opened and a person enters the fence area;

· ensure that it is impossible to start the line when the fences are removed or open, as well as when a person is in the fence area;

· exclude the possibility of simultaneous use of duplicate organs or control panels;

· ensure shutdown when equipment actuators go beyond the programmed space, equipment failure or energy parameters go beyond acceptable limits;

· ensure the retention of the workpiece and tools in the event of an unexpected loss of power, air, oil, etc.

Safety valves and membranes must automatically operate reliably at a certain set pressure and allow the working medium to pass in such an amount that would prevent a further increase in pressure in the system. In addition, the safety valve must be constantly closed at a pressure that does not disrupt the normal flow of the technological process in the system, and also maintain a tight seal when closed. Braking devices must have high reliability, great wear and heat resistance, provide smooth braking, quick release of the brake, and be easy to maintain.

GOST 12.2.062-81

Group T58


Occupational Safety Standards System


Protective fences

Occupational safety standards system. Industrial equipment. Safety protectors

ISS 13.100

Date of introduction 1982-07-01

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards of October 30, 1981 N 4772, the implementation date was set to 07/01/82

EDITION (February 2006) with Amendment No. 1, approved in August 1983 (IUS 11-83)

Reissue (as of October 2008)

1. This standard applies to protective fences (hereinafter referred to as fences) of production equipment designed to protect workers from the danger created by moving parts of production equipment, products, workpieces and materials, flying particles of the processed material and splashes of cutting fluids, and establishes the requirements safety to the design, use and dimensions of the fence depending on the location of hazardous elements.

The standard does not apply to barriers for air, water and land transport.

Fences in operation are brought into compliance with the requirements of this standard within the time limits established by the ministry (department) in agreement with the relevant Central Committee of the trade union.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 2696-80.

2. The fence attached to the body must form an organic whole with the production equipment and meet the requirements of technical aesthetics and GOST 12.2.003-91.

1, 2.

3. The fence should not limit the technological capabilities of the equipment and its maintenance.

4. The fence should not be a source of danger.

5. Folding, sliding and removable barriers in the protective position must be kept from spontaneous movement. Guards that open upward must be locked in the open position.

6. It is preferable to use continuous fences. Fences made from mesh must be designed to ensure consistency of shape and specified rigidity.

The distance between a fence made of perforated material or mesh and a dangerous element is given in the table.

Diameter of a circle inscribed in a hole in a grid (mesh)

Distance from the fence to the dangerous element

Note. For fences made of perforated material, the deflection of which cannot be eliminated, the safe distance is increased by the amount of deflection.

7. The design of the fence must correspond to the functional purpose and design of the equipment on which it will be installed, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.2.003-91 and GOST 12.2.061-81, as well as the conditions in which the equipment will be operated.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

8. The design and fastening of the fence must exclude the possibility of accidental contact between the worker and the fence with the elements being protected.

9. The strength of the fence must be established taking into account the load, determined by the forces exerted on the fence by operating, collapsing parts of equipment or emissions.

10. The protective function of the fence should not be reduced under the influence of production factors (for example, vibration, temperature, etc.).

11. The guard must be designed so that it cannot be moved from its protective position when the equipment is in operation. If movement is possible, then its implementation should lead to a stop of the fenced elements.

12. Fences that prevent access to equipment elements that require special attention or are specifically designated must have an automatic lock, ensuring that the equipment operates only when the fence is in the protective position.

13. The interlock device must not be used to automatically turn on elements or operate the equipment.

The interlock must be activated from a separate enabling device, which in specified cases must be lockable.

The need to comply with the requirements of this paragraph is established in the standards for production equipment of a specific type.

14. Viewing windows should not reduce the protective function of the fence.

15. The fence must be manufactured and installed with precision to prevent skewing or displacement relative to the position ensuring its protective function.

Safety zones for workers, taking into account the use of the fence, must correspond to the reach zones of the motor field in accordance with GOST 12.2.032-78 and GOST 12.2.033-78.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

16. Fences that must be manually opened, removed, moved or installed several times during one shift must have appropriate devices (handles, brackets, etc.).

17. A fence that is periodically opened manually must be painted on the inside in a signal color in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76. A warning sign is applied or attached to the outside of the fence.
GOST R 12.4.026-2001 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

18. The height of the fence is selected depending on the height of the dangerous element and the distance between the fence and the dangerous element (see drawing and appendix).

The reach limits of a worker’s hands are determined according to GOST 12.2.049-80.

1 - fencing; 2 - dangerous element.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

Application (recommended). The height of the fence depending on the location of the dangerous element

The height of the fence depending on the location of the dangerous element

Location height
dangerous element V

Guard height

1000 or less

Distance from dangerous element to fence b, mm

APPLICATION. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2006

Various technological equipment is installed in the main production workshop: automatic machines, machines, digesters, electrical equipment, etc. With insufficient training and ignorance of the equipment, or improper handling of it, a worker can be seriously injured, and even deaths are possible. Unprotected drive belts, sprockets, gears, couplings, rotating pulleys, exposed electrical wires, etc. are especially dangerous. You should never work on a machine, mechanism or automatic machine unless the worker has been trained and knows what dangers may lie in wait.

The worker must remember that it is PROHIBITED:

Unauthorizedly, without the established procedure, start and stop machines

Leaving cars running unattended

Troubleshoot on the go

Do other things while the machine is running

Start working on machines without guards

Connect blocking devices

Allow unauthorized persons to enter vehicles

Guards for moving parts and mechanisms

These protection devices are installed between a hazardous production factor and an operating one. The principle of operation of these devices is to isolate the hazardous factor in a space inaccessible to humans. By design they are divided into casings, doors, covers, barriers, screens and shields, and by manufacturing method - into solid, non-solid, transparent and combined.

Transparent screens and other non-solid protective devices, while protecting the worker from mechanical injuries, provide observation of the work operation. Non-solid mesh or perforated screens, shields, barriers must have cell sizes or openings that do not allow fingers or hands to penetrate into the danger zone.

Protective devices are installed not only on stationary equipment, but also on mobile loading and transport vehicles used in workshops and warehouses of food enterprises.

The location and arrangement of equipment in production premises is carried out in accordance with industry standards of technological design, and the following conditions must be met: the sequence of arrangement of equipment according to the technological scheme, the safety of maintenance and repair, ensuring convenience, maximum natural light and fresh air.

When placing process equipment, the following standards for width and passages must be observed: for main lines - at least 1.5 m, between equipment - at least 1.2 m, between the walls of industrial buildings and equipment - at least 1 m, intended for maintenance and repair of equipment - not less than 0.7 m.

The width of aisles at workplaces must be increased by no less than 0.75 m when workers are located on one side from aisles and driveways and by no less than 1.5 m when workplaces are located on both sides of aisles and driveways. The width of passages is set depending on the type of transport used, taking into account its turning radius.

Large equipment for convenience and safety of maintenance at a height of more than 1.5 m is equipped with stationary platforms and ladders.

The platforms must have a width of at least 0.7 m, railings 1 m high and vertical posts with a pitch of no more than 1.2 m. Platforms and bridges are equipped with continuous side plating with a height of at least 0.15 m. Between the plating and the railings at a height of 0. Additional longitudinal fencing should be provided 5 m from the platform deck.

The width of the stairs must be at least 0.7 m, the distance between the steps of the stairs in height must not be more than 0.2 m, and the width of the steps must be at least 0.12 m. Stairs up to 1.5 m in height must have an inclination to the horizon of no more than 45 o , and with a height of more than 1.5 m - at least 60 o.

The surfaces of metal platforms and steps of stairs are made of corrugated or expanded metal. The use of metal platforms and steps with a smooth surface, as well as round steel bars, is not permitted.

Mechanical transmissions (chain, cardan, gear, etc.), clutches, pulleys and other rotating and moving elements of equipment must have firmly fixed metal guards.

General requirements for the design of fencing - software. Note. The width of the grooves on the casing of the traveling block (hook block) should be no more than 2.4 times the diameter of the traveling rope.

  • 2.1.2. Guards for equipment subject to frequent inspection must be quick-removable or openable, for which purpose the design must include handles, brackets and other special devices that ensure quick and safe removal and installation of the guard. Opening guards must be equipped with devices that securely hold the guards in the open position.
  • 2.1.3. When using a metal mesh in a frame as a fence, the diameter of the mesh wire must be at least 2.0 mm. Dimensions of holes in metal mesh, grating, etc. should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in the table. 2.

Requirements for locking and alarm systems

  • 2.2.1. The design of control systems for installations at a transport base for the repair of oil and gas wells must include: a tower (mast) extension limiter; limiter for lifting the traveling block (hook block); load limiter; blocking of individual positions of levers and control handles; blocking to prevent the tower (mast) from falling in the event of a break in the hoses or pipelines of the hydraulic system for lifting the tower. Note. It is permissible not to install a load limiter if the load capacity of the installation is limited by the maximum torque of the lifting mechanism motor.
  • 2.2.2. The control system must be equipped with a warning alarm. The signal sound level in the work area should be 8 dBA above the sound level generated by the main equipment.

working with moving parts




A hazardous production factor - moving mechanisms and their parts - is dangerous due to the possibility of mechanical injury as a result of contact of the moving part of the mechanism with the human body.

It can manifest itself in enterprises and workshops where any moving mechanisms are used: forging and pressing, mechanical workshops, packaging, packaging and assembly workshops, installations of chemical production enterprises where hydraulic and pneumatic drives, dosing and mixing devices are used. These factors may appear during transport and installation operations at enterprises. The conditions for the existence of a potential danger of the impact of an object (moving mechanism) on a person can be considered as:

    Provided by the technological process itself, depending on its purpose (for example, work with lifting and transport equipment, machine tools, presses, etc.).

    Leading to danger due to deficiencies in the installation and design of the object (for example, breaks of structural elements and their fall, destruction from corrosion, etc.).

    Reappearing when the technological process changes and a different type of equipment is used (compared to what was previously adopted in the project).

    Dependent on the person (psychophysiological characteristics, goal aspirations, attitude towards the need to maintain production culture at a sufficiently high level, etc.).

The presence of a hazardous factor at work is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for its manifestation. The reasons for its occurrence in most cases are the result of design flaws in equipment, insufficient lighting, malfunction of protective equipment, protective devices, as well as non-compliance with safety rules due to untrained workers, low labor and production discipline, improper organization of work, lack of proper control over the production process and etc.

11.2. Means of protection for those working with moving mechanisms Protection of workers from moving parts of machines and mechanisms is described similarly to all protections for other factors

Z = (Z tφ + Z tρ + Z tτ + Z sis) + Z from + Z op. (11.1)

11.2.1. Means of protection against the power of the source of danger Zтφ

These means include safety protective devices designed to automatically shut down units and machines when any parameter characterizing the operating mode of the equipment deviates beyond the permissible values. Thus, during emergency conditions (increasing pressure, temperature, operating speeds, current, torque, etc.), the possibility of explosions, breakdowns, and fires is eliminated. In accordance with GOST 12.4.125-83, safety devices by the nature of their action can be blocking and restrictive. Safety devices include travel limiters in both horizontal and vertical directions, made in the form of stops, limit switches, etc. Limiting devices according to their design are divided into couplings, pins, valves, keys, membranes, springs, bellows and washers . When operating at high travel speeds, travel limiters must be combined with braking devices that reduce speed to safe values ​​that prevent equipment breakdowns and possible injuries. Braking devices are divided: according to design - into shoe, disc, conical and wedge; according to the method of operation - manual, automatic and semi-automatic; according to the principle of action - mechanical, electromagnetic, pneumatic, hydraulic and combined; by purpose - for working, standby, parking and emergency braking. As safety devices against overloading of machines and machine tools, a weak link is introduced into the structure of the machine. These devices are machine parts and components that are destroyed under overload. These include: shear pins and keys connecting the shaft to the flywheel, gear or pulley; friction clutches that do not transmit motion at excessive torques; fuses; bursting discs in high-pressure installations, etc. Weak links can be with automatic restoration of the kinematic chain after the controlled parameter has returned to normal (for example, friction clutches), and with the necessary replacement of the damaged element of the weak link.

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