Certificate of participation in combat operations in Tajikistan. Participants of military operations in Tajikistan received official status

Since military personnel and everyone who is in hot spots and zones of military conflicts bear great risks, they need state support. A number of rights are assigned to such citizens, and the main provisions for assigning this status are established in the Federal Law on combat veterans. The article describes what criteria apply when issuing a veteran’s certificate and what assistance they can count on.

The Federal Law defined who a combat veteran (CVA) is. According to him, this is:

  • Persons liable for military service and persons serving in the Russian Armed Forces. Moreover, those who were transferred to the reserve.
  • Employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, State Security, and the Ministry of Defense - both from the Russian Federation and from the times of the USSR.
  • Citizens working in government structures of the Russian Federation.
  • Participants in hostilities who were on duty (applies to military operations both within foreign countries and within our country).

The purpose of this Law is to secure for them a number of rights that will ensure a decent standard of living and recognition of merit in society. This is due to the risks that those who ensure the security of the country bear and have carried: while performing their duties, they can die, receive serious injuries, mutilations, and illnesses. The rights were given to combatants who served both during the existence of the USSR and in the modern Russian Federation.

The Federal Law has identified hot spots and territories in which serving service makes it possible to obtain the status of a UBD. Typically, they become UBI and armed conflicts that occurred in the following territories:

  • In Afghanistan and the North Caucasus.
  • In Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
  • In Syria.
  • In the African and Asian region.

A complete list of foreign and our regions is contained in.

The Government of the Russian Federation has introduced several innovations to the Federal Law on Veterans. They affected those who have or wish to obtain UBI status. The law determined the following points:

A number of articles relating to civil service veterans (6, 23) are no longer valid.

The law refers to combat operations and the performance of various types of missions that took place even under the USSR (Article 3). This applies to:

  • Employees involved in demining the territories of the USSR.
  • Citizens who performed military service within other countries.
  • The composition of pilots who carried out combat missions under the USSR, as well as military personnel serving in automobile battalions engaged in transporting cargo during the Afghan War. The same applies to other persons sent there to work.
  • Persons who worked in hot spot areas.
  • Workers who served military units on the territory of the Russian Federation, the USSR or foreign countries when hostilities took place there. These include those who received injuries, wounds, etc. there, or were awarded a medal and order (USSR or Russian Federation) for providing and supporting military forces, and participating in hostilities.

Applicants for DB veteran status must go through a certain application procedure. Its procedure is regulated by the Government of the Russian Federation. It established that it is possible to become a VBD after 6 months have passed since the start of citizens’ participation in hostilities (both within the Russian Federation and abroad), but no later than a month from the end of hostilities. Remember that this condition also applies to participants in modern military conflicts.

Innovations in 2017 affected UBI in Syria. Now, veterans of the War in Syria recognize citizens who conducted military operations on the territory of this state during a certain period, and those who returned from there to the Russian Federation ahead of schedule for a good reason.

Evidence confirming the fact of participation in hostilities is the ID of a military veteran. It assigns this status to the citizen and will be needed when applying for compensation and benefits. The procedure for issuing certificates is defined in the orders of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

You can obtain a status (certificate) by contacting one of the following authorities:

  • Pension Fund.
  • Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or personnel department.
  • Multifunctional centers (most often they go here, because obtaining status and identification through the MFC is carried out much faster, since its activities are delimited). Here you can apply for any benefits, avoiding going to various authorities.
  • Electronic portal of State Services (also a convenient way to submit documents, but if the applicant does not have a personal account, he will have to go through a quick registration, after which his profile will be activated within two weeks).

There is no legal difference in where exactly the applicant applies. In any case, he will have to submit an application, attaching the following documents to it:

  • A copy of your ID.
  • Military ID (copy and original required).
  • Original and copy of the military personnel file (for retired military personnel).
  • Certificates confirming participation in the database (most often found in archives - for example, pilots can show flight books).
  • Certificate of family composition.
  • Certificates and awards received for services during the war, as well as certificates of awards.
  • Photo for ID and other documents (3x4).
  • SNILS.
  • Certificate of injuries received in the database (if any).
  • Orders to go on a business trip to a war zone.
  • Other documents indicating participation in hostilities (for example, these were issued to military personnel who served in Chechnya and Afghanistan).

Important information! The conditions for issuing benefits are also fixed in other regulations, so the person who wants to should know exactly which area of ​​benefits he wants to receive.

The status of veterans and their rights are also enshrined in:

  • Federal Law On Payments to the Military and the Law on State Social Assistance.
  • Law on pensions for former military personnel.
  • Government resolutions (regarding the provision of all VBDs with prostheses and medications at the expense of the state and the right to emergency medical care).
  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Labor Code and Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

This article indicates what types of social protection and assistance are eligible for UBI. The following measures to support veterans were established:

  • Calculation of increased pensions.
  • Opportunity to receive professional education and advanced training at the expense of the employer.
  • Travel on public transport with a 50% discount.
  • A number of benefits for BD veterans that apply when they join cooperatives and non-profit associations.
  • Opportunity to obtain housing at the expense of the state. To do this, the copyright holder needs to collect additional documents and get a place in the queue for improved accommodation.
  • Free and priority medical care in municipal and state medical institutions, as well as receiving (free of charge) referrals for sanatorium treatment (they have a priority right to receive vouchers).
  • The right to 35 days of paid leave, which can be taken at any time.
  • Accrual of funds to pay for living space (including for major repairs).
  • Free prosthetics.

Family members of the veteran also have some of these rights.

In the event of the death of a veteran, his relatives can use funeral services at state expense (they are reimbursed for expenses incurred). The choice of burial place remains with the relatives and is not limited to the territory of residence of the deceased.

Important! To apply for a property (including land) tax benefit, you need to contact the nearest branch of the Federal Tax Service.


Veterans have the right to:

  • Annual holiday at a convenient time.
  • 35 days vacation. This is an additional leave that can be taken (in addition to the main one) for a suitable period.

In some cases, it is possible to take another vacation for up to 15 days, not paid by the employer.

Important! WBDs do not have to pay property tax (one unit for each type, if its value is less than 300 million rubles). Transport tax for them has been abolished in most regions, and land tax is paid on preferential terms. Also, veterans may not pay the state fee for going to court if the amount stated in the statement of claim is less than 1 million rubles.

Extraordinary admission of a veteran to medical institutions is carried out only with a certificate. Some regions have introduced benefits for the purchase of medicines (in the form of compensation or discounts).

Prosthetics are also provided absolutely free of charge, with the exception of dentures. If a veteran purchased a prosthesis with personal funds, he can receive compensation in full for the cost of the goods. You can make a payment or refund for prosthetic and orthopedic products at a medical institution or local administration.

When a veteran is provided with housing, he receives an appropriate certificate, which records the acquisition of real estate ownership. The local administration is considering this issue, and the approval of the application for the benefit occurs on the condition that the VBD does not have any living space.

In this case the certificate:

  • Can only be used to purchase real estate.
  • It is only part of the funds. The citizen must pay the remaining portion of the cost of the apartment (if it exceeds the established size) independently.

As for benefits for paying for housing and communal services, they are provided as material compensation - a certain % of the cost of services. That is, first the veteran must pay for housing and communal services in full, and only then issue a refund of part of the funds. For example, in the Novgorod and Voronezh regions (if the beneficiary applied for a discount at the social security department), VBD can return up to 50% of the money.

When applying, in addition to the veteran’s ID and application, you will need to present a receipt for payment of housing and communal services for the past month, as well as the applicant’s account number where the funds will be transferred.

If the beneficiary lives in an apartment rented under a social tenancy agreement, then he can arrange for a refund of part of the funds for paying for the premises. Compensation is 50% of the amount established in the contract. In this case, the social security department will need a copy of the social tenancy agreement. There is also a 50% discount for maintaining your own home.

The application for a refund is given 30 days to consider, after which a decision must be made. If a refusal is given, the veteran can challenge this decision in court.

Lifetime benefits

The size of the UBD pension exceeds regular payments by 32%. Moreover, the UBD retains the right to choose the type of pension provision:

  • Due to old age.
  • Due to disability.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is responsible for the registration and calculation of pensions. The veteran receives a monthly payment regardless of the basis on which he received his status. The exception applies only to persons affected by the radiation exception.

Additional monthly payments accrued to veterans, taking into account indexation in 17, amount to 2,780 rubles and, according to the Federal Law, are not taxed. They are provided without taking into account pensions and income of the beneficiary.

Attention! If UBD falls under other categories of beneficiaries entitled to social benefits, he must choose one of the payments. As a rule, they choose taking into account which benefit is greater.

Regional features of the law

The list of benefits for UBI may expand depending on the specific region. Subjects can independently change and set benefits.

In the EKB targeted assistance is provided to disabled people injured as a result of military operations. They are given a 50% discount on the purchase of land.

In the capital and St. Petersburg Your own payments and benefits apply. In St. Petersburg, VBD may not pay for travel on suburban transport, but in Moscow, a beneficiary can travel to the place of treatment for free. The exact list can be clarified at your local social security office.

In Voronezh For veterans of the BD, preferential terms of payment for transport tax were canceled, but the possibility of unpaid travel on public transport was left. In Yaroslavl, a beneficiary can receive compensation (50%) for costs when purchasing a ticket and traveling to another locality.

Veterans who served in Tajikistan

VBDs who served on the territory of Tajikistan are also given the right to certain benefits. According to official statistics, about 26,000 military personnel and 7,000 FSB officers were present there at the time.

According to it, in order to obtain social support, those wishing to do so must present evidence of membership in the UBD in Tajikistan (including their presence in the combat zone). But many of those who lived and worked in that region during the war did not receive such certificates, which is why the commissions refused to assign status to most applicants. Those who guarded the border with Afghanistan could receive status as veterans of military operations in Afghanistan.

The documents of those who served at that time record that they defended the border and maintained order in the country. The solution was the 2015 bill, which expanded the possibility of assigning veteran status to those who served in Tajikistan. Now, even those whose documents do not indicate participation in hostilities can become a veteran - all they need is a mark from the military about the performance of their duties.

So, veterans have the right to receive government assistance. Since it is paid for from the municipal budget, the final list and size depends on the specific region of residence. They can be submitted both in writing and online. A veteran can find out about the necessary documents from the social security department or local administration.

The Civic Chamber of Russia hosted a solemn ceremony of presenting certificates of combat veterans to military personnel who performed tasks to protect the constitutional rights of citizens, restore peace, maintain law and order, defend the Tajik-Afghan border, stabilize the situation, protect and defend important state facilities in times of emergency and armed conflict on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan in the period from September to November 1992, as well as from February 1993 to December 1997.

The Chairman of the RF OP Commission on Security and Interaction with POC, welcoming the participants, noted: “Today is a really good day, we have gathered for a very important, significant event, and many people have been waiting for this day. Justice has triumphed, and people who honorably fulfilled their duty to their Motherland will today receive certificates confirming their feat.”

Anton Tsvetkov also emphasized that, despite the fact that only a part of the people receiving certificates are present at the event, it is very important that they receive them within the walls of the Public Chamber: “We, social activists, together with deputy Alexander Khinshtein tried to get you these certificates."

In turn, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Khinshtein called this event very important and significant.

“The warriors defended the borders at the farthest frontiers and finally received their status, which belonged to them by right. A great injustice was committed, but we managed to achieve a solution to this problem; together with the Ministry of Defense, the FSB, and the Prosecutor’s Office, we achieved amendments to the law “On Veterans.” I am sure that we will correct other errors made in the law,” Khinshtein noted and also thanked Anton Tsvetkov for voicing this problem to the President of the country.

Let us recall that for a long time the status of the participants in these hostilities remained unconfirmed. The long-awaited amendments to the Federal Law “On Veterans” came into force on January 1, 2016, and now military personnel who took part in military conflicts in Tajikistan in the 1990s are recognized as participants in hostilities.

In response, the chief of staff of the 201st Motorized Rifle Division, reserve colonel Victor Kryukov said: “Our division, shoulder to shoulder with border guards and paratroopers, defended peace in Tajikistan. We are glad that justice has prevailed. Problems still remain, but I am sure that together with Anton Vladimirovich Tsvetkov and Alexander Evseevich Khinshtein we will solve them.”

The veteran expressed great gratitude to everyone who helped achieve the status of combatants for those present. As part of the event, a teleconference was held with veterans from Dushanbe, who also expressed gratitude, talked about their military past and present, and shared their problems.

Hero of the Russian Federation, Major General Sergey Lipovoy, congratulating the veterans, noted: “I saw how you stabilized the world in Tajikistan. Now we see how the republic is firmly on its feet and developing. Today you can proudly call yourself combat veterans. And let your exploits become an example to our children and grandchildren, let them be proud of you.”

Hero of Russia, space tester Sergey Nefedov noted that any story is rich in the people who make it: “The 201st division is legendary. Everyone knows its history - both in the Soviet Union and in Russia. We then tried to transfer something to the division, there, to the border. Our Fatherland is us. I serve the Fatherland!”

Not only Heroes of Russia congratulated veterans. First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Russian Federation Sarvar Bakhti sincerely admitted: “We will always remember your feat and are endlessly grateful to you. Low bow!

Military Commissioner of the Moscow Region, Major General Vyacheslav Miroshnichenko proudly announced the presentation of certificates. 28 veterans, 10 of whom are women, received them in a solemn atmosphere and amid applause.

Veterans of the civil war in Tajikistan have been waiting for twenty years for recognition of their military merits.
They fulfilled their duty with honor and the second time they were finally recognized.

In those years I didn’t think about benefits and awards, I simply fulfilled my military duty. On January 1, 2012, a law came into force, correcting a historical mistake and recognizing those who served on the Tajik-Afghan border as combat veterans.
But out of 25 thousand soldiers and officers, about one and a half thousand received veterans’ certificates. Even my battalion commander, the chief of regiment intelligence, holder of the Order of Personal Courage, had to write to President Putin in order to receive a certificate. And only after this letter did he become a combat veteran. I had no desire to run around the courts and prove anything to anyone. I received an official refusal from the military registration and enlistment office that there was no confirmation in my file that I had participated in hostilities. We simply weren’t given such recordings. In the military ID and work book there is another entry that in the period from 1994 to 1997 I performed tasks in a state of emergency and during armed conflicts. After 2012, veterans ran into the courts and began to prove that they were there, but they were turned away, and everyone received refusals; according to the law, you must have marks of participation in hostilities. Even the Hero of Russia had to prove, again, through appeals to the president, that he was a participant in the war. I looked at all this, spat and decided not to run to the courts. Yes, I was, yes, I served, but I don’t want to prove anything. And even once in a private conversation with the division chief of staff I said: come on, what kind of veterans we are. To which he sternly answered me that we had completed our tasks, and if we weren’t there, the republic would have drowned in blood. After this conversation, I rethought a lot. I remember how in one of the villages a little girl came out to our armored personnel carrier with a flatbread, and I tried to pay her for this flatbread, and she told me “be pul” (no money), how I shared sugar and canned food with children in the Kulyab region, and as a local teacher told me that these children grew up without sweets. How one woman told us that she was ready to kiss the armor of our dusty armored personnel carrier, if only it drove here with the Russian flag. At one time I tried to write my memories, but somehow it’s difficult for me, it’s easier for me to tell, and even then not to everyone. The veterans did not give up and, with the support of political parties and social movements, the soldiers and officers of the division nevertheless achieved changes in the law “On Veterans”. And just the other day, the Federation Council approved amendments to the law, and the President of Russia signed the Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Veterans”. The change applies to military personnel who served in the territory of Tajikistan in the 90s. If the current version of the law " On Veterans" considers as veterans only persons who participated in hostilities in the Republic of Tajikistan from September to November 1992 and from February 1993 to December 1997, then in the new law the wording of "participation" reads as follows: "Fulfillment of tasks to protect the constitutional rights of citizens , restoration of peace, maintenance of law and order, defense of the Tajik-Afghan border, stabilization of the situation, protection and defense of important government facilities in conditions of emergency and armed conflict on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan: September - November 1992; February 1993 - December 1997." The law comes into force on January 1, 2016. The story does not end there, the law has been signed, but the most difficult thing remains - communication with officials.

3. The story continues...

5. Veterans of the 201st MSD at the traditional meeting on Veteran’s Day on Poklonnaya Hill.

Thousands of soldiers and officers who carried out tasks to maintain peace and law and order in Tajikistan in the 90s will be able to receive the status of combat veterans. The corresponding bill has been submitted to the State Duma.

The authors of the bill, including the speaker of the lower house of parliament Sergei Naryshkin, considered that the legal formulations currently used in determining who is recognized as a participant in the fighting in Tajikistan and who is not, do not reflect the real state of affairs. To rectify the situation, deputies proposed adjusting the Law “On Veterans” in the part that deals with participants in hostilities in Tajikistan from September to November 1992 and from February 1993 to December 1997, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta ".

According to current standards, a person can be granted veteran status only on the basis of documents, for example, a certificate of the serviceman’s presence in a combat zone. But it was not issued to the soldiers and officers who fought in Tajikistan. In their personal files, at best, they made a note about “performing tasks to protect the constitutional rights of citizens, restoring peace, maintaining law and order, defending the Tajik-Afghan border, stabilizing the situation, protecting and defending important state facilities in conditions of a state of emergency and during an armed conflict in the territory Republic of Tajikistan".

In 2011, when the participants in those battles finally achieved mention of the southern “hot spot” in the Law “On Veterans,” few people thought about the wording. But the commissions authorized to deal with such cases often acted formally; as a result, only every fourth applicant for veteran status was issued certificates.

According to official statistics from the Ministry of Defense, since 2012, when amendments to the law came into force, out of 6,500 citizens who applied for a combat veteran certificate in connection with the performance of combat missions in Tajikistan, only 1,500 people received the corresponding document. And this despite the fact that at least 23 thousand military personnel could count on special status. Generally speaking, peace in the southern republic was restored by about 33.6 thousand Russian military personnel. More than 26 thousand people served there through the Ministry of Defense alone, and another 7 thousand through the FSB. True, after Tajikistan, some of them earned veteran’s certificates in the North Caucasus and South Ossetia.

The new law should help restore justice to other participants in the fighting. If it is adopted, officials will be deprived of the opportunity to interpret the law in their own way, and there will be much more grounds for recognizing a person as a veteran of military operations in Tajikistan. For example, in order to issue the certificates, it will be quite enough to have the corresponding entry in the military ID.

It is known that during the bloodshed in the Central Asian republic, 302 Russian soldiers were killed or died. Another 384 Russians were injured, shell-shocked and mutilated in Tajikistan. The state provides them and the families of fallen soldiers with material and social support. Other participants in those battles can now receive the right to such assistance.

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