Acceleration of obtaining a new and old passport. New international passport: is it possible to speed up its receipt and how to do it

Hello. I applied for a passport 2 weeks ago, but it is not ready yet. At work they told me that I urgently needed to go on a business trip abroad. The trip is coming soon, so I’m worried about my passport. Please tell me, is it possible to speed up the process of receiving it?

If we talk from the point of view of the law, then it is impossible to speed up obtaining a passport after submitting documents. The law allows you to receive documents urgently only if a relative has died abroad or you have been sent an invitation for treatment from there.

If your passport is delayed, finding out the reasons for the delay can help you get it on time. If this is not some kind of system error, which often happens when receiving biometric documents, then you can try contacting the management of your migration department. It must at least indicate the date when the passport will be ready.

Note! The methods are effective only if you are applying for an old-style foreign passport. The fact is that the biometric passport is produced in a state sign, and the migration departments cannot influence the timing of its production in any way.

If you cannot use the previous option, contact the passport manufacturing company. Their services are expensive (from 10 to 60 thousand rubles), however, you will receive your document in a few business days.

- can't be counted. But even without a rush, getting it can be problematic: you fill out the form incorrectly, you forget some document, or there are long lines at the FMS office or there are no reception days. Also, do not forget about difficult cases that aggravate an already difficult situation.

Even a sophisticated person who has had experience in obtaining a foreign passport can become confused here. Knowing this, we have prepared information in a question-answer format that will be useful for you.

Which international passport is issued faster: the old one or the biometric one?

Regardless of what kind of international passport you want to receive, a new or old sample, the period for issuing it will be almost the same. The difference is that biometric passport forms are printed at Gosznak, a microchip is embedded in them, and in general, more labor-intensive modern technologies are used. Therefore, they may take a little longer to produce.

Cases in which the Federal Migration Service is obliged to expedite the issuance of a foreign passport?

According to the law, you are required to issue a foreign passport within 3 days from the date of filing the application in the following cases requiring emergency travel to another country

  • Due to the death of a close relative abroad.
  • If you have a severe form of the disease and require urgent treatment abroad.
  • It is necessary to transport the remains of a relative outside the country.

But no matter what happens, your words alone will not be enough. You must provide supporting documents to the FMS.

How to quickly obtain a passport if you do not fall into any of the above categories?

You will have to contact specialized companies. They work according to a proven scheme, they know how to fill out documents correctly (if necessary, you can download a sample of filling out an application form for a new international passport from us) in order to pass them the first time, and many other nuances.

Thus, the standard period for obtaining a foreign passport when submitting documents at the place of residence is 1 month (if the passport and visa department employees delay the deadline, complain). If you receive a passport at your place of stay, the Federal Migration Service has every right to issue it no earlier than after 4 months.

Also, the period for issuing a foreign passport is increased to 3 months for those citizens who have (or previously had) access to information that is regarded as a state secret.

However, with the mediation of a law firm, you can receive a biometric passport within 5-6 business days, and a regular one in 4 days.

How much does it cost to expedite obtaining a passport?

Unfortunately, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for the acceleration of the issuance of foreign passports at the request of citizens, even if they are willing to pay a double fee. The exception is the previously listed emergency cases, but then no additional fee will be charged.

The prices of law firms that process foreign passports urgently vary. The cost of services depends on the type of ID card and the time it takes to produce it (naturally, the sooner you need the document, the higher the price will be).

Is it true that children are issued passports faster?

For children under 14 years of age, as a rule, international passports are issued more quickly, because they are not checked for access to secret information, they do not have official employment, they do not have overdue loans, etc.

If a citizen wishes to obtain a passport at his place of temporary stay, he will have to wait up to four months. This is the approved regulation: if it is violated through no fault of yours, you have the right to report it to your superiors. The specifics of manufacturing a new sample form are such that expedited receipt is almost impossible.

Personal data is entered into it directly at the Goznak factory in Moscow.

Deadlines established by law

How to quickly get a passport?

Some companies offer a quick fix in Moscow, claiming that with their help a document with biometric data can be obtained in 2-3 days. Unfortunately, this is a real scam.

Factors that complicate the process of obtaining a foreign passport

- a certified copy of all significant pages of the civil passport;

— former (if any);

— certificate from the place of work about income and position;

— certificate from the military registration and enlistment office (for young people under 27 years old);

— birth certificates of children (if you want information about children to be indicated);

How to speed up your passport

How to speed up your passport

When might expedited processing be needed?

Speeding up your passport with the help of our company

The cost of an old-style international passport.

Children under 14 years old.

(Old model for 5 years.)

Biometric cost.

Filling out an application for a foreign passport is included in the price.

Children under 14 years old. (New sample for 10 years.)

Expedited registration of an old or new sample with the help of our company is official and within the framework of the law, the issuance of the finished document takes place at the department of the Migration Service (Passport Office).

Expedited receipt of a passport

But no matter what happens, your words alone will not be enough. You must provide supporting documents to the Federal Migration Service.

You will have to contact specialized companies. They work according to a proven scheme, they know how to fill out the documents correctly (if necessary, you can download a sample of filling out the application form for a new sample from us) in order to pass them the first time, and many other nuances.

How to speed up obtaining a passport if you cannot postpone departure

After submitting the necessary documents, the international passport is issued out of turn and issued within 3 days.

Of course, they won’t make a biometric passport that quickly - only a five-year old one, of the old type. But medical indications and the need to pay their last respects are not the only reasons why you may need to immediately travel abroad. Is there any way to speed up the receipt if you (fortunately) officially have no reason to be urgent?

You can find a way out of this situation by turning to the services of one of the companies offering expedited processing.

In some situations, there is a need to urgently obtain a passport proving identity outside the borders of one’s home country.

In such a situation, interested parties begin to become keenly interested in where and how to get it. Some turn to intermediary companies that provide services for its registration, while others issue a passport on their own.

What it is

At its core, a “passport” is an official document containing information that is significant for a person. It is an identity document of an individual, establishing his citizenship, residence permit. A person’s identity within his or her native country is verified by a general passport, and outside its borders by a foreign passport.

It has a set of mandatory features, such as:

  • issued by a body authorized by the legislator, in particular by the department of the Federal Migration Service;
  • drawn up on the form established by the legislator, which must contain the relevant details - signatures of authorized persons, seal;
  • grants civil rights and responsibilities.

A citizen’s foreign passport allows you to leave the country and enter it back, and move freely in the host country without any difficulties. Russian citizens have the right to personally choose the type of document.

In addition, they are allowed to be owners, as emphasized in Federal Law No. 375. The act was issued on December 4, 2015. Citizens can obtain a new generation passport if they have an old-style document or two new-generation documents in their hands.

Types of document

Today, Russian citizens are issued an old-style international passport and a biometric one. The first one is issued on paper, the size of which is F6. As for the second, it is made in the form of a plastic card. It contains a chip with the owner’s biometric data, which is the main difference between the documents.

A foreign passport contains information regarding:

  • personal data of the owner;
  • date of issue of the document;
  • information about the authority that issued the passport.

In addition, it contains a photograph made in color.

Validity periods

Certification of Russian citizenship is carried out by a general passport, on the basis of which a foreign passport is issued.

Its version with an electronic storage medium is manufactured with a validity period of 10 years. While the old-style document is valid for 5 years.

After the expiration of the specified periods, both types of documents are subject to exchange in the manner prescribed by the legislator.

Where to contact

Questions regarding the registration of a foreign passport and its issuance to Russian citizens are regulated by the standards of the Federal Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation.” It notes that it is issued in application form. The act was issued on August 15, 1996 under number 114-FZ. Adjustments have been made to it in accordance with the instructions provided for in Federal Law No. 375.

The legislator has assigned the responsibility for issuing international passports to citizens in accordance with the instructions of the above legislative acts to the authorities:

  • regional divisions of the FMS;
  • passport and visa service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • departmental branches of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It is subject to issue to all citizens of the Federation, regardless of age, social class, nationality, gender and race.

Receive through MFC

As a rule, the application must be submitted to the territorial office of the Federal Migration Service during a personal visit. But the legislator allows filing an application through an MFC operator that provides certain types of services to Russian citizens. Citizens are given the opportunity to obtain an old-style document.

Registration and issuance of a foreign passport when submitting an application for residence takes place within one month.

Citizens will not be able to obtain a foreign passport through the MFC operator in a short time. He accepts the application, after which he transfers it, along with the attached documents, to the appropriate department of the Federal Migration Service. He checks the information contained in the submitted documents.

The applicant can receive the finished document both at the MFC and at the Federal Migration Service, where the documents were transferred. The time and date of its receipt are indicated in the document acceptance receipt.

Production time

Citizens should pay attention to the fact that a new generation passport cannot be issued in an expedited manner. The phenomenon is directly related to the technology for producing a new type of document. Personal data of the future owner of the document is entered at the Goznak factory, which is located in Moscow.

While an old-style international passport can be issued in a shorter time.

Design features

The rules for preparing a document and issuing it to citizens are regulated by the instructions of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Migration Service. It contains the rules for the provision of services to the population of the country for its issuance, regardless of its type - old or new model.

Its instructions set a period within which the document must be drawn up and issued to the person applying for the document.

It ranges from one to four months, depending on the specific circumstances. The period is counted from the day the FMS department receives the application and the documents attached to it. It is determined by the place of filing the application - at the place of residence, location on the basis of temporary registration.

The above act was put into effect on the basis of an order from the main department of the Federal Migration Service. It was published on October 15, 2012 no. As a rule, departments of the Federal Migration Service do not issue international passports in an expedited manner.

Expedited passport processing

In emergency cases, the legislator allows this kind of action. For example, urgent registration is possible when traveling abroad for treatment or a funeral due to the death of a relative.

The act emphasizes that the interested person must present documents confirming the need to travel abroad. In such a situation, a foreign passport is produced in continuation.

3 working days

A foreign passport is issued in an application form, so citizens must submit an application using a unified form. It is presented in the form of a questionnaire that meets the requirements of the Administrative Regulations. It must contain comprehensive information about the citizen receiving it.

The new generation passport contains, in addition to personal data, distinctive personal characteristics. It is manufactured in accordance with the recommendations of the above regulations. To receive it, you must submit a number of documents along with your application.

These include:

  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • certificate of official marriage, its dissolution;
  • children's birth certificate;
  • certificate from the place of employment or training;
  • a receipt certifying payment of the state fee.

If you need to get an old-style passport, you need to submit two photographs measuring 35x45 mm. They must meet the requirements established by the legislator. A photograph for a new generation passport is taken directly at the FMS department.

Citizens involved in military service must present a military ID. In addition, they submit a command permit for the issuance of a foreign passport, drawn up in accordance with the standards of the Administrative Regulations.


Persons interested in obtaining a foreign passport are interested in how much it costs to obtain it in an expedited manner. As a rule, the cost of a biometric passport is significantly more expensive compared to an old-style document.

A citizen must pay a state fee for the provision of services for issuing a foreign passport, as noted in the provisions of Article 333.18 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It is included in the category of mandatory payments provided for by the legislator.

The amount of the state fee for the document is:

  • old style - 2,000 rubles;
  • new generation - 3,500 rubles.

The cost of obtaining a foreign passport for minor children over 14 years of age is 1000 rubles, if they are issued an old-style document. As for the cost of a new generation document, it is equal to 3,500 rubles.

Procedure for paying state duty

It is paid through the Sberbank cash desk or an ATM or terminal intended for paying state fees. As a rule, they are installed in each territorial division of the Federal Migration Service. The state duty is paid using special bank details.

The legislator established them individually for each region, so they should be clarified with the Federal Migration Service.

The receipt for payment of the state duty is valid for 3 years, as noted in the instructions of Article 333.40 of the Tax Code and letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 03-05-05-03/22.

Services of intermediary companies

The legislator allows the issuance of a foreign passport with the help of intermediary companies. They provide document preparation services in a short time. But their cost is significantly quite high. In addition to the state fee, citizens bear additional costs. The specific deadline for document production depends on the information provided in the documents.

The process of obtaining a foreign passport through an intermediary company is affected by:

  • carrying out registration at the place of residence;
  • status among Russian citizens;
  • criminal prosecution, type of punishment applied;
  • having access to classified materials that fall into the category of state secrets.

The cost of services of intermediary companies is determined by the production time. It varies greatly because each company installs it independently. As practice shows, for the production of an old-style international passport it takes on average 2-3 weeks to confiscate from 5500 to 7500 rubles. As for the new generation document, it amounts to 9500 – 30000 rubles.

And in conclusion, it must be added that the cost of services of intermediary firms does not include state duty. It is subject to mandatory payment, so citizens have to pay significant amounts to expedite the issuance of a foreign passport. The paid basis for its registration in a short time is not provided for by the legislator in regulations.

There was a need to travel abroad urgently or the preparation for the trip was simply planned incorrectly, but the problem of how to quickly obtain a foreign passport is relevant for Russians from year to year. It is not easy to speed up the registration process; for this you need to have serious reasons that will need to be documented. In the absence of such arguments, there is also a way out - turning to intermediary companies, however, the cost of such services will be higher.

Regular processing times

First, let’s define the standard conditions: first of all, how many days it takes to get a foreign passport is influenced by the place where you apply for a public service.

A detailed analysis of the factors influencing the processing time is in the article “”.

Urgent official registration

Unfortunately, those who ask whether it is possible to urgently obtain a foreign passport at the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (FMS), if or have received a lucrative job offer, will face a deliberate refusal: the availability of tickets or deadlines are not significant grounds for issuing a passport urgently.

You can officially speed up obtaining a passport for two reasons:

  • need for urgent treatment abroad;
  • death or serious illness of a relative located abroad.

In both cases, documentary evidence must be provided. urgently issued within three working days.

More information about the procedure and registration procedure can be found in the article “”.

Need for urgent treatment

Expedited receipt of a foreign passport is possible if the applicant is seriously ill and requires emergency treatment in a medical clinic abroad. To confirm this, you must have an official medical opinion: it does not matter whether it was obtained in a foreign or domestic clinic.

The main thing that should be indicated in the official letter is the need for urgent measures to improve the patient’s health. It is necessary to justify that delaying a trip abroad can be disastrous.

Death or serious illness of a relative

The Migration Office will consider how to get a foreign passport faster if the applicant must travel abroad to visit a seriously ill relative or in the event of his death: it does not matter whether the relative lived abroad on a short-term visa or. This reason also needs to be confirmed with documentation, for example, by a received telegram.

Registration prices

How much an urgent passport costs depends on whether you apply for it yourself through a department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or.

When applying in person, you only pay the state fee, which is 3,500 rubles and 2,000 rubles for adults and minors over 14 years of age.

For children under 14 years of age, the fee is 1,500 rubles for a biometric passport and 1,000 rubles for a regular passport. The fee is paid online through the State Services website, or by receipt through bank branches/terminals.

The cost of an urgent passport in 2019 will be much higher if you issue the document through intermediary companies.

Average prices for issuing passports in intermediary companies by region of the country are presented in the table below (indicated in rubles):

Registration periodMoscow and Moscow regionRegions
23 working days9000 7000 9000 7500
15-17 working days10000 8000 10000 8500
11-13 working days11000 9000 12000 10000
9-10 working days14000 11000 15000 12000
8 working days16000 14000 17000 14500
7 working days19000 15500 20000 16500
6 working days23000 17500 26000 18500
5 working days28000 22500 30000 23000
4 working days35000 30000 38000 32000
3 working days45000 42000 48000 45000

How to replace your passport urgently

In order to quickly change your passport, you also need to have good reasons. If there are no grounds for early replacement of the document, regardless of the type of passport, the procedure is no different from issuing a new one.

To replace a passport of any type, you need to fill out a form on the State Services website or submit it to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in person. When visiting in person, you must have your old passport with you (if its validity has not yet expired), as well as confirmation of payment of the fee and additional documents depending on the reasons for replacing the passport.

Take a sociological survey!

Contacting intermediary companies

In search of options where they can quickly obtain a foreign passport, Russians turn to intermediary companies: there are many organizations in the Russian Federation that provide assistance in preparing documents for an additional fee.

The maximum period within which a passport can be produced through intermediary companies is three weeks. If it is important whether it is possible to get a foreign passport in a week and actually agree on such dates, then the service will cost more. The minimum period for obtaining a foreign passport through an intermediary is three days.

Fraudulent companies

When contacting an intermediary company, you need to be extremely careful: it is not enough to clearly agree on how long it will take to get an urgent passport in your case; you also need to make sure that the intermediary actually fulfills the obligations.

Many firms simply charge a fee for rush production and process the applicant's documents as usual. Be sure to find out in advance the details about the activities of the company you are going to contact, read reviews on the Internet and ask trusted contacts from friends, otherwise you risk losing a lot of money.

This is especially true for biometric passports, since the technical process of producing the document itself cannot be shorter than 10-12 days. Therefore, when you hear a promise to issue a biometric passport in three days, look for another intermediary.


Let's summarize:

  • The procedure for obtaining a foreign passport may be delayed by filing an application at the place of temporary registration instead of permanent registration (in this case, the process of obtaining a passport can last up to 4 months), as well as the applicant’s access to information of particular importance at the state level (in this case, the consideration of his documents may be delayed up to 3 months ).
  • In other cases, the passport must be issued no later than 30 days from the date of application.
  • The process of obtaining a document can be officially shortened only in case of emergency treatment abroad or in the event of the death or serious illness of a close relative.
  • If the applicant does not have serious reasons for urgently obtaining a passport, then the only way out in this case is to turn to an intermediary company for help. But it is worth considering that even through such organizations it is not always possible to speed up the process of producing a biometric passport, so if the document is needed in 3-4 days, you are left with issuing an old-style passport.

How to get a passport: Video

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