For what purposes is type C approval carried out? How long does metrological certification of measuring instruments take? Is this process difficult for us?

One of the important functions of state metrological control is control over the implementation of mandatory tests of newly created measuring instruments with subsequent approval of their type.

Testing of measuring instruments developed in the areas of state metrological control is usually carried out by state scientific metrological centers of Gosstandart, which are accredited by it as government centers testing of measuring instruments (by specialization). Tests are carried out by the commission and in accordance with the program approved by Gosstandart. The commission includes representatives of the corresponding state center for testing measuring instruments (chairman), the customer of the measuring instrument, departmental metrological services, organizations (enterprises) of the developer and the proposed manufacturer of the measuring instruments. In some cases, testing of measuring instruments is carried out by the specified commission in the organization (enterprise) of the developer of measuring instruments.

By decision of Gosstandart, other organizations that are not included in the Gosstandart system and have secondary (discharge) standards can be accredited as a state scientific center for testing measuring instruments of a particular specialization, test equipment, a plethora of specialists have been trained.

In case of successful testing, during which the parameters and characteristics of the measuring instrument specified in terms of reference for its development, documentation is submitted to Gosstandart. They make a decision to approve the type of measuring instrument. This decision is certified by a certificate of approval of the type of measuring instruments, which indicates its validity period. The approved type of measuring instrument is entered into the State Register of Measuring Instruments, the maintenance of which is entrusted to the Kazakhstan Institute of Metrology.

The compliance of the parameters and characteristics of measuring instruments with the approved type on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is controlled by the State Migration Service bodies. For each copy of a measuring instrument of an approved type and for accompanying operational documents ( technical specifications, passport, technical description) sign is applied type assertions measuring instruments (the shape of the sign is established by Gosstandart).

Thus, the quality and metrological characteristics of measuring instruments developed and produced in the areas of state metrological control and supervision are guaranteed. This system, which is sufficiently justified in scientific and technical terms, is borrowed from the previously existing procedure for the development, testing and subsequent monitoring of the condition of measuring instruments. Similar order operates (in one form or another) in a number of other countries with market relations in economic sphere. For example, in Germany, where legal norms metrological activities are determined by the Law “On Measurement and Verification” and “On Units of Measurement and Measurement”, verification of measuring instruments is mandatory. On state level(metrological activities are regulated and controlled by the German Ministry of Economics), the type of measuring instruments is approved, recognition is carried out (and in our country - accreditation) of testing laboratories of measuring instruments, etc.

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 2009 N 1081 "On approval of the Procedure for testing standard samples or measuring instruments for the purpose of type approval, the Procedure for approving the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments, the Procedure for issuing certificates of approval of the type of standard samples or type measuring instruments, establishing and changing the validity period said certificates and the interval between verifications of measuring instruments, requirements for approval marks of the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments and the procedure for their application" (with amendments and additions)

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2009 N 1081
"On approval of the Procedure for testing standard samples or measuring instruments for the purpose of type approval, the Procedure for approving the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments, the Procedure for issuing certificates of approval of the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments, establishing and changing the validity period of these certificates and the interval between verifications measuring instruments, requirements for type approval marks of standard samples or type of measuring instruments and the procedure for their application"

With changes and additions from:

The procedure for approving the type of reference materials or the type of measuring instruments (Appendix 2);

The procedure for issuing certificates of approval of the type of reference materials or the type of measuring instruments, establishing and changing the validity period of these certificates and the interval between verifications of measuring instruments (Appendix 3);

Requirements for type approval marks of standard samples or type of measuring instruments and the procedure for their application (Appendix 4).

2. Recognize the Metrology Rules PR 50.2.009-94 “GSI. Procedure for testing and type approval of measuring instruments” as invalid, approved by resolution State Standard of Russia dated February 8, 1994 N 8 (registered by the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation July 13, 1994, registration N 634), order of the State Standard of Russia dated June 3, 1997 N 149 “On improving the procedure for testing and type approval of measuring instruments” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 5, 1997, registration N 1383) .

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to Deputy Minister V.Yu. Salamatova.

V.B. Khristenko

Types of standard samples (measuring instruments) used in the field government regulation ensuring the uniformity of measurements must be approved.

Rules have been developed for testing standard samples or measuring instruments in order to approve their types, as well as a procedure for issuing relevant certificates.

Tests are carried out by accredited legal entities. Interested party submits an application. The work is carried out on the basis of a concluded agreement (contract). During the tests, the nature of the production of the sample or product (serial or single) is taken into account. Depending on the same factor, it is determined who the applicant is. Tests are carried out in accordance with special program. It establishes the content, scope, conditions of work, requirements for the selection and number of samples, etc.

Based on the test results, a description of the type of standard sample (measuring instrument) is compiled. An act is drawn up.

The decision to approve the type of standard sample (measuring instrument) is made by Rostekhregulirovanie on the basis positive results tests. To approve a type, an application and test materials are submitted. Documents are reviewed within 30 days. The decision to approve the type of standard sample (measuring instrument) is posted on the Rostechregulirovaniye website. The type approval of a standard sample (measuring instrument) is certified by a certificate. It is also formalized by Rostekhregulirovanie. The procedure for reissuing the certificate has been determined.

The requirements for type approval marks of standard samples (measuring instruments) and the procedure for their application are given.

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 2009 N 1081 "On approval of the Procedure for testing standard samples or measuring instruments for the purpose of type approval, the Procedure for approving the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments, the Procedure for issuing certificates of approval of the type of standard samples or type measuring instruments, establishing and changing the validity period of the specified certificates and the interval between verifications of measuring instruments, requirements for approval marks of the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments and the procedure for their application"

Measuring instrument type approval– a decision made by the state metrological service body, indicating the conformity of measuring instruments established requirements and the suitability of its use in the areas of state metrological control and supervision.

The decision on type approval is made by Rostekhregulirovanie based on the results of mandatory tests of measuring instruments for the purpose of approval of their type. Tests are carried out by SSMC, accredited as state testing centers for SI (GCI SI) upon a preliminary application from the developer or manufacturer to Rostekhregulirovanie. Participates in the type approval procedure standard sample SI.

The procedure for testing and type approval of measuring instruments includes:

1. Testing of measuring instruments for the purpose of approval of their type;

2. Making a decision on type approval

3. State registration and issuance of a type approval certificate;

4. Testing of measuring instruments for compliance with the approved type when monitoring the compliance of measuring instruments with the approved type;

5. Recognition of type approval or results of type tests of measuring instruments carried out competent organizations foreign countries;

6. Information services for consumers of measuring equipment, control and supervisory authorities and government bodies.

For testing measuring instruments For the purposes of type approval, the applicant submits:

1. standard sample (samples) of measuring instruments;

2. type test program approved by GCI SI;

3. technical specifications (if their development is envisaged), signed by the head of the developer organization;

4. operational documents, and for imported measuring instruments - a set of documentation from the manufacturer, attached to the supplied measuring instrument, with translation into Russian;

5. regulatory document for verification in the absence of operational documentation section “Verification Methodology”;

6. Type description with photographs general view;

7. document from the development organization on the admissibility of publishing a type description in the open press.

GCI SI makes a decision on the application and conducts tests.

When testing measuring instruments for the purpose of approval of their type, the following is checked:

1. compliance of the technical (metrological) characteristics of measuring instruments with the requirements applicable to them regulatory documents

2. provision of measuring instruments with verification methods and means, experimental testing of verification methods, as well as the correct choice of verification methods and means.

Positive test results are the basis for Rostekhregulirovanie to make a decision to approve the type of measuring instruments, which is certified certificate of approval of their type. It is applied to the SI and operational documents type approval mark.

The validity period of the certificate, usually 5 years, is established by Rostekhregulirovanie when it is issued. A type approval certificate for a single copy or batch of measuring instruments is issued without a validity period. The approved type of measuring instrument is entered into the State Register of Measuring Instruments, which is maintained by VNIIMS on behalf of Rostechregulirovanie.

Periodic control tests compliance with the approved type is carried out :

1. When receiving information from consumers about deterioration in the quality of manufactured or imported measuring instruments,

2. When changes are made to their design or manufacturing technology that affect the standardized metrological characteristics,

3. Upon expiration of the type approval certificate,

4. By decision of Rostechregulirovanie when the manufacturer puts the measuring instrument into production.

5. In the case of issuing a license for the right to produce measuring instruments to an enterprise that is not a manufacturer of measuring instruments, based on the test results of which their type is approved.

In the Russian Federation, ensuring the uniformity of measurements is regulated by law through the procedure for approving the type of measuring instruments in accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements” dated June 26, 2008 No. 102-FZ.

TMS experts, together with accredited laboratories and organizations, carry out the entire list of work on preparing and conducting tests for the purpose of approving the type of measuring instruments, starting with the review of technical documentation, the tests themselves, assisting the customer in drawing up an Application to the testing center and ending with obtaining a certificate with an attachment.

DEADLINE: from 3.5 months

COST OF PERFORMANCE: from RUB 270,000.00

Procedure for approving the type of measuring instruments:

To conduct tests, the applicant (manufacturer) must provide the following documents:

  • Application for testing;
  • Passport/form
  • Manual on the measuring instrument (in Russian);
  • Protocols and procedures calibration manufacturer (if available);
  • Declaration completeness of documentation, level of protection and absence of undocumented capabilities software measuring instruments (if software is available);
  • Certificate/declaration according to TR CU 020/2011"Electromagnetic compatibility technical means"(if necessary);
  • Certificate of conformity on explosion-proof equipment(if necessary);
  • A copy of the power of attorney to represent the interests of the manufacturer(s) of the measuring instrument, if it is not the manufacturer himself.

TMS specialists, if necessary, can develop and finalize a set of operational documentation necessary to pass the type approval procedure for measuring instruments.

The tests will be carried out at the testing base of the manufacturer of the measuring instrument and/or in accredited testing laboratories with samples provided

In order to reduce both time and labor costs, before testing, TMS specialists carry out preparatory work, which consist in the development and prior approval with the customer of the projects of the following documents:

  • descriptions of the type of measuring instrument;
  • verification methods (if necessary);
  • test report for the purpose of type approval.

TMS provides services for renewal of certificates of type approval of measuring instruments.

Your questions, our answers.

Which measuring instruments are subject to type approval of measuring instruments? What procedures need to be completed?

Instruments that are within the scope of state regulation are subject to type approval. To approve the type of measuring instrument and register it with the Federal Information Foundation for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements, it is necessary to undergo tests for the purpose of type approval in an accredited national system accreditation testing center. Send us your list of SI, and we will tell you which of them need to be approved as a type and orient you in more detail on all procedures.

Our company received an order to include our alarms in the state register. Why do we need a certificate for type approval of measuring instruments if the alarms do not perform any measurements?

Signaling devices, indeed, are not a means of measurement because they do not have measuring functions and are not intended for measurements. But if you have been issued a prescription, then you need to play it safe and get official clarification on this issue from Rosstandart. Send us technical documentation to your devices, and we will collect necessary kit documents, we will prepare official letter and send it to Rosstandart. And in no more than 30 working days you will receive an official letter of refusal that your alarms are not a measuring instrument.

Please tell me how long the certificate of type approval of measuring instruments obtained from your company is valid?

A certificate (certificate) of approval of the type of measuring instruments is issued for a standard period of 5 years, after which it is possible to undergo an extension procedure. Certificate of type approval for single copies or batches (under registered serial numbers of devices) – unlimited.

How long does metrological certification of measuring instruments take? Is this process difficult for us?

What do you understand by the phrase “ metrological certification measuring instruments"? In the legislation of the Russian Federation such a term no longer exists. If you mean metrological certification(approval of the type of measuring instrument), then the process is quite lengthy and complex due to the fact that it is regulated and mostly carried out government organizations. Minimum term Obtaining a metrological certificate (type approval certificate), which we can guarantee you when working with us, takes 3.5 – 4 months. Further, everything depends on the completeness and timeliness of the provision of technical information. documentation, samples for testing or organizing a business trip, availability of comments on the developed set of documents from the document verification department of Rosstandart, etc. And most importantly, the timing depends on the specific performer (organization and/or specialist) who conducts the tests, on their desire, workload and motivation. Therefore, contact the specialists of our company, and we will try to ensure that you receive a metrology certificate on “optimal” conditions and in the shortest possible time.

How many SI samples will your specialists need to approve their type?

Typically, to provide the type approval service for a measuring instrument, it is necessary to provide 3 samples of each modification/type - if this mass production. The fact is that there are cases when only one sample is brought for testing, and during transportation or for some other reason it does not work or does not work correctly. In this case, it is necessary to organize re-delivery of samples, which entails an increase in work completion time and additional expenses for transportation. So, if possible, it is better to provide 3 samples at once. However, if the equipment is complex, large, expensive (for example, chromatographs), it is possible to provide one device of each modification by prior agreement. Or if it is necessary to approve as a type a whole line of devices of the same type large quantity modifications, then the issue of providing samples for testing is resolved every time individually towards reducing the number of samples required for testing. If we're talking about about single copies– then it is necessary to provide each measuring instrument for testing. However, again, if this is some batch of identical equipment with different serial numbers, then the number of samples required for testing will be considered downward on an individual basis.

1. The type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments used in the field of state regulation to ensure the uniformity of measurements is subject to mandatory approval. When approving the type of measuring instruments, accuracy indicators, the interval between verifications of measuring instruments, as well as the verification methodology are established. of this type measuring instruments.

2. The decision to approve the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments is made by the federal body executive power performing the functions of providing public services and management state property in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, based on positive test results of standard samples or measuring instruments for the purpose of type approval.

3. Approval of the type of standard samples or type of measuring instruments is certified by a certificate of approval of the type of standard samples or type of measuring instruments issued federal body executive power, carrying out the functions of providing public services and managing state property in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. During the validity period of the certificate of approval of the type of measuring instruments, the interval between verifications of measuring instruments can only be changed by the federal executive body exercising the functions of providing public services and managing state property in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

4. For each copy of measuring instruments of an approved type, accompanying documents To specified means measurements and accompanying documents standard samples of an approved type are affixed with a type approval mark. The design of the measuring instrument must ensure the possibility of applying this sign in a place accessible for viewing. If the design features of a measuring instrument do not allow this mark to be applied directly to the measuring instrument, it is applied only to accompanying documents.

5. Testing of standard samples or measuring instruments for the purpose of type approval is carried out by legal entities accredited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in the national accreditation system for carrying out tests for the purpose of type approval.

(see text in previous edition)

6. Information about approved types standard samples and types of measuring instruments are included in the Federal information fund to ensure uniformity of measurements.

7. The procedure for testing standard samples or measuring instruments for the purpose of type approval, the procedure for approving the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments, the procedure for issuing certificates of approval of the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments, establishing and changing the validity period of these certificates and the interval between verifications of instruments measurements, requirements for approval marks of the type of standard samples or type of measuring instruments and the procedure for their application are established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The procedure for testing standard samples or measuring instruments for the purpose of type approval and the procedure for approving the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments are established taking into account the nature of the production of standard samples and measuring instruments (serial or single production). The form of certificates of approval of the type of reference materials or the type of measuring instruments is approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

(see text in the previous edition)

8. Legal entities And individual entrepreneurs those carrying out the development, release from production, import into the territory of the Russian Federation, sale and use on the territory of the Russian Federation not intended for use in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements of standard samples and measuring instruments, may voluntarily submit them for approval of the type of reference materials or type of measuring instruments.

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