Arbitration in simple words. What do you need to know about arbitration proceedings? What does a referee live on?

The arbitration court is considered an alternative to the state judicial system. In Russia, its activities are subject to legislative regulation, and the execution of its decisions is realized only through an appeal to an arbitration court or a court of general jurisdiction.

Regulatory and legal basis for the activities of arbitration courts

In modern Russia, arbitration courts have been operating since the early 1990s. Their formation began with the adoption of the Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 24, 1992 No. 3115-1 “On approval of the Temporary Regulations on the Arbitration Court for the Resolution of Economic Disputes.” This was followed by the adoption of the Law “On Arbitration Courts in the Russian Federation” dated July 24, 2002, which regulated the activities of such courts for quite a long time. Today there is a new law in force - Federal Law “On Arbitration in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2015 No. 382-FZ. It, as well as the provisions of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, are the main regulatory framework for the implementation of arbitration proceedings, challenging and enforcing decisions of arbitration courts.

With the adoption of the new Law, an emphasis was placed on the quality of non-state arbitration, which inevitably led to higher demands on the activities of arbitration courts and arbitrators. The results of the transitional stage of reform, which was completed by November 2017, were very significant: the number of arbitration courts decreased sharply - from more than 1,500 to 4.

Changes in concepts used

New legislation changed the conceptual apparatus and supplemented it with new definitions:

  • The concepts of “arbitration” and “arbitration” have become synonymous and mean the process of resolving a dispute and making a decision by an arbitration court.
  • The definition of arbitration has changed. Now it is either a panel of arbitrators (arbitrators) or a sole arbitrator (arbitrator). Previously, we recall that the concept of “arbitration court” meant precisely a court - permanently operating or specially created to resolve a specific dispute.
  • Permanent arbitration courts replaced arbitration institutions. At the same time, the requirements have increased significantly, which has led to a reduction in the number of ships to a minimum.
  • The arbitration court created to resolve a specific dispute remains. True, the order of his activities has seriously changed. Such courts do not carry out administrative functions, which means they do not have the legal ability to appoint arbitrators, conduct paperwork and collect arbitration fees. Their activities and capabilities are limited at the legislative level. Preference is given to arbitration institutions.
  • What was previously called an arbitration agreement became an arbitration agreement. A similar approach applies to the arbitration clause.

Types of arbitration courts

Classification of arbitration courts:

  • Arbitration of internal disputes.
    Arbitration courts for resolving domestic disputes are divided into 2 types:
    • First type - arbitration institution(formerly a permanent arbitration court);
    • Second type - arbitration tribunal formed by the parties to resolve a specific dispute(ad hoc).
  • International commercial arbitration, operating in accordance with the Federal Law “On International Commercial Arbitration”.

Permanent arbitration institutions are created under the NPO (non-profit organization). Taking into account the list of requirements and restrictions, the list of such non-profit organizations is reduced to a minimum. In fact, the creation of an arbitration institution is impossible without an appropriate decision from the state (Government).


Within the framework of arbitration proceedings, only disputes arising from civil law relations can be considered.

Mandatory conditions for submitting a dispute to arbitration:

  • Agreement of the parties.
  • There is no legal prohibition on submitting a dispute to arbitration (a certain category of disputes).

The parties have the right to submit any dispute brought before an arbitration court or a court of general jurisdiction for consideration by an arbitration court, unless the laws establish a prohibition or restriction for such a dispute.

Arbitration Agreement

The existence of an arbitration agreement is a key condition for submitting a dispute to arbitration.

Important points:

  • The agreement may relate to certain or all possible disputes between the parties that have arisen or may arise from contractual relations and (or) legal grounds.
  • The agreement is concluded in writing. It can be a condition of the contract (arbitration clause) or a separate document.
  • The written form is considered to be complied with if the parties exchanged letters, telegrams, faxes, procedural or other documents, including in electronic form. The main thing is to be able to reliably establish that the document comes from a specific party.

Practices and trends

If in the USA and a number of European countries, arbitration of a commercial dispute is more the norm (more than 50-60% of all disputes) than an opportunity, then in Russia everything is far from the case. Before the reform of 2015-2017. Many entrepreneurs called arbitration courts nothing more than “garbage courts” or “pocket courts.” Others were wary. And few saw them as a truly effective alternative to federal courts. This, in fact, was the reason for the reform.

Today, in the scale of all civil disputes considered by federal courts, the share of arbitration proceedings is extremely small: roughly speaking, several thousand against millions of cases. With the entry into force of the new law, everyone was expecting drastic changes, but so far the picture has not changed significantly. On the contrary, some note that the demand for arbitration courts has fallen seriously.

An arbitration court (hereinafter referred to as the “TC”) is an analogue of a state court, however, in order for its decision to be enforced, it is necessary to obtain a writ of execution from a state court: arbitration or district. To exercise the right to consider a dispute in an arbitration court, you must have a signed arbitration (arbitration) agreement in hand, which the parties can reach in any way that confirms their desire to conclude it (including the exchange of paper and electronic letters). An arbitration clause can take the form of either a separate document or a clause contained in a contract, agreement or any other document.

An important distinguishing feature of an arbitration court from a state court is the quick deadline for obtaining a writ of execution.

Knowledgeable lawyers and company executives try to include an arbitration clause in the content of contracts concluded by an enterprise, especially those drawn up for the main type of activity. If it provides an indication that the arbitral tribunal's decision is final, then such a decision can no longer be reversed.

On what issues can I go to arbitration?

The CU has the authority to consider almost any civil dispute.

At the same time, there are a number of disputes that under no circumstances can be considered in arbitration. Thus, cases related to: bankruptcy are not subject to consideration; refusal of state registration, protection of intellectual rights, contract legislation to ensure state and municipal needs; establishing facts of legal significance; some shareholder, labor, inheritance, family (except for division of property) disputes; causing harm to life and health; eviction of citizens from residential premises; legislation on privatization and a number of others that are important for ensuring public and state interests.

In practice, the vast majority of cases considered in the Customs Union are disputes about debt collection, termination or amendment of contracts. According to the new provisions specified in the Arbitration Law, arbitration courts will be able to consider corporate disputes with full rights.

Who can become a participant in an arbitration case?

Participants in arbitration proceedings can be both legal entities and citizens. The main thing when applying to the Customs Union is the existence of a mutual expression of will agreed between the parties to resolve disputes in a specific arbitration court.

It is impossible to involve in the arbitration case someone who has not signed the agreement mentioned above, except in a situation where such a person agrees to participate in real time. Conversely, a person who has signed an arbitration clause can avoid having his case heard in arbitration only if the other party also agrees to have his case heard in a state court.

The parties to the arbitration case may be the founders of enterprises and organizations, as well as shareholders of non-public joint-stock companies that have described the arbitration clause, for example, in the constituent document. The arbitration agreement of the parties may concern both a specific dispute from the contract and an indefinite range of possible disputes envisaged by the parties.

The procedure and conditions for obtaining a writ of execution.

A writ of execution for an arbitration award can be obtained in a simplified manner in a state court. If the arbitration clause contains words about the finality of the arbitration decision, the law excludes the possibility of its verification by a state court.

The procedural law defines an exceptional list of cases when a writ of execution cannot be issued:

When establishing the facts of the depravity of the arbitration clause (its invalidity, incapacity of the signatory);
- due to going beyond the limits of its jurisdiction, as established by the arbitration clause;
- when the number and personalities of judges or the procedure for considering the arbitration case did not correspond to what the parties agreed on in the arbitration clause or what the law required;
- if one of the parties to the arbitration clause was not notified at all or was notified improperly about the consideration of the case in the arbitration court.

In addition, the state court will refuse to issue a writ of execution in a situation where the law provides for a ban on such consideration, as well as if the decision contradicts the so-called public order of the Russian Federation ( violation of fundamental principles of Russian law).

Advantages of arbitration.

The TS allows you to extremely quickly settle any debt, including the “internal” debt of the enterprise. In this case, from the date of application to the arbitration court to the date of issuance of the writ of execution, it may take from 1 to 2 months. This may be necessary to quickly file a bankruptcy petition and block the debtor’s property.
The new law on arbitration for state courts provides a maximum period for consideration of applications for the issuance of writs of execution - one month.

The TS has practically no alternative in a situation where you need to establish any circumstances: the absence/presence of certain property and/or obligations. These circumstances can be used in future in disputes, for example with tax authorities or contractual counterparties.
For example, the contractor violated the construction deadlines, and because of this, the customer, in turn, violated the terms of the agreement with the tenant on the date of transfer of the objects for rent. The tenant received a decision from the arbitration court to recover from the customer-landlord the maximum amount of damages and fines for the delay in the transfer of premises for rent, and the customer-landlord filed and collected them from the contractor who violated the construction deadline in the arbitration court.

Arbitration proceedings make it possible to collect additional fines from the losing party if, within the period established by the court, it voluntarily did not fulfill its decision to collect the debt or fulfill the obligation in kind.
This circumstance is an additional incentive for the defendant to voluntarily comply with the decision made by the arbitration court, and for the plaintiff - reasonable compensation for the expectation of forced execution.

The institution of arbitration (arbitration) is an effective tool for resolving disputes. Using it in business gives you invaluable competitive advantages, both in terms of timing and methods of exercising your procedural rights. Taking into account the ongoing reform, the quality of arbitration proceedings will increase significantly this year, and the number of arbitration courts, including “pocket” ones, on the contrary, will be reduced to a minimum. These changes will protect bona fide participants in the process from any possible abuse.

The legislative framework of the Russian Federation, although far from ideal, is constantly being improved. And this raises some questions among citizens. Especially for those who are far from jurisprudence in principle. For example, many are interested in such a legal institution as arbitration. What is this? What is his competence? What cases are considered by the judges of this legal institution?

Judicial system

The executive and judicial systems of the Russian Federation are closely connected. But not everyone is so easy to understand them. Thus, the courts alone are divided into several categories, each of which deals with cases of its own jurisdiction. The arbitration court is no exception. What it is? Primarily a non-state judicial body.

An arbitration court is a commercial court that has its own competence. For the most part, it resolves disputes between organizations or some types of property issues that are associated with them. All this falls under their competence. Conventionally, they can be attributed precisely to the fact that claims are considered that are regulated by the norms of Civil Law.

There are nuances that should be taken into account, since the judicial body is still non-state in nature. This is a special way of regulating disputes between citizens (individuals or legal entities). His main task is to make the right decision for both parties based on their will. Each participant in the process has the right to demand something, while conceding. The judge is entrusted with an important function - to resolve the dispute so that both parties to the contract are satisfied, and the claim does not end up in the courts of first instance for further consideration.

What does it refer to?

It should be noted that such a judicial body refers to an alternative way of resolving some disputes. The arbitration court, although not related to it, is subordinate to it. What does this mean? The Supreme Arbitration Court of any city strictly keeps records of non-state courts and also regulates their activities. Lists of active and registered ones can usually be viewed online. In addition, the two parties to the dispute can independently convene an arbitration tribunal, which will deal exclusively with their issue. This ensures that the case will be reviewed on time and will have a solution satisfactory to everyone. It is noteworthy that no one has the right to keep a record of the case unless the parties have agreed on this in advance. The meeting is always closed, which guarantees the security of confidential information. Another interesting fact: the judge does not have the right to demand any evidence other than what is already available in the case. He also cannot hold the parties to the proceedings responsible for the lack of necessary details of the case.

Established by

An arbitration court is a judicial body that can be formed by any legal entity. Subject to certain conditions, of course. He is obliged to notify the arbitration court of his district about his activities. This is done from the date of creation. In addition, there are some differences for judges in both state and non-state courts. The same applies to the method of establishment. Thus, the state court is a subordinate part of the judicial system of the Russian Federation and is fully regulated by law. Only authorized bodies have the right to create a court, and no one else. Unlike the arbitration court, for example. The procedure for its establishment is simplified, although it has its own characteristics.

Who can become a judge

The rules for recruiting people who can run the business are not as strict. Disputes in arbitration can be considered by any person who complies with the rules. Namely:

  1. Persons who do not have a criminal record (both expunged and unexpunged).
  2. Persons who have a higher legal education.
  3. Persons who do not have any compromising facts in their biography.
  4. There are no special qualifications provided by law.

Thus, any citizen who has received a higher education with an impeccable reputation can become a judge. He is the one who can head the arbitration court. What does this mean? That a person who is not interested in the outcome of the case has the right to resolve the conflict between the parties according to the existing agreement between them, in compliance with all the norms of both arbitration proceedings and current legislation. For the most part, the judge in this type of court is a third party to the agreement. He ensures that the parties to the agreement find a solution that is correct and satisfactory to them through peaceful means.


All arbitration courts are divided into two large subtypes. Each of them has its own characteristics and nuances both in the consideration of cases and in the establishment. It is noteworthy that this does not in any way affect the decision and execution of it. It’s just that each type has its own competence that you should know. In addition, the type of institution also affects the period for which a non-state court will operate. This has its advantages, since it relieves the burden on the general judicial authorities.

Permanent Court

There is such a thing as a permanent arbitration court. What does it mean? Firstly, a non-state judicial body is created strictly with notification of the state one about its establishment in the territory under its jurisdiction. For example, on the territory of the Russian Federation there is an arbitration court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This is a permanent body.

Secondly, when making a decision, the court is guided not only by the principles of arbitration, but also by the agreement of the parties, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation in principle (in exceptional cases). Why is that? Because the basis for making a decision is precisely the agreement or contract. It cannot initially violate current legislation, otherwise it will be considered invalid and illegal.

Temporary court

There is also such a thing as consideration of a specific dispute. In another way, this concept sounds like “ad hoc courts”. And this is also an arbitration court. What does this mean? Firstly, that a judicial non-state body meets only to consider a specific dispute, and nothing more. Secondly, notification to the district arbitration is not mandatory. That is, the founders of such an arbitration tribunal can meet on their own initiative and on their own terms, which are provided for by the arbitration rules of proceedings. After the claim is satisfied, the temporary arbitration court ceases to exist.

What cases are being considered

This type of judicial body deals with cases of a commercial nature. In particular, between two companies or an employee of a company and the founder. All cases are considered exclusively within the framework of the current agreement between the participants in the process. A contract that does not have an arbitration clause (agreement) can be changed by both parties. To do this, you need to make the necessary amendment to the relevant clause of the contract. Signatures of both parties are required.

Who can go to court

The claim can be sent by either an individual or a legal entity unilaterally. A prerequisite is to notify the other party of the application. In addition, if there is no arbitration clause in the agreement between the parties to the process, it can be introduced at any stage of consideration of the issue by mutual agreement. This is a must. The Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation makes a decision only on the basis of the parties reaching a general agreement to satisfy the claim.

Court agreement

The main principle of operation of such a non-state judicial body is agreement of the parties. What does this mean? For example, there is a specific agreement that contains a clause stating that disputes under the agreement can be considered in a state court. There is no arbitration clause here. But it can be introduced by mutual agreement. In this case, the arbitration court has the right to consider the case on its own grounds. It is also noteworthy that a reservation can be introduced at any stage. Even if the claim is pending in the state court of first instance and a decision has not yet been made. The clause can be of three types: unalternative (the dispute is considered only by the arbitration court), alternative (either by the arbitration court or in a court of general jurisdiction) and specific (a specific clause of the agreement is considered by the arbitration court). Be sure to indicate the specific name and address of the judicial authority.


Not always a decision can be appealed. So, for example, the decision of the arbitration court cannot be changed by any of the courts if the parties have agreed in advance on its irreversibility. Neither the arbitration nor the appeal commission can change this, since the legislative framework does not provide for this. You can appeal the decision of the arbitration tribunal only if the procedural requirements imply this. In this case, it is worth relying on the norms of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. It is there that all the legal aspects that regulate controversial issues in arbitration proceedings are spelled out. In this case, only one of the parties to the case and no one else has the right to appeal. This is stated in the Federal Law “On Arbitration Courts”. The period within which you can try to cancel the decision is 3 calendar months from the date of its adoption and signing. If the parties have adopted an unchangeable and only true resolution for them, none of them has the right to change it. Moreover, the execution of arbitration decisions should begin immediately after the end of the process. The resolution must be executed within a strictly specified period, immediately. The decision comes into force without delay. But execution is voluntary, not forced.


The arbitration court does not have the right to force the defendant in a claim to fulfill its obligations. This is not within his competence. But he is entrusted with another function - to make a decision. Its fulfillment, although it is voluntary, can be demanded through compulsion. The Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation at the place where the writ of execution is attached is responsible for monitoring the execution.

How to claim

In order for the decision made by the arbitration court to be carried out on time, the plaintiff has the right to apply for a writ of execution. This is done in the district court at the place of registration or location of the defendant or the property over which there was a dispute. The writ of execution is filled out and then handed over to the person who must fulfill it. A copy is sent to the bailiffs, who are obliged to monitor the execution of the court decision in due time. If the loser fails to fulfill his obligations, administrative penalties are imposed on him.

An arbitration court is a non-state court that is created by the companies themselves. Companies have the right to independently create arbitration courts to resolve disputes. This is done in order not to resort to the assistance of state courts (arbitration courts or courts of general jurisdiction).

There are arbitration courts that operate permanently, but companies have the right to create arbitration courts to resolve a particular dispute. Officially, arbitration courts are not part of the Russian judicial system. For example, in the Federal Code of Law “On the Judicial System of the Russian Federation,” arbitration courts are not mentioned at all.

However, there are federal laws that directly address or mention arbitration courts:

  • “On arbitration (arbitration proceedings) in the Russian Federation.” This is the main law regulating the activities of arbitration courts in Russia;
  • "Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation".

Despite the fact that arbitration courts are not legally recognized as part of the Russian judicial system, decisions of arbitration courts are binding in the same way as decisions of state courts (Articles 38, 41 of the Law “On Arbitration”). The decision of the arbitration court can be appealed to the arbitration court (Article 230 of the Arbitration Procedure Code) or canceled in a court of general jurisdiction (419 Code of Civil Procedure).

It is important to know: on September 1, 2016, the Federal Law “On Arbitration (Arbitration Proceedings) in the Russian Federation” came into force. It established slightly different rules for the work of arbitration courts than the law that was in force earlier - “On Arbitration Courts in the Russian Federation.” Since not all lawyers work with arbitration courts, these changes could go unnoticed by many. Get a free consultation to know exactly the basic rules of arbitration proceedings.

Differences between an arbitration court and an arbitration court and a court of general jurisdiction

We have already stated the main difference: arbitration courts are created by companies, arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction are established by the state. But there are other differences:

Possibility of going to court:

  • The parties apply to arbitration courts only by mutual consent. An arbitration agreement is required, in which the parties indicate that they undertake to apply to arbitration if a dispute arises. If the parties do not agree, then they will have to go to arbitration court;
  • To apply to arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction, no agreements on anything are needed.

Regarding the appointment of judges:

  • in arbitration courts, the parties themselves determine the number of arbitration judges (arbitrators) and select them themselves;
  • in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction, the parties cannot in any way influence which judge or judges will hear their case.
  • In terms of payment for court work:
  • in arbitration proceedings, the parties pay for the work of the arbitrator and his expenses for the proceedings, including travel expenses and the like. The parties also pay for the work of translators and experts and other expenses of the arbitration tribunal;
  • arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction are financed by the state.

Regarding the powers of the courts:

  • the arbitration tribunal itself determines the limits of its powers;
  • The powers of arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction are determined by laws, that is, by the state.

Why does business turn to arbitration courts?

  • As a rule, arbitration courts have a higher authority compared to arbitration courts: the parties to the dispute can choose the arbitrator themselves, and often they know him personally and respect his professional qualities;
  • Arbitration courts are much less formal than arbitration courts. Proceedings in arbitration court are not a “battle of justice”, but a “battle of paper evidence”. The arbitration court often looks exactly at how the case should be resolved from the point of view of justice;
  • Proceedings in arbitration courts are usually faster than in arbitration courts.

It is important to know: lawyers who are accustomed to conducting cases in courts of general jurisdiction or in arbitration courts cannot always “adapt” to arbitration courts. This is especially true for complex disputes, such as financial ones. Therefore, usually a specialized lawyer acts in an arbitration court, whose duties include working specifically in arbitration courts. You can get a free consultation and quickly get up to speed on the work of our specialists in arbitration courts..

What cases does the arbitration tribunal consider?

Arbitration courts hear the same cases as arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction, but with some exceptions.

The parties may refer to arbitration cases related to:

  • contracts (contract, supply, contracting, purchase and sale, rental, barter, transportation and any other contracts), in general with financial relations between companies;
  • corporate disputes, that is, disputes about the “internal affairs” of the company: about the ownership of shares, shares in the authorized capital, about the damage caused to the company by the actions of its management, etc.;
  • activities of public companies;
  • protection of business reputation.

It is important to know: there are issues that can only be considered by an arbitration court, which cannot be transferred to an arbitration court. These are cases of bankruptcy, refusal of state registration of a legal entity, administrative disputes involving legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, as well as some others.

Services of our lawyers:

  • free legal advice on arbitration issues;
  • development of an arbitration agreement and arbitration rules;
  • writing and filing a statement of claim and response to the arbitration court;
  • participation in the negotiation (mediation) procedure, assistance in concluding a settlement agreement;
  • organization of examinations (accounting, merchandising, construction and others);
  • collection, analysis and systematization of evidence (documents, audio and video recordings, physical evidence);
  • application for interim measures;
  • representation in arbitration court;
  • challenging an arbitration court decision;
  • control over the implementation of the arbitration court decision.

Despite the fact that arbitration courts are less formalized than arbitration courts or courts of general jurisdiction, the cases they deal with are no less complex than cases in state courts. And you need to prepare for arbitration proceedings with the utmost seriousness.

If you are confronted by a professional lawyer, especially in a financial matter, then you cannot do without consultation. It is better to consult even before a simple matter (especially since it may only seem simple), because minor formal errors can lead to bad consequences.

Consultations are free and do not obligate you to anything. To make an appointment for a consultation, just call the phone number listed on the website or leave a message in the form below.

What are arbitration courts and who needs them?

If we move on to a simplified concept, then Arbitration is when two persons argue with each other and turn to a third party for help, whom they trust to resolve their dispute. The right to appeal to the Arbitration Court belongs to legal entities and citizens carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity and having the status of an individual entrepreneur.

As a rule, when turning to an arbitration court, the parties agree that they will implement its decision voluntarily. Arbitration proceedings are confidential in nature and are based on the equality of both disputing parties to the same extent.

Who can become an arbitrator?

An arbitrator is a person with high professional qualities; he must be honest, objective and impartial, independent of the parties, and, most importantly, he must not be directly or indirectly interested in the outcome of the case. It turns out that the requirements for arbitrators are the same as for government ones. An arbitrator who resolves a dispute alone must have a higher legal education, as well as at least 5 years of experience in the legal profession. In the case of a collegial resolution of a dispute, the chairman of the arbitration tribunal must have a higher legal education.

Our company employs specialists who have the status of arbitrators at the Zhukovsky Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We are proud to inform you that all of them are highly qualified and have extensive experience working with corporate clients. The arbitration court for resolving economic disputes at the Zhukovsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an independent permanent arbitration court operating in accordance with the Federal Law “On arbitration courts in the Russian Federation."

What is the basis for applying to arbitration?

The basis for applying to an arbitration court is the arbitration agreement between the parties. The parties agree that if disputes arise, they will apply to a specific arbitration court or create an arbitration court to resolve a specific dispute. If there is no arbitration agreement between the parties, then the dispute will be resolved by a state court. The choice of court is dictated by the discretion of the parties.

Thus, it is important for legal entities and persons with the status of an individual entrepreneur, when concluding any contracts of a civil law nature, to introduce so-called arbitration clauses into them, that is, to prescribe in them the procedure for resolving a dispute by an arbitration court.

Why is it better to contact an arbitrator?

First of all, it's profitable. This saves not only money, but also time. The arbitration court is located directly in the city and, therefore, there is no need to submit applications for each dispute and waste time traveling to the Arbitration Court.

The arbitration court takes measures to resolve the dispute as soon as possible. In a specific case, arbitration proceedings must be completed within no more than 2 months from the date of formation of the Arbitration Court or the election or appointment of a single judge. If necessary, the Chairman of the Arbitration Court has the right to extend the period of proceedings in the case. The period for consideration of the case may be extended by agreement of the parties.

Secondly, it's convenient. To apply to the Arbitration Court, it is not necessary to comply with the preliminary procedure for resolving disputes by the parties themselves. The case is considered in a closed meeting, unless the parties agree otherwise.

Judges, rapporteurs and secretariat employees do not have the right to disclose information that has become known to them during arbitration proceedings without the consent of the parties or their legal successors.

The arbitrator cannot be questioned as a witness about information that became known to him during the arbitration proceedings.

Thirdly, the adoption of a decision in the Arbitration Court within the limits of its competence excludes the possibility of filing a claim on the same subject and on the same grounds in the arbitration court. That is, the decision of the arbitration tribunal has legal force, is final and is executed voluntarily in the manner and within the time limits established in the decision.

In addition, the arbitration award comes into force as soon as it is rendered. Because, according to the general rules, it is not subject to appeal, unlike a decision of a state court. A decision of the Arbitration Court that is not executed voluntarily within the specified period is enforced in accordance with the Law.

To learn more about the work of the arbitration court, draw up an arbitration agreement, refer the case to the arbitration court and for other questions, please contact the indicated telephone numbers or the company’s offices.

All disputes, disagreements or claims arising out of or in connection with this Contract (agreement), including those relating to its execution, violation, termination or invalidity, are subject to resolution in the Arbitration Court at the Zhukovsky Chamber of Commerce and Industry in accordance with its Rules . The decision of the Arbitration Court is final for the parties and is not subject to appeal.

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