Adoption of children in the Altai region. Search in the data bank

The Altai Territory is one of those fertile regions in which caring for motherhood and childhood, protecting the rights of minors, supporting large families and helping those who have adopted foster children are priorities for local authorities. Starting from February 1, 2016, the indexation of state benefits for citizens with children is set at 1.05.

Maternity benefits

(for territories with a coefficient of 15%):

One-time benefit for those registered in the early stages of pregnancy(for territories with a coefficient of 20%):

One-time benefit for the pregnant wife of a serviceman:

Maternity benefit (for women, dismissed due to liquidation of organizations).

Maternity benefits in Barnaul and Altai Territory

One-time benefit for the birth of a child:

  • 17839 rub. 55 kopecks (coefficient - 15%).
  • 18615 rub. 18 kopecks (coefficient - 20%).
Required documentsFor workers:
  1. A certificate from the registry office issued when registering the birth of a child.
  2. Child's birth certificate.
  3. A certificate from the place of work (service) of the other parent stating that the benefit was not assigned.
  4. If both parents work (serve); if the other parent does not officially work anywhere - a certificate from RUSZN stating that he (s) did not receive this benefit.
  5. For children of single mothers, you must additionally submit:
    • a certificate from the civil registry office (No. 25) on the basis for entering information about the child’s father into the birth certificate;
    • application for benefits;
    • child's birth certificate;
    • certificate from the civil registry office;
  6. Work books with records of dismissal of both parents;
  7. For those who did not work - diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming that their parents did not work.
Deadlines for application and receipt
  • The benefit is paid no later than 10 days from the date of provision of all necessary documents.
Where to contactAt the place of work (service) of one of the child’s parents or at the social security agency for unemployed people.

One-time benefit designed to help when three or more children are born at the same time provided for their education:

  • 150,000 (for the birth of three children);
  • 200,000 (for the birth of four or more children).
Required documents
  1. Application for the assignment of a one-time benefit indicating the details of an account opened with a credit institution.
  2. Application for appointment of an annual cash payment indicating the details of an account opened with a credit institution.
  3. A certificate from a medical institution confirming the birth of three or more children at the same time.
  4. A certificate from the relevant management organization, including the direct management of the owners of premises in an apartment building, or the city (rural) administration, department of internal affairs, confirming the cohabitation of children with the applicant of the children’s birth certificate.
  5. A certificate from the education authorities about the non-receipt of funds for the maintenance of children under guardianship.
  6. An identification document with a note on the issue of a residence permit or refugee certificate - for foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Altai Territory, as well as for refugees.
Receipt time
Where to contactSocial security authorities.

Annual cash payment to provide children with clothing in case of birth of three or more twins in a family:

One-time benefit at the birth of a child for young families:

  • 5,000 rubles at the birth of a second child;
  • 7,000 rubles at the birth of the third and subsequent children;
  • 20,000 rubles for the birth of twins.
Required documents
  1. Application for a one-time cash payment.
  2. Copies of parents' identification documents.
  3. Certificate of family composition from the child’s place of residence indicating joint residence with parents.
  4. Personal account details at a credit institution.
Deadlines for application and receiptOne-time cash payments are provided by transferring funds to a personal account opened with a credit institution in the name of one of the parents, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application.

Assigned when applying for benefits within 6 months from the date of birth of the child.

Who getsBoth parents have not reached the age of 30 at the date of birth of the child, and single mothers have not reached the specified age.
Where to contactSocial security authority.

Benefits in Barnaul and Altai Territory for a child under 1.5 years old

Monthly care allowance:

SizeFor the first child, the minimum size is RUB 3,344.91.

For the second and subsequent children (coefficient - 15%) - 6689 rubles. 83 kopecks.

Required documents
  1. Application for granting benefits.
  2. A certificate from the place of work (service) of the mother (father, both parents) of the child stating that she (he, they) does not use the specified leave and does not receive benefits, and if the mother (father, both parents) of the child does not work ( does not serve), - a certificate from the social protection authorities at the place of residence of the child’s mother, father about non-receipt of monthly child care benefits - for one of the parents in appropriate cases, as well as for persons actually caring for the child instead of the mother (father, both parents) of the child.
Duration of appointmentThe decision is made within 10 days.
Who gets
Where to contactTo the social security authorities.

Monthly care allowance:

SizeFor the first child - 3490 rubles. 34 kopecks.

For the second and subsequent children (coefficient - 20%) - 6980 rubles. 69 kopecks

Required documents
  1. Application for granting benefits.
  2. A copy of the birth (adoption) certificate of the child being cared for.
  3. A copy of the birth (adoption, death) certificate of the previous child (children).
  4. Extract from the decision to establish guardianship over the child.
  5. A certificate from the place of work (service) of the mother (father, both parents) of the child stating that she (he, they) does not use the specified leave and does not receive benefits. And if the mother (father, both parents) of the child does not work (does not serve), - a certificate from the social protection authorities at the place of residence of the mother, father of the child about non-receipt of monthly child care benefits -
  6. for one of the parents in appropriate cases, as well as for persons actually caring for the child instead of the mother (father, both parents) of the child.
  7. A certified copy of the work record book with presentation of your passport.
  8. Certificate from the employment service about non-payment of unemployment benefits (not provided by full-time students).
  9. A document confirming the fact that the applicant lives together with the child.
  10. A certificate from the place of study stating that the applicant is studying full-time, as well as data on the timing and amount of benefits previously received.
Receipt timeThe decision is made within 10 days.
Who getsOne of the parents or another relative, guardian, subject to compulsory social insurance, actually caring for the child and on parental leave.

One of the parents at the place of service.

Where to contactSocial security authorities.

12797.93 rubles. - maximum care allowance for persons dismissed during parental leave due to the liquidation of an organization or termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur.

Benefits for children from 1.5 to 3 years old in Barnaul

Monthly child benefit:

  • On a general basis 166.75 rubles. - (15%), 174 rub. - (20%).
  • Monthly child benefit for a single mother is 500.25 rubles. - (15%), 522 rub. - (20%).
  • Monthly allowance for children from large families (preschool age) 667 rubles. - (15%), 696 rub. - (20%).
  • 310.5 rub. for children of military personnel serving under conscription.
  • RUB 250.10 child benefits in Barnaul and the Altai Territory for those whose parents evade paying alimony or in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, when the collection of alimony is impossible.
  • 1000.5 rub. -(15%), 1044 rub. - (20%) rubles for children from large families and students of general education institutions.
  • 7831 rub. (15%), 7,128 rub. (20%) - benefits for citizens who have adopted children.
Required documents
  1. Passport or other document identifying the applicant and confirming his registration at the place of residence (original and copy).
  2. A certificate from the place of residence about the composition of the family, confirming cohabitation with the child.
  3. Child's birth certificate (original and copy).
  4. A document (passport) confirming the place of residence of the second parent (adoptive parent), if the marriage between the parents is not dissolved.
  5. Marriage (divorce) certificate (original and copy).
  6. Certificate of study at a general education institution for a child aged 16 to 18 years.
  7. Work records of the child’s parents or other documents about their place of work.
  8. For non-working citizens - the original work book and a copy of the 1st page and the last entry on admission and dismissal.
  9. For working citizens, a copy of the work record must be certified by the personnel department of the enterprise.
  10. Certificate of family income for the three calendar months preceding the month of application for benefits.
  11. Statement.
Deadlines for application and receiptThe decision is made within 10 days.
Who getsParents or persons in their stead.
Where to contactSocial security authorities.

Monthly cash payment upon the birth (adoption) of a third child or subsequent children after December 31, 2012 up to the age of three:

Size5940 rub.
Required documents
  1. Passport or other identification document.
  2. Documents confirming the birth of children.
  3. A certificate of family composition or an extract from the house register confirming the child’s cohabitation with the applicant.
  4. Documents confirming the income of each family member included in it for the last 3 calendar months preceding the month of filing the application for a monthly cash payment.
Duration of appointmentThe decision is made within 10 days.
Who getsTo one of the parents (adoptive parents) for the child born (adopted), starting from January 1, 2013, and the third child or subsequent children living together with him until the child reaches the age of three years. Support is addressed to families with an average per capita income, the amount of which does not exceed the subsistence level per capita established in the Altai Territory.
Where to contactSocial security authority.

Additional payment to pension for special merits:

Monthly benefit for a child of a military personnel, undergoing military service upon conscription, for each child of a serviceman up to the age of 3 years, during the period of the father’s service. It is important that this benefit is paid regardless of the right to other types of state benefits for citizens with children:

Regarding the subsidy for the third child: when determining the order of birth of a child, all children born or adopted by his mother are taken into account, not just minors. The regional monthly cash payment is an addition to other subsidies (which is not an extension of the monthly child care benefit from one and a half years to three years of age, but an addition to it).

Child benefits for children aged 3 years and older provided in the Altai Territory

For a first grader support for school preparation:

Size7500 rub. - for a first grader;

5000 rub. - for schoolchildren in grades 2–11.

Required documents
  1. Identity document.
  2. Application indicating bank account details.
  3. Birth certificates for children under 18 years of age.
  4. A certificate confirming the cohabitation of the parent (guardian, trustee) with the child.
  5. A certificate from the school confirming the child’s admission to study in the first grade, and for students in grades 2–11 - a certificate of education (submitted for each child annually).
  6. The guardian (trustee) additionally represents:
  • decision of local government bodies to establish guardianship (trusteeship) over a child;
  • a certificate from the education authorities about non-receipt of child support benefits.
Who getsFamilies raising three or more children under the age of 18 (as of September 1 of the current year), including children taken under guardianship (trusteeship). Support is provided to families, regardless of the level of average per capita income.
Where to contactSocial security authorities.

Maternity (family) capital in the Altai region. The right to receive capital arises after the birth (adoption) of a third child:

Size52750 rub.
Required documents
  1. A copy of all completed pages of the mother’s passport (hereinafter referred to as the applicant).
  2. Copies of children's birth certificates.
  3. A copy of the applicant's pension insurance certificate.
  4. Application indicating how to receive benefits.
  5. A copy of the passport with a mark of registration at the place of residence in the territory of the corresponding region of Russia.
  6. A copy of the savings book with the account number of the deposit.
  7. If the applicant has different surnames on the children’s birth certificates, it is necessary to provide copies of documents confirming the change of surname (marriage certificate, divorce certificate, certificates from the registry office about the change of the mother’s surname, certificate of name change, etc. ).
  8. If the applicant is the adoptive parent of a child, it is necessary to additionally provide a copy of the court decision on the adoption of the child or a copy of the adoption certificate.
  9. If the applicant has a 3rd child, and one of the previous children has died, it is necessary to additionally provide a certificate of the child’s birth and a copy of the child’s death certificate.
Deadlines for application and receiptParents with many children receive the opportunity to manage funds only after three years from the birth (adoption) of the fourth and subsequent child.
Where to contactThe territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.

In addition to the above benefits, the district department of social protection of the population pays the following:

  • One-time monetary incentive for persons awarded the Order of Parental Glory in the amount of 25,000 rubles.
  • A one-time monetary reward to one of the parents awarded
  • medals “Parental Glory” in the amount of 15,000 rubles.

In Barnaul and the Altai Territory, as in many regions, much attention is paid to stimulating the birth rate and expanding the number of child benefits. Here we can mention the material encouragement of those who have decided to take such an important step as having many children, and other steps taken in this direction.

Additional benefits for large families in the Altai Territory

  1. 10,000 rubles are awarded to a child from a large family who graduates from school with a gold or silver medal.
  2. Children who study “excellently” will be paid from 1 to 3 thousand rubles at the end of the school year. The amount depends on the class in which the excellent student is studying.
  3. Free distribution of prescription medications for children under 6 years of age.
  4. Compensation for free travel by all types of public urban passenger transport (except taxis), as well as within the administrative district of residence (registration at the place of residence) - intra-district road transport (except taxis) for students of educational institutions.
  5. Compensation for meals for students of general education institutions.
  6. Extraordinary provision of places in preschool institutions.
  7. Priority provision in the summer of vouchers to children's health camps for students of general education institutions.

Official documents on the basis of which payments are made

  1. Federal Law of December 8, 2010 No. 343 - Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law of December 29, 2006. No. 255-FZ “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.”
  2. Letter of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2013 No. 15-03-18/12-169 “On the procedure for assigning, calculating and paying maternity benefits and monthly child care benefits in 2013”.
  3. Clause 2 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05/07/2012 No. 606 “On measures to implement the demographic policy of the Russian Federation”.
  4. Resolution of the Regional Administration dated June 25, 2012 No. 329 “On approval of the Regulations on the appointment and payment of a monthly cash payment upon the birth (adoption) of a third child or subsequent children until the child reaches the age of three years”.
  5. Art. 10 Federal Law dated December 3, 2012 No. 216-FZ “On the Federal Budget for 2013 and the planning period of 2014 and 2015”, indexation was established from 01/01/2013 of state benefits for citizens with children, provided for in Article 4.2 of the Federal Law of 05/19/1995 No. 81-FZ.
  6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 No. 948 “On amendments to the Regulations on the assignment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children”.

We recently wrote about payments to pensioners. In this article we will talk about families living in the Altai Territory who are applying for a gubernatorial cash payment, we will examine the question of who is actually entitled to it according to the law, and we will touch upon the issue of receiving a land plot for a family that has given birth to a third child.

Question: Which families receive the governor's payment in the Altai Territory?

Answer: families with permanent residence in the Altai Territory, who have had a third and subsequent child.

Question: What is the current size of the governor's payment?

Answer: At the moment, its size in the Altai Territory is 55,400 rubles.

Question: where to receive payment and what documents to submit?

Answer: You need to receive payments and provide documents at the Department of Social Protection of the Altai Territory.
The package of documents that will be required from you:

1. An application addressed to the head of the Social Security Administration, which indicates the method of receiving payment that is convenient for you (non-cash/cash. Transfer to a savings book is generally considered the most common method);
2. A photocopy of the child's birth certificate;
3. A photocopy of the passport of the parent submitting the application with a valid registration mark at the place of residence in the Altai Territory;
4. If you have chosen the payment method - non-cash, you will need to provide all documents about your current account/passbook, etc.

Question: is it true that large families in Altai are entitled to a free plot of land for the birth of a third child?

Answer: Truth. This is regulated by Resolution of the Administration of the Altai Territory of November 11, 2011 N 649 (as amended by Resolutions of the Administration of the Altai Territory of 05/15/2013 N 255, dated 08/28/2014 N 412).

Moreover, to obtain land it is not necessary to improve living conditions.

The birth of a child is always a holiday, accompanied by large expenses on the part of the parents. Buying a stroller, crib, toys, children's things - all these are far from cheap pleasures. Fortunately, the state now provides all kinds of support to families with small children, for example, a one-time benefit issued at the birth of a baby. It is worth noting that its size is constantly changing and differs in different areas.

Who is the benefit paid to?

As a rule, it is issued and received by the child’s mother. It happens less often that the payment is made by the father or other relatives - guardians or adoptive parents. If it happens that several children are born at the same time, then a lump sum benefit is paid for each living child.

The size of the one-time benefit in the Altai Territory in 2019

In the Altai Territory, there are two coefficients that determine the amount of financial assistance paid at the birth of a baby - 1.15 and 1.2, that is, 15% and 20%.

Coefficient 1.2 is valid in the following areas:

Aleisk, Baevsky, Blagoveshchensk, Burlinsky, Volchikhinsky, Yegoryevsky, Zavyalovsky, Klyuchevsky, Kulundinsky, Mamontovsky, Mikhailovsky, German, Novichikhinsky, Pankrushikhinsky, Pospelikhinsky, Rodinsky, Romanovsky, Rubtsovsky, Slavgorod, Suetsky, Tabunsky, Kolovsky, Shipunovsky, and also Shipunovsky, and also Shipunovsky, as well as in several cities under regional subordination, namely Aleysk, Slavgorod, Yarov.

In all other territories the coefficient is 1.15.

Since 2019, the size of the lump sum payment per child in the Altai Territory is from 17,839.52 rubles. up to 18,615.16 rubles, depending on the area of ​​residence. Moreover, if the baby was born in January, then the amount of payments will correspond to the values ​​​​current in 2019, that is, 16,672.45 rubles. and 17,397.34 rubles. respectively.

In addition, there are conditions for increasing the size of these payments. If the husband of a woman giving birth undergoes military service on conscription, then the amount of the corresponding payments will be 28,250.77 rubles. and 29,479.07 rubles. respectively. In 2018, these amounts were RUB 26,402.60. and 27,550.54 rubles.

If three or more children are born at the same time, then additional regional benefits are paid. In the event of the birth of triplets, the amount of additional regional benefits is 150,000 rubles. If there are four or more children, then 200,000 rubles.

In addition to federal financial assistance, the governing bodies of a particular region, republic or region on the territory of the Russian Federation may or may not assign additional support expressed in monetary terms. In the Altai Territory, such material support exists and is called gubernatorial payments.

Governor's payments

This is additional financial assistance that is paid in the Altai Territory for the birth of a child. Only those families in which this is the third and subsequent children can apply for it. The payment amount for 2019 is 55,400 rubles.

But, as you know, any funds are not paid automatically. To apply for benefits, you need to collect complete packages of documents and submit them to the appropriate services.

Where to submit documents

The simplest option is if at least one of the parents is officially employed. Then the payment goes to his place of work.

If both parents are unemployed or students, it is worth contacting the social security authorities. The procedure will be simplified if at least one of the parents has a residence permit in the city of residence - it will be much easier to issue a payment to him.

If both parents work, then the paying organization is chosen by them independently - depending on who goes on maternity leave. If the recipient of the cash payment has several jobs, then it is paid according to the main one. If for some reason this is not possible, then at any other place of work, provided there is a document confirming the absence of benefits from the main job.

List of required documents

To receive a one-time allowance for the birth of a child, in the Altai Territory you need to collect the following list of documents:

  • a statement indicating the purpose of the benefit;
  • birth certificate of the baby (issued in official form at the registry office; only the original is accepted);
  • a certificate from the place of work of the parent for whom the payment was made, or a certificate from the social security authorities if both parents do not work. The certificate issued by the social protection authorities must indicate that this child benefit was not paid.

Important points:

  • if the parents are divorced or were not married at all, then the parent applying for such a one-time benefit in the Altai Territory must submit the relevant documents - confirmation of cohabitation with the child and a certificate of divorce, if any. Confirmation of joint residence can be a certificate from the place of residence, which indicates that both the parent and child are registered at the same address;
  • if for some reason a child was born a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the country, then it is necessary to present a birth certificate issued by this country and legalize it (or translate it into Russian). It is important to know that only those documents that are written in Russian, certified by a notary and accompanied by an official seal will have legal force in Russia.

Deadlines for submitting documents

To receive a one-time benefit after the birth of a baby in the Altai Territory, 6 months are given. If you did not manage to meet this deadline for any valid reasons, then it can be restored by going to court.

It is worth noting that the exact amount of the benefit is calculated based on the baby’s date of birth. If he was born in January, then the amount of the cash payment is determined by the figures of the previous year.

List of documents for receiving gubernatorial payments in the Altai Territory

Only those people who have permanent residence in this territory have the right to such payments. All official documents must be submitted to the social security authorities. The list of documents includes:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • a copy of the passport of the parent submitting the application (main page and registration in the Altai Territory);
  • Bank details.

The list of benefits provided to families with children in the Altai Territory is quite wide. Parents can also count on, which are the same throughout Russia, as well as on those established by the regional authorities and financed from the regional budget.

Young families, single parents or large families are required by law provision of land for individual construction or development of subsidiary plots (Law No. 98-ZS dated 09.11.2015 “On the free provision of ownership of land plots”).

It is noteworthy that in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, allotments are provided primarily only to families with many children.

Payment of federal benefits to families with children in Barnaul

The list of state benefits that are paid in the Altai Territory, as well as in other regions of the Russian Federation, is established by Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995. These payments are financed from the state budget. Features of their design:

  • You need to submit an application to your employer or social security, and for those who are not working, to social security. Maternity capital is registered with the Pension Fund (PFR).
  • Payments can be made either parent or substitute persons living with the child.
  • Payments are assigned according to the principle categoricality- i.e. regardless of the material wealth of the family.
  • Benefits indexed annually by the inflation rate. was held from February 1 in 1,043 times.

For a number of professions in part of the Altai Territory there are regional coefficients, namely 1.15 and 1.25. They apply to salaries and benefits, including children's benefits (if these coefficients were not taken into account as part of the salary when processing maternity benefits).

That is, state payments for children in the region are paid in three sizes:

  • basic federal;
  • increased, multiplied by 1.15 or 1.25.

Thus, the amount of payment of child benefits in Barnaul and the Altai Territory will depend on the locality in which the recipient lives and the type of his activity.

Name of federal benefit Benefit amount, rub.
at the federal level from 02/01/2019 in the Altai Territory with coefficient. 1.15 (+ 15%), rub. with a coefficient of 1.25 (+25%), pub.
(minimum 140 days of maternity leave)51919 59706,85 64898,75
When registering655,49 753,81 819,36
, 17479,73 20101,69 21849,66
27680,97 31833,12 34601,21
up to 1.5 years (minimum)for the first child3277.45 - not working
4512.00 - working
3769.07 - non-working
5188.80 - working
- not working
- working
6554,89 7538,12 8193,61
9811.00 - the cost of living per child
on call11863,27 13642,76 14829,09

Schedule for registration and payment of child benefits

    • From the beginning of pregnancy

      • 12 weeks pregnant
    • When is it processed and paid?

      28 or 30 weeks pregnant

      • End of maternity leave
    • When is it processed and paid?

      Birth of a child

      • 0.5 years
      • (not limited)
      • 3 years
    • When is it processed and paid?

      End of maternity leave

      • 1.5 years
      • 3 years
    • When is it processed and paid?

      From birth or from 1.5 years

      • Up to 16 or under 18 years old
    • When is it processed and paid?

      Adopting a child

      • 3 months
      • 1.5 years
      • 3 years
      • 3 years
      • 18 years
      • 6 months after adoption
      • (not limited)
    • When is it processed and paid?

      180 days of pregnancy for a military wife

      • The end of the child's father's military service
    • When is it processed and paid?

      Birth of a child

      • 3 years
    • When is it processed and paid?

      The death of a soldier

      • 18 years
    • When is it processed and paid?

      Transferring a child to a family for upbringing

      • 6 months after transfer
      • 18 years


Schedule of child benefits according to the timing of their registration and payment

    • 12
    • 28 or 30
    • Birth
    • End
      maternity leave
    • 0,5
      of the year
    • 1,5
      of the year
    • 3
      of the year
    • 16
    • 18
    • regional benefit
      per child*
    • One-time payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payments are possible*

    * the start and end dates for payments are set at the regional level (most often from 1.5 to 16 years)

    • One-time payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payments are possible*

    * the start and end dates for payments are established by regional laws (most often from 1.5 to 16 years), but not earlier than the moment of adoption of the child

    ** the right to receive benefits does not depend on the age of the child at the time of adoption

    • One-time payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payments are possible*

    * can be paid from the moment the child is born until he reaches 3 years of age, but not earlier than the beginning and no later than the father’s completion of military service

    ** paid from the moment of death of a military personnel until the child reaches 18 years of age or until the end of full-time education, but no later than 23 years of age

    • One-time payments
    • Monthly payments

In addition to the indicated government payments, after the birth of the 2nd child, the family is also allocated. In 2019, its size is 453,026 rubles, and now indexation of maternity capital is frozen until 2020.

Regional child benefits in the Altai Territory

To apply for local child benefits, please contact: social protection authority at the place of residence or a multifunctional center for the provision of public services. Regional child benefits are provided on the basis - that is, to those groups of the population for whom they are truly extremely important.

General features of payment provision:

  • To qualify for regional benefits, you must permanently reside in the region.
  • Benefits can be applied for by Russian and foreign citizens, as well as refugees, unless otherwise indicated in the comments to a specific type of payment.
  • The responsible body has 10-15 days to make a decision.
  • Not only the mother, but also the father (substitute parent), with rare exceptions, can apply for any local payment.
  • Child benefits are subject to annual indexing by local inflation rate unless otherwise stated.
  • Funds are allocated from the local budget.
  • Benefits do not apply to children transferred from a family to state support.

To monthly local benefits in the relevant areas of the region also regional coefficients apply. They do not apply to one-time and annual payments.

To receive any of the benefits listed below, you need to contact the responsible authority with an application and the necessary documents. Standard package of documents(for each type of payment is accompanied by an additional list, which are given below):

  • applicant's passport;
  • bank account information;
  • court decision on adoption (if relevant);
  • certificates from the place of residence about the composition of the family and the cohabitation of the applicant with the child;
  • confirmation of family relationships (certificate of marriage/divorce, change of surname or death of a spouse).

One-time benefit for the birth of several children at the same time

At birth in the family three or more children at the same time the family can receive one-time cash assistance from local authorities. The right to this type of benefit does not depend on the financial situation of the family and its receipt of other types of payments.

Resolution No. 376 of July 11, 2011 “On approval of regulations on the procedure for providing social support measures to large families”
  • 150,000 rub. - at the birth of three babies at the same time;
  • 200,000 rub. - four or more children
Required documents
  • basic package;
  • a certificate from the hospital confirming the birth of three or more children at the same time;
  • decision on establishing guardianship of children and document on the death of parents (for guardians)
Deadline No later than 6 months. from the day of birth of children

Benefit applies to three people relatives and wards children. But it does not apply to three people adopted at the same time.

Regional child benefit

For the purpose of material support low-income families with children have a special type of benefit established for them. It applies to every child up to 16 years old(up to 18 years old, if he has not yet graduated from school). A monthly allowance is provided to families whose income per person is does not exceed the subsistence level(PM), established in the region, according to socio-demographic groups of the population.

  • The right to payment cannot be exercised by guardians who receive funds from guardianship for the maintenance of children.
  • The payment is provided from the date of application and for the past 6 months, if the applicant had grounds for receiving it.
  • This type of help is needed re-register every two years.

Since 2016, federal legislation has allowed this benefit to be paid at least once a quarter (for 3 months). These changes will not yet affect the Altai Territory - payments will be provided monthly, as before, in the same amount.

What law establishes No. 34-ЗС dated October 15, 2004 “On monthly child benefit”
  • 145 rub. - regular size;
  • RUR 217.50 - if the second parent evades paying child support;
  • 290 rub. - if the child’s father is undergoing military service;
  • 435 rub. - for each child of a single mother;
  • 580 rub., 870 rub. - respectively, for a preschooler and a schoolchild from a large family
Required documents
  • standard package;
  • parents' income certificates
Deadline At any time after the grounds arise

PM is established by regional authorities once a quarter over the past period of time. In January 2017, the indicators for the 3rd quarter of 2016 in relation to socio-demographic groups were known:

  • per capita - 8,931 rubles;
  • for able-bodied residents of the region - 9,549 rubles;
  • for pensioners - 7,243 rubles;
  • for children - 8,987 rub.

Monthly cash payment (MCB) for the 3rd child

Low-income families can receive cash assistance from local authorities for their third or next child. It is provided per baby from birth to 3 years born after December 31, 2012 ( one payment per family).

  • Low-income - a family in which the average per capita income is lower than the minimum monthly wage established in the region by population group.
  • Payment can only be made Russian citizens.
  • When determining the order of birth of a child, children born to the mother are taken into account.
  • Payment is provided from the month of registration and for the past 6 months. before that, if there were grounds for receiving it.

In 2017, in the Altai Territory, the EDV will be partially co-financed from the state budget - the same as in the other 50 regions with unsatisfactory fertility.

One-time benefit for adoptive parents

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have adopted a minor child have the right to an additional regional benefit (in addition to the federal one, which is paid when the child is transferred to the family).

  • This type of assistance does not apply to the adoption of stepsons and stepdaughters.
  • The payment is provided for each adopted child, regardless of his age.

Monthly allowance for adoptive parents

The adoptive parents of a child can apply for a monthly allowance for him, provided that this child stayed with them under guardianship or patronage for at least 3 years before. Cash assistance is provided for each adopted child until he turns 16 years old.

  • The payment is not provided for an adopted stepson (stepdaughter).
  • The applicant must have Russian citizenship.

Annual payment to families with many children to prepare their child for school

On every child under 18 years of age from a large family who is registering or is already going to school is entitled to an annual payment. It is issued with the wording “for preparation for school.” The ability to receive a payment does not depend on the financial security of the family.

  • Money is allowed to be spent on the purchase of a school uniform or clothing replacing it, sports kit, and other goods for school activities.
  • The payment is provided only to parents who are citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • The benefit is not assigned to guardians who receive funds for the maintenance of children from the guardianship authority.
  • The condition of having many children and living in the region must be confirmed at the beginning of the school year for which financial assistance is provided.
  • The payment is provided for the year of application. But it can also be provided for the past 3 years, if the family had reasons to receive it.

It should be noted that the “school uniform allowance” in the Altai Territory is much more significant in size than in other regions. In most regions of the Russian Federation, this type of financial assistance rarely exceeds 2,000-3,000 rubles.

A family in which they are raised is considered to have many children. three or more children under 18 years of age. There are other types of assistance for families with many children in the region. They are established by Law No. 148-ZS of December 29, 2006. “On additional measures of social support for large families in the Altai Territory”. These types of assistance apply to families whose average per capita income is lower than two edge PMs per capita. Among the support measures:

  • Providing free prescription medications for children under 6 years of age.
  • Compensation for meals (Law No. 10-ZS of 03/05/2005) and travel for schoolchildren.
  • Extraordinary provision of a place in kindergarten for preschoolers.
  • Extraordinary provision of vouchers to summer health camps for schoolchildren.
  • Monetary incentives for parents when awarded the order or medal “Parental Glory” (Law No. 135-ZS of December 12, 2006).

Regardless of income Large families are provided with the following types of assistance:

  • Excellent students and medalists are entitled to one-time payments for good studies at school (Decree No. 448 of 08/15/2011). The required amounts are 1,000 rubles, 2,000 rubles, 3,000 rubles. - respectively for students in grades 2-4, grades 5-9, grades 10-11. And also for gold and silver medalists - 10,000 rubles.
  • 100% compensation for university education for each child enrolled no earlier than the 2014/2015 academic year, for families with 9 or more children (Resolution No. 196 of April 23, 2014).

Part 3 art. 3 of the regional law of November 9, 2015 No. 98-ZS provides for the right families with three or more children, for a one-time free receipt of land plots for individual housing construction or private household plots (for this they do not have to be registered for the improvement of housing conditions).

Annual payment upon the birth of three or more children at the same time

If triplets (or more children) were born after 01/01/2011, their parents (guardians) are provided with a payment for the purchase of children's clothing. It is issued from the year of birth to the year when children turn 7 years.

  • To receive benefits for him must be applied annually, otherwise the right to this type of social assistance is lost.
  • The payment is not assigned to guardians who receive funds from the state for the maintenance of children.

Payment can be provided including for the 3 years preceding the application for it, if the applicant had grounds.

Monthly benefits for the maintenance of orphans placed in a family

Guardians, trustees and foster parents are entitled to funds from the regional authorities for the maintenance of children raised in their families. This type of assistance only applies to orphans or for various reasons remaining without parental care. The age of the child for whom assistance can be received is up to 16 years (up to 18 years for students at school).

  • Documents for benefits are submitted to the guardianship authority.
  • The specified payment amounts are provided for each child.

In addition to the benefit, adoptive parents can receive remuneration from the state for raising children. Guardians are not entitled to remuneration.

What law establishes No. 29-ЗС dated April 10, 2007 “On the procedure and amount of payment to guardians (trustees), adoptive parents of funds for the maintenance of orphans and children left without parental care”
Size RUB 10,174 - funds for the maintenance of one child
  • RUB 4,115.16 - remuneration for the adoptive parent;
  • +10% for raising a child under 3 years old, a disabled child or with limited health capabilities, regardless of age
Required documents
  • child's birth certificate;
  • confirmation that there is no parental care over the baby;
  • certificate of cohabitation;
  • certificate of study at school (for a ward over 16-18 years old);
  • an extract from the guardianship authority regarding the establishment of guardianship;
  • agreement between guardianship and parents on the creation of a foster family
Deadline At any time after the child is transferred to the family

Regional maternity capital

At birth or adoption third child after 01.01.2011, citizens of the Russian Federation living in the Altai Territory are entitled to an additional measure of support. Regional maternity capital is supposed to be issued only to the mother. In cases where she is absent (she died, the man is the only adoptive parent, or under other circumstances), the father can receive maternity capital.

  • Regional maternity capital can only be obtained if the Russian parents have registered for the child Russian citizenship.
  • Payment is provided to the applicant only once.
  • The right to maternity capital does not depend on how much time has passed since the birth of the previous child.
  • Funds are sold in non-cash form.
  • You can spend maternity capital on improving living conditions or educating any of your children.
What law establishes No. 100-ЗС dated August 31, 2011 “On maternal (family) capital in the Altai Territory”
Size RUB 55,387.50
Required documents
  • confirmation of the Russian citizenship of the applicant and the child;
  • standard package;
  • documents confirming where the funds will be used
  • no earlier than the child turns 3 years old - in general;
  • at any time after the birth of the child - if the money is planned to be spent on paying off the mortgage debt

According to the law, the local maternity capital program was initially valid until December 31, 2016, but was extended to 2017. It is not yet known whether a decision will be made to further extend the local initiative into 2018.

Compensations and types of assistance for different categories of families with children

Families with disabled children and persons suffering from various diseases caused by the Chernobyl accident are entitled to receive benefits and cash payments.

According to local law, family with a disabled child required:

  • Providing travel cards for discounted travel within a city or administrative district for disabled children and their accompanying persons.
  • Discount on utility bills.
  • Compensation of the insurance premium under a compulsory social insurance agreement for a family that, due to the medical needs of a child, has a vehicle.

For families affected in one way or another by accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant:

  • Children of the first and next generation of evacuees from the Chernobyl zone, those who received radiation sickness, and the liquidators of the accident are entitled to compensation for food for the time they do not attend school during the school year.
  • Children suffering from diseases caused by Chernobyl (including genetic ones, if the changes are caused by the influence of the accident on the parent):
    • monthly compensation for the purchase of products;
    • annual payment for damage to health;
    • provision of discounted passes for public transport;
    • payment of 50% of the cost of utilities.

Children whose breadwinner died during military service in Afghanistan, Chechnya or the North Caucasus are provided with an additional pension (Law No. 144-ZS of December 30, 2005). It is paid until the child reaches 18 years of age (23 years of age for schoolchildren). The pension amount is 0.5 children's regional monthly minimum.

All families with children The following types of assistance are provided:

  • respectively, 20% for the first, 50% for the second, 70% for the third and subsequent children (order No. 5452 of December 3, 2013). An application for this type of assistance is submitted to the kindergarten management.
  • One-time payment young families of Barnaul(age of both parents up to 30 years) at the birth of a second child (5,000 rubles), third and subsequent children (7,000 rubles), twins (20,000 rubles). Paid on the basis of decision No. 549 of 06/03/2011.

The demographic situation in the Altai Territory does not reach the average indicators of other regions of Russia. Therefore, as part of the promotion and stimulation of the birth rate, the regional leadership pays additional benefits to needy citizens from its own budget. Unlike federal subsidies, which are calculated on a general basis, regional payments are targeted and intended only for low-income families.

Let's consider what benefits socially vulnerable citizens can receive in 2018-2019 in the Altai Territory.

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State payments

To receive such transfers, you must contact your direct employer or social security authorities if your parents/guardians are not officially employed. It should be clarified that the Altai Territory is one of the regions with special living conditions, therefore increasing coefficients apply to all types of payments here.

Amount of federal payments in 2019

Taking these features into account, child benefits in 2019 in Barnaul are paid in the following amounts.

RecipientValue taking into account regional coefficientsNature of transfers
1.15 1.2
Pregnant women registered as obstetricians for short periods of time, dismissed due to reorganization or closure of the enterprise668 698 One-time
17 839 18 615 One-time
3 344 3 490 Monthly
Parenting 2- X and more kids6 689 6 980 Monthly
registered as an obstetrician28 250 299 479 One-time
The wife of a conscript soldier caring for a baby12 107 12 633 Monthly
Mothers on maternity leave who lost their jobs during this period57 60 Monthly
Guardians who adopted the child into the familyBase size - 17,83918 615 One-time
For disabled people under 7 years old - 136,308142 235
Children of military personnel and law enforcement officers who died or disappeared while performing their duty2 435 2 541 Monthly
Children of military personnel and law enforcement officers killed in the republics of the North Caucasus19 809 Annual, spent only on recreation in summer health camps
Persons awarded the Order of Parental Glory100 000 One-time
Mothers who gave birth to their second child under the "" program453 026 One-time
Important! All benefits, with the exception of Maternity Capital, increase annually. Indexation of certificates has been suspended by government decision until 2020.

Regional payments

Such subsidies are issued only by social security authorities on the basis of a written application and collected documents. Recipients are citizens of Russia and other countries, provided that they permanently reside in the Altai Territory.

In 2019, regional benefits are paid in these amounts.

RecipientMagnitudeNature of payments
1.15 1.2
Women in laborFor the simultaneous birth of 3 babies - 100,000One-time
For the simultaneous birth of 4 babies or more - 150,000
Mothers of twins (three or more children)3 000 Annual
Raising childrenStandard - 178186 Monthly
Single mothers - 534558
Spouses of conscript soldiers - 356372
Children who do not receive child support - 267279
Parents with many children - 713744
Parents with many children for each school-age child1 069 1 116 Monthly
Parents with many children preparing their children for school5,000—7,500 depending on the age of the childOne-time
Knights of the Order of Parental Glory25 000 One-time
Mothers who gave birth to their 3rd child (regional maternity capital)55 387 One-time
Parents/adoptive parents of the 3rd child8 847 Monthly
Guardians, child care10 174 10 616 Monthly
Adoptive parents and foster carers as additional remuneration4 115 4 294 Monthly
Children who lost their fathers during armed conflicts5 087 5 308 Monthly
Adoptive parents20 000 One-time
Guardians for child support8 847 Monthly
Guardians, as an additional financial incentive3,578 with the possibility of a 10% increase in the amount for children under 3 years of age or disabled childrenMonthly
Important! The increase factor applies to monthly benefits only.

Procedure and conditions for receiving

Regional subsidies are targeted in nature, so there is no uniform procedure for registration. The documents required to receive may vary depending on the type of benefit and category of the recipient.

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With the simultaneous birth of 3- X and more children

Parents or guardians can apply for benefits, regardless of their financial situation and income level.

  • medical certificate about the birth of babies;

Documents are submitted to the social security authorities no later than 6 months from the moment the grounds arise.

In addition, such parents/guardians are entitled to annual payments, which can be received until the age of 7. The subsidy is issued by the social security authorities, being re-registered Every year.

Baby care

Payments are intended for low-income parents/guardians, transfers are made from the moment of birth/adoption until the 16th birthday.

  • passports and birth certificates;
  • extract from the house register;
  • income certificates;
  • details for crediting funds.

Payments are made every month; forty applications for benefits are not regulated.

Important! The subsidy must be reissued every 24 months, confirming that the family’s financial situation has not changed. If the child continues to study at school, the benefit is paid until the age of 18.

Before 3 years

Subsidies are not tied to the number of children and are paid to a family that has given birth to 3 children. X and more children. Recipients are only Russian citizens with low per capita income.

  • passports/birth certificates;
  • certificates of income level of parents/guardians;
  • extract from the house register;
  • Bank details.

You need to contact the social security department at your place of residence no later than six months from the moment the grounds arise.

For adoptive parents

Subsidies for parents who have adopted children into their families are either one-time or monthly payments. Benefits are issued for each adopted child, and only Russian citizens become recipients.

  • personal documents of children and guardians;
  • custody order;
  • extract from the house register;
  • other documents required at the place of application.

You can write an application for subsidies at any time after the court decision on guardianship comes into force.

Important! Subsidies do not apply to natural adopted children.

Large families

This category includes parents/guardians who have 3 dependent X and more minor children. To such families turns out assistance in preparing children for the educational process. Recipients are only Russians who have a “Parents of Many Children” certificate and have been living in the Altai Territory for at least a year before submitting documents.

  • personal documents of parents/children;
  • certificate from the educational institution;
  • extract from the house register;
  • Bank details for depositing funds.

In addition, low-income large families are entitled to the following benefits:

  1. admission of children to kindergartens outside the general queue;
  2. providing children with free transportation and hot meals at school;
  3. priority receipt of vouchers to health camps and sanatoriums;
  4. free provision of necessary medications.

Regardless of the level of family income, children of parents with many children receive annual financial incentives for excellent studies; gold and silver medalists who graduate from school receive one-time payments of 10,000 rubles.

If there are more than 9 children in a family, education for each student at universities is covered from the municipal budget.

Regional certificate of maternity capital

Receive only to women who have given birth/adopted a 3rd child. Fathers receive the right to dispose of funds only by court decision if they are the sole guardians or the child’s mother has died/recognized as incompetent.

  • personal documents;
  • birth certificates of babies;
  • custody order;
  • documents confirming the intended use of funds.

You can apply for a certificate until your child turns 3 years old. If the funds are used to repay the mortgage loan - at any time.

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