Fire safety requirements when designing industrial facilities. Fire safety requirements for the design and construction of industrial enterprises

For organizations, buildings, structures and other objects, fire safety measures must be developed and implemented, including during their design.

In the process of constructing a facility, the design stage is the most important stage at which the main measures are laid down, which will subsequently ensure the safe operation of the building.

Named at this stage, in accordance with the requirements Federal Law of December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ “Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation” and “Regulations on the organization and conduct of state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03/05/2007 No. 145, fire-fighting measures are being developed that limit the area, intensity and duration of burning; measures to ensure the safe evacuation of people in the event of a fire; measures to protect the facility with automatic fire protection systems and other measures to ensure the normal functioning of the facility’s fire safety system.

These events include, but are not limited to:

  • constructive and space-planning solutions that prevent the spread of fire hazards throughout rooms, buildings and between them;
  • limiting the fire hazard of building materials used in the surface layers of building structures, including roofs, finishing and cladding of facades, premises and escape routes;
  • reduction of technological explosion and fire hazards of premises and buildings;
  • availability of automatic fire extinguishing and fire detection equipment, etc.

The provisions of this section must be designed to protect people and reduce property damage from fires. The protection of people is ensured by a complex of space-planning, ergonomic, structural, engineering, technical and organizational measures.

When developing this section, it is necessary to be guided by the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, fire safety standards and regulations, building codes and regulations, standards in the field of construction, as well as other regulatory documents.

According to the requirements, the project section “Fire Safety Measures” is drawn up as a separate section (a separate volume or book), signed by the developers of this section, agreed with the customer and submitted for examination as part of the project documentation.

In accordance with “Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87, this section is being developed for capital construction projects for industrial and non-production purposes, as well as for linear capital construction projects. The section includes text and graphic parts.

The composition of the text part of the project section “Measures to ensure fire safety” for capital construction projects for industrial and non-industrial purposes includes:

  • Description of the fire safety system for a capital construction project.
  • Justification of fire safety distances between buildings, structures and external installations, ensuring fire safety of capital construction projects.
  • Description and justification of design solutions for external fire water supply, for determining passages and entrances for fire fighting equipment.
  • Description and justification of the adopted structural and space-planning decisions, the degree of fire resistance and the class of structural fire hazard of building structures.
  • Description and justification of design solutions to ensure the safety of people in the event of a fire.
  • List of measures to ensure the safety of fire departments during fire extinguishing.
  • Information about the category of buildings, structures, premises, equipment and external installations based on explosion and fire hazard.
  • List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarm equipment.
  • Description and justification of fire protection (automatic fire extinguishing installations, fire alarms, warning and management of evacuation of people in case of fire, internal fire water supply, smoke protection).
  • Description and justification of the need to place fire protection equipment, control such equipment, interact such equipment with engineering systems of buildings and equipment, the operation of which during a fire is aimed at ensuring the safe evacuation of people, extinguishing the fire and limiting its development, as well as the algorithm for the operation of technical systems (means ) fire protection (if available).
  • Description of organizational and technical measures to ensure fire safety of a capital construction project.
  • Calculation of fire risks threatening the life and health of people and destruction of property (if the mandatory fire safety requirements established by technical regulations are met and the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety are met voluntarily, fire risk calculation is not required);
  • Schemes for the evacuation of people and material from buildings (structures) and from the territory adjacent to buildings (structures) in the event of a fire.
  • The composition of the text part of the project section “Measures to ensure fire safety” for linear capital construction objects includes:
  • Description of the fire safety system for a linear facility and the buildings, structures and structures that ensure its functioning, designed as part of the linear facility.
  • Characteristics of fire hazard of technological processes used at a linear facility.
  • Description and justification of design solutions that ensure fire safety of a linear object (fire safety distance from the axis of the route to populated areas, industrial and agricultural facilities, forests, the distance between the routes of linear objects laid parallel to each other, intersection with the routes of other linear objects, arrangement of security zones) .
  • Description of design solutions for the placement of a linear facility, including buildings, structures and structures within it, ensuring fire safety of the linear facility (fire distance between buildings, structures, external installations, free-standing tanks with oil and petroleum products, compressor and pumping stations, etc. ., design solutions for external fire water supply, driveways and entrances for fire fighting equipment).
  • Description and justification of space-planning and design solutions, degree of fire resistance and class of structural fire hazard, limit of fire resistance and class of fire hazard of building structures ensuring the functioning of a linear facility, buildings, structures and structures designed and (or) located as part of a linear facility.
  • List of measures to ensure the safety of fire departments during fire extinguishing.
  • Information about the category of equipment and external installations according to the criterion of explosion and fire hazard.
  • List of equipment subject to protection using automatic fire extinguishing systems and automatic fire alarms.
  • Description and justification of technical fire protection systems (automatic fire extinguishing systems, fire alarms, warning and management of evacuation of people in case of fire, internal fire water supply, smoke protection), description of the placement of technical fire protection systems, their control systems, as well as the method of interaction with engineering systems of buildings and equipment, the operation of which during a fire is aimed at ensuring the safe evacuation of people, extinguishing the fire and limiting its development, as well as the operating procedure of technical systems (tools) for the operation of automatic fire extinguishing systems and fire equipment (if such systems are available).
  • Description of technical solutions for fire protection of technological units and systems.
  • Description of organizational and technical measures to ensure fire safety of a linear facility, justification of the need to create a fire protection system for the facility, calculation of its required forces and means;
  • Determination of fire risks threatening the life and health of people, destruction of property (calculation of fire risks is not required when fulfilling the mandatory fire safety requirements established by technical regulations, and voluntarily fulfilling the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety).

The graphic part of the project section “Measures to ensure fire safety” for objects of this type includes:

  • Situational plan for the organization of a land plot provided for the placement of a capital construction project, indicating the entry (exit) to the territory and access routes to the fire equipment facilities, locations and capacities of fire tanks (if any), layout of external fire water supply lines, locations of firefighters hydrants and locations of pumping stations.
  • Block diagrams of technical systems (means) of fire protection (automatic fire extinguishing installations, automatic fire alarms, internal fire-fighting water supply).

Development and approval of special technical conditions

According to requirements Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”, and also according to “Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 and “The procedure for the development and approval of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated April 1, 2008 No. 36 “On the procedure for developing and agreeing on special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project” in the event that there are insufficient reliability requirements for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project and safety established by regulatory technical documents, or such requirements are not established, the development of documentation must be preceded by the development and approval in the prescribed manner of special technical conditions (STU).

STUs are developed in the form of standards containing technical requirements for the design and construction of facilities in terms of ensuring fire safety. STUs contain (in relation to a specific capital construction project) additional to the established or missing technical requirements in the field of fire safety, reflecting the features of engineering surveys, design, construction, operation, dismantling (demolition) of the facility. The STU may also include provisions containing deviations from current standards, subject to the justification of the need for these deviations and the development of normative provisions within the STU that compensate for these deviations.

The development of STU is carried out in accordance with the technical specifications of the customer (investor) for their development, at the stage of which the structure of the STU is determined. STU can be developed in relation to the object as a whole, its parts or individual types of structures or engineering systems.

  • a detailed justification for the need to develop STUs and the missing regulatory requirements for this specific facility in the field of fire safety, set out in accordance with the structure of the current technical standards in this area;
  • a list of forced deviations from the requirements of current technical regulatory documents in the field of fire safety, containing the rationale for their necessity and measures to compensate for these deviations;
  • foundation for construction;
  • data including the name and location of the facility and construction conditions;
  • information about the investor (customer), general design organization and STU developer;
  • description of the object as a whole and its most important elements, outlining space-planning and design solutions, attaching a diagram of the organization of the land plot and drawings of architectural and planning solutions.

The approval of the STU is carried out by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia).

To consider the issue of approving the STU, the following documentation is submitted to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia:

  • an application from the construction customer addressed to the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation for consideration of the STU, signed by the head or person performing his duties and certified by the seal of the organization (in any form);
  • explanatory note containing information on the need to develop STUs, adopted design technical solutions, compensating measures (in case of decisions to deviate from current technical standards), description of regulations containing new technical requirements (in case of development of new requirements), information on safety object, as well as, if necessary, information on the approval of STU with interested federal executive authorities;
  • positive conclusion of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • draft STU in two copies, signed by officials of the developer;
  • a copy of the technical specifications for the development of STU, certified by the head of the construction customer or the person performing his duties.

The decision to approve the STU or to refuse to approve the STU is made by the Minister or a person authorized by him by order within a month from the date of receipt of the Documentation by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.

In some cases, by decision of the Minister, the period for reviewing documentation and making relevant decisions may be extended to 3 months.

After approval of the technical specifications, they are subject to approval by the customer.

Development and approval of technical and operational documentation

In accordance with fire safety standards “Gas Stations. Fire safety requirements" NPB 111-98 when designing gas stations (hereinafter - gas stations) in accordance with fire safety standards, it is necessary to provide for the use of commercially produced technological systems for receiving, storing and dispensing fuel that have technical and operational documentation (hereinafter - TER) approved and agreed upon in the prescribed manner. The technological equipment of gas stations must comply with the technical specifications.

The TED contains requirements for gas station buildings and structures, their fire-safe operation (including for routine maintenance and repair work, personnel actions in the event of fire hazards and fires), as well as information about the design of the technological system, technological parameters, service life and warranty obligations manufacturer. The requirements are formulated taking into account the specifics of the technological equipment used. The composition of the TED, in accordance with the fire safety rules in the Russian Federation, Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”.

  • Regulations on the organization and conduct of state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2007 No. 145 “On the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results.”
  • Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content.”
  • The procedure for developing and agreeing on special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project, approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated April 1, 2008 No. 36 “On the procedure for developing and agreeing on special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project.”
  • Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation PPB 01-03, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2003 No. 313 and registered with the Ministry of Justice on June 27, 2003 No. 4838.
  • Fire safety standards “Gas stations. Fire safety requirements" NPB 111-98, approved by Order of the Main Directorate for Fire Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 23, 1998 No. 25 and agreed upon by Letter of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 30, 1997 No. 13-831.
  • Fire safety standards “Procedure for approval by the state fire supervision authorities of the Russian Federation of design and estimate documentation for construction” NPB 03-93, put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated December 6, 1993 No. 521 and agreed upon by Letter of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated June 1, 1993 No. 13/151.

    1. Improve students’ knowledge:

    on the development and implementation of fire safety measures;

    on rights and obligations in the field of fire safety;

    on fire safety features in institutions with large numbers of people



    Question 1. Development and implementation of fire safety measures. Fire safety regime and its establishment. Fire warning system for workers. Plan (scheme) for evacuation of workers in case of fire.

    Question 2. Rights and obligations of organizations in the field of fire safety. Features of fire safety of children's, preschool and educational institutions, cultural, educational and entertainment institutions, as well as when organizing and conducting events with large numbers of people.

    Question 3. Technical fire extinguishing means, their classification, and capabilities. Primary fire extinguishing agents and the procedure for their use.

    Question 4. Rules of conduct in case of fire.



    One of the most important tasks of organizational leaders is to ensure fire safety.

    It can be successfully solved only if you skillfully develop and implement fire safety measures, establish strict control over their implementation, create a fire warning system, develop a Worker Evacuation Plan in the event of a fire, and conduct practical training of all workers involved in the evacuation at regular intervals. .

    Question 1. Development and implementation of fire safety measures. Fire safety regime and its establishment. Fire warning system for workers. Plan (scheme) for evacuation of workers in case of fire.

    Development and implementation of fire safety measures.

    Fire safety measures are developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents on fire safety, as well as on the basis of experience in fighting fires, assessing the fire hazard of substances, materials, technological processes, products, structures of buildings and structures.

    Manufacturers (suppliers) of substances, materials, products and equipment must indicate in the relevant technical documentation the fire hazard indicators of these substances, materials, products and equipment, as well as fire safety measures when handling them.

    The development and implementation of fire safety measures for organizations, buildings, structures and other objects, including during their design, must necessarily include solutions to ensure the evacuation of people in case of fires.

    For industries, it is mandatory to develop fire extinguishing plans that include solutions to ensure the safety of people.

    Fire safety measures for populated areas and territories of administrative entities are developed and implemented by the relevant executive authorities and local governments.

    Investment projects developed by decision of executive authorities are subject to coordination with the state fire service in terms of ensuring fire safety.

    Fire safety regime and its establishment.

    To reduce the risk of a fire hazardous (explosive) emergency, it is necessary to comply with fire safety measures and preventive actions to prevent fires.

    Primary fire safety measures include:

    Clearing the entire area of ​​flammable debris;

    The need to abandon wooden fences, sheds, sheds;

    Use of non-combustible materials in construction;

    Creation of fire-resistant barriers using metal doors and main walls;

    Equipment of panels with fire-fighting equipment, boxes with sand, containers with water;

    Ensuring free access to fire hydrants;

    Installation of automatic means of notifying and extinguishing fires;

    Gates and doors from premises must open outward;

    Stoves, stoves, chimneys must be kept in full working order and checked periodically.

    In rural areas, the area must be thoroughly cleared of straw and hay.

    The main preventative action to prevent fires is compliance with the fire safety regime.

    The fire safety regime should be understood as a set of certain fire safety measures and requirements that are pre-established for an object or individual premises and must be complied with by all persons working there.

    The fire safety regime is established by rules, instructions or orders and orders of the head of the facility.

    Its main goal– prevention of fires caused by smoking, careless handling of fire, careless conduct of hot work, heating devices not turned off and other similar reasons. In addition, the fire safety regime also covers such preventive measures as maintenance of passages and escape routes, thorough cleaning of premises and workplaces, establishment and compliance with storage standards in workshops, warehouses and other premises for materials, raw materials and finished products, as well as inspection and closure of premises after finishing work.

    Fire safety measures, as a rule, do not require significant

    material costs, their implementation depends mainly on the administration of the enterprise.

    Regular preventive measures such as the installation of smoking areas, the installation of metal boxes for storing oily rags and flammable waste, the installation of circuit breakers (switches) for de-energizing electrical installations, daily cleaning of premises from dust and flammable waste, compliance with precautions when using heating devices, thorough inspection premises after completion of work, can be carried out independently by the administration and maintenance personnel of the workshop, workshop, laboratory or warehouse.

    Heads of organizations establish a fire safety regime at their facilities, including:

    determine smoking areas and the order of their equipment;

    determine the locations and permissible quantities of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products located in the premises at one time;

    establish procedures for cleaning flammable waste and dust, storing oily workwear;

    determine the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment in the event of a fire and at the end of the working day;


    § the procedure for carrying out temporary fire and other fire hazardous work;

    § the procedure for inspecting and closing premises after completion of work;

    § actions of workers during a fire;

    determine the procedure and timing of fire safety training and fire safety training, and also appoint those responsible for their implementation.

    Fire resistance of building materials and structures refers to their ability to maintain strength and, therefore, load-bearing capacity in the event of a fire.

    Based on flammability, building materials and structures are divided into three groups: non-combustible, non-combustible and combustible. Flammability is the ability of materials to resist ignition.

    Fireproof materials include natural and artificial inorganic mineral materials and metals used in construction.

    Refractory materials include materials and structures made from them, consisting of fireproof and combustible components (asphalt concrete, gypsum products with organic fillers or reinforcement, alumina-straw materials, wood treated with deep impregnation with fire retardants, linoleum, fiberboard, etc.). Such materials and structures made from them, when exposed to fire or high temperature, are difficult to ignite, smolder or char and continue to burn only when exposed to fire or high temperature. If you remove the source of fire, burning and smoldering stop.

    Combustible materials and structures, when exposed to fire or high temperature, ignite or smolder and continue to burn or smolder after the source of fire is removed. Combustible materials include wood and other organic materials that have not been treated with fire retardants.

    The fire resistance limit of building structures is their state when, as a result of thermal effects, the load-bearing capacity of the structure is lost (loss of stability, destruction) or through cracks appear, or the outer (outer) surface of the structure heats up to 140 °C or more, which can be a source of ignition combustible materials. The fire resistance limit, expressed in hours, can be determined by calculation. To do this, it is necessary to first determine the estimated burning duration, and then, having determined the required fire resistance limit, compare it with the actual one.

    If the required fire resistance limit turns out to be greater than the actual one, then measures must be taken to increase the fire resistance limit, for example, by replacing the construction material, additionally lining the structure with fireproof materials, or increasing the cross-section of the structure.

    Classification of production according to the degree of fire danger

    According to the degree of fire danger, all production is divided into five categories, designated by the letters A, B, C, D and D.

    Category A includes the most dangerous industries that use substances whose ignition or explosion can occur as a result of exposure to water or atmospheric oxygen: liquids with a vapor flash point of 28 ° C or lower, flammable gases with a lower explosive limit of 10% or less of the volume of air , flammable gases and liquids in quantities sufficient to form explosive mixtures with air. Such industries include, for example, acetylene stations, flammable gas cylinder warehouses, gasoline warehouses, etc.

    Category B includes industries that use liquids with a vapor flash point in the range of 28-120°C; flammable gases with a lower explosive concentration limit of more than 10% of the air volume; production associated with the release of flammable dust or fibers that become suspended in quantities capable of forming explosive mixtures with air. This includes workshops for the preparation and transportation of coal dust, washing and steaming stations for tanks and containers for fuel oil and other liquids with a vapor flash point in the range of 28-120°C; fuel oil economy of power plants, etc.

    Category B includes industries that process or use solid combustible substances and liquids with a vapor flash point above 120°C. Such industries include: woodworking enterprises, lubricating oil regeneration shops, bakers, warehouses for fuels and lubricants, open oil warehouses and oil facilities of power plants and oil cellars of rolling shops, switchgears with switches and equipment containing more than 60 kg of oil per unit of equipment, transport galleries and overpasses for coal and peat, closed coal warehouses, mixed cargo warehouses, pumping stations for pumping liquids with a flash point above 120 0 C, etc.

    Category D includes production for the processing of non-combustible substances in a hot or molten state and accompanied by radiation of heat and the release of flames and sparks, as well as production associated with the combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. This category of production includes metallurgical shops, locomotive and engine depots, internal combustion engine rooms, main buildings of power plants, switchgears with devices containing 60 kg or less of oil per unit of equipment, high-voltage laboratories, boiler rooms, etc.

    Category D includes production of cold processing of non-combustible substances. These include mechanical shops, blowing and compressor stations for air and non-flammable gases, acid regeneration shops, depots for electric locomotives and electric cars, cold rolling and stamping shops for metals, cold processing of ores and other non-combustible materials, control panels, water treatment, cooling towers, carbon dioxide plants, pumping stations for pumping non-flammable liquids, etc.

    It should be noted that industries where flammable liquids, gases and vapors are burned as fuel or disposed of by combustion in the same room, as well as industries in which technological processes are carried out using open fire, are classified as category G.

    Classification of buildings and structures by fire resistance

    Depending on the fire hazard of production, industrial buildings are assigned greater or lesser fire resistance. According to the degree of fire resistance, industrial buildings are divided into five groups (Table 1).

    Along with the fire hazard category, the number of storeys of buildings is also taken into account, since multi-storey industrial buildings under other conditions pose a greater fire hazard. Table 2 shows data on the required fire resistance of buildings depending on the fire hazard category and the number of storeys of buildings.

    Production belonging to category A cannot be located in basements and semi-basements.

    If production facilities of different fire hazard categories are located in one building, then the required degree of fire resistance of the entire building is, as a rule, determined by the production facility that poses the greatest fire hazard.

    Measures to prevent the spread of fires

    Fire breaks

    Fire gaps between buildings and structures are assigned depending on the category of fire hazard of production and the degree of fire resistance of buildings (Table 3.4).

    For large-capacity warehouses, fire breaks are determined by special technical conditions and standards.

    If near warehouses there are buildings in which production facilities of categories A and B are located, as well as residential and public buildings, then the fire gaps between such buildings and warehouses for timber, flammable and combustible liquids increase by 25%.

    Roads intended for industrial needs can be used for the passage of fire trucks. In the absence of such roads, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of access for fire engines by planning the area near the walls of the building to a width of at least 6 m. For multi-span wide buildings with a built-up area of ​​more than 10 hectares, vehicle access must be provided from all sides of the building. The distance from the road or from a freely planned area to the wall of the building should not exceed 25 m. If the entrances to buildings are crossed by railway tracks, then to ensure the supply of fire engines, crossings over the tracks must be at a distance of at least the length of the design train.

    Fire barriers are installed to prevent the spread of fire. These include special fire walls, fire zones, fire ceilings.

    Doors, gates and fences of other openings in fire barriers, according to current standards, are made fireproof or difficult to burn with a fire resistance limit of at least 1.5 hours, and the total area of ​​the openings should not exceed 25% of the area of ​​the firewalls.

    In buildings with combustible or non-combustible walls and ceilings, fire walls rest on separate foundations and cut coverings, skylights and other structures protruding above the roof. At the same time, above a roof made of combustible and difficult-to-burn materials, fire walls must rise no less than 600 mm, and above a fireproof roof - no less than 300 mm. If the walls of the building are made of combustible or difficult-to-burn materials, fire walls must protrude beyond the outer plane of the walls, as well as beyond the eaves and roof overhangs by at least 300 mm (Figure 1). The ridges of firewalls protruding beyond the outer plane of the walls are allowed to be replaced with fire protection zones in the walls and cornices of the building with a plan width of at least 1.8 m on each side of the firewall. Fire walls are constructed with a fire resistance rating of at least 4 hours.

    Figure 1. Fire barriers:
    1 - longitudinal fire wall;
    2-wall of the building;
    3- fire bridge;
    4 - transverse fire wall

    Auxiliary premises of industrial buildings located in extensions should be separated from the main building by a firewall. When auxiliary premises are located inside industrial buildings, the walls and ceilings of such premises must be fireproof in buildings of fire resistance groups I and II and fireproof in buildings of fire resistance groups III and IV. It is not permitted to locate auxiliary premises in buildings of categories A and B.

    Routes for evacuating people in case of fires

    When designing production, auxiliary and other buildings, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of unhindered exit from the premises under normal conditions and especially in the event of fires, explosions and other accidents. Escape routes must be of a minimum length so that, if necessary, it is possible to leave the premises as soon as possible.

    Exits are evacuation if they lead to:

    1. from the premises of the first floor to the outside directly or through the corridor, lobby, staircase;
    2. from the premises of any floor, except the first, into the corridor or into the passage leading to the staircase, or directly into the staircase, which has independent access to the outside or through the lobby;
    3. from the premises to adjacent premises on the same floor, provided with exits specified in paragraphs 1 and 2, except for the cases specified in SNiP II-M2-62 “Industrial buildings of industrial enterprises. Design standards".

    The total width of flights of stairs (excluding the first floor) and the width of doors, corridors or passages on evacuation routes in all floors are taken based on the calculation of at least 0.6 m per 100 people. The minimum width of evacuation doors must be 0.8 m, and the height of doors and passages must be at least 2 m.

    When designing escape routes, the distances from the most remote workplace to the exit outside or into the stairwell are taken for industrial buildings, depending on the fire hazard category of the production and the degree of fire resistance of the building according to the standards (Table 5).

    In multi-storey buildings, when entering a dead-end corridor, the distance from the doors of production premises to the nearest exit to the outside or to the staircase is allowed no more than 25 m.

    For auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises, the maximum permissible distances from the door of the premises (except for toilets, showers, washrooms, smoking rooms) to the nearest exit to the outside or to the staircase are assigned depending on the degree of fire resistance of the building (Table 6).

    The number of exits from production and auxiliary buildings must be at least two. Doors located on the escape route must open towards the exit from the building. Lifting or sliding doors should not be installed on escape routes.

    Pedestrian tunnels, transport and communication tunnels must have exits at least every 100 m. To illuminate tunnels, a voltage of no higher than 36 V should be used.

    To access the roof, all buildings with a height of more than 10 m must be equipped with external metal fire escapes, and buildings with lanterns and height differences must have special fire escapes connecting roof sections located at different levels.

    Depending on the height of the buildings, vertical or inclined fire escapes are installed. According to fire safety standards, for buildings with a height of no more than 30 m, vertical stairs with a width of at least 0.6 m are installed, and for taller buildings - inclined stairs with an angle of inclination of no more than 80°, 0.7 m wide with intermediate landings at least every 8 m in height.

    The distance between fire escapes in industrial buildings and warehouses is no more than 200 m along the perimeter of the building. If external fire escapes are used to evacuate people, then in this case, at the level of evacuation openings, special platforms are arranged for exiting the premises. Such landing stairs are enclosed with railings no less than 0.8 m high. Fire escapes, also used for evacuating people, are installed with an inclination angle of no more than 45° and a width of no less than 0.7 m.

    Fire safety in the electric furnace melting shop

    The steelmaking shop belongs to category G. However, due to the fire hazardous properties of the substances and materials used in the premises, some premises may have a higher category. For example, category A in ferrous metallurgy includes stations for the production of protective gas and acetylene, compressor stations for combustible gases, gas control and gas distribution points, heat treatment installations in an environment of explosive protective gas, a department for the reduction annealing of metal powders in an environment of explosive reducing gas, etc. In category B in ferrous metallurgy includes industries where combustible dust is used and generated: coal crushing departments, underground coal receiving pits, closed galleries for coal transportation, department for the preparation of exothermic mixtures, soot compositions, crushing shops for ore with a sulfur content of more than 12%, etc. To category In ferrous metallurgy, there are premises where flammable substances are used or stored: warehouses for fuel oil, oils, oil basements, centralized lubrication stations, rooms for oil transformers, oil cooling units, oil tunnels, coal warehouses, charge preparation department, electrical cable and electrical machine rooms, etc. Categories D in ferrous metallurgy include ore warehouses (with a sulfur content of up to 12%), wet ore processing shops, pumping, pumping slag granulation, cold metal processing shops (except magnesium and titanium), pile driver shops, etc. To eliminate the causes of fires and explosions in Ferrous metallurgy carries out technical, operational, organizational and regime measures.

    The fire hazard of steelmaking is characterized by the presence of a large amount of liquid metal, as well as the presence of flammable gases. In steelmaking shops, explosions and releases of liquid metal can occur as a result of loading wet scrap metal and charge into steelmaking furnaces. Liquid metal emissions can also occur when wet deoxidizers and alloying materials are introduced into the liquid metal. When the linings of steel-smelting units and tuyeres burn through, there is also the possibility of an explosion with the release of liquid metal when the molten metal comes into contact with wet materials. When released, molten metal can be a source of ignition of combustible materials and helps reduce the load-bearing capacity of the workshop building structures. It is advisable to protect columns with refractory bricks or concrete. The fire resistance limit of a protected column should be 2-2.5 hours. Also, the lower part of the steelmaking shop building must be made of reinforced concrete panels. To ensure fire safety of cable facilities, it is necessary, first of all, to take measures to prevent liquid metal from entering cable and oil basements and tunnels, since this will inevitably cause a fire, and, consequently, a shutdown of the entire production. In addition, to ensure fire safety of cable communications, oil basements and oil tunnels, technical, operational, organizational and regime measures are used. When designing steelmaking shops, it is necessary to pay attention to explosive areas. Thus, gas purification facilities for process gases of electric furnaces are located in premises classified as category A according to ONTP 24-86. Therefore, they must comply with all fire and explosion safety requirements provided for explosive premises. It should be noted that in electric steelmaking production, a significant fire hazard is posed by furnace oil transformers, which are located near the furnaces so that the cable line from the low side of the transformer to the head of the electrode holder is short. The most dangerous places on conductors are contacts.

    Part 12 of Article 48 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation establishes requirements for the presence in the design documentation of a section containing a list of measures to ensure fire safety.

    The section of the project documentation "Measures to ensure fire safety" must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content."

    Design documentation for buildings, structures, structures, building structures, engineering equipment and construction materials must contain fire-technical characteristics provided for by Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements."

    Fire safety requirements for the design, construction and operation of buildings, structures and structures are established by Section III of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements.

    For buildings, structures, structures for which there are no regulatory fire safety requirements, based on the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements, special technical conditions must be developed that reflect the specifics of ensuring their fire safety and contain a set of necessary engineering, technical and organizational measures to ensure fire safety .

    Structural, space-planning and engineering solutions of buildings, structures and structures must provide in the event of a fire:

    Evacuation of people to a safe area before harm is caused to their life and health due to exposure to dangerous fire factors;

    Possibility of carrying out rescue activities;

    Possibility of access for personnel of fire departments and delivery of fire extinguishing equipment to any room of buildings, structures and structures;

    Possibility of supplying fire extinguishing agents to the fire;

    Non-propagation of fire to neighboring buildings, structures and structures.

    In buildings, structures and structures, premises of categories A and B in terms of explosion and fire hazards should be located near the outer walls, and in multi-storey buildings, structures and structures - on the upper floors, except for cases specified in the technical regulations for these objects.

    When changing the functional purpose of buildings, structures, structures or individual premises in them, as well as when changing space-planning and design solutions, compliance with fire safety requirements established in accordance with the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements in relation to the new purpose of these buildings must be ensured, structures, buildings or premises.

    The list of national standards and sets of rules, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” is ensured, was approved by order of Rostekhregulirovanie dated 04/30/2009 N 1573.

    The list of national standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including rules for sampling, necessary for the application and implementation of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" and the implementation of conformity assessment was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2009 N 304-r.

    The rules for conducting fire risk assessment calculations were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2009 N 272.

    Codes of practice containing fire safety requirements:

    SP 1.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits;

    SP 3.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Warning and management system for evacuation of people in case of fire. Fire safety requirements;

    SP 4.13130.2013 Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protection facilities. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions;

    SP 5.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Design standards and rules;

    SP 6.13130.2013 Fire protection systems. Electrical equipment. Fire safety requirements;

    SP 7.13130.2013 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire safety requirements;

    SP 8.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Sources of external fire-fighting water supply. Fire safety requirements;

    SP 9.13130.2009 Fire fighting equipment. Fire extinguishers. Operational requirements;

    SP 10.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Internal fire water supply. Fire safety requirements;

    Fire safety requirements for the design, construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures

    Fire safety requirements for the design, construction and reconstruction of settlements and urban districts

    Fire safety declaration for a facility under construction

    Development and approval of special technical conditions reflecting the specifics of fire safety

    Fire safety requirements for the construction of underground structures

    Fire safety requirements for the design, construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures

    General fire safety requirements for the design and construction of buildings and structures are established by Section III of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements.

    On ensuring fire safety during construction, see also section 6.5 of SNiP 12-03-2001 and SNiP 21-01-97* Fire safety of buildings and structures.

    Design documentation for buildings, structures, building structures, engineering equipment and construction materials must contain fire-technical characteristics (Article 78 of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements).

    Structural, space-planning and engineering solutions of buildings and structures must ensure in the event of a fire (Article 80 of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements):

    1) evacuation of people to a safe area before harm is caused to their life and health due to exposure to dangerous fire factors;

    2) the possibility of carrying out measures to save people;

    3) the possibility of access for personnel of fire departments and delivery of fire extinguishing equipment to any premises of buildings and structures;

    4) the possibility of supplying fire extinguishing agents to the fire;

    5) non-spread of fire to neighboring buildings and structures.

    In subclause 9 of clause 12 of Article 48 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the design documentation of capital construction projects, with the exception of the design documentation of linear facilities, must include a list of measures to ensure fire safety.

    According to Article 8 of the Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures, a building or structure must be designed and constructed in such a way that, during the operation of the building or structure, the possibility of a fire is excluded, the danger of smoke from the building or structure in the event of a fire is prevented or limited, and the impact of hazardous fire factors on the building or structure is ensured. people and property, the protection of people and property from the effects of fire hazards and (or) limitation of the consequences of the impact of fire hazards on a building or structure is ensured, and also that in the event of a fire the following requirements are met:

    1) maintaining the stability of a building or structure, as well as the strength of load-bearing building structures for the time necessary to evacuate people and perform other actions aimed at reducing damage from a fire;

    2) limiting the formation and spread of fire hazards within the fire source;

    3) non-spread of fire to neighboring buildings and structures;

    4) evacuation of people (taking into account the characteristics of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility) to a safe zone before harm is caused to their life and health due to exposure to dangerous fire factors;

    5) the possibility of access for personnel of fire departments and delivery of fire extinguishing equipment to any room of a building or structure;

    6) the possibility of supplying fire extinguishing agents to the fire;

    7) the possibility of carrying out measures to save people and reduce fire damage to the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, the life and health of animals and plants.

    Article 17 of the Technical Regulations on the safety of buildings and structures also establishes requirements for ensuring the fire safety of a building or structure.

    Thus, in order to ensure the fire safety of a building or structure in the design documentation using one of the methods specified in Part 6 of Article 15 of the Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures, the following must be justified:

    1) fire gap or distance from the designed building or structure to the nearest building, structure or outdoor installation (for linear structures - the distance from the axis of the route to populated areas, industrial and agricultural facilities, forests, the distance between the routes of linear structures laid parallel to each other, size of security zones);

    2) accepted values ​​of fire resistance and fire hazard characteristics of building structure elements and engineering support systems;

    3) the accepted division of a building or structure into fire compartments;

    4) location, dimensions and length of evacuation routes for people (including disabled people and other groups of the population with limited mobility) in the event of a fire, provision of smoke protection for evacuation routes, fire hazard characteristics of wall, floor and ceiling finishing materials on evacuation routes, number, location and dimensions of emergency exits;

    5) characteristics or parameters of fire detection, warning and fire evacuation control systems (taking into account the characteristics of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility), as well as automatic fire extinguishing and smoke protection systems;

    6) measures to ensure the possibility of passage and access of fire equipment, safety of access for personnel of fire departments and the supply of fire extinguishing means to the fire, parameters of fire extinguishing systems, including external and internal fire water supply;

    7) organizational and technical measures to ensure fire safety of a building or structure during its construction and operation.

    Requirements for fire safety distances between buildings and structures are established by Chapter 16 of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements.

    The sources of fire-fighting water supply to buildings and structures are (Article 62 of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements):

    1) natural and artificial reservoirs;

    2) internal and external water supply systems (including drinking, domestic and fire water supply).

    SP 10.13130.2009. Set of rules. Fire protection systems. Internal fire water supply. Fire safety requirements

    Fire safety requirements for the design, construction and reconstruction of settlements and urban districts

    General fire safety requirements for the design and construction of settlements and urban districts are established by Section II of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements.

    The planning and development of territories of settlements and urban districts must be carried out in accordance with the master plans of settlements and urban districts, taking into account fire safety requirements.

    SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements also applies to the design of new and reconstruction of existing urban and rural settlements and includes the basic requirements for their planning and development.

    The sources of external fire-fighting water supply for settlements and urban districts are (Article 68 of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements):

    1) external water supply networks with fire hydrants;

    2) water bodies used for fire extinguishing purposes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    3) fire-fighting tanks.

    SP 8.13130.2009. Fire protection systems. Sources of external fire-fighting water supply. Fire safety requirements were approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2009 N 178.

    In addition, settlements and urban districts must be equipped with fire-fighting water supply. In this case, the fire-fighting water supply system may be combined with drinking water supply or industrial water supply systems.

    Attention! It is allowed not to provide external fire-fighting water supply to settlements with a population of up to 50 people, as well as detached buildings and structures located outside settlements of functional fire hazard classes F1.2, F1.3, F1.4, F2.3, F2.4, F3 (except F3.4), which can simultaneously accommodate up to 50 people and whose volume does not exceed 1000 cubic meters.
    The deployment of fire departments in the territories of settlements and urban districts is determined based on the condition that the time of arrival of the first unit to the place of call in urban settlements and urban districts should not exceed 10 minutes, and in rural settlements - 20 minutes.

    Fire protection units of populated areas should be located in fire station buildings. SP 11.13130.2009. Set of rules. Locations of fire departments. The procedure and methodology for determination were approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2009 N 181.

    Fire safety declaration for a facility under construction

    For objects under construction, a fire safety declaration must be drawn up and sent to the state fire supervision authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, immediately before putting the protection object into operation. The fire safety declaration is not submitted to the construction supervision authority upon receipt of a conclusion on compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of objects completed construction or reconstruction, and is not an integral part of the project documentation. The absence of a declaration is not a basis for refusal to put a protected object into operation (see letter from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2010 “Explanation on the development of a fire safety declaration”).

    Fire safety requirements for building materials, building structures and engineering equipment

    Article 13 of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements establishes the conditions and grounds for classifying building materials by fire hazard.

    For documents used in the classification of building materials by fire hazard, see Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2009 N 304-r.

    Construction materials are used in buildings and structures depending on their functional purpose and fire hazard (Article 134 of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements). Fire safety requirements for the use of building materials in buildings and structures are established in relation to the fire hazard indicators of these materials given in Table 27.

    For the classification of building structures and fire barriers, see Chapter 10 of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements. Building structures are classified according to fire resistance and fire hazard.

    In buildings and structures, basic building structures must be used with fire resistance limits and fire hazard classes corresponding to the required degree of fire resistance of buildings, structures and their structural fire hazard class (Article 57 of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements). The fire resistance and fire hazard class of building structures must be ensured through their design solutions, the use of appropriate building materials, as well as the use of fire protection means. The required fire resistance limits of building structures, selected depending on the degree of fire resistance of buildings and structures, are given in Table 21.

    SP 2.13130.2012 Fire protection systems. Ensuring the fire resistance of protected objects.

    The fire hazard class of building structures must correspond to the accepted class of structural fire hazard of buildings, structures and fire compartments. The correspondence of the structural fire hazard class of buildings, structures and fire compartments to the fire hazard class of the building structures used in them is given in Table 22.

    Chapter 31 of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements establishes fire safety requirements for building structures and engineering equipment of buildings and structures (elevators, ventilation systems, air conditioning and smoke protection systems, waste disposal systems).

    The design of the building elements of buildings and structures should not cause the latent spread of fire throughout the building or structure. The fire resistance limit of the fastening points and connections of building structures with each other must be no less than the minimum required fire resistance limit of the joined building elements (Article 137 of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements).

    Development and approval of special technical conditions reflecting the specifics of fire safety

    According to Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 N 69-FZ “On Fire Safety”, for protection objects for which there are no fire safety requirements established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents on fire safety, special technical conditions are developed that reflect specifics of ensuring fire safety for the specified objects and containing a set of necessary engineering, technical and organizational measures to ensure their fire safety, subject to agreement with the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety.

    In accordance with paragraphs 1.5 and 1.6 of SNiP 21-01-97* Fire safety of buildings and structures for buildings for which there are no fire safety standards, as well as for buildings of functional fire hazard class F1.3 with a height of more than 75 m, buildings of other functional fire hazard classes with a height of more than 50 m and buildings with more than one underground floor, as well as for particularly complex and unique buildings, in addition to compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations, technical conditions must be developed that reflect the specifics of their fire protection, including a set of additional engineering, technical and organizational measures. The specified technical conditions must be agreed upon with the governing body of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and with the State Construction Committee of Russia and approved by the customer. Permission for deviations from the fire safety requirements of building codes and regulations for specific objects in justified cases is issued by the Gosstroy of Russia if there are measures to compensate for these deviations, agreed upon by the management body of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

    On fire safety requirements implemented when designing buildings for which there are no regulatory fire safety requirements, see information letter of the Department of Supervisory Activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated July 7, 2011 N 19-2-4-2623.

    In the Russian Federation, for the preparation of project documentation, one should be guided by Articles 48 and 49 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008 “Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” and No. 145 of March 5, 2007 "On the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results."

    According to paragraph 2 of Article 78 of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements for buildings and structures for which there are no regulatory fire safety requirements, based on the requirements of this regulation, special technical conditions must be developed that reflect the specifics of ensuring their fire safety and contain a set of necessary engineering, technical and organizational measures to ensure fire safety.

    Administrative regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief for the provision of public services for the coordination of special technical conditions for facilities for which there are no fire safety requirements established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents on fire safety, reflecting the specifics of ensuring their fire safety and containing a set of necessary engineering, technical and organizational measures to ensure their fire safety, approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2011 N 710.

    According to paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content", if for the development of design documentation for a capital facility construction, there are insufficient requirements for reliability and safety established by regulatory technical documents, or such requirements are not established, the development of documentation must be preceded by the development and approval in the prescribed manner of special technical conditions.

    The procedure for the development and approval of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project was approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated April 1, 2008 N 36 “On the procedure for the development and approval of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project.” According to paragraph 3 of the Procedure, depending on the degree of provision of the facility planned for construction with current regulations, by decision of the customer (investor), special technical conditions can be developed of three types, including standards containing technical requirements for the design and construction of facilities in terms of ensuring fire safety. The approval of the above special technical conditions is carried out by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.

    Fire safety requirements for the construction of underground structures

    Fire safety requirements for the construction of underground structures are established by section 15.3 PB 03-428-02 Safety rules for the construction of underground structures.

    The instructions for organizing and carrying out fire hazardous work are approved by Appendix 32 to the Safety Rules for the construction of underground structures.

    Instructions for fire protection during the construction of underground facilities are approved by Appendix 34 to the Safety Rules for the construction of underground structures.

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