Unified form t 1 in word format. Employment order, sample form for admission to another organization

Unified form No. T-1
Approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1

Applications in Word and Excel format.

  • APPENDIX 3 "Order form for hiring an employee T-1a" (in Excel format) (XLS 29.512 Kb)
  • APPENDIX 2 "Order form for hiring an employee T-1a" (in Word format) (RTF 51.238 Kb)
  • APPENDIX 1 "Order form for hiring an employee" T-1 (RTF 63.363 Kb)

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How to fill out the unified T-1 form

After an employment contract has been concluded with a new employee, you need to issue a hiring order and create a personal card. Form T-1 of the employment order is filled out on the basis of the completed employment contract

, since the content of the order must fully comply with the terms of the employment contract (Part 1 of Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The unified form T-1 was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. You can also use a form you have developed yourself. Employees must be familiarized with the order and signed within three days from the moment they actually started work. Attention! The order does not need to be issued when employing persons with whom the agreement has been concluded. civil contracts paid provision services, contracts, etc. This is due to the fact that the current labor legislation

does not apply to such employees. An expert from Sistema Personnel will tell you how to issue an order to hire an employee

. From the article you will learn what HR managers should take into account.

Order form T-1: most frequently asked questionsQuestion: What should be written in the order column “Hire according to...” if the employee is employed at?

Expert's answer: in this case, the specified cell is not filled in (section 1 of the instructions, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1). Well, you need to use the phrase “indefinite period”, “not defined”, “not established”, etc. You can simply put a dash.

Order form T-1: most frequently asked questionsWhat to enter in the column “Conditions of employment, nature of work”, if filled out unified form employment order and the employee was hired normal conditions, that is, this Full time job with an eight-hour working day and the like?

Expert answer: This column is filled out only if the conditions and nature of the work differ from those generally established in the organization. For example, if an employee is hired:

  1. at the same time;
  2. part-time;
  3. nbsp; in the order of transfer from another organization and the like.

This follows from the first section of the instructions approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004, No. 1. In order not to leave this line empty, you can make a record that the employee was hired by the organization on normal terms (main job, permanent).

Ivan Shklovets, deputy head Federal service on labor and employment, will tell about the most common mistakes that employers allow when applying for employment and in labor relations with employees.

What are the requirements for filling out a unified employment order form?

The employment order T-1 or T-1a is issued on the basis of the agreement concluded with the TD employee. The order forms were approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004, No. 1. Organizations have the right to use forms based on an independently developed template.

You can download the unified order form No. T-1 at the beginning of the article!

Regardless of what form of order is used, its content must fully comply with all the terms of the employment contract concluded with a certain employee (Part 1 of Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The order is brought to the attention of the employed person within three days, and mandatory against signature (Part 2 of Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Where to download the unified form T-1

Although unified forms It is not necessary to apply; most organizations use this form of instructions. The employment order T-1 is very convenient for practical application. Such forms are more familiar to personnel officers. Rarely occurs when filling a large number of questions.

But anyway individual companies began to use forms according to independently developed and approved form. In them, organizations include only the information that is required for basic personnel procedures. When developing such samples, it is necessary to include details of the primary accounting documents established by Article Nine Federal Law“On Accounting” No. 402-FZ.

Sample of filling out form T-1

Details contained in the unified form T-1

How to prepare an order for hiring a T-1 part-time worker

When hiring a part-time worker, the order is issued in the form T-1, T-1a or drawn up on a form developed independently by the organization. The same information is included in the order as when hiring the main employee. In the column “conditions and nature of the work to be performed” it is indicated that this is a part-time job.

Form T-1 download: hiring an external part-time worker

Form T-1 of the employment order must be completed on the basis of a formalized employment contract, since the content of the order must fully comply with the terms of the TD (employment contract). The order can be filled out on forms unified sample or those that are developed independently by the organization.

As soon as new employee passed all kinds of professional aptitude tests at the enterprise and that’s it job responsibilities agreed upon with the employer, the turn comes official employment. One of the documents used to register an employee as vacant position, is an Order for employment on Form T-1. If a group of people is hired at once, the order is drawn up in form T-1a.

Sample and form of an order for employment in the T-1 form

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The employment order can be drawn up by an employee of the personnel service, or by the employer himself, if the enterprise is small. The document is signed by the relevant official (or manager), and only after that is presented to the new employee for signature.

An entry in the work book (or registration, if the employee receives it for the first time) is made after drawing up and signing the T-1 form.

The employment order signed by both parties goes into the archives of the enterprise and is stored there for the entire duration of the employee’s presence in a particular position. Sometimes a situation arises when an employee may need this order; in this case, he makes a request to the accounting department, and it issues him a certified copy of the document. The copy must bear the company's seal.

Stages of filling out an employment order according to form T-1

When starting to fill out, remember: there should be no errors, clerical errors or corrections in the document. You can correct what you have written, but you must put the seal of the company and write “believe the correction”, and also sign for the official responsible for personnel or the manager. But it’s easier, if a mistake is made, to order to destroy and create a new one.

What you need to fill out in the employee’s hiring order is highlighted in the images below with a yellow marker. The remaining fields are present in the sample order by default and do not need to be adjusted.

So, the first thing to do is enter the name of the organization, in our case - Great Forest LLC.
Further - Document Number and him date.

These documents can be numbered in any way, but, of course, any personnel service does it in order.
In our case, the order was drawn up on February 14, 2017, document number 24.

Count "recruit" contains two input fields. Moreover, the first field must be filled in in any case. This is the date from which the employee will begin his job duties.
The second field most often turns out to be empty, since the company, by default, accepts workers for an indefinite period. However, if deadline the presence of the employee in the position is established by the employment contract, it must be reflected in this column.

Attention! Filling out all fields of the order for hiring an employee must comply with the previously concluded employment contract between the employee and the employer.

Fill in the field “ salary" And " bonus" If there is no bonus provided (as in our example), we leave the last field blank.

Also, if the employment contract contains a probationary period condition, this must be reflected in the order. The default form says “month(s)”, but you can change it to “weeks” if you need a shorter period. In the example, we did just that.

Field " base" - This component order, which should contain the date and number of the document on the basis of which it was drawn up this order. In our case, an employment contract.

After completing the order, executive, or the manager puts his signature, its transcript, and enters his position. Then he gives an order for review by the employee, who must make sure that all the information in the order corresponds to the previously concluded employment contract. If no discrepancies are noticed, the employee boldly puts his signature and can begin his duties on the appointed date.

Consignment note, form which was approved in 1997 by Goskomstat Resolution No. 78, usually requiresenterprises that often use to deliver their products automobile transport. To automate the process of issuing this primary document it is more expedient to use electronic TTN form.

TTN: download the form in excel

If the company does not have automated programs for maintaining accounting(for example, “1C:Enterprise”), in which TTN form integrated and filled in semi-automatically, you should use office programs. To fill out this document, you must have a blank on your computer. forms 1-T TTN V electronic format. In order not to waste time on independent development this template, easier download TTN form from one of the Internet resources.

It should be borne in mind that the file with the pdf extension should be filled in in electronic format It’s unlikely to work, because not everyone has an editor for files of this type. TTN forms with extensions doc, docx, odt are also not very convenient, since the capabilities of auto-calculating quantities/amounts and auto-fill functions in documents of these formats are quite modest. It will be much more convenient downloadfree consignment note in excel format (xls, xlt, xlsx). Such files are most convenient for filling out electronic forms, because they are focused specifically on working with spreadsheet documents.

But it is necessary to pay attention to when it was approved consignment note, download form which you are going to. It is important that there is a mark in the upper right corner about regulatory document, which this form consignment note (1-T) approved. The correct form will be the one on which the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 78 is indicated.

TTN form 2015-2016 (Russia)

In 2016, on the territory Russian Federation used form of consignment note 1-T, approved back in 1997. After approval, no other changes were made to the document form, but confusion may arise due to the adoption of the consignment note (Government Decree No. 272 ​​dated April 15, 2011).

However, today both forms of documents - TTN and waybill - operate in parallel. The main difference between the waybill and the 1-T form is that the first does not have product section and when specifying a product, the price is not indicated - there is only the possibility of indicating the declared value. Which form of these two should be used and when? General rule in this case the following: during transportation on our own(buyer or supplier) a TTN is issued, but if the cargo is carried by a third-party carrier or is in “transit,” then Form 1-T is used.

The confusion with the use of document forms when registering the transportation of goods is caused by the fact that the Ministry of Finance, by its letter dated November 6, 2014 No. 03-03-06/1/55918, established that in order to confirm the contract for the carriage of goods, it is the consignment note that is required. This means that, in the opinion of the Ministry, transportation costs can only be confirmed by a consignment note filled out according to approved by resolution Government Form No. 272.

However, there is an explanation and tax service on this occasion. The letter of the Federal Tax Service dated March 21, 2012 No. ED-4-3/4681@ directly states that to confirm transportation costs when calculating income tax, you can use both the 1-T form and the invoice form.

Therefore, if it is more common to issue waybills, or the enterprise uses the TTN and does not fill out TORG-12, then there is no need to change anything and switch to new uniform transport documentation. Besides download TTN(and absolutely free) on any accounting website.

Nuances of filling out the TTN

The shipper is required to prepare waybills for each vehicle trip. It does not matter whether motor vehicle property of the shipper or he used the services of a third party to provide motor transport services. TTN, download the form, which can be found on any accounting website, is compiled for each consignee separately. This should also be followed in the case when all these inventory items are moved simultaneously in one vehicle.

For the driver, in accordance with the rules traffic, TTN is the main document that must be presented for cargo when checked on the road by traffic police officers. In the absence of this document, the entire cargo may be seized until the circumstances of the delivery are clarified.

Invoices are drawn up in four copies. In this case, the first copy with the driver’s signature confirming receipt of the cargo remains with the shipper. In case of loss or damage to the cargo in transit, according to this document, the sender of the cargo will be able to recover from transport organization carrying out the transportation of this consignment, material damage. After all, when signing the TTN Responsibility for the safety of the cargo is transferred to the transport organization.

The remaining three copies of the TTN follow along with the cargo. The second copy is given to the shipper upon acceptance of the goods. The shipper makes a note about the presence or absence of claims and signs the document (all three copies). Subsequently transport company returns one signed by all parties copy of TTN to the shipper along with documents on transport services.

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An order in form No. T-1a is drawn up when hiring several people at once. The form is also an order (administration order) to hire an employee or group of employees.

There are two types of forms that have a separate abbreviation: form T-1 and form T-1a.
The differences are that the T-1 form represents an order regarding the hiring of one employee, while the T-1a serves when a group of employees is hired.

This unified form was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

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How to correctly fill out an order for hiring employees

Note! When concluding an employment contract for an indefinite period with several employees, the “to” column in the “Period of work” detail is not filled in.

Filling out form T-1a is the responsibility of the person responsible for maintaining personnel work, namely, organizing the hiring of persons in accordance with the conditions set out in the employment contract. It should also be noted that the employee working with the document must have highly qualified, his work must also be monitored in a timely manner by higher authorities.

When issuing an order, it is mandatory to indicate the following information:

Full name of the site, department, any other structural unit, in which newly hired employees will carry out activities in accordance with the employment contract;
- mandatory indication of professions, positions held, specialties for which employees are accepted upon registration;
- probation, for which each of the employees is accepted, provided that the availability of the deadline is agreed upon collective agreement;
- the conditions for admission to upcoming work, her character (this may well be a part-time job, performing certain type tasks, long-term replacement of any full-time employee, or other).

All data should be verified with passport information, to avoid errors when filling out.

In the event that hiring employees does not have certain period, then the corresponding “work period” field should not be filled in. After the document is signed by the head (or a person authorized on his behalf) of the organization into which a group of workers is hired, appropriate entries are made in work books, and also enter data into personal cards in the personnel department. At the same time, the accounting department opens a personal account for hired employee, he is also given a copy of the application form for the position upon signature.

The order is signed by the manager and the employee within three days from the date of signing the employment contract. Instead of the manager, he can sign the order authorized person on the basis of an order from an organization or a power of attorney.

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