A fascinating history of the fire service for children. History of fire protection in Russia Fire service 01

Along the road, with a siren roaring, a bright red fire truck is rushing somewhere. There has probably been a fire somewhere, and a team of brave rescuers is rushing to put it out. Do you guys know the history of the fire service in our country?

The first fire brigades

The history of the emergence of the service to combat devastating fires begins in Ancient Rus'. Our country has always been rich in forests, so people built houses from wood. Even a small fire in one house instantly spread to neighboring buildings. Entire cities and villages were destroyed because no measures were taken to extinguish them.

Dmitriev-Orenburgsky Nikolai Dmitrievich “Fire in the village”

The first mention of measures to stop the spread and occurrence of fires is found in the collection of laws “Russian Truth” of the 12th century. Unofficial fire departments appeared during the reign of Ivan III. The Russian ruler recruited fire fighters from the army, but these measures did not even save the capital.

During the entire reign of Ivan III, Moscow completely burned out 10 times! The following rulers did little to develop firefighting, limiting themselves only to issuing decrees on the proper use of stoves. Historians believe that one of the reasons for such destructive fires is popular superstition. People considered the fire to be a punishment from God, so they refused to extinguish even their own homes.

The first Tsar of Rus', Ivan the Terrible, began to carry out global transformations of the fire service. In the middle of the 16th century, a decree was issued obliging all people to hang vats of water on the roofs of their houses. The archers became firefighters. These warriors were distinguished by good discipline and organization.

There were several settlements (places of residence) throughout the city, which made it possible to quickly dispatch a nearby detachment of archers to put out the fire. Warrior-firefighters were armed with axes and berdyshes (long crescent-shaped axes), which allowed them to make their way through the rubble. It is worth noting that our country was the first in the world to use military units to fight fire. This experience was later adopted by European countries and Japan.

Creation of a formal civil service

The first version of the fire service appeared under Alexei Tishaish in the twenties of the 17th century. Its number was small at first, just over a hundred people; later the team of fire fighters increased to five hundred. The first fire station was the Zemsky Sobor building. The young king issued decrees establishing the rules of behavior with fire, obliging each courtyard to have copper pipes and wooden buckets for supplying water. Alexey Romanov introduced severe punishments for arsonists.

And so a young tsar, and in the future the first emperor of our country, Peter I, ascended the throne of Russia. He ordered his beloved city of St. Petersburg to be built entirely of stone, with buildings located at a safe distance from each other.

At first, the protection of the new capital was entirely entrusted to its inhabitants. In 1710 there was a terrible fire that completely destroyed the Bolshoi Gostiny Dvor overnight. Peter I ordered the construction of water and observation towers throughout St. Petersburg, and to quickly detect a fire, a detachment of drummers was created to sound the alarm in case of danger.

Afterwards, an official fire brigade was established. Its employees were armed with water pipes, axes, helmets, shields, ladders and hooks. And in the second half of the 18th century, a fire convoy was established - the progenitor. At the end of the century, firefighters began to be divided into firemen, employees and cab drivers.

Creation of fire stations throughout Russia

At the beginning of the 19th century, the government decided to create fire departments not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but in all cities of the Russian Empire. There was a lot of work ahead. It was obvious that using the population to fight fires was ineffective. It is necessary to train specialists who can quickly and efficiently extinguish fires.

Emperor Alexander I issues a decree dividing St. Petersburg into 11 parts with one brigade for each. Residents were exempt from rotating duty as night watchmen. The staff of specialists was increased to almost a thousand in large cities, and new positions appeared.

Most fires occurred due to improper construction of houses. Now, according to the decree, the construction of one-story wooden buildings at a distance of less than 25 meters from each other was prohibited. Two-story wooden houses were also included in the list of violations. The lower floor must be made of stone. Builders were held liable for violations of established regulations that ensured safety from fire.

In 1857, in addition to professional security detachments led by the police, townspeople created volunteer fire brigades and civilian teams. The city government regulated their work and actions. The volunteer units themselves had a clear structure. Such associations set themselves the following goals:

Even in villages and villages, fire brigades appeared.

There were 5 steam pumps in operation in St. Petersburg, one of them was brought from England. They allowed more water to be pumped. It was during the described period of Russian history that the country's first fire truck was invented, and the production of the necessary equipment, equipment and clothing was established.

The profession of a firefighter at that time was very difficult, exhausting and traumatic. Fire department employees worked in one shift for 15-16 hours a day. In addition, almost half of them became disabled and more than twenty percent died.

Fire service in the USSR

Even after the revolution, the problem of fires in the country received no less attention. The first head of the USSR in fire safety was appointed by the government public figure Mark Timofeevich Elizarov, who managed to implement many measures to organize fire protection in many cities.

All-Union Firefighting Meeting in the capital,

It is known that in Rus', where forest has been the main building material since ancient times, one of the most terrible disasters was fires, which often destroyed entire cities. And although they were considered a punishment from God, this did not stop them from waging a decisive fight against them. That is why the history of fire protection in Russia is very rich and goes back centuries.

Attempts to fight fire in previous centuries

Since at all times fires have been a serious obstacle to the development of the state, the supreme power tried to take measures as far as possible. There are many examples of this, even in centuries gone by. One of the historical documents that has reached us tells how, after the terrible Moscow fire that broke out in 1472, the great Ivan III (the grandfather of Ivan the Terrible), who personally participated in extinguishing it, issued a number of decrees, from which, in fact, the development of fire protection in Russia.

Both the Rurikovichs and the Romanovs who replaced them were also very determined to fight fire. A number of their decrees are known, ordering the construction of only stone structures in cities (and especially in Moscow), erecting them at a safe distance from each other and taking all measures against fire. For those who, having violated the instructions, became the culprit of the fiery disaster, the strictest punishments were provided - so that science would be for others.

Fires of Old Rus'

But no matter how they whipped the violators, no matter how much they demanded that during the hot summer months food should be cooked only in courtyards, without lighting a fire in wooden buildings, nothing helped. There is hardly a single ancient Russian city that would have been spared by fire without repeatedly turning its houses into ashes, because in those years there was no regular fire service.

In Veliky Novgorod, a fire in 1212 destroyed 4,300 households in a matter of hours, killing many residents. In 1354, it took only two hours for the all-consuming flame to turn not only the Kremlin, but also the surrounding suburbs into smoking ruins. The year 1547 is also sadly remembered, when another fiery disaster claimed several thousand lives in the Mother See. The creation of a fire department in Russia was an urgent requirement of life and was a response to the challenge posed by the elements.

Birth of the regular fire service

A big step in this direction was made during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (father of Peter I). In 1649, the “Conciliar Code”, developed by him, was published - a set of laws of the Russian state that was in force for almost two hundred years. Eight of his articles were devoted to issues related not only to cities and villages, but also, importantly, to forests.

In the same year, another important document appeared - “Order on city deanery.” It is with this that the history of the Russian fire service begins, since it prescribes the creation of a regular service on a professional basis, the employees of which are given a fixed salary.

It also provided for the introduction of round-the-clock watches, which included going around cities and punishing those who violated the established rules for handling fire. An impetus was also given to the development of technical fire extinguishing means - it was recommended to use water pipes to fight fire, which became the predecessors of modern fire nozzles. This is how a regular fire service appeared in Russia.

Development of fire fighting before the revolution

The work begun by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was continued by his son, Peter I. During his reign, the history of the Russian fire service reached a new qualitative level. Taking fire fighting in European countries as a model, he significantly modernized the technical equipment of Russian services, purchasing fire pumps for them abroad, equipped with leather hoses and copper fire nozzles. During the reign of Peter the first fire department was created under the St. Petersburg Admiralty. In Moscow, a full-time fire brigade appeared much later - only in 1804, by order of Emperor Alexander I.

During the reign of the next Romanov - Emperor Nicholas I - regular fire services ceased to be the property of only St. Petersburg and Moscow. From this time on, their creation began throughout Russia, and a fire station with a tower towering above it became an indispensable attribute of each city. Very often this building was the tallest in the city, and from it it was possible to view even nearby villages. If a fire was detected, a signal flag was raised at the top of the tower, and residents were informed about the scale of the disaster with special balloons, the number of which was directly proportional to the area of ​​the fire.

The history of fire protection in Russia in the 19th century was also marked by the creation of a number of enterprises for the production of equipment necessary for fire fighting. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, fire pumps and hoses for them, and hooks were produced, and with the advent of the first cars, equipment was produced that made it possible to use them to fight fire.

Organization of fire fighting after the revolution

The Bolshevik government that came to power in 1917 also paid great attention to the organization of fire protection. Already in April of the following year, it issues a corresponding decree and establishes the post of Commissioner for Insurance and Fire Fighting. M. T. Elizarov was the first to be appointed to this position.

The country owes him the implementation in the shortest possible time of the measures provided for by the decree and the creation of an extensive network of fire stations in the country. The following year, by government decree, the Central Fire Department was introduced into the structure of the NKVD, which has since exercised centralized management of fire services throughout the country.

Moscow conference and Leningrad technical school

In order to further develop fire protection, the All-Russian Fire Conference was held in Moscow in 1923, in which, in addition to delegations arriving from various cities of the country, guests from Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Georgia also took part. It is important to note that at the conference special attention was paid to the issues of fire prevention and it was considered advisable for each fire department to have an appropriate specialist.

The next important step in the fight against fire was the Fire College, which opened in 1924 in Leningrad. Its graduates became the personnel basis on which in subsequent years the national fire supervision system was formed, which later included Russia. This structure, new at that time, developed with the active assistance of the Komsomol and

The contribution of science and industry to firefighting

In the mid-twenties, the production of domestic fire fighting equipment received significant impetus. Along with numerous models of pumps, mechanical ladders and smoke exhausters, the first Soviet ones also appeared. By the end of 1927, their fleet across the country amounted to more than four hundred units. In the thirties, serious scientific developments began, carried out within the walls of two specialized testing laboratories, in which graduates of the Faculty of Fire Service Engineers, created in the same years, worked.

Firefighters during the war

The history of the Russian fire service during the Great Patriotic War became one of the pages of the heroic epic of those years. Fire brigade fighters saved numerous residential and industrial facilities from fire that had become targets of enemy bombing and artillery shelling. In Leningrad alone, more than two thousand people died during the siege. It is no coincidence that during the Victory Parade, fire departments marched along Red Square along with all combat units.

One of the problems of modern life

Experts state that in the modern world there is an increase in the number of fires, and the socio-economic consequences of them are becoming increasingly severe. Every year, about five million fires are registered around the globe, in which more than one hundred thousand people die, and material losses from them are measured in tens of millions of dollars. Natural fires - peat and forest fires, as well as those occurring in emergency oil and gas developments - are also a serious disaster.

All this forces specialists to expand the search for new means of fighting fire and improve existing ones. It should be noted that long-standing traditions have developed in this direction in Russia. It was in our country that foam fire extinguishing technology was used for the first time in the world, the best hydrant design in the world was developed, and the first portable fire extinguisher appeared.

Russian Firefighters Day

The modern fire service is a complex and multifunctional system, which is entrusted with the responsibility of extinguishing fires of varying complexity. As a rule, tactical tasks are carried out by the duty guard, but in some cases special units are involved, which includes the special fire brigade of Russia. In this case, we are talking about localizing fires that threaten particularly severe consequences (oil and gas rigs, nuclear facilities, weapons depots, and so on).

Russians treat those who protect their lives and property from the fire elements with respect and gratitude. In 1999, a government decree was signed, on the basis of which a holiday appeared - Russian Fire Protection Day, celebrated annually on April 30. This day was not chosen by chance - it was on April 30, 1649 that the above-mentioned “Order on City Decoration” appeared, which became the birthday of the Russian fire service.

The Russian fire service has a rich history dating back centuries. With the advent of the first settlements and the development of cities, fires broke out in them more and more often. Heavy damage was caused by fire tornadoes in Rus', where, since ancient times, mainly wooden buildings were erected.

The formation of Russian statehood provided many examples of decisive actions to overcome social and economic barriers that stood in the way of history. Fires have been and remain a brake on economic development. In this regard, the central authorities of Russia were forced to take certain measures to protect against them. Even Grand Duke Ivan III, who at the head of the royal squad participated in extinguishing the fire of Moscow in 1472 and, despite severe burns, proved himself to be “very good,” immediately issued a decree on fire safety measures in the city. The heirs of Ivan III on the Russian throne were no less decisive. Tsar's decrees on severe punishment for those responsible for fires alternated with demands to use stone in construction, not to place houses close to each other, etc.

Even in the difficult time of troubles, abundant in raids of invaders and internal strife, the fight against the fire disaster in Rus' did not stop.

The fires on Russian soil are not going away. Novgorod and Pskov, Moscow and Smolensk, Ryazan and Tver, Kostroma and Vladimir are burning... In 1212, fire in Novgorod turns 4,300 households into ashes, killing hundreds of people. The fire of 1354 practically destroys all of Moscow, including the Kremlin and posads, in two hours, and the firestorm of 1547 claims several thousand lives in the capital.

The most important transformations in the field of fire fighting took place during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. In the “Cathedral Code”, developed in 1649, eight articles strictly regulated compliance with fire safety rules in cities and other villages, as well as in forests.

In April 1649, the royal “Order on City Deanery” was issued, establishing strict procedures for extinguishing fires in Moscow.

The historical value of the Order lies in the fact that it laid the foundations of a professional fire department: a paid staff was created, constant duty was introduced in the form of a city bypass, the use of mechanized water pipes was provided for when extinguishing fires, the bypasses were given the right to punish city residents for violations rules for handling fire. The City Deanery's fire fighting service was introduced not only in Moscow, but also in other cities of Rus'. The improvement of fire protection services continued.

Further development of preventive measures to prevent fires was given by Peter I. It was during his reign that one of the first professional fire brigades was created, the first fire station was built at the Admiralty, fire pumps with leather hoses and copper fire hoses were purchased. And to this day one of Peter’s decrees remains relevant: “... and protect the wealth of the Russian state from fire...”.

During the reign of Alexander I in 1803, the first fire brigade was organized in St. Petersburg. By royal decree in 1804, a full-time fire brigade was created in Moscow.

Under Tsar Nicholas I, the systematic organization of fire brigades in the Russian Empire and the widespread construction of fire stations to accommodate fire brigades began. One of the attractions of Russian cities soon became a fire tower with a signal flagpole rising above it. For many decades, the tower was the highest point of the city, from where you could see not only the outskirts, but also nearby villages.

During the 19th century, fire-fighting equipment factories were opened in St. Petersburg and Moscow, where fire pumps, folding ladders were produced, and the first fire truck was manufactured.

Scientific and technical thought in Russia has always been distinguished by boldness of search, originality of solutions, and rapid implementation of ideas. Russia has become the birthplace of foam extinguishing. In Russia, one of the best designs of hydrants and stands was created, the first manual foam fire extinguisher was developed and tested.

The problems of fighting fires received attention even after the revolution. They were placed at the level of the most important and priority tasks of the state. Already on April 17, 1918, the Russian government signed a decree “On the organization of state measures to combat fire.” The first head of firefighters in the post-revolutionary period was Mark Timofeevich Elizarov, appointed Chief Commissioner for Insurance and Fire Fighting. In a relatively short time, he was able to lay the organizational foundations of the fire department and put the implementation of the measures defined by the decree on a practical footing.

In 1920, the Central Fire Department was created as part of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, which was entrusted with the management of fire protection throughout the country.

On March 23, 1923, the First All-Russian Fire Conference was held in Moscow, which was attended by professionals - firefighters from Russian cities, as well as delegations of firefighters from Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.

At the Conference, practical steps were outlined for the systematic development of fire protection. Particular attention was paid to preventive work at industrial and transport facilities, in rural areas, to the need to develop scientific work in the field of fire fighting equipment and fire prevention. The conference recognized the advisability of having workers in fire departments who specialize in the field of fire prevention.

The first steps are being taken in organizing the training of fire specialists. In December 1924, the Leningrad Firefighting College opened with a three-year training period.

A unified system of State Fire Supervision was taking shape, which, together with professional city and public fire departments and volunteer fire brigades, was called upon to carry out both preventive and defensive measures to combat fire. Responsibility for the fire safety condition of factories, workshops, and warehouses rests with their managers. This government decision disciplined officials and contributed to the improvement of fire fighting.

The production of domestic fire fighting equipment and weapons is being established, the first domestic fire trucks, mechanical ladders, smoke exhausters are being supplied to fire departments... At the end of 1927, the professional fire department of the country's cities already had about 400 domestic fire trucks in service. At the same time, the training of fire brigade personnel was improved, and new educational institutions were expanded and opened. The first graduation of fire specialists took place from the walls of the country's first Faculty of Fire Defense Engineers. To conduct scientific research and organize design developments in the field of fire protection, a fire testing laboratory was created in 1931, and since 1934 - the Central Research Fire Laboratory, which later became the All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Defense.

In 1936, the government decided to significantly expand the functions and rights of the fire department in the field of state fire supervision. The Government Decree approved the Regulations on State Fire Supervision and created the Main Fire Department.

During the tense years of the Great Patriotic War, firefighters extinguished fires caused by enemy bombs and shells, helped evacuate people and equipment, and were among the last to leave abandoned cities. More than two thousand professional and volunteer firefighters gave their lives saving the beautiful city on the Neva from destruction by fire. On November 7, 1941, firefighters took part in a historical parade on Red Square, from where some went to the front, while others returned to putting out fires.

For the courage and heroism shown during the Great Patriotic War, thousands of soldiers and fire officers received military orders and medals. In 1941, the Russian Government expresses gratitude to Moscow firefighters for the courage and heroism shown in putting out fires during enemy raids on the city. In 1942, the Leningrad fire department was awarded the Order of Lenin. In 1947, the Moscow fire garrison was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Modern living conditions of society contribute to an increase in the number of fires and the size of the socio-economic consequences from them throughout the world. Every year, more than 5 million fires occur on the globe, from which several tens of thousands of people die and material assets worth tens of billions of monetary units are destroyed. Enormous damage to nature is caused annually by forest and peat fires, as well as fires from emergency oil and gas gushers. Fires in the 20th century became a real disaster for humanity. This forces specialists to constantly look for new, more advanced means and methods of fighting fires.

Fire protection now is a complex system that includes the fire extinguishing service and preventive apparatus of the State Fire Supervision, which performs the task of protecting the property and property of Russian citizens from fires.

Most often, firefighters have to solve tactical problems with the help of the duty guard - this is the main tactical unit in the combat work of firefighters. The guard is constantly ready to go to the fire. All guard personnel are given a very strict time limit for mustering alerts - forty to fifty seconds. During this time, firefighters must put on combat clothing, take their places on the vehicles, receive the address of the fire from the dispatcher, and go to the place of extinguishing.

To successfully extinguish a fire, you need water or foam, fire-extinguishing powder or inert gas, a smoke mask or heat-reflective suit, a ladder for rescuing people, a device for opening building structures in order to penetrate to the source of combustion. Dozens of devices, instruments and various kinds of devices are required for a firefighter to successfully fight fire, smoke, and sizzling heat, and he must always maintain high efficiency, speed, endurance, and composure.

Saving people in a fire, providing them with quick assistance, protecting material property is the sacred duty of every firefighter.

In the process of increasingly widespread development of the latest achievements of science and technology, brought to life by the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, issues of their fire and explosion safety must also be resolved.

Fire prevention is one of the main areas of work of the fire department to ensure the life and health of people and the preservation of material assets. All work in the field of fire prevention is subordinated to the main goal - reducing the number of fires, reducing human casualties and reducing material damage from fire.

Fire prevention is considered as a system of state and public events carried out in our country to prevent fires, successfully extinguish them and create conditions that ensure the safety of people in the event of a fire and their evacuation.

In 2001, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service became subordinate to the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

Today, the State Fire Service (SFS) is a powerful operational service within the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, possessing qualified personnel, modern equipment, and a developed scientific and educational base. State Fire Service units annually make about two million trips, while saving more than 90 thousand people from death and injury in fires.

According to statistics, the majority of fires (72.4%) are registered in the residential and industrial sectors. The main reasons for their occurrence are careless handling of fire, including drunk citizens, violation of fire safety rules when operating electrical equipment and household appliances, violation of fire safety rules and improper installation of stove heating, etc.

Scientific support on fire safety issues is provided by the All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Defense. Training of fire safety engineers is carried out at the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Ural and Ivanovo Institutes of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Voronezh Fire-Technical School of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Fire department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The fire department of Russia consists of the state fire service, municipal fire department, departmental fire department, private fire department, and voluntary fire department. These fire departments are organized by volume, scale, and vertical.

The state fire service is, in essence, exactly the fire service that we all know and call if a fire occurs. This is both the federal and territorial fire service.

If you have decided in advance to think about what to give a firefighter for the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, New Year, February 23 or Fire Department Day, then you should pay attention to high-quality.

Structure and divisions of the Russian fire service

Municipal fire protection includes all bodies, forces and means that create municipalities in cooperation with or as a supplement to the state fire protection. The specified security is created by local governments in municipal areas, in small municipalities - rural districts, settlements, cities, for example, the Moscow fire department.

Departmental fire protection is a body that is created by federal executive authorities and organizations to ensure such important conditions as fire safety and security.

Private fire protection is an integral part of the fire safety system created in organizations and populated areas. Private fire organizations enter into contracts for the provision of fire safety services.

Voluntary fire protection is a form of voluntary participation of the population in the implementation of the primary stage of fire safety.

The fire department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, among its main tasks, organizes fire prevention, resolves issues of rescuing people and property in fires, organizes fire extinguishing and carries out emergency rescue operations.

Fire fighting is an action aimed at extinguishing fires and saving people and property. Emergency rescue work carried out by fire departments is the rescue of people, property, bringing to a minimum level the effects of hazardous factors that are typical in emergencies, disasters and accidents.

Issues of organizing and implementing fire prevention are a set of preventive measures that are aimed at preventing the occurrence of fires and limiting their consequences. These are complex events of a propaganda, informational, technical and organizational nature.

Activities and history of the fire department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

The activities of the fire department do not include prevention, elimination of conflicts of an interethnic and socio-political nature, or mass riots. The functions of individual agencies are separated by federal law because fighting fires is different from maintaining public order.

By the way, right now you have an excellent opportunity to order a very worthy gift for fire department workers - a cover for the “Fire Supervision of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation” certificates.

The state fire service is an integral part of the forces ensuring the safety of people, society and the state. There are many structures designed to protect people, society and the state in Russia. We are talking about the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, internal affairs bodies, the Federal Security Service, Internal Troops, etc.

The history of the fire department suggests that this service is deservedly placed on a par with other protective agencies in the country. The fire department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations coordinates the activities of all types of fire protection. The legislation considers the state fire service to be the leading force in the fight against fires and their consequences. All other fire services are under its jurisdiction.

An excellent, high-quality and inexpensive gift for workers in this important field can be the one available for order at the Voentpro military store.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is a ministry that is authorized to resolve the entire range of fire safety issues. The Ministry of Emergency Situations consists, among other structures, of the Department of Fire and Rescue Forces, Civil Defense Forces and Special Fire Brigade. Each subject of the Russian Federation has a structural unit of the ministry that implements state policy in the field of fire safety.

The system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation includes state fire supervision bodies. Their general task is to identify and suppress offenses in the field of fire safety, punish the perpetrators, and ensure that violations of the law are eliminated.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations system operates a number of fire-technical, research, and educational institutions that are designed to develop new equipment, materials, operating procedures that are used to ensure fire safety, as well as train qualified personnel.

Where are fire department specialists trained in Russia?

First of all, it is worth mentioning:

Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation;

St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation;

Ivanovo Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation;

State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Technical Fire and Rescue College";

Voronezh Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation;

Ural Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and other organizations.

It is obvious that the Russian fire service is very attentive to the personnel issue.

Fire departments exist at every airport, seaport, nuclear power plant, oil refinery and other large facilities. They carry out fire protection tasks for these objects, but can extinguish other objects if necessary. Serious firefighting measures are being taken to ensure the safety of military airfields, cosmodromes, and training grounds.

Do not forget that modern fire protection in Russia is part of the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, therefore, you may be very interested in the unique one from the military trader Voenpro.

What does fire protection and safety include?

The Russian fire service performs the following main functions:

Organizes and carries out state fire supervision on the territory of Russia, excluding facilities where other state bodies perform the functions of state fire supervision;

Organizes and carries out fire prevention;

Organizes and carries out fire extinguishing, carries out emergency rescue operations, saves people and property at sites and closed administrative and territorial entities that are of critical importance in matters of national security of the country, as well as at other fire-hazardous sites of increased value related to the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation Federations;

Coordinates the activities of other types of fire protection, based on the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Provides scientific and technical support for fire safety and coordinates scientific research in the field of fire safety;

Organizes, to the extent of its competence, the training in its own educational institutions of specialists to work in the fire department and organizations;

Provides methodological guidance and control over activities to educate the population on fire safety issues, organizes the training of officials to work in government bodies dealing with fire safety issues.

The Federal Fire Service is engaged in:

Carrying out prevention, fire extinguishing, emergency rescue operations at facilities considered critical to the national security of the country, at federal level events where large gatherings of people are expected, at sensitive and especially important organizations;

Implementation of state scientific and technical policy in the field of fire safety;

Monitoring the implementation of normative legal acts and technical regulations by local government bodies;

Implementation of operational management of all types of fire protection, means and forces that are involved in extinguishing fires;

Providing professional training, retraining, advanced training of personnel, ensuring training of officials on fire safety issues.

If a citizen of the Russian Federation decides to throw in his lot with the civil defense forces, he must submit an application to the military commissariat where he is registered. The following documents are submitted along with the application:

Application form for applicants under a contract for military service, filled out in the prescribed form;

Autobiography, in free form, handwritten;

Copies of documents, certified in accordance with the established procedure, with confirmation of professional or other education;

Copies of children's birth and marriage certificates;

Photo 9-12 cm (full face);

A copy of the birth certificate;

Job description from the place of last study or work;

Extract from the house register.

Where to buy gifts for Firefighter Day and how to congratulate rescuers on the holiday?

The history of the fire department in Russia begins on April 30, 1649, when the “Order on City Decoration” was adopted, establishing a strict procedure for extinguishing fires in Moscow.

The historical value of the “Order on City Decoration”, adopted 365 years ago, lies in the fact that it laid the foundations of professional fire protection:

  • a paid staff was created, permanent duty was introduced in the form of a city tour;
  • provision is made for the use of mechanized water pipes when extinguishing;
  • The detours were given the right to punish city residents for violations of the rules for handling fire.

The city deanery service for fighting fires was introduced not only in Moscow, but also in other cities of Rus'. The improvement of fire protection services continued.

The further development of preventive measures to prevent fires was continued by Peter I. It was during his reign that one of the first professional fire brigades was created, the first fire station was built at the Admiralty, and fire pumps with leather hoses and copper fire hoses were purchased. And to this day one of Peter’s decrees remains relevant: “... and protect the wealth of the Russian state from fire...”.

During the reign of Alexander I, in 1802, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was formed in the Russian Empire, and fire brigades began to be created in all major cities under police departments. In 1803, the first fire brigade began its activities in St. Petersburg. By royal decree of 1804, a full-time fire brigade was created in Moscow. In other cities, their organization was carried out on the basis of the “Regulations on the composition of the fire brigade of St. Petersburg and Moscow.”

However, until this process became widespread, a lot of time passed. For example, the fire brigade at the Tula Arms Factory was organized only in 1835. There was no professional fire department in Tsaritsino and the district until the second half of the 19th century. The local population continued to fight the fires.

In 1857, Alexander II issued the first fire regulations in Russia. It set out the procedure for setting up fire stations in cities, interpreted fire precautions, the procedure for compensating losses and rewarding fire department workers involved in extinguishing, and also prescribed penalties for violations of fire safety rules.
Since 1858, the military-police telegraph began to be used for firefighting purposes, and in the nineties - telephone.

Under Emperor Nicholas I, the systematic organization of fire brigades in the Russian Empire and the widespread construction of fire stations to accommodate fire brigades began. One of the attractions of Russian cities soon became a fire tower with a signal flagpole rising above it. For many decades, the tower was the highest point of the city, from where you could see not only the outskirts, but also nearby villages.

During the 19th century, fire-fighting equipment factories were opened in St. Petersburg and Moscow, where fire pumps and folding ladders were produced; in 1904, the first fire truck was manufactured at the Frese and Co. factory.

Scientific and technical thought in Russia has always been distinguished by boldness of search, originality of solutions, and rapid implementation of ideas. Russia has become the birthplace of foam extinguishing. In Russia, the best designs of hydrants and stands were created, the first manual foam fire extinguisher was developed and tested. The problems of fighting fires received attention even after the revolution. They were placed at the level of the most important and priority tasks of the state.

The first head of firefighters in the post-revolutionary period was Mark Timofeevich Elizarov, appointed Chief Commissioner for Insurance and Fire Fighting. In a relatively short time, he was able to lay the organizational foundations of the fire department and put the implementation of measures defined by government decree on a practical footing.

In 1920, the Central Fire Department was created as part of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, which was entrusted with the management of fire protection throughout the country.

On March 23, 1923, the “First All-Russian Fire Conference” was held in Moscow, which was attended by professional firefighters from Russian cities, as well as delegations of firefighters from Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.

Since 1932, the USSR has had a paramilitary and professional fire service as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For the courage and heroism shown during the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, thousands of soldiers and fire officers received military orders and medals.

In 1936, the government decided to significantly expand the functions and rights of the fire department in the field of state fire supervision. The Government Decree approved the Regulations on State Fire Supervision and created the Main Fire Department.

During the tense years of the Great Patriotic War, firefighters extinguished fires caused by enemy bombs and shells, helped evacuate people and equipment, and were among the last to leave abandoned cities. More than two thousand firefighters - professionals and volunteers - gave their lives saving the beautiful city on the Neva from destruction by fire.

On November 7, 1941, firefighters took part in a historic parade on Red Square, from where some went to the front, while others returned to putting out fires.

In 1941, the Russian Government expressed gratitude to Moscow firefighters for the courage and heroism shown when extinguishing fires during enemy raids on the city.

In 1942, the Leningrad fire department was awarded the Order of Lenin, and in 1947, the Moscow fire garrison was also awarded this high award.

In the early 1990s, as a result of the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs was created. At the same time, issues of organizing and improving the structure of units are transferred to the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the autonomous republics, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate of territories and regions.

On August 23, 1993, the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation transformed the Fire and Emergency Rescue Service into the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

On April 30, 1999, the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 539 “On the establishment of Fire Protection Day.”

Federal Law No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety”, adopted on December 21, 1994, defines the general legal, economic and social foundations for ensuring fire safety in the Russian Federation. Currently, fire safety activities are regulated by more than 10 federal laws and legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

On November 9, 2001, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1309, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was transformed into the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief.

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