In what cases will a driver not need a medical certificate? Who needs a driver's medical certificate and when? Do I need a medical certificate?

In this article we will talk about what may not be such a pressing topic for car enthusiasts, since many drivers drive a car without a medical certificate, and sometimes they do not fully realize that they are thereby violating the laws of our country. Whether this is good or bad is not for us to judge. Perhaps in such a situation one can find both positive and negative sides of the current situation. We wanted to tell you about what will happen if the driver drives a car without a medical certificate, and this circumstance will be detected by the traffic police and he will be convicted to the fullest extent of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Do I need a medical certificate to drive a car?

The answer about having a medical certificate to drive a car is, of course, clear. But we wanted, first of all, to talk about the regulatory documents that regulate the availability of such a certificate, and then to raise the issue of the actual situation and the punishment that may follow if it is discovered that the driver does not have the nth certificate. So, in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ “On Road Traffic Safety”, paragraph 1 states:

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age established by this article and have no restrictions on driving activities may, after appropriate preparation, be admitted to exams to obtain the right to drive vehicles.

Should the driver carry a medical certificate with him?

Although in the previous paragraph we said that the driver must have a valid medical certificate, he is not required to carry it with him to present to the traffic police patrol inspector.
So in the traffic rules clause 2.1.1. (General duties of drivers) a medical certificate does not appear in the list of listed documents for presentation to the traffic police inspector. This means that you can drive without a medical certificate. Of course, we will also say that many drivers take advantage of this situation – the opportunity not to submit a medical certificate – in order to generally hide the fact that they actually do not have this valid certificate.

Fine (punishment) for driving a car without a valid medical certificate

If you are caught that you do not have a medical certificate, that is, you are actually restricted from driving, then you will be held accountable under Article 12.7.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which reads:

Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have the right to drive a vehicle (except for instructional driving) shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand five hundred rubles.

Everything seems to be clear here, the punishment does not include detaining you for a certain number of days, but only provides for punitive sanctions against the violator. How the police will know that your medical certificate is current As we have already mentioned, you are not required to carry a medical certificate with you. It should be noted that the new form of certificates, which was introduced in 2010, provided not only a new design, but also new rules for recording certificates and the relevance of information about them. It was assumed that data on medical certificates would be transferred to the traffic police, which would ultimately serve as a kind of information for the regulatory authority (traffic police), but at the moment it seems that this has not happened. Another option for automatically canceling your medical certificate may be to register you with a mental health clinic or a drug treatment center. So the traffic police can request information about you, and if you are registered with these organizations and drive a vehicle, then this will also be equivalent to driving a vehicle without a medical certificate.

Practical situation when driving a car without a medical certificate

I would like to sum it up on not entirely rosy notes for our law. Indeed, at the moment, despite the selective high relevance for some drivers, they can actually drive a car without hindrance, despite the restrictions that should be applied to them. In fact, cases of lack of a medical certificate are identified in extreme situations. When an investigation is underway, for example regarding a traffic accident, on the spot during a routine stop, such “subtleties”, as a rule, are not clarified. On the positive side, it is worth saying that those drivers who could potentially be allowed to drive and do not have a valid medical certificate actually drive without unnecessary headaches due to the fact that they did not undergo a medical examination in time to be allowed to drive a vehicle.

  • restore a lost or stolen driver's license;
  • replace rights upon expiration;
  • conduct the initial exam;
  • get international license.
  • return the ID confiscated by the judicial authorities;
  • open a new category;
  • What is required to pass the medical examination? To obtain basic admission to examination by medical workers, a driver must have: Procedure for passing a medical examination As a rule, a medical commission to obtain a driver’s license can cost from 600 to 2 thousand rubles, depending on the region of residence. Medical certificate for drivers in 2018 Some time ago, a medical certificate was also required when undergoing an inspection of the technical condition of a vehicle. Today, such a case does not require a medical certificate.

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It is worth remembering that in the case when it is necessary to open several categories of rights at once, it is necessary to communicate this desire at the very beginning, since the immediate list of all examinations depends on the categories being submitted.

For example, if you plan to take another category in the same year, you will receive a certificate for that immediately.

If you do not do this in advance, you will then have to go through the entire procedure again, that is, get a certificate again.


After the medical card is issued, immediately, in the same institution, go through all the specialists on site.

After the examination, each doctor is obliged to enter the information received into the card already in hand.

  • Be sure to see a narcologist and a neuropsychiatrist.

Driving without a medical certificate 2018

In what cases does a driver need a medical certificate in 2018? In 2017-2018, a driver will need a medical certificate in the following situations:

  • When obtaining a driver's license for the first time;
  • Upon receipt of a previously unopened category on a driver’s license;
  • In case of replacement of the driver's license due to the expiration of such document;
  • When returning the driver's license after their deprivation.

    This paragraph applies to cases involving drunk driving;

  • In a situation where the driver’s license must contain a special note “medical certificate is required.”

Some time ago, a medical certificate was also required when undergoing an inspection of the technical condition of a vehicle.


Today, such a case does not require a medical certificate.

What do you need to get honey?

Drivers will be required to carry medical certificates with them.

In addition to the above situation, it will be necessary to undergo all other mandatory doctors, as well as the prescribed procedures.

In addition, it can be seen that for some points the driver is examined only when he has been referred by the appropriate doctor.

The driver can go through points No. 1 and 2, as well as Nos. 5-7, at any medical center convenient for him throughout the Russian Federation.

You can obtain a medical certificate using the following algorithm:

  1. The driver goes to any medical center convenient for him to receive initial examinations.
    In such a medical center, a medical card is issued to him, with which the driver will undergo further examinations.

Everything drivers need to know about the medical examination

And... voila - you receive an official certificate of sample No. 003-В/у to present to the traffic police to replace or obtain a driver's license.
The requirement for the driver of a vehicle to carry a medical certificate with him is not without common sense.

The main thing is that this promising bill actually serves traffic safety, and does not turn into another feeding trough for the most greedy variety of “werewolves in uniform” - werewolves with a striped staff.
We recommend obtaining a medical certificate for the right to drive a new type of vehicle at official medical centers that have a license to issue a certificate in form 003-B/u.
Without queues or problems, you can get a certificate at the medical center in Mitino.
Bring two photos and a passport with you.

Medical certificate for drivers in 2017 2018

  • Fine for driving (driving) a car without a medical certificate (No. 196-FZ)
  • Validity period of a medical certificate for a driver's license
  • Fine for driving without a license: what to expect in 2018
  • Medical certificate for drivers in 2018
  • Musical social network on Zavalinka
  • What is the validity period of a medical certificate for a driver's license in 2018?
  • Medical certificate to replace a driver's license - is it necessary?

Fine for driving (driving) a car without a medical certificate (No. 196-FZ) Although in the previous paragraph we said that the driver must have a valid medical certificate, he is not required to carry it with him to present to the traffic police patrol inspector.

New procedure for obtaining a medical certificate for the traffic police

Diseases of the central nervous system of various etiologies with severe motor and sensory impairments, coordination and static disorders, severe cognitive and mnestic-intellectual impairments; 4) Narcolepsy; 5) Cataplexy; 6) Diseases accompanied by disorders of consciousness: epilepsy and epileptic syndromes of various etiologies, syncopal syndromes of various etiologies, etc., including those in remission, regardless of the duration of the remission period, with the exception of reflex fainting; 7) Mental illnesses with severe, persistent or often exacerbating painful manifestations and conditions equivalent to them, subject to mandatory dynamic observation in psychoneurological dispensaries.

Musical social network “on the ground”.

Deprivation of rights without trial, myth or reality? On behalf of Dmitry Medvedev, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has prepared a bill providing for changes to the law “On Road Safety,” which comes into force on November 5, 2013, and the Administrative Code of Offenses of the Russian Federation.” The proposed amendments are aimed at tightening control over the health status of drivers. Let us recall that back in 2009, while serving as President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Government of the Russian Federation to tighten the rules for examining drivers in order to obtain a driver’s license, replace it or return it. Then, in connection with the order, the Russian Prosecutor's Office identified many violations in this area throughout the country. Thus, as a result of inspections by the department, many drivers were identified who, despite the fact that they are registered with drug treatment centers, have a valid driver’s license.

Drivers may be required to carry a medical certificate with them

People are used to it, so it’s quite understandable the irritation with which motorists greeted the news about the need to always have a “first-new” certificate with them.

2. Violation Now a medical certificate is a permitting document for driving a car. That is, if it is expired, in theory the driver should not be allowed to drive the vehicle. In reality, no one checks this. The certificate must be presented only when obtaining/replacing a license or an international driver's license, as well as to return the license after deprivation.

So it turns out that the driver drives at least half of the validity period of his license with an expired certificate.

And sometimes even with a purchased one. 3. How (possibly) the new bill will put an end to this. If we exclude some innovations, in essence it is aimed at ensuring that already existing norms work normally.

Fine for lack of a driver's medical certificate in 2018

5 facts about the new law requiring you to carry a medical certificate with you

Therefore, the fine for the lack of a driver’s medical certificate in 2018 is imposed by Article 12.7 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses: “Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have the right to drive a vehicle (except for training driving) entails an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand to fifteen thousand rubles." In addition, the driver is suspended from driving, and the vehicle is placed in an impound lot. Drawing conclusions from the above, we can conclude that driving without a medical certificate is allowed, but refusing to issue one is prohibited.

Although this regulation can be easily violated for the time being without any consequences, it is always worth remembering also about other road users and their safety.

If you suddenly have a controversial situation and you are not sure whether you are right or wrong, seek help from a professional consultant.

Taxi drivers, drivers at enterprises and individual entrepreneurs who drive a company car themselves will have to undergo a medical examination every 2 years.

4. Bright future Both the traffic police and the Ministry of Health say that the best option would be to create a unified electronic medical database. Work on it is de jure underway, but no one even dares to predict when everything will work. The base was promised 3 years ago, in Moscow at the beginning of 2013, but things are still there. Ideally, everything should look like this: a traffic police officer stopped you on the road, checked your documents and rang you through the medical database.

He does not have access to your medical record - no one is going to cancel medical confidentiality, but the medical database contains information about whether a particular motorist has medical contraindications for driving and the relevance of this information.

It’s also convenient for the driver: there’s no need to carry extra paperwork.

Perhaps, already in 2017, drivers will have to carry with them a medical certificate of form 003-B/u, and present it (along with their license) at the request of the inspector. The bill providing for this “innovation” has already been submitted for consideration to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Reliable sources on the sidelines of parliament leaked information to the press, saying that several Russian cities have already been identified for a “pilot test” of the proposed bill. So don’t be surprised if the inspector demands that the driver show not only his license and registration certificate for the car, but also a medical certificate for the right to drive a vehicle. At the initial stage of the experiment, drivers will not be fined, but they will fix the equipment and carry out explanatory work - yes.

How often do you need to get a driving certificate after 60 years of age?

The following persons will not be allowed to drive vehicles of category B (passenger cars):

  • whose visual acuity is below 0.6;
  • who have undergone surgery on the eye shell (within 1 month after surgery);
  • those suffering from chronic diseases of the membranes of the eye, which leads to impaired human vision;
  • with a limited viewing angle (more than 20º);
  • who are missing both upper limbs;
  • suffering from any diseases that are accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus (for example, Maniere's disease).

In addition to contraindications, the Ministry of Health has also developed a list of restrictions, that is, if you have certain diseases, a person can drive a vehicle equipped with additional devices.

Obtaining a driver's license after 60 years of age

Persons who do not have any contraindications, but suffer from the following deviations, are allowed to operate a manually controlled vehicle:

  • foot deformity (provided that the disease complicates the movement of the foot);
  • absence of both lower extremities (hips, legs);
  • paraplegia;
  • impairment of motor functions of the legs.

Automatic cars can be driven by:

  • who are missing upper (no more than 1 arm) or lower limbs;
  • there is a deformity in the arms or legs that makes movement difficult;
  • more than 2 phalanges are missing on one finger;
  • residual effects of damage to the nervous system are observed.

Drivers who have a condition such as blindness in one eye have the right to drive a car equipped with an acoustic parking system.

Do older drivers need a medical certificate?

How a medical examination is carried out for a driver’s license after 60 years of age The procedure for conducting a medical examination to obtain a driver’s license is set out in Appendix 1 to Order of the Ministry of Health No. 344-n dated June 15, 2015. Medical examination for permission to drive certain categories of vehicles can be carried out:

  • in state and municipal hospitals;
  • in private clinics that have the appropriate license.

Examinations by psychiatrists and narcologists are carried out exclusively in municipal health care institutions at the place of permanent registration or temporary registration of the candidate driver.
During the examination, examinations are carried out by the following specialists:

  • therapist or general practitioner (family doctor).

However, a person over 17 years of age can take exams for these categories;

  • To obtain a license for vehicles belonging to categories D, D1, Tm and Tb, you must be over 21 years old.
  • having a medical certificate containing no health restrictions;
  • trained in a driving school or other licensed educational institution.

Thus, in current legislation there are restrictions only on the minimum age of future drivers. That is, any person, be it a man or a woman over the age of 60, has every right to pass qualifying exams and obtain the right to drive vehicles of any category.

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The 2016 form contains features that were not there before and that are worth paying attention to when filling out a medical certificate. So, the certificate of form 003-В/у contains the following updated fields: - Previously, it somehow worked out with categories A, B, C, D and E.

Now a column has been introduced with all existing types and subtypes of vehicles operating in the vast expanses of our Motherland: A, B, C, D, BE, CE, DE, Tm, Tb, M, A1, B1, C1, D1, C1E, D1E. — Added a table indicating restrictions on driving vehicles of certain categories. This is where the driver will be required to present not only his license, but also a medical certificate. The concept of “medical restrictions” is introduced. Those. if the medical certificate indicates a restriction for one of the categories, then it means a ban on driving a vehicle of this category.

How long is a medical certificate for a driver's license valid?

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  • Not needed if the car enthusiast uses the car as a passenger.

Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the Reply button Similar questions Do I need to have a copy of the medical certificate certified by a notary? certificate of disability of group 2, if it is included in the appendix of the cassation appeal to the presidium of the Moscow City Court. read answers (1) Is it necessary to provide urine when receiving a medical certificate for a driver’s license? read answers (1) Do I need a license to conduct pre-trip medical examinations? inspections of an organization that has about 10 cars on staff, transportation of goods is not the main activity read the answers (1) Will it be necessary to provide any documents (certificates) upon reaching 23 years of age to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation? read answers (1) Will I need to take honey with me? certificate from January 1.

Musical social network “on the ground”.

Is it possible to obtain In accordance with Article 26 of Federal Law No. 196 (Law “On Road Safety”), persons are allowed to take exams for a driver’s license:

  • have reached a certain age. The following rules currently apply:
    • people over 16 years old can drive vehicles of categories A1 and M;
    • driving licenses for cars belonging to categories A, B, B1, C, C1 are issued upon reaching 18 years of age.

During the inspection, you will not notice anything beyond natural. How long is a medical certificate for a driver's license valid for drivers? How long is a medical certificate for a driver's license valid? For how many years is it issued? Based on order No. 344 n dated June 15, 2015.


The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has approved new validity periods for a medical certificate issued during a health examination. The period was twelve months from the date of issue. According to the old rules for motorists, the certificate is valid for three years.

How long is a medical certificate valid for? A little about the important There are doctors who must be “passed” Questions that citizens have and you can find out the answers to them from the video: Quite a detailed article and I was especially interested in the description of cases when this medical certificate may be needed.

Do people over 60 need to bring a medical certificate with them?

The results of the medical examination are recorded in a certificate, which must be presented to the traffic police. How long this procedure takes cannot be answered with certainty - all actions can be completed in one day, if you physically have time, but the period may be delayed, for example, if the driver has an illness.


But since February 16, 2018, a medical certificate is no longer needed: in case of loss of a driver’s license or if it is necessary to make changes to the driver’s license (change the last name, first name or patronymic). Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination every year after 60 years? Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination every year after 60 years.

It is required by law to undergo a medical examination every year after the age of 55

What is the validity period of a medical certificate? Similar questions asked earlier: Come to our office: Baumanskaya metro station, st. Friedrich Engels, 23, building 4, office 2 (entrance from the yard) m.

It will be required when obtaining a driver's license. Moreover, if you are just preparing to become a road user, learning to drive a car, then you will need this certificate even before taking the exam for the right to drive a vehicle. Without it, you won’t even be allowed to take the exams.
If you decide to undergo retraining to drive other vehicles, then a medical certificate will be required in this case as well.

In general, any acquisition of a driver’s license: be it obtaining an international license, restoration after loss, or return after the end of the period of deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle is impossible without a valid medical certificate from the driver.
The certificate is issued for 3 years. So if the deadline has not expired and you need to get a new driver’s license, you can present an existing medical certificate.

Do I need a driver's medical certificate to pass a technical inspection?

A driver's medical certificate is not required to undergo a technical inspection.
Until recently, when undergoing maintenance, it was mandatory to present a medical certificate as well as a driver’s license. Now it is enough to present a passport, a power of attorney if the car is shown by a representative, and a vehicle registration certificate. There is no medical certificate in the list of submitted documents.
So if your certificate has expired, this will not prevent you from undergoing MOT.

Do I need to carry a medical certificate with me at all times?

No no need. There is no medical certificate in the list of documents that the driver is required to carry with him, provided for by the traffic rules. Accordingly, you are not obliged to carry it with you, and the traffic police officer has no right to demand it.

As you already understand, you will have to worry about passing a medical examination only when obtaining a driver’s license, if the existing certificate has already expired or does not exist at all.

Good physical and mental health of every driver is the key to safety on the road not only for him, but also for all other road users. Conversely, a person driving a car in poor or inadequate condition can cause accidents and accidents. And although this issue is very serious and the legislation regulates it carefully, it still has a certain “legislative gap”.

Health is one of the conditions for obtaining a driver's license

In the Russian Federation, the opportunity to drive a car can only be given to those who, already at the stage of passing the exams to obtain a driver’s license, prove that they meet the requirements for health reasons. The Federal Law “On Road Traffic Safety” No. 196-FZ in Article 26 Part 1 states:

“Persons who have reached the age established by this article, who have a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications to driving vehicles, and who have undergone appropriate professional training in the prescribed manner are allowed to take the exams.”

Thus, the law establishes the requirement to have confirmation of the relevant health status certified by doctors already at the stage of obtaining a driver’s license. Such a conclusion is documented in the form of a medical certificate, which every driver is required to have at any stage of his driving experience.

When is a medical certificate required?

More details about the purposes of medical examination of the health of drivers are written in Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 15, 2015 N 344n in Appendix No. 1, paragraph 2. There is also a legislative reference to the list of contraindications:

“A medical examination is carried out to determine the presence (absence) of a vehicle driver (candidate driver of a vehicle) of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions for driving a vehicle in accordance with the lists...approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 city ​​N 1604".

A driver's medical certificate is issued not only when passing exams. It must also be issued/reissued in certain circumstances. Cases when this needs to be done are listed in the same order No. 344n in Appendix No. 1 in paragraph 4. These include situations when:

    education and training of a citizen to obtain a driver's license;

    replacement of a driver's license due to its expiration;

    return of a driver's license after the expiration of the period of deprivation (if required by law);

    return of a driver's license after the end of the ban on engaging in certain activities;

    identification, during a mandatory periodic medical examination, of medical contraindications in the vehicle driver.

Administrative punishment for lack of a medical certificate

An interesting fact is that although the person driving the vehicle must have such a certificate, the law does not oblige him to present it to traffic police inspectors, or to carry it with him. Article 2.1.1, Section 2 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation allows such approval. It lists the documents that you need to carry with you and present to the traffic police, but there is no mention of a medical certificate in this list. This is the one

a “legislative loophole” that allows many drivers to drive with impunity even when they do not have such a certificate or when they should not do so for health reasons.

Therefore, it is not surprising that few people who get behind the wheel, even having the appropriate document, take it with them. Basically, its absence is discovered in the event of an accident, when the details of the incident are investigated. And if the fact of such an offense is nevertheless discovered, the culprit is given an administrative penalty. Another noteworthy detail is that the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO) does not have an article directly responsible for such a violation. Therefore, the fine for the lack of a driver’s medical certificate in 2018 is imposed by Article 12.7 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

“Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have the right to drive a vehicle (except for instructional driving) entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand to fifteen thousand rubles.”

In addition, the driver is suspended from driving, and the vehicle is placed in an impound lot.

Drawing conclusions from the above, we can conclude that driving without a medical certificate is allowed, but refusing to issue one is prohibited. Although this regulation can be easily violated for the time being without any consequences, it is always worth remembering also about other road users and their safety. If you suddenly have a controversial situation and you are not sure whether you are right or wrong, seek help from a professional consultant. His advice may be invaluable to you!

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