Damage from the bay apartment assessment. Independent assessment of damage after an apartment was flooded

  • Call utility representatives. They must draw up a report on the bay, which must show the damage.
  • It is advisable to notify the culprit by telegram 3 working days in advance. (Notification is made at the request of the injured party, or you can give the inspection notice in person, under whose signature you call for inspection)
  • Do not begin repairs, remove traces of leaks and damage until the appraiser arrives.
  • During the inspection, show the appraiser the places of leaks and damage to the apartment, show the flood report, certificate of ownership, floor plan.
  • Do not interfere with the inspection and familiarization with the report of an independent expert to the culprit of the gulf.

In the future, when you receive the conclusion of an independent assessment examination, you can go to court to recover damages after the flood. You can reach an “peace agreement” with your neighbors; to do this, you need to send it to them by mail or hand it in person against signature before filing a lawsuit. It will outline your requirements with reference to laws, and indicate a response time period, usually 3-10 business days. We are assessing the bay ()

All reports of our company are compiled according to all assessment standards and are legally binding in court. We employ only experienced appraisers. You will always receive accurate and profitable reports.

If it was not possible to reach an amicable agreement, then you have a direct route to court. In addition to the cost of the claim, the culprit will also be charged the costs of paying an independent appraiser, postal costs, if any, legal costs, and the cost of paying state fees.

Speeches from our appraisers:

An independent assessment of damage to an apartment is:

Firstly , our experts are guided in their calculations by the requirements of SNIiP, laws and assessment standards. They exclude partial repairs. All standards require complete repainting or reworking of the surface.

Secondly , all calculations occur at market prices. When making calculations, the appraiser takes into account:

  • current state of prices on the repair and restoration market
  • minimum order price for a work crew
  • price of finishing materials
  • price of machines and mechanisms and related work.

Such an assessment report will help you recover damages after a flood (flood) from the culprit in court.

Advantages of an independent assessment with us

Honest appraisers

Our experts carry out assessments at market prices, with calculations of consumables and technologies used. The estimated amount of our company is higher than the calculations of the Housing Office.

Confidence in court

Our experts carry out assessments in accordance with all regulations and legislation. Therefore, our reports are suitable for courts of any level.

Free for the injured party

We build our defense in such a way that all costs will be recognized as legal fees and you will not have to pay anything.

Free consultation by phone

We are ready to advise you on any issue, offer the most profitable option and find an approach to any problem.

Damage assessment after repairs to neighbors and where to go?

If your neighbors are flooded, you need to contact the following organizations in this order:

  • Emergency service, emergency workers need to report a leak from the neighbors’ apartment and call them to fix the leak.
  • Order an independent examination after the flooding of the apartment to assess the material damage caused by the flooding.
  • Next, submit a pre-trial proposal for compensation for damage caused by the bay through their fault.
  • If your neighbors refuse to pay voluntarily, sue them and get through the court the amount that independent appraisers calculated for you.

Who is to blame if the battery bursts?

Typically, there are three reasons:

  • Poor quality pipes, heating radiators - manufacturing defects;
  • Negligence when installing central heating pipes and heating radiators;
  • Pressure surges.

According to Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, “A person who causes harm to the owner of property is obliged to compensate it in full...”. In order to receive compensation from the culprit of the flood, you need to order an independent assessment, then contact the culprit of the flood with a legal claim. Our couriers will be happy to deliver your report to you. at a convenient place and time.

The correct sequence of actions allows you to minimize damage and receive compensation payments quickly and without lengthy legal proceedings. If your neighbors flood your apartment, ExCompany experts advise you to act in the following order:

  • Eliminate the cause of the flooding.

If the room continues to flood, contact your neighbors. If they do not open the door (no one is home), immediately call the management company and describe the situation.

  • Record the details of the HOA specialist who took your call.

Before calling the management company, take a piece of paper and a pen, write down the date and time of the call and be sure to record the name of the employee who accepted your call.

  • Determine the cause of the flooding.

Typically, the initial inspection is carried out directly by housing office employees. Most often, flooding occurs due to a break in heating pipes or hot and cold water supply pipes, improperly installed plumbing or heated towel rails, or rusted communications located in the walls of the house. Establishing the cause allows us to identify the culprit of the emergency: it is not always a neighbor; perhaps the flooding occurred due to a leaking roof. In this case, the company that carried out the repairs on the house is responsible. But to prove this, an assessment of the damage from the flooding of the apartment will be required for the court.

  • Draw up an act for filling the apartment.

The next step is to document the damage to your property. This is recorded in detail in the application according to the established template. Its writing should be taken responsibly: the more detailed the damage is described, the more accurate the calculation is and the more difficult it is to challenge the act in court. Many ExCompany clients draw up acts only after consultation with our specialists or completely entrust the entire legal side of the issue to professionals.

  • Conduct an independent examination of the apartment after the flood.

Call our company and select a date that is convenient for you for the assessment. You can also get a free consultation from our specialists in advance and ask them all the legal questions you have. As a result of our cooperation, you will receive a ready-made expert opinion, which is an important part of the evidence base in court of any instance.

If you want to receive compensation that covers the actual damage caused, call ExCompany!

1 room (premises) including furniture, appliances Cost: 3499 rubles, Terms: 3 - 5 working days

2 rooms (premises) including furniture, appliances Cost: 4999 rubles, Terms: 3 - 5 working days

3 rooms (premises) including furniture, appliances Cost: 6499 rubles, Terms: 3 - 5 working days

Included in cost:
1) travel of an expert to the inspection site within the Moscow Ring Road (travel outside the Moscow Ring Road is negotiated separately);
2) preparation of an independent examination report with photographs, inspection report, calculations and other documents.
1) preparing and sending a telegram to the defendant (culprit) - 900 rubles.
2) delivery of documents by courier within the Moscow Ring Road - 299 rubles.
3) preparation of a pre-trial claim to the defendant (culprit) - 2000 rubles.
4) lawyer conducting a case in court - from 10,000 rubles.

An independent examination of the apartment's bay is the most an effective opportunity to legally protect your interests. Apartment flooding is one of the most common disasters causing property damage today.

Independent examination of the apartment bay is one of the priority areas of activity of our company. We have accumulated vast practical experience in this area. An independent assessment of damage from the flood is a determination of the cost of restoration repairs. Those. determining the cost of work, spare parts and materials necessary to restore the apartment to its pre-flood condition. Our company’s appraisers are people with many years of experience and a positive reputation. You can be sure that when assessing the damage from the flood, our company’s specialists will take into account all the “highlights” of the individual design and renovation of the apartment.

Having previously agreed on the date and time of the independent examination, the appraiser (independent expert) conducts a detailed inspection of the apartment and photographs damaged finishing elements (ceiling, walls, floor), damaged furniture, etc. Draws up an inspection report, recording a list of damaged parts, detected faults ( stains, peelings, cracks, dents, tears, kinks, breaks, deformations, distortions, etc.) and prescribes appropriate repair measures to eliminate them (replacing wallpaper, replacing parquet, painting walls, etc.). Based on the inspection report, the appraiser makes a calculation - calculating the cost of restoration repairs. The result of the work to assess the damage to the apartment from the flood is an Assessment Report, carried out in accordance with the “Federal Law on Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation No. 135” and the Federal Valuation Standards (FSO). The assessment report has the force of an official document of evidentiary value and can be presented to the court when considering a case for compensation of damages.

We are also ready to provide you with comprehensive legal assistance and ensure representation of your interests in pre-trial proceedings or in court. In accordance with Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, harm caused to the person or property of a citizen is subject to compensation in full by the person who caused the harm. In accordance with Article 1095 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, harm caused... to the health or property of a citizen... as a result of... shortcomings... of the service... is subject to compensation... by the person... who provided the service (performer), regardless of his guilt and whether the victim was in a relationship with him contractual relations. Our company has all the necessary permits to conduct an independent examination of the apartment's bay. With our Gulf Damage Assessment Report, you will feel protected, successful and infinitely confident. Order an independent examination of the apartment's bay right now.

Bay of the apartment. What to do if your apartment is flooded?

1. If the apartment is flooded due to the fault of a neighbor or the management company, first of all, to draw up an inspection report, it is necessary to call representatives of the management company - this may be the State Budgetary Institution Zhilischnik for a specific area.

2. Check the correctness of the description and accuracy of the dimensions of damage to the ceiling, walls, floor, furniture, appliances, finishing, included by representatives of the management company commission in the apartment inspection report after the flood. It is necessary that all damage, including furniture, be included in this inspection report. If an employee of the management company for some reason refuses to include all damaged property in the inspection report, then at the end of the report, where you sign, you must add your comments, listing the property not included. For example, you write that a sofa, wardrobe, carpet, etc. are additionally damaged.

3. Receive a sealed and signed certificate of inspection of the apartment bay from the management company (housing maintenance organization).

4. Offer the person responsible for flooding the apartment to voluntarily compensate for the damage caused. If the culprit refuses to voluntarily compensate for damage from the flood, call our appraisal company.

5. We will notify the culprit by telegram about an independent examination to assess the damage caused by the flooding of the apartment and prepare a corresponding report.

6. Based on the report of an independent examination of the flooding of the apartment, demand compensation for damage in pre-trial or judicial proceedings. Our company is ready to offer you full legal support of the case and ensure representation of your interests in court.

Order a service “Independent examination of the apartment bay” right now.

Need to order an independent assessment of property damage after a flood? We are ready to help you solve this problem. The company “Evaluation and Law” has extensive experience in this area and operates within the framework of current legislation. With us, an independent assessment of damage to an apartment has become much more accessible. Contact our staff and they will provide you with details regarding our fees and the documents required for the examination.

Damage cost calculator after flooding

Damaged premises
One room
Two rooms
Three rooms
Four rooms
Damaged property
Gadgets and phones
Other property
Where are you at?
Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road
Outside the Moscow Ring Road up to 30 km
Over 30 km.

Total: 0 rub.

Individual approach

You probably already know that an independent assessment of damage to an apartment is a labor-intensive and step-by-step task that requires a special approach. Various factors come into play here in each specific case. If we are talking about an apartment, then the key nuances include:

  • layout;
  • quality of repair;
  • total area;
  • furnishings;
  • the presence of expensive household appliances and much more.

A professional independent assessment of damage to an apartment consists of a whole range of measures to cover each of the listed aspects. This is the individual approach to each client.

List of required documents

As noted above, an independent assessment of damage to an apartment is carried out strictly within the framework of the law, so to carry it out you will need to present a package of documents, namely:

  • your identity card, as well as the passport of the property owner;
  • certificate of state registration;
  • certificate from the technical inventory bureau;
  • inspection report of the Criminal Code and so on.

Our employees will provide you with a complete list of documents. By contacting the managers, you can get advice on any issue related to the upcoming assessment. After the examination, our employees undertake to provide you with a detailed report. It is fully legally binding so you can use it as evidence in a property damage case. In addition, the company “Evaluation and Law” is ready to provide you with a range of highly specialized services on favorable terms.

Independent assessment of damage after the flood

By contacting our appraisal company "Evaluation and Law", you can be sure that you will receive a number of advantages when working with us.

We have been successfully operating in the appraisal services market since 2010. Among our clients there are many large companies and enterprises. We approach each client individually. Thus, you can be sure that our methods and technologies of work are the most effective and allow you to quickly and efficiently achieve the desired result.

The cost of damage assessment services after a flood depends on the volume of work performed and the complexity of the services provided.

Our company carries out assessments on the basis of the Federal Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” dated July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ, federal assessment standards FSO No. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 standards and rules established in self-regulatory organizations that include company appraisers.

We provide a report based on the assessment results; it is an official document and is accepted for consideration by government departments.

Documents for an independent assessment of the apartment after the flood:

1. Certificate of state registration of rights or a document on the basis of which such registration can be made.

2. Identification document of the customer of the assessment.

3. Identification document of the apartment owner (passport or equivalent document)

4. Documents issued by the Bureau of Technical Inventory - extract from the technical passport, explication.

5. Description of existing encumbrances (if any).

6. Inspection report of the management company.

7. If the appraised apartment is in common shared ownership of several owners, then documents must be provided from each owner who has a share in the right to this apartment.

8. It is in your interests to send a telegram with a notification to your opponents (the other party).

Based on the results of our work, you receive:

1. A detailed report that will contain:

Full description of the object of independent assessment;

Shift calculation;

A copy of the appraiser's diploma;

A copy of the certificate of membership in the self-regulatory organization of the appraiser;

A copy of an extract from the register of a self-regulatory organization of an appraiser;

A copy of the appraiser's liability insurance policy;

Copies of photographs of the property being assessed (if available);

A copy of the inspection report of the property being assessed (if an inspection was carried out).

2. Agreement.

3. Certificate of acceptance of services provided under the contract.

4. Payment document.

The liability of the company "Evaluation and Law" is insured for 5,000,000 rubles by the insurance company OJSC "Russian Insurance Transport Company".

The appraisers' liability is insured for 500,000 rubles in the insurance companies RESO-GARANTIA OJSC and Russian Insurance Transport Company OJSC.

Article 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Compensation for losses

A person whose right has been violated may demand full compensation for the losses caused to him, unless the law or contract provides for compensation for losses in a smaller amount.

Losses are understood as expenses that a person whose right has been violated has made or will have to make to restore the violated right, loss or damage to his property (real damage), as well as lost income that this person would have received under normal conditions of civil circulation if his right was not violated (lost profits).

If the person who violated the right received income as a result, the person whose right was violated has the right to demand compensation, along with other damages, for lost profits in an amount not less than such income.

If the perpetrators refuse to voluntarily compensate for material damage, a claim must be filed in court.

List of documentation for preparing an appeal to the court:

Statement of claim. It must contain the subject of the claim, information about the defendant, the amount of damage, and a claim for compensation. Important! If it is impossible to identify the culprit, then the neighbors and the management company should be involved as a defendant. The task of the court is to determine the true culprit based on the documents provided.

Flooding Act.

Document on the ownership of the home.

Written testimony regarding the fact of the flood, other materials and documents confirming the fact of flooding and damage.

Documents confirming the value of damaged personal property (sales receipts, invoices).

Photo and video materials.

Expert opinion on the cause of the flooding of the apartment, the amount of compensation for damage caused. If repairs were carried out before the flooding, you must additionally submit a contract, estimate, and data on the repairs performed.

Additional Information from our specialists

Dear visitors to the website of the company “Evaluation and Law” LLC

We bring to your attention our work (reports) on determining the market value of the restoration of the premises after the flood.

General Director of LLC "Evaluation and Law"

Avdonin Stanislav Vladimirovich.

So, it happened - the upstairs neighbors flooded your apartment. Where to go and what to do next?

First of all, calm down and understand that the problem is completely solvable. Yes, the apartment does not look the best, but this is a temporary phenomenon. If you do everything correctly, soon the damage caused by flooding of the apartment will be completely covered by the culprit.

The main thing is to take a few important steps in advance. With our help, these steps will be easy for you. We will be there and together we will achieve full compensation for the damage caused by the flooding of the apartment.

Five reasons to turn to specialists

Many people, especially in situations where an insured apartment has been flooded, do not turn to specialists. The result is a missed moment and lost money.

Who can assess the damage caused?

Don't throw money away on fake reports!

In accordance with Order No. 257 of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, from April 1, 2018, assessment of the cost of damage after flooding of an apartment can only be carried out by those appraisers who have passed the qualification exam in the field of real estate valuation.

Appraisers who have not received a qualification certificate do not have the right to draw up and sign reports on the assessment of premises after flooding!

The final documents, which do not include a qualification certificate in the field of valuation activities, are invalid when applying to the defendant with a claim for compensation for damages in a pre-trial manner, and even more so in court proceedings.

The help of independent appraisers is mandatory, because:

  • All costs for conducting an assessment after the flood still fall on the defendant.
  • Otherwise, they may simply deceive you: they promise to “settle everything in their own way,” and then pay nothing.
  • The assessment of an apartment after a flood should be carried out by people who have the authority to do so.
  • An independent appraiser makes impartial conclusions, which cannot be said about experts from insurance companies, for example. Or “specialists” hired by the defendant.
  • Without an expert opinion, your testimony will have no legal force.

You can prove your case for years in different instances. It is much more correct to hire an independent appraiser and receive guaranteed professional protection today.

Where can I apply for an assessment of damage from an apartment flood? Now you know - in Volan M!

Independent examination of the apartment after the flood - price.

The cost of conducting a flood damage assessment is based on two inputs: 1) the footage of the premises and the amount of damaged property; 2) the degree of damage to the premises and property.

For example, the cost of assessing the damage to a one-room apartment with bare walls will be lower than the cost of an examination for an apartment of the same footage, but with damaged property and good repairs.

To accurately find out the cost of the assessment after filling, you need to give all the input to our specialists. We can only say that prices for flooding examinations in Moscow are quite high, and at Volan M they are 15-20% lower than the market price.

Post-flood damage assessment cost table.

List of documents for assessing damage when an apartment is flooded.

Assessment or examination after flooding of an apartment?

Although the definitions of “assessment” and “expertise” sound similar, in practice they are very different. You need to know the difference.

To know exactly what to do if your neighbors are flooded and where exactly to turn first.

Independent assessment of apartment flooding.

As a rule, it is carried out in a pre-trial manner. An independent appraiser can make an opinion even without visiting the site. In this case, he is guided by the bay certificate issued by the housing and communal services engineer.

The procedure for assessing damage caused during a flood looks like this:

An independent expert receives a conclusion from the government service, and then, based on the data, makes a calculation of the damage.

The second option is for the expert to independently go to the site for a more detailed inspection and prepare a report.

Advantages of appraising an apartment after a flood

Rapidity. It takes less than a day to prepare an assessment document.

Low cost. The cost of assessing damage after a flood is lower than conducting an examination.

Disadvantages of assessment after flooding

It only works “here and now.”

The defendant may first promise to compensate for damages without involving experts and authorities, and then retract his words. If material damage from flooding has not been clearly recorded, then getting money will be much more difficult.

Since you will have, at best, only the flooding certificate (without an assessment of repairs after the flooding and an indication of the damaged property), work will be carried out according to it. If, during the time after the flooding, you yourself restored the apartment or threw away damaged property, then it will be almost impossible to prove this.

Independent examination of damage from the gulf.

Heavy artillery. Despite the higher cost compared to the usual estimate, it is completely worth the price. If you take into account that an independent examination during the flood is paid for by the defendant, it becomes an indispensable tool for your defense.

Advantages of conducting an examination

If the appraiser can make a verdict without visiting the bay site, then in the case of an examination this is impossible. An expert assessing damage from an apartment flood must arrive at the place where:

  • Identifies the cause of flooding and identifies those responsible
  • Finds the location of the leak
  • Calculates the total area of ​​the damaged surface of the apartment in sq.m. , and also gives a conclusion for each room - area, type of damage, and so on.
  • Compiles a complete list of damaged property.

As a result, the expert can greatly assess the damage to the apartment after the flood, and, most importantly, document all this. You become the owner of a document that has full force in all courts.


An independent examination when filling an apartment actually does not have any disadvantages as such. Conventionally, the only disadvantages include longer work compared to the assessment of flooding of the apartment. And also – the higher cost of conducting the examination.

However, you and I already know that the defendant pays for everything, and therefore this does not play a special role.

Examples of the work of our specialists

When is a damage assessment needed and when is an examination required after the flood?

There are two types of situations when the help of Volan M specialists is needed:

Compensation for damage after the flood without trial.

Situation: the defendant admits guilt and is ready to cover all costs. In this case, you need an assessment of the damage to the apartment after flooding without conducting a detailed examination.

It is important to remember that hiring appraisers from the defendant’s side is not the best option. If you want the cost of assessing the bay of an apartment to be adequate and the conclusions to be objective, we recommend involving specialists from our agency.

Compensation for damage after the flood in court.

Your views on how to assess damage from flooding in an apartment differ significantly from the opinion of the person responsible for the accident. He believes that there was no fault or damage or that the damage to property was minimal, but you insist otherwise.

The result is a trial. No need to worry, because we are nearby!

An examination of damage after an apartment flood is the only real opportunity to prove that you are right. Please note that the sooner it is carried out, the greater your chances of collecting all the evidence of the defendant’s guilt.

With the help of Volan M, an independent assessment of an apartment after a flood is carried out by specialists with extensive experience. We don't overlook small details. With our experts, the conclusion about the damage caused will reflect the entire picture of events as accurately as possible.

Do you need an accurate independent assessment of damage from the flood for trial or pre-trial proceedings? We will help!

Key questions from our clients

Assessing the cost of damage from the flood is our job, which we have been doing well for many years. Volan M helped thousands of Muscovites. We have collected fairly complete statistics about what worries clients in the first place.

Below we have collected the most frequently asked questions from the company's clients, which may very well be useful to you.

What to do if your upstairs neighbors flood?

The action plan is as follows:

  • Call the housing and communal services, which will stop the leak and draw up a report on the flooding of the apartment in the presence of all interested parties
  • You need to obtain from the MFC or make a copy of the certificate of ownership
  • You also need to obtain an explication of the BTI (for the floor plan) from the territorial technical inventory bureau for your district.

The last point is the assessment of damage from the flooding of the apartment. To do this, you need to contact independent appraisers.

How to assess damage from flooding in an apartment yourself?

If you are very lucky and the person responsible for the flood agrees to cover the costs, trusting only your words, then this is not difficult to do. Just use a calculator to estimate how much all the work and property restoration will cost. Issue an invoice to the defendant and wait for the money to be received.

Unfortunately, such “happy endings” are rare. Most often, assessing the flooding of an apartment on your own ends with the injured party receiving nothing.

You need an expert; flooding an apartment is a complex case in which independence usually does not lead to anything good. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

What are the methods for assessing damage when an apartment is flooded?

As we have already said, there is a damage assessment as such and a more complex procedure - an examination of the bay.

My neighbors flooded me, how can I get money for repairs?

If you want to get paid, it is important to follow the rules strictly. We have already said what actions should be taken when a flood is discovered, but now we will tell you how to act in relation to the defendant:

  • Agree on a time for damage assessment
  • Call by telegram with notification to the guilty party. Don't just go up to your neighbors. Only a telegram, an oral agreement has no force, and the delivery of the telegram is recorded.

Actions of the independent appraiser:

  • Inspection of an apartment damaged by the flood in the presence of all interested parties and drawing up an inspection report on the flood
  • Preparation of a damage assessment report for an apartment flood
  • Transfer of documents to the customer

If you act according to plan, then in the initial stages you will be completely protected from deception and arbitrariness.

Who should pay for the flood damage assessment?

If an apartment is flooded, judicial practice unambiguously interprets the extent of responsibility of the parties. All expenses, including the examination, fall on the shoulders of the defendant.

How is damage from an apartment flood calculated?

The calculation of damage depends on the qualifications of the cost estimate engineer and the current market value of the damaged property. Since the calculation process is quite labor-intensive and requires considerable experience, it is better to immediately contact specialists. Thus, in the Volan M staff, almost all experts have work experience of at least 7 years, which has a positive effect on the quality of work.

Where to go for a professional examination after a flood?

To us! Volan M is one of the leading companies in Moscow in assessing damage from the gulf. We will help you create the entire evidence base, which will be sufficient for full compensation for damage. Our clients get the maximum.

Did your apartment flood? Contact Volan M!

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