Your best friend according to your zodiac sign. Female friendship by zodiac

Compatibility horoscope: how to understand a Cancer friend by zodiac sign - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

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Cancer loves friends who will support his (her) emotional and financial demands when necessary. And Cancer is ready to reciprocate.

Positive factors. Friends are in most cases treated as members of the family and are treated with love, protection, hospitality, sincere respect and great affection. The friends of youth are the most precious.

Negative factors. When a Cancer is hurt by a friend, his or her anger may last a long time and the friend may be rejected. However, if the friend is old, emotional attachment will ultimately lead to reconciliation. Cancers strive to set their own standards, focusing on the successes achieved by their friends.

Cancer often makes a delightful friend. The strong, energetic Cancer type values ​​friendship quite highly because he enjoys giving and serving. But such friendships can sometimes become too demanding and intrusive, and there is no place for equality in it.

Cancer does not like noisy companies; he does not feel needed in them and is able to show his qualities. But if help is needed, Cancer is always on top. If, amidst cheerful laughter and jokes, someone hides their tears in a distant corner, then you can be sure that Cancer will be the first to notice.

Cancers feel kindly treated and try to respond in kind. However, it is difficult to achieve sincere friendship and complete trust from Cancer. The saying “an old friend is better than two new ones” suits Cancers perfectly. Thanks to their sensitivity and ability to compassion, Cancers often become confidants of other people's secrets, especially since they know how to keep them. However, Cancers themselves carefully protect their souls from prying eyes.

Cancer will never leave a friend in trouble. To create friendly relations with Cancer, very little is needed: condescension to his inconstancy and changeability, understanding of his whims. Cancers maintain good relationships with many people, but they only have one or two real friends, no more.

Cancers prefer people who are understanding, honest and open. cheerful so that they complement themselves. Cancer does everything to ensure that the time spent with a friend evokes only pleasant memories in the future.

Cancers have the longest attachments and friendships with people born in their period from June 21 to July 20-27, or from October 21 to November 20-27, from February 19 to March 20-27, as well as with people born in the middle their “triangle”, that is, from December 21 to January 20-27.

Zodiac signs and friends for other zodiac constellations:

How do you know which friend will betray you, who is with you through thick and thin? Just find out her zodiac sign and look at this list!

The ideal friend is available always and everywhere, regardless of daily routine, time zones and other vitally unimportant little things. She is always ready to talk - all she does is look at the monitor, waiting for your message.

Many astrologers claim that if you count the number 11 from your sign along the zodiac circle, you will get the zodiac sign of a friend who would understand you as herself and always support you. For example, if you are a Taurus, then your girlfriend should have been born under the sign of Pisces. At the same time, do not forget that you also need to count your sign.

However, first, let's figure out why girlfriends are beautiful depending on their signs:


GOOD BECAUSE it always helps first. She never procrastinates with anything. She has everything at once and now. A warm and open person.

THE BAD THING is that it never sticks to anything, that it’s all at once and now. And always at the wrong time. Extremely intolerant.

On reconnaissance. Well, if I had gone with an Aries friend, then I think we would have left a lot of damage - we would have blown up something unnecessary, just at the same time. She would have left me no choice, and we would have had to take it, even if we didn't need it. We wouldn't have left unnoticed. They would shoot at us. She would ask: If I were wounded in the legs, she would make me crawl, encourage me with words, but would not abandon me. I fully admit that if we had returned, we would have been given Heroes of the Soviet Union, but I would have limped and stuttered for the rest of my life.


GOOD IN THAT she is always balanced and peaceful. Knows how to enjoy beauty loudly and enthusiastically.

The bad thing is that sometimes it slows down a lot and gets terribly restrained.

On reconnaissance. If I went with a Taurus friend, we would walk quietly, but far away. They would sit patiently in secluded corners and count the enemy tanks passing by. And if at that moment someone had seen us, from her friendly face and a bouquet of wildflowers in her hand, they would never have guessed that we were here on reconnaissance. It was she, peaceful and calm, who would approach someone who was greatly interfering with the task, and with the same calmness would plunge a knife into the enemy’s body and support him so that he would not fall loudly. And if we were still tied up, which would certainly happen, since her reaction is slightly slow, she would not give anyone away. And she would have bitten off a fascist’s finger. But we would have been shot anyway.


GOOD IN THAT he thinks quickly, has excellent taste and works according to the Stanislavsky system.

BAD IN THAT he thinks quickly, has excellent taste and works according to the Stanislavsky system.

On reconnaissance. If I went on reconnaissance with a Gemini friend, I would drink heavily beforehand

Valerian Because the unknown scares us the most. We would go cheerfully. But when we got to the place, we quarreled for a long time in the bushes - we would have disagreements on tactics. Then I would give in. Because you can not give in to Gemini only when you have a lot of free time at your disposal. Then she would take the frivolous outfit out of her duffel bag and turn into a frivolous fraulein. And while I would be crawling on my belly and attaching a mine to the general’s car, she would distract attention with a pole dance rehearsed in the dugout. Most likely I would return alone. And she would have remained a resident. And traces of her would have been lost in Poland.


GOOD BECAUSE he showers you with gifts, showers you with compliments and pet names. He always wants to feed him something.

THE BAD THING is that he thinks one thing, says another, does another. Although, perhaps, she thinks exactly what she then does. Because she will never let go of what she is aiming at from her claws.

On reconnaissance. If I had gone with a Cancer friend, I wouldn't have returned. Everything was agreed upon in the smallest detail - she should throw a grenade in front of the first car, I should shoot accurately at the second. She should cover me, and I should cross the road. And together we would go deeper into the forest in short runs. But for some reason she doesn’t actually throw the grenade, the car doesn’t stop. I shoot at a moving target and miss. She runs over to my side, explaining along the way that she couldn’t take the pin off the grenade, she thought that I would shoot at the wheels of the first car, but for some reason I didn’t do this, that she was sure that: It doesn’t matter what. Schmeisser shots in the back.


GOOD BECAUSE it is reliable, like a rock. Noble as gold. And he never flirts. This doesn't suit the Queen.

THE BAD THING is that you can’t indulge your weaknesses around her. Conscience doesn't allow it. Next to the queen, all that remains is to be a favorite.

On reconnaissance. If I went on reconnaissance with my Leo friend, we would do the impossible. We would, of course, complete the task without any problems. But they wouldn’t leave so easily. They've already arrived. Why waste time on trifles? It's a stone's throw to the fascist headquarters, but we only mined the bridge. We would get to headquarters. She would take the pin out of her hair and, shaking her hair like in a shampoo commercial, would go to the door with the sentries. Those, as in the advertisement, would have dropped their jaws and would not even have thought to stop her, because they would have wanted to look at her from behind. And then the chaos would begin. They would give us heroes posthumously. But the headquarters would have been decapitated.


The good thing is that her help is not emotional, but material. It is difficult to deceive her - she is an analyst and will not calm down for a long time and will not stop analyzing if doubt has crept into her soul.

The bad thing is that they will definitely notice your pimple and advise you on how to treat it. But it would be better to remain silent, honestly.

On reconnaissance. If I had gone with Virgo: We could have done it. She would be the one who would bandage my wounds sterilely. And they would definitely be, because acting according to the situation means abandoning the original plan. When I couldn’t pull the pin out of the grenade myself, the plan would have to be changed on the spot. But we agreed in the smallest details. She would tell me this all the way back while she was dragging me on her.


The good thing is that with her, as in the theater, the performance of one actor does not stop for a minute. She is a wonderful storyteller and a very subtle person.

THE BAD THING is that it carries her along, and at times she gets carried away. And she often doesn’t understand where. He lies and doesn't blush.

On reconnaissance. If I went with a Libra friend, we would definitely come back. And nothing would have been blown up. We would do everything in a civilized manner. We could sit in a restaurant with whoever we need. We would do everything we need for our homeland. And they would find out everything they need. And in the morning they would take us by car to where we were closest to our people. It is quite possible that we would not have returned alone. And with a detachment of liquidators who came from completely out of nowhere on their tail.


GOOD BECAUSE IT TAKES LIFE SERIOUSLY. As a matter of principle, he does not wear rose-colored glasses.

It’s bad because it’s much stronger than it needs to be. She is egocentric. And it is still not clear why it is so significant.

On reconnaissance. If I went on reconnaissance with a Scorpio friend, we would take on a lot of sins. We would mercilessly kill the sentries in complete darkness. They would grind their teeth, but would stubbornly move towards the goal. I wouldn’t have noticed how I would have started following her commands. But I don’t know how this adventure would have ended, because I’m almost sure that it would have been my Scorpio friend who would have kindly put a bullet in my forehead if I had been wounded in the stomach.


GOOD IN THAT she is very optimistic, cheerful and adventurous to such an extent that this is also BAD...

On reconnaissance. If I had gone on reconnaissance with my Sagittarius friend, we would have done some business. Honestly, we would really miss other signs. We would definitely forget something - for example, cartridges. Or maybe a map. And they would laugh at it for a long time. I would have to act from memory and intuition. I would scream at the Krauts and throw stones. And she would hit them on the head from behind with the shafts. I would throw sand in my eyes. And a fascist sniper would definitely hit her not in the heart, but in the medallion on her chest.


The good thing is that everything happens to her that doesn’t happen to me. That she talks about everything with taste. And because of her, I know that the impossible is possible, you just have to have a goal and go towards it.

The bad thing is that it can unintentionally instill an inferiority complex.

On reconnaissance. If I went with a Capricorn friend, I would be very tired. I’m not that resilient and I couldn’t jog with a machine gun through the swamps for a long time. She would, of course, wait for me and not be annoyed. Then we would methodically mine everything according to some super-complicated scheme, without making a single mistake. And if she had been accidentally captured and I had not been noticed, she would never have given me up. She would be tortured, and she would try to relax and have fun. How would I know this? She would have told me herself. After all, I would definitely go to free her.


The good thing is that being with her is always interesting and unusual. She is unique in that, for all her feminine beauty, she is the only one completely devoid of typically feminine traits.

THE BAD THING is that her hobbies often develop into manias.

On reconnaissance. If I had gone with an Aquarius friend, we would have had enough adrenaline. Every time my heart would sink to my feet when she rose from the trench to her full height and went to talk to civilians. She probably would have talked to the German officers, who would not have wanted to let her go. It's so great to be with her! She would tell everyone about his karma. Their interest would peak when she slipped barbiturate into their glasses. It’s scary to think that I would have been drawn into this story and would have been sitting next to him on pins and needles. I would have been declassified. She is not.


THE GOOD THING is that this is the most sought-after person who is adapted to changing conditions. It is not for nothing that she is the last in the Zodiac - an improved model.

The bad thing is that it suits me too much. But one thing worries you - when you extend your hand to the mirror, it answers you in kind. But can you consider a mirror your best friend?

On reconnaissance. If I went with a Pisces friend, we would laugh a lot. Especially on the way back. Firstly, she would probably have acquaintances at the German headquarters who would quietly bring us all the secret documents for us to remember. Secondly, upon closer examination, the fascist bigwig would turn out to be her relative from the Baltic states. The connection, of course, is discreditable, but at the right time it comes in handy. Everything would be done quietly, without pyrotechnics and special effects, based on personal connections and one’s own charm.

So, the ideal girlfriend for:

If you read the friend compatibility horoscope, then for Aries women the ideal friend is one who has the qualities of Aquarius, because girls born under this sign know how to be friends and understand, they will never impose themselves and do not enter into too close relationships, which is very convenient for Aries . Use your friend's advice if you need inspiration and creative ideas, she will always be happy to help you.

For Taurus, Pisces is an excellent option, because it is a friend with such a zodiac sign who is able to tell a Taurus woman about her emotional experiences, she will always listen and help, however, you need to remember that this is a closed sign, which has many of its own secrets, it is better not to ask about them , if the Pisces woman does not tell herself. It is better to turn to a friend with this zodiac sign when you need encouragement and have self-doubt.

A Gemini woman is closest in spirit to a friend born under the sign of Aries. The Aries friend will become the leader in friendly relations, but Gemini will not be upset by this. Aries will be happy to take a leadership role and organize joint days of rest. An Aries friend is indispensable in emergency situations; you can always turn to her for help and protection.

The best zodiac sign for a Cancer girlfriend is Taurus. These friends will always have common interests, such as design or cooking. The Cancer woman will be able to smooth out unpleasant situations that may arise with a stubborn Taurus.

Virgos will happily choose a Cancer woman as their friend, whom they will always look after and help in everything. Virgos need to take into account that their Cancer friend likes to be at home and her mood often changes.

It is better for Libra to choose a Leo woman who is passionate about art as a friend. However, it is important to remember that Leo should not be criticized under any circumstances, even if something does not suit you. Sometimes a friend of this sign can turn into a talisman of your happiness and success.

The best option is a Virgo friend who will always take care, be modest and faithful. However, during communication, try to avoid criticism of each other. People born under the sign of Virgo are distinguished by innate healing.

It is better for a Sagittarius woman to make friends with sociable Libra, who can always smooth out corners and find a way out of any situation. However, at first after meeting, Sagittarius will take the initiative in friendship, because Libra behaves modestly and indecisively.

Women born under the sign of Capricorn and Scorpio will become close friends for many years. They will never gossip about each other and will always be loyal and loyal.

Aquarius will happily make friends with cheerful Sagittarius. Often such friends meet during training, because they should have common interests. With the help of Sagittarius, an Aquarius woman can achieve significant advancement in her career and win the respect of others.

For Pisces, Taurus is an excellent option, because it is a friend with such a zodiac sign who is able to tell a Pisces woman about her emotional experiences, she will always listen and help, however, you need to remember that this is a closed sign, which has many of its own secrets, it is better not to ask about them , if the Taurus woman does not tell herself. It is better to turn to a friend with this zodiac sign when you need encouragement and have self-doubt.

Is your girlfriend Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio? Characteristics of the Water signs of the Zodiac

Pisces have one significant drawback - their tendency to gossip. It is unlikely that your secrets will remain between the two of you. The fish is silent, provoking its interlocutor to talk with its silence. The fish is a spineless creature and the lack of meaning in its actions, such as “here and there” and the rigidity of character and principles, is obvious. In short, you can’t take a Fish into reconnaissance. She's not as dumb as she seems. Pisces are very envious and this is an important point.

Even though Pisces are capable of mutual assistance and moral support, this impression is deceptive and is created only in your mind, and not in reality. Pisces are sweet and pleasant to talk to due to their ability to listen and extract important information.

Friendship with Cancer

In friendship, people born under the sign of Cancer can play three roles. Sometimes they choose a patron friend who will give them a feeling of security. Cancers yield to such a friend in any dispute, one might even say they indulge him. They look like small sticky fish that accompany a huge sea fish to feast on the remains of its meal. Both satisfying and safe - who would offend this giant?

However, unlike the sticky fish, Cancers can offer something in return to their influential friends. Firstly, it is admiration and respect, recognition of merit. Secondly, in difficult times, Cancers are ready to support their “rich pinocchios”, if not in deed, then certainly in word. They will always listen carefully, sympathize, and give balanced advice. Well, thirdly, if trouble really happens to a friend, then Cancer will still come to his aid... after waiting, however, for some time. Cancer hopes to the last that the situation will settle down on its own. But if you can’t do without his participation, he will sigh and lend a helping hand.

The second role of Cancer in friendship is completely opposite. Seeing a weak and defenseless creature, unable to stand up for itself, but at the same time kind in soul, Cancer can boldly come to its defense. At the same time, he can show such selflessness that he is afraid to even think about in peacetime. Who knows why he does this? Perhaps his noble soul does not tolerate injustice? Or does he see himself in a weak creature, only at a younger age? Most likely, both.

And yet, the healthiest and most enjoyable for Cancer is the third role. In this case, he chooses a friend who is like himself like two peas in a pod. Here sometimes there is such a kinship of souls that you don’t often see between relatives. However, there is an important condition - Cancer's friend must have similar material wealth. Simply put, if you have less money than a Cancer, he will start to shy away from you a little.

The issue of money is generally very sensitive for people of this sign. They know how and love to earn (or receive) money, and they really don’t like to spend it. What is there to spend! A real Cancer won't even admit that he has a couple of coins in his pocket. He will avoid any spending in every possible way, pretend to be poor, and claim that he is on the verge of financial collapse. In general, in his imagination this is not far from the truth - any ruble spent is a great loss for him. And the conclusion from all this is this: if you like to freely manage money, make expensive purchases, dine in the best restaurants and the like, Cancer will never become your bosom friend.

All Cancers hate risk. It seems stupid and unnecessary to them, like playing with fire. For this reason, they never play slot machines or place bets in casinos. People who love adventure and are easy-going can evoke a lot of admiration and surprise in Cancer. But Cancer will never agree to share their entertainment; he would rather sit quietly at home. You won’t tempt him with the dream of conquering Everest, but he will gladly support a trip to the nearest and proven water park.

Cancers devote themselves so much to friends that there cannot be many of them - two, three, and most often one. Quite often this is a childhood friend with whom Cancer became friends at school or even kindergarten. Such a friend will be included in the Cancer's house along with his family. For the sake of his best friend, Cancer is capable of anything, but only if he knows that such an attitude is mutual. It is worth trying to earn the kind attitude of Cancer. If you succeed, then you can be sure that he will not let you drown in the abyss of life's troubles.

Compatibility of Cancer with other zodiac signs:

Cancer and Aries friendship: Cancer is ready to give Aries a leadership role in exchange for protection, but deep down he will be dissatisfied with this unequal relationship.

Cancer and Taurus friendship: Full mutual understanding and complementarity. This couple will never have any disagreements.

Cancer and Gemini friendship: Cancer may admire Gemini or even envy him. But Gemini loves to laugh at the slow Cancer. It's no wonder if Cancer harbors a grudge.

Cancer and Cancer friendship: Double caution, prudence and frugality promise them excellent business relationships. Together they can achieve great wealth.

Cancer and Leo friendship: there will be friendship and patronage. Leo will willingly take Cancer under his wing, and in return he will listen to eulogies all day long.

Cancer and Virgo friendship: They have a lot in common, although sometimes Virgo's criticism can drive Cancer into real depression. Let Cancer show a little humor and lightness, and Virgo show condescension.

Cancer and Libra friendship: These relationships are likely to be superficial. Here it is most likely not friendship, but social acquaintance. Libra is too fickle in the eyes of Cancer.

Cancer and Scorpio friendship: Two water signs get along well with each other. True, Scorpio gets more from this union. But only until Cancer becomes more cunning.

Cancer and Sagittarius friendship: Many Sagittarius qualities evoke sincere admiration in Cancer: openness, honesty, and adventurism... But they rarely become friends, they are too different.

Cancer and Capricorn friendship: Friendship is like the relationship between a child and an old man. If Capricorn gives Cancer more freedom, then the relationship can be improved.

Cancer and Aquarius friendship: They are always interested in being in each other's company, but there can be no talk of real friendship. Aquarius is too ephemeral for Cancer, who loves stability in everything.

Cancer and Pisces friendship: Cancer and Pisces friendship: This is the kind of friendship where one of the friends constantly consoles the other. Whoever starts crying and complaining first wins this game.

how to understand a cancer friend by zodiac sign

The best, oddly enough, compatibility Cancer with another Cancer. This union turns out to be strong, loving, and

the main thing is that they have common goals and dreams. If you managed to build such a relationship, then definitely rejoice. There will be a lot of happiness and tenderness in the love relationships of these water signs. The main thing is to be able to be on on the same page with your partner, don't leave it on arbitrariness of fate. Then everything will work out. A man and a woman may not immediately come to such a union, because they have decent compatibility with other signs. Compatibility horoscope for Cancer and others sign very rarely positive. For Aries, Leo and even Taurus, relationships with Cancers will be a pleasant surprise. Open your heart to true love. Everything works out for those who know the horoscope of their zodiac sign.

When two Cancers meet

If they met, they are unlikely to decide to separate. The compatibility of two Cancers is 100%, strange as it may seem. WITH other signs They are less likely to succeed in such a strong union, built on love and mutual understanding. Any astrological forum is replete with stories about how a Cancer man and woman suddenly met, fell in love and lived happily ever after. There is no betrayal in such couples, because both are above it. Only positive things about each other

The zodiac sign influences not only character and compatibility with members of the opposite sex, it also determines a person’s ability to make friends. Therefore, we should not be surprised that we easily get along with someone and then communicate closely almost all our lives, but with someone we cannot even maintain friendly relations.

Today the site talks about which representatives of which signs can have a strong and long friendship, and why this happens.

Practical approach

Aries girls are great friends with Taurus and Virgo, and they, in turn, are friends with each other. Friendship is promoted by the fact that some kind of monetary and household relations are established between these ladies, that is, they are united by practicality, the desire to create comfort in the house and a passion for sales. They go shopping together, exchange recipes, and raise children.

Friendship between representatives of these signs can begin from neighborhood or from work in the same organization and can last for many years. True, all three should not expect complete frankness from each other, since all of them, in fact, are quite reserved ladies when it comes to intimate personal secrets.

In addition, Taurus girls build friendships with Cancers according to the same principles - a similar attitude towards money, family and home improvement also plays an important role here.

The connecting link is the desire for entertainment

Aquarius and Gemini are excellent friends, both with each other and with representatives of their own sign. They are united by the desire to achieve “unbearable lightness of being,” the desire for a pleasant pastime and the lack of need for deep, long conversations.

But even the fact that these ladies are rarely frank with each other does not interfere with their friendship. They simply do not need “mental striptease” - they are quite happy with conversations about nothing.

However, they can also chat about men without going into details, the main thing is that the friend does not cross the line - that is, does not ask tactless questions and does not give unnecessary advice.

Best friend according to horoscope

The friendship between these ladies can last a lifetime if Gemini does not forget to thank Aquarius for everything that they do for them. Aquarius women can forgive a lot, but they never excuse ingratitude and betrayal.

“Who are we going to be friends with?”

Scorpio girls rarely have successful friendships with members of the same sex, but if they find an ally in the fight against someone or something, they may get carried away and not notice how they have acquired a best friend. Quite often Libra ladies become such girlfriends for Scorpios.

And even though introverted Scorpios are regularly irritated by Libra’s inconsistency and openness, they appreciate their cheerfulness, which they themselves lack. In addition, under the influence of Libra, Scorpios become more diplomatic and restrained.

Libra, in turn, learns from their friends the subtleties of manipulating others. They not only learn the basics of weaving intrigues, but also successfully use this in achieving career and personal goals.

In general, such a friendly union brings undeniable benefits to both ladies and can become long-term. The main thing is that the Scorpio lady sees the benefits of this relationship, and Libra enjoys it.

Best friend according to horoscope

Opposites attract

Paradoxically, strong and long-lasting friendships often arise between Cancers and Geminis. Calm and homely Cancers balance out the restless and impractical Geminis, and are also the “vest” for them to cry into.

Cancer girls will always find the right words or tactfully but eloquently remain silent when statements are useless. In addition, they like to take care of their eccentric friends. Geminis, in turn, value this friendship very much, realizing that tolerating their antics is a great job, which not everyone can do.

Another example of long-term friendship based on the attraction of opposites is the union of Pisces and Leo. Phlegmatic Pisces admire the vitality of Lionesses; they like to be in the zone of their influence and, if you like, brilliance. We can say that Pisces girls “recharge” from their energetic friends and become infected with their impenetrable optimism.

Lionesses appreciate the softness of Pisces, their mercy and peculiar coziness. In addition, Lviv is captivated by the mystery of Pisces, their incomprehensibility. These two ladies are never bored with each other, they always have something to talk about, and most importantly, something to keep quiet about.

There is one more nuance that promotes friendship between these representatives of the zodiac pantheon - Leos are sure that they are the ones who care about Pisces, but in fact it is Pisces who gently takes care of them. And thus, each of these ladies gets what she needs, without compromising her own self-esteem.

Friendship of the "iron" ladies

A Sagittarius girl always has a lot of friends, but often her only best friend and confidante is a lady born under the sign of Capricorn. The fact is that in both women, from birth, there is a need to keep everything under control. But sometimes they themselves so lack a reliable shoulder nearby that friendship with a representative of the same sex no less strong than themselves turns out to be the best option for them.

In addition, among Sagittarius’s friends, as a rule, there are few with whom they can have a heart-to-heart talk and discuss some truly important issues. Therefore, the Capricorn girl becomes for them that “outlet” to which they can come with any problem and receive adequate advice.

However, despite the fact that these ladies get along well in something serious, there cannot be an easy relationship between them. Capricorns believe that Sagittarius devotes too much time to entertainment, and Sagittarius is burdened by Capricorn's workaholism. Therefore, the friendship between them, once it begins, continues throughout their lives, but they meet quite rarely - sometimes they may not see each other for years. The main thing for them is to know that they have each other.

Potential best friends according to horoscope

We will not comment in detail on the relationships between representatives of the following signs, but will simply list who else has a good chance of becoming close people and best friends.


  • The main point of contact is the desire for beauty. Sometimes co-authorship is born from friendship or, conversely, friendships begin after joint creative activity. Sagittarius-Leo.
  • They have great fun together and complement each other in some way. They can chat about everything in the world, but they prefer to remain silent about something global - often in order not to upset each other. Pisces-Gemini.
  • Pisces know how to listen, and Gemini always needs someone who will appreciate their eloquence. In addition, both representatives of this sign do not need to be explained what intuition is. Cancer-Virgo.
  • They will always support each other, find something to do and talk about, unless, of course, they overdo it in mutual instructions.

    Finally, let us remind you once again that from any astrological rules there are both happy and negative exceptions. Therefore, if the horoscope promises you a strong friendship with someone, but in fact you cannot stand representatives of this sign, it means that you are a special lady. Or you simply belong to transitional signs, which, as you know, have their own path.

    Nadezhda POPOVA

    You don’t like noisy companies on New Year’s, birthdays and during other entertainment events, but you also can’t stand it when one of your girlfriends is offended that you weren’t invited to your next get-together?? Then choose a Gemini woman as your girlfriend. It seems to be physically one person, but she has visible and invisible entities. Who said that Geminis are two personalities, nothing like that! After all, a Gemini friend can have a great variety of internal, diverse “selves”. And each of its characters will have its own character traits, its own pros and cons. The only pity is that every time you have to guess with difficulty who she is today - a good girl, or a wild nymph.

    But under her auspices you can get into almost any party. Among the "goths" - she is certainly known as the "queen of darkness", among the "emo" - she goes by the nickname "sad snowflake", and the local gopniks clumsily kiss her hand and consider her "their guy." And with each of the representatives of this motley horde of individuals with mental disabilities, she has excellent relationships and common interests.

    In general, your Gemini friend is interested in everything in the world! How the wind blows, how the fire burns, how your husband kisses... Stealing a man from a friend is not an original activity for her, but just to see what he is capable of, and in bed in particular, is very tempting. So she is unlikely to go further than testing him for his masculinity and sexuality. Not because he’s a bad guy, but because he’s not interesting! In order to avoid this unpleasant favor of your spouse, even for a while, try to make him seem like the most ordinary middle-aged guy to her. Neither bad nor good - mediocre, in a word! Then, the addicted nature of the Twin, like an empty place, simply will not notice him!

    By the way, if fate has brought you together with this multifaceted personality in all respects, take a closer look and learn how to flirt from her. Oh, in this science the Twins have an undeniable championship. These are not “fatal” ones, whose flirting shoots into the very heart and kills on the spot. Gemini women only touch with a meaningful look or an ambiguous word, and it is never completely clear whether they are flirting or not, so coquetry organically fits into their eccentric image. However, these are half-hints and games that turn men on, but not for quick action, but for a long period of hunting in order to try to meet again in the field and get a new clue to solve her smile.

    Aries girlfriend. Will readily respond to any of your requests for help - from repairs to inventing a new hairstyle. She, without hesitation, will lend you any amount of money, and will not remind you of the timing of return. Just don’t ask her to participate in resolving your conflicts - honest and straightforward, Aries is completely incapable of subtle hints and diplomatic concessions. You can experience this same quality for yourself when, in response to the question: “Listen, don’t you think that I’ve gained a little weight?” you will hear: “Yes, frankly speaking, you’ve been pretty torn up lately.”

    Gemini friend. An ideal travel companion and participant in any adventure. Just don’t expect her to share responsibility with you later if something goes wrong. The twin easily agrees to risky adventures, and can just as easily refuse at any stage. At the same time, her charm will not allow you to harbor a grudge against her. She'll always get away with it - what about you? The twin will perfectly support the company, will shine with wit at the party and will definitely not covet the man you have noticed for yourself. In addition, she loves to gossip on the phone - if you are dying to chat, feel free to dial her number.

    Cancer friend. A classic friend who can listen to your complaints for hours and wipe away your tears with a handkerchief. No one else can so fully understand your misfortunes and sympathize so sincerely. True, such an idyll lasts only until she has her own family. From now on, all her care will be focused on her husband and child, and you will have to be content with rare meetings at the table on major holidays. However, you can always call her on the phone and ask for advice. Despite their sensitivity, Raquinhas are very practical and never lose their heads. You should not ask her for a loan, criticize her and ridicule her - and your friendship will last for years, bringing you both a lot of benefits. Cancers are the best cooks, so when leaving, always ask her for the recipe - you won’t go wrong.

    Leo girlfriend. Try to figure out who you are to your friend. On the one hand, she tries to surround herself with bright and extraordinary people. But on the other hand, she loves to have someone at her side, a sort of gray mouse, for a favorable comparison in her favor. In friendship, you will have to give her the leading role, and at the same time learn to admire her actions. Make sure that your personality is not suppressed or relegated to the background in such relationships. It is not recommended to pay for your Leo friend even sometimes - she can quickly get used to it. And do not make hasty promises to her, succumbing to the power of the royal personality, since then you will have to fulfill them, sometimes to your own detriment.

    Virgo friend. They may not like her for being excessively pedantic and critical, because it is difficult to communicate with a person who is constantly dissatisfied with something. Virgo's desire for order makes her be overly demanding of both herself and her friends. She may love you with all her soul, but at the same time want to make you better and point out all your shortcomings. Of course, many do not understand the essence of these quibbles and cannot withstand the constant flow of criticism. To be friends with a Virgo, you need to have a fairly peaceful and balanced character and, at the same time, some optimism and a sense of humor. You shouldn’t push her and demand the impossible from her; it’s better to show her visible signs of attention and affection - she will repay you a hundredfold. Keep in mind that by telling her about your too free relationships with men, you risk disappointing her and causing a stream of moralizing. Any excesses will cause her condemnation.

    Friend-Libra. Your relationship can be called secular in the full sense of the word. Libra will never cross the threshold of decency and will always remain within the framework of social conventions. Being a true diplomat, she is unlikely to show you her true reaction, only polite surprise and acceptable sympathy. She wants everything to be “decent” and will never get involved in scandals or quarrels. At the same time, she loves to gossip, and you can’t deny her a sharp tongue. She is able to help you if you get into trouble, but not excessively, and only if you ask for it. Friendship with her will be easy and unburdensome. It is useless to ask her for advice: she herself can never make a decision and endlessly hesitates in her choice.

    Scorpio girlfriend. This jealous woman will try to capture you entirely, claiming all your free time and demanding exclusivity and complete dedication. She can call you every day and persistently ask for details of your intimate meetings, try to find out the size of your salary, and even the color of your underwear. You will have to devote yourself completely to her and maintain a real spiritual connection. Scorpio, in turn, will repay you with reciprocal devotion and share your misfortunes, even the most severe ones. You may well be able to live with her for a while or borrow a large sum of money. Just one tense moment: consider Scorpio's innate sexual attraction when introducing her to your husband. It is better to arrange so that they do not intersect at all, since the risk is too great. You can discuss it for hours, but you should avoid personal contacts at all costs. And be careful not to offend Scorpio - she is quite vindictive and, moreover, vindictive.

    Sagittarius girlfriend. Given her independence, it is not clear whether she needs friends at all. She doesn't like to discuss her plans with anyone and will brush off your attempt to discuss relationships with the opposite sex. An unstoppable visionary and dreamer, she often acts out wishful thinking, so you should not trust her stories. Meetings with a Sagittarius friend are unlikely to become regular; rather, they will be spontaneous and unplanned, but filled to capacity with new impressions and emotions. The Sagittarius loves to make friends in her professional environment, and, preferably, those who are more qualified than her. God forbid you think that she needs this in order to gain influence or exert pressure. Everything is much simpler - an honest and inquisitive Sagittarius just wants to learn something new, and at the same time useful.

    Usually people who are united by common interests or similar problems become friends. Do you want to know which zodiac signs can become good friends for you? Does your friend truly value your friendship and appreciate you?

    U Aries most often there is a large circle of acquaintances and friends, but they do not have many real friends. And this is not surprising. Despite their liveliness and energy, which so attract friends to Aries, girls of this sign prefer to talk about themselves and do not always know how to listen. By temperament, Aquarius or Gemini are most suitable for them.

    Girlfriend- Taurus is a reliable friend and assistant in any matter. She is reasonable and you can always turn to her for wise advice. Even though the Taurus girl is frugal, she will not hesitate to lend you some money if necessary. Girls of the signs Pisces and Cancer can build strong friendships with Taurus.

    If you love travel and adventure, girl- Twins could be your ideal friend. She is easy-going and always has something to talk about. In addition, a Gemini friend is incredibly charismatic and attractive to others, so days spent with her always leave pleasant memories. Girls of the signs Aries and Leo can become her best friends.

    A gentle and understanding friend - Cancer will always support the occasionally despondent Taurus with a warm word and will warm the cold and unapproachable Virgo with friendly love. Cancer girls are always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. They do not accumulate resentment and quickly forget bad things. With representatives of this zodiac sign it is always comfortable and interesting.

    If a girl sign a lion I chose you as my friend, rest assured, you deserve a lot. The fact is that Lionesses are very selective in everything, as they consider themselves special. These girls usually choose beautiful and intellectually developed friends as their friends. They love to live beautifully and surround themselves with beautiful people. If you are a pretty Gemini girl or a charming Libra, then, for sure, the Lioness will like you.

    Sign's girlfriend- Virgo a little prim and boring at times. But these qualities do not prevent her from being a good friend. She rarely gives compliments, you can’t always drag her out to a social party, but she is always ready to listen to you and help. In a difficult situation, she will not verbally encourage you, but rather offer real help. Virgos usually develop strong friendships with Cancers and Scorpios.

    Young woman- Scales is an eternal student who is always ready to party and have fun. She does not like to spend evenings within four walls; she is attracted by the lights of the big city, new acquaintances and travel. Usually this girl has many acquaintances and friends whom she considers her best friends. Leo and Sagittarius can become good friends for a girl of the zodiac sign Libra.

    Having struck up a friendship with a girl - Scorpio, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to devote her to all your affairs. Representatives of this zodiac sign are inquisitive and, moreover, they are great owners. A Scorpio friend can without hesitation ask you for details of your personal life; she may also be interested in the size of your salary and the history of your illnesses. If you are Virgo or Capricorn, then most likely you will be able to establish friendly relations with Scorpio.

    Girlfriend- Sagittarius- This is a lover of adventure. She doesn't sit still, she loves to be in the center of events and always tries to attract attention to herself. With such a friend, you can easily have divisions between men. Sagittarians do not stand on ceremony in this matter and can easily take away a friend’s boyfriend. Perhaps only girls of the sign Libra or Aquarius can withstand such unceremonious behavior.

    For girls - Capricorn There are rarely many girlfriends, since they approach friendship, like any other matter, very responsibly. You can always rely on such a friend. She doesn’t waste words and will always help you get out of even a hopeless situation. A Capricorn friend does not like empty chatter and will never forgive betrayal. Scorpios and Pisces will definitely appreciate such a friend.

    Aquarius- This is the wind girl. She is freedom-loving and unpredictable. Despite the fact that representatives of this zodiac sign are usually intellectually developed, they can rarely be found on a day off in the library with a book. An Aquarius friend will probably invite you every Saturday to the cinema, theater or just to a cafe for a cup of tea. She loves to exchange information and make new acquaintances. Sagittarius and Aries will be happy to share her interests.

    Girls- Fish are usually friendly. Their house is always full of guests, and the table is full of goodies, usually prepared by the hostess with her own hands. Pisces are inquisitive and compassionate. A Pisces friend is that rare girl who will listen with interest to your complaints about life and help you get away from your problems. It itself rarely opens completely. Capricorns and Taurus will certainly be able to establish lasting friendships with Pisces.

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