Disposal of fire extinguishers is required by law. Disposal of various types of fire extinguishers

Materials include mixtures of finely ground, sifted fractions of various mineral salts with additives that reduce the formation of lumps and caking into a single mass during storage until use. Fire extinguishing powders are a fairly universal means of application.

Thus, fire extinguishing powder ABSE, as can be seen from the markings, is intended to eliminate fires of flammable substances in the form of solid materials, liquids, gases; fires of electrical equipment with an operating voltage of up to 1 thousand volts.

Extinguishing with fire extinguishing powder

Types (types) of fire extinguishing powders

The technical characteristics of the fire extinguishing powder, based on physical and chemical properties, allow it to be used in the manufacture, production, and equipment of various fire extinguishing agents:

  • Portable, mobile, used to protect industrial premises, warehouse facilities, public buildings, administrative institutions.
  • , as installed inside construction, technological compartments, niches; housings, cabinets of electrical, switching, control electronic equipment, and those thrown manually into the source of a starting fire.
  • In, designed to eliminate fires at industrial and warehouse facilities with high protection, consisting of such types of raw materials, finished products, installed technological, control equipment as, for example, flammable liquids, gas liquids, electrical installations, electronic equipment. Stewing them traditionally is impossible, and inappropriate for various reasons; incl. due to the high cost of delivery, installation, and technical service.
  • In special powder fire extinguishing vehicles.

Regulatory documents, namely GOST “fire extinguishing powders”, which can definitely be called GOST R 53280-2009 (and), establishing requirements and test methods for fire extinguishing powders for general and special purposes, respectively, define their two types:

  • General purpose fire extinguishing powder , used to eliminate fires of classes A, B, C, E, but is not intended to suppress class D fires. It is used by creating a cloud of powder that envelops the fire, i.e. in a volumetric way.
  • Special-purpose fire extinguishing powder is intended for use as a fire extinguishing agent in hand-held portable mobile devices, exclusively metals and their compounds; as well as gases, flammable liquids; electrical equipment under voltage. Such special powders are used as a surface fire extinguishing method, isolating the burning surface from contact with oxygen.

Both in the standards and in the fire-technical literature, the concepts of fire extinguishing powders for targeted, universal purposes are also found. In fact, this gradation only duplicates and uses the names of two types of special-purpose powders designed to solve individual problems:

  • Targeted - to eliminate fires of active metals and their chemical compounds.
  • Universal - both for extinguishing metals and flammable gases and liquids; electrical equipment included in the network up to 1 thousand V.

In addition, GOST, regulatory requirements for certification tests, the use of fire extinguishing powders as part of various devices, products, plant equipment, systems for localization and elimination of fires of substances in all physical states; electrical installations are set out in the following documents:

  • – to general compositions, – to special-purpose powders.
  • – to the parameters of powder fire extinguishing installations.
  • – to powder fire extinguishing modules, both used autonomously and as part of an automatic fire extinguishing system.
  • , establishing a range of quality indicators for such powders as serial commercial products, including fire extinguishing ability, fluidity, caking ability, shelf life; resistance to shaking, thermal and vibration effects.

There is also a division of fire extinguishing powders into types according to the classes of fire that they are able to effectively eliminate or localize, which is expressed in different product labeling of finished products produced by manufacturing companies:

  • ABSE - to eliminate all classes of fires, including combustion, connected to the electrical equipment network.
  • EVERYTHING – to suppress fires of liquids, gaseous substances, and operating electrical installations.
  • VS - for extinguishing drugs, gases, flammable gases.
  • ABC - the same, as well as solid combustible materials, incl. flammable packaging.
  • D – for extinguishing burning metals.

More information about fire classes in the encyclopedia:

Quality indicators of fire extinguishing powders

Level of quality Name, unit of measurement, limit value
Fire extinguishing ability Powder consumption, kg/m 2, per model hearth Determination of consumption: for a model 1A class A fire (without re-ignition for 10 minutes); for a model 55 V fire of class B. This powder should provide extinguishing of a class C fire
Humidity Mass fraction of moisture, %, no more than 0.35 Determination of the weight loss of a sample after drying at a given temperature to constant weight (thermal or desiccator method)
Tendency to moisture absorption and caking Increase in powder mass, %, no more than 3; formation of lumps,%, no more than 2 Determination of the increase in sample weight when kept above a saturated solution of 80% humidity (temperature (20 ± 3) °C) for 24 hours (desiccator method)
Fluidity Mass flow under specified test conditions, kg/s, not less than 0.28; powder residue,%, no more than 10 Measuring mass flow and powder residue in a testing device when it flows under gas pressure
Water repellency Absorption of droplets by powder under specified conditions Observing the absorption of three drops of water for 120 minutes
Density Apparent, kg/m 3, not less than 700; when compacted, kg/m 3, not less than 1000 Determination of the ratio of the mass of powder freely poured and compacted by vibration for a given time to a given volume
Grading The amount of powder (fraction) on a sieve with meshes of different sizes Sieve mechanical (or manual) analysis on metal sieves (can be performed at the product manufacturing facility)
Chemical composition The main component must be at least (75 ± 5)% Chemical analysis (performed at the manufacturing plant)
Breakdown voltage (for powders intended for extinguishing live equipment) Voltage not less than 5 kV Measurement of alternating voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz on the electrodes of a cell filled with compacted powder, at which a breakdown of the spark gap of a given value occurs
Shelf life No, less than 5 years Determination of the duration of stay of the powder in the original packaging under the conditions established by regulatory requirements while maintaining fire extinguishing ability and performance properties

Along with the indicators presented in the table, for general purpose powders and depending on the conditions of their use, other additional indicators presented below can be established.

Level of quality Name, unit of measurement Brief description of the method
Transportability Mass concentration of powder in working gas, kg/kg, kg/m3 Measuring the mass of powder in the mass of working gas
Release range Mass flow rate of powder along the length of the jet, kg/m Determination of the amount of powder under given emission conditions and its distribution along the length of the jet
Heat resistance Preservation of the original characteristics of the operational properties of the powder in the temperature range from -50 to +50 ° C Thermostating of the powder in a given temperature range with subsequent determination of operational properties (flowability, moisture absorption, etc.)
Corrosivity Change in mass of a metal control plate upon contact with powder, g/mm 2 per year Determination of the destructive effect of powder on metal and plastic products (dried and wet) by weight method
Flowability Volume flow, m 3 /s, minimum diameter, mm Calculation of the volume of powder flowing freely from a cone-shaped vessel per unit time ("funnel" method) and the freezing of powder flowing from a cone-shaped vessel ("diameter" method)
Vibration resistance Preservation of operational properties by the powder after vibration exposure Determination of operational and fire extinguishing properties of powder after vibration for 1 hour

Quality indicators of special-purpose fire extinguishing powders

In terms of quality, fire extinguishing powders must meet the requirements specified in the table.

Indicators Indicator value for class powder
D1 D2 D3 (TIBA) D1 (TIBA)
universal target universal target universal target
Apparent density of uncompacted powder, kg/m 3, not less 700 700 700 500 700 450
Mass fraction, %, no more 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,40 0,35 0,50
Tendency to moisture absorption,%, no more 2,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 2,50 0,15
Fluidity at mass fraction of residue in the fire extinguisher, %, no more 15 15 15 18 15 21
Fluidity, kg/s, not less 0,28 0,28 0,28 0,20 0,28 0,15
Fire extinguishing capacity, kg/m2, no more 20 12 50 10 50 20
Average shelf life, years, not less 5 5 5 5 5 5


  1. The universal powder is intended for extinguishing metals (their compounds), as well as flammable liquids, gases, and electrical installations under voltage of 1000 V.
  2. The target powder is intended only for extinguishing metals (their compounds).
  3. Fluidity, kg/s, is determined by the flow rate of the powder as it flows out of the testing device under working gas pressure.
  4. Fluidity at the mass fraction of residue in the test device (fire extinguisher), %, is determined by the remainder of the powder in it after testing.
  5. Fire extinguishing ability is determined by the mass of powder per unit of open surface of a model fire. The following fuels are used: milled magnesium powder with a main component content of 98.5% - fire class B1; metallic sodium with a content of the main component of 99.6% - fire class D2; triisobutylaluminum (TIBA) or its solution in toluene (TIBA content – ​​40% vol. – fire class D3).

Fire extinguishing ability (efficiency) of the powder

The fire extinguishing properties of the powder, according to GOST 53280, are primarily characterized by such an indicator as fire extinguishing ability. This state standard defines it by the quantitative parameters of substances, methods used, devices used for such purposes.

In standards, for example, in GOST 53286 there is also a slightly different, more specific definition of the fire extinguishing ability of powders as the ability to eliminate model fires in area and/or volume.

For reference: a model fire is considered to be a fire of an established, specific shape and size.

More details in a separate article:

Powders that are intended to extinguish class A fires must extinguish a model fire 1A; for classes B, C - a 55 V source with a flow rate of no more than 1 kg/m 3.

The choice of a specific type, type of powder for extinguishing fires directly depends on its fire extinguishing ability:

  • Class A fire – ABCE type fire extinguishing powder.
  • B, C – ABSE and ALL.
  • D – special purpose powder type D.
  • E – ABCE.

To ensure the effectiveness of extinguishing solid materials, light, alkali metals, their compounds, incl. organic, use powders designed for gentle application to a burning surface; to eliminate the burning of liquids and gases - volumetric extinguishing powders.

Important characteristics related to fire extinguishing ability, the effectiveness of using powders in devices, installations, localization systems, and elimination of flames; during long-term storage, incl. as a reserve for fire extinguishing modules, volume replenishment in installations also include:

  • Fluidity, which ensures the flow of a mass of powder through the holes of fire extinguishing equipment elements under the pressure of a propelling agent per unit of time. This parameter should not be less than 0.28 kg/s, and the residual mass inside the device - fire extinguisher, module, supply container of the AUPT powder installation should not exceed 10% of the initial weight of the fire extinguishing agent.
  • Breakdown dielectric voltage, which is considered to be the minimum voltage of an electric current that leads to breakdown through a dielectric; in this case, the powder supplied for extinguishing. For powders intended to suppress class E fires in electrical installations, it must be at least 5 kV.
  • Apparent density. It is determined by the ratio of the mass of the powder to the volume that it occupies. This indicator should be at least 700 kg/m 3 for uncompacted powder, and at least 1 thousand kg/m 3 for compacted powder.
  • Water repellency is defined as the absence of absorption of water droplets for 2 hours.
  • Tendency to absorb moisture under long-term unfavorable storage conditions - powder weight gain is no more than 3%.
  • Mass fraction of moisture, which should not exceed 0.35%.
  • Tracking ability. This is the name of the physical process that leads to the sticking of powder into lumps or a solid mass, under any external influence, including temperature changes and air humidity. The total weight of lumps and conglomerates of powder should not be more than 2% of the total mass.
  • Shelf life determined by the calendar duration of storage in original packaging without changing the quality parameters specified in the standards accompanying technical documentation of the manufacturer; but not less than 5 years.

The fire extinguishing ability of general-purpose mixtures is greatly influenced by particle size. The finer the grind of the fire extinguishing agent, the higher its effectiveness; for special powders such a dependence does not exist.

When equipped with powder, the indicator of fire extinguishing ability is its mass required to suppress unit S of the surface that burns with an open flame; or the entire fire source, which is accepted by the model standards.

Speaking in general about fire extinguishing ability, it should be noted that powders are universally effective, and for class D - the only one; which in some cases makes their use indispensable not only in industrial production workshops, but also at engineering infrastructure facilities, warehouses, public facilities, and transport.

Disadvantages and advantages of fire extinguishing powders

Despite the versatility and demand for this type of fire extinguishing agent, a number of disadvantages were identified when using it:

  • The impossibility of using powder fire extinguishers, automatic installations, autonomous modules to suppress fires of certain types of expensive electronic equipment, electrical equipment that can fail or be seriously damaged due to the ingress of tiny particles of the fire extinguishing agent into housings and cabinets, which causes a short circuit of the contact elements, products, devices.
  • Powder extinguishing systems require preliminary evacuation of shift personnel, visitors, spectators, customers from protected premises, which leads to an increase in the cost of the equipment set and the elements included in it SOUE; to organizational difficulties in safely removing people from buildings.
  • Powder portable, mobile fire extinguishers should be used outdoors, for example, to extinguish engine compartments of various vehicles, in workshops of industrial enterprises, warehouse complexes; It is not recommended to use them to protect rooms with a volume of less than 40 m 3 due to a sharp deterioration in visibility and a negative impact on people’s breathing.
  • Fire extinguishing powders, unlike water, foam, freons, carbon dioxide, used in and in similar fire extinguishing systems, do not cool the building structures of buildings, the housings of technological equipment, heated during the combustion process, the development of a fire source, which often leads to repeated fires.
  • This requires additional intervention by fire department employees and members of the fire department for the final extinguishing of the fire; or creation, installations that consistently use fire extinguishing powders, gases, foam, and finely sprayed water.
  • The use of powder fire extinguishing eliminates the use of smoke removal systems, which makes it difficult to evacuate people from protected premises.

In general, problems when using the powder method of extinguishing a fire: almost complete loss of visibility, therefore, the impossibility of finding; difficulty breathing in rooms filled with a suspension of tiny particles of fire extinguishing agent in the air; inevitable panic.

All this normatively excludes the use of powder AUPTs at facilities - in premises, buildings, etc., from which evacuation is impossible before the automatic start-up of the installations; or according to the staffing table, according to estimates, there are more than 50 people.

However, these disadvantages do not detract from the advantages of using fire extinguishing powders:

  • The ability to extinguish all classes of fires, which is impossible when using other fire extinguishing agents.
  • The use of powder devices in unheated rooms, on various vehicles under conditions of sudden changes in air temperature, which is really important in the harsh climate in most of Russia.
  • Long service life of powder devices before recharging, which reduces the costs of customers and buyers of this type of equipment.

The balance of pros and cons of fire extinguishing powders, when used correctly, in practice clearly leans in favor of the advantages of their use.

Composition of fire extinguishing powder

It consists of the following components: non-flammable base, comprising up to 95% of the mass; additives – antioxidants, water repellents, depressants, and other targeted additives used in fire extinguishing powders for general and special purposes.

For a non-flammable base, finely ground bicarbonates, alkali metal chlorides, phosphorus-ammonium salts, sulfates, and aluminum oxide are used; silica gel with filling its internal structure with freons.

According to GOST 53280-2009, mineral components and special additives included in the formulation of fire extinguishing powders must comply with deviations of no more than 5–10% of the mass composition according to the technical conditions of the manufacturing companies. At the same time, the joint use of bicarbonates and phosphorus-ammonium salts in one composition is not allowed; it is necessary to indicate the content of chlorides when using them in the recipe.

All fire extinguishing powders produced in Russia and supplied from abroad are subject to certification tests to establish their compliance with the standards approved by the manufacturer’s technical specifications.

Disposal of fire extinguishing powders

In which powder is used as a fire extinguishing agent, they are:

  • Under normal conditions of keeping in warm as well as unheated rooms - once every 5 years.
  • When used in various vehicles - in cabins, trunks, bodies of cars, trucks; special road and loading equipment; on a rolling train; river and sea vessels - once every two years.

Equipped with fire extinguishing powder, it has its own specifics. They are carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 9.13130-2009, which means that decommissioned fire extinguishing powder is not dumped in a landfill, discharged, or flushed into the sewer; and the use of recycled materials for the production of fertilizers, detergents, neutralizing agents for the acidic environment in industrial wastewater.

Regeneration of fire extinguishing powders

If, or checking the fire extinguishing, operational properties of the powder used to charge automatic, autonomous fire suppression installations, it has been shown that it does not comply with the technical conditions set out in the accompanying technical documentation; then, if a corresponding significant volume of fire extinguishing agent, unsuitable for further use, has accumulated, it may not be disposed of, but sent for regeneration to the factories of manufacturing companies.

Conclusion on fire extinguishing powder that has undergone regeneration, i.e. complete restoration of its properties serves as the basis for its use as charges for fire extinguishers, modules, and fire extinguishing installations.

Brands of fire extinguishing powders

The most widely used powders are those based on sodium bicarbonate and phosphorus-ammonium salts. Russia has launched the production of powders for extinguishing fires of all classes. As follows from the table, each powder has a specific area of ​​application. Preference, naturally, is given to general purpose powders, as they are most in demand in practice. For example, class ABC powders based on phosphorus-ammonium, which have a wide range of applications, are primarily effective in extinguishing class A1 fires. In addition to the ability to extinguish a flame in the gas phase, they have the property of melting in a flame and spreading over the burning surface of solid materials, forming a continuous protective film, reliably isolating the surface from air access. For extinguishing liquids and gases, powders based on sodium bicarbonate and potassium chloride are more effective.

Powder brand Fire class Specifications Main component
PHC B, C, D 10968286-06-94 Potassium chloride
PSB-ZM ALL 2149-017-10968286-95 Bicarbonate of soda
PGKhK "Zavesa" B, C, D, E 84-07509103.452-96 Potassium chloride
Pirant-A AND ALL 21 49-01 0-0020391 5-97 Ammonium phosphates
P-2APM, P-2AP AND ALL U 6-05766362.001-97 Same
Vexon-ABC AND ALL 21 49-028- 1 0968286-97 Same
P-FKChS-2 AND ALL 21 49-084- 1 0964029-98 Ammophos
P-AGS AND ALL 2149-001-00159158-99
P-FKChS-2 ALL 2149-131-10964029-00 Bicarbonate of soda
Vexon-VS 60 ALL 2 1 49-086- 1 0968286-00 Same
Vexon-VS 90 ALL 2149-031-10968286-00 Same
ISTO AND ALL 2149-001-54572789-00 Ammophos
Phoenix ABC-40 AND ALL 2149-005-18215408-00 Same
Phoenix ABC-70 AND ALL 2149-005-18215408-00 Same
PO-PTM AND ALL 4854-00156762762-01 Same
Volgalit AND ALL 2149-001-57847408-04 Same
Irkut AND ALL 2149-002-51518690-14

Let's look at the characteristics in more detail new fire extinguishing powder "Irkut" , which can be purchased from All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society LLC (Omsk).

This powder is intended for extinguishing class fires in all climatic zones at ambient temperatures from minus 50 °C to plus 50 °C, as part of all powder fire extinguishing agents and from minus 60 °C to plus 90 °C.

No. Indicator name Requirement and standard according to technical specifications
1 Apparent density of uncompacted powder kg/m Not less than 800
2 Apparent density of compacted powder kg/m 3 Not less than 1000
3 Granulometric composition (mass fraction of powder residue):
on grid N1

on grid N 01, %, no more

passed through the grid N 005,%, not less


4 Mass moisture content, % No more than 0.35
5 Increase in weight when tested for tendency to moisture absorption, % No more than 3
6 Mass of lumps when tested for tendency to caking in relation to the mass of the sample, % No more than 2
7 Time characterizing the powder's water-repellent ability, min. Not less than 240
8 Powder fluidity, kg/s Not less than 0.28
9 Shelf life, years At least 10

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  • Introduction
  • 1. Fire extinguishing agents and their classification
  • 2. Regeneration of fire extinguishing agents that have become unusable
  • 3. Disposal of fire extinguishing agents that have become unusable
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


Fire extinguishing agents are understood as substances that directly affect the combustion process and create conditions for its termination (water, foam, powders, etc.). There are many fire extinguishing agents in nature, but not all of them are adopted by fire departments, but only those that meet certain requirements.

Fire extinguishing agents must:

The purpose of the work is to consider the regeneration and disposal of fire extinguishing agents that have become unusable.

1. Fire extinguishing agents and their classification

Fire extinguishing agents are understood as substances that directly affect the combustion process and create conditions for its termination (water, foam, powders, etc.).

There are many fire extinguishing agents in nature, but not all of them are adopted by fire departments, but only those that meet certain requirements.

They have to:

- have a high extinguishing effect at relatively low consumption;

- be accessible, cheap and easy to use;

- do not have a harmful effect on people and materials when used, and be environmentally friendly.

According to the main sign of combustion cessation, fire extinguishing agents are divided into:

- cooling effect (water, solid carbon dioxide, etc.)

- diluting action (non-flammable gases, water vapor, finely sprayed water, etc.)

- insulating effect (air-mechanical foam of various expansions, bulk non-combustible materials, etc.)

- inhibitory action (methylene bromide, ethyl bromide, tetrafluorodibromoethane, etc.)

Insulating fire extinguishing agents.

Creating an insulating layer of fire extinguishing materials between the combustion zone and the combustible material or air is a common method of extinguishing fires.

When implementing this method of extinguishing fires, a wide variety of fire extinguishing agents are used that can temporarily isolate access to the combustion zone of either oxygen or flammable vapors or gases.

In fire extinguishing practice, the following are widely used for these purposes:

Liquid fire extinguishing agents (foam, in some cases water, etc.)

Gaseous fire extinguishing agents (explosion products, etc.)

Bulk non-flammable materials (sand, talc, fluxes, fire extinguishing powders, etc.)

Solid fabric materials (asbestos, felt blankets and other non-flammable fabrics, in some cases sheet iron).

The main means of insulation are fire extinguishing foams:

- chemical and

- air-mechanical.

Air-mechanical foam (AMF) is obtained by mixing an aqueous solution of a foaming agent with air in a special barrel or foam generator.

There are VMP

- low,

- average,

- high multiplicity.

The multiplicity depends on the design of the barrel (generator).

The main fire extinguishing property of foams is their insulating ability.
The foam insulates the combustion zone from flammable vapors and gases, as well as the burning surface of the combustible material from the heat emitted by the reaction zone.

Another foam property of interest is durability, i.e. the ability to survive for some time without collapsing.

Specific properties of air-mechanical foam (AMF) of medium and high expansion:

- penetrates well into rooms, easily overcomes turns and climbs;

- fills the volume of rooms, displaces combustion products heated to a high temperature (including toxic ones), and also reduces the temperature in the room as a whole, as well as the temperature of building structures, etc.;

- stops flaming combustion and localizes smoldering of substances and materials with which it comes into contact;

- creates conditions for firemen to penetrate to smoldering fires to extinguish them. fire extinguishing insulating diluting disposal

Based on these properties, these types of foam (especially medium expansion) have found application in volumetric extinguishing:

- in the premises of buildings,

- in the holds of ships,

- in cable tunnels and

- at other facilities.

Foam is the main means of extinguishing flammable liquids and gases both in tanks and spilled on an open surface.

Currently, fire extinguishing powder compositions are increasingly used for extinguishing.

The mechanism for stopping combustion of powders consists mainly in isolating the burning surface from the combustion zone, i.e. in stopping the access of flammable vapors and gases to the reaction zone.

Fire extinguishing agents.

To stop combustion by diluting reacting substances, fire extinguishing agents are used that are capable of diluting either flammable vapors and gases to non-flammable concentrations, or reducing the oxygen content of the air to a concentration that does not support combustion.

Techniques for stopping combustion consist in the fact that fire extinguishing agents are supplied either to the combustion zone or burning substance, or to the air entering the combustion zone.

The most widely used fire extinguishing agents are:

- carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide),

- nitrogen,

- water vapor,

- sprayed water.

The mechanism for stopping combustion when diluting fire extinguishing agents are introduced into the room in which a fire occurs is to reduce the volume fraction of oxygen.

Carbon dioxide is used to extinguish fires in electrical equipment and electrical installations, in libraries, book depositories and archives, etc.

However, they are strictly prohibited from extinguishing alkali alkaline earth metals.

Nitrogen is mainly used in stationary fire extinguishing installations to extinguish sodium, potassium, beryllium and calcium.

Argon, not nitrogen, is used to extinguish magnesium, lithium, aluminum, and zirconium.

Carbon dioxide and nitrogen extinguish substances that burn with flames (liquids and gases) well; they do not extinguish substances and materials that can smolder (wood, paper) well.

Water vapor has found wide application in stationary extinguishing installations in rooms with a limited number of openings, with a volume of up to 500 m3.

Finely atomized water (droplet diameter less than 100 microns) - pumps and special spray nozzles are used to obtain it.

Once in the combustion zone, finely sprayed water evaporates intensively, reducing the oxygen concentration and diluting the flammable vapors and gases involved in combustion.

The use of finely sprayed water is very effective.

Chemical retardant fire extinguishing agents.

The essence of stopping combustion by chemical inhibition of the combustion reaction is that fire extinguishing substances are introduced into the air of a burning room or directly into the combustion zone, which interact with the active centers of the oxidation reaction, forming with them either non-flammable or less active compounds, thereby terminating chain reaction of combustion.

Since all these substances directly affect the combustion reaction zone during a fire, in which the reacting substances are in the vapor-air phase, they must meet the following requirements:

- have a low boiling point, so that at low temperatures it decomposes and easily passes into a vapor state;

- have low thermal resistance, i.e. at low temperatures decompose into their constituent atoms and radicals;

- products of thermal decomposition of fire extinguishing agents must actively react with active centers.

The most widely used compounds are those based on bromine and fluorine.

Halogenated hydrocarbons and fire extinguishing compositions based on them have high fire extinguishing ability at relatively low costs.

Based on the type of fire extinguishing agent used, fire extinguishers are divided into:

- water (0V),

- foam, which, in turn, are divided into:

a) air-foam (AFP);

b) chemical foams (OCF);

- gas, which are divided into:

a) carbon dioxide (CO);

b) refrigerants (CH); combined.

Water fire extinguishers are divided into:

- fire extinguishers with a compact jet - OV(K);

- fire extinguishers with a spray jet (average droplet diameter more than 100 microns) - OV(R);

- fire extinguishers with a fine spray jet (average droplet diameter less than 100 microns) - OV(M)

Based on the parameters of the foam flow they generate, air-foam fire extinguishers are divided into:

low expansion, foam expansion from 5 to 20 inclusive - ORP(N);

- medium expansion, foam expansion over 20 to 200 inclusive - ORP(C).

Based on the principle of displacement of the fire extinguishing agent, fire extinguishers are divided into:

- downloads;

- with a cylinder of compressed or liquefied gas;

- with a gas-generating element;

- with a thermal element;

- with an ejector.

2. Regeneration of fire extinguishing agents that have become unusable

Before considering the regeneration of fire extinguishing agents that have become unusable, let us consider the very concept of “regeneration”.

Regeneration - restoration of the original values ​​of the quality indicators of foam concentrates, corresponding to the regulatory and technical documentation.

In accordance with regulatory documentation, the basis for write-off or regeneration of foam concentrates is the end of the shelf life and/or a decrease in the value of indicators (below the established standards by 20%).

It should be noted that pH adjustment when it decreases is carried out using alkali. To do this, pour 0.2% alkali into the foaming agent (2 kg per 1 ton of foaming agent), mix for 1 hour and determine the pH.

pH testing is carried out using universal indicator paper or using the potentiometric method (using an ion meter).

Further addition of alkali at 0.2% increments and checking the pH value is carried out until the recommended value is reached.

Regeneration of foam concentrates PO-ZAI is not recommended when the pH value decreases to pH = 4, and TEAS to pH = 3.

It is prohibited to regenerate general purpose foam concentrates PO-ZAI, PO-ZNP and TEAS that have delaminated due to surfactant decomposition.

A fresh portion is added to the foaming agent restored to the standard pH value in the following quantity:

6% for PO-6K (60 kg per 1 ton);

10% for PO-ZAI, PO-ZNP, TEAS, PO-6TS and Morskoye (100 kg per 1 ton).

After this, the foaming ability and fire extinguishing efficiency of the foam concentrate are checked.

If the fire extinguishing properties of foam concentrates PO-ZAI and PO-ZNP are not restored, 2% magnesium chloride (20 kg per 1 ton) is added to them with stirring.

1% diethylenetriamine (10 kg per 1 ton) is added to the foaming agents TEAS and PO-6TS.

Regeneration of a biologically “soft” foaming agent that is less effective in terms of fire extinguishing efficiency can be achieved by adding a more effective one (20 kg of SAMPO or Morskoy foaming agent per 1 ton of PO-ZAI or PO-ZNP foaming agent).

Fluorine-containing foaming agents cannot be mixed with synthetic hydrocarbon foams.

Working solutions of biologically “hard” foaming agent PO-6K, which have lost their original properties as a result of long-term storage in stationary fire extinguishing systems, can be regenerated by adding 2-6% of fresh foaming agent (20-60 kg per 1 ton of solution) with subsequent testing for compliance with NTD requirements .

The next regeneration should accordingly be carried out as needed.

The number of regenerations is not regulated by the legislator.

Working solutions of biologically “soft” foaming agents PO-ZAI and PO-ZNP, which do not contain a stabilizer, cannot be effectively regenerated.

Working solutions of all hydrocarbon foaming agents that have retained their foaming properties, but have reduced their fire extinguishing efficiency, can be regenerated by 25% by adding 5% (wt.) urea to the solution while stirring (50 kg of urea per 1 ton of solution).

Regenerated ozone-depleting gas fire extinguishing agents (fire extinguishing agents, RGOTV) can be used in exceptional cases: in reconstructed and designed fire extinguishing installations, intended for fire protection only of particularly important facilities, where the use of fire extinguishing installations based on the use of other fire extinguishing gases is inappropriate.

In addition to inert gases, non-toxic gas fire extinguishing agents include sulfur hexafluoride, or sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).

Regeneration of SF6 gas can be carried out using a simple method (using sorbents) or a complex method (rectification or crystallization).

In the first case, trolleys from the DILO company, manufactured in Germany, are usually used - quite easy-to-use and reliable devices for servicing high-voltage SF6 devices.

In the second case, a fine regenerative cleaning installation (“Morning”) is used.

In 95% of all cases, SF6 gas can be cleaned on site. About 4% is purified at central stations where appropriate equipment is available.

Only about 1% purification is not possible.

The manufacturer and operator of the switchgear must comply with the standards for SF6 gas, the quality of which is acceptable for reuse.

The purified SF6 gas can be filled back into the gas chamber using overpressure or a compressor.

The required pressure is set through the high pressure reducing valve.

Select the filling pressure level in accordance with the setting range of the pressure reducing valve.

The gas that is stored in liquid form passes through the evaporator. The evaporator is equipped with a thermostat.

The return of regenerated SF6 gas to the devices can be carried out both from the vapor phase and from the liquid phase through a gasifier. It is also possible to supply mixtures of SF6 gas with nitrogen or with CF4, which have recently been frequently used.

If the quality criterion is met, the waste SF6 gas can be reused. From an environmental point of view, this approach will reduce the release of SF6 gas into the atmosphere in the presence of small leaks in the switchgear equipment.

Reuse of SF6 gas requires continuous quality control and strict adherence to quality standards in accordance with IEC 60376 for fresh gas and IEC 60480 for used gas.

DILO devices ensure absolute purification and reuse of SF6 gas.

Fire extinguishing installations based on RGOTV are used to extinguish fires of classes A, B (according to GOST 27331) and electrical equipment (electrical installations) with a voltage not higher than that specified in the technical documentation (TD) for the fire extinguishing agents used (in the initial stage of fire development in accordance with GOST 12.1.004- 91).

In this case, the installations should not be used for extinguishing:

- fibrous, loose, porous and other combustible materials prone to spontaneous combustion and/or smoldering within the volume of the substance (sawdust, cotton, grass meal, etc.);

- chemicals and their mixtures, polymer materials prone to smoldering and burning without access to air;

- metal hydrides and pyrophoric substances;

- metal powders (sodium, potassium, magnesium, aluminum, titanium, etc.).

Refrigerants 114B2 and 13B1 must contain in their composition at least 98.6 and 98.0% of the main substance, respectively.

To obtain the carbon dioxide-freon composition 85/15, welding carbon dioxide in accordance with GOST 8050-85 and freon 114B2, containing at least 98.6% of the main substance, must be used.

Air or nitrogen should be used as a gas for displacing EGTS from vessels, for which the dew point should not be higher than minus 40 C.

Modules containing a reserve fire extinguishing agent are subject to the full control requirements for electrical control that apply to modules containing the main amount of fire extinguishing agent.

The transfer of modules with reserve fire protection equipment to standby mode and back should be provided from the premises of the fire post and fire extinguishing station.

The RGOTV reserve is applied in the following cases:

- during the period of restoration of the installation’s operability after the release of the estimated quantity of radioactive substances;

- during the period of routine maintenance and repair of modules of the working section of the battery;

- if necessary, re-submit the RGOTV.

Modular installations, in addition to the calculated amount of RGOTV, must have a 100% reserve.

If there are several modular installations at the facility, the reserve of fire safety equipment is provided in a volume sufficient to restore the functionality of the installation that has worked in any of the protected premises of the facility.

The supply of fire extinguishing agent should be stored in modules similar to the installation modules.

3. Disposal of fire extinguishing agents that have become unusable

Disposal of fire extinguishers is one of the concerns of any institution or enterprise. After all, due to the content of substances that can cause harm to the population and the environment, fire extinguishers should not be thrown away in the same place where other waste is thrown away. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the gases in the fire extinguisher cylinder were pumped under high pressure, and even minor mechanical damage, just like heating the cylinder, can lead to serious consequences.

There may be different reasons for decommissioning fire extinguishers. However, the main task of disposing of fire extinguishers is to remove the active substances. Here there is a difference between different brands of fire extinguishers.

For example, old fire extinguishers of the OP brand, i.e. Powdered ones can simply be emptied of all contents and then rendered unusable.

With carbon dioxide fire extinguishers the situation is more complicated due to the high pressure in the cylinder. Therefore, it is important that disposal is carried out exclusively by specialists, while simultaneously carrying out a whole range of measures aimed at neutralizing the fire extinguishing agent.

We should also not forget that you cannot simply throw the fire extinguishing agent in the trash. Unusable fire extinguishing agents can either be disposed of or regenerated.

The result of recycling such substances is their use for other purposes, for example, as fertilizer after the processing cycle. Regeneration of fire extinguishing agents is a set of technological procedures that are aimed at returning the original properties of the substance.

Disposal - the use of foam concentrates that have become unusable for another purpose.

As mentioned above, fire extinguishing agents that have expired the guaranteed storage period or whose parameters do not meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory technical documents must be subjected to regeneration treatment or disposed of. It is unacceptable to dump or drain waste fuel without additional treatment and pollute the environment.

Liquid fire extinguishing agents that have lost their original properties and cannot be regenerated are recommended to be used as wetting agents when extinguishing class A fires.

Charges of water, foam and emulsion fire extinguishers containing biologically “soft” foaming agents that are not subject to disposal may be discharged into industrial wastewater when diluted with water to the maximum permissible surfactant concentration equal to 20 mg l-1 of the active substance (content The surfactants in the foaming agents included in the charges are checked with the charge manufacturer).

It is necessary to take into account the fact that it is recommended to neutralize charges of water, foam and emulsion fire extinguishers containing biologically “hard” foaming agents by burning the concentrate in special furnaces or by burying it in a special landfill.

Substandard fire extinguishing powder compositions on a phosphorus-ammonium basis (Pirant-A, PF, P-2ASh, Vekson-AVS, etc.) or on a chloride basis (PKhK, Vekson-D, etc.) can be used as raw materials for fertilizers.

Bicarbonate-based powder (PSB-3M) can be used as an ingredient in cleaning products or to neutralize acidic wastewater.

In addition to inert gases, non-toxic gas fire extinguishing agents include sulfur hexafluoride, or SF6 gas(SF6).

SF6 gas utilization can be carried out in three ways: using a compressor, using a cryopump running on liquid nitrogen, or a combination - i.e. using a sorption pump and a vacuum pump or compressor.

In rare cases when SF6 gas cannot be recycled, it can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way using thermal heating: at a temperature of 12000C, SF6 gas dissociates into chemically active fragments that interact with oxygen and hydrogen and form sulfur oxides and fluorides. The products of this reaction are removed by passing through a solution of calcium hydroxide, where they are converted into gypsum (used in construction) and calcium fluoride (used for hygienic and medical purposes). But this process has one drawback - high cost.

Disposal of powders should be carried out in accordance with the instructions.

The process of decommissioning fire extinguishers at enterprises usually includes several stages.

1) First of all, fire extinguishers are checked and inspected, ending with their complete discharge.

2) It is necessary to dismantle the charger, guide nozzle, and hose.

3) The cylinders are deformed and then sent in parts as scrap metal for recycling.

4) As a result, a decommissioning act for fire extinguishers must be drawn up.

As can be seen from the above, disposing of a fire extinguisher on its own is quite troublesome even for large organizations.

The easiest way for institutions is to simply write off an expired fire extinguisher and then transfer it to a company that specializes in recycling fire extinguishers and has all the necessary licenses for this.

In general, the entire procedure for transferring a fire extinguisher to the appropriate company is not at all burdensome, and the monetary costs are low. But as a result, the organization avoids unnecessary, unnecessary hassle associated with the storage of non-working primary fire extinguishing equipment, as well as with the inevitable retention of them on the balance sheet. Currently, there are many similar enterprises that have been certified and received a recycling license.

How you dispose of the fire extinguisher itself depends on the type of fire extinguisher itself.

The recycling process for pumped-in powder fire extinguishers is as follows.

First, you need to use an indicator to make sure that there is no pressure inside the cylinder.

If pressure is present, then it is necessary to discharge the cylinder in accordance with the instructions. After this, the nozzle or hose is dismantled (depending on the design of the fire extinguisher), the shut-off and trigger head with the siphon tube, the charger and the wheel (if equipped) are removed. Afterwards, work is carried out to remove the remnants of the powder intended to extinguish the fire.

In order to dispose of a cylinder, it must be made unsuitable for further use. For this purpose, holes are drilled or cuts are made on the body of the cylinder.

Such a cylinder is handed over to enterprises that accept recycled ferrous metals.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers in the event of failure are also subject to mandatory disposal.

Disposal of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers consists of the following activities.

First, the cylinder must be discharged before disposal.

This is followed by dismantling the hose with a socket, the discharge pipe (depending on the specific model), and the frame with wheels (if present in this model). The next step is to unscrew the shut-off device (head) with the siphon tube. As in the previous case, the cylinder must be rendered unusable by notching the tube or drilling holes. The locking and trigger mechanism is sent to secondary metal, and the cylinder is sent for recycling to a scrap metal collection point.

When carrying out work on the disposal of fire extinguishers, you must adhere to the general rules:

1) disposal must be carried out by persons over 18 years of age who have undergone industrial training and special training

2) it is prohibited to carry out disposal work with cylinders under pressure

3) persons carrying out disposal must be certified by a qualification commission for knowledge of the rules for the design and safe operation of vessels that operate under pressure PB 03-576-03 and mandatory safety training Disposal of fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing mixture / http://waste.org .ua/modules.php?name=Pages&pa=showpage&pid=203 .

Fire extinguishing agents also have special disposal requirements.

Fire extinguishing agents that have expired or are unsuitable for use must be disposed of in accordance with regulatory and technical documents. It is unacceptable to drain or dump such substances without prior treatment.

Disposal consists of using the fire extinguishing agent for other purposes or in another way that differs from its original purpose. For example, such a substance can be used as a fertilizer.

Recycling is used if the substance can no longer be regenerated. The method of disposal of the fire extinguishing agent directly depends on its composition.

For example, phosphorus-ammonium-based fire extinguishing powder compositions are used as additives to fertilizers. Bicarbonate-based powder is used as an ingredient in cleaning products or to neutralize acidic wastewater.

Charges of foam and water fire extinguishers may be discharged into industrial wastewater provided they are diluted with water.


Fire extinguishing agents that have expired the guaranteed storage period or whose parameters do not meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory and technical documents must be subjected to regeneration treatment or disposed of. It is unacceptable to dump or drain waste fuel without additional treatment and pollute the environment.

Foaming agents that have lost their original properties and cannot be regenerated are recommended for use as wetting agents when extinguishing Class A fires or as aqueous solutions when cleaning contaminated metal surfaces.

It is recommended to neutralize biologically “hard” foaming agents by burning the concentrate in special furnaces or by burying it in a special landfill.


1. SP 9.13130.2009. Fire equipment. Fire extinguishers. Operating requirements/Consultant Plus

2. Makashev V. A., Petrov S. V. Dangerous situations of man-made nature and protection from them: Uch. allowance. - M.: Enes, 2008. - 191 p.

3. The procedure for using foam concentrates to extinguish fires. Recommendations. Developed by the Federal State Institution VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia (S.N. Kopylov, S.G. Tsarichenko, V.A. Bylinkin, V.V. Peshkov, E.E. Arkhipov) and the State Institution of the UOP EMERCOM of Russia (V.V. Zhidovlenkov). Approved by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on August 27, 2007/ http://www.gosthelp.ru/text/RekomendaciiPoryadokprime.html
Disposal of fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing mixture/ http://waste.org.ua/modules.php?name=Pages&pa=showpage&pid=203

4. Disposal of fire extinguishers/ http://www.tt-snab.ru/stati/utilizaciya-ognetushiteley

Posted on Allbest.ru


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Substandard fire extinguishing powders can be used as fertilizers: powders based on phosphorus-ammonium salts (fire classes A, B, C, E) - nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers, powders based on potassium chloride (fire classes B, C, E, D) - potassium fertilizers , powders based on sodium bicarbonate (fire classes B, C, E) - soil deoxidizer.

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Disposal of fire extinguishing powders together with solid household waste is similar to the disposal of mineral fertilizers. In the case of subsequent processing of solid waste, such disposal of fire extinguishing powders is hardly acceptable. When burying such waste in special landfills, it is quite acceptable.

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According to the requirements for the operation of SP 9.13130.2009, in case of any discrepancies in the technical condition of the components of the cylinder or the substances contained inside, fire extinguishers must be disposed of.

The algorithm of the complex for dismantling the structural components of fire extinguishers is regulated by the above requirements, as well as the Waste Classification Catalog, which establishes the rules for the deactivation of each type of fire extinguishing agent.

Fire extinguisher malfunctions lead to their disposal

Signs of defective fire extinguishers

List of signs of unsuitability for further use, under which fire extinguishers are disposed of at the enterprise:

  • presence of damage to the cylinder (dents, chips, gaps);
  • expiration of the manufacturer's warranty period for the fire extinguishing agent;
  • failure to undergo inspection of the shut-off mechanism when recharging the cylinder.

How to dispose of fire extinguishers yourself

Unskilled intervention in the process of disposal of fire extinguishing devices is often leads to injuries and accidents.

The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits leaving fire extinguishers in places where household waste is stored. There are several reasons for this:

  1. A cylinder is a pressure vessel. The air inside can expand under certain conditions, causing the fire extinguisher body to rupture. Flying metal particles can injure nearby people and animals. The same result will follow if you remove the shut-off and starting device without first releasing the pressure on an equipped stand. withstands a pressure of 16 atm; accordingly, the speed of departure of the locking and starting device is equal to the speed of departure of the bullet. The pressure in a carbon dioxide cylinder reaches 58 atm, here the consequences can be catastrophic.
  2. Fire extinguishing substances are harmful to the environment, therefore it is necessary to hand over the fire extinguisher for disposal to a specialized organization.

And yet, it is possible to carry out this procedure on your own, but only if you have a staffed room, trained personnel, and the necessary measuring equipment. The company requires a license for the disposal of fire extinguishers, which can be obtained from the local branch of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

This is what disassembled powder fire extinguishers look like

How to dispose of powder devices

Personnel carrying out this work must meet the following requirements:

  • age 18 years and older;
  • availability of a knowledge testing protocol by Rostechnadzor on the safe operation of pressure vessels;
  • availability of a certificate confirming knowledge of fire safety requirements;
  • Availability of necessary protective equipment for vision and breathing, as well as for hands.

It should be remembered that only certified personnel know how to dispose of fire extinguishers that are unsuitable for further use.

Disposal of fire extinguishers after use

Before you begin to disassemble the structural parts of the device, you need a pressure gauge determine the level of air pressure inside the housing:

  • readings on the red mark – zero pressure;
  • readings on the green mark – nominal pressure;
  • readings on the yellow mark – the pressure is high, the storage conditions of the cylinder have been violated.

According to the requirements for the disposal of fire extinguishers, it is recommended to fully deactivate the extinguishing powder, for which you need to remove the seal and pin, stand on the leeward side (if the deactivation is carried out outdoors), direct the hose at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground, and press the handle. It is necessary to hold the device until the powder contents are completely released.

For further manipulations, a specially equipped stand is required on which the vessel can be mounted. At arm's length, the locking and trigger mechanism is slowly screwed together. If a whistle is heard during this procedure (the air is not completely vented), the disposal of powder fire extinguishers is suspended, and screwing of the locking and trigger mechanism does not continue until the whistle stops. Afterwards, the mechanism must be removed by disassembling into its component parts.

The next step is to remove the mixture of non-flammable phosphorus and ammonium salts (powder) from the cylinder. It is advisable to collect such a chemical compound in a separate container and then use it to fertilize the land, or enter into an agreement with an organization that processes the powder.

The empty vessel is drilled on several sides so that it cannot be reused, and then, together with the trigger mechanism, is sent to scrap metal.

The personnel who carried out the above procedure draws up a fire extinguisher disposal report, which should contain information from the fire extinguisher’s passport, the reasons for the failure of the cylinder, the date of the work performed, and the results.

When processing automatic powder fire extinguishers of the “Cherry” or “Buran” type, special attention is paid to sorting the fire extinguishing mixture from the glass body.

Variety of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

How to dispose of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

The requirements for personnel are similar, but as additional protection it is required to use gloves to protect hands from low temperatures. When the trigger is activated, carbon dioxide enters into a crystallization reaction, accompanied by a sharp cooling of the bell and handle to a temperature below 70 degrees Celsius.

Carbon dioxide has the unique property of turning into a gaseous substance after the crystallization process, so the procedure for releasing the extinguishing agent is carried out outdoors. Organizations where fire extinguishers can be returned for recycling pay an additional tax for the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

To continue the procedure, the balloon is fixed on the stand, after which the handle is carefully screwed together with the socket. If a whistle is heard, it means that the carbon dioxide has not been completely released; the fire extinguisher is left in this position until the whistle stops.

Rejection of component elements involves maximum disassembly of the starting device, drilling of the cylinder and their further sending to scrap metal. Often, cylinders are used as a container for storing non-toxic substances and materials, garden beds. Upon completion of work, a fire extinguisher disposal report must be drawn up. A sample document can be requested from the nearest fire department, or you can generate it yourself indicating all the required data.

How to dispose of foam fire extinguishers

The first step is to release the pressure from the cylinder by pressing the handle. After which the solution of water and foaming agent contained inside is poured into a special container, diluted with water to a certain concentration, and then sent to the sewer.

During disposal, the cylinder is cleaned of rust, after which the neck is drilled out in such a way that the possibility of screwing the trigger mechanism onto it is excluded. An act is drawn up on the results of the work done.

The fire extinguisher disposal workshop must be equipped with special equipment

How much will it cost to reject a fire extinguisher?

Free disposal of fire extinguishers is only possible if it is carried out by the organization itself. In this case, you will have to purchase a special stand and equipment for rejecting the cylinder in advance.

Companies that provide recharging and repair services for fire extinguishers also dispose of them. Cylinders are accepted from both individuals and legal entities in any quantity and of any type. At the same time, the cost of disposal of fire extinguishers varies from 50 to 100 rubles, depending on the region and the volume of work.

For accounting purposes, the company's expenses will be recorded under the item “Other work and services.” It will not be possible to reimburse the amount of the paid insurance contribution to the Social Insurance Fund, since these costs are not classified as measures to ensure safe working conditions.

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