Participation in tenders: step-by-step instructions, necessary documents, conditions. Submitting an application for participation in the auction Application for tender

Participation in tenders is one of the most common and effective ways to obtain orders from various government and commercial structures. One of the important stages that largely determines the success of participation in a competition or auction is rightly considered to be the competent preparation of a tender application, completed in accordance with the sample and requirements contained in the competition documentation.

tender support

Tender application form and its contents

Currently, there are two types of tenders - auctions and competitions. The vast majority of procurement for government needs is carried out through auctions, which is why this procedure is used much more often and by various commercial customers. The application form for participation in the tender depends on the method of submission, as there are paper (used less and less) and electronic (progressive and most frequently used) options.

In the first method of submitting an application, it consists of:

  • the actual application for participation in the tender, drawn up in accordance with the sample or standard forms posted in the tender documentation;
  • attached documents;
  • inventory.

In this case, standard procedures related to registration are used - all documents are bound, signed by an authorized representative of the applicant, and then sealed in a thick envelope.

In the more common electronic version of filing an application, it consists of two parts.

The first part of the tender application contains the applicant’s consent to participate in the auction and information that contains specific characteristics relating to the subject of the auction (supply of goods, provision of services or performance of work).

The second part consists of information confirming the auction participant’s compliance with the requirements of the tender documentation and Law No. 44-FZ regulating the tender procedure. It also lists the company’s certificates, SRO approvals, licenses and permits related to the ability to supply goods or provide services.

The quality and accuracy of the application largely determine the effectiveness of participation in the tender. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is the errors or inaccuracies found by the auction commission in the submitted application that are the reason why the organization is not allowed directly to the auction procedure.

Examples and samples of applications for participation in the tender

The application form for participation in the tender, submitted in writing, is as follows.

Filling it out is not difficult. The main thing is to carefully and carefully enter all the required information. The remaining documents are prepared in the same way as when submitted electronically.

An example of the completed first part of the tender application (in electronic form) is as follows.

Particular attention should always be paid to an accurate list of works provided in accordance with the available competition documentation, and, most importantly, to an accurate indication of the properties and characteristics of the product, service or work, as well as the materials used in their production.

Inaccuracies and errors in filling out this section of the first part of the application, which is called “Information about the quality, technical characteristics of the product...”, become the most common reason for the rejection of the application and the resulting non-participation of the organization in the auction.

The second part of the application contains the following information about the organization:

  • participant form containing all details of the individual entrepreneur or organization;
  • passport data (for individual entrepreneurs) or statutory documents (for legal entities);
  • certificates of registration and registration;
  • TIN, postal details and other contact information necessary for communication;
  • The powers of the manager and the decision of the owners to approve a major transaction (if the auction price relates to one);
  • declaration of compliance of the applicant organization with the requirements established by the auction documentation.

The last document in the list requires confirmation of the absence of a bankruptcy procedure introduced at the enterprise, no tax arrears, and also that the organization is not offshore.

In addition to the documents and information listed above that are required by customers in accordance with No. 44-FZ, information about available approvals, permits and licenses is often requested. In each case, these requirements are developed individually, based on the subject of the auction, and are indicated in the tender documentation.

There is no single form for submitting the second part of the application for participation in the tender, since it is filled out in accordance with the conditions of a specific electronic trading platform and the software available on it.

Our specialists guarantee compliance with legal requirements at all stages of tender support. Resolving disputes with customers, appealing FAS decisions, working on all trading platforms.

To participate in the competition, the supplier must submit an application that reflects the terms on which it proposes to perform the contract.

In the article we will consider the requirements for the form, content and submission procedure, and also provide a sample application for the competition.

The procurement participant is also required to provide a certain package of documents necessary to identify it and check for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

  1. List of documents.
  2. Name, location and residence, postal address, TIN of the participant and founders, director, full name, passport details (for individuals), telephone number.
  3. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (or a notarized copy), received no earlier than 6 months before the date of publication in the unified information system of the notice, passport (for an individual).
  4. A decision on the appointment of a manager to a position or an order (if it is not the manager who is acting, a power of attorney or a notarized copy thereof is additionally provided).
  5. Declaration of conformity, clauses 3-9, part 1, art. 31.
  6. Constituent documents (charter or agreement, depending on the organizational and legal form).
  7. A decision on the approval and execution of transactions, indicating its maximum amount, if participation in the procurement or its provision is a major transaction and permission to conduct it is required, according to the constituent documents.
  8. The participant's proposal for the procurement object (contract price, operating and repair costs, proposal regarding quality, functional, environmental and other characteristics).
  9. Unit price of the product, name of the country of origin of the product when purchasing the product.
  10. Securing an application for participation in the competition (payment order or bank guarantee). The details where the tender participant transfers the application security are reflected by the customer in the tender documentation.

Documents that are provided if necessary according to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and competition documentation:

  1. Supplier compliance with clause 1, part 1, article 31 (SRO certificate, licenses, accreditation certificates, etc.).
  2. Receiving benefits in accordance with Art. 28-29 (information about affiliation with organizations of the penal system and people with disabilities is displayed in the charter and an extract from the state register).
  3. Compliance of the participant or product with the conditions, prohibitions and restrictions of Art. 14 (ST-1 certificates, Chamber of Commerce and Industry act, etc.).
  4. Declaration of membership in the SMP or SONCO.
  5. Compliance of a product, work or service with the requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (registration certificates).
  6. Confirming the good faith of the participant, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 37, with a price reduction of 25 or more.
  7. Qualification (copies of contracts, acts confirming work experience, availability of specialists, business reputation, etc., according to the competition documentation).

If the participant does not provide the necessary documents, does not provide them in full (not all pages) or it turns out that the documents do not comply with the requirements of 44-FZ (for example, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities was received earlier than 6 months, a copy of the power of attorney is not notarized, etc.) , this will result in the participant being rejected.

Form and order of submission

Form requirements:

  • submission only on paper in a sealed envelope (electronic submission is not currently implemented in the contract system) with the following markings:
  • stitching and numbering of all sheets. The absence of firmware leads to the rejection of the participant, in contrast to the lack of page numbering, which is not a basis for refusal of admission;
  • sealing (if any) and signing by the head or authorized representative of all pages of the volume (or a single signature on the firmware);
  • clear text printing. Erasures and corrections are unacceptable;
  • the customer specifies other requirements in the instructions of the tender documentation.

The supplier submits the application at the place and before the deadline specified in the documentation, in person, by mail, by courier delivery or in any other possible way at the request of the participant (an envelope received after the deadline for submission is not opened). It is not allowed to submit more than one application for one lot (in this case, the submitted applications will not be considered and will be returned).

The customer registers each received envelope in the reception log, assigns a serial number and ensures its safety, security and integrity, preventing damage to the envelopes before the opening date.

Application for participation in the competition: sample filling

I often have to participate in tenders, so I decided to write an article on how to take part in a tender. If any of the readers want to add to this article - WELCOME (write to me at: [email protected]) and together we will make our work easier.

How to take part in the tender?

In order to take part in the tender, you must submit an application drawn up in accordance with the customer’s requirements and the sample provided by him (Application Example).

Submitting an application to participate in the tender confirms the supplier’s agreement with the terms of the tender, as well as the obligation to comply with them.

A deadline for accepting applications is set, after which acceptance is not permitted, as are changes to the applications themselves. But the tender commission may extend the deadline for accepting applications, which notifies applicants and participants.

The applicant may change or withdraw the application for participation before the deadline for submitting the required documents.

And remember! A change in the application for participation is considered valid if it is received before the deadline for submitting applications.

What documents are needed to participate in the tender?

To participate in the tender You must provide the documentation requested by the customer. I will give an example of an existing standard package of documents that is required in almost all cases.

To participate in the auction, the following package of documents is required:

  • a list of submitted documents signed by the supplier’s representative;
  • application for participation in the tender, certified by the signature of the executive body and seal;
  • a list of persons entitled to act on behalf of the supplier without a power of attorney, certified copies of documents on the appointment of such persons;
  • copies of the charter and constituent documents of the supplier certified by the tax authority;
  • notarized copies of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity and registration with the tax authority;
  • a statement indicating experience as a contractor;
  • a certificate from the tax authorities confirming that there are no debts to pay mandatory payments;
  • copies of balance sheets for the last three reporting dates with a tax office mark;
  • profit and loss statements for the last three reporting dates with a tax office stamp;
  • consent to the processing of personal data;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, issued by the Federal Tax Service of Russia 15-60 days before submission (there may be different deadline requirements);
  • licenses and certificates, if the activity that is the subject of the tender is subject to licensing and/or mandatory certification;
  • certificate of admission to perform work (provide services) that are the subject of the tender, issued by a Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO).

The customer may also require additional packages of documents. I would like to note that minor deficiencies in the provision of documents may not be taken into account by the customer, while serious ones will result in the rejection of the application for participation.

This is what a simplified preparation and participation plan looks like:

— Clarification of tender conditions;

— Drawing up a training and participation plan;

— Preliminary clarification of “production” possibilities, terms, prices;

— Drawing up and approval of price proposals;

— Drawing up documentation in accordance with the requirements;

— Approval of documentation from management;

— Final verification of documentation for compliance with all requirements for form and content;

— Submission of documentation;

— Clarification of results;

— Celebrating victory/analyzing correct actions and mistakes, recording conclusions.

If you have received an invitation to a competition that is less than seven days away, you have the right to refuse to participate, since the notification is formal and the winner has already been selected in advance. It is better not to participate in such a tender, as you will simply waste your time. Letter of refusal to participate in the tender must be written on your company letterhead. It should contain details similar to a business response letter.

Sample letter of refusal to participate in a tender

Home / Auction documentation sample / Sample application for auction

Sample application for auction

Examples of filling out the first parts of applications for electronic auctions.

How to fill out applications for an electronic auction correctly? Download sample application for auction in electronic form.




Assistance from specialists of the Tender Solutions Group of Companies

Download a sample agreement with a specialized organization for the preparation of the first part of applications for participation in tenders under 44 Federal Laws.

The requirements for the composition of an auction application are regulated by Article 66. 44 Federal Law “On the contract system...”, i.e. an application for an electronic auction must consist of 2 parts;

  • the first part of the application must contain the participant’s written consent to the conditions set out by the Customer in the auction documentation and specific characteristics of the materials and goods offered for delivery that comply with the Customer’s requirements and the norms of 44 Federal Laws.
  • the second part of the application for the electronic auction is a declaration of the supplier’s compliance with the requirements of 44 Federal Laws, copies of certificates, permits, SRO approvals, etc. required for the work, confirmation of the failure to carry out bankruptcy or liquidation procedures, the absence of arrears in paying taxes and fees, etc. d.

Sample text of consent to participate in the auction:

“Having studied the documentation on the open auction in electronic form No. 0000000000000000001, the organization, information about which is indicated in the second part of the application, agrees to perform work that meets the requirements of the documentation, under the conditions provided for in the Documentation”

Sample declaration of compliance with the requirements of 44 Federal Laws, presented to an auction participant in electronic form:

» With this application we confirm:

— the procurement participant meets the requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for persons carrying out the work that is the subject of bidding;

— liquidation is not being carried out in relation to the procurement participant, there is no decision of the arbitration court on declaring bankrupt and on opening bankruptcy proceedings;

— the activities of the procurement participant are not suspended in the manner prescribed by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses on the day of filing an application for participation in the auction;

— the procurement participant has no debt on accrued taxes, fees and other obligatory payments to budgets of any level or state extra-budgetary funds for the past calendar year, the amount of which exceeds 25% (twenty-five percent) of the book value of the procurement participant’s assets according to the financial statements for the year most recently completed reporting period;

— the absence of a procurement participant - an individual, or the manager, members of the collegial executive body or chief accountant of a legal entity of a procurement participant, having a criminal record for crimes in the economic sphere (with the exception of persons whose criminal record has been expunged or withdrawn), as well as the non-use of individuals - punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities that are related to the performance of work that is the object of the procurement being carried out, and administrative punishment in the form of disqualification;

- possession by a procurement participant of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity, if in connection with the execution of the contract the State Customer acquires the rights to such results, with the exception of cases of concluding contracts for the creation of works of literature or art, performance, for financing the distribution or screening of a national film.

— the absence of a conflict of interest between the procurement participant and the customer, which means cases in which the customer’s manager, a member of the procurement commission, the head of the customer’s contract service, the contract manager are married to individuals who are beneficiaries, the sole executive body of the business company (director , general director, manager, president and others), members of the collegial executive body of a business company, the head (director, general director) of an institution or unitary enterprise or other management bodies of legal entities participating in the procurement, with individuals, including those registered as an individual entrepreneur - participants in the procurement or are close relatives (relatives in a direct ascending and descending line (parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren), full and half (having a common father or mother) brothers and sisters), adoptive parents or adoptees of these individuals .

To participate in the auction, you must register. To do this, you need to fill out an electronic application for participation in the auction within the period from the date of publication of the notice of the auction until the closing date for accepting applications specified in the notice.

To apply for participation in an auction, find the desired auction and click on the “Apply for participation” link in the line corresponding to the selected auction.

A page with forms for filling out the first part will open.

and the second part of the application for participation,

as well as a declaration

Fill out the form fields (fields marked with (*) are required!) and attach the required documents. Files up to 20 MB in size are accepted in the following formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .zip, .rar, .7z, .jpg, .gif, .png.

If the customer, when publishing, established a requirement to hold an auction among SMPs, then in the participant’s personal account in the second part of the application there is a section that allows you to declare affiliation with SMPs. If this requirement is not specified, then there are no fields to confirm membership in the SMP.

To confirm his membership in the SMP, the participant must activate the checkbox in the block “Declaration of the participant’s membership in the SMP or socially oriented non-profit organizations (Article 30 44-FZ).” After activation, a field will be available for attaching a document confirming the participant’s membership in the SMP. This section is optional; activation of the checkbox and attachment of a document is done by the participant at will.

If you need to pause work on an application, save the application as a draft using the button "Save". To submit an application, you must click on the button “Sign and submit the application”. In the next step, a form with the text of the application will open.

To continue click on the button "Sign and send". A dialog box will open with a list of electronic signature certificates. Select the required certificate and click on the button "OK". The application will be sent and a message indicating successful submission will appear.

It is the main type of electronic trading. The procurement participant must study the list of documents for the tender and prepare documentation in accordance with this list. This package of documentation is called a tender application.

The tender documentation package must be submitted within strictly defined deadlines. Otherwise, the application will not be accepted.

Features of applying for an electronic auction:

  • Submitting a tender application exclusively in electronic form;
  • Applications for the tender are accepted from the moment of its publication for at least 7 days if the initial maximum tender price is up to 3 million rubles and for at least 15 days if the tender amount is above 3 million rubles;
  • The application must contain separately formed first and second parts, sent simultaneously;
  • Submission of a tender application must occur simultaneously with the provision of application security.
  • The victory of the ordering participant when submitting price proposals does not guarantee complete victory and signing of the contract. The application may be rejected after consideration of the second part.

To form an application, you need to scan the documents and add them to special forms on the website of the electronic trading platform (the forms will appear after you select the tender and click the “take part” button).

The rest of the documents are automatically attached to the application from your personal account, so check that the company’s personal data is up to date. After downloading a package of documents, they must be signed electronically for bidding and sent for consideration by clicking the appropriate button.

On some sites, for example on Sberbank AST, you need to sign each attached document, and then when sending the entire application, on others - only the application itself, as on the RTS tender site.

How to apply for tender in the form of request for quotation and open competition

An application for participation in a request for quotations and an open tender is submitted in paper or electronic form.

If a participant in placing an order has chosen a paper form for submitting an application, then the package of documents is placed in an envelope and sealed. Usually, in order for all members of the commission to immediately familiarize themselves with the documentation, copies of the submitted package of documents are also placed in a second envelope.

To expedite submission and eliminate the possibility of not being on time for the competition, it is recommended to independently bring the entire package of competition documentation to the customer’s office or to another place specified in the notice.

A representative of the competition organizer registers the application in a special journal, indicating the date and time of its receipt. If necessary, the applicant's representative is provided with a receipt of the application with the date and time of receipt.

If there are irregularities in the execution of the tender application or any document is missing, the representative of the tender organizer is obliged to explain to the applicant what corrections need to be made or what document is missing. The application can be changed or withdrawn only before the envelopes are opened by the competition commission.

If a procurement participant chooses an electronic form for submitting an application for a tender, then the process of submitting it takes place through the platform on which the tender is held. The submission form in this case is similar to an open electronic auction.

When conducting a tender following planning, the customer must publish in the Unified Information System (hereinafter referred to as the UIS) documents to identify a supplier, which reflects his needs and procurement conditions. In order to participate in the procedure, the supplier must provide information that confirms that he is capable of fulfilling the order.

Tender documents prepared by the customer

The customer prepares a notice, which must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Art. 42 44-FZ, as well as documentation in accordance with the requirements of Art. 50, 64, 87 44-FZ. At the same time, he has the right to make changes to the documentation, but is obliged to publish a notice of the changes made. An integral part of the documentation is:

  1. Draft contract (according to the requirements of Article 34 44-FZ). It should be remembered that standard forms have been developed for certain works and services, all of which are posted in the Unified Information System.
  2. Technical task. It is drawn up in accordance with the rules for describing the procurement object, which are specified in Art. 33 44-FZ.
  3. Justification of the initial (maximum) contract price, determined by the methods specified in Art. 22 44-FZ.
  4. Design and estimate documentation (when performing contract work).

During the process of identifying a supplier, the customer also publishes protocols on the compliance of applications with requirements.

There is also a protocol for refusal to conclude a contract on the part of the customer, which is necessary in case the latter is faced with the need to do this already at the signing stage.

Below we have collected sample documents that the customer will need when preparing for the tender.

Notice of auction

Electronic auction documentation

Documents for submitting an application for a tender by a supplier

The list includes a basic package of documents, similar to what a supplier requires for accreditation on any electronic platform (we wrote more about this, for example, in the article “”). And also the following information:

  • the participant’s compliance with the requirements specified in clause 1, part 1, article 31 (SRO certificate, licenses, accreditation certificates, etc.), in part 2, article 31, in the resolution of February 4, 2015 No. 99 (copies contracts, acts confirming experience in performing work, etc.), as well as declarations of compliance with clauses 3-9, part 1, art. 31;
  • compliance of the participant or product with the conditions, prohibitions and restrictions of Art. 14 (ST-1 certificates, Chamber of Commerce and Industry act, etc.);
  • compliance of goods, work or services with the requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (registration certificates);
  • obtaining benefits in accordance with Art. 28-29 (displayed in the charter and extract from the state register);
  • good faith of the participant (Article 37);
  • application for participation in the tender (submission of application security, qualification, proposal for the procurement object, price of a unit of goods (for participation in the competition);
  • TIN not only of the participant, but also (if any) of the founders and directors.
  • declaration of affiliation with small businesses (SMB) or socially oriented non-profit organizations (SONO);
  • consent to the supply of goods or performance of work and (or) specific indicators of the goods with the name of the country of origin.

The supplier will need tender documents, samples of which can be downloaded below.

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