Find out a person's address using passport data. Changing the series and number of the passport when replacing it

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Russian passport verification

A passport is a person's main document. A reality check may be needed in a variety of situations - both when checking the reliability of a partner in a contract and other transactions, and in the course of resolving ordinary everyday issues.

Checking the validity of a citizen’s passport can be done in several ways, but for maximum reliability you should use all of them whenever possible.

The first method is very simple - the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation can be checked online on the official website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia. According to current legislation, anonymized citizen data (deemed invalid) ceases to be protected by the law on the protection of personal data and is distributed in the public domain.

Go to the site—

For check you need to go to the menu " Services" and select the item " Checking against the list of invalid Russian passports" Next we perform the following algorithm:

  • Enter the passport series
  • Enter your passport number
  • Enter the captcha before the request

Then click the “Send request” button. Previously, for verification it was necessary to enter the date of issue of the document, but now this item has been abolished.

It is necessary to understand that this resource will not provide the citizen’s complete passport data, but will only indicate whether the passport is invalid or not.

On the website you can also find the current list of invalid documents and check the attached data against it. According to the Federal Migration Service, lists of invalid passports are updated daily automatically, but the absence of a document in the list of invalid passports cannot provide a guarantee.

In addition to the official website, there are many resources on the Internet that allow you to check the validity of a document, but resource databases are taken from official sources and may not be updated for a long period, so there is no reason to trust these resources.

You can check the authenticity of your passport on our website online by filling out the form below.

Checking passports of Russian citizens

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In addition to online verification, you can find out the validity or invalidity of a passport by contacting the relevant FMS authority. To do this, you must submit a written application, which requires the following information:

  • Full name of the authority to which the document is submitted
  • Full name, address and other contact details of the applicant. The applicant can be absolutely any citizen, not just the passport holder
  • The text of the application itself, which indicates the requirement to provide data regarding the validity/invalidity of the passport
  • Date, signature

The law does not put forward any special requirements for the application; the document must be drawn up in simple written form. A sample application can be found on the Internet or directly at the FMS office.

The application (or request, as it may often be called) is reviewed by employees within a standard one-month period, after which the applicant will be provided with the relevant information.

It should be understood that even the absence of a passport in the invalid FMS database does not provide a complete guarantee. For example, the applicant forgot or simply did not have time to submit the appropriate application for the loss of the document.

Self check

Self check

If possible, you should check your passport yourself. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the external distinctive features of the document.

All passport sheets must be made on Gosznak paper and have the following characteristics:

  • In ultraviolet light, the passport contains wavy inscriptions: “FMS of Russia” along all pages, and for passports issued before 2006 - the inscription “Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”. In the first case, the inscription must necessarily appear on the citizen’s photograph; in the second case, this factor may not be observed.
  • On the third page of the passport, large inscriptions “Passport” and “Russia”, as well as a large stamp of the state, should appear under ultraviolet light.
  • All information in the passport must be entered typewritten, with the exception of data regarding registration and information about a previously issued passport, which can be entered manually by the Federal Migration Service.
  • A corresponding pattern appears around the photo in the passport in ultraviolet light, regardless of the year the document was issued.
  • All pages of the passport must be stitched with a special thread placed under the cover. This type of firmware does not allow individual pages of a document to be replaced without leaving a trace. You should also pay attention to the shade of the pages - in the original document, all sheets should have an identical tone.
  • The ink used when printing data should not fade or smear, so a fake document can be distinguished by unreadable or low-quality inscriptions.

Entered data

Entered data

In addition to external signs, the passport should also be checked for compliance with the data entered in it.

Currently, Russian Federation passports of the 1997 model are valid. Until 2006, they were issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after - by the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation; the document did not undergo any external differences during this period.

  • On the main spread, you need to pay attention to the number, in what region the document was issued, and whether the citizen’s age corresponds to the passport age.
  • The registration page cannot provide any important information, since a citizen may be registered at an address different from his actual one. Likewise, the page regarding marriage and the presence of children will not provide any information about validity/invalidity, since on these pages, even if the passport is valid, the relevant FMS body may not have affixed a stamp.
  • The last page contains information about the previously issued passport. It is necessary to pay attention to the code of the previously issued passport. If it is already a new template, then there is a possibility that the document was previously lost and it may be on the wanted list.

Non-resident passport verification

A popular question is whether it is possible to check the validity of a passport of a person who is not a citizen of the Russian Federation (for example, people from the CIS countries). The FMS does not have such data, so it is impossible to find out this information, including even regarding foreigners temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian Federation. However, most countries have their own online resources for checking the documents of their citizens.

In addition, passports of citizens of other countries often have similar security features, such as watermarks, inscriptions readable in ultraviolet light, laminated seals, security firmware, etc. Therefore, you can check your passport yourself using the signs described above.

In some countries, the possibility of obtaining electronic passports has recently been introduced, which practically eliminates the possibility of counterfeiting them.

This instruction is intended for checking your counterparties, clients, friends, acquaintances living in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Latvia and is advisory in nature. This instruction is perfect for brokers, real estate agencies, and other companies that require customer verification. The more information you already have about a person, the better and easier it will be to find other more detailed information. The verification will be as complete as possible if at least the passport details of the person being checked are available. If you know only single data (for example, full name or telephone number or address), then use the instructions that apply to your data, but in this case the result of your check will not be exhaustive.

Checking the validity of a Russian citizen's passport

Go to the website of the Federal Migration Service ( in the appropriate fields, enter the Series, Passport Number, captcha (code in the picture). If you receive the answer “Valid” for this passport, then everything is in order. If the answer for this passport is “Invalid”, then this passport is invalid, that is, it is fake or has expired. If it is replaced with a new one, this will also be reflected in the received message “Invalid (REPLACED WITH NEW).” Lack of information about the requested passport (answer: “It is not currently listed in the electronic records of the Federal Migration Service of Russia”) does not mean that the passport is invalid . This response is given if information about the issued passport has not yet been received from the relevant territorial authority, or the passport record is being tested in the Database software package.

Find out the TIN number

Go to the website of the Federal Tax Service (, follow the link to fill out the request form, fill it out and receive a TIN number in response

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If you receive the answer “According to the information you provided, the TIN assigned when registering you with the tax authority was not found in the FDB of the Unified State Register,” then this means that the person does not have a TIN, which is extremely rare, so I recommend that you check the correctness of entering the initial data when request.

We check tax debts

In order to check a person’s tax debt, you need to know his TIN, but not everyone has a TIN, you can check this in “Find out the TIN number”

Go to the website of the Federal Tax Service (, carefully read the terms of the audit and agree with them. After agreeing, you are automatically redirected to the data entry form, enter the required data. In response, you receive a List of debts as of the date of verification. In this list you will see the amounts of debts, their nature (taxes, penalties) as well as the type of tax for which there is a debt (this, by the way, indicates what our auditee owns).

Check yourself because you will most likely find yourself in debt. If there is no debt, well done! If there is, then there is no need to panic, select the debt, payment method, check the box below and enter your home address. You print out the finished receipt and go pay.

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IMPORTANT! Do not forget that not paying taxes on time carries the risk of restricting your travel abroad, and you will also have to deal with bailiffs.

Find out the person’s registration address and home phone number

Go to the Address Directory (, select your country, then the city, enter the name of the person being checked. In response, you receive his residence address and, in some cases, his home phone number.

Address directory only for Moscow (

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We check criminal records and trials that are ongoing at the moment

To check a person’s criminal record or look at the trials that are ongoing against him at the moment, you need to know where he is registered. It is not necessary to know the full address, the main thing is to know at least in what area. If you have a copy of your passport, then simply open it on the registration page and see the registration address.

If you don’t have a passport, then go to the item “Find out the person’s registration address and his home telephone number” and find out the person’s registration.

If a person is not registered anywhere, then look at his previous place of residence. If you are registered, but there is information about previous places of registration, then do not be lazy and check them too.

Knowing the area of ​​residence of a person (For example, a person is registered in St. Petersburg in the Admiralteysky district), enter “Admiralteysky District Court” in Yandex. Since there is no Admiralty Court in St. Petersburg, but it is called in the old days “Leninsky District Court,” then go to the page Leninsky District Court ( Go to the page “information on the progress of cases (” sometimes called “Legal Proceedings”. In the search bar, enter the person's last name.

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Based on the search results, CAREFULLY look at what information is available about the person being checked. It often happens that the last names are the same, so make sure the initials are correct.

See what cases there are in relation to the person being inspected, who the plaintiff is, who the defendant is, the essence of the claims, follow the link to the case number and study the information card and information about the progress of the case. Study the information received.

Since, according to the law, a statement of claim is filed in court at the person’s registration address, using the above method you can find court cases in which the person being inspected is brought in as a defendant. If you want to find out whether he filed a lawsuit against someone, then to do this you need to check the courts of all districts of your city in exactly the same way as described above

Search for criminal suspects

Go to the website of the Federal Bailiff Service ( in the search bar, select your region, enter the full Last Name First Name Patronymic of the person (note that an advanced search is possible) and click on the find button. In response, you will receive a message about the information found, usually it is “Nothing was found for your request” - this means everything is in order, and the person is not wanted. But just in case, to be 100% sure below the search line, click on the link “Show all results from the selected region” and you will see a list of people wanted in your region, check the list for the name of your person being checked, make sure that it is not there and go to next check point.

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Search check for enforcement proceedings

Go to the website of the Federal Bailiff Service (, select your region in the search bar, enter the full Last Name, First Name, and Patronymic of the person (note that an advanced search is possible) and click on the find button. In response, you will receive a message about the information found, usually it is “Nothing was found for your request” - this means everything is in order, and the person is not wanted for enforcement proceedings. But just in case, to be 100% sure below the search line, click on the link “Show all results from the selected region” and you will see a list of people wanted in your region, check the list for the name of your person being checked, make sure that it is not there and go to next check point.

We check whether a person has a car

Go to the website of the Traffic Police Database (, although the database is a bit old, but there is a lot of useful information here. You fill in the person’s full name, and in response you receive a list of people in different regions that match your search parameters, find the person you need there and see what kind of car he has and its license plate number.

Check for search of debtors' cars

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If the person you are checking has a car, then you need to check this car to see if he is wanted. Go to the website of the Federal Bailiff Service ( in the search bar, select your region, enter state. car number (note that an advanced search is possible) and click on the find button. In response, you will receive a message about the information found, usually it is “Nothing was found for your request” - this means everything is in order, and the car is not wanted for enforcement proceedings. But just in case, to be 100% sure below the search line, click on the link “Show all results from the selected region” and you will see a list of cars and their owners wanted in your region, check the list for the presence of state registration. license plate number and car you are checking, make sure that it is not there and move on to the next check point.

Checking a person using the database of enforcement proceedings

Visit the website of the Federal Bailiff Service ( To work with the data bank, you need to select a subsection in the search section - search by individuals or search by legal entities.

The section “Territorial Bodies” indicates the region of official registration of an individual and the place of registration of a legal entity with the Federal Tax Service.

The date of birth for an individual is not required to be filled out. If the data matches, for more accurate identification you can fill in the field in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

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If you have information about the number of enforcement proceedings, you can obtain information from the database of enforcement proceedings through the section “Search by number of enforcement proceedings”

You enter the full name of the person being checked, click on the find button and in response you receive a list of debtors, the number of the enforcement proceeding, and the subject of execution. Carefully review the information received and look for the person you are checking.

Checking a person through Internet search engines

It is imperative to check the person using Internet search engines. Here you will find many things that you don’t even know about right away (for example: advertisements for sale, registration on sites based on interests, mentions in the press, etc.) To do this, open several tabs in your browser with search engines known to you: Yandex, Google, Mail, Rambler and sequentially enter into each search engine the entire Last Name First Name Patronymic, just Last Name and initials. Follow the links found and carefully read all the information found, advertisements, various references, watch photographs and videos. Enter the information received again in parts (phrases) into the search bar of search engines. Make similar transitions using the links you find. Accumulate and summarize the information found.

After you have found the maximum amount of information, repeat the same thing only with a known phone number in different interpretations: +7 921 ХХХ ХХ ХХ, 8921ХХХХХХ, ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ, etc.

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And again repeat the search using the various parameters that you were able to find for the person in the previous paragraphs of the instructions.

Accumulate and summarize all the information found into one document.

Go to social networks where you are already registered - “Odnoklassniki”, “Vkontakte”, “LiveJournal”, “My World on”, “Twitter”, “Facebook”, “linkedin”. Using the information accumulated after the previous search, you look for a person by full name (DO NOT forget that you can also search for girls by maiden name), photographs, place of residence, supposed hobbies, etc. After you have found a person who fits all the parameters, determine the range of interests and acquaintances, education, preferences, place of work, you can often find contact information, if necessary, add him as a friend, ask his friends for the information you are interested in. Show interest in photos posted by users, videos, and view status history. Pay attention to signatures when determining shooting dates and the range of participants. Summarize all the information received into a separate document.

Hit a person by car number

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If you know that a person has a car and you know its license plate. number, then go to the website of the Traffic Police Database (, although the database is a bit old, but there is a lot of useful information here. Enter in the state column. the car number is known to you, and you will find out who it is registered to, as well as the owner’s phone number.

Another option to find the owner of a car absolutely free is to go to the website of the social network Numplate (, it appeared not long ago and is still poorly promoted, so it does not have a very large database, but it may help you find the right person. Instead of the proposed example x000xx00, enter the required state. number, in response you receive the page of the owner of the car.

Call a person by phone number

If you have a home phone number, go to the Telephone Directory (, select your country (at the bottom of the page), then the city, step by step select the phone number of the person being checked. In response, you receive the person’s full name and home address.

If you were unable to find information in the above directory, here are a few more options for searching:

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Moscow telephone directory (, enter the phone number in the format ХХХХХХХ and press the search button, in response you will receive your full name, age and home address.

If you know a cell phone number, then in this directory ( you can find out which operator a person has and how long the number has been in existence.

You can find a person by cell phone number using search engines. To do this, open several tabs in your browser with search engines known to you: Yandex, Google, Mail, Rambler and sequentially enter into each search engine a known phone number in various interpretations: +7 921 ХХХ ХХ ХХ, 8921ХХХХХХ, ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ, etc. Follow the links found and carefully read all the information found, advertisements, various references, watch photographs and videos. Enter the information received again in parts (phrases) into the search bar of search engines. Make similar transitions using the links you find. Accumulate and summarize the information found.

Attention! Avoid various offers on the Internet that offer to call a subscriber by cell phone number for a minimal fee, since they are all fraudulent. You should also not get involved with offers to purchase a database of all mobile subscribers, since such information is considered confidential, and its illegal distribution is punishable by law.

Get through a person by IP address

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If you know the IP address, you can find out a lot of useful information about its owner. To do this, you need to use a special service - whois. Go to the IP Address Check website ( in the window called WHOIS Lookup, enter the IP address and in response you will receive all the information available on it. If the IP is static, then using this service you can find out the name of the person to whom this IP address is registered, his e-mail and telephone number. You will also be able to find out when this range was rented, for how long and for which organization. Attention! If this IP address is dynamic, then the service will only show information about the provider.

How to check a company

Check the existence of a company by OGRN\GRN\TIN, name

Go to the website of the Federal Tax Service (, fill out the search fields and click the find button. In response, you will receive a list of companies that match your request parameters, select the one you are looking for and click on its name, in response you will receive current information about the legal entity and information about the entries made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in relation to the legal entity

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Go to the yellow pages website (, enter the name of the company in the search bar, and in response you will receive the actual address of the company’s location, phone number, and website.

Comments 33

Is it even legal to search for information about people in this way? I personally contacted the Legion detective agency to collect the information I needed. I am very pleased with the work of the detective.

I'm glad for you, it's amazing that there are people nowadays who work for free.

Here is an updated article with relevant links. You can also order a check of an individual there.

well, for free these are all sorts of stupid government services like FSSP and sud.rf

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I found a free service that collects information from all government sources at once

Hello, at the moment there is a working link for the search ... I really wanted to find out the fate of a colleague, otherwise life passes, and ... there is a surname, first name, place of birth, approximate year of birth ...

The information is quite outdated, some links do not work or do not open, is it possible to check and update? I myself often use, but here I needed my ex’s passport number to log into my personal account, before I just remembered both mine and hers, but now I forgot 8-((, so finding it turned out to be a big problem, but probably this is in our opinion a terrible life is most likely good, but thank you for your help!

And if you have an address, but you need to know your first and last name.

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There was an address directory, it was already blocked :(

Sadness. I can’t find out the last name...

oh sad, the person wrote a receipt but didn’t indicate the address, I wish I could meet the person (((, any thoughts?

It depends on the amount, if it’s less than 2500 then you can forget...

then this is already an article, write a statement!

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Now this is more difficult. The databases on the Internet are outdated. There are a ton of scammers who offer completely unrealistic things for rubles)

the game is not worth the candle with such prices, even if it’s a normal office...

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How can I find out my phone number using my passport?

For some reason, it seems to me that according to the passport data, it is possible to find a phone number only at the passport office. However, who knows how they will respond to such a request, because this is private information and is subject to non-disclosure. What if you somehow miraculously got hold of

someone else's passport, but are you interested in the phone in order to commit a crime? Life is so full of various “performances” for committing a crime that I’m afraid that they won’t give it to you. Unless,

you will be very lucky and you will find a charming girl and you will be able to charm her again,

and only then will the phone number be in your hands. Otherwise, just come up with a way yourself. Cling to any detail on the Internet that makes it possible to find out this wonderful

If earlier there were special kiosks and services that were aimed at searching and helping to find people, their addresses and telephone numbers, now the law is guarding the protection of all personal information. And no passport will help you here. It gets to the point of absurdity - we cannot (if we want) find out anything about some information about our loved ones - adult children or spouses, if they do not want anyone, including their loved ones, to have any of their personal information.

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If the question is of a slightly different nature, that is, not simple curiosity, but something related to unpleasant situations, you can write a statement to the police, you can go to court.

Find out your full name by mobile phone number

Dial any phone number on the MOBAZ service!

  1. In the special line for entering a number, enter the number of the subscriber you need and click the “get data” button.
  2. The service connects to the database.
  3. Within 10 minutes you receive the data of the owner of the SIM card of any phone online.

Complex 21st century!

All information can be divided into several types: 1. Useful.

These are all kinds of workshops (for example, how to properly make bait for fish or felt scarves from natural wool), articles, routes received from satellites, documentaries, lectures that shape the positive qualities and skills of a person.

These are most often various videos, jokes that relieve stress, but sometimes harm the appearance of a contemporary (if the information does not provide for restrictions in any matters). Therefore, it is important for parents to know what their beloved child is watching and reading.

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This is a collection of personal data that is needed for archives and document processing. In other words, it is the hidden information of each individual person. Organizations storing it are required by law not to allow the material to leak. But no one is immune from hacking, and people constantly behave carelessly online, leaving their residential address, phone number, names of parents and children on the page, without thinking about security.

These are words that reach people directly or indirectly, putting pressure on the psyche and worsening their well-being. Some people are not familiar with moral values ​​in our world. The dignity of one person is violated through individuals and even communities. Especially with the help of telephone calls, ill-wishers can be threatening and slander. The telephone is a tool that also indicates the location of the subscriber; it is a way to directly contact him and “destroy” him. Information of this kind exerts strong psychological pressure, including calls from various companies, which always describe pictures of an unfavorable future for a person if he does not decide to purchase a product or use a paid service.

We live in a time when the main commodity on the world market is information. She's everywhere. One has only to look at the street and thoughts immediately appear in one’s head: buy, sell, exchange, borrow...

These miracles are created by advertising, which now sells everything in the world. In order for sales to be high and profits to please directors and their employees, managers of factories and factories must compile and constantly replenish a gigantic list of clients, which is a good help in business. But sometimes “fly-by-night companies” are ready to hack social networks, competitors’ databases, all in order to get numbers, and then make phone calls an infinite number of times with a “special” offer, “exclusively for you!” and “only today!”

Fierce competition creates stress for the client: choosing the best one becomes more difficult, although the product is essentially the same, many offers appear from companies to which you just have time to open your wallet. Thus, it turns out that it is through telephone calls that we receive not only useful information, but also information that simply zombifies our brain.

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Modern people are still wary of answering unfamiliar calls: you can’t predict who is trying to break into your personal space, or what news is waiting at the other end of the line. Previously, the names “hidden”, “incognito”, “anonymous” added special mystery, which served as some protection from feedback, but also as a reason for self-indulgence. Many people remember when they picked up the phone and heard laughter.

Nowadays this practice is less common, but an open sequence of numbers can carry many “surprises”.

What situations occur when you need to find out a name by phone number through a mobile database: MOBAZ

Case 1. Silence.

It’s scary when you answer frequent calls and there’s silence. Pictures from horror films appear in my head. What are the options? This is a maniac or a thief who, using a call, is trying to figure out where you are through the general sound background. Scary? Certainly! In this case, you can immediately find out the last name by mobile number by going to the automatic MOBAZ service, where active customer support is always available.

After the next call, if the person is familiar and attractive to you, you can invite him to meet and, of course, say that you know who is breathing into the phone.

In any case, the subscriber will be exposed, he will understand that there is no point in remaining silent. Calls will stop from now on.

Case 2. Obsessive admirer.

There are types of people who like to play on the feelings of others. This is similar to bullying, only of a flattering nature.

Many have heard that a stranger calls and does not introduce himself by name, but at the same time begins to say how in love he is with the owner of the number, that he sees him from the window every day, how he likes his hair and smell, but does not even make an appointment . It's getting creepy. That is, he was somewhere near you, but did not identify himself. The problem can be easily solved. The scheme is the same as with silence. After registering on the MOBAZ service, you can find out the person’s full name by phone number, and the next time you call you can say: “Good afternoon! I know who you are and where you come from. If your calls don’t stop, I will complain to higher authorities.” You need to speak in a firm, confident voice. Even such a simple phrase will forever discourage the desire to recruit you again, since the incognito game has been stopped.

Case 3. An annoying salesman.

Sometimes a manager calls from different phones under the guise of several representatives of the same product. To reveal the deception, you can recognize a person by mobile number only on the MOBAZ service. The next time a merchant tries to persuade you to purchase a product again, you can directly contact him by name and ask him not to bother you anymore about choosing services, which, of course, will discourage him. You can also add to the conversation that you recorded everything on a voice recorder and did not leave any data with this company, in other words, clearly explain to him that the law on violation of confidentiality on their part will come into force. After this, you will definitely be deleted from the client base or be under the note: “Do not call! Dangerous!".

Case 4. Avenger.

There are times when people have had a big fight and can no longer find harmony in their relationship. These could even be old friends. The revenge of one grows, and he decides to pour out all the accumulated anger on the offender. One type of revenge is precisely telephone calls, through which a person hears unpleasant things about himself, obscene language, and they try to provoke him. If you turn to the MOBAZ service, you can easily expose the avenger. The outcome of such conversations will end peacefully or in a criminal case, since humiliation of human dignity is punishable by law, the main thing is that there is evidence.

Case 5. Playful teenagers.

Among young people there is a betting game: by dialing numbers in random order, they call unknown people. If they didn’t say anything offensive, then you can give up on it. But since rude words have been addressed to you and the calls are repeated, then this can be put to an end thanks to the MOBAZ service. It is enough to find out the number of the parents who are responsible for their children. They should also be reminded of the penalties.

Case 6. Messengers of good luck.

Has this ever happened: they call your mobile phone to tell you about your winnings, and you don’t remember where you managed to participate. The main thing is not to listen to the speech of people who, in a perky voice, persuade you to take the prize. This usually ends with the person, who has taken the risk of getting his gift, coming to an incomprehensible basement office, and there, it turns out, in order to receive what was promised, he must first either buy the product or fulfill certain conditions. Yet again! If there is one challenge, then there is nothing wrong with that; it is important to be able to nullify such a conversation. Frequent calls become a cause for concern, which you can get rid of, as many people have already done, by easily registering with the MOBAZ service.

Case 7. Number stored without a name.

Each subscriber's phone book contains hastily saved entries without a name. These are sometimes very important contacts. Memory sometimes fails, and we just can’t remember who this person is. The MOBAZ service will help you find out the exact name of the subscriber using just one number.

Why are they calling you?

How does information about the owners of mobile numbers fall into the hands of unscrupulous people?

Databases can be hacked, then your data located there can be inserted into a new list.

When you buy an expensive watch or gold jewelry, you are given a card, upon registration of which you are asked for a mobile number. This is how a base of “profitable” clients is formed. Advice to everyone: when purchasing a product, do not enter your phone numbers

Information about the buyer is divided into parts according to age and gender. Depending on the needs of the audience, they will call you with an offer to buy this or that product. For example, women are offered to buy an expensive case with cosmetics, and pensioners are offered medicines and gardening tools.

Go to Main page

Lack of information about the requested passport (answer: “It is not currently listed in the electronic records of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”) does not mean that the passport is invalid. This response is given if information about the issued passport has not yet been received from the relevant territorial authority, or the passport record is being tested in the Database software package.

The passport verification service data is updated weekly.

Providing additional information about the passport holder is not provided. (Basis - regulations on the protection of personal data).

Let us remind you that information about passports of citizens of the Russian Federation obtained through our service is for informational purposes only.

To obtain legally significant information, you must contact the territorial divisions of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which issued passports.

Passports of Russian citizens are checked using the database
Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation.
For all questions related to this service, please contact the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


Effective ways to search for a person’s passport data by name

Please check the cost of the service by phone. It seems unlikely to identify a person using their passport number on their own, as this requires access to special databases. Electronic databases that allow you to quickly and efficiently obtain information on each person are available to law enforcement officials. In addition, any person’s passport data is considered personal information, the confidentiality of which is protected by current legislation.

Therefore, if you want to get through a person’s passport, you should not waste energy, nerves and time on independent attempts to obtain this confidential information, but entrust this important task to a private detective agency. Only professionals in their field will cope with the task as quickly as possible and will help you find out the passport details of the person you are interested in.

How can I find out my passport details?

funny to myself Nadezhda Morozova Pro (663) 2 years ago In general, it is not entirely legal to use another person’s passport data.

Another question is that sometimes you want to give your loved ones a surprise (a deed of gift for a white yacht, an apartment in Paris). Option one.

Under some plausible pretext, you can get a photocopy of the passport from the owner himself, or alternatively, you can go to the HR department at work (there are also copies there). Pavel Shevnin Pro (696) 2 years ago No one will just give you the passport details of any person.

How to find out your TIN of an individual (by passport, by last name) online?

TIN is public information. You can find out your TIN either on the Federal Tax Service website, on the page, or on the government services portal (this is a single service where you can quickly get government services available online) at page These services provide the opportunity to find out the TIN number from your passport.

How to find out the TIN using passport data online? The above pages represent a form in which you need to enter your passport data: full name (if there is no middle name in the name, this must be checked); Date and place of birth; the name of the identification document (usually a passport, up to 14 years of age - a birth certificate, for stateless persons - a residence permit, etc.); details of a passport or other document (series and number, date of receipt).

Of all the information listed, only the place of birth can be omitted.

Passport details of the person you are interested in

Please check the cost of the service by phone. It seems unlikely to identify a person using their passport number on their own, as this requires access to special databases. Electronic databases that allow you to quickly and efficiently obtain information on each person are available to law enforcement officials.

In addition, any person’s passport data is considered personal information, the confidentiality of which is protected by current legislation. Therefore, if you want to get through a person’s passport, you should not waste energy, nerves and time on independent attempts to obtain this confidential information, but entrust this important task to a private detective agency.

Only professionals in their field will cope with the task as quickly as possible and will help you find out the passport details of the person you are interested in.

How to find out passport details using your tax identification number

Check the TIN number on the tax website, TIN online

To do this, you need to enter the employee’s personal data in a special form.

However, keep in mind that the specified service may not provide information about the TIN assigned to an individual. For example, this can happen if a person’s passport or other identification document details have changed. In such a situation, the service will prompt you to enter the details of the previous document, but the employer may not have such information.

Find out the TIN of an individual by last name. This service allows you to: find out your TIN; find out the TIN of an individual. In order to find out your TIN, you must: fill out a request form for registration with the assignment of a TIN; send a request; if you are registered with the tax authorities with a TIN, your TIN will appear in the result line.

Announcement: Individuals who have forgotten their TIN or do not know their TIN can now obtain this information in a couple of minutes.

How to find out TIN from passport data

Otherwise, go to the page and read the information on how to obtain a TIN.

In some situations, it is necessary to find out a person’s place of registration. The need arises when searching for debtors, checking clients, and in many other cases. With the help of some actions you can find a person in Russia and the CIS countries in Kazakhstan, etc.

By passport

How to find out your registration using your passport details? If you know the data from the passport of the person you are looking for, you can look at the FMS website, where, using the data from the passport, you can find out whether the document is valid. How can I find out my registration using my passport details after checking its authenticity? If this passport is not found in the FMS database, it is recommended to wait - perhaps the document was issued recently and has not yet been registered in the database.


How to find out a person’s registration if you have information about his TIN number?

People search, free people database

You can recognize a person by their passport details in the same way as you can recognize the authenticity of a document. Data is entered into the appropriate fields, the number of which will provide information about the TIN.

You can find out your registration by TIN indirectly; this is done like this: Using the tax certificate number, you can find out whether a citizen has debts.

If there are any, it is not difficult to find out a person’s registration using passport information - you need to select the option to pay off the debt, and when you issue a receipt, the home address will be displayed.

By name and phone number

It is not always possible to find a person’s place of residence using passport details, because not everyone has the opportunity to find out the data in the documents. Sometimes it is enough to know the phone number and full name of the person you are looking for (find a person by last name).

By phone number, you can find out the place of residence of a person, using numerous telephone directories for the Russian Federation and cities. Another convenient way to search for a person is through social networks and online search engines (the so-called search for a person via the Internet). Of course, it’s not easy to find out a person’s registration on social networks. No one usually writes the exact address, but collecting additional data is quite possible. Many people leave comments under the photos, or you can find out the area if the person you are looking for lives in the same city as the person looking for it. With due care, you can not only find a person using passport data, but also using a regular page on the Internet.

By car number

If it is not possible to find a person using passport information, but you know for sure that he has a car, you can go a different route. Just look into the Traffic Police Database, on the website of which you just need to enter the car number, even without knowing the name of the person you are looking for - it will work.

After searching by numbers, the user will go to the car owner’s page, where he can find out information from his passport, place of residence, etc.

This may interest you:

It is almost impossible to identify a person by name without knowing other data; you need to collect more information.

Russian Federation Passport Database

For all citizens of our country, sooner or later there comes a time when it is necessary to obtain information regarding your passport. This can be either ordinary interest or the pursuit of any goals (searching for a person, checking a document for authenticity, etc.).

Searching for passport data by full name - effective methods and possible risks

Today we will talk about whether a database of passports of Russian citizens appeared in 2018 or not.

Unified database of Russian passports

Most people hope for a miracle and try to find a service that would allow them to find a person or their passport information using just their last name. However, all personal data of anyone is confidential, therefore you will not find it freely available on the Internet.

However, there is an online database of Russian passports that will only tell you whether the document is valid or not.

Context 1

In order to carry out the verification, you need to go to the MFD website and enter the series and document number, as well as the verification code, which is indicated in the picture next to it, in the appropriate boxes.

After checking, the result will be displayed. In our case, the response from the database was correct, since the document was indeed replaced.

We decided to check another passport (valid) and received a response from the database that the document was not listed as invalid.

It also happens that the document has just been received, and the answer indicates that the passport is invalid. In this case, you can report an error or go to the Federal Migration Service and request that appropriate adjustments be made there. If you have any problems based on false information, you can always turn to our lawyers for help.

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Yo: Finding people is consistent in all respects with databases - the basis of cell phones, alpha and omega data of surnames is impressive - how can one conclude that the internal reserves of the program are limitless! Maybe it is the same way). Who exactly would be able to think how much of this is real? Through our server, Your Grace will barely be able to find the person you need.

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In February, I bought wizzair Moscow-Budapest-Moscow tickets for mid-May.

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Passport data of people free online

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Fraud with passport data

Any documents that confirm a person’s identity should be given special attention. Especially when it comes to a passport.

Personal information contained in this document must be kept confidential from unauthorized persons. This is due to the fact that today there are many ways in which fraudsters can use passport data. Regardless of how fraudsters can use a person’s passport data, he needs to carefully monitor his passport and the copies of this document made.

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Russia People Database

Finding an old friend, acquaintance, classmate, relative whom you have not seen for a long time is always pleasant, and the Internet erases all boundaries and obstacles, allowing you to communicate at a distance.

Check the credit history of an individual

Nowadays, regularly checking your credit history is very important.

Today, any organization, be it a bank when considering a loan application, an employer interested in hiring a new employee, or another organization interested in how a person fulfills his obligations to other organizations, can request his credit history, having a written request to do so. consent of that person.

Werewolves in salons continue to issue SIM cards without documents

In Moscow, you can still buy a SIM card for a cell phone without any problems without presenting documents, although this is directly contrary to the law.

It is this opportunity that gives scope for fraudsters to issue cards in someone else’s name, and then talk into debt, which they then demand from unsuspecting honest citizens.

MOSCOW, August 13 - RIA Novosti. In Moscow, you can still buy a SIM card for a cell phone without any problems without presenting documents, although this is directly contrary to the law.

Is it possible to take out a loan using someone else’s passport?

What to do if you lost your passport?

I have already written to you about whether it is possible to get a loan with a bad credit history and how to find out the debt on the loan.

and now I’ll answer a difficult, at first glance, question: is it possible to take out a loan on someone else’s passport? If you are asking these questions because someone else’s documents have fallen into your hands, then it is better to immediately go to the police and hand them over. Fraudsters who first prepare the ground take out loans for other people’s passports.

The first method also has two varieties.

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First of all, you need to gain access to your personal page on the site.

Sometimes situations occur in life in which it is simply necessary to determine the place of residence of a particular person. But not everyone realizes that it is quite possible to find out a residence permit using passport data or other personal information of a specific person, if certain conditions are met. Therefore, in case of urgent need to obtain reliable information, it is better to know in advance where to turn.

The reasons for searching for information about the registration of a person may be different:

  1. A parent who evades payment of child support. Even if the court has made a decision to assign the payer a monthly amount of payments for child support, this does not mean that the person will not be able to evade his obligations. The decision on collection may simply not reach him due to the lack of contact information. In this case, recipients of alimony have the right to contact the authorized government agency to find out information about the place of registration of the person hiding from payment, in order to bring the court decision into force.
  2. Heirs. Another category of wanted persons may be people who became the owners of movable or immovable property after the death of another person. Regardless of whether specific persons were indicated in the will or are the legal heirs of the deceased, it may be necessary to find a person at the registration address if he is not aware of what happened and has not addressed this issue on his own.
  3. Defendant in litigation. It often happens that you need to figure out how to find out a person’s registration in connection with the commission of an offense that led to a lawsuit.
  4. Loss of contact with relatives or loved ones. Under various circumstances, people may lose each other and, in order to restore contact, want to take advantage of the opportunity to search for a specific person by last name.
  5. Owners of an immovable housing property have the right to obtain information about the people registered in it by contacting the relevant department.
  6. Information on how to find out a person’s registration may be needed in a number of other cases, for example, when searching for debtors on loans or checking the reality of the specified data by the client.

How to check your registration online

You can find out your registration address via the Internet. This method is not always effective, but in some cases it can work. To do this, you can use the website of the Federal State Registration Service or the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The first resource is often used by real estate agencies and law firms, as it is where you can find out about mortgage debt on apartments and other premises for sale.

To obtain the necessary information on government portals, you will need to enter your passport data, or if you don’t have it, you can try to find out the necessary information by full name.

Another option could be to search for a person’s registered place of residence by taxpayer identification code; in order to receive it, you need to enter passport data in the appropriate fields to verify the authenticity of the document. Next, the number displays information about debts; if they are available on the government services website, you can select the “pay off debt” item. The registration details will be displayed on the receipt.

You can also find out the place of registration of a particular citizen without contacting government agencies in person through individual companies offering their services via the Internet, but this is not the most reliable way, and the cost of such a request can be quite high.

Other methods and places of contact

Due to the fact that the personal data of any citizen of the Russian Federation is strictly protected at the legislative level, it is quite difficult for a private individual to find out the place of registration of a person.

  • There are several government departments to which you can send a request if you know the passport details of the subject you are looking for:
    • Unified State Register.

You can often obtain information through these structures when searching for a person who committed an offense. If there is evidence of an unlawful action against the applicant, the court may cooperate and release the data.

  • There are situations when it is necessary to check your own registration, for example, when it is agreed that this procedure will be carried out by an intermediary, employer or company dealing with this issue. To find out whether the intermediary has fulfilled its obligations, you need to clarify in which department of internal affairs the registration was carried out and, together with your passport, appear there by appointment.
  • You can find out the information of interest by last name, first name and telephone number if you use the telephone directory, but this is a rather labor-intensive process and does not guarantee that the registration is the place of actual residence, and if the last name is common, then the search can take quite a long time.
  • By car number. You can try to find a person in the Traffic Police Database knowing the license plate number of his car. No other information is required. If you search on the service portal, then after the number is entered, other information will be provided for the found car owner, including registration address and passport details.

Search by full name only

Finding a person with only his last name and first name is quite difficult; it is better to try to collect more information and increase your chances of success. However, if there is still no other information about the person you are looking for, you can try searching by full name. The search region also matters. Searching for a person in a strictly specified geographical area will be easier than throughout the country.

An effective way to search for a person by name is to contact the migration service, since every person living on the territory of the Russian Federation is required to have permanent or temporary registration. To be able to search in the migration department database, you need to:

  1. Appear at the department at your place of residence with a civil passport.
  2. Fill out and submit an application, indicating all known information about the wanted person and the grounds for the search, as well as your own passport information.
  3. Receive a response to your request within a month.

Another option for searching by name is to contact the help desk, which has branches in all regions of Russia. The service operates on a paid basis, but the amount per request is usually not too high. You can find contact information for the department on the Internet. On site you need:

  1. Fill out an application, indicating all known information about the wanted person.
  2. Get an answer upon request.


When searching independently, the probability of refusal is quite high due to the inviolability of personal information at the legislative level. You can count on receiving a registration certificate in cases where:

  • Your own information is requested.
  • The data is requested by a trusted person.
  • Information is requested by a representative of the authorized agency.

No matter who the wanted person is, it will be easier to find him and information about his registration address if he has committed offenses or is a debtor. In such cases, when searching, you can count on the help of authorized government agencies.

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