Threats to the economic security of an enterprise are the essence of the topic. Analysis of the problems of economic security of an enterprise using the example of Gentel-Style LLC

Annotation. The article is devoted to the issuesensuring economic security. The author is considering the option of creating an economic security service.
Keywords: economic security, threats, ensuring economic security.

Currently, the importance of such aspect of the functioning of an enterprise as economic security is steadily increasing. Ensuring economic security is the basis for the existence of any economic entity in modern conditions. The economic security of an enterprise is interpreted as the ability to effectively achieve the main goal of its activities in a market economy - to make a profit - due to the precise performance by the enterprise of its functions under the influence of internal and external threats. The concept of “security threat” reflects such changes in the external and internal environment of the subject that lead to a negative change in the subject of security. The subject of threats can be those components of the enterprise’s economic system, the parameters of which may fall outside the permissible range.

There are various classifications of threats to the economic security of an enterprise. In relation to the subject, threats can be external and internal. External are caused by the influence of the external environment - political and economic instability, aggravation of global environmental problems, unpredictable reaction of trading partners, etc.; internal - the state of the enterprise itself. At the same time, internal factors can both strengthen and weaken the effect of external threats, and vice versa.

They also distinguish between real changes that have already occurred, and potential ones that may occur under certain conditions. There are threats that are purposefully created by other entities, and those that arise spontaneously, which are caused by the consequences of random events. Threats can be indirect in nature, act under certain additional conditions, and manifest themselves directly, directly causing negative changes. There are threats that generate negative changes over short periods of time (in turn, they can be regular and sporadic), and promising ones, the manifestation of which can occur over a long period of time after the occurrence of this threat. They, in turn, are divided into economic, political, social and environmental. The identified threats can be classified as partially neutralizable and not amenable to conscious control.

The greatest practical application today is the classification of threats to economic security according to the area of ​​their occurrence. In this context, the following threats are identified:

For the enterprise as a whole - financial insolvency, incompetent management or damage to reputation (leading to insolvency);

Information - leakage of strategically important information;

For material assets - physical disappearance (destruction or loss) or damage;

Intangible assets - their liquidation (for example, revocation of a license, non-renewal of a certificate, etc.);

Finance - loss;

Development prospects are affected by unfavorable market conditions.

Of course, these threats are not mutually exclusive, but overlap with each other. Any classification is to a certain extent conditional.

Threats to the economic security of an enterprise, depending on the source of their occurrence, are divided into objective and subjective. Objective ones arise without the participation and against the will of the enterprise or its employees, independent of the decisions made, the actions of the manager - this is the state of the financial situation, scientific discoveries, force majeure circumstances, etc. They must be recognized and must be taken into account in management decisions. Subjective threats are generated by intentional or unintentional actions of people, various bodies and organizations, including state and international enterprises of competitors. Therefore, their prevention is largely related to the impact on the subjects of economic relations.

In general, sources of threats to economic security can be:

1) external sources:

Market - changes in demand, exchange rates, product line, cost of loans, increased competition;

Unfair competition and other illegal actions of third parties directed against the enterprise;

Threats to the reputation of the enterprise for country, political, religious and other reasons, emanating from government bodies and public organizations;

Industrial disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks, natural disasters.

2) internal:

Personnel - disclosure of confidential information, deliberate violations of control procedures for the purpose of theft, negligence, sabotage;

Imperfection of the mechanism of control procedures (lack of necessary control, ignorance of their personnel).

Factors of economic security of an enterprise are a set of environmental conditions that affect security parameters. These factors are divided into internal and external. External factors can be divided into three subgroups:

1) macroeconomic: stage of development of the country’s economy, stability of economic legislation, inflation rate, currency parity, purchasing power of the population, state of the financial system, government policy (antimonopoly, investment, tax, innovation, regulatory, foreign economic, pricing);

2) market: consumer and industrial demand, price levels for raw materials and finished products, dynamics of competition in the region and industry, behavior of competitors, market capacity, solvency of counterparties;

3) other: the pace of scientific and technological progress, demographic trends, crime situation, natural and climatic factors, etc.

The set of internal factors of economic security can be divided into the following groups:

1) financial: structure and liquidity of assets, capital structure, provision of own working capital, level of profitability, profitability of investment projects, dividend policy;

2) production: use of working capital and fixed assets, condition and structure of fixed assets, quality control system, cost structure;

3) personnel: organizational management structure, personnel motivation, presence of a development strategy, qualifications and structure of personnel, wage parameters, level of rationalization activity, social events;

4) logistics: level of diversification of raw material supplies, quality of supplied raw materials, rhythm of supplies, use of modern technologies;

5) investment and technological: R&D, availability of investment resources, level of innovation activity;

6) sales: product range, pricing policy, order portfolio, degree of consumer diversification, policy of settlements with consumers, readiness of shipped products, marketing research;

7) environmental: introduction of new technologies, implementation of environmental measures.

The enterprise security service is an important structural unit organized by the administration to ensure the security of the economic, technical, technological, legal, commercial, physical and security components of the enterprise. The security service is a structural unit directly involved in the operation of the enterprise. its structure and staff are determined by the head of the enterprise depending on the characteristics of the activity and its scale. The appointment to the position of head of the security service, as well as his dismissal, is made by the head of the enterprise.

The structure of the security service is determined based on the results of the analysis of the functions of ensuring economic security. Its main functions include the following:

Organizational and managerial - influence on the formation and improvement of the organizational management structure, assistance in organizing the coordination and interaction of individual parts of the management system to achieve the set organizational goals;

Planning and production - development of comprehensive programs and individual special target plans to ensure enterprise safety;

Social and personnel - participation in personnel placement, prevention and localization of intra-organizational conflicts, creation of a healthy working environment in the team;

Administrative and administrative - preparation of decisions on organizing and ensuring the functioning of the corporate security system, determining the powers, duties, rights and responsibilities of employees in the field of security;

Economic and administrative - participation in planning and allocation of resources necessary to effectively solve enterprise security problems, in the preparation and implementation of security measures;

Accounting and control - identifying the most important areas of financial and economic activity and working to organize the timely detection of internal and external threats to the financial stability and stability of the enterprise, assessing their sources, establishing control over critical factors, keeping records of negative factors;

Organizational and technical - material, technical and financial support for the enterprise security system;

Scientific and methodological - accumulation and development of advanced security experience, training of staff, scientific study of emerging security problems, methodological support of activities in this area;

Information-analytical - targeted collection, storage and processing of information in the field of security.

The formation of an enterprise security service is carried out on the basis of developed documents (charter and instructions), which formulate the goals, objectives and responsibilities of the service.

The purpose of the enterprise security service is to timely identify and neutralize the conditions and causes that contribute to possible damage.

The list of the main tasks of the security service is determined by the need to achieve the specified goal and represents requirements for the implementation of measures in the following areas:

Ensuring the protection of enterprise property;

Ensuring personnel safety;

Ensuring the protection of trade secrets, etc.

The structure of the enterprise security service and its staff is determined in accordance with the goals, objectives and security functions. Its activities should be aimed at a comprehensive solution to the tasks noted above based on the developed strategy and the use of a wide range of tactical techniques for preparing and conducting security measures.

The security service must develop security regimes, establish and maintain these regimes, as well as monitor their compliance. It may include substructures of internal security, economic intelligence, physical protection, etc. As part of the enterprise security service, information, analytical and auxiliary units, as well as other organizational units in the areas of security, can also be formed, temporary structures can be created with the involvement of third-party specialists to solve complex complex security problems determined by specific goals and the current situation.

The relationship of the security service with other divisions and services of the enterprise is determined by a special charter and organizational and administrative documents on issues of these relations, which are formalized in the form of orders and instructions from the management of the enterprise.

The responsibility of the security service to the management of the enterprise, its divisions and workforce is determined in accordance with the functions. She and her employees bear legal, disciplinary and financial responsibility for the results of their work. The security service is given the opportunity to use its full potential to solve security problems.

The activities of the security service consist of creating the necessary organizational, material and legal conditions for identifying, suppressing and preventing attacks on property, favorable commercial conditions, intellectual property and scientific achievements, sustainability of economic relations, production discipline, socio-psychological situation, technological leadership, protected information .

Organizational conditions are formed on the basis of the development, construction and maintenance of high performance of the general organizational structure for managing the process of identifying and suppressing threats to the enterprise’s activities, the use of an effective mechanism for stimulating its optimal functioning, and appropriate training and education of personnel.

Material conditions are created through the allocation and use of financial, personnel, intellectual, technical, information and other resources that ensure timely identification, suppression or weakening of internal and external sources of threats, prevention and localization of possible damage and the creation of favorable opportunities and conditions for the enterprise. These resources fill organizational measures with the necessary material content, creating a real basis for the development of an enterprise security system.

The creation of legal conditions consists in the development, interpretation and implementation of legal norms, the establishment of the limits of their validity, the formation of necessary legal relations, the determination and provision of lawful behavior of enterprise personnel in relation to its criminological safety, the use of state and administrative coercive measures, the application of sanctions to individuals and legal entities. persons encroaching on the legitimate interests of the enterprise, constant improvement of the legal technology of the security service.

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Scientific director: Ph.D., Associate Professor Volkova M.N.

Economic security in the modern business world is becoming an increasingly important and multi-purpose component of administrative management. The concept of “security threat” has become changeable: new items are constantly added to the list of threats and old ones cease to be relevant. The fact is that security threats and risks reflect changes in the external environment of the enterprise, which lead to a negative change in the subject of security itself. The internal structure and conduct of business are also subject to constant changes.


“A threat to the economic security of an enterprise is a group of factors in the external and internal environment of an enterprise aimed at creating obstacles and complicating its work.”

Another definition related to people:

“A threat to the economic security of an enterprise is the actions of individuals or legal entities that disrupt the activities of the enterprise, which can lead to the cessation of work or other losses.”

These dry formulations imply a wide variety of situations: unfair competition, failure to fulfill contractual obligations by partners, economic crisis, theft within the company, managerial incompetence, etc.


There are many classifications of threats to the economic security of an enterprise, it all depends on the criteria. The most common version is the classification of threats according to the area of ​​their occurrence:

  • Threats to the entire enterprise: incompetent management, financial bankruptcy, deterioration of reputation.
  • Information threats: leakage of confidential data.
  • Threats to material assets: damage, loss, complete destruction.
  • Threats to intangible assets: loss or revocation (licenses, certificates, etc.).

External threats

Threats from this group are extremely difficult to predict and analyze. They are distinguished by their uncertainty, and this is where all the difficulties associated with them lie. External threats can be divided into the following types:

  • main and secondary;
  • objective and subjective;
  • controlled and uncontrolled;
  • existing in reality and potential;
  • random and natural (deterministic).

External environmental factors are a serious threat; they can undermine the work of an enterprise entirely and irrevocably. In order to deal with truly priority threats and not waste resources on small and insignificant factors, you need to be able to monitor and competently analyze the external environment. This is easy to write on paper, but very difficult to implement in practice.

It is almost impossible to identify all hazardous environmental factors and calculate the probable damage. Therefore, start with those external threats that can be controlled through marketing policies.

List of external threats and destabilizing factors that are possible in principle for any company:

  • raider takeovers with the machinations of competitors;
  • “greenmails” (light raiding with the aim of receiving payments, not seizing property);
  • political changes;
  • corruption;
  • economic crisis and currency collapse;
  • activity of criminal groups;
  • theft of material assets or intellectual property;
  • industrial espionage;
  • sale of confidential information to competitors by former employees of the company;
  • violations of officials and law enforcement agencies;
  • various types of force majeure from natural disasters to terrorist attacks.

Russian supplement

The list can be continued, but it is already impressive and very “unpleasant”, so we will stop and limit ourselves to only the purely Russian “addition” of external threats:

  • low level of capitalization of the economic system as a whole;
  • high level of monopolization of the main markets in the country's economy;
  • pronounced dependence on imports;
  • predominantly raw materials export format;
  • too strict customs restrictions;
  • low labor productivity (this threat is both an external and internal problem for companies).

The enterprise is able to control some of the external threats to economic security: wisely, for example, choose suppliers, come up with new tools for building customer loyalty, identify market segments for planned new products, etc.

But no company will be able to control, for example, government initiatives in tax policy or so-called restrictive business practices, which need to be discussed separately.

Restrictive business practices are a fairly new concept. It is associated with monopolistic pressure on partners and consumers with the ultimate goal of limiting competition and seizing a dominant position in the market. A favorite tool for this practice is unspoken barriers that undermine existing business agreements.

Insider threats

If we group internal threats to the economic security of an enterprise, they will look like this by priority: personnel, equipment, finance, information.

Internal threats are no less dangerous than external ones. The main and internal threats are employees. “Not out of malice, but purely out of ignorance” - this famous phrase can drive security officers to complete despair, which happens in reality more often than we would like.

For each company, the list of current threats is individual, especially for internal sources. The list of “general” typical sources is as follows:

  • sabotage or inaction of employees interfering with the implementation of planned tasks;
  • information leakage (unintentional or theft);
  • undermining the company’s business image (usually an unintentional threat);
  • incompetence of personnel and, above all, management;
  • conflicts of different nature and between different parties: from internal ones between colleagues, to conflicts with representatives of government agencies or partners;
  • failure to comply with safety and health regulations;
  • untrained and low qualified personnel;
  • lack of clear procedures and work processes.

For the attention of the first manager

Now attention! Of the eight points above, all eight are controllable. This means that internal threats to the economic security of the enterprise are within the area of ​​competence of the first manager. For each item, systemic preventive actions can be taken to minimize threats, at least of an internal nature. Thus, external and internal threats to the economic security of an enterprise differ in the most fundamental way from the point of view of controllability and predictability. Whatever can be done to minimize threats should be done. For the most part, this relates to internal factors.

What is not a threat to economic security?

Not every negative event results in a threat to the company. For example, management decisions on reengineering or improving operational efficiency carry certain risks and may result in losses if they fail or in the event of market changes. But such actions relate to the fulfillment of tasks and goals, this is the essence of entrepreneurial activity. And it always carries risks and involves a certain share of losses.

Losses resulting from a marketing decision, for example, a total reduction in prices to promote a new product, are not considered threats to the economic security of an enterprise. Because this is entrepreneurship again.

It is enough to remember that the main threats to the economic security of an enterprise have three characteristic features:

  • conscious selfish character;
  • there is usually a goal of causing damage;
  • inconsistency of actions.

External sources (factors) of threats

There are threats, and there are sources of threats to the economic security of an enterprise. Sometimes they are called factors, which in our context is the same thing. Threats and threat factors are different things and should be distinguished. Factors are environmental conditions that affect safety in general or its parameters in particular. These are not threats yet, but only their source. Why do you need to know them? Then, to track changes in these sources. To analyze and predict them from the point of view of economic security.

Sources (factors) are also divided into external and internal. External sources of threats include:

  • Market factors

Jumps in supply and demand, prices for raw materials and products, dynamics of market capacity, financial condition of counterparties, etc.

  • Macroeconomic factors

The level of economic legislation in the country, monetary policy, foreign economic relations, investment climate, etc.

  • Others

Demographic picture in the country, crime rate and criminogenic situation, climate, natural phenomena, etc.

Internal sources (factors) of threats

Internal factors that can affect economic security are the most “densely populated” population, to which any manager of any company should pay the closest attention.

Here is their list:

  • Financial: firm profitability, return on investment, dividend policy, asset structure, asset liquidity, etc.
  • Personnel: quality of development strategy, level of remuneration, social policy, motivation and incentives, etc.
  • Production: quality management system, structure of fixed assets, level of operational efficiency, etc.
  • Technological: innovation policy, research and analytical components of process technologies.
  • Marketing: optimality of the product line, targeting of consumption groups, system of customer relations, customer loyalty policy, etc.

Financial threats: more than theft

Financial threats to the economic security of an enterprise deserve special attention and special explanation. They can be both internal and external. Internal ones consist of malicious actions of a deliberate nature on the part of employees or the organization. Also, internal financial threats can be caused by poor quality work of employees of financial departments of an enterprise or partner organizations. This may be, for example, the lack of effective control over the structure of capital investment. Or an incorrectly established ratio of the shares of financial capital according to the risks and income of its components.

If we talk about external financial threats, then most often these are force majeure circumstances, which are an uncontrollable type of threat.

Risk analysis and assessment

Analysis of threats to the economic security of an enterprise should be the main component of all activities of economic security services: this is the only way to build an effective security system that takes into account the rapidly changing conditions of the emergence of threats.

This is a systematic collection of data about markets, competitors and other factors, followed by analysis and forecasting. It is necessary to analyze and evaluate all of the above sources of threats - both external and internal.

A high level of economic security will depend on the state of the following components of the enterprise’s activities:

  • High level of technological base, its competitiveness.
  • Effective organization management system.
  • Effective personnel policy, including strict hiring criteria.
  • Information Security.
  • Clear legal regulation of all issues related to the company's activities.

Neglecting the risks and threats to the economic security of an enterprise is like death. But the main rules and commandments of economic security completely coincide with methods for increasing the overall operational efficiency of the company. There are no special additional measures, everything is within the framework of a smart and adequate strategy. And that's great news.

Economic activity involves establishing close business cooperation, exchanging information, remittances, supplying products and providing services. The economic security of the enterprise (ES) depends on the effective minimization of risks at each stage of this process.

The functions for ensuring it are assigned to the enterprise economic security service (SEBS). Her activities are multifaceted. The well-being and prosperity of any business depends on the well-coordinated and effective operation of the EBP.

Preventing data leakage, timely verification of sent invoices before transferring funds, business partners before concluding a major transaction allows you to minimize risks, protect against bankruptcy and ensure successful operations. Therefore, maintaining EBP is one of the most important tasks.

Experts interpret the term EBP in this way: “The economic security of an enterprise is the process of using the company’s resources to optimize its activities in order to prevent possible damage, minimize risks and ensure the stable functioning of the business.” This task is not easy, because threats lie in wait for any organization from the moment of its founding.

Threats to the economic security of an enterprise

There are plenty of situations in which you can lose money in business. This is the specificity of market relations. The task of the SEBP is to protect the company from any threats in order to ensure optimal conditions for the realization of commercial interests and business development according to a pre-planned plan.

There are a lot of destabilizing factors that can lead to serious financial losses. They can act separately or form complexes in which synergy occurs and their negative impact increases.

Each business has its own set of destabilizing factors, but there are certain elements inherent in the activities of any company. They are usually divided into external and internal.

External threats to economic activity

These factors can seriously undermine the company's activities:

    industrial espionage;

    insolvency of business partners;

    intrigues of competitors to capture the market;

    illegal activities of criminals;

    fraudulent actions of legal entities and individuals;

    sale of company information and secrets by former employees;

    various offenses by officials and law enforcement officers.

A business that is constantly exposed to destabilizing factors is difficult to develop and raise to a new level.

Internal threats to economic activity

Internal threats can cause no less damage than external ones. There are even more of them, since most of them are run by current employees. Having access to confidential information, negligent employees may, out of ignorance or malicious intent, commit illegal actions that have negative consequences.

A set of internal threats that affect economic security:

    undermining the company's business image;

    illegal actions of personnel leading to financial damage;

    inaction of officials and workers, interfering with the implementation of the planned plan;

    leakage of confidential information, both theft and unintentional transfer to third parties;

    unskilled personnel activities leading to the loss of important contracts and the severance of mutually beneficial partnerships;

    various conflicts with representatives of the business environment, criminal structures, officials and law enforcement officers;

    systematic violations of safety regulations, leading to injuries or even death of employees;

    low-skilled, inexperienced personnel, including a threat to economic security.

The more factors from the above lists are present in the daily activities of an enterprise, the less chance of commercial success of the business. Therefore, it is not worth saving on the allocation of material and technical resources and finances that the economic security of the enterprise requires.

Ensuring economic security

Having analyzed the main threats and their harmful consequences, we can draw a logical conclusion - optimization of economic activity is possible only with systematic, constant efforts to protect it. Its effectiveness depends on an integrated organization and a systematic approach.

It is necessary to optimize management, maintain regime at the facility, and carry out large-scale preventive and promotional activities. Each of these measures makes it possible to prevent not one, but several threats. To systematize them, it is very convenient to divide this area into separate sectors:

    financial. Risks associated with transactions, transfer of funds.

    intellectual and personnel. Unqualified, non-executive personnel. Penetration of employees by persons passing on information to competitors, etc.

    technical and technological. Insufficient security of the territory, buildings, structures, vehicle fleet and other property of the enterprise. Poorly organized TB at work, leading to economic losses.

    political-legal. Possible conflicts between the activities of the enterprise and the law. Opposition to business by corrupt officials.

    informational. Loss of confidential information, results of unique developments, etc.;

    ecological. Prevention of various emergency situations.

    power. Illegal actions by criminals. Conflicts with law enforcement agencies.

Countering financial risks

The economic security of an enterprise requires constant collection of data on the state of the market, the presence of competitors, analysis of their activities, as well as forecasting the development of the situation, taking into account the main risks.

Any legal entities or individuals with whom contracts, partnerships or collaborations are to be entered into are subject to thorough verification in order to identify fraud, inconsistencies in details, problem loans and past transactions.

If facts discrediting the image of the enterprise are discovered, measures are taken to smooth out the damage caused and prevent similar attempts in the future.


    control and continuous improvement of EPS;

    increasing the efficiency of identifying threats that interfere with occupying a more profitable segment in the market;

    formation of a favorable image among clients and partners.

    Preparation of claims for compensation for material and moral damage.

Settlement of intellectual and personnel problems

In order to prevent and minimize the consequences of inaction, illegal or unintentional actions of former and current employees, the activities of the SEBP begin at the stage of reviewing applications of applicants for open vacancies.


    screening out unreliable candidates;

    prevention of negative activities;

    socio-psychological, propaganda, preventive work;

    training and advanced training of personnel.

Maintaining technical and technological safety

Internal security activities require active planning:

    fire protection measures;

    access control regime;

    protection of material assets;

    staffing schedule taking into account the specifics of the business;

    effective telephone communications, computer networks;

    video surveillance systems for data collection, audit and analysis;

    control over compliance with safety regulations, analysis of each emergency that resulted in injury or death of an employee.

Prevention of risks associated with the political and legal sphere


    control of current legislation;

    settlement of disputes with officials;

    analysis of the causes of crisis situations that occurred in the past.

Protection of information and confidential data

The legal right of an enterprise is to protect its commercial interests. It is impossible to achieve it without ensuring data confidentiality, complete inviolability of reporting documentation, development results, know-how, trade secrets and other intellectual property.


    protection against technical penetration;

    preventing industrial espionage;

    ensuring the safety of intellectual property;

    establishing computer security, network administration.

Environmental Safety

Prevention of emergency incidents at the site that can lead to serious economic losses.


    maintaining radiation and chemical protection;

    monitoring compliance with environmental safety standards.

Power security of the enterprise

It involves protecting the interests of the enterprise from encroachments and illegal actions by criminal structures and individual violators.


    development of effective response algorithms for unauthorized entry and illegal actions;

    support of cargo and passenger transportation;

    optimization of the level of physical safety of personnel;

    organization of security for business meetings, negotiations, cultural events.

Such activities make it possible to create an effective system for ensuring the economic security of an enterprise, allowing you to avoid unreasonable economic losses and always achieve your goals.

Analysis of the economic security of the enterprise

The tasks facing the enterprise security service can hardly be called simple. Any way to optimize the activities carried out should not be missed.

Our technological capabilities allow us to maintain the economic security of the enterprise at a high level. They are extensive and are of interest to enterprises of all forms of ownership and areas of activity. We offer several ways to check an enterprise’s economic security indicators, allowing you to quickly detect vulnerabilities in the EBP, as well as weed out unreliable clients and partners.

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The service database contains information about many companies, including data on bankruptcy, debt, arbitration, the presence of government contracts, extracts from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Finding everything you need is very easy. Economic security is checked by:

    name of the enterprise;

    his TIN and address;

    manager's surname.

The search result in the form of a business card is displayed almost instantly. You can view it yourself, or entrust the generation of a report on the issue of interest to service representatives. You can fill out an application on the official website of the resource. Contact us, we will be happy to help!

Currently, the importance of such aspect of the functioning of an enterprise as economic security is steadily increasing. Ensuring economic security is the basis for the existence of any economic entity in modern conditions. The economic security of an enterprise is interpreted as the ability to effectively achieve the main goal of its activities in a market economy - to make a profit - due to the precise performance by the enterprise of its functions under the influence of internal and external threats. The concept of “security threat” reflects such changes in the external and internal environment of the subject that lead to a negative change in the subject of security. The subject of threats can be those components of the enterprise’s economic system, the parameters of which may fall outside the permissible range.

There are various classifications of threats to the economic security of an enterprise. In relation to the subject, threats can be external and internal. External are caused by the influence of the external environment - political and economic instability, aggravation of global environmental problems, unpredictable reaction of trading partners, etc.; internal - the state of the enterprise itself. At the same time, internal factors can both strengthen and weaken the effect of external threats, and vice versa.

They also distinguish between real changes that have already occurred, and potential ones that may occur under certain conditions. There are threats that are purposefully created by other entities, and those that arise spontaneously, which are caused by the consequences of random events. Threats can be indirect in nature, act under certain additional conditions, and manifest themselves directly, directly causing negative changes.

There are threats that generate negative changes over short periods of time (in turn, they can be regular and sporadic), and promising ones, the manifestation of which can occur over a long period of time after the occurrence of this threat. They, in turn, are divided into economic, political, social and environmental. The identified threats can be classified as partially neutralizable and not amenable to conscious control. The greatest practical application today is the classification of threats to economic security according to the area of ​​their occurrence. In this context, the following threats to the enterprise as a whole are identified - financial insolvency, incompetent management or damage to reputation (leading to insolvency); - information - leakage of strategically important information; - material assets - physical disappearance (destruction or loss) or damage; - intangible assets - their liquidation (for example, revocation of a license, non-renewal of a certificate, etc.); - finances, loss, development prospects - unfavorable market conditions. Of course, these threats are not mutually exclusive, but overlap with each other. Any classification is to a certain extent conditional.

Threats to the economic security of an enterprise, depending on the source of their occurrence, are divided into objective and subjective. Objective ones arise without the participation and against the will of the enterprise or its employees, independent of the decisions made, the actions of the manager - this is the state of the financial situation, scientific discoveries, force majeure circumstances, etc. They must be recognized and must be taken into account in management decisions.

Subjective threats are generated by intentional or unintentional actions of people, various bodies and organizations, including state and international enterprises of competitors. Therefore, their prevention is largely related to the impact on the subjects of economic relations. In general, sources of threats to economic security can be:

1) external sources: market - changes in demand, exchange rates, product line, cost of loans, increased competition; - unfair competition and other illegal actions of third parties directed against the enterprise; - threats to the reputation of the enterprise for country, political, religious and other reasons, emanating from government bodies and public organizations; - industrial accidents, accidents, terrorist attacks, natural disasters.

2) internal: personnel - disclosure of confidential information, deliberate violations of control procedures for the purpose of theft, negligence, sabotage; - imperfection of the mechanism of control procedures (lack of necessary control, ignorance of their personnel).

Factors of economic security of an enterprise are a set of environmental conditions that affect security parameters. These factors are divided into internal and external. External factors can be divided into three subgroups:

1) macroeconomic: stage of development of the country’s economy, stability of economic legislation, inflation rate, currency parity, purchasing power of the population, state of the financial system, government policy (antimonopoly, investment, tax, innovation, regulatory, foreign economic, pricing);

2) market: consumer and industrial demand, price levels for raw materials and finished products, dynamics of competition in the region and industry, behavior of competitors, market capacity, solvency of counterparties;

3) other: the pace of scientific and technological progress, demographic trends, crime situation, natural and climatic factors, etc. The set of internal factors of economic security can be divided into the following groups:

1) financial: structure and liquidity of assets, capital structure, provision of own working capital, level of profitability, profitability of investment projects, dividend policy;

2) production: use of working capital and fixed assets, condition and structure of fixed assets, quality control system, cost structure;

3) personnel: organizational management structure, personnel motivation, presence of a development strategy, qualifications and structure of personnel, wage parameters, level of rationalization activity, social events;

4) logistics: level of diversification of raw material supplies, quality of supplied raw materials, rhythm of supplies, use of modern technologies;

5) investment and technological: R&D, availability of investment resources, level of innovation activity;

6) sales: product range, pricing policy, order portfolio, degree of consumer diversification, policy of settlements with consumers, readiness of shipped products, marketing research;

7) environmental: introduction of new technologies, implementation of environmental measures. The enterprise security service is an important structural unit organized by the administration to ensure the security of the economic, technical, technological, legal, commercial, physical and security components of the enterprise.

The security service is a structural unit directly involved in the operation of the enterprise. its structure and staff are determined by the head of the enterprise depending on the characteristics of the activity and its scale. The appointment to the position of head of the security service, as well as his dismissal, is made by the head of the enterprise.

The structure of the security service is determined based on the results of the analysis of the functions of ensuring economic security. Its main functions include the following: organizational and managerial; social - personnel; administrative and administrative; economic and administrative; accounting and control; organizational and technical; scientific and methodological; information and analytical.

The formation of an enterprise security service is carried out on the basis of developed documents (charter and instructions), which formulate the goals, objectives and responsibilities of the service. The purpose of the enterprise security service is to timely identify and neutralize the conditions and causes that contribute to possible damage.

The list of the main tasks of the security service is determined by the need to achieve this goal and represents requirements for the implementation of measures in the following areas: - ensuring the protection of enterprise property; - ensuring personnel safety; - ensuring the protection of trade secrets, etc.

The structure of the enterprise security service and its staff is determined in accordance with the goals, objectives and security functions. Its activities should be aimed at a comprehensive solution to the tasks noted above based on the developed strategy and the use of a wide range of tactical techniques for preparing and conducting security measures. The security service must develop security regimes, establish and maintain these regimes, as well as monitor their compliance.

It may include substructures of internal security, economic intelligence, physical protection, etc. As part of the enterprise security service, information, analytical and auxiliary units, as well as other organizational units in the areas of security, can also be formed, temporary structures can be created with the involvement of third-party specialists to solve complex complex security problems determined by specific goals and the current situation.

The relationship of the security service with other divisions and services of the enterprise is determined by a special charter and organizational and administrative documents on issues of these relations, which are formalized in the form of orders and instructions from the management of the enterprise. The responsibility of the security service to the management of the enterprise, its divisions and workforce is determined in accordance with the functions. She and her employees bear legal, disciplinary and financial responsibility for the results of their work.

The security service is given the opportunity to use its full potential to solve security problems. The activities of the security service consist of creating the necessary organizational, material and legal conditions for identifying, suppressing and preventing attacks on property, favorable commercial conditions, intellectual property and scientific achievements, sustainability of economic relations, production discipline, socio-psychological situation, technological leadership, protected information . Organizational conditions are formed on the basis of the development, construction and maintenance of high performance of the general organizational structure for managing the process of identifying and suppressing threats to the enterprise’s activities, the use of an effective mechanism for stimulating its optimal functioning, and appropriate training and education of personnel.

Material conditions are created through the allocation and use of financial, personnel, intellectual, technical, information and other resources that ensure timely identification, suppression or weakening of internal and external sources of threats, prevention and localization of possible damage and the creation of favorable opportunities and conditions for the enterprise. These resources fill organizational measures with the necessary material content, creating a real basis for the development of an enterprise security system.

The creation of legal conditions consists in the development, interpretation and implementation of legal norms, the establishment of the limits of their validity, the formation of necessary legal relations, the determination and provision of lawful behavior of enterprise personnel in relation to its criminological safety, the use of state and administrative coercive measures, the application of sanctions to individuals and legal entities. persons encroaching on the legitimate interests of the enterprise, constant improvement of the legal technology of the security service.

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