Fire warning signs. What are the fire safety signs?

1. Carefully read the memo that the fireman handed out to the children. Fill in the gaps in the text yourself or with the help of a textbook.

To prevent a fire

1. Never play anywhere with matches and lighters.
2. Don’t light it yourself gas stove, and in rural house don't try to melt it bake.
3. Do not leave it turned on unattended. iron or kettle .
4. Don't play with gasoline, kerosene and other liquids that may ignite.
5. Don’t light fires in the forest bonfire without adults.

Remember these rules and always follow them!

2. Remember and circle with a red pencil the telephone number where firefighters are called.

Learn from adults how to call the fire department mobile phone. Write it down.

Telephone number for calling firefighters by mobile phone - 101 or 112

3. Read the story “A Fire is Burning” in the book “The Giant in the Clearing” and answer the questions orally.

1) Why is a fire dangerous for nature?
Under fire, the soil deteriorates, many living beings burn

2) If a fire is necessary, how to prepare a place for it?
First you need to remove the top layers of soil (turf).

3) In what weather can a fire easily lead to a fire?
In windy or very dry weather

4) In what places is it especially dangerous to make a fire?
On peat bogs, close to trees, stumps, between roots

5) Why, when setting out on a journey, do you need to completely extinguish the fire?
Even a small spark can ignite a new flame.

Discuss what you already knew about the forest fire and what information was new to you. What conclusions did you draw for yourself from this story?

4. At home, repeat the safety rules learned in class. Ask an adult to check on you.
Think and draw conventional signs to the memo “So that there is no fire.”

In class, compare your signs with those suggested by other guys. Choose the most successful ones.

5. Here you can write down the outline of your message about the work of firefighters or important information about it.

1) The role of firefighters in the modern world.
2) The daily routine of firefighters.
3) Fire extinguishing.
4) The dangers of working as a firefighter.
5) Firefighters are heroes.

Firefighters - heroic profession, very necessary for people

Are firefighters needed in the 21st century? After all, various non-flammable Construction Materials, and constructed buildings are universally equipped with fire alarms and automatic systems fire extinguishing? Of course we need it! Unfortunately, all these innovations do not allow people to completely get rid of fires. Fires break out here and there residential buildings, factories, warehouses or shopping complexes. In addition, forests burn in many regions of Russia every year.

Fire is terrible tragedy. The fire literally melts everything around. Because of high temperature Furniture melts or catches fire, metal warps and doors become blocked. Fire burns out oxygen and people and animals can no longer breathe. Therefore, if you do not urgently provide assistance to people and animals caught in the fire zone, they may die.

Firefighters are specially trained professionals who can not only quickly extinguish a fire, but also properly provide assistance to victims. These are brave, hardy and courageous people who, despite the enormous danger, are ready to go into the thick of things to save lives. They are real heroes.

The firefighter's job includes many responsibilities. Each duty lasts a whole day - from 8 am one day to 8 am the next day. First, they take over the baton from the previous shift of firefighters, learn about incidents and tasks assigned to duty. Then they carefully check their equipment, because the life of the firefighter himself, but also the lives of many other people, may depend on its readiness for work.

In addition, firefighters regularly train and improve their knowledge. They develop physical endurance, strength and reaction speed, learn new extinguishing methods, train to work in a team, learn to provide first aid to victims and search for unconscious people in a smoky room.

All this is done so that the firefighter is ready to carry out his duty at any time. main task- to go to the fire. As soon as the control room receives alarm signal The duty team immediately moves to the fire site. First, people are evacuated from the fire zone. Firefighters notify people using sirens and loudspeakers, and also go on reconnaissance into a burning house to find out if anyone is left in the center of the disaster.

The unit commander studies the situation and develops a strategy for working on this object. Every fire is special. So, to extinguish a high-rise multi-story building you need one equipment, to extinguish a small wooden house another, and to extinguish a fire in the forest a third. Firefighters must quickly understand the situation and apply the best effective remedy extinguishing.

Firefighters' work is very dangerous. While fighting a fire, a rescuer can get injured, be poisoned by harmful gases, get burned, and even die. Any carelessness or uncoordinated work of the team entails the most sad consequences. Fire does not like to joke, it is ready to burn everything in its path, including people who are trying to put it out.

It’s not for nothing that firefighters are often called rescuers. They really save people's lives. This is a profession that people go into by vocation, by the call of their heart. These are heroes who perform feats almost every day. For example, firefighter Alexander Mordvov from Samara saved twelve people from a burning house, three of whom were children. Pyotr Stankevich from Moscow saved the lives of six people, two of whom were children, but unfortunately he himself died due to burns. And there are a lot of such examples, because every day firefighters are on the front line in the war against the elements.

Fire! - The world, A.A. Pleshakov, 2nd grade. Part 2 of the workbook.

Fire! — The world around us, A.A. Pleshakov, 2nd grade. Part 2 of the workbook

1. Carefully read the memo that the fireman handed out to the children. Fill in the gaps in the text yourself or with the help of a textbook.

To prevent a fire

1. Never play anywhere with matches and lighters .

2. Don’t light it yourself gas stove. and in a rural house, do not try to melt bake.

3. Do not leave it turned on unattended. iron or kettle.

4. Don't play with gasoline, kerosene and other liquids that may ignite.

5. Don’t light fires in the forest bonfire without adults.

Remember these rules and always follow them!

2. Remember and circle with a red pencil the telephone number where firefighters are called.

Learn from adults how to call the fire department on your cell phone. Write it down.


3. Read the story “A Fire is Burning” in the book “The Giant in the Clearing” and answer the questions orally.

1) Why is a fire dangerous for nature?

Under fire, the soil deteriorates, many living beings burn

2) If a fire is necessary, how to prepare a place for it?

First you need to remove the top layers of soil (turf).

3) In what weather can a fire easily lead to a fire?

In windy or very dry weather

4) In what places is it especially dangerous to make a fire?

On peat bogs, close to trees, stumps, between roots

5) Why, when setting out on a journey, do you need to completely extinguish the fire?

Even a small spark can ignite a new flame.

Discuss what you already knew about the forest fire and what information was new to you. What conclusions did you draw for yourself from this story?

4. At home, repeat the safety rules learned in class. Ask an adult to check on you.

Come up with and draw symbols for the memo “To prevent a fire.”

In class, compare your signs with those suggested by other guys. Choose the most successful ones.

5. Here you can write down the outline of your message about the work of firefighters or important information about it.

1) The role of firefighters in the modern world.

2) The daily routine of firefighters.

3) Fire extinguishing.

4) The dangers of working as a firefighter.

5) Firefighters are heroes.

One of the important and mandatory measures related to compliance with the requirements of current legislation is the installation of specially made signs, which are designated by a special term - “information signs on fire safety" Their main purpose is to help a person in a room or building find the correct escape route or determine the location of fire extinguishing equipment in order to quickly use them. Another important task of fire signs is to inform about the prohibition on carrying out certain actions associated with increased danger substances stored or used in the premises, technologies used or the presence of other similar factors.

Fire safety sign standards

Anyone can easily find pictures and the purpose of fire safety signs on various specialized websites dedicated to the topic in question. They will also be given below in the text. In addition, on official internet page of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and its territorial divisions, naturally, not only images are posted, but also necessary recommendations for their correct use.

The standards for fire safety signs are established by the relevant regulatory act, namely GOST R 12.4.026-2015. It was developed relatively recently and came into force on March 1, 2017, replacing the previously valid GOST R 12.4.026-2001. Experience has been used in the preparation of this standard practical application his predecessor, took into account the recommendations of experts on the topic under consideration, as well as changes made to other legislative documents related to the field of fire safety.

One more legislative act, which contains the requirements and rules for placing fire safety signs, is NPB 160-97, which came into force quite a long time ago - 07/31/1997. However, the document has not lost its relevance to the present day. And it is actively used.

How to Place Fire Safety Signs

The answer to the quite obvious question of how to place fire safety signs is contained in the above regulations. Specific recommendations for the location of a particular sign depend, first of all, on its type. There are several main types of fire safety information signs. In order to receive general idea about them, it is necessary to briefly describe each group.

Evacuation signs are used, as the name suggests, to indicate the route people should take in the event of a fire. They have a square or rectangular shape. Images and signs are in white on a green background.

Signal signs (sometimes called directional signs) indicate the location of various means and equipment for fire protection. These may include:

  • fire station or control panel for security systems;
  • fire hydrants and taps;
  • fire extinguishers, etc.

The shape of the signs of the group under consideration is square. In this case, two color combinations are used - red background and white image or White background, limited by a red border and containing a drawing or inscription of the same color.

Prohibition signs are used to inform a person that any certain actions that involve an increased risk of fire are not acceptable. Sign shape of this type– round. It has a white background, a red border, a black image or design crossed out with a red stripe. Its direction is also clearly indicated in the regulatory documents - diagonally from the upper left to the lower right.

Mandatory signs are used to notify people to perform a certain action. These may include turning off the electrical power, working only with the use of protective equipment respiratory tract, a place where smoking is allowed, etc. The plates of this group have a round shape, the background of blue color, as well as a white drawing or image.

Warning signs are used to warn of potential fire hazards. This may be the presence of flammable substances in the room, the use of technologies that pose a possible threat, etc. The shape of the plates of the group under consideration is a triangle with yellow background and a black border along the contour. Images are also produced in black.

The purpose of fire safety signs follows logically from their names. In addition, in most cases they are quite clear and intuitive. This greatly facilitates compliance with the requirements of fire safety legislation for their production and further use.

Rules for placing fire safety signs

The regulatory documents listed above clearly define both the sizes and types of fire safety signs, as well as the basic requirements for location and placement. Their number is quite large, but most meaningful rules relatively simple and understandable.

The height of fire safety compliance signs is determined based on two main parameters:

  • the distance from which the contents of the sign can be easily identified;
  • distance factor. It depends mainly on the level of illumination of the room in which it is installed.

It is allowed to produce plates of larger sizes than required by the requirements. regulatory documents. This may occur due to the long inscription, the possibility of location only at a significant height, etc.

The placement of fire safety category signs in premises in accordance with GOST is carried out in such a way that two basic rules are observed. Firstly, the sign must be clearly visible, even if it is in a room or workshop large quantity people, equipment or other similar obstructions. This circumstance affects, first of all, the height of the location. For example, “exit” signs above the doors are located no lower than at a distance of 2.1-2.2 meters from the floor, and signs indicating the evacuation route are in the range from 1.2 to 1.8 meters. In this case, attention should be paid to the illumination of the signs, since this is also an important factor for their effective use.

Second an important condition is the number of installed signs. For example, the distance between neighboring evacuation signs should not exceed, according to the requirements of regulatory documents, 60 meters. It is also quite obvious that in each room to which specific category fire danger, appropriate signs must be placed. Their location must satisfy the requirements described above.

The installation of fire safety category signs in premises is deservedly considered an important and extremely responsible area of ​​work to protect the life and health of people from fire. That is why current legislature pays considerable attention to this topic. In addition, when conducting any inspection by regulatory authorities, the question of the correct placement of the signs in question is almost always one of the first to arise.

Know that when you see the sign of God, it hangs for a reason!

fire department


The earthly world is so beautiful - It is capable of delighting.

But it can also be dangerous... Everyone should know this!

Yes, the fire is strong... However,

No evil happened

A whole system of signs

It was developed.

Their language is international:

It is clear to everyone without words. It is understandable due to its form

Both the design and the colors.

The sign will warn, advise, Maybe even prohibit,

AND will help and indicate

AND will prevent trouble!


The first group of this system warns you and me, my friend:

May happen big problems– Playing with fire will turn into disaster!

You will immediately recognize all these signs - Triangles with a black border. Their color is yellow, remember? Well, everyone has their own drawing.

"Warning", "Possible danger"

Sign - “Attention! Danger!" The sign is anxiety about everything.

And let's be clear, guys:

Don't play with fire here!

“It’s a fire hazard. Flammable substances"

And here is the sign - “Fire Hazard”,

Anything nearby burns easily. Don't come here with fire -

Trouble is not far away.


If you are careless with fire and do not know this sign,

An explosion may threaten an ignorant person - To smash everything “to smithereens.”


Group two of system signs

We are forbidden: we cannot violate it! If you don't listen, there will be problems!

Very big problems, friends.

These signs are very easy to recognize -

They have a round shape, white color, a red rim, and a red stripe. The sign is crossed out: this is a ban!

"No entry"

"No entry"! - says this sign. Believe it or not, but it’s true! It’s better not to go there, my friend -

Fire safety signs are intended to prevent fires, regulate people's behavior, perform certain actions in the event of a fire, and ensure fire safety in factories. The use of fire safety signs is mandatory for all organizations on the territory Russian Federation regardless of their organizational and legal forms.

Main types of fire signs and fire safety signs.

Rules and locations for placing fire safety signs and recommendations for use.

Prohibition signs

Warning signs

Mandatory signs

Indication signs for fire protection equipment

Directional signs for evacuation purposes they are used to indicate the direction of evacuation routes and emergency exits. They are a green square or rectangle with a symbolic image or inscription white on the inner field.

Detailed rules for placing signs are described in the article “Rules for placing fire safety signs.”

Being in the rhythm of a modern metropolis, we are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere. In the turmoil, we often do not notice the first morning rays, do not have time to admire the sunset, and do not take a full breath of the fresh spring air. We can’t hear the nightingale’s trills because of the music playing in the headphones. And we don’t notice many more important things. In this article we will talk about signs that can save the lives of us and our loved ones, but which most of us do not notice - these are fire safety signs.

Fire safety signs are placed in hypermarkets, clubs, subways and all public buildings. These signs indicate what can and should be done in this place, and what not. Based on fire safety signs, you need to evacuate from unfamiliar room in case of fire. For example, a white “Emergency Exit” sign on a green background will tell you that salvation is nearby and the exit is here. To reach this sign, you must follow the instructions of other fire signs. Here is a white running man on a green background and a white arrow - follow him - the signs are called: “Direction of emergency exit.”

But what if the fire has already blocked the path to the exit? See the red square with the white fire extinguisher icon? No, this is not an advertisement for fire extinguishers at all - this fire sign announces that a fire extinguisher is stored here. In the event of a fire, it can be used to extinguish fires, but for this you need to know the rules for using a fire extinguisher.

In a panic, you can easily forget the number to call firefighters from your cell phone, or as luck would have it, there is no network on your cell phone - look for a red square with a drawn handset. This sign will indicate where the fire telephone is located.

These are just a few signs that will help difficult situation. Below you can get acquainted with other fire safety signs. It won't take much time, but it can save your life!

Images of fire safety signs and rules for their placement.

Prohibition signs

These signs are intended to prohibit certain activities. Prohibition signs are a white circle with a red border along the contour and a symbolic image of black on the inner field, crossed out from top to bottom to right with a red stripe at an angle of 45 degrees.

Image Name of the sign Rules for placing fire safety signs, recommendations for use
No smoking Use when smoking may cause a fire.
On doors and walls of rooms, areas where there are combustible and flammable substances, or in rooms where smoking is prohibited.
Do not use open flames or smoke Use when open fire and smoking can cause a fire. On entrance doors, walls of premises, areas, workplaces, containers, industrial containers.
No entry At the entrance to hazardous areas, premises, areas, etc.
Do not extinguish with water In areas where electrical equipment is located, warehouses and other places where water cannot be used to extinguish a fire or fire.
It is prohibited to block aisles and/or store On the evacuation route, at exits, in places where fire protection equipment and first aid kits are located medical care and other places.
It is prohibited to use the elevator to lift people

Warning signs

These signs are intended to warn of possible danger. Warning signs represent a triangle yellow color with a black border along the contour and a symbolic image of black on the inner field.

Image Name of the sign
Fire hazardous. Flammable substances Use to draw attention to areas with flammable substances.
On entrance doors, cabinet doors, containers, etc.
Explosive Use to draw attention to explosive substances, as well as to rooms and areas.
On entrance doors, room walls, cabinet doors, etc.
Fire hazardous. Oxidizer On room doors and cabinet doors to attract attention to the presence of an oxidizing agent.

Mandatory signs

Mandatory signs are intended to issue commands to mandatory execution certain actions. They are a blue circle with a symbolic image of white on the inner field.

Image Name of the sign Locations and recommendations for use
Work within the means personal protection respiratory organs In workplaces and areas, respiratory protection is required.
Turn off power At workplaces and equipment where disconnection from the power supply is required when setting up or stopping electrical equipment and in other cases.
Smoking here Used to designate smoking areas in industrial facilities.

Indication signs for fire protection equipment

Signs for fire protection equipment are designed to indicate the location of fire stations, fire hydrants, hydrants, fire extinguishers, fire notification points and other active fire protection equipment. They are a red square or a white square with a red border with a symbolic image of white or red on the inner field.

Image Name of the sign Locations and recommendations for use
Directional arrow
Use only in conjunction with other fire safety signs to indicate the direction of movement to the location (placement) of fire protection equipment.
Fire hydrant Where the fire hydrant kit with fire hose and barrel is located.
Fire escape Where the fire escape is located.
Fire extinguisher Where the fire extinguisher is located.
Telephone for use in case of fire (including direct contact telephone with the fire brigade) In places where a telephone is located where you can call the fire department.
Location of multiple fire protection equipment In places where several fire protection means are simultaneously located (placed).
Fire water source In areas where there is a fire pond or pier for fire trucks.
Fire dry pipe riser In the locations of the fire dry pipe riser.
Fire hydrant At the locations of underground fire hydrants. The sign must have numbers indicating the distance from the sign to the hydrant in meters.
Button for turning on fire automatics installations (systems) In places where installations are manually started fire alarm, fire extinguishing and (or) smoke protection systems.
At places (points) where a fire alarm signal is given.
Fire alarm sounder In the locations of the sounder or together with sign F 10 “Button for turning on fire automatics installations (systems)”

Signs for evacuation purposes

Indicative signs for evacuation purposes are used to indicate the direction of evacuation routes and emergency exits. They are a green square or rectangle with a symbolic image or white inscription on the inner field.
The placement of safety signs on the gates and entrance doors of premises indicates that their coverage area covers the entire territory or given premises.

Image Name of the sign Locations and recommendations for use
Exit here (left side) Above the doors (or on the doors) of emergency exits opening on the left side.
Exit here (right side) Above the doors (or on the doors) of emergency exits opening on the right side.
On the walls of the premises along with a directional arrow to indicate the direction of movement to the emergency exit.
Directional arrow Use only in conjunction with other evacuation signs to indicate the direction of travel.
45° guide arrow Use only in conjunction with other evacuation signs to indicate the direction of travel.
Direction to the emergency exit right/left On the walls of premises to indicate the direction of movement to the emergency exit.
Direction to the emergency exit right/left up
Direction to the emergency exit right/left down On the walls of premises to indicate the direction of movement to the emergency exit along an inclined plane.
Emergency exit door indicator (right/left) Above the doors of emergency exits.
Direction to the emergency exit straight ahead Above passages, openings, in rooms large area. Placed on the upper level or suspended from the ceiling.
Direction to the emergency exit down the stairs
Direction to the emergency exit up the stairs On staircases and walls adjacent to the flight of stairs.
Open here to access On doors, walls of rooms and in other places where, to gain access to a room or exit, it is necessary to open a certain structure, for example, break a glass panel, etc.
Open with a movement away from you/toward you On room doors to indicate the direction of door opening.
Slide to open On room doors to indicate actions for opening sliding doors.
Collection point (place) On doors, walls of premises and in other places to designate pre-designated gathering points (places) for people in the event of a fire, accident or other emergency.
Exit sign Above the emergency exit doors or as part of combined safety signs to indicate the direction of movement to the emergency exit.
Emergency exit sign Above the emergency exit doors.
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